Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 23, 1957 Page 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Defense Secretary Carries Guard Fight to Opposition Crowd Cheers Apology of 'Dodgers' PHILADKLPHIA ifl - Secre tary of Dclcnso Charles E. Wil son, slicking to his guns on the six months training program (or the National Guard, Friday night carried his argument into the op posing camp. He was the honor guest at a dinner of the Philadelphia .City Troop, one of the oldest Guard units in the notion. The blunt, white-haired defense chief stirred a storm of comment last monih when he remarked that some young men Joined the Guard to avoid the draft during the Korean War. Wilson, in an interview before his talk at the dinner, said he did not come to Philadelphia to apolo gize for his remarks about the Guard. He declared he came here at the special invitation of Moj. Gen. Anthony J. Drcxcl Biddle, Pennsylvania's adjutant general, who has given his support to the Army-Wilson six months acllvo duty plan. Numerous Nutional Guard leaders favor only an 11 wcek program. In his talk at the Philadelphia Guard unit's armory, Wilson de parted from his prepared text and said he was "highly apologetic" for his comment on the Guard. That reference drew a burst of applause. i Wilson came to Philadelphia on a two-fold nvfis:oii. He accepted in mid-afternoon a-.i award given the Defense Department by the Freedoms Foundation in a cere mony held at Valley Forge Me morial Park. He then journeyed to Philadelphia to be met by ' the mounted First City Troop escort on horses borrowed for the oc casion from the City Mounted Police unit because the National Guard unit now employes only tanks and was driven to the National Guard armory in down town Philadelphia. ' Historic Uniforms The troop members were clad in their historic buff and silver buttoned uniforms, dating back to 1840. The actual combat record of the unit goes to the Revolution. In his speech ho said: "Never for ono moment has the valor of the members of the Na tional Guard, or the great tradi tions of its accomplishments on the battlefield, been questioned, But there is grave doubt as to the adequacy of their training and readiness for future emergen cies." At issue. Is the Army's order mat starting April 1 all National Guard recruits will train with the Regular Army for six months. The Guard has advocated a train ing program of IS weeks and some members of Congress have ques tioned the need of the entire program. Secretary Whistles to a Guardsman's Horse jit 0 M$-Ml 7 gay PHILADELPHIA Secretary of De fense Charles E. Wilson w histles and waves to prick up the cars of horse ridden by Capt. William S. Stokes, Jr., commander of the First City Troop, 28th Itceonnolssance Company, Pennsylvania National Guard, as they posed for picture. Forty mounted members of unit wore fancy dress uni forms which they pay for out of own poc kets. (AP Wircphoto). Negro Seamstress to Remain in While Locality Despite Threats 170,140 Belong To Blue Cross PORTLAND Ml - Northwest Hospital Service has reported its income went up from $4, 884,700 in 1!I55 to $fi,73M!M last year. It is the Blue Cross plan in Oregon. The plan paid out $3.n!Kl.r!H. on 20,605 hospital claims. Payments for doctors' services totaled $1. 635,321, reported Frank F. Dick son, executive director. Now enrolled for medical cov erage in the plan are 170,140 Ore goninns, Dickson said in the an nual report. By DWKillT PITKIN DETROIT VDt Negro seam stress who moved into a white neighborhood says she is going to stay in her $10,900 house in spite of demonstrations against her ana the while woman who sold her the property. Ethel Watkins, 30, told newsmen Inst night, "I am a firm believer in prayer and I pray God that everything will be all right." Nightly demonstrations against Miss Watkins and tnc lormer owner of her house, Mrs. Eugenia Nowak, were called "a disgrace to our community" by the Rev. John E. Coognn, chairman of De troit's Commission on Community Relations. Father Coogan issued a state ment criticizing "area lenders" after Mrs. Heulah Whitby, acling direclor of Hie commission, re ported the dcmonslralions were "beginning to take on serious proportions." The Jesuit priest, who Is lieiul of the sociology department nt the university of Detroit, said, Per haps the most humiliating phase of the situation is the slowness of area leaders to show the social responsibility called for to oppose and rebuke such ganging up against decent citizens." Miss Watkins bought the house on a land contract nnd moved into the neighborhood Feb. 1. At first there was no trouble. She said she noted the first sign of hostility Feb, 4 when a woman yelled nt her, "Oh, those damn niggers." Then on Feb. 0 a stone smashed the window of her front door. More stones were thrown at her house two days later and a dining room window was broken. Mass dcmonslralions started 11 days ago in front of the homes of both Miss Watkins nnd Mrs. No wak, who lives two blocks away In the ncnt, middle-class neighbor' hood of mostly two-story brick houses. A front door window at Mrs. Nowak's home was broken. But polico said the demonstrators were for the most port orderly and no arrests were made. Miss Watkins said she became alarmed a week ogo when she was told of a threot "they are going to put something in the fuel oil lank" of her house. Slrect Accident Kills Poiilander PORTLAND iffi Mervin Ford Berry, 40, Portland, was killed Friday night in the collision of his automobile with a six-ton car rier crane on n street in the in dustrial area of Northwest Port land. Police said bis car crashed into the rear of the carrier, which was loaded with steel plate. GIIKNADB IN.HIHKS HOYS ATHENS Twelve boys be tween the ages of !) nnd 12 were Injured seriously Saturday when n World War II hand grenade Ihey were playing with exploded jyjs - . . N , -j , " T VS x" N 'wtWT,tt8 I "WEB C. ' . ..$ Pi 1 A i TT i f - 1 was about to give up." she said. "My relatives had left and I didn't want to stay here alone." But she said she thought it over and she began to pray. She at tends the Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church. "I certainly intend to stay here," she said. "I'm expecting proper protection from the po lice." A few people in the neighbor hood, she said, havo been friend ly. So she intends to stay and eventually open a sewing shop. She said she had no idea of causing trouble when she moved into the neighorhood. "f was taken by surprise." she said. She said the real estate broker did not tell her it was an all-white neighborhood. Miss Watkins said she was di vorced last year and resumed her maiden name. She was born in Macon, Gn., and her family moved to Detroit when she was an infant. Safecrackers Shot to Death In Gun Fight CINCINNATI nn Two safe crackers walked into a police am bush in a supermarket in nearby Forestvillc early Saturday and were shot to death in a wild gun battle. None of the police was hurl. Killed in the gun battle were Nickey Nader, 49, who has var ious addresses in Covington. Ky.. nnd Cincinnati, and a man tenta tively identified as Earl V. Burt on. 34, Louis' ille, Ky. 100 Shots Fired Approximately 100 shots were fired. Robert Nelson, the store man ager, said there was approximate ly 15,000 in I lie store sate. Police had been watching the store since detective Paul Schir mer. spotted Nader In the store about a week ago. He recognized Nader ns a known safe cracker and, suspecting that a burglary w as being planned. S c h i r m e r Sit-Down Was UAL Milestone 20 Years Ago Collective Bargaining Had Real Inception In Flint Strike By LYLE C. WHJiON United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP)- Twenty years have slipped by since the left wing of organized labor im ported the sit-down strike tech nique from France and stopped the great assembly lines of Gen eral Motors. Like Gettysburg, Stalingrad or Midway, the decisive battle of the CIO to organize General Motors generally is conceded to have tak en place in Flint, Mich., in Decem-ber-January-Februarj of 1936-37. On Feb. 11, 1937, GM signed the agreement which ended a 44-day Flint sit-down. From that agree ment developed the United Auto mobile Workers of A e r i c a (UAW) organization in GM. Sen. Pat McNamara (D-Michl in the Senate a few days ago said: "Mr. President, 20 years ago this month, there took place in Flint, Mich., events that marked the launching of a new bill of rights for the industrial worker. From these strikes came rec ognition of the UAW by General Motors Corporation; and from that recognition was born true collec tive bargaining, a new standard of living and social justice for the workers in the auto industry." No Quarrel From Reds None is likely to quarrel with McNamara's estimate of that sit down in the Flint Fisher Body worsk, the Communist .Party of the United States least of all. The Communists, in their nation al publication, The Worker, com memorated the Flint sit-down Sun- cay in a nostalgic account ot events in the first year of the sec ond Roosevelt administration when organizing labor had been heavily infiltrated and in some instances was being led by notable mem bers of the Communist Party. Wyndham Mortimer, vice presi dent of the struggling UAW, was a Communist closely associated with Bob Travis, UAW leader in Toledo, Ohio, The Worker recalled in discussing the Flint sit-down. Who were the people Un the Flint strike)," the paper contin ued, "with initiatve and leader ship? They were mainly an active core that Mortimer and Travis had built up. But it was people with a Socialist consciousness and association with the Communist Party and the then-leftist Socialist Party of Michigan who slood out in key positions. Rciithcr Brothers Mentioned "While the major leaders at Fisher (a GM plant) were Com munists, the group that led the sit-down nt the Chevrolet plant were mainly Socialists. Later, the three Rcuthcr brothers, then So cialists, came to Flint to join Mor timer and the other Communists the leadership. (Walter P. Rcuthcr now is No. 2 man in the merged AFL-CIO.)." The sit-down strike was a de vice by which employes quit work but remained in the plants day and night, resisting eviction. It was a deadly effective strike weapon, especially if the courts and the executive, as in Michigan, rejected company pleas that Iheir properties were being occupied illegally. Placed in the appendix of the Congressional Record by Sen. Mc Namara is the UAW s own account the sit-down background, as fol lows: "There were sit-down strikes in General Electric before World War I, but the 1936 sit-down, vou might say. began in France. "Paris, France, was where the sil down fever started that y 'vo uin. France's Franklin . Roosevelt, was premier. Reform was in the nir. PI Virgil T. Colden Virgil T. Golden Co. Servian Salem ami Vicinity tut Faaeral Directors for 2.) Years Convenient I o c I i o n-S. Commercial Street on a but line-direct route to com teriei no cross traffic to hinder torvl cat Salem's moil modern funeral home with testing capacity for 300, Services within your meant, alwayt. One Dead, 30 Hurt as Fire Sweeps School MOUNT AIRY. N. C. - All but one of more than 400 terri fied youngsters scrambled out of windows or dashed through doors as a lightning-fast fire raged tnrougn their school here jester day. The loll stood today at one dead and about 30 injured. The school is n smoking ruin. Many of the grade-school chil dren teetered tenrfiillv nn u-imlrm siiowcn More employes pictures , ledges of the ime-storv brick build ,-.;,ol Nader's known associates They line and had to be helped 01 r ? picked mil Burton as a man who pushed out. , - nnd neon with Nader several, .Several teachers sutferod pain ty, times. nt injuries as Ihey herded their t- Police said they thoorircd the 'charges to safety." At least one K 1 urglary attempt inislit come last ' was burned critically in the room -.;! night in view of heavy Friday re-; where a boy's bodv was found. cripls. A P. Phillips, principal of the Detectives at Store iKlat Rock School, said. "We nev ' A hall dozen dctecthos. dressed I" dreamed anybody could jet :ln old work rlolhrs and accom-: trapped with so many exits" ponied by wives of two of them ',1'c (lHlr- , al boln 'root to give the appearance of being i1,n' r0',r' shoppers, entered the store about! ''m? Adams. nine-year-old a hall hour before closing lime AvrA M. was the only one One hv one, the olficers' w.ind-!v,ho dl,,"'l Set out. His teacher, crcd uwnv and secreted thcm-!Mr$- l'ora l!ly. was among scles in a rear slock room i,,v0 critically burned. Spectators Officers in the store erected sa"' ""'"n0 Mr Bwlcy I barricades of grocery cartons. ina" ,n ' ,nr lasl 10 m'V uar Oract S. Golden Al midnight Nader nnd Burton i broke In through a rear door. Po lice, using a specially rigaed wire, (lashed on the store lights They opened (ire as Nader and Burton started to run ry escape. 60S S. CommercWd Si. k rVNtftU IE8VLCS VISIT POSTI'ONF.D BONN. Germany West German President Theodor lleuss has postponed his visit to the nunnn was snoi nown uimieti-i i mien Males oecause oi oron PKsee CM-4-H57 Jtviiately and Nader was killed ns he; chilis, his oltice announced Sat !. .:. returned the police fire 'orriay The .1-vear-n!d provdrn! . i n ). ' The gunfire riddled cartons of, was due to go to Washington kk il nhandiso. j March J. 0 T T 0 0 t ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify WHAT WILL YOU OFFER FOR $1200 EQUITY! Completely remodeled optional or j Darm. nome. new Elumblng, elcc. dishwasher, dwd. firs., birch kitchen, Venetian blinds. S8.500. Low down pymt. or trade $1,200 equity mr car, cnniraci, ir what have you. Phone EM 4-15; 16. Spacious Acacia Apartments FURNISHED 1140 South 13th St. EM 3-700! MILK GOATS EM 2-5824 1948 FORD 6; ton flat bed A-l. $375. 270 S. VlCW Place. EM 4-11782. ' '53 FORD 2 dr., radio, heater. 34.000 ml. EM 4-7647. FOR SALE; '5 Ford 2 dr., cxc. cona.. must aeii. taw. .m 3-9565. SELL, equity for $350 or will iRKe oiaer car in iraae lor 1056 Merc, convt. 6,000 mi. EM 4-9555. FOR SALE or trade: Home in AumsvlUe close to school and stores, 2 bedrm. plastered, floor furnace, fully carpeted, will trade equity for 2 bed rm. trailer. Ph. 348 Aums-ville. EXTREMELY low down pay ment 2 bedrm.. full daylight bsm't. In city limits, one of i the best buys In town, EM 4-4912. 2 BDRM. ftirn. house rent, sale or lease. EM 3-3oi7. FURN. 1 bedrm.. fireplace, oil heat, basement, garage. South, $55. EM 2.8894. 2 BDRM., modern house, mo. 435 tuner Ave. $60 CLEAN furn. 2 rm. Apt. with Kiicnenetie nam. priv. em., grd. fir. Strictly modern. 509 N. 10th. Can be seen after 5 by calling at 507 N. 19th- or EM 4-5866. HAVE that sewer Installed prop erly ED yrs. exp. J-.M 3-8(63, EM .1-62. SEPTIC tanks Installed, licensed & bonded, power ditching. EM 3-8763 or EM 3-8296. Prompt service. PAY ROLL, simple bookkeep ing, typing, oonic casnier ana hostess work, must be able to meet public, 40 nr. week. Write qualifications to Box 582, Statesman-Journal. RELIABLE girl or woman as nousexeepcr & DfiD.vs liter, a days wk.. $50 mo. EM 2-0395. CATTLE, 4297 State. E. 1. & H. bnemen, &m z-uia, cm 2-4 juu. FOR SALE or trade, 1946 Cad illac elec. truck hoist, Beo bus, good running condition. 2.000 watt generator, barrel pump, shallow well pump complete with tnnk & fittings. Trade for Radial arm saw and small drill press. Keith Stone Aluminum, 3275 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-8582. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer, 120Q Harmony ur. em 4-M7. 2 USED welders, 1 Lincoln 180 Amp.. 2 Birdsells 190 Amo. All complete. (Dir., 270 S. View Place, EM 4-9782. FOR SALE: Boy's 16" bike: comb, record & radio record player, 3 spd.: 32 Colt auto, revolver; Bendix semi-auto, washer: M.W. garden tractor; tools, dishes & misc. We buy, sell or trade. Open Sun. Bark ers Furn. EM 4-0444. WANTED: Used bunk beds. EM 4-7671. 9 CU. FT. Coldspot refrigerator. gooq conamon, ?J3. &m a-bvuv AUTOMATIC dishwasher sink combination, limited time only. Price $75. Rite-Way Bldg. Serv. & Supply Co., 715 Glen Creek Road. SPARK oil circulator SO gal. Darrei & ma no, fo, or dcsi oiler. EM 2-3211. BOXER Pups. AKC reg.. $30. ijn.ouverion i it FOR SALE Cocker mixed pup- pips, ea. 1114 xani. ilm 2-3450. RE1AX Let A Classified Ad Solve That Problem TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 100 Display Classified m Mi AT WARDS HORSE POWER DEEP-WELL I JET PUMP I Complete With 42 gal. tank - Aireharger and fittincs. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Small Peke. dog. child's pet. Ans. to name 01 Bridget. KM 2 H855 after 6 or EM 4-8731 400 Agriculture 450 Merchandise 414 Poultry & Rabbits 452 Appliances ROTTED or Fresh Manure, by sack or cubic yd. del. Dress lawns now. Your soil needs humus. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 360. EM 4-3081. Closed Sun. LOST: glasses, blk. frames, red 4i silver case, aowniown. ne ward. EM 3-5638 eves. 314 Tronsportation WANTED: Daily ride to and from Public Service bldg. from 3550 Bell Ave. EM 4-9586. . 316 Personal A COMMUNITY sen-ice for sin cere people troubled witn aetu. Credit Advisory Committee of S.i I en Retail Credit Associa tion. Write Box 455 Statesman-Journal. TWO Single ladies (25 St 50) wmna iwe square aancmg partners. Box 571), Statesman Journal. I will not be responsible for ciems omer man my own, rial Burnett, 453 State St. WOULD you like to discuss your weignt prooiem wnn someone who understands and can help you. Call EM - 4-2890 or EM 4-5734. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, 986 S. Com-1, KM Z-ZJ0S, CM Z-Z850 JARY'S FLORIST - GIFTS Capitol Shop Ctr. EM 4-3391 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group no. 1. zum n com 1 km t-2Hi. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale 7 YR. old Gray Gelding, good or icciiiiKcr, ?iuu. mrs. maniici Kccnc, Rt. 4 Box 6B-B Turner. 2 SADDLE Horses. 3rd, hse. on left, Mildred Lane. FOR SALE, 1 horse very gen- ue worn or nae. rn, S My Ion 3-2324. Scientific Horse Shoein? For early service Ph. "Tex" im j-itiua 7 10 a a.m. bl 7 p.m. SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef. zbc. custom Killing, cutting and wrapping. Bacon sliced free & trailer loaned. 403 Livestock Wanted BUYER Claud Edwards, nt. 3. uox eyut,. tM 4-111.3. CATTLE, horsea, at your farm. . l, Mcuanaiisn, turn, a-oiua. 405 Pets WANTED: To hear from some one with reg. Cocker Spaniel, for stud service. EM 2-4270. ADORABLE, reg. Cocker pup- pics. ian aun. or mon. cnas. F. Standley, Turner. Ore. MOORE PETS Free gifts with Hampster pur- nase. tiring ao. uiras Doara ed. 4005 Stale. NICE Small type Chihuahua puppies Am; neg. cm z-imu. Guaranteed Color-bred Canaries 1340 Chemeketa EM 3-43B5. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Center EM 2-7989 PtiDoles all kinds. Buv it sell Aft'noon Sc eves. No Sun. Calls, BIRDS. FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 STUD service. Toy Fox Terrier. Joe Black. 1110 Cross. iSM 4 -3263. PUPPY LAND TOY Cocker. Dalmatian. Toy tircens. cm z-i-mu. jus Wil liams Ave. GERMAN Shepherd pure bred. EM 3-8904 puppies, 410 Fruit & Farm Produce GOOD quality Grass Hay, $22.50 ai nam, can cici. cm z-h.w. FOITSALeT-Extra good Bur bank potatoes, $2.75 100 lbs. 6525 .Silver ton Kd. EM 2-2070. FOR SALE: Northwest Straw berry plants. Marshall Christ off or son EM 2-2169. FOR WLE: Clover Hny or will trade for acetvlene welding outfit. EM 2-2147. EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa. Ph. days EM 4-6432. After 6 p.m. EM 2-2789. ALFALFA hay 1st. 2nd. St 3rd cutting Eastern Ore Ida., Calif, grown Del. T or truck lots TR 3-5857 or TR 3-5055. APPLES LAHGK size Hood River Dell, clous. $2.08 box. Green pplc Market. 6005 Portland Rd. 412 Marks) Basket HOI LIST FOR THIS Friday & Saturday Pork bark bones 5 rents lh. Pure Pork Sausage, Cascade Brand 3! cents lb.. 1 lb. Chili Roils - Regular 65 cents 23 cents each. 3 lb. paukace slewing hens 8!) cents each. Collate Cheese Mayflower 25 cents pinl. (Demonstration both days) Simple Simon regu lar sic frozen pics - Apple peach pumpkin berry - each 4.1 cents, tarse o ounce max welt House instant Coffee $1.35, Vel detergent Lge. stie 17 cents. No. 2'7 size can Pears 25 cents. No. 300 sl?e can asparagus 15 cents. Jolly Time Popcorn 10 cents pack ace. Col Oleo - This u less than wholesale - 3 lbs wi cenls, 'i lh. package Swifts Cheese 19 cents, Lihhv's Corned Perf 39 cents can. large lettuce 10 cents head. Medium Size Oranges 25c. dot. QUALITY FOOD MARKET 17TH & CENTER Fertilizer. Well Rotted manure We del. anywhere. M z-wn WHITE enamel wood range. EM Sat v or " MAGIC CHEF gas heater with Valley Furn. Co. 219 N. Com'l. GOOD used Frigidahi anTh Stove, refrig., auto, washer 585 Certh Ave. " 420 Seeds & Plants TREES Fruit, shade St ornamental trees now in also rosea, mmoie grove Nursery, 4920 Silverton Rd. 424 Farm Equipment PA HTS, repairs St service on till makei oi sewing machines. Good selection of used ma chlnea. Meter St Frank's-Salem White Sewing Center Second loor. 1 JOHN Deere grain drill. 1 Ford spnng-tooin mi. j mi i. Harvester tractor, 1 Rotary hoe, 1 10" E-Z flow fertilizer spreader, 1 Int'l. Cub tractor St attach, 1 5 Towner Cover Crop disk. 1 Byberg duster with motor. 1 Ford plow St Lanty Coulters. Mrs. Pearl Gould. Ph. Salem EM 4-8084, Rt. 1. Box 76. Gervais. 454 Sewing Machines SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT ior naiance aue on contract. SINGER SEWING CENTER. 130 N. Commercial, EM 3-3512. DAVID Bradly garden tractor. wun attacnmenis, io. r,m 4-4332. To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-6811 450 Merchandise 451 Household God'ds $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE And SAVE $$$ $30 down will buy a complete household of furniture in cluding appliances. Armless daveno $22.50 Reconditioned & guaranteed ranges & refrigerators from $39.50 New Singer Vacuum IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR OLD ONE IF YOU PUR CHASE THE ABOVE MA CHINE. , 4 130 N. Com'l. 456 T.V. & Radio Beautyrest box spring and mattress, like new $99 ALMOST new Motorola radio. .i..s. used Mase. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4 6371. 458 Musical Instruments 5 piece chrome dinette set $29.50 Electric skillet automatic $8.95 Hotpoint automatic washer $99 Hamilton electric dryer, 3 heat $99 USED Church Model Hammond urgan & Tone cabinet. PER FECT. Stone Piano Co. 1260 State St, SPINET piano, acrosonic (By ouiuwin; excel, cona., lOOKa like new. 345 Jerris. EM 2-8813. KROEGER grand piano, 5 loot, fJ4U, C1V1 00430. wot 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 COMP. house of furnishings, G. c. eiec. range, oc me., eic. Only 3 mo. old. 2145 Univer sity St. LESTER Betsy Ross spinet. in ui lug any iinisn. uniy iiio. ZOBEL'S Ph. EM 4-8252 498 N. Church PIANO Bargain. Completely re- concmionca, new guarantee. 9 mo. Tallman Piano Whse.. 305 S. 12th, nr. S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Fri. eves. HIGH Grade Spinet Piano. Re- sponsinie party may have by .assuming mo. pvt contract. TaIlman Piano Whse., 3!5 S. lath. nr. S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Frl. eves. NEW unfinished 5 drawer chests o.ys and up. Hammett's New and Used Furniture, 1580 N. Pac. Hwy,, Woodburn. Ph. 2-6296. 75 SPINETS. Rental returns $38 up. aiuaios, Dungaiow piano $195. Save at Taliman Piano Whse., 395 S. 12th, nr. S.P. ivepoi, upen mon., r n. evei. NEW inner spring mattress. Only $22.60. Used Mdse. Mart. jj.u a. idDcrty. &m 4-6371. NEW box spring & mattress set. Foam rubber. $64.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. USED cotton mattresses from $5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lioerty. km 4-6371. USED springs from $5. Used EM 4-6371. Colonial Liv. Room Furn. EM 4-4161 USED elec. range, daveno for sale. Come, make offer. 3195 Argyle. EM 4-7552. ' ELEC. range, elcc. refrigerator, new auto, dryer, 9x12 rug, blond bedrm suite, dinette set, deep freeze, oil heater, trash burner. 26-10 Portland Rd. SELL: Tabic, 4 chairs, baby basket, rocker, reas. EM4-7812. G. E. Cleaner $7.50. Dir. 1321 N. USED Furniture Sacrifice 1038li 6th. After 4:30. EUREKA Cleaner $19.95 up. Dir. 132 1N .Ca pltol, EM 3-7067. HOOVER Cleaner, $t2.50 Dlr! 1321 N. Capitol, EM 37067. UN KIN ISHED lurnitu.'C. Stiff Furniture. 175 N H. L High FOR SALE: Rose print drapes -lined $40. 1 pair each 7' long 7!j' wide. 1 pair - each 4' long 4' wide. 1 pair each 3' long 2't wide. 1 pair - each GOOD wine tone on tone Wilton Rug. 2015 N. Com'l. SMALL gas stove $7. mohair davenport St chair $20. 1240 Center. 452' Appliance VACUUM CLEANER Electrolu tank type, thoroughly reconditioned k guaranteed. $19 50. E.icv terms Ar liberal trade-in allowance. EM 4-7102 (air.) GENERAL Electric dishwasher. Portable stvle, fullv auto. Red. 1249.95 NOW $149.95. LIP MAN'S 285 N. Liberty. USED refrigerators. $19.25 it up, Al Laue. App., 2350 State St. 0 FT. F'rigiriairo refrigerator good rnndltion, $75. 2 hole rngiaaire ice cream cabinet, good condition. $25. EM 2-60OB. HOTPOINT aufomalip washer $75. Amity. Ore. 22H2. 414 Poultry A Rabbits SPECIAL PRICE $149 50 Montgomery Ward lo.j X. Liberty KM 3-was WHITE King Pigeons. $1 50 pair. j EM J-2.-.M. . We dresi pmiltrv huv rabbits Wing y.m siatr eS! 4-:mifl , BAPY Cnirk-fnr meat or egr ! Send for tttt (ruder Wthon'i Hili-firry Lynns. Of PH CUSTOM DRESSING Plant 5.H0 Center. EM 3-7SW : Dillon Jne Co. 4323 Market. BARY CMcki hucned rt round I Vif-Ul Hrt Knwlfti be elk I Valley rrm Store. KM 44434. i STARTED " W II I T E Leghorn , pullet. Wilton' H.itoherv. I.von. Or . Ph. Ulrlck M533. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic waih. en. dryers, ranges it refrlgi $31 50 St up. YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St COLEMAN FA furn. would trade ior car. li 1 . A27 Fertiliier ! CHICK f'-N Fert:M?rr Del. $10. load EM 4-20PP OWt) Manure ff-r flini rr'v" g,,T den Will rtet. EM 3-512? 20 Vr.' "Sawdust." $1 ttl'iUvi I EM 4-1000 EASY Automatic Washer. Fine mnnc seiung. Deluxe model. Reg. $289, P5 NOW $179.95 LIPVAN'S 285 N. Liberty. KIRBV Cleaner J19'S5 Guar" Dir. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-: 067 FR1GIDAIRE 30" ranee. Full' Mutomntic. deluxe. French doors Reg. $2!)9.ii5 NOW $219,95 Lii'MAA s rt. Liberty. ELECTROLUX $19 95 Guar. Dir. u-i jv. lapnoi. t.M 3-ioqt. EASY Spin brver, auWrinsT good cond.$a5. EM 4-8118. AUTO. elec. stove St refrigerT tor. Rt. 1. Box 233. Aumiville, PH. 554. GENERAL Electric clothe rfrv. er. Removable lint trap. Timer controlled Reg $159 95 NOW $129 95 LIPMAN'S 2S5 N. Lib erty. CLOSE OUT! Sa $150 on new .emin auio washer h nrver. Both for $299. Wa,;t- Hard ware. 2043 N. Catinj .or $99. REPOSSESSED 20 cu. ft. Un nut iint: lie w. TnK over paymts., $20.50 per mo.' Master Service Stations, shs N. Com'l. ' w loi PORTABLE ELECT. RD, BOBBIN - REVERSE STITCH $79.50 SEWING CENTER EM 3-3511 BALDWIN Spinet. , price, E2 tvrins. i Human s, jta a. jztn, nr. S.P. Depot. GALANTI accordion, EM 4-7696. 3M0 Hollywood Ave. ACCORDION or Piano Lessoni. r rce use OI accordion. EU 2-3255. Duane Hunsaker. 462 Wanted Hshld Good CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. EM i-77 MISC. furniture wanted. Cour icouf service. Ph EM 3-6098. HONEST, fair, cash price paid and appliances'. GM 3-5110. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer 464 Sports Equipment H FT. Birch Craft boat, motor, PLEASUREBOAT RIDES" Real fun on the river, 7 dayi ei-n. apeciai raies uecK days. For details call SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa St. EM 3-9.103 , MARTIN 20 outboard motor!" sell or trade. & Wisconsin 6 HP motor, $75. EM 2-A643. GTB GIL WARD G.T.B. Guaranteed Trade Back How doei It work? You buv your used outboard motor from Gil Ward now. Use it and enjoy it. Then. If you choose, trade H hack on a BRAND NEW MERCURY, anytime before Aur. 1, 1957 for exactly the same price as ynu pay for it. OUTBOARDING NOW, a new motor later. fc Look at These Buys. 1 5 hp Sea King . $4 K0 '50 S hp Johnson 75.00 "M Uk hp Evinrude , 225.00 '55 15 hn Evinrude on '55 Mercury Mark 25 290,00 on mercury Mark 30 . '54 Mercury Mark 50 '50 30 hp Evinrude Lark Electrir Slnrtlna '54 15 hn Evinrude 55 7'i Evinrude 16' boat ft trailer ... Open Sundavs and Credit Gladlv GIL WARD . 309.OO . 3D5.0O .405.00 .. 510.00 . 17(00 350.00 i Wallace Bd. EM S-24TI P-14 BOAT SF.E THE Best Glass Boat Value In America. Full n' Length Full 70" Beam Only $495.00 Terms of Count Open Till 9 P.M. CASCADE MERC. 1230 Broadway . NEW Fil ter clethec j 2M0 Portland Rrt. K EM MO RE Auto. Washer with suds naver. 514 Memo Dr r nmiuAiHt stove 8t refriB I CxJQcond. real. EM 3-7705. EXCELLENT buy Sleek 12 fL Brani runabout, ill acces ones. 15 H P. Evinmde it trailer, 425. EM 2-3407. 1040 Harris Ave. WOULD you buy i hat or pair of shoes without trvinit them on We demonstrate on th water. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeteu EM 3-MH We can bt aiif"ti overhead. tr apmiav. y 1 SALEM BOAT WW 1 100 Chemeketa 4 VUOt , 0 O