Page 6 Section 1 Sweetheart Candidates Big event for Saturday night will bo the annual Hi-Y Sweetheart formal, the occasion when the Ili-Y sweethearts for the year are named, one from each high school. In the picture, reading from upper left "around the clock" arc: Miss Marcia Humphrey, A. A. Stagg chapter. South Salem High school; Miss Kathy Evans, Abel Gregg chapter, North Salem High; Miss Sara Allen, J. R. Mott chapter. South Salem High; Miss Judy Larsen, Arthur Cotton chapter, North Salem High; Miss Bcv Bishop, Claude Kclls chapter, South Salem High; Miss Daricne Good man, Harrison Elliott chapter. North Salem High. The dance will be in the South Salem High east balcony between 9 and 12 o'clock Saturday night. (Capital Journal picture) Miss Hanson Is Bride LEBANON (Special) Wedding vows were exchanged by Miss Corinc Hanson and Lee Malick Saturday afternoon, February 2, at Our Saviour's Lutheran church. Tho Rev. Theol S. Hoiland read the double ring service. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verncr Hanson and the bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Malick, both families of Lebanon. Baskets of white flowers deco rated the church. Given in marriage by her father, the brido wore white Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over, satin dress. Her fingertip veil was held by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible with an or chid and stenhanotis. Muss Beverly Hanson, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Shi wore turquoise net dress with taffeta trim In ballerina, length and carried a nosegay bouquet of pink and while carnations. Candlellghlcrs were Miss Nina Schmele and Miss Joan Hanson, wearing dresses of ballerina length In pink and turquoise. Darrell Fort was best man. Ush ers were Jack Malick and Don Allen. Mrs. Stanley Johnson played the wedding music on the organ and accompanied Mrs. Robert lladland who sang. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Hanson wore a Iwo-piece dress of charcnnl faille with white accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a dress of navy with pink accessories. Their corsages were pink and white carnations. A reception was given in the church alter the ceremony. Mrs. Klla Hnnson, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. James Shuler, mint of the brido, poured. Miss Dorothy llnvcland cut the cake, and Mrs. John Liikkcn, Mrs. cus Schmele and Mrs. Carl Martin assisted. Miss Mary Lnu Glaus bad the guest book. For her wedding trip the bride wore a gray suit with red acces sories. Tile couple will be at home mibcnotit ten by the Hubbard Worn Snn Diego alter February 10. an's club on February 14, a benc- I (it for the Children's Farm home near Corvallis. The club voted to VISITORS here until Saturday ; send money In the bear! fund and are Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Monger , Ihe slate conservnlion program. and daughter. Ann, of Yakima, j Hasn., loniieriy oi .Mucin. meyiiMii annum .Marina wasiunnioiu arrived Thursday, and arc at the. lea as a benefit for the Wooilhurn ! Marion. HERE through the late week are Mr. and Mrs. William E. llealy, Oakland, Calif., formerly of Salem. They came Thursday. The llealys moved to California this past year. He formerly was assistant secre tary of slate here. Today's Menu SATl'RDAY SCPPEIt Reef Slew villi Dumplings Buttered Snap lleans Salad Bread Tray Raked Cuslard Real Ginger Cookies Beverage REAL GINGER COOKIES Ingredients: 2'i cups silted flnur. ? teaspoon baking soda. '4 tea spoon salt, 'a teaspoon cinnamon, teaspoon nutmeg. l'i teaspoons ginger, "a cup butler or niarga rme. ',1 cup sugar, cup dark molasses. I egg, Method; Silt together the flour. baking soda. sail, cinnamon, nut- j meg and ginger. Cream boiler and i sugar; beat in molasses and egg vigorously and tbornughly. Heal m ; s:tten dry ingredients until Mend-1 rd. Chill dough. Roll out one-quar-1 icr 01 inc oiiiigo ai a nine on a l'i m (i.tsuy l imn ns null HS passible to I'm inch thickness. Handle dellly because dough may Mick If cloth is not floored well: rre a stockinet cover, well floured, on rolling pin. Cut in desired snapes. Bake on greased ck f heels in moHerale Ml. di'urnni f.ven II lo 10 minutes. Cookies not spread so lliey may be placed fairly close together on baking sheet. Makes well over lot) Rook ies, If cut very thin. fiwiwiip'jwiwwln';wi !.'- f' '.iV. up "Vj fcv" ' - V v ( fjf ' J I if MiHttilmntiiMiMttTr ' - ti - f Ilends Grolll New president of the Salem Jnyccu-Kucs is Mrs. Lawrence M. Foldsehau, above. The group is the auxiliary to tho Junior Chamber of Commerce. (Jeston-Millcr studio picture). Martha Washington Tea Set Feb. 22 WOODHUItN (Special) Wood-1 burn Woman's club met Wednes day at the library club rooms for a business session niter which n large group ol members motored to Aurora to allend the benefit ten by the Aurora Woman's club. During the business meeting of the local club nn invitation was accepted lo'J'atlcnd the annual Final plans were made lor the iidi.u.v. i ne icn is supported ny ; HIV VIIIIIU lUtlllMIIIM,, Hllll ,111 If eeipls going lo Ihe library, and will be held on Hie birthday ol George Washington, February "2 at 2 p.m. in the library c I u b rooms. Mrs. Percy Seely is gen eral chairman, and announced the follow lllg committees: Program. Mrs .lames Lamb, Mrs. Ilarrv VanArsdale; puhlicilv. Mrs. ,1. W. Richards, Mrs, .1. II. WOOimi'ltN' (Special) Ever-: green chapter, No. -II. Order of Mrs. W. 0. Green. Mrs. Etta Hall, Ihe Eastern Star will leature obli- Mrs. Molly Hunt, Mrs. Eslella gallon night anil liislniclion lor 1 Kerns, Mrs. Maude Klnmp. Mrs. new members at the regular meet- f Tipton l.antis, Mrs. P. C. Mc ing Monday. February II. al II , l.nughlin. Mrs IV E Mcisenheun p.m. al the Woodburn Masonic ! er. Mrs. !,. S. Morhcl. Mrs. Harris lomplo. ltelreshments will be; Nelson. Mrs Frank Piirdv. Mrs. served by Mr. and Mrs Ivan C. Eliabelb Hall. Mrs. 0 It. Randall. Beers and Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Mrs Fred Rogers, Mrs. Alice Reekford. Synimonds. Mrs. Emma Tvson, 1' " ! MOI.Al.t.A iSpei'i.iD Mrs. Verne 1 Couell entertained with lahles of bridge at her home near InluiiuiMii ad by Rev. George Milwaukic last week honoring Mrs. Nersworlhv and ".Itinwr." vocal n,Muy llobson of Mul.dla. The . solos by Mrs. Ted I.andsem and Hohsons are to move soon to Salem ! Ihe annual report ol the librarian, rm Molalla A goingawav gilt Local club women attending the wa5 presented lo Mrs Hudson bviCharilv Tea at Auiora Wednesday n1(1 ,,rou, , jjol.illa friends. A d,.s,rl un5 sm i,,i bv hr hostess, ,n,ra(H hy af.rniwn of con- luidge SIl.VKKTON-i Special) The Andrews. Mrs. .1. II. Gay. Mrs. .Silvcrton Womi.n'.s club will meet , I, mi Plnflingor. Mrs. Steve Ban Monday afternoon at Hie Trinity I man. Mrs. Onirics Conyne and Lutheran church Fireside room! lr i( regular monthly meeting Mrs. Hiul DvdricV. president-, has jaPKut!erf that Miss Maxine Bur en n( kuvm will speak on her io eent visils to lood conventions. Mrs. F A. Kern will head Ihe lea committee, - ' - rTitlr if 'iitrCi -v tirTiri ' nn v1i Gay, Mrs. Harry Woodward, Mrs. It. I,. Anderson; decorations, club moms, Mrs. II. C. Scheidcggcr, Mrs. K. C. Peyton. Mrs. Don Bar rett; decorations, ten table, Mrs. Drlhorl Seely, Mrs. Walter Schill er; programs, Mrs. Claire McMil lan. Mrs. Benton Dailey. Serving, Mrs. E. W. Nelson, Mrs. A. W. Andrews. Mrs. Joe Walker Sr. Mrs. B. N. Miller, Mrs. E. J. Way. Mrs. T. K. Sanderson, Mrs. C. A. Wilkins. Mrs. I .oil Plnffinccr. Coffee makers, Mrs. .1. It. Gay. Mrs. Lester llenn. Mrs. Paul Mills. Mis Harold Ingram, Mrs. Kussoll lliirlbrrl; lea makers, Mrs, Percv Soolv Mrs Amos Iton.'u-ker Mrs U'illi-mi 'ni.u-ni anil Mrs. Clara Slango Pouring, Mrs. A. E. Austin. Mrs A. G. Cowan, Mrs. It. I.. Anderson, Mrs. Charles Cunyne. Hostesses will include Mrs. Ben ton Dailey. Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. J. Melvin llingu, Mrs. A. Uugulcy, Mrs. Steven llauman. Mrs. T M. Maxtor, Mrs. lan C. Beers, Mrs. Ida Hicniian, Mrs Arthur Hurt, Mrs. Frank Covev. Mrs. Edgar Crosby, Mrs. .lack Ellis. Mrs. 1. II. Heiweiler. Mrs. W. II. Dunn. Mrs. Hay libit, Mrs. Guv Grabam, and Mrs. W W. Spmalsky. The program will begin al 2 11111. and uill include a reading bv Mis Charles (':iimh,'ll .i vpn. afternoon were Mrs. Harry Van- Arsdale. Mrs K. W. Nelson. Mrs Joe Walker Sr . Mrs Harris Nel son. Mrs. James Lamb. Mrs, W. II. Dunn. Mrs. K. C Pevlon. Mrs. II. C. Si'lieidocecr. Mrs A W Mrs. Frank Covey. Spcakme, at t ho Aurora mreling were Mis George llossman. state president. Mrs. M. M. Nelson, third distriel president and Mrs. M. t. Magee. Marion county president. Members ol the Hubbard Worn- nn' club were also guests. Capital Edited by MARIAN Andersons To be Feted Honoring Dr, and Mrs. Lloyd T. Anderson, who will be leaving la ter this month for West Covina, Calif, to make their home, a re ception is planned at the First Baptist church next Sunday. Hours for the affair arc between 3 and 6 o'clock. All members and friends of the church are invited Dr. Anderson has served as pSs- jor of the church for several years. Soroptimist Club Planning Show At this week's meeting of Salem Soroptimist club plans were an nounced for the. annual benefit style show to be put on by the group March 13. . Mrs. Tcresc Hanks is general chairman for the event. Mrs. Marie Ling and Mrs. Ethel Lau arc in charge of tickets, Mrs. Henry Mil- he and Miss Mary Brady head the hostess committee. Mrs. Donald nciiike Is publicity chairman, Mrs. Paul Heath and Miss Betty Marsh are in charge of decorations, Miss Helen Benson is chairman for re freshments, Miss Lena Blum is chairman for the program and Mrs. Nels Tonning heads the com' mittce on models. Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. F. G. Rankin was named second vice-president to fill out an unex pired term. Farewell Coffee Several friends will be assisting at the farewell coffee to honor Mrs. Fred Jochnkc, Saturday, Mrs. Jochnkc and her family will bo moving to Portland soon to make their home. The coffee is being given by Mrs. Ted Jenny. Mrs. Wallace Cowen and Mrs. F. Norman Young at the Jenny home between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. At the door will be Mrs. Gordon Grabcr, Mrs, Sam C. Campbell, Mrs.- Ralph Atwood. Pouring will be -Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire, Mrs. James II. Allenby. Assisting in serving will be Mrs. Scott, Mrs. John Mullcr, Mrs. Charles Knapp, Mrs. Jack Frisbie. Mrs. Richard Jenning, Mrs. Richard Lankow, Mrs. Vincent Fletcher, Mrs. Irvin Branch, Mrs. Donald Barrick. A SOCIAL meeting was enjoyed by Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Robert Gordon. Attending were Miss Mildred Nelson, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Vcrn Kilcbel, Mrs. Dean Need- ham. Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. Stanley Rolfsness. Mrs. Neil Fritts, Mrs. Richard Givens and the host ess. Are New Members MOLALLA (Special) Two can didates. Miss Gay Marshall and Mrs. Hazel Caldwell, were ac cepted for membership at Tues day night s meeting of Orchid chapter, Order of Eastern Star. They will be initialed at the Feb ruary 19 meeting. Election of officers will be con ducted at the March 5 meeting and installation at the following meeting, March 19. Mrs. Hazel Perry as chairman reported that $100.15 was cleared at Ihe recent dinner sponsored by the social club. Mrs. Pauline Hall, Mrs. Bcula Foglesong and Mrs. -Oliver Boehmkc were named as a com mittee to draft a change in by laws. ABOUT 20 attended the after noon meeting lor ri rieia I'm alumnae Thursday at the home of Mrs. vcrn W. .Miller. Announce ment was made the next meeting will be the regular evening one on Thursday, March 14, at winch lime Miss l.orella Fisher will show slides taken on her trip lo Europe. A SURPRISE houscwarming honored Mrs. John R. Cnughell and Miss Josephine Bnumgarlncr Thursday evening with friends calling at their Fairmount Hill home into which they recently moved. The guests included members of Mrs. CangheH's bridge club and their li u s h a 11 d s and ndditionnl trieni's. The group presented a gdt lor the new home. I.KHANON SprciaU An mumml this week ns n nominee (or cluiirmnn of the state lenisln live committer of the Oregon Fed eration of Husiness and Profes sional Women's clubs was Mrs. liraee Scroiifcin, past president of the local club and at present a member of the state nominating comm'.tlce. Speakers on the topic, "The lm . ..I II I. I I A i I ii In ! 'I It IV til I II U I I I I ; Mi ii"- . .. , v " , 1 1 nHMiKJs am to itv Une were Mrs. Donna Jost.IM'" i 1 V . S and Mr,'. ill,,, nl.. ,.,M-mnn ! ih ml. ii. . ii iv t.. t'...,..,. miltee. SII.VEKTDN i Special) Mrs. Dale Lamar was hostess to Romo na Social cluh of the Order of Eastern Star chapter Tuesday aft ernoon. Assisting Mrs. Lamar were Mrs Wavne l.ovre and Mrs. Edith Hubbard. Mrs. Harry Rngon presided at (he business mooting nt which lime Mrs. Alice Harrington and Mrs. Hex McCurdy. o-chairmen lor lh Masonic fatW-r wid ! .mnwil on FchiujJi it, wtwuaiftd tttmn for Hut tw(. r SatTtM ififwsiili 1V Matt Wolf v tvnitt, trr a fortnight' twatiiti visit i?) Arizona, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL! Women LOW BY FISCHER District Head To Visit Unit Preparations for the official visit of the district president of district 2 of the Department of Oregon, American Legion auxiliary, were made at the meeting of Kingwood unit No. 81, American Legion aux iliary,, at the Kingwood Legion hall Thursday evening. Named as the committee for the visit are Mrs. Irl Folsom, Mrs. Verne Axclson and Mrs. Floyd White. The district president, Mrs. Betty Ramey, of Canby, will be in Salem for the meeting with the unit on February 21. A report on the completion of ten ditty bags for the Veterans hospital In Portland was made by .Mrs. rolsom, hospital rehabilita tion chairman, and a membership report was given by Mrs. David Williams. The unit voted a contri bution to the fund in connec tion wun tne current drive. Miss Wise Is Bride Feb. 1 MOLALLA (Special) In an im pressive church ceremony, Miss Betty Jane Wise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wise of Mo lalla, was married to Ronald A. Schocnborn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Nolcn Schocnborn of Molalla, on February 1. The ceremony was performed at the Liberal Evangel ical United Brethren church at 8 p.m. with the Rev. Maynard Mc Gavin officiating. Mrs. Arthur Schoenborn was or ganist and soloist was Miss Palma McGavin. The church was deco rated with baskets of while and pink snapdragons. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina-length tulle dress with white satin cum merbund. The bodice was of tucked design with a cowl neck line. She wore satin mitts and car ried a while orchid with pink miniature rosebuds on a white pearl-covered Bible. The fingertip veil was held in place by a seed pearl crown headpiece. Honor attendant was Miss Judy Tiffin of Molalla in a pastel blue crystalleltc dress with a headpiece of white hyacinths and miniature pink rosebuds. Her bouquet was pink roses and while carnations. Lorrn Wrolstad of Molalla was best man. The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with red accessories and a corsage of white gardenias and pink rosebuds. The bride groom's mother wore a pastel blue dress with red accessories and a similar corsage. The couple left for a honeymoon trip to the Oregon and Washing. Ion beaches. The bride wore f light blue suit with pink acces sories for her going away outfit. together with Ihe white orchid from her bridal bouquet. They now arc at home on route 2, Molalla. The bride was graduated from Molalla union high school in 1956 and the bridegroom in 1953. She is employed by Connclt Insurance agency and (he bridegroom is with Crown-Zcllerbach corporation. EAST SALEM (Spccial)-Sweglc Road Garden club met Tuesday night in the home of the new presi dent, Mrs. Bryan' Garrison. Pro gram leader was Mrs. Dick Sidall with heather the topic for discus sion. Each member . will select special seeds given them by the club lo specialize in growing this summer. N"W yearbook covers were designed by individual mem bers. Mrs. Robert Darby is a new member. Others attending were Mrs. Harold Alderman, Mrs. Dan iel Casey, Mrs. Homer Conklin, Mrs. Oscar Wigle. Mrs. Robert Fryrear, Mrs. Sidall and Mrs. Garrison. Boots and Spurs tf By THELMA YOUNGQUIbT Thirty-one riders come out to to you at a hospital, home is enjoy the fun night and to en joy the "balmy" weather. Ev eryone had an especially fine time for it has seemed so long since wc have had a fun night. Tho hosts had to carry water to the coffee room but we hope that by this week everything will be normal again. The Lariat arrived this' week and Ihe events list is rapidly filling. Listings arc for shows, dances and meetings as far ahead as next September and most ev ery month has few free week ends. Also an article in the Lar iat announces that the Portland Art museum will present its own version of a horse show in the form of works of art on horses from their permanent collection, ranging all the way from carls Greek to the modern, featuring more than 200 horses in sculp tures, paintings, drawings, cer amics, etc. This sounds most in- ; ,, , , , !irrplinp In all horse lovers and i .M.'iri'n .11 in ihkf a uin mm I Portland to see ,.. ! nri Maw M.illerl last week acquired a new Arabian mare from the Coral ranch in Corvallis. She is named Murs chida and the Mollerls are very enthusiastic about this new ad dition to their stables. Another enthusiastic owner of a new horse is Peggy Bowers, who has a new quarter horse mare. Peggy was out riding it Sunday aftemni- mil we will no ikiuM mvs th4 ( ii the fun MM - fsmet. .41 lil: n ( pt'.cxit In a local li!l Mt been there for tre ooi, so we hope t hat he ill be going home real soon M' are sure Al hopes so too, for no matter how nice they are Speakers Named by Local Club Selected to compete m the pre liminary contest of Chemeketa Toastmistress club for the area competition at the Thursday even ing meeting of Ihe group were Mrs. K. W. Hillstrom, Miss June Dunn and Mrs. Lynn McCully. The club's contest will be conducted at the next meeting on February 21 and the area event will be on March 7. , The dinner meeting at the Gold en Pheasant was presided over by Mrs. Jutta Odcllc. vice president, and Mrs. C. E. Jaqua served as toastmistress. Speakers for the program were Mrs. A. S. Tussing, who won first place. Mrs. Charles Wigle and Mrs. Jean Howe. Table topics, -lead by Mrs. Hill strom, were centered on the theme of the best romance In history to emphasize the Valentine season. Miss Dunn was general evaluator and Individual evaluators were Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. L. C. Tennis and Mrs. J. W. Tindall. The invocation was given by Mrs. McCully and Mrs. H. LaSoine served as timekeeper. Guests of the club were Mrs. Jesse Payne, Miss Catherine Zorn, Mrs. Shirley Zentz. and from Dal las, Mrs. M. M. Williams. Official Visitor At Sorority Meeting Mrs. George Skorncy, Oregon's first vice-president of Epsilon Sig ma Alpha sorority, came from, Portland Monday night to speak1 to the group's Salem city council at the home of Mrs. Wallace Turnidge. She told of the rushing activities of other chapters in the state and displayed samples of original programs, invitations and namctags. She offered suggestions for party themes and rushing func tions. A general discussion follow ed during which time ideas were also exchanged on ways, and means projects. Mrs. Deryl Currie, president of the council reminded the group that the sponsorship of the blood mobile will be a philanthropic pro ject of March. Besides Mrs. Skor ncy, guests included 20 members from the three city chapters, Mrs. Kenneth Oliver from Portland and Mrs. Frank H. McClurg. The council members assisted Mrs. Turnidge with refreshments. Birthday Party Mitchell Dewey, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dewey. Jr., is to be honored at a party Sunday in celebration of his fourth birthday, the anniversary coming next Tuesday. Feting the little boy will be John and Marilyn Medinger, Mary and Barbara Boire, Sheila Templar, Stevie Stevens, Jennifer Brown, Greg and Susan S p c c h t, and Mitchell's older brother, Michael, and his baby sister, Kimberly Marie. MR. AND MRS. Frank A. Hrubelz will be in Portland this evening to attend the Portland Civic Opera association's produc tion of "The Marriage of Figaro" in which their daughter, Mi,ss Diana Hrubetz is performing as a member of the corps de ballet. Miss Hrubetz, a senior at South Salem high school, Is well known in Salem for her skill in advanced ballet performances. SAI.EM members of Ihe Daugh ters of the Nile in Portland on Wednesday were Mrs. Jacoh Fuhr er. Mrs. Leonard Rowan, Mrs. Es till L. Brunk. Mrs. William New mycr, and Mrs. David H. Camer on, members of the hospitality committee. Some of the group were in Portland again today (or the social group meeting at Colum bia Athletic club. much more fun We are sorry to report that Harold Smith had to return to the hospital again but this time he is improving rapidly and will be going home in a few days. Norman and Mick Trada are leaving this next week lor a three or four week trip back East. They will drive and will do a lot of visiting in their home town of Adrian, 111., Peoria, Chi cago and Norman will attend a business meeting at Indianapolis. These two are so enthusiastic about Oregon that we know they will hurry home Next Monday night brings the monthly meeting of the board and club, so plan on coming out to attend Ihe meeting, even though you do not care to ride in the call drill On Februarv 15. F.slher and Ervin Ward will be hosts for the fun nicht and it will be a hobo night. F.veryone is to come dress- ed in his racs; vc don t even w thft .... iht t ' " .. mv night for there I ! noho gel-up pri7o for the Dont' forget that February 16 is Ihe dale of our dance. Tonight's fun night hosts will be Gross and Garlick. mm WMji--&fl ' ?iS4f:iiwf 1 f ' ill Bride In Seattle Mrs. Stanley Morton Samuels (Naomi Kahan), above, was wed last Sunday in Seattle. She is the daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Isadore Kahan of Seattle and Mr. Samuels is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe I. Samuels of Salem. The couple will make their home in Portland. (Josef's picture, Seattle). Some Notations . . : By M. U. F. It was a St. Valentine's time coffee for which Mrs. Pat Dooley, Portland, wife of the speaker of the house, and Mrs. Robert Stew ard of Keating, wife of Represen tative Keating of Baker county, entertained a group Thursday morning in Meier & Frank's-Sa-lcm store auditorium , . . The coffee table was set up in one corner, centered with a large ar rangement of spring blooms . . . Mrs. Leon S. Davis ot llillsDoro, wife of Representative Davis, and Mrs. Kniil A. Slnnz of Nyssa. wife of Representative, Stunz, poured Guests were sealed at three long tables grouped in a U shape, and down the center was the ramp for models who put on an infor mal fashion show during the cof fee . . . Among the guests was Mrs, Robert D, Holmes, wife of the governor; Mrs, Howard Morgan, whose husband is the new public utilities commissioner; Mrs. Rob ert Y. Thornton, wife of the at torney general: Mrs. Sam Stew art, whose husband is a tax com missioner; Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. John Stecl- hnmmer, Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. Thomas G. Wright, Jr.; among the senate wives, Mrs. Donald R. Husband of Eugene, Mrs. Lee Oh marl, Salem, Mrs. Francis Zieg Icr of Corvallis. Mrs. Walter Pear son of Portland, Mrs. Dwlght II. Hopkins of Imbler, Mrs. Alfred II. Cnrbctt and her young daughter, Ann, corlland; Mrs. Boyd Over- hulse, Madras, wife of the senate president; Mrs. Harry D. Iloivln of Klamath Falls, Mrs. G. D. Gleason, Portland . . . Among wives of house members Mrs. Robert I.. Elfstrom, Salem, Mrs. Winlon Hunt of Woodburn. Mrs. William A. Grenfell. Jr., Portland. Mrs. Norman R. Ilownrd, Port land. Mrs. Joe Rogers, Independ ence. Mrs. Arthur P. Ireland, For est Grove; Mrs, It. II. CMndgron, Molalla: Mrs. Fred Meek of Port land. Mrs. C. A. Tom of Rufus. .Mrs. Ben Eviek of Madras, Mrs. Harry Elliott of Tillamook, Mrs. Glen M. Sladler of Eugene, Mrs. E. A. Llttrcll of Medford. Mrs. Clarence Rarlon of Coquille, Mrs. George Annala of Hood River, Mrs. Robert A. Rennet!, Portland, Mrs. Robert E. Goad of Pendle ton .. . Two feminine house mem bers were there as guests, Reprc senladve Kalberine Musn of The Dalles, Representative Shirley Field of Portland ... ... There was a lot of pretty fluff I and color nt Johnson's Thursday j night for the bridal show, attended by a large group of friends . . . The showing was arranged on the second floor. 15 complete wedding sellings being presented, along with numerous other individual showings . . . Models were Jan llnlser. Kalhi Areller, Coleen Welch, . Darlene Stauh, Bnrharn Amlersnn, Barbara Franzwn, Son de Harris, Polly Dougherty, Mar gie Rheam . . . They stepped through a huge arch at one end of the room . . . There was attire for formal weddings, also for informal wed dings a pretty white over blue (o- one of the latter . . . With the several all-white wedding cos tunics were picture frocks in all colors of the rainbow for the attendants . . . The pastels were luscious, including pinks, greens, orchids, yellows, blues, etc.. in a great variety of nets, tulles, lace crystalette and other filmy materials . . . One setting featured l S3 Salem, Oregon,' Friday, February 8, 1957 Large Group at League Coffee A group of 77 attended the cof fee and style show party for Sa lem Women's Army and Navy league, Thursday morning, in Meier & Frank's-Salem Oregon room. Colorful Valentine decorations were arranged on the tables. Four of the models for the style show are members of the league, Mrs. H. C. Saalfcld, Mrs. Harry Log gan, Mrs. Maylon E. Scott, and Mrs. Logan C. Berry. Mrs. Carl Cover was the overall chairman. Mrs. Saalfcld assisted with the style show arrangements and Mrs. H. G. Maison with the decorations. The March meeting is to be on tho first Tuesday as a luncheon at the American Legion club. It will be a membership event honoring the new members, it is announced by Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, pres ident, Mrs, Ted Morrison is chair man. A RECEPTION honoring Mrs. Ronald Rossner of Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, a grand chapter committee member, will bo given at the Masonic temple Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock by the Salem chapter. .... SII.VERTON (Special) Mrs. Mary Amort of Corvallis is a house guest for several days al (he home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Schnorenbcrg. a powder blue sheath dress for the attendant, a white sheath dress with rcdingote for Ihe bride . . . An all-white grouping included an Italian lace wedding dress, the same Italian lace enhancing the bow-knot lace dress of the at tendant . . . Grand finals featured a bride in all white with Ihe at tendants in American beauty col ors with rubrum lilies . . . And to make it like a real wedding, the bride threw her bouquet . . . Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., was commentator for the show , , . ... Mrs. Abner K. Kline and Mrs. Lynn Lambeth arc planning an informal coffee party for the aft ernoon of February 19. guests be ing invited through the latter part of this week . . . The affair will be between .1 and 5 o'clock. Feb ruary 19. in the Meier k Frank's Salem store Oregon room . , . SIGNS OF SPRING BEGONIAS Double Ruffled Double Picotee Medium Tubers. . Large Tubers ROSES Oregon's finest No. 1, 2 - yr. Over 85 varieties in stock DWARF FRUIT TREES APPLES, PEARS, PEACHES VegetabU and Flower Seds-1957 Crop Now on Hand It'i Time for Dormant Spray BRYDON'S NURSERY AND SEED STORE 4J$ t.tti Hifh Salem f0 Poking Free Parking Initiation ' For Bethel initiation and inspection cere monies were conducted by bethel 46, Job's Daughters, at its meet' ini? Thursday evening at tne Scot tish Rite temple. New members are Misses Gail Mcllingcr, Mary Rambo and Janet Eva McClung. Escorted and honored were Miss Trisha Perrin, junior past honored queen; Mrs. Conrad Schild, Port land, grand guardian of Oregon j Frank Mays, Milwaukie, associata grand guardian: Mr. and Mrs, Paul Riffey, past associate guard' ian and past guardian; Mrs. Ova McCrary, guardian; Lawrence Lee, associate guardian; Russell Forrest, associate guardian, bethel 43; Mrs. Fred Koken, worthy ma tron, Ainsworth' chapter, Order ol Eastern Star. Report on the progress of Ihe drill practice for the grand session Was made by Miss Kay Morris and the scrap iron contest race was covered in reports by Mr. Riffey, Miss Linda Vernon and Miss Sandy Everitt. Members were advised of ar rangements for the ski trip on Sat urday, February 16, and instructed to meet at the Masonic temple -at 6 a.m. and to carry their own lunches. Return from Timberlina will be at 6 p.m. An invitation from bethel 34. Independence, was accepted for February 11, for a friendship night program and taffy pull. Miss Lynn Johnson won the at tendance award and- birthdays were celebrated for Misses Marcia Lee, Linda Vernon, Janice Drake ley, and Sandy Everitt, and Mrs. McCrary and Mrs. Riffey. During the program Miss Helen Harrison sang, accompanied by Miss Trisha Perrin. Reception Sunday Honors Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs.' Gottlieb Hensel are to observe their golden wed ding next Tuesday, February 12. In eelnhralion nf tha nvnnt a ,n. ception is planned for next Sun- uay, reoruary iu, at tne nome ot Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McClintic, 912 South 12th street Hnnt-e far th Sunday event are between 2 and a o ciock. Airs. Aicuintic is i niece of the honored couple. The Hcnsels have one daughter, Mrs. Henry Neff, who lives in Val lejo, Calif. Assisting at the Sunday recep tion will be Mrs. Dan Pfeifer Mrs, Marie Brandt, Mrs. Ben Wagner, ... New Brownie Troop EAST SALEM (Special) A now Brownie troop has been organized for Swegle school girls. Mrs. Lloyd T. Williams is the leader and Mrs. Ralph Myers is her assistant. Members of the troop, given tha number 207', are Linda Anglin, Re becca Barnes, Judy Cooper, Jeanne Dockter, Charlotte Elrer, Bonnie Garvison, Donna Hain, Sondra Logue, Susan Marvan, Sally Myers, Lynnctte Sample, Pamela Smith, Penny Starck, Linda Todd, Susan Walz, Jean nctte Wilhclm and Alia Williams. The girls are electing officers to serve only two weeks at a tima so all may have training. Special, projects for groups arc chosen by the girls. This is a large troop and several more girls have asked to join if new leaders will volun teer. They meet on Monday eve ning immediately after school hours. ... RETURNING from a, four weeks' sojourn in California, Mr. and Mrs. Clark C. McCall arrived in Salem Thursday. After a bricl stop at Palm Springs and Indio, the McCalls spent the remainder of the time at Laguna Beach, San ta Barbara and San Clcmcnte. LADIES WOOL COATS 18 to Clear Values to $50 Now $25 and'35 Open Sat. AH Day KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 S. 12th St. Double Camellia Flowered Double Hanging Basket 3,or 50 3 ,or 80 - old. from Each -from $2.75 Each