Teas and Coffees .'For New Week Laic February bring many parlies leas, cof fees, and olhcr informal affairs. Three parttai-are listed for the coming week. Two Hostesses . , Mrs. Abncr K. Kline and Mrs. Lynn Lambeth ; arc to be hostesses next Tuesday afternoon for a coffee in Meier 4 Frank's-Salem Oregon room. Guests are invited lo call between 3 and 5 o'clock. Pourinc will be Mrs. George L. Arbucklc, Mrs, Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and Mrs. Karl Hcinlein. Mrs. Ohmart Hostess One of the parties for the legislative women is planned for next Wednesday morning. Mrs. Leo Ohmart, wife of State Senator Oh mart, is to be hostess for the affair, inviting guests lo her North 14th streel home for an informal coffee between 10 a.m. and noon. The coffee honors Mrs. Boyd Overhulsc, Mad ras, wife of the president ol the senate: and Mrs. Pat Doolcy, Portland, wife of the speaker of the house. Guests will include wives of the senate, wives of house members, and wives of board of control members and of the supreme court justices. Mrs. Arnold Roclhlin. mother of Hie hostess, and Mrs. Rudy Calaba, sister of the hostess, will pour. Assisting will be members of Mrs. Ohmart's afternoon bridge club, the group including Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. A. C. Gerlingcr, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Robert T. Bonis, Mrs. Chester Loo, Mrs, Bruce F. Pickett, Mrs. Carl Sleelhammcr; and also assisting will be Mrs. Palmer Snthcr, secretary lo Senator Ohmart. Teas Planned , Tea hostesses next Thursday and Friday after noons will be Mrs. Charles B. Pomcroy, Mrs. Carl G. Collins and Miss Esther Baird, the three to entertain at the Pomcroy home on North 23rd. Guests arc invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock each day. Pouring on Thursday will be Mrs. Harry R. Worth, Mrs. George Waters. Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Dolph Reeves ol Leba 'non, Mrs. Frank S. Hcaly, Mrs. Arthur Fisher is in charge of the dining room lor that day. On Friday the group pouring will include Mrs. Karl Beckc, Mrs. Rcid Hanson, Mrs., Ira Jorgon son, Mrs. C. T. Pomcroy, Mrs. Lurid Read. Mrs. John R. Hughes is in charge of the dining room. Kmmmmmimmmmmmmammmmim Several affairs honoring Ihe legislative group arc .being dated during the next montii. Next Friday night the legislators go to F.ugenc for a parly and lo sec the basketball game between University of Oregon and University of California at Los Angeles. . President of Ihe Senate and Mrs. Boyd Ovcr hulse have dated their party for the senators and their wives on February 27, at the Senator hotel. On March 14 Ihe Women's auxiliary to the Ore gon Association of Chiropractic Physlciuns will give .a bonnet brunch for legislative wives at the Senator hotel. For nlarch 21, Jane Jefferson club for Salem Democratic women is planning a tea to honor Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor, and legis lative wives. It's The Season for Fashion Shows in Salem TO MODEL FOR SPINSTERS STYLE SHOW (Capital Journal picture) MEMBERS AND patronesses of Salem Spinsters club will serve as models for the benefit style show f planned by the group next Saturday night at Meier & Frank's Salem. Among the models will be the four above, eft to right: Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. Gerald Kelly, Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Sharer. Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of Oregon's gov ernor, again will entertain at nn informal al home afternoon on Tuesday at Ihe governor's resi dence on Alvarodo Terrace. Hours ore between 2 and 5 o'clock with all townwomen and out-of-town visitors interested in meeting Mrs. Holmes Invited to call between those hours. Pouring will he Mrs. Carl Holm, Mrs. Harry Swanson, Mrs. Arthur M. Shoots of Corvallis, Mrs. ' William M. McAllister, Mrs. C. D. llalficld, Mrs. Norman 0. Nilsen. Assisting will be Mrs. Roger Hoy, Miss .Mabel Marquiss, Miss Emilino Over huUe and Miss Joanne Rogers, Alpha Chi Omega alumnae arc mooting for a no-host supper on Monday evening at the home of Kirs. William L. Phillips with patronesses of the Eroup lo bo special guests. The supper will he at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Robert E. Shinn and Mrs. James B. Young are to be co-hoslesses. ' Chapter CQ of P.F..O. Sisterhood is meeting al the home of Mrs. John Conway, 3 North mill street, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Mrs. Homer Hcaton will he en hnstess and Mrs. John Muir is in charge of the program. John M. Williamson of the Portland City Li brary staff is lo be guest speaker tor Ihe February meeting of Salem alumnae of Thola Sigma Phi, national honorary journalism group, Monday night. The meeting is to he al R o'clock at I he home of Miss Vinitn Howard, 1112 Redwood. P.F..O. Sisterhood council is meeting on Mon day lor luncheon at 12: IS o'clock at Mrier and Frank's-Salom Oregon room. All unallilialrd P.K.O. members ore invited and may make res ervations by calling Mrs. John Conway. 4 Dance Parties Four of Ihe local dancing dubs have arranged parties (or next weekend, one on Friday, three on Saturday night. "5fi" (,1-111111 Scheduled (or Friday nighl is the informal parly of Ihe "5ii" Par-re club, al the American Legion ball. Sluhhy Mills orchestra is lo ploy (or danc ing between !i .10 and 12:30 o'clock. Chairmen for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Darrrl Lawrence with the billowing on their com niittce: Mr. aoil Mrs Tony lliegler. Mr. and Mrs. Al Walker. Mr. and Mrs. (leoi'le Menken. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flory, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hnyne. Jaonlr Croup Jnunle club's George Washington parly is to be at Iziiiik Walton league Huh house Saturday, with Phil Day's orchestra playing lor Ihe daiicim. The eominillee for the evening Includes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Girnd, Mr. ami Mrs. Hen Lambert. Mr and Mis. Arthur Gottfried. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Williams, Jr., with vred Anunscn as exei-utive adviser. Intermission Cluh Semi-formal dance for lulermission club is lo be in Kmcbls ol Columbus hall Saturday nitht. Dancing will be between 9 :iu mid 12.3a o'clock with Harry Woscly's orchestra playing. A bullet supper is set (or 11 30 o'clock with Ihe Valentine motif lo lie featured in the deco ra! Inns. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Priinge are chairmen of (he committee with Mr. anil Mrs. John II. Sullivan as co-chairmen. Serving with them are Mr. ami Mrs. Adam Lelor. Mr and Mrs Howard IV Pr'ce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Kites. Mr and Mrs. Richard J. Schmidt. Mr and Mrs Bernard F Schreiner. Mr. and Mrs Marcus Hitter. Mr and Mrs. G. W. t'nrcin and Mr. mid Mis. Roy G. Green. Waverly Club Party Wavcrly club's formal dinner dance also will be next Saturday night at the Marion hotel The ocial hour will be at 8 30 o'clock, the dmoer, a buffet one, at 9 o'clock Rill DcSniiia's orchestra is to play for dancing. It is to be a Maid! Gras parly. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferns. Mr.'-nnd Mrs. Marvin Jlilchie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gunmen. Dr. and Mrs, Charles Graf ,and Dr. and Mrs. William Crothcn are iSe the committee. Academy Dance The semi -formal fiance "Holiday For Sweet hearts" will he presented by the joint sophomore classes of Sacred Heart academy, next Wednes day, February 20, at Ihe Knights of Columbus hall. Dancing will be to hi-fi recordings, from 9 to 12 o'clock. General chairmen for the dance are Misses Joan Korn and Bcv Polensky. Other chairmen are as follows: Misses Shcrril Amort, publicity; Danna Shepherd, decorations; Marguerite Schmidt, pro grams; Kathryn Burke, clean-up; Anne Feikert, refreshments; Mary Ann Meyer, coronation; and May Guchalla, records. Patrons for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schroedcr, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Feikert, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Davison, Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Lefor, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc Kay. The court includes queen, senior, Miss Dolores West; senior princess, Miss Helen Lnmbertus; jun ior princess, Miss Diana RrauMck: sophomore prin cess, Miss Shirley Weissbeck; and freshman prin cess, Mis Kaye Collin. Phi Mu alumnae of Salem are meeting Wednes day night at the home of Mrs. Alfred Larson, 4874 Fir Dell drive. Plans will be made for the founders day dinner on March 5, the event mark ing the 105th anniversary of the Panhellenic group. Miss Marilyn Larson of Tnroina, who is part time field secretary tor Phi Mu, is to be here next weekend and will be guest of Mrs. George A. Brown, president of the local alumnae club. Mothers cluh of Cherry assembly. Order of Rainbow lor Girls, has sehrdulcd n meeting for Tuesday evening. February 10. at fi o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Hex Brondle. 1315 Plaza avenue. Special guests of the cluh tor Ihe evening will be Mrs. D, M. F,by. mother adviser for Cherry assembly and Mrs. Clarence C. Field, worthy ma tron of Trinity chapter. Order of Kastern Star. Co-hostos will be Mrs. Frieda McCarthy. Members of the Insurance Women's association of Salem will attend n meeting- in Albany on Thursday evening, February 21, with the Albany members of the association serving as the hostess group tor a dinner in Ihe Cascade room at the Albany hotel, at A : :t0 o'clock. A chartered bus will be arranged for the large group going horn Salem. Social meeting of the month for Salem Sorop tnniM club will be next Wednesday night at the home ot Mrs. Mane Ling. Assisting hostesses will tie Mrs. C. C. Gabriel. Mrs F. G Itankm, Miss Lena Hluni and Mrs. F. A. Guentbner. The group will make further plans tor Its an nual Shamrock Style rewie to be presented as a benetit atlair on March 13 at the Marion hotel. A "mystery" mother and daughter banipiet has been arranged toi Tuesday evenmi: at the Jason Lee Memorial Methodist church under the spon sorship ol the Woman's Society of Christian Serv ice nl the church. Guests will be :u hii:h and junior h-h school girls wbo.e "nn ster " mothers h,i e been pre senting cuts lo their adopted daughters durum the yejir Identity o( the mothers will be revealed Tuesday evening A proui.im will be presented by tlir YiviiMtnrs giotip under the direction of Miss (inula Auioll. A fash'on show of interest (or Febnwiv : will b' th.it of St Vincent de Paul P.uenU club, the event to be at 8 o'clock in the evening in Knights of Columbus ,iall. Models wilt include Mis Thomas JoMph Mrs. Hay Greene. Mrs. Itobert Bitrrcll. Mis F II. (Wan. Mrs Hussell Powell. Mrs Thomas Mo Vickers. Mrs. J. P. Schimherg. Mrs William J. Ferguson. Mi, James Phillips, Mrs Fdward Ziebnski, Mis Sally Joseph, Miss Jacqueline Doertler, Misses D'anna and Donna Sehmit. Mrs, William (. Der, Jr. is to be commenta tor for Ihe show. Tickets are on sate now Cards will be played following the shew, tho.r interested in tyc cards to bring their own table accessories. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER (Capital Journal Snclrty Killlor) T- AI.KM Spinsters club is lo meel Monday night at the home of Mrs. Maymond Martin. At that time the group will complete plans for its benefit style show, "Fashions Americana." lo be presented the evening of February 23 at Meier & Frank's-Salom patio room. Mrs. Duan'e Rankin and Miss Colccn Welch are lo be co-hostesses for the Monday meeting. Mrs. Melvin If. Gcist is to be hostess for Ihe Theatre Arts group on Tuesday, 'luncheon to be at her home at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. A. A. Schramm is lo Rive the program, recorded music of "The Mosl Happy Fella" by Frank Loesser. Sigma Kappa alumnae are meeting next Wednesday night al 8 o'clock at t lie home of Mrs. Karl Hampton, 33.10 Sunnyview avenue. Marjorie Webster of Meier & Frank's-Salem will talk to the group on spring millinery. Mothers club of bethel 33. .lob's Daughters, will meet lor a noon luncheon Thursday, February 21, al the Masonic temple. Officers of oilier Mothers clubs of Salem beth els have been invited and will ioclude Mrs. .1. R. Warden, bethel 48; Mrs. .1. D. Seal, bethel 4:1: and Mrs. (',. O. Stevenson and Mrs. Allan Stevens ol bethel 511. Mrs. I.. S. Shuford will preside. Mrs. Edwin A. Pease is chairman for the luncheon. Assistants are Mrs. John Kieklin. Mrs. Chester I. Chase. Mrs. Rov Holland, Mrs. W. W. Weatherbcc and Mrs. R. W. Gallagher. Plans will he discussed for the all-Salem mother-daughter party to be sponsored later in the spring. Regular mooting (or Salem .laycce-Kttes will be Monday night al 8 o'clock at the home ol Mrs. Dale Horn. 3o.")4 Candis. Mrs. Bud Myers. Mrs. Hen Fortner and Mrs. Roy Gotchnll arc to be co hostesses. A program on hats will be presented from Meier k Frank's-Salem. Events for Club Welcome Wagon club has two big events sched uled for the month. Next Tuesday, February 19, brings the guest day for the group, dessert to be at 1 o'clock at Salem Woman's club house. Each member is inviting a guest. All interested newcomers to the capital are invited. A hat show, put on by Marjorie Webster ot Meier & Frank's-Salem store, will feature the en tertainment. Reservations should be telephoned to either Mrs. James B. B. Trussell, EM 2-7735 or Mrs. E. A. Busscy, EM 4-9459. Plan Benefit On the evening of Wednesday. February 27. the Welcome Wagon club is giving a benefit card party in Mayflower hall at 8 o'clock. The interested public is invited. Proceeds will go to the group's project of assist ing the Oregon State School for the Deaf with its scholarship fund. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the club or at the door the night of the party. Mrs. R. H. Vincent is general chairman for the party. Thursday evening literature group of the Ameri can Association of University Women is to meet at the home of Mrs. Freddustafson on Thursday evening. Miss Helen Fletcher to give the review. Y-Wlvos are cancelling their regular meeting on Thursday, February 21, due to the style show sponsored by the group on the evening of Feb ruary 20. Official visit of Ihe district president. Mrs. Betty ltamey of Canny, will highlight the meeting of Kingwood unit. No. Rl, American Legion aux iliary, at the Kingwood Legion hall Thursday, February 21. In charge nf arrangements for the affair are Mrs. lrl K. Folson, Mrs. Verne L. Axelson and Mrs. Floyd White. Spinsters Style Show Next Saturday Anticipated event for next Saturday night, Feb ruary 23, is the benefit fashion revue to be spon sored by Salem Spinsters club. The show. "Fash ions Americana," will be presented at 8:30 o'clock in the patio room of Meier it Frank's-Salem. Proceeds will go to two projects of the Spin sters club, one to assist the Haven school lor retarded children, the olhcr to purchase special equipment for educationally advanced students in the schools. Opening Ihe program will be American sports wearthis year with a ladylike trend featuring the regimental stripe lamily which was released to the public last week. The controversial issue of American skirt lengths will be dwelled upon in full, and the new length for spring will be unveiled. American travel ushers in the shoe styles as well as new fabrics for suits and colors for cashmere. Famous contemporary women and their favor ite dressmakers' styles ' will be featured in the section entitled American Idols, and a highlight of the entire show is the first appearance any where in Ihe L'nited Stales of four dresses de signed for the motion picture, "Designing Woman," as yet unreleascd. , EBRUARY meeting for St. Anne's guild, St. Paul s Episcopal church, is In be Monday afternoon for dessert at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Albert C. Gragg. Mrs. L. R. Burdette, Mrs. William Dolf. Mrs. George S. Hoffman and Mrs. George M. Schwarz are the committee for the afternooon. February coffee for Willamette Valley Panhel lenic, the Salem alumnae group, will be next Fri day morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Joseph W. Matujec, 691 Highland avenue, Mrs. C. R. Nelson as co-hostess. At this time plans will be completed for Ihe series of benefit card parties planned for the aft ernoon of March 1 proceeds from which will go to Haven school. The parlies are lo be simultan eously in the four sorority houses at Willamette university. Delta Gamma alumnae arc lo be entertained on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Alan Berg, 1)43 South Liberty. The parly will be at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Robert B. Hynd and Mrs. Leon Mar gosian as co-hostesses. New officers will be elected and installed and following the business session there will be a bridge party for those unable to attend the Panhellenic bridge series on March 1. Elokta Woman's club meets Tuesday, February 19, for a 1:15 dessert at the home of Mrs. Floyd r Kibbe, 695 South Commercial. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mrs. H. O. Taylor and Mrs. Herbert B. Glaisyer. Sigma Kappa Mothers club is lo be entertained for dessert on Tuesday at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eldon D. Burros with Mrs. A. F. Marcus as co-hostess. Salem Opti-Mrs, club meets Monday, Fehruary 18, with Mrs. Walter E. Hartley, 713 Menlo drive. A jewelry auction will be a fund-raising project for the program which starts at 8 o'clock. " Chapter G of P.E.O. Sislcrhood is meeting next Thursday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. .lames McAllister. Mrs. B. F. Williams is to be co-hoslcss. Bethel 48, .fob's Daughters, meets Thursday evening, February 21, at 7:30 o'clock, at the Scot tish Rite temple for a regular- business session. Travel group of Ihe American Association of University Women is meeting next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Jelderks, 3625 D street. Leroy Essen, Parkcrsville, and Mrs. Sam Brown, Gervais, are to be guests to show color slides of their recent trips abroad. Mrs. A. T. Gallison and Mrs. Robert Sprague will be co-hostesses. A speech contest lo select Ihe area competitor will be conducted by Chemekcta Toastmistress club at its dinner meeting Thursday evening at 6 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom. Miss June Dunn anl Mrs. Lynn McCully will vie for Ihe right to rep resent the group in the later contest. Mrs. A. S. Tossing has been designated as alternate for the program. Birthday of bethel 35. Job's Daughters, will he observed al a formal meeting Monday evening at the Scottish Rile temple. Past guardians and associate guardians will be honored by a degree. t, Famous designers will be featured in the fifth section of Fashions Americana, followed by the American Songs section, which will show millinery of the '20s and 30s and its effect on the 1937 silhouette The ail-American Girl look brass or medallion louch to fashions will be featured on the Ameri can Tradition part of the program, and the final group of fashions presents Ihe theme of the ail American color foi spring, as seen and approved by the buyers on their East coast trip. All of the styles which are being shown on Fashions Americana will be "firsts," never bclore on view lo the public here. New color and fabric from hat lo shoe will be on the Spinsters models when they use a new cross-step idea in modeling across the 86-foot ramp which Ihe store has es pecially constructed. Following the fashion extravaganza, which will be narrated in full by Mrs. James T. Brand, a dessert will be .served in the Oregon room. Tickets may be purchased by calling Mrs. Gerald Kelly, EM 2-2057, Mrs. Blair McCabe, EM 4-5887, or conlacting a Spinsters member. :.'VTO.'ly v "cVtf'tC"?, "I Faculty Dinner Members of Willamette university Faculty Women's club arc sponsoring a potluck dinner next Friday night. February 22, for members and husbands, the affair to be at 7 o'clock at Baxter hall. Those attending are to lake pies or salads, other items to be furnished for the dinner. . Mrs. Robert D. Gregg and Mrs. Robert M. Putnam are co-chairmen for the party and on t their committee are Mrs. Edwin W. Butler, Mrs. Thomas W. Churchill, Mrs. Magdelaine de Tire fort, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. Dale Dykman, Mrs. Richard M. Gillis, Mrs. Harold B. Jory, Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, .Mrs. Reginald Parker, Mrs. Murco Ring nalda, Dr. Martha Springer. Mrs. Roy Harland will be hostess at a 10 o'clock coffee Monday morning for board mem bers of Rotarian Women at her home at 4135 Itivercrest drive. Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae of Salem will meet on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Hoguc at 8 o'clock. Co-hoslcsses will be Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Richard Pctrie, Airs. Robert Drager and Mrs. C. D. Frazqr. .Mrs. Eason is to talk to the group on her travels abroad last year. Mrs. Henry A'. Simmons is to entertain for her bridge club at luncheon and the afternoon Thursday. Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae are meeting next Wednesday night, February 20, instead of the usual Thursday. The meeting will be at Ihe home of the new president. Mrs. F. M. Scrcombe, 280 Alice street. Mrs. Maylon E. Scott and Mrs. James Crone will be co-hostcsscs. Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Slar, meets for a regular stated session on Tuesday evening. February 19, at the Masonic temple. Past matrons and past patrons will be honored. Al the meeting or the Credit Women's Breakfast club on Tuesday morning,' February 19, at 7 o'clock at the Brilc Spot, an educational program will be presented by Mrs. Chester S. dishing, Jr. The program was postponed from this week's meeting due to detailed discussion of plans for the lunch eon for which Ihe group will be host on Sunday, February 24, at the Marion hotel.. - The luncheon is a part of the sessions of the Oregon-Columbia Regional Credit conference sched uled (or February 23 and 24. Executive board meeting of the club will be the evening of February 26 at the home of Mrs. For rest W. Ecklcs. Legislative night will be observed in a joint meeting of Capital Post No. 9 and the auxiliary of Ihe post Monday evening at the Legion hall with Senator Carl H. Francis of Yamhill county as the speaker. Robert R. Johnson, formerly director of the stale department of finance and administration and now on the staff ol the League of Oregon Cities, will show films taken in Greece when he served with Ihe federal economic cooperaton ad ministration for several years. All members of the legislature and their wives have Been invited as special guests and members of Kingwood and Salem posts and auxiliaries have been bidden to join in the meeting. Music by a group trom North Salem high school under Ihe direction of Howard Miller will be an added feature. Mrs. Frank P. Marshall heads the refreshment committee. -i T AH 3 my if' i" t " L f to- V f (Bull studio picture, Corvalli) MISS CAROL RANDALL TDK 111 lltlllll Al of Mi" Caiol Randall, above iliucliler of Mr. and Mr). Il.il M. Il.inil.ill. In l.ci ('. Mrl.nrrn. Jr., vin of Mr. and Mrv 1 I'. Mrljrrn. Med ford, ai announced this neck. ,j t " v. MISS JANET DAWN FOWLER ' AWOMi hrldesrlnt I Miu Janet Down Kowlrr, nktne. daughter of Mr. and Mu. Roy s. Fowler. Sr., her rajtjicr men! announced to Uirh.nd J. 1). I'liler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. T. 1'lilrr, Dallas. MISS BEVERLEY GUSTAFSON A.WOl'NC'Kn recently was the ensasrment of Miss lleerlrv limtalson. above, daughter of Mr. and Vr. C. J. GiiMaKon. to l.t. (It) Robert Arthur Sanford, on of M.s. Isabel Sanford, Corona, CalU.