THE CAPITAL JOURNAL! Section" T TSgS "S ONLY TWO BECOME LAW State Legislature Passes 11 Bills in First Six Weeks 'f'&'jfViit' PSALMS 41:1 Blessed is he that considereth the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 23, 1957 By PAUL W. HARVEY, JR. Associated Preis Writer After six weeks of work, Ore gon's legislature has passed only 11 of the 939 bills that have been Introduced. Only two of them have been signed Into law. Committees are hard at work on the many controversial issues, which will begin going to the house and senate in the next few days. '. House Passes 69 So far, the house has passed 69 of its 584 bills and the senate, making even slower progress, has passed only 30 of its 354 bills. Taxes and education the two main problems will share the spotlight next week. The senate will vote Tuesday morning on a bill to reserve the property tax field to local gov ernments. This measure, which would make it impossible for the state to levy a property tax, is ex pected to be sent to the house quickly. There has been no action yet on the main tax program because the ways and means committee doesn't knov how much money will be needed to run the state government for the next two years. This decision probably is at least two weeks away. There will be a second hearing Thursday night on the bill to in crease the basic school aid ap propriation 50 per cent. This hear ing will be held by a ways- and means committee. The house ed ucation committee, after holding the first one, recommended pas sage of the bill. School Answer ajeeded The answer to this school aid CARRIER OF THE WEEK Michael McKinnon Known by Salem Ball Fans; Collects Coins This Saturday's Capital Jour nal "Carrier of the Week" start ed his life off with a bang and has kept up the pace ever since. Michael McKinnon, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hicks, 1307 Fairmount Ave., was born on the Fourth of July. This is somewhat distinguishing in itself 'but Mike has accomplished many other things too. He is now in thr eighth grade at St. Joseph school. Mike has been a Capital Journal carrier for the past seven months. He deliv ers in the Lincoln to Superior and Commercial to River streets area Mike has several hobbies. He has been playing the piano for eight years. He started a coin col lection three years ago and has already accumulated a wide as sortment of coins. His pride and joy are three gold pieces which he obtained a short time ago. Young McKinnon is much bet ter known in the Salem area for another of his endeavors, how ever. For the past three sum mers he has worked as batboy for the Salem Senators baseball team. As for the future, Mike thinks he would like to be either a , . Michael McKinnon, above, was named today as the Cap ital Journal's "Carrier of the Week." coach, a sports writer or a sports caster.' question Is needed before the tax program can be drafted. The house will vote Wednesday on the bill to persuade school dis tricts to reorganize and thus elim inate many of the smaller dis tricts. The house-passed bills to create a state conciliation service to mediate labor disputes and to repeal the 1953 anti-picketing law will be given a hearing Thursday night by the senate labor and in dustries committee. Here is the way other major legislation is shaping up: LABOR The senate labor and industries committee plans hear ings early in March on labor's bills to Increase unemployment com pensation benefits. The house la bor and industries committee hasn't done anything yet on the measures to boost industrial acci dent payments. HIGHWAYS The house-passed bill to issue 6 million dollars worth of highway construction bonds hasn't received senate considera tion. The bill for a $12,600,000 bond issue to modernize the southern end of the Oregon coast highway has been introduced, but nothing has been done about it. The mea sure to start planning of the high way bridge over the Columbia river at Astoria has been approved by the house highway committee, and it now is in the ways and means committee. REORGANIZATION Measures to create the office of lieutenant governor, add a member to each house, and to abolish the liquor, fair and unemployment compensa tion commisisons, as well as the board of control, haven't been considered by committees yet. POWER The senate state and federal affairs committee plans to act next week on the house approved bill asking congress to build a high dam in Hells Canyon. DEVELOPMENT Gov. Holmes' bill to create a state development department seems headed for ap p r o v a 1, although Republicans doubt if it will accomplish its pur pose of bringing new industry to thi? stdtc WELFARE There has been nothing done on legislation to re peal the relative responsibility law, or to reduce the payments under it. ELECTIONS The many election reform bills haven't been con sidered yet by committee. 1 4 -yp, , ,,,,4 r-r-T77 TS smi V,mitf nur ft.,,,.. . P ..!. ..hi .i7yi ,r ,y THESE STORES ARE - OPEN SUNDAY SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 Center . 8-10 2120 Fairgrounds Rd. 2575 S. Cem'l. 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES AS ALWAYS GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 12 Noon 'Til 8:30 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 248 North Liberty Phone EM-3B733 Wiles Drug Store Corner Court & High Srs. Phone Em-3-8792 Open 8 A. M. to I P. M. and 4 P. M. to 10 P.M. Prescriptions Film QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS 0?EN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P. M. 6 P. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdayu - 9 A. M. to 1 1 P. M. (Other Hours, Call EM-39123 or EM-43336) 'Central U-Drive' Truck Service 1005 S. Commercial Vans Stakes P. U. FOR RENT SALEM'S HOME OWNED Phone Em-2-9062 'U-Drive' Service MOVE YOURSELF Howser Bros. Equipment Sales i Rental Service 1185 S. 12th Phone EM-33646 Salem, Ore, HCE CREAM 1272 State Street We Feature High Quality Low Prices Everyday Vi Gallon, 85c 2 for $1.65 All Flavors for Your Favor Also Diabetics Froien Dessert Special Orders for All Occasions Phone Fm 2-9260 M 3 ?SY 1 Vs8fTTw" . MM.. - , edg jtre. hKgp Mil A ' 'i-X'l As you gaze at this scene of snow, ice, and leafless trees, your mind may skip ahead and picture green grass, abun dant foliage, and a rippling stream. The very thought brings happiness. Spring makes the difference. As grass, trees, and streams are fettered by winter, so some lives are bound by doubt, unbelief, lack of faith, and false ideas. When they come in contact with the Church, the love of God sets them free.' They see new beauty in everything about them, and others see new beauty in their lives. As spring brings all nature to new life, so God's love makes human beings happier, gives them life more abundant. No matter how strong the fetters which bind you, freedom can be yours through the Church and the message it brings to all. . Why not accept that freedom today? Fmm . .... t3 rKJIL itiE CHUHCH Th. Church I. tHk o,.,.,.., ne ouildlno ol eharacl.r nnV , , ,a"h ,or ' f ' a!"hou.ol .plritual irenj unurch, neither rf.m 1 ",moui a 'ry p.0M Zlla ol ,nd r,OSOn larly and read el ehUrCh "W f.""i' ?.!?k im, "" V.rm ru..A.:: ,.p..ini i-jo Wion.-j.. rk i .w TkT..:v"" eilurdiy Itibrtwi .IIcbrewt' xKtviiitioa - 21-32 BRADLEY'S BICYCLE St SPORT SHOP 237 N. High I'h. Em-3 3814 BEUTLERQUISTAD LIIR. CO. "Everylhinit to Build With" 495 Wallace Rd. I'h. Em-3-8181 RISS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER MnvinK Protrctpd Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Movrrs Phone Em-2-2t.13 230 S. Front St. LESTER DrLAPP n VNSFER STORAGE "Loral and Nationwide .Movers" Ph. Em-2-n50 1115 N. Commercial R. L. ELFSTROM CO, 2(i0 South Liberty OSCAR ENGER AGENCY Insurance All Typci (65 N. Capitol Phone Em-4 2201 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 469 State St. I'h. Em 21505 HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Acrosi from Scnra 515 North Capitol HITCHEON PAINT STORE Paints Varnlhc Wallpaper I'h. Km 3 6(i87 162 N. Commercial I.l'MRER DIVISION OREGON Pt:i.P & PAPER CO. Quality Material Courlroui Service Front and Perry -Ph. Em-2-2421 MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Coinplrtr Television and Radio Salcj and Service We (iive jw Green Stamp Phone Em-3 7577 1880 Stale MAYFLOWER MILK Phone Em-3 9203 f MONTGOMERY WARD T Department Store LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shnei 179 North Commercial MASTER BREAD Brought to Yon Fresh Dally by Your Grocer and Cherry City Balling Co. ' PAY LESS DRl'G STORE "Pay Lesi Has Hverythlng" 481 Slate St. Phone Em-2 3C54 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Trnckload 1775 Lana Ave. Ph. Em-3-4939 W. T. RIG DON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Phone Em-3 3173 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. SENATOR HOTEL and QOFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P. M. Court and High Sts., Salem Phone Em3-4151 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. Em-2-4151 1174 Edgewatel West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complelo Shopping Center 3045 South Commercial f UNITED THEATER CORP. Elsinoro Capitol . Grand Driveln OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorised Bulck Sales, Service 388 N, Commercial Ph, Em-2-362l V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. Em-4 225T THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF All SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY THE PUBLIC-SPIRITED, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS N ii i i