THE CfT,,T' T. JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, February 25, 1957 jracre tv section i McKays Back From Trip Arriving in Salem today were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay alt. er nearly two months away. They went first to Washington, D.C. on business and while there they visited with President and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower and with former associates of Mr. Mc Kay in the cabinet when he was Secretary of the Interior. Later, the McKays went south, spending a few days at the plantation of Secretary of the Treasury Georje M. Humphrey in Georgia, then to Florida and in New Orleans. They went on to Mexico for two weeks and en route home stopped in Ln! ' Angeles to visit relatives and in Palm Springs. Cootiettes Give Honor to Officers Cootiettc club entertained in honor of grand officers Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Virgil Bolton. Those honored were Mrs. Dave Kindred, Astoria, grand greyback; Mrs. Ken Smith, Mc- Uinninlla OTanA lHv tOflSP! Snd A v lift -Wl o 1 wS y ipvr fPf J i w Kpo; fi IMp aTTTi?i mf ' j- - : :-" V -t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . i ' i f II II Jfcji j mill 1 1 1,1 U I I in i mifaii ii'i'LmihJ f " fiia-i nmii lmiumi 1 n f - At Mardl Grai Ball A riotous and colorful affair of Saturday night was the Mardi Gras ball of Wavcrly Dance club at the Marion hotel. Above are four of the costumed couples at the party. - At left, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson. In next picture are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden. In third picture are Mr. and Mrs. Kndn W. Potter, and at far right are Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weeber. Surprise For Larsons Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Larson, who recently moved to a new home on Fir Dell drive, were given a surprise houscwarming by a group of friends last week. The callers brought the refresh ments and the games for tho eve ning, and also presented the Lar sons with gifts for their new home. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bless ing, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kocle, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barlow. Monthly Recital on Calendar for Tonight The monthly student recital of the Oregon Music Teachers asso ciation will bo presented tonight at 7:45 o'clock at tho music hall of Willamette university. Students appearing will be Bil Be Davies, Belinda Purvine, Lyn da Nowland, Karen Roach, Rose Weklv. Scott Berdell. Nan- ty Wiles Marnyn BavaRc. , Olivers, La Rhao Grlndal, John- nie Morrow, Nancy isinion, uer aldtne Lulay, Eileen Hadley, Nan-1 cy ColBurn, uan nnms, umi bert, Lola Lane, inwia uuiuui, Sonya reterson. The teachers who are rcpre nieri in the recital are Irene J. Beyers. Mrs. Ronald Craven, Charles Hargrave, Mrs. P. F. Thomas, Catherine W. Schnelker, Mrs. Lela Lee, Miss Ruth Bed ford, Lois Plummcr Schmidt, Mrs. Rozella Travis, Mrs. Harvey Gib bons, Jean Hobson Rich, Stanley Butler, Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Jack Morrison. Application blanks for young mu sicians who wish to appear in solo roles with tho Salem Junior Sym phony, may be obtained from the Wills Music store. They aro to be returned to Dr. William Swctt man, 1309 Ferry street, before March 2. Tentative date for audi tions Is March 24 with the place to be announced Inter. HOSTS for a family dinner this weekend were Mr.- and Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr. In the group were Mr. Dewey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georco W. Dewey. Sr. of Corvallis, his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Anderson and children, Mark, Brant and Holly, of Seattle, the hosts and children, Michael, Milch- ell and Kimberly Marie. Co-Actives Planning May Bridge Benefit At tho meeting of Co-Active club last week at the home of Mrs. Lloyd F. Itnmcy, the group made plans for a bridge benefit in May, the date to be announced later. Proceeds from the party will go to the summer campship project of the group. Mrs. D w I g h t Quiscnbcrry is chairman for the party and Mrs. Morris Hunsnkcr, co-chairman. Mrs. Wilfred Thomas is in charge of decorations, Mrs. " Cornelius Baleson for refreshments, Mrs. Harry E. Summer for lollies. Co-hostess for last week's meet ing was Mrs. Dnvid Bergcr. Tho group met (or a no-host dinner at Randall s Cliuck wagon preceding MRS. LEONARD ROWAN and son. Kim, were in Portland Friday night to attend the card party given by the women's division, charter No. 26, Hotel Greeters of America, at the Norlonia hotel. Mrs. Rowan is president of the group. On March 6 the women's division Is taking over the Blue Room thea ter for a benefit performance. Pro ceeds from the benefit will be used to send the president-elect to this year's convention. VISITOR here over the weekend was Mrs. J. J. Elliott of Portland, formerly of Salem. oday's Menu FAMILY LUNCH Cream of Tomato Soup Egg Salad Good Bread Fruit Jam or Jelly Beverage GOOD I1READ Ingredients: 1 cup milk, 2 table spoons sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 2Vt tablespoons butcr or margar ine, 1 cup warm (near 105 degrees) water, 1 package active dry yeast, 6 cups silted (lour. Method: scald milk; stir In sugar, salt and butter: cool to lukewarm. Put water in large mix ing bowl: sprinkle in yeast; stir until dissolved. Stir in lukewarm milk mixture. Stir In 3 cups flour; with spoon, bent unlit smooth. Stir in rcmninlni! 3 cups flour. Turn out on lightly floured board. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl. Grease top of dough. Cover with clean towel; lot rise in warm place about B5 decrees I, free from draft, until doubled in bulk about 1 hour and 2(1 min utes. Punch down: divide dough in half. Shape into 2 loaves and place in greased loaf pans (about hv 4 hv 3 incnesi. (.over wnn towel: let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in hulk- about 55 minutes. Bake in hot (400 degrees) oven nbont 50 minutes. To test lor doneness, remove loaf from pan part way and gently tap bot tom. Lon( should sound hollow. CHILDREN'S SHOES EXCEPTIONAL VALUES . . . WIDE SELECTION rC?aiV i"- -r"lf I Capital Women ' I I t Edited by MARIAN LOWBY FISCHER I Miss Schwartz Bride Feb. 21 - Wed last Thursday night were Miss Bonnie Schwartz, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schwartz, and Gerald N. Holmnn, son. of Mr. and Mrs. N. Oliver Holman. The service was at 8 o'clock in the Grace Lutheran church, the Hcv. L. W. Holtc officiating. Pink nd white carnations and stock decorated the church (or the serv ice. Robert Schwartz, Jr., brother o( the bride, sang, and Wayne. Meuscy played the organ. Tne bride wore an afternoon dress in white with pink hat and accessories and a bouquet o( an orchid and pink and white blooms. Mrs. W. b. Rosello was attend ant (or tho bride. She was in pink with matching accessories and her flowers were pink and white. bugenc Hough, brother-in-law ot the bridegroom, was best man, James Norton the usher. The bride's mother wore a black dress witli white accessories, and t h c bridegroom's mother wore navy blue with gold accessories. Both wore corsages o( pink and white flowers. The reception as at the Eugene Hough residence. Assisting were Mrs. W. D. Oliver of Portland, Miss Lorelei Holman and Mrs. Eu gene Hough, both sisters of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Robert Schwartz, Jr. The couple will be at home in Salem. SHERIDAN (Special) The Bridge club met last week at the home of Mrs. Harold Burch. Mrs. Jack Dclong and Mrs. W. I. Wil bur held high scores. Guests were Mrs. Fern Ebcrhnrt. Mrs. Clarence liurdick and Mrs. Dick Mnitland. HOSTESS to her bridge club Thursday night for an evening of cards and late supper will be Mrs. Harry II. Weinstein. An additional guest invited is Mrs. Carl G. Collins. Miss Bagley Is Active at Linfield Two honors have come to Miss Lorraine Bagley, Salem student attending Linfield college ot Mc- Minnville. She is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bagley of Sa lem. Miss Baaley has been named vice president of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honorary at the college. A recent project of the chapter was entertaining the dis trict conference at Linfield with members from the seven Mu Phi Epsilon chapters in Oregon attend ing. Miss Bagley also is a member of the 30-voice women's chorus at Linfield college. She joined the chorus at the beginning of the spring semester. Professor Vir ginia Ward Elliott Is director. Plans are being made for a spring conceit featuring music by Hodgers and Hammcrslein. Stu dents mav receive college credit for work in the chorus. Thcro is also a men's chorus ot Linfield The choruses aro two of many musical groups. PAST NOBLE Grands club of Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 were entertained at the home of Mrs. Clarence Townsend Inst week. The refreshment committee in cluded Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs. Roy E. Peorce, Mrs. Minnie Melvin and Mrs. Aldn Murphy. Next meeting of the group will be March 20. Grand Chief Visitor at Lodge Here Mrs. Ann Brown of Dallas, grand chief of Pythian Sisters, innilc her official visit to Cenlralia temple, Pythian Sisters, last week. A no-host dinner in her honor pre ceded the meeting. Other grnnd officers present were Mrs. Clarence Pugsley, Cor vallis, grand treasurer; Mrs. Daphne Scbaink, Albany, grand guard: and Miss Betty Jean Berg ner, Salem, grand junior. Vernon Decatur, past grand master of arms of Knights of Pythias, Scio, and Mrs. Earl Uurk, Salem. Miss Elsie Snook, most excel lent chief presided, and the pro gram included a memorial service for deceased members. A spring hat show brought a prize for the best hat to Mrs. Ver non Decatur and for the most fool ish to Oval C. Harris. Visitors were present from Port land, Dallas, Scio, Eugene, Al bany, McMinnville and Corvallis. AVAILABLE IN.. While . . . Hrd Smoked . . . Brown Widths A lo I K Sites 2 to 6 5.95 seamless backs nothing to tear, nothing to hurt tender feet ERNIE SAVAGE THE JUNIOR B00TERY 236 North High Sanator Hotal Bldg. OPEN UNTIL t P. M. PRIDAY NIOHTS FULL ROTARY SEWING QUALITY 33 DOWN K- Willamette Shrine Sets Party Saturday A pot-luck dinner, dancing and cards will provide entertainment for the meeting of Willamette shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Saturday evening, March 2, at the Masonic temple. The committee in charge will be MRS. HUBERT GATTS enter tained at an informal coffee' hour last week honoring Mrs. Ann Brown of Dallas who was in Sa lem for a meeting of Pythian Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Parsops, Mrs. Ronald Craven and Mrs. Merle Curtis. Betrothal Told GERVAIS (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Prantl of Route 1, Gcrvais, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Louann Prantl, Portland, to Joseph Hee sacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Heesacker of Forest Grove. Mr. Heesacker is employed by Doherty Motors and Miss Prantl is with the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company in Portland. No definite date has been set for the wedding. . . HERE this weekend from Seattle was Miss Marian Carson to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Carson. She Is attending Uni versity of Washington. Mrs. Bolton, grand ivory louse. Mp Ifinrlrori tnlH nf nlanc for the council on administration sche duled for March 23 ana 24 in ure- niti anH annnnnred the visit of the supreme greyback to Ore gon in April. Mrs. M. H. Davis. Mrs. uormn R. Crow and Mrs. Vernon E. Gla. ffroim takintf cakes to Butler ward at the state tuber culosis hospital to be served to the patients there. Novt meeting of the club will ba at the Veteraas of Foreign Wars hall on March 8 witn election oi new officers scheduled. What it a Rotory? Full rotory mlfil imooth tewing Ittion nd to Off knowneldgt lit viUMt only it Sn for iny wrifrt ntir (39 flfl. Do not coo fuiff lo-ollid "Round-Bobbin' ot Ifmifotory Moving mithmci with Ivll rotor itt. In "Bound Bcbbin" mirtiint thi bobbin mVi hlf turn, itopi, then tvt'n dt.on. In tfut rctoiy tht bobbin im.h ft-ll tvrm in Ori d'ffctiont wwlng il imoolht nd fnintrrupttd. for as little as . . . 88 Dim fmihl KENMORE FULL SIZE, FULL ROTORY PORTABLE Siv. forwtrd or rtvntl t ny pd . . . imoothly, vt"ly. 0"u "d mndl without H(hmtnf4 hinged prtttftr loot vtf pin-nO auto nnti bobbin wind'. Sowing Mchint and Vacuum Cltantrt- naw departmtnt location In th batemf ni, 1 IjlM.Hljfl.U'MiyMViM.'Vl'. fcrytiitynT MN. Capitd Penney SALEM, OREGON I '-' f '" '71 Many, Many Ilenis Now Drastically Reduced! ! ! LIMITED QUANTITIES! ! DON'T MISS OUT ON BIG SAVINGS! ! SHOP AND SAVE ! ! STORE HOURS: MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9:30 A. M. To 9:00 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. To 5:30 P. M. For Your Convenience . . . 48 PAIR Men's 6" High Work Shoes Only 5.88 Ncoprene Sole . . , Most All Sizes , , , DOWNSTAIRS STORE 70 ONLY Women's 100 Nylon Slips Only 2.50 White Only Sizes 32 to 40 . , . MAIN FLOOR 2400 ONLY "Picket Stripe" Cannon Towels 2 for 1 20"x40" Size . , Assorted Colors . . MEZZANINE 21 ONLY Chromspun and Hobnail Spreads Only 6.00 Full nd Twin . . . Assorted Colors , MEZZANINE 360 PAIR Girls' Better Short Slacks 1.00 te 1.50 . Eizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 Assorted Colors . . . SECOND FLOOR 30 PAIR Men's Better Work Oxfords Only 4.88 Ncoprene Sole , . Most All Sizes . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1200 ONLY Women's Cotton Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Assorted Prints And Colors . . , MAIN FLOOR 1200 ONLY Dish Cloths and Wash Cloths 12 for n Large Size , , . Assorted Colors . . MEZZANINE 150 YARDS Plain Corduroy Yardage . . . Only l'OO Yd Assorted Colors , , Machine Washable . MEZZANINE 368 PAIR Girls' Rayon Acetate Briefs 3 1 Elastic Leg . . . Assorted Colors . . SECOND FLOOR 180 ONLY Women's Cotton House Dresses Only 2.00 Assorted Styles . . . Most Alt Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 300 ONLY Boys' Cotton Flannelette Shirts Only LOO Assorted Plaids . , Most All Sizes . . MAIN FLOOR 8 ONLY Women's Dacron Pucker Uniforms Only 5.88 White Only . . . Broken Sizes . . , DOWNSTAIRS STORE 35 ONLY Boys' Wool Fleece Jackets Only 7.00 Sizes 8 to 18 . . Assorted Colors , . MAIN FLOOR 25 ONLY 3-Pc. Contour Bath Set . . . Only '00 St.t ' Machine Washable . . Assorted Colors . . , DOWNSTAIRS STORE 108 ONLY Men's Cotton Flannelette Shirts 2 f0r 3 Assorted Plaids . . . Small and Medium MAIN FLOOR 26 ONLY 30"x50" Viscose Rayon Rugs . . . 2 fr f Machine Washable , . Assorted Colors . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE N 118 ONLY Men's Cotton Sweat Shirts Only 1 ' Vlct'cp Lined . . Sizes S, M, L MAIN FLOOR 40 Pair Better Cafe Curtains Reduced 1.50 1 Only 24"x64" Venetian Blind . . . Plastic Tape 2.00 80 Only Ready Made Ruffled Valances 50e 95 Yards 9" Bemberg Ruffled Valancing 3 yards $1 11 Only 96"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only $5 9 Only 142"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only $7 I Only 9'xl2' Viscose Rayon Rug Reduced 25.00 12 Only 182"x81" Colored Nylon Priscillas 5.50 250 Yards 54" Better Upholstery Yardage 1.99 yd. 60 Only Women's Clutch teather Handbags 1.77 12 Only Women's Flannel Gowns . , . Soiled 2.00 60 Only Women's All Wool Shrugs Only 3.00 40 Only Women's All Wool Head Warmers 1.00 150 Sets Women's Assorted Scatter Pins 500 Box 30 Only Men's Better Ties Reduced 2 'or $1 80 Only Men's White Dress Shirts Only 2.00 5 Only Men's All Wool Suits Reduced 28.00 39 Only Men's Nylon Reversible Jackets 9.00 1 1 Only Men's All Wool Shirt Jackets -. 6.66 10 Only Boys' Flannel Lined Denim Jackets 1.50 93 Only 100 Acrilan Washable Blankets 10.00 35 Pair Boys' Knit Ski Pajamas . . . Size 8 Only ....1,66 18 Only Girls' Wool Fleece Coats ... Red Only 10.00 36 Only Girls' Colon Flannel Pajamas 2.00 64 Only Girls' 100 Nylon Dresses 1.99 32 Only Girls' All Wool Skirts Only 3.00 221 Girls' Cotton Anklets . . . 6'j lo 10 3 for $1 26 Only Women's All Wool Short Coats 15.00 82 Only Women's 100 Dacron Blouses 2.00 66 Only Women's Rayon Butcher Weave Skirts 3.00 80 Only Women's Imported Cotton Bras 500 39 Only Women's All Wool Skirls Reduced 4.00 66 ONLY Women's All Wool Coats Only H99 Milium Lined . , , Sizes 8 to 14 SECOND FLOOR 217 ONLY Women's Better Dresses Reduced Only 5.00 Many Stvles . . . Most All Sizes . . . SECOND FLOOR 183 ONLY Women's Sailcjoth Short Slacks . . . 2 (or '5 ' Assorted Colors . . , Sizes 10 to 18 . , . SECOND FLOOR 166 ONLY Women's Cotton Blouses Reduced Only LOO Assorted Colors , . , Sizes 32 to 38 . , , SECOND FLOOR 200 ONLY Printed Sofa Pillow Covers 4 for $1 Assorted Colors , l.arse Size . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE 100 ONLY Men's Better Sport Shirts Only 2.00 Assorted Stvles . , Most All Sites . MAIN FLOOR 47 ONLY Rayon Butcher Weave Cloths 2.66 t0 4.66 Several Sizes . , . Assorted Colors . , , MEZZANINE 163 ONLY Speed Cro-Sheen Crochet Thread 5 or $1 Large Size . , , Assorted Colors , , , .MEZZANINE 39 1)07.. Super Value In Gauze Diapers 2.22 Only Doz. Very Absorbent , , , Large Size , . . SECOND FLOOR 400 YARDS 48" Drapery Print Yardage Only Yd. Assorted Prints And Plains . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORK 150 ONLY Men's Nylon Stretchable Sox Pairs 1 " for Assorted Colors . , Sites S, M. L MAIN FLOOR 850 YARDS Assorted Cotton Piece Goods i Yard. $1 for A ATtd Colors , . i W" Wida . . . KEtlANINE ONE GROI P Piece Goods Remnants Drastically Reduced . . . Bif Selection . , Hf.ZlAN'INf 42 ONLY Toddler's Better Cotton Dresses Only l'OO Assorted Prints , . . Sites 1W to 3 . . , SECOND FLOOR c? G