Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 04, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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    Salem, Oregon", Monday, February '4, 1957
Page 6 Section I
Dated for
Feb. 16
Announced for Saturday, Febru
ary 16, is Ihc date for the wedding
Oi" Miss Rosalie Schmcrber and
William F. Schmidt.
The ceremony will be solemnized
at 10 o'clock in the morning in
St. Louis Catholic church at St.
Louis, the Rev. G. Scheffold of
ficiating. The reception following
will be in the parish hall.
Miss Mary Manion of Mount
Angel is to be maid of honor. Miss
Joann Michels o( Mount Angel is
to be bridesmaid and young Miss
Wary Schmcrber will be junior
bridesmaid for her sister.
Alan Schmidt is to be best man
for his brother.
The bride-elect Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmcrber
of Gervais and Mr. Schmidt is the
eon of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Schmidt of Mount Angel. The en
gagement of the young couple
was announced last spring,
Committees on
Benefit Listed
Chairmen and workers planning
the benefit fashion show oi Y
Wives are being announced.
The event comes February 20 nt
I p.m. in the YWCA gymnasium.
Proceeds go towards finishing the
stage in the gymnasium. Fashions
for the style revue arc lo be pre
sented by Lipman's, by Joan Ross
Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr. is to
be commentator and Miss Phyllis
Dannclly is to-be vocalist.
General chairman is lo be Mrs.
Harry Cox. On the planning com
mittee arc Mrs.- Raymond Olson,
Mrs. Owen Searcy, Mrs. C. W.
Pricm. Mrs. Catherine Holmes is
hostess chairman; Mrs. Robert 0.
Arthur and Mrs. Ernest Royal
head tho arrangements commit
tee: Mrs. F. E. Albada Is chair
man for tickets and Mrs, C. J.
Kunowsky is publicity chairman.
Assisting with the refreshments
will bo Mrs. Larry Barham, Mrs.
Max Groves, Mrs. Robert Gard
ner, Mrs. Q. G. Bowmnn, Mrs.
Robert 0. Arthur and Mrs. F. K.
Women in History
Subject for Talk
An Interesting tnlk on "Women
In History" was given by Mrs.
James T. Brand at tho meeting oi
Chcmckcta chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution, Satur
day afternoon, at the home of Mrs.
Lcnard Kcphart in Silvcrton. The
women presented in Mrs. Brand's
discussion were principally the
queens of England from Boadicca
to the present Queen Elizabeth.
Music for the program was pro
vided by a barbershop quartet of
Silvcrton young men, Pal Patton,
Gerald Darlcy, Bob Voltcr and
Larry Johnson.
Plans were made for participa
tion in the state conference which
Is scheduled for March 28, 2!) and
30 in Ashland. Chartered buses
will take members from Portland,
Salem and other Willamette valley
Guests of Ihc chapler were Mrs.
JCnrl Dcdrick, Mrs. Lloyd Lnrsen
and Miss Gail Larson of Silvcrton,
Miss Larson is the chapter's rep
resentative for tho DAR good citi
zenship contest and sho poured
during the tea hour.
Hostesses were Mesdnmcs Quin
ts Estcll, W. P. Scnrth, Adrian
1). Olson and C. J. Mulcahy, nil
o! Silvcrton; Mrs. W. W. Allen,
Mill City; and Mesdnmcs R. D.
Paris, J. Clilford Likes and Her
man Darlcy, all of St nylon.
Next meeting of the chapter will
be March 2.
MEMBERS of Chapter G, P.E.O.
Sisterhood, will entertain their
husbands at a dinner at the Col
onial , houso on Friday evening.
February . A social hour will
follow the dinner.
The affair is in charge of the
social committee headed by Mrs.
Brooks Moore.
Chairmen Listed for
St. Vincent de Paul
Benefit on Feb. 25
Chairmen for the annual benefit
style show of St. Vincent de Paul
Parents' club on February 25 arc
being announced.
The show will be at 8 o'clock
that evening in the Knights of
Columbus hall, Johnson's to show
the fashions. Cards will be played
after Ihc style show.
Reservations may be telephoned
to either Mrs. kdward balstrom
"M 2-OB43, or Mrs. D. Robertson,
EM 2-1010.
The chairmen include: Mrs. Al
jchrocdcr, programs; Mrs. Con
rad Prange, publicity; Mrs. Leo
Dcutsch, decorations: Mrs
Thomas Lclack, Mrs. Lila May
O'Connor, refreshments; Mrs. Van
Bean, kitchen: Mrs. Al Pierce,
Mrs. Robert Pilzcr. prizes: Mrs.
Edward Salstrnm, Mrs. D. Robert'
son. tickets; Mrs. Robert Schrc-
incr, models.
Van Dells
Are Feted
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Van Dell
were honored on their 14th wed
ding anniversary at the Home
steaders Square Dance club "hoc-
down Inst week at the Iznak Wal
ton League hall. The third annual
hocdown of the club brought visi
tors from Portland and from cities
Lincoln, Yamhill, Polk and
Marion counties.. More than 200
square dancers participated in the
Vale Priest, club president, pre
sented the Van Dells with a tiered
wedding cake and a tablecloth in
tho club's colors of tan and brown
on which was embroidered the
club's emblem, a log cabin.
Names of all members were em
broidered around the edge of the
cloth. Mr. Van Dell Is caller and
instructor for the club.
A new square dance class is
being sponsored for beginners at
the fzaak Walton hall, starling
February 7. The Van Dells will
instruct the new class and all in
terested couples are invited to
join the group,
Shrine Conducts
Initiation Rites
Initiation ceremonies were con
ducted by Friendship shrine of
White Shrine of Jerusalem Satur
day evening nt the Scottish Rite
temple. Initiates were James W,
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Martin
and Mrs. I. conn B. Biillou. Mrs,
James W. Brown became a mem
ber through affiliation.
Guests o. the shrine were Mr.
and Mrs. William Lcssard of
Mrs. Leslie Wadsworth was In
charge of decorations which were
of red and white carnations, hearts
and red candles for the Valentine
The dining room committee In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wil
son, chairmen: Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Conner. Merle Travis. Mrs. Mil
dred Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Tueski.
Marriage Event of
Jan. 25 at Stevenson
Announcement Is made by Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph S. Mcrth of the
marriage of their dnughter, Miss
Darla Rose Mcrth. to Robert Lee
Cross, son of Mrs. Susie Cross
and oi Woodford Cross, all of
The wedding was an event of
January 25 nt Stevenson, Wash.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mcrth attended Ihc
The couple will live in Salem.
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Design for Spring A silk muslin in pink and green apple blossom print on
made its debut in Paris fashion show, presented by Chanel. (AP Wircphoto)
white background
SHERIDAN (Special) - Mrs.
Fred Spoonrr entertained her
i bridge club, Thursday, when Mrs.
Harold Hurch and Mrs. Sam
! Houser hold high scores, Mrs.
Charles Cinnamon, Ihc slam prize,
i Guests were Mrs. Clarence Bur
! dick, Mrs. Fern Khcrliai l and
' Mrs. Sam Houser.
, Spring Fashions These nrc two offerings from the 1957 spring collection of Parisian fashion de
signer Chanel. Al left is a pink woolen suit with a multicolored printed silk blouse. At right
is a golden brocade suit, the jacket for which is hemmed with a navy blue velvet ribbon. (AP
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Millinery Class at
YWCA Is Planned
A millinery class is being organ
ized nt the YWCA to enable wom
en lo make new hats for spring.
Mrs. Lenamac Schiincnok. who
was n milliner in San Francisco
preceding her Salem residence,
will be the instructor.
On Tuesday evening, February
5, nt 7:30 o'clock, Mrs. Schimcnek
will give a free introductory les
son nt which sho will show designs
which may be copied nnd discuss
materials. Any woman may attend
this meeting without obligation.
The class will start the following
Tuesday, meeting weekly for six
bday's Menu
SHERIDAN (Special) Mrs.
Fred Bozeman began n series of
codec chains in Sheridan last
week, when she had as guests,
Mesdnmcs, Kenneth Knutson, Rob
ert Hughcy, Bert Webster, Hugh
Cooley, Lois Tnlom, Harold Fuller,
W. I. Wilbur and Fred Spooner.
Each one present is to serve coffee
to several guests to continue the
SHERIDAN (Special) - Mr. and
Lulu Bockcs and Mrs. Rose
Thompson were honored last week
on their birthdays with a no-host
dinner at tho home o( Mrs. Walter
Sohrweid. Oilier guests were Mrs.
Ed Sohrweid of McMinnvillc, Mrs.
Elmer Sohrweid of Lafayette. Mrs.
Tony Hromonc, Mrs. Leon French
of Rlckrcall, and Mrs. Earl Evans.
Betrothal Told
SIIEHILAN (Special) Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. McKcnncy of Hopewell
have announced the engagement
o( their daughter, Miss Sharon
Lee, lo Roland Simanlel of Sheri
dan, son o( Mrs. Agnes Morrison
of Tigard and Ernest Simantcl of
The bride-elect is a senior at
Ihc Amity high school, and Mr,
Simnntel is employed at U. S.
Plywood in Willaminn. No dale
has been set for the wedding.
SHERIDAN (Special) Plans
were made last week by the
Sheridan Eastern Star chapter to
entertain the residents of the
Masonic home in Forest Grove on
March 3. The Masons will join
the group to help entertain.
School Colon Make the bister of denim-slitrh on rirkrark
braid In school colors. You can also make the teddy bear, dressed
Id scbootcolor overalls.
A moist loaf of good flavor and
texture; any leftover will be won
derful for ham sandwiches.
Smoked Boneless Pork Shoulder
Sweet Potatoes Beverage
Homemade Mustard
Molasses Oatmeal Broad
Fruit Salad Beverage
Ingredients: cup boiling wa
ter, ' cup rolled oats ircgular
or qimk-cookingi, j cup shorten
ing, 'i cup light or dark molasses,
l' teaspoons salt, 1 package dry
active yeast, cup warm inenr
105 degrees) water, 1 egg, 2 cups
sifted Hour.
Method: Stir boiling water, roll
ed oats, shortening, molasses nnd
salt together until shortening
melts; coot to lukewarm. Sprinkle
yeast into warm water; stir until
dissolved: stir into lukewarm
rolled oals mixture. Add egg; beat
with a spoon until blended. Stir
In Hour gradually until blended
and place in lightly greased howl.
Cover and chill S hours. Shape
chilled dough Into loaf: place in a
greased loaf pan, (9( hy M by 2
cover, let rise in warm
place ISO to SJ degrees) unlil
double In bulk (about 3 hours).
Bake in moderate (J.M) degrees)
ovta 1 hour.
Dresses &
M-V;VJ " GiftiForAII
And Etc.
7005 Esirflrounds ltd. - Ph. IM 2-494J
Miss Carothers Is Bride
The Valentine theme marked the
wedding of Miss Carol L. Carothers
and George H. Robinson, Sunday
afternoon, the couple exchanging
their vows at a service in the First
Methodist church at 3 o'clock.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Raleigh F. Carothers
and Mr. Robinson is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry A. Robinson.
White chrysanthemums and
stock, red carnations and red
bows were used in decorating,
alig with white candles and
Dr. Brooks H. Moore officiated
at the service. Mrs. Laird Sutton
and Miss Shirley Spotts sang.
Prof. Josef Schnclker played the
The bride wore a dress of Alen
con lace and satin, styled in prin
cess lines. The bodice was of lace
with scalloped neckline and long
sleeves, and there was a large
satin bow at back. There was an
overtrain of lace on the chapel
train. The headdress of satin, lace
and pearls held in place the finger
tip illusion veil. The bride carried
a cascade bouquet of red roses
with a shower of white satin rib
bons and silver hearts. Mr. Car
others gave his daughter in mar
riage. . Miss Lorctta Horsley was honor
attendant. She wore a princess
dress of red taffeta, fashioned with
cowl neckline, empire waist and
flared skirt. She carried a heart
shaped bouquet of white carnations
centered with red ones, and falling
from it streamers of white satin
with red velvet hearts.
Mrs. Lyle Braff and Mrs. Gregg
Ginther. twin sister of (he bride.
groom, were bridesmaids. Both
wore princess style dresses of red
taffeta and carried bouquets like
that of the maid of honor.
Cathie Smith, cousin of the
bridegroom, was flower girl. She
wore a full skirled taltcta lrocK.
R. Dale Carothers, brother of
the bride, was best man. Ushers
were Peter Meyers, Gregg Ginther
and Vilas Royce, Jr.
The bride's mother wore a navy
blue dress with large white collar,
white accessories and corsage of
red roses and white hyacinths. The
bridegroom's mother wore a light
brown suit with pink accessories
and corsage of pink roses and
The reception following was in
the church parlors. Red and white
flowers, again in the Valentine
theme, were used in decorating.
Mrs. Wilbur Hobart of Woodburn
and Mrs. Irvin Hobart of Nashville,
both aunts of the bride, cut the
cake and poured. Assisting were
Mrs. Roy Smith, aunt of the bride
groom; Mrs. Joe Hains of Leb
anon, aunt of the bridegroom; Miss
Betty Simral, Miss Carol Brandt,
Miss Katherine Brandt, the latter
two cousins of the bride, Miss Gail
Richardson, Mrs. Henry Branson,
Mrs. Francis Rawlins.
For traveling the bride wore a
turquoise sheath dress with white
coat and accessories and corsage
of red and white carnations.
Following a trip to the Oregon
and California beaches the couple
will be at home at 330 Division
street while building a new home
in the Hayesville area.
Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lee Howard (Delia
May Schindler), above, were married recently at Dallas. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schindler and the
bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Howard. The
couple will reside in Dallas. (McEwan studio picture)
Is. Told
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boedighcim-
er have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Darlenc
Boedighcimer, to Donald Gescher,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Herman
All are of Stayton.
No date has been set for the
FROM Portland comes news of
the birth of a daughter, Sarah Ann,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmaier,
born on January 21. Mr. Weidmai
er is a former Salem resident.
Also welcoming the little miss are
two brothers, liickic and Brad.
SHERIDAN (Special) Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Oldham were honored
Inst week when a group gathered
al tneir new borne for a house-
warming. They were presented
with a gift by the group. Cards
were played during the evening
and refreshments served.
SHERIDAN (Special) Mrs.
Francis Thompson was installed
as president of the FL club, at the
January meeting. Other new of
ficers are Mrs. Eugene Smail,
vice president; and Mrs. Frank
Pratt, secretary-treasurer.
Guests were Mrs. Doris Hopson,
Mrs. Melvin Bockes, Mrs. Roy
Ellis and Mrs. Paul Pershall.
At the February meeting, a no
host supper will be served and
"secret pals" will be revealed.
Mrs. Roscoe Neely and Mrs. Perry
Newton will be hostesses.
Sowing Class Dated
GERVAIS (Spccial)-The adult
education program at the Gervais
Union High School under the super
vision of Leonard Kunznjan, is
offering a beginners sewing class
starting Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mrs.
Ethel Breithaupt will teach the
course which consists of 10 classes
for the fee of $5. Students should
registef before Tuesday evening by
phoning the school. Registration
also will be at 7:30 p.m. the eve
ning of the class.
The ideal overnight lubricant
Its nama Is Special Formula Emollient It's the only lubricant your
dry skin noods becausa It has synergistic action to Incrsass Its
softening, smoothing benefits. It flows on and never leaves sn oily
trace behind. It's the Ideal overnight lubricant as you'll agree once
you try it. 15 00. 18. BO ItS.OO. All plus tax
To Wed Soon Miss Patricia Ann Ramseyer, above, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ramseyer, has announced her engagement
to Donald L. Chappel, son of Mrs. Merle L. Chappcl of Seattle.
The wedding is to be February 24. (Donn's studio picture)
ThtBtit Place to Shop... After Ail
in Our Honeycomb Print
Sizes 14 to 24 and 12 to 20
The dress that'i all things wonderful! Mallingon's
rich nylon Jertey, that washes quickly, sheds wrinkle
while ft drip-dry, needt no ironing (pecks in the
tiniest space, too). The long front ripper, theft
tuch a blessing when you're in a hurry to drew. It's
your happiest, prettiest Jashion-anywhere you go.
Just received! This "exclusive with Miller's" Fit-Ritt
Stroller dress just orrived ond will be on display in tht
fashion department Monday.
You'll find your Rite-Fit Stroller only ot