Pag$ 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Owgmf, Tuerisy, YtHntaj ii. 1957 Porter Gets Runarouncl From Dominica Envoy in Talk on Flier By FRANK VAII.I.E WASHINGTON Ul -Rep. Porter (D-Ore) said Monday he received a "run-around" from Dominican Ambassador Joaquin Salazar at a meeting to discuss the disappear ance of a Eugene, Ore., flier. "I knew it would be a run around and it was," Porter told newsmen after the 20 minute con ference. "But I wanted to express my deep concern over the lack of co-operation given by Dominican authorities and to learn whether It would continue." Won't See Newsmen The ambassador declined, be cause of other appointments, to meet with newsmen or to have h:f picture taken with Porter. The missing flier, Gerald Lester Murphy, disappeared in the Do minican Republic Dec. 3, shortly after giving up his job with the government owned Dominican Airlines. Another airline employe, Octa vio Antonio de la Maza, was arrested in the case and later was found hanged In his jail cell. Dominican authorities said they found a suicide note in which Dc la Maza said he had' murdered Murphy. Porter, who with Sen. Morse (D-Ore) has expressed dissatis faction with the suicide story, said the ambassador gave him "lots of assurances but nothing specific. He sail he found it "hard to believe the ambassador's state- mcnt that he does not know de tails of the case." Called in by Stale "It's my understanding," Porter continued, "that he has been called in by our State Depart ment on two or three occasions to discuss the Murphy disappear ance so you would think he would have brushed up on it by this time." Porter also said Monday that the Stale Department has re ceived the purported suicide note from Dominican officials, along with samples of Dc la Maza s handwriting. "Unfortunately I'm advised we do not nave any independently obtained samples of Dc la Maza's writing, but efforts to obtain some are underway," he said. He said the suicide note and ATTENDS RETREAT MONMOUTH (Special) - Rev. Marshall Kortlever will be away from Monday to Thursday to join the pastors of the Pacific North west Conference of the EUB church for a retreat at Menucha, on the Columbia river near Portland. HENRY By Corl Anderson 1 cl'"5;,S DONALD DUC C By Wolf Diiney TEABATUggtf J 1-tt the handwriting samples have been turned over to U.S. investi gators for a check of the note's authenticity. Porter has been sharply critical of the manner in which Domini can authorities handled an inquiry into Murphy's disappearance. He asked President Eisenhower last week for aid in his inquiries. Asked Ike for Aid Porter said he is convinced that De la Maza did not commit sui cide and did not write the pur ported suicide note. "I believe he was murdered and the suicide contrived to end the investigation of Murphy's disap pearance," he recently told news men. "It appears obvious that some of the Dominican police are in volved in this attempted deception." Morse described the Dominican version of Murphy's disappear ance as totally unconvincing, and added: "Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that Gerald Murphy sunered ioui play at me hands of, or with the complicity of, the Dominican government, in order to prevent any possibility of dis closure of improper acts by the regime, of which Murphy mav have learned while In its employ, Political opponents of Ihe regime of (icnoranssimo Rafael Truiillo. in the persons of officers of Van- guardia Revolucionana Domini can,!, have advised the Oregon lawmakers that information reach ing them indicates Murphy's dis appearance was "of a. political origin . . , carried out by mem bers of and under instructions of the Dominican government." Seek Housing For Students DALLAS (Special) A call for housing 26 University of Oregon students coming February IS and 16 to observe and study the com munity as a part of a special edu cation course.) The students would rather stay I in homes of residents in order to I talk with them, thus getting an idea of what they think of the local school system. One night's lodging is sought. This docs not include meals. Doth men and wom en students are making the trip. btudcnls will arrive Friday, ob serve school classes and then meet with community leaders Friday evening, hnturdny they will go from house to house for interviews. I and Saturday afternoon will meet with leaders in an endeavor to determine the relationship of thel schools with other parts of thel community. Anyono who can provide hous ing for any of the students is asked to call Ellis Ncal, school superin tendent, at MA 3-2616. FIREMEN DINE GERVAIS (Special) - The Ger-I vais Firemen and their wives will hold their annual "husbands and wives" dinner Saturday, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Hall. Social danc ing will follow. Easier to cut , Sew and fit ACROSS 1 1. Mother of Helen oi I Troy I 6. Dude. 1 8. Crazy 12. Musical prelude 14. Pale tan 15. Sympathy 17. Lock opener 18. Stupid person US. Shelf SO. Use a lever 21. Animal's coat J2.U Calif. tt Preserve) 26 Lively dance 89. Mind 3ft. Easy trot 31. Card same 31 Large S3. Comple ment of a bolt 34. Stiff 35. Obese 36. Baseball implemrnt 37. Bricklayer 40. Invite 41. Enemy 44. Exceptional 47. Narrow opening 4fl. Brightness 49. Chops 60. Some 61. Ornament DOWN 1. Fastener J. Bacrha nalian cry I Old Scotch coin PlAlRflBjU RlGflRI I FE oHeIIaIs e ao"tj s pTeJnJT tie ntJUb e a n HeIr ols EHnplR f t BiEIG AH w hietS5S alT tBa s L jfl RJA w L I N EJAJL B S TJR 6 V E Lift G &ys T DA TEN ES53 HJAIM EBfAJy A SIT HIOIN 6rM VlA Ljff t C3 eJm i rW7iEfTn i sh ria c a Heir! a sn i E CMRiEiCUprElUgrTiN Solution of Yesterday's Puulo 4. Take Weapons 6. Anxious bout tnucs 8. Native metaia 1. By I Holdback Sour 10. Leaping irnorubian 21 IT 37 38 39 47 4l 10 3i 5fcTT 30 46 II. Melody 13. Headdress 16 Astringent 20 Run be. twfen ports 21. Weary 22. Position 2.1. Jap. sash 24 S:dent triangle 5V Ijtl.r bit 28 Form nntehea 27. Bibhral ' cnarart 5 l: Su.tti t.-.p 21 N K Ht.l d.a.?..T 13 F.ttn vf 4fr ! r ? . t r'tct r.-i a - " 42 -r -..14 4.1 'jt-"t 44 VfM 4LUU It tt Printed Pattern I7H 9306 :-i Kasler In rul irw and fit. This I Primed Pattern makes a darling three-piece set for daughter! Favorite smock has roomy pockets to hld her toys easy sewing, otwnj flat for easy Ironing too. Make the shorts and pedal pushers in match, or contrast! Printed Pattern MOB: Children's SiiM 2, 4, 6. 8. Size 6 smock and ,vrt take 2 yards 35-inch. Tvt printed patten assures 5-'rt fit Easy directions printed i tr each tissue pattern part. j r.1 r la coia ino stamps i.ti for t'.atara. with Name. .-!:. 0lf Nutnhor m 8ir Mtm PAITk'HN 818KAU. rafl .rruO Bnt L OM Ottl- vi Watlon. New VrK II. N V. Fit nnl eltt M KMhkto nl ' ' tfc-ifJ pout notp youC am DieowNtalLrrNr.NHAVB onsc wmat have i st i tar nsW PJTTp" "aHJ eeEATH na i thcxb rvenn 6o!otJM, m c peivtn ac By powefiNor aETAwAvwirMS QN7 MEy, ft Fi.y ir awav f . phone tw compamv I uses pkoaa nimiu 1 HI cnix toor aumt caluna aib l ( CAN'T 16AVG THAT BES kKS3tH SOKSHT TW AiePlANE F80M TO PICK U UP! NOW. II fKOM HtK WITHCVT , 'tOLPIER'.'A I g fA AIRPVANB HERE .''iaD H7 iWV A NEW CREWi I tOUJIEE.SHOW M K I 27 A JekkB rf. I S :.nTHTiiu. 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RE I I'LL WANT DEAR MARTHA AND X NOTHIN& KOIN U'AWkVl- V V-S. IF THfKE 1$ AMY INVESTIGATE FIRM TO 1 WE'LL BE ABLE TO TELL WO 1 TO KNOW CANT BEAR TO SEE YOU J THAT lOUVE )H L K(:' IrVV X Ol'fSTlON ABOtn I BERF WLLK'XIWrfl I THF F1ATT AU.-iruT l" THAT I J. nuuipovl ic L . fv ,c ill KttO! J a. WlWNs. "WILL 1TJ HE THAT BOITLE WHICH I I STRKNNINE M THIS SAAAPLE,' . S ANYTHING THAT V II : L.iC 2 V.JtE'ttV'eTO 71011 k . .11 . iTi, Ur . . ... JT. I avAViAWVElU '"V?." .'0."" lilt: AWItY A&AIN WATCHB Sfes. S5 , -J-rV N r- THAN OWWINIS! TM AiUNH V I I TMt 4PIItiMfTtl! y-SSSS IrXf f ATA JlT ONCf. MO Will A I I ? 1 . e -.. nfTJ p w !i N-jrVi. 11 1 a r RADIO PROGRAMS 00:00 TUESDAY I 00:! 5 P.M. 00:30 00i Bub Se Ray Rolliefe Rec'dl F.d R. Murrow Vanderhoof Melody Magic Newi Reel Sports-Newa Ed P. Morftan Melody Magic Rob & Ray Sign on News-Weather Vanderhoof Melody Magic Bob & Ray , Tom Harmon Mel Allen Melody Magic Sand Concerl Tom McCall O. Anderson Clmer Peterson News Lowell Thorn 1 McCall Man on Co Farmcast Amos 'n' Andy 'Mvsterv Time red Heath Sam Hayes (Amos 'n Andy IMystery Tlma red Heath Gabe Heater F.ddle Fisher Melody IMclody Music IMusic Lincoln Day ILincoln Day Music Hport Scope iRobt. Q. Lewis IRobt. CJ. Lewti Music 'Music World News II Man'i Fimllj Jasketball Ba1531! n OSC-U o( O IOSC-U o( O World News IMusic Dragnet IDragnet Basketball lasketbal) IOSC-U ot O IOSC-U ol O IMusic Music 1 jEr.tertainment lEntcrtalnment BkctbaTi BaskcTbaH (Basketball iBalketball OSC-U ol O IOSC-U ot O IDoVouKnow Do You Know it .h- Minic iDance Time 'Dance Time Blog'ln Sound IBIog In Sound IBIog. in Sound IBIog. In Souna Basketball I Basketball 5-Star Flnlal Sports News Profile IDance Time News Flashes Basketball INews Muslc IGood Evenllng iGood Evening IDance Time 'Dance Tlma IBasketball IBasketball Bl- ritv Big City Midnlte Mel. IMidntte i Mel. Mus to Mldnlte Mus. to Midnlte Music Midnlte (Music Mldnila Dance 'Time IDance Time Dance T g'"; Bass Harris IBass Harris Bass Harris IBass Harris WEDNESDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00l4i Vail. Farmcast Farm News INews America News-Vander. Rise & Shine Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof World News Hemingway Morn. mag. KOIN Klock News Vanderhf Break. Gang Morn. Mag. Headline News vandernoot Rise & Shine Rise & Shine Cliff Engle Herb's Show Cnsumer News News-Vander. Rise & Shine Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof RiseShfne BrkfsL Gang Morn. Mag. Frank Goss Vanderhoof Rise & Shine News KGAY Newi KOIN Newi Vanderhoof Rise Si Shine News KGAY News Harry Babbitt Vanderhoof IMorning Rept INews norn s anow Family Altar Herb's Show Valle News Vanderhoof Rise St Shine News Herb s show IWendy Warren iHoward Miller Bible Inst. L. Ross Show Shelley Sraade Vanderhoof News-Rise & S, Bible Inst. KGAY News Shelley Srnadt Vanderhoof Rise it Shlnt (Breakfast Club lapoiiite Mcas. INews 1 ncrD s snow No rah Drake Chef Gino NBC Bandst'nd News Dinner Winner Happiness 'True Story NBC Bandst'nd (News ikliai news bJews-Wcather Mitchell Rpts. iTop Tunes Pastor's Call IMatinee Herb's Show kuay ncwi Helen Trent I Mid Morn Newt Breakfast Club jBreakfast Club jBreakfast Club Spotlite hcqs. wews-Hecoros lopptiue ncas. Tel1oTest Wings of Song I Wings of Sonf Clnrv Dyer Herb's Show KGAY News Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Road of Life Anderson Girl Marries Whispering sta. NBC Bandst'nd jNBC Bandst'nd I NBC Bandst'nd Queen a pay umner winner Mrs. Burton True Siorv NBC Bandst'nd N. W. News Rollie's Records Come Get It Paul Harvev Top Tunes Matinee Rollie s Rec'ds Godfrey Time Merry uo K nd, iBill Goodwin IMatinee Rollie's Records Godfrey Time 'Merry Go Rnd. Bin irooawin Matinee IMatinee Rollie's Records Rollie's Rec'ds iGodfrey Time Godfrey Time Merry uo Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd, True Confess. 'True Confess IMatinee I Rollie's Records uackstage Wife Merry Go Rnd. I 5 Star Matinee Queen a Day -Rollie's Recrds Strike It Rich Konnie Worth Queen 1 Day Rollie's Records Pat Buttram Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd I NBC Bandst'nd Top Trades Vail. Farmcast Town Crier KGAY News House Parly House Party Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R'nd News-Top TneslTop Tunes Matinee Rollie's Hecrds 'Godfrey Time Merry Go R nd Bill Goodwin Matinee KGAY News Godfrey Time Merrv Go R'nd IBill Goodwin INews IMatinee Rollie's Recrds.lKGAY News Ruth Ashton News-Weather Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go R'nd Woman In Hse. Dr. Gentry Matinee Bargain CountrlThe Answer Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds.lKGAY Newi Our Gal S'nday Take Thirty Take Thirtv Merry Go R'nd Merry Go R'nd Merry Go R'nd 15 Star Matinee Hilltop House Pepper Young IMatinee Rollie's Records! Art Kirkham News-Vander Fash. Rhythms lilob & Hay no! ne 5 ttecoras Ed R. Murrow News-Vander. Melody Magic INews Reel sports-News Ed. P. Morgan Melody Magic Hemingway ITello Test Rollie's Rec'ds The Alexanders Vanriorhnnf Fash. Rhythms Bob St Ray Sign Off INcws-Weath'r Vanderhoof Melody Magic News Rollie's Recrdl. Newspaper Vanderhoof ! 6th Army Banu Sam Hayes KGAY Newi Newspaper Vanderhoof 1 Man On Go !Bob & Ray Band Concert Tom Harmon Mel Allen Melody Magic Farmensl Lowell ThomaslAmos 'n' Andy Tom McCall Mystery Time iMclody-Magic 'News-Melody Frank Cost Anderson Elmer Peterson Sam Hayes Amos 'n' Andy Mvsterv Time Melody Magic KSLM Gabriel Heater ISilvcr Seren'de Hi Forum Sports Scope KOIN iMelody Melody Rob. Q. Lewis (Rob. Q. Lewlf KC.W IFights Fights Fights (Fights KGON INews-Melody -Moscow World News 1 Man's family .KSLM Day Dreams Day Dreams IWhistlin' Tunes Whistlin' Tunes bivuiti mean faraae iicari Parade world Tonight News KC.W News-Music Music Music Music iivuo.-m n-eople tunny iPeople Funny Recollections iRecollecuoni KSI.M Legislature I KOIN Tune Table KGW 'News-Music KGON IX-Minus One Salem Rept. jSweet St Sw. Sweet it Sw. rune Table Up Date Up Date Mu5i Dance Time Danca Time IX-Minus One Sleep No More ISleep No Mors 1 KSLM iGabrlel Heater Music I KOIN 5 Star Final Sports Desk News IMusic (Javree Rents. (Javeee ReotB. KGW News Dance Time Dance Time Dance Time KGON News Flashes (Mostly Musie Mostly Music (Mostly Music KSI.M lOnngbusters KOIN Music Tonight KGW Dance Time KGON IBass Harris Gangbusters IMuslf Music Music Tonight Music Tonight Mus. Tonight Dance Time (Dance Time (Dance Time Bass Harris IBass Harris IBass Harris THURSDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Val Farmcast Val Farmcast Val Farmcast News Farm News Morn. Mac. News America KOIN Klock News Vanderhoof Jli se and ShlnclWnrld News Hemingway lireak Gang Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Headlines News Vanderhoof Morn. Map. KGAY News KOIN Klock 1KOIN Klock JVnndcrlioo! iVanderhoof iRise and ShlnclRisc and Shlnt (Break Gang Ncwi Morn. Mag. KGAY Newi Frank Goss IHarry Babbitt fVandcrhoof IVanderhoof Rise and ShlnelRise and ShlnelRisc and ShineiMorning Rept. Cliff Engle Family Altar Haven of Rest IHaven of Rest Herb's Show Herb's Show Herb's Show 1KGAY News Consumer N'wsJDave Vaille JShellcy Sere. Shellev Sen. News Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof fVandcrhoof Rise and and ShlnelRise and ShinelRise and Shlnt News INews Pastor's Call (Matinee Herb's Show Herb's Show Herb's Show KGAY News Wendy Warren Howard Miller 'Helen Trent Mid-Morn Newt Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club I Spotlite Reed. ISpotlitc Reed. ISpotlile Rccd. Club News News Tellotest Wings of Song Wings of Song Herb's Show Ctarey Dver Herb's Show KGAY News Nora Drake Ma Perkins IDr. Malone Road of Life Chef Gtna O. Anderson Girl Mame Whitnairlnv fits. t NBC Bandst'ndNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandsl'ndlNBC Bandst'nd News Queen a Day Queen a Dav Queen a Dav Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Reerds Rollie's Recrds. Happiness Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich Pat Buttram True Story True Story Konnie Worth Konnie Worth NBC Band.M'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'nd News News ITop Trades Vall'v Farmcas KG AY News Bollie's Reerds JTown Crier IKGAY News Noon News IConic Get It House Partv lllouse Party Mitchell Rents. IPaui Harvey Merrv Go h'rl tMerrv G R'd JTop Tunes Top Tunes (News-Top T'ns ITop Tunes Matinee "Matinee Mai7nec (Matinee Rollie's Recrds iRollies Recrds Rollie's Recrds KGAY News Godfrey Tune .Godfrey Time Godfrev Time Godfrey Timl Merry Go R'd 'Merry Go R'd Standard Bricst Standard Bdcst ' Bill G-oodwin tltill Goodwin Bill Goodwin Bill Goodwin Matinee Mntinec (News IMatinee ' " Rollie's Recrds IRollies Reerds Rollie's Recrds -KGAY News Godfrey Tine Godfrey Time iRulh Ahtnn Weather. Newt Merry 1.0 n a (Merry uo h d Merrv Go R'd (Merrv Go R d 1 True Confess. True Confess. (Woman In He..Ur. Gentry WISHING WELL RfCiltered U. S. Patent Oftee. 8 3 5 7 3 2 4 3 2 4 6 3 5 A.EHGODVV f 8 3 5 8 4 7 T ORLEABRU 4 3 8 7 b" 6 3 4 TS RUKHOO fi TT 3 6 9 4 T 1 M K V P J E E 6 7 2 5 3 8 4 T OTOREPEA 2 3 7 4 5 ( 3" f Y C Y P Y N E X JBRE is a pleasant little jame that will Hive you a message tvary u.jr. . 1 is a numerical pu:ne eesifned to spell out your fortun vouni me lenen in your nrst name. i the number ef letters Is 8 or ,iorf. subtract i. If the number is less than 6, add S. 1"ht result it your key number. Start at the upper left-hand torntr of the ro tinile and check every one of your key nunberj. left to right. Then read the mttiaie the letters, under the checked figure fire you. - f - - -T rat Tirin aa-aliili ' gM lira I ctala per ptllm .