Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 11, 1957, Page 20, Image 20

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Page 8 Section 2
4-Year Farm Props
Loss Near
Holding Total
; $5.8 Billion
WASHINGTON Ul - The govern
tncnl has lost nearly throe billion
dollars supporting farm prices
during the four years of the Ei
senhower administration.
. A Commodity Credit Corp.
report disclosed yesterday the to
tal has mounted to $2,894,000,000.
The net loss for the 20 preceding
.years was $1,111,000,000 putting
the total loss since 1933 at $4,
.'005.000,000. , Total losses in the earlier years
Another Big 4
- Arab Summit
Parley Nears
CAIRO m Another Arab Big
Four summit conference is pre
dieted for Cairo next week to hear
-the report of' Saudi Arabia's
King Saud on his visit to Wash
ington. , U. S. officials hope Saud will
try to persuade the other leaders
of the Arab "neutralist" bloc to
accept President Eisenhower's
. plan for blocking Communist ex
pansion in the Middle East.
1 An informed Egyptian source
taid Saud will meet Feb. 18 or
30 with Preisdent Nasser of
Egypt. King Hussein of Jordan
and President Shukri Kuwally of
Syria to tell them what he learned
In Washington about the Eisen
hower Doctrine.
ThA fnitr Arah lorlnrc mnt linrn
before Saud left for the United I
States. Their countries arc allied
militarily through pacts placing
their . armies under an Egyptian
Saud has slopped off In Madrid
en roulc home for fivo days of
conferences with Generalissimo
Francisco Franco and Sultan Mo
hammed V of Morocco. In Wash
ington he agreed on continued
U. S. military and economic aid
to Saudi Arabia.
1 1,500 Fathers
; COIIVALUS ui - Nearly 1,500
fathers of Oregon Stnto College
Jsludonts closed out two days of
activities Sunday as the annual
.meeting,, of the jpSC Dad's. -Club
;enaoa nerc. r
Besides a round of luncheons,
basketball games and classroom
."visits, the club found time to an
'Bounce it has provided full schol
tarships for eight students and
partial tuition for 37 others.
, The club's new top officers all
Portland men are A. W. Trimble,
presiocni; Amoy Frederick, vice
president; Harold Stuart, secre
tary; and L, M. Severance, treas
urer. New directors include A. T.
Busick of Salem, Henry Harlley
'.of North Bend, H. K. Kirkpalrick
of Condon, Claude Hough of Cor
"vallis. Loren Johnson of Scappoosc
and Lowell Stockman of Pendle
ton. Former Resident
Dies in Toppenish
J Funeral services are pending at
Toppenish, Wash., for William M.
jMcdowan, 85, a former Salem
i resident who died there Friday,
; according to word received here.
J A brother, Anson J. McGowan,
and a slslcr, Miss Mary McGowan,
J are among the survivors.
J He was born at Blylhe, Ontario,
Canada, May 1, 1871, and came to
; Oregon with his family in 1B89.
'He lived in Portland and Salem
; until 1907.
Ex-Red Guerrilla Leader Fails
To Block Exiles'
5 WARSAW W-The lender of the 'I
'Communist guerrillas In the Crock i
-tivil War has tried hut appar
ently (ailed In prevent Greek ex--lies
in Poland from returning
; Greek diplomats and Polish
.Communist sources say (len. Mur
'kos Valindes long thought dead,
or In a Soviet prison or menial
Institution showed up in Poland
. over Christmas and urged groups
- of exiles to, remain where they
lare "until you can return with
jme as a political force."
' About 15.IXKI (ireeks came lo
.Poland for asylum alter failure ol
Jhe IMMfl Communist insurrec-
lion. Olficials say about Sim lam-jarr
KvYtftrnro I I II
Save time . . . Mve money!
Slip your chiH-k or money crii
into n envelope, Add rent to tin,
and drop It in the n ft real tnailboi
Vim retail
$3 Billion
were reduced by wartime de
mands which permitted the CCC
to sell at a profit many of the
surplus crops it held during that
During recent years, however,
heavy delicits have been incurred
as surpluses have accumulated
and the administration has
sought to dispose of them even at
a loss.
The figures do not include di
reel subsidy payments or pur
chase by other agencies of sup
plies for relief or other distribu
tion. No cumulative figures for
these costs were available.
Secretary of Agriculture Benson
announced Saturday a lower level
of form price supports which is
expected to reduce the govern
ment's commitment by about 200
million dollars on this years
crops, based on uvcrage produc
tion ngurc.t. '
The CCC said lhat as of Dec.
31 it owned surplus commodities
costing $5,HU2,000,000 and had
loans outstanding to farmers oi
surplus crops totaling another $2,
.119,000.000. Further losses arc like
ly on both amounts.
Dairy products accounted for $1
283,000,000 of the losses since 1933,
with the greater part of that
marked up during the last four
The second largest loss was 479
millions on potatoes, during and
immediately after World War II.
Potato prices arc no longer sup
ported under the surplus loan pro
gram. The CCC has lost 468 million
dollars on wheat, in addition to
the amounts required to pay ex
port subsidies.
Zylpha Z.
Talents as
Associated Press Writer
SALEM Ml Zylpha Zell, Burns
is the script writer, production
manager, prop boss and keeper
of the first aid kit for what some
people consider the biggest show
in Oregon.
And her productions have 'been
coming off with hardly a hitch for
nearly 20 years, although her
leading players have often been
the rankest o amateurs. ,
Zylpha Zell Burns (she thinks
she was named for nn mint) is
the chief clerk of the Oregon
Senate. Elected in 1931) , as the
first woman lo hold the post, site's
been in it ever since,
' Liked by Doth Parlies '
A tribute lo her durability is
the fact that while Mrs. Burns is
a leader in the Republican Party,
Democrats In tho present-evenly-
divided Senate agreed to her
election as chief clerk before the
session ever opened.
There's no doubt she's n handy
one for the senators to nave
around, particularly the president,
who, as a rule, has had no prior
experience In such nlfuirs.
It s for his ' benclit that she
writes the daily script, complete
with exact words and sound effect
cues (one gavel rap, two gavel
raps, etc.). ,
On occasion, she even antici
pates whats coming up. For ex-
mple. a senator may come to
her and ask how to get immediate
action on a resolution. She tells
him he'll have to ask for a sus
pension of the rules. So, in anti
cipation of this request, she
includes it in the president s script
so he'll be prepared.
Inauguration Script
Furthermore, she writes the
script for the inauguration of the
governor at a joint session of llie
Legislature, I his opus includes
instructions for just about every
body from tho Sennlo president
down to the doorkeeper.
Bui, as in any major production
a cog is bound to slip now and
Return Home
ies have applied to go hnme, '
The new Ctmmiunisl govern
ment lhat look over Inst October
is reported ninpeniting w 1 1 h
(Ireek legation olficials to arrange
their repatriation,
Markos. premier and w n I
minister of the (ireek Communist
rebel government, was reported
purged in 19411 because of a de
featist atliliide. The Creek gov
ernment said he was believed ex
ecuted. He disappeared from sight dur
ing Ihe next eight years.
Greek sources said he addressed
meetings in Wroclaw and other
towns in west Poland where there
(Ireek colonies.
Savings 4 lorn km.
tJ TTV..i..Mr.. .; v ' .
WASHINGTON President Eisenhower and King
Saud of Saudi Arabia shake hands outside the White
House at the end of a 95-mlnute meeting, the final one of
their talks. They reached full accord on (he Middle East
issue discussed during the more than a week of formal
talks here. At center is the king's interpreter. (AP Wire-photo)
Burns Shows Varied
Chief Clerk of Senate
then, as it did this year when the
sorgcant-at-arms missed his cue
in escorting the temporary, presi
dent, ben. Jean Lewis, to the
rostrum. Seems he got flustered
when the presiding officer turned
out to be a woman.
Besides directing the Senate
staff, Mrs. Burns supervises the
printing and mailing -of bills and
requisitions all Senate supplies.
She checks the dishes and silver
ware in the Senate dining 'room
before the session opens. And her
office even is a repository for
first aid and minor medical sup
plies for the senators and slnff.
"I told them I didn't mind the
medicine," Mrs. Burns,, a mem
ber of the Christian Science
church, says with a twinkle, "just
so (hey didn't ask me lo lake any
of it."
Once Secretary In Senate
Slill in her leens. Airs. Burns
first came lo the Senate in 1919
lis secretary lo the late Sen. Gus
C. Moser, Portland attorney who
was twice president of the Senate.
She also was legal secretary in
his office.
In 1933 she became Senate
calendar clerk the first woman
elected to that posl. Ion and was
chosen chief clerk in 1939, serving
under Senate President Robert
Duncan of Burns, for the first
legislative session held in the new
Capitol building.
Mrs. Burns is a pleasant but
positive woman whose blue eyes
look out from behind gold-framed
glasses. She speaks lrankly about
almost everything except her age
and her weight. She agrees she
probably looks younger than she
Her husband, William M. Burns,
recently retired as assistant su
pervisor for the Oregon Liquor
Control Commission. He was one
To Persons Wearing Dental Plates
Pliilcs don't change but il'i normal for the gums (o
shrink, and this reo'uees tlo contact between gum and
Denture. At a result. Plates may wobble and rock, slip
sideways, or drop down at embarratirhg moments,
DITION, He can adapt the Plates to restore snug, com
fortable fit and vigorous, healthful chewing power,
NO CASH DOWN, en approval of credit!
Enjoy wearing your Plate t while you pay
in Small Monthly Amount.
M hnrfatfl
President, King Shake
of the first seven appointed when
tho slate control system was in
augurated. Their son, Jerry Dean,
is now serving in the Navy aboard
the submarine Spinax.
Studied Law
Mrs. Burns, a student at the
Northwestern College of Law in
Portland for two years, is a for
mer president of the Republican
Women's Federation of Oregon
and has twice been an alternate
delegate to Republican National
conventions. Wtien the Senate isn't
in session she's assistant chief
clerk of the Multnomah County
Probate Court under Judge Wil
liam L. Dickson.
Mrs. Burns finds it hard to
choose between tho eight Senate
presidents she has . served.
"I've had tho privilege of work
ing for some fine men, she says.
She finds Sen. Boyd Overhulse of
Madras, elected president this
session after a bitter fight be
tween Republicans and Demo
crats, "deliberate, thoughtful and
doing a remarkable job.
But the chief clerk considers
being a stale senator "just about
the most thankless job in the
world." and she believes the peo
ple Ihcy serve should be grateful
(o them instead of complaining so
Her desk is a catchall for com
plaints which are directed to no
one in particular, and they cover
nearly every conceivable subject.
She routes these to the proper
What about women in the Legis
Well, Mrs. Burns thinks it would
be a good idea to have "the same
balance in government we have
in the home." But she hastens to
add that all women nren't quali
fied to hold public office and
"neither are all men."
And Staff of Registered Penh's hi
Wafrt.Adolph Bldg.
. . . Olv us fk TICKIT . . . for rh ptrldti ye
Demttt Setwise) ptefawmel lit avr OMm. ,
Teen Tipplers
PORTLAND IB Nine youths
were arrested on charges of being
minors in possession of liquor
early Sunday as agents of the
Oregon Liquor Control Commis
sion swooped down on roadhousc
parking lots.
Another youth was arrested by
OLCC agents as he was drinking
Deer in a tavern.
Some 50 bottles of beer were
seized as evidence.
Russia to Build
Yemen Harbors?
ADEN tin A newspaper in this
British crown colony says Russia
has agreed to build modern har
bors for Yemen on a 15-year re
payment plan.
Yemen, an Arab desert kingdom
on the Red Sea, is fighting an un
declared war with Bitain along
Yemen's frontier with the British
allied Aden protectorate. Each
side lias accused the other of ag
gressive strikes across the border.
Technical observers agree that
Yemen needs a modern seaport
more than military equipment
Most of Yemen s trade moves
through Aden.
Ex-Tigard Man Heads
California Publishers
Tigard, Ore., resident has been
elected president of the California
Newspaper Publishers Assn. He is
47-year-old Eugene Bishop, gen
eral manager of Peninsula -News
papers, Inc.
Bishops firm operates the Palo
Alto Times, Redwood Citv Tri-.
The U. S. navy's new seaplane
tanker can refuel four fighter
planes at the same time.
HiifTerart now ciems much severe vtieei-
lng, eneeilnf, cotifhlriK kind difficult
brrtthlng during recurring attacks of
Bronchial Asthma. Hay Fevtr and Bron
chitis by taklnit New lmprctfti. Wonder
Working MENDACO. Quickly helps combat
allfrtiy, relax bronchial lubes, remnvt
choklmt phleiim. Thus aid freer breathing
and sounder sleep. Get MKNOACO at drug
gists. Money back guarantee.'
4 441 t
Post-War Expansion Highlights
Lane, Douglas County Economy
other In a series of articles con
densing and summarizing reports
made by J. W. Forrester Jr.,
editor of (he Pendleton East Ore
gonlan, on economic trends and
prospects in all parts of Oregon.
In that part of Oregon where
wood is king, Lane and Douglas
counties show the shape and
expansion of post-war economy.
In a study, as part of a tour
of the state, J. W. Forrester Jr.,
editor of the Pendleton East
Oregonian, found these things:
Lane County, which for years
"has led all the counties of the
nation in the amount of timber
cut, 85 per cent of the county's
manufacturing payroll is in
wood." Hundreds of mills came
into the county during the war
and although "tight money" right
now is slowing things down,
good times and poor a lot of wood
will be manufactured here."
Only Douglas County has more
merchantable timber than Lane;
and only Lane (aside from Mult
nomah) leads Douglas in indus
trial payrolls.
Lane Operations Big
Lane County s woods arc
marked by big operations. Doug
las, where "fortunes have been
made by operators who weren't
much shucks in the lumber busi
ness before the war," is now
tending toward big operations too
with the number of mills falling
perhaps by 50 a year.
In neither has full utilization of
wood reached a major level, al
though Weyerhaeuser at Spring
field "takes everything out of a
log." This utilization has been
slowed by the abundance of tim
bcr and the fact that growth is
exceeding the cut, making con
servation less urgent than in
some areas. Full utilization and
an end to waste is, though, on
the way.
Douglas County has taken an
approach to its timber that is
unique in Oregon: It has an ex
tension service forester, the only
one in the state. He aids in farm
woodlot growth, reforestation and
Agriculture, Too
In these timbered counties there
is agriculture, too. Lane's 1954
farm income latest available
figure exceeded 21 million dol
lars divided among poultry, dairy
products, truck crops, grain, hay,
silage, pasture, livestock, nursery
and greenhouse and fruits.
Douglas, the states second
largest sheep producer, could
have more agriculture but many
of its farmers arc part-time farm
ers: When a leilow can earn to
to $30 a day on a 40-hour week in
lumber, why should ne lane on
the drudgery of fulMime farming
nl far less income?"
Lane has a major employer in
the Southern Pacific with a new
six-millinn-dollar freight yard
being built at Eugene: another
important payroll in tne univer
sity of Oregon: and a major
wholesale distribution service
Distribution Important
This distribution "contributes
more to the economy than agri
culture. Wholesale firms estab
lished here serve most of Western
Oregon outside the Portland area,
all the way to the California line."
Moreover, when a new road is
completed lo tho Coast lit in
cludes a 1,400-foot tunnel) Eugene
will be only 45 miles from tide
water and some are visualizing
eventual barging of products from
California to Mapleton, thence
trucking to Eugene as the distri
bution center.
A group of Eugene men seeking
further industrial expansion nave
formed the Eugene Industrial De
velopment Corp., which is devel
oping an 85-acre site, installing
all utilities and streets, and offer
ing tracts to new industries at an
attractive price.
This self-help program is
echo of a major achievement in
a county farther north, Yamhill.
There, when population began in
1951 to fall off, wood products
manufacture employ fewer people
and agriculture begin c slump,
McMinnvillc Industrial Promo
tions was formed. When an area
of the state needs economic help
it "will want to reach into this
community for advice."
Plant Sites Bought
This promotion effort, in which
businessmen reached into their
pockets to buy sites and build
plants, bought a cookie factory,
a plywood plant, a trailer manu
facturing company. A true com-
Pioneer Trust Company as executor
of the estate of Donna W. Aldrich,
Deceased, has filed ils. final account
as such and by order of the Circuit
Court of the State of Orcfion for the
County of Marion, the 13th day of
March, 1057, tho hour of 9:15 In the
forenoon of said day has been fixed
as the time and 'the courtroom of
said court has been fixed as the
place for the hearing of objections
to said final account and the settle
ment of said estate.
Dated and first published February
11, 11)57.
Executor of the Estate of Donna
W. Aldrich. Deceased.
310 Pioneer Trust Building Xt
Salem, Oregon
Attorneys tor executor.
Feb. 11, in, 25, March 4, It
Ti SybciiU to the Capital Jiuriuil, Ph. EM 4-681 1, ask
Salem, Oregon, Monday, February 11, 1957
munity endeavor, the group is
made up of 400 stockholders who
have invested a half million dol
lars and on one of their recent
ventures are getting back one per
cent a month on their investment,
as payment for the building they
provided. And the economy is
Douglas County has another
source of wealth besides its vast,
enriching forests: Mining. At
Riddle "the Hanna company is
mining the. largest known nickel
deposit in the United States; there
are cinnebar (mercury) mines
which have been expanding; and
some chrome deposits are being
worked. '
And both Lane and Douglas
have a strong attraction for tour
ists and people in search of
recreation, from the swift trout
streams to the salmon fishing
fleets in coastal waters.
At Reedsport it has been said
that through much of the year the
banks have to import currency,
"but during the sport fishing
season they export it."
XII Monday named Msgr. William
Bolatti Cesano titular bishop of
Limata and auxiliary to the apos
tolic administrator of Buenos
Aires Archdiocese. The new pre
late, born at McKcnna, Wash., in
1912," was vicar general of the
archdiocese of Buenos Aires.
To Our
Party. .... .
Feb. 14, 15th, & 16th
In Celebration of the
66 Arrested in
Gambling Raid
PORTLAND Wl - A police raid
on a lunch room herd early Sun
day netted 68 persons one on a
gambling charge, one on an illegal
liquor sale charge, and 66 on
charges of being behind barred
John Richard Miller was ac
cused of conducting gambling by
the officer's who seized a quantity
of gambling equipment and J778
in cash. ....
A search warrant had been
issued for the raid on a complaint
signed by Dep. Dist. Ally. Oscar
W. Howlelt.
All Denmark Is now covered by
a television network. A Danish
television set costs about $272.
Gorgeous Colors in 3fkts.
I Spicy, fragrant, color- IHoiol
ragranc, color- ihibibbit :
soms, daintily Ifti
Bloom from II lY
ummcr until 9 II).
ful blossoms,
: frilled! Bio
! early sun
: frost. Vigorous seed, easy to
i raise anywhere. Each color in
: a separate, labeled packet. :
: Gurney's, reliable for over 90' :
: years, makes this special offer :
: to win new friends. Mail dime
(not stamps) today. Big new
seed and nursery catalog free. I
I CURNEY Seed & Nursery Co. j
; 8117 Pag St., Yankton, So. Dakota ;
"Formerly Phillips App. Co.
Watch Wednesday Papers
For Details on Specials
and Gift Certificates
355 Si.
, Time
for Circulation