i-m mi .:' 12 Page 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 2, 1957 MAN OF MANY FACES Bonn Spy Chief Is Old Hand at Filching Russ Secrets By JOSEPH W, CniOG UlCcd Press Staff Corrfipondcnl ByJN, Germany (UP) The t:ss of Europe's newest spy net v :': f3-rics a heavy revolver, f'anfcs himself with armed body S ai'ds and has a warning on his gslc, "Dangerous Dog." He is a man of many faces, but only one photograph ol him exists a: 'l that is at least 13 years old. lis went into business officially only tills week, but at 53 he is a.i old hand at spying on tho Itus cans, He has an estimated 4,000 t3enls operating from Kast Ger lii iy to Red China. LI, Gen. Kcinhard Gustnv Geh-- became "president of the Fed eral Irtslligcnco Service" through a decree sidled by West German r.ssidcnt Thccdor Heuss. His dep u ., whose identify is a secret like those of all others in the Geh len organization, was called "vice president." The service's official published budget is only $1.2 million annual ly and its staff on paper is 1.181 men. Gehlcn's salary is $6,800 a car. But the secret funds, for which C-hlcn is accountable only to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, arc beloved four times the listed amount. Parllal Dcserlntlon Few Germans could recognize Gchlen, but those in tho know say he is slender, of medium height, with sparse fair hair, a high fore head, thin, tight lips, deep-set eyes and curiously protruding cars. Sometimes he sports a small mustache, sometimes he is clean shaven. He has been variously de scribed as looking like a history professor, a traveling salesman r:i a retired army man which is what he is. '.U c.ircor can he dug out of the o' j Wchrmacht files. He wns born a. Erfurt, nov in the Soviet zone, sjii of a regular army officer. He entered the army in 1020 as an artillery lieutenant. By 1942 he was in command of an artillery regiment on tho Russian front. That year he became chief of the "Foreign Armies East" section of (he supreme command, and his talents as a spy-master blossomed and bloomed. Gathered Spies Coordinating military Intelli pence about the Hcd armies, he developed a network of spies, r:cslly rcncimlc Itiirs'nn prison ers and deserters reaching fur into the Soviet hinterland. In May, 1945, the advancing American army captured Gchlen and his staff in Bavaria. With him he had complete files on his work behind the Russian lines, al though it was months before t U.S. counter-intelligence interro gator spotted tho haul and shipped 11 and Gchlen to tho Pentagon. In 1946 the Americans sent Gch len back to Germany with an agreement lo build an American sponsored spy nolwork lo keep an eye on the Russians. i. , Bcnnie and Barrie Baffle 'Em I. I j NervousBandit Takes $930 at Portland Bank PORTLAND UP) - A slender, nervous bandit held up' the crowd ed SW 6lh Ave, and Morrison St., branch of the First National Hnnk In downtown Portland a half hour before closing lime yesterday, es caping with $930. Police said a search was main tained throughout the night but no definite trace ol I lie holdup man had been turned up. The robber sidled up lo Ihe cage operated by Teller Ann Dnvls in the crowded bank lobby and thrust a note through the window to her. "This is a holdup. Give me your money," the note rend. The teller said she did not see a gun but the bandit kept his hand concealed in his emit in n nirnao. Ing manner, indicating that he whs armed. She started lo comply with li request and pulled open her cash drawer. The man spotted a $M and $100 hill in Ihe drawer and demanded she hand Ihem over. "Just a minute, I will crt It nr you." Mrs. Davis said. Chief Tell er Alice Jl. Merlh who was in a neighboring cage overheard the remark and nsiertnined a holdup Was in progress. The bandit suddenly became alarmed and thrust hu nrin through Ihe cage window grabbing up n "m in hi nil mils anil running . on! ol Ihe building. Police described Ihe rnhlr m ! Negro man. about M venrs ol aur. wearing khaki clnliiing. in need of a shave and spoiling a iinislnche. He ran Iriim the build ing mid lost himself in the crowd on SW nth Ave. Judge Would I'ut Alimony Payment Ou Net Need Itasis NEW YORK m - A Stale Su preme Court Justice urges a new liiiik al alimony payments based on what he calls "net need." Juslice Samuel Hoist. idler said the present system is unfair both to men and women. Physically ml mentally com petent women, he said in court, should not lie converted "into an rmy of alimony drones " He described "net need" ns the wife's actual financial needs, less lier current assets and earning potential, in relation lo a hus band's ability to pay. Mdl.l.KT IN 2NI YEAR PAHIS, tfi .Mild-mannered .tuy Mollcl Friday started his sec ond year s premier of France, a job In which Ihe average lenure since Ihe war has been about tcv-, en months. M : :i ' mm r f V i t Si mm. ( . , i t ' , ' . -y 1 lill-Jita-L- dJ DETROIT Father Bonnie Katz proudly holds (heir mother got Ihem mixed up. Knlz finally call Ids Identical twin sons, happier now that he enn cd on the police department who compared finger tell them upnrt. Ituhy He mile is left and Barrie prints they took from the children with those at the Is at rigid. Itotli are Identical down lo hlrlh marks hospital where they were born and the tots were on their foreheads nnd hacks of their heads. Their finally properly tagged. (AP Wirephoto) hospital identification bracelets were removed and Militarism in Germany Dead Conant Thinks By BRACK CURRY BONN, Germany Wl Retiring U. S. Ambassador James B. Con ant says the chances for a re sergence of militarism in Ger- many "are nil" and Nazism is dead and buried." Provided full employment and a stable currency are maintained, Conant said in an interview, "the political scene here will be that of a normal democracy." Conant has represented the United States in West Germany since 1953, first as high commis sioner and later as ambassador. A former president of Harvard University, he has resigned his post here to return to private life. He is scheduled lo leave Germany Feb. 19. . Informed officials In Washing ton said yesterday President Ei senhower has chosen David K. Bruce, a Democrat who was un dersecretary of state in the Tru man administration, to be the new U. S. ambassador to Bonn. Speaking in his office overlook ing Jlie Rhine River, Conant de clared "Hitler and his followers are completely discredited in German eyes. Any legend of Nazism has no hold on the Ger man people." Concerning the buildup of West Germany's new armed forces, Conant said the people and their leaders arc hostile to any pos sibility of a resurgence of mili tarism that is, an army stale within a stale." "This army is being raised for defense," Conant added. "It is quite impossible for any group of officers in Central Europe to be lieve they could go it alone." Turning to Germany's No. 1 problem unification Conant urged "all the Western powers, indeed all people in the free world, to recognize that it is a matter of importance to have uni fication and not resign themselves to split of Germany." Giving Up on 'Creeping Civilization' xutpxi Ifi' ''i' I.OS ANCiKKKS Herbert Kurt., 45, who snys he then go alone by outrigger ennoe to any small Is "sick of creeping civilization," strolls on the Island several hundred miles to the southeast, bench here today with his wile. Arln, ns they dls There he will settle down "where an outdoor man cuss his departure tomnrrow (or the South Sens can find a little elbnw room." His wife and grown and the life of a beachcomber. Kurtz, a former son will remain in California, (AP Wirephoto) forest rnngrr, Mill sail to Tahiti by freighter, Say They'll Quit Movies KANSAS CITY Mirharl O'Shra and his wile, and Ihe problem ol raisin! (mnlly. O'Shea bin Ylrclnla Mavn, here lor u.itr apprnrnnres yrslrr- quit lelrtltlna. Ill, (lie am1 altt mii)A lunf ihe day, said thrv plan In retire from show boslntM. Itmlnena Hhrn a ont-eor canvta cintkmet rug' a l.. O'Shra ,nld their rrnsons inrludrd heavy Inronm tAI Wlreotiulci) Intel, rhnngri la public', laile In enlrrlalnmenfi Russ Newspaper Says Dulles Put Foot Into Mouth MOSCOW m The newspaper Soviet Russia said Friday U. S. Secretary of Stato Dulles nut his foot in his mouth with his British- French soldier statement before a Senate committee last week. The comment was made in the course of a bitter attack by the newspaper on Dulles U. accused him of making "sabre rattling" and "dangerous" statements. The newspaper suggested Dulles be restrained by his friends in the Defense Department who "must realize how risky it is these days to rattle the saber against the powerful camp" of Communism. The common cold costs the nation an estimated 5 billion dollars a year in lost wages, lost production and medical expenses. U it SI fcllfil r I V3 1 iSSfc. ,il Advertising Statesman-Journal ? Newspaper, 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mln. I linn) Wcfkdays Ira per line I lime -15 2i per tine 3 times 90 60 per line 8 timet 11 30 'ZO pel line 1 mo. -...15 00 Unci Sunt Clisslftea urti will Pe nin in both pnpers to five Advertisers the d- viuHRRCS oi ine iremennoui puiuor power of 37,074 combined circula tions. "When an ad is oidered three oi civ ttmt mill Sntirt iv liana is In eluded (for example rrldny. SHtur any. bimaayi me lower s una ay rme P p 1 y bec.iuse only The St.itciman publlshet Sundays. Cl.uitfird nds will Hart tn the morninK OreRon Statesman, conclude In the even inn Capital Jnuinnl but ndt will be accepted tor Sunday Statesman cnly. The deadline (or olftfttKIrd ads i 1:00 p.m the day before publication except tor Sunday when drurilin i 'M p ni Friday. FmerRrncy ads and sm.ll line adi received after 1 00 ii weekduys and until u noon tnfHki' nr Snnrliv ma v rt nlred in tha Too Late to Clamfv" column Adi tor Monaav papers must be in by & p m Saturday. The Statesman Journal Newspa pen reserve the rifht to re.'ect ojci tionahle advertislni; It further re serves the right to place till adven using under tha proper classifies tion. The Statesman Journal Newspa, ers atsume no financial -tponsl-l;t for errors which msv appeal In adevrtisements publmht-d tn -U rnlumns and In cases whrru this pa pet Is at fault will fepnnt that part ol an aderttiement in which vpogranhical tniMittt occurs A 'Blind" Ad an ao .ontainint a St.ne Milan-Journal N ns ip.ioeri i-nx numhf t for an adareil ll for the prelection ol the cdvrtisrs and mist thcrrlore be vswerc! ov tel ler The Statesman-Journal Newspa H-rt are no. at uirtv to d.vulfe in irmation as to the idrntltt oi an advertlitr using a 'Blind" ad Ads in other columns which reqjirt investment in stocks, samples equipment or cash bond Should be tnomughly Investigated 6 e ( . . e paying out any money Advertisers requiring a cah investment for samples or merchandise, tales aids etc. must to specifv in 'heir ad riUS NKttSPAPUt SlRiVFS to oto tret Its renders arnnM fraud de ception or Injuries Re.idcrs are rttut.-nned to mfllie SO PAVMFN1S io ret a pituin adeMisa in me nfip wanted columns Alt Re!i .rted ads Ml'ST Sl'K IVV THI Ml RF OF THs WORK SS.V heto wantPd ads mint siai if hi py is In the fmm of tal.irv com puslonj. guarsniee. or tnciude firm m-pf rtpm f'd prfers of enpiovrrent with pav relfng lo the Help Wanted' rohirms Kmrtlt rep.rt in eireptifin tn this rule ip ths elsssified advertising manager. She'll Shave Her Head 1 AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify ...'A i--Aer:.-&Ml . f I X w IMTPHNATHONAL truck. 18' bed. Exc. cond. I1.2SO. EM 4.0279. u'tl I 111 nr Irarie MUitV In 'S5 Chev. lot older car. 1585 Barnes Ave. EM4-0W1. FAIRGROUND COTTAGES 1 or 2 bdrm. furn. Apt., all utfl Moderate rates by wk. or mo. EM i-872. MR. k MRS. HOMESEEKER If vnu ran oav SI 30 per mo. pmts. Ins., taxes it interest Inc. I will sell you a beautiful nw 3 bdrm.. 2 bath. 1500 sq, it. home on Ige. lot for $13. 750 with no down pmt. Pay like ren.t. Box 531, Statesman' Journal.' ; 1 A Vf rPi . I OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY 2-:J bdrm., plastered, dble. Ra raet'F. birch kitchen. Fire places. Lge. L. R., ,2 b.iths. Utility R. Welcome compan ion $ for S with any home in Salem. See at 1155 Clear Lake Rd. & 1215JaysDr. 2 BDRTF. A. heat, range & refng.$G5.EM 2-3535. iwji l RM. furn. aot. close-in. Inq. at apt, 3 in rear of 4B0 N. Liberty. EM 2-5489. HOLLYWOOD Natalia Daryll, who has volunteered to have her head shaved (or the take ol winning a movie role,. shows the pretly tresses she will soon lose. She was the winner among 19 girls who answered a studio's advertisement lor a beautiful girl with long hair and willing to lose II. She will play Ihe role of a girl friend ol Slalin In a film about the former Russian dictator. According lo the script, he shaved the hair of girl friends who displeased him. (AP Wirephoto) FIRST WOMAN 'FIREMAN' BALTIMORE W!-Mrs. Dorothy F. Hanning of Baltimore officially assumed her new duties as clerk yesterday and broke a 98-year tradition. She became, the first woman employe of the Baltimore Fire Department. Mrs. Hanning qualified for her job as a fire de partment clerk by passing a com petitive examination. LEGALS CALL FOU BIUS Scaled bids will be received bv the District Clerk of School District No. 2tCJ. Marion County. Oregon, un to S:0( o'clock p.m. on Thursday. Feb. i. lllo. lor demolition of the (lyelling and earagc located at 1359 Ferry St.. in Salon, Oregon. Specification blanks and bid forms may be ohtalncd from and bids shall he filed with the District Clerk at 1.W1 Ferry Street, Salem. Orceon. The right to reject any or all bids. is re served. Dated this 30th dav of January, 1957, at Salem, Oregon. C. C. Ward, Dlirrict Clerk Feb.2 Sewing is simply a breeze with PRINTED PATTERNS 9183 ACCORDION Lessons Home In struction instrument, music inrniGhori frf scientific inu sic aptit. analysis. EM2-5662. CnpAvintr. tree toDninB. removal, pruning. L.Caudle, EM 4-1461. LADIES' size 42 Grey wool & mohair .coat. Worn a Jew limes.EM3-6139. CHILDS: Oak table & 2 chairs, collapsible dnll bueay. eiec. stove., rcas. EM 2-2533. DELUXE (j7 eT Stove, like new. $D3EM4-28B3. ELECTROLUX $19.!15 Guar. Dir. 1321 N. Capilol.EM 3-7057. KIRI3Y Cleaner $19.95. Guar. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-7067 BENDIXE c o n o m a t washer. Good condition. EM 4-5815. WARD'S eiccTcIoth.es dryer. Al most new, S75. 1321 N. Cap itol, EM 3-7067. HOOVER Cleaner. $12.50. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol, EM 3-7067. EUREKA Cleaner $19.95 up. Dir. 1321 N. CapilOl, HMIJ2JUHI. 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found LOST: On Salem Freeway be tween Brooks & Woodburn junctions 1 Payne gas furnace. Reward. Contact Electro-Watt Ind. EM 2-4135. LOST: Wedding it Engagement ring fastened together. Finder call EM 4-2065. Reward. LOST: Red Persian cat. Named "Fitz." Vic. Liberty & Meyer. EM 4-M55. Reward. LOST: Drown and white pointer, 5 yrs. old Ans. to Mike". Vic. 17th & Madison, EM 2 5litfl. Reward. FOUND: Young dng, grayish tan, white collar it paws. If owner not found, needs home. EM 4-8968. AVON Cosmetics EM 4-2248 numner aiso in leicpnone vir. LOST: Tan billfold on bus, can keep money. EM 4-9244 after 6 314 Tro importation WANTED ride to Sun Valley, Feb. 8th or 9th. EM 2-3302 a ft e r t RIDERS wanted to San Fran cisco, Feb. 4th. EM 2-7312. EVEN A BEGINNER CAN MAKE PRETTY DRESSES from our new modern Printed Patterns. Directions printed on patterns are so easy to follow. Now everyone can sew with confidence, Turn to our Pattern Feature today and order your pattern., We will deliver it right to your door. MARIAN MARTIN Designed for Easy, Fast Sewing Appearing regularly in the Capital jkjJournal G. E. Cleaner $7.50. Dir. 1321 N. Capitoi. EM3-7067. TAPESTR Y "davenport & chair, good cona. ?bo. .iu j-o3j. 300 Personal 316 Personal A COMMUNITY service for sin cere people irouDiea wnn aeui. Credit Advisory Committee of Salem Retail Credit Associa tion. Write Box 455 Statesman-Journal. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2OB0 n com i am MADAM Hazel. Psychic reader. advise on all aitairs. .mua a. Commcrcial.EM4-n2GS ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 986 S. Com I. bM Z-ZIUB. C.IYI i-iOOll. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale SOME good horse;: for sale or trane. tm j-apo... EXCHANGE excellent carpenter 'ork for locner Deei i-hojo SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef. 26c. Custom Killing, cuuing and wrapping. Bacon sliced free & trailer loaned. 403 livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. Edwards. Rt. 3, BOX B98fc.. fcM CATTLE, 42!)7 State. E. 1. & H. snetnen, tin z-i.ua. cm i-uou. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. izbq Harmony ur. mm TOP cash prices at your place. Itay LOZCI, t-i" imioo uuuch, 405 Pets t MALE white German shep herd doR. l yr. oia. nXiirtNG hlond cocker puppies. 1st enme nrst serven a iv ca. EM 3-HU19, lbu cace. PUREBRED fox Terrier pup pies, iu ea. unn- nuuu, m.i Box 334. Gcrvais, Ph. 3-224. SIAMESE kittens 3 mo. old. EM 2-5UHZ. PUPPY LAND 5 wks. to 4 mo. Also rcg. dogs at stua. t.M FAWN. AKC Boxer male. loves children, exceiieni dhck ground. 1985 N. 4th. MOORE PETS HAMPSTERS. Canaries. Skunks. Java MonKev. rigenns. aup' plies. Open Eves. 4005 State, PARAKEETS $2.25 ea. or $4.00 a pair.EM 2-J874. REAGLE nunnies. beautifull marked, clig. for reg. EM 2-7002. A K.C. TOY Pomeranian pup pies, .1 mos. old. Black's only. Temporary fhots. house broke. also a 3', lb. Black breeder. Lloyd's Htchfield Stat., 173 So. 3rd, Corvallis. Plar.a 3-74:t2 "biiids. fish, hamsters" 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 GERMAN Shepherd puppies pure bred. EM 3-8!MM. KFITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Crnter EM 2-7989 Puppies all kinds. Buy & sell. Aft'noon St eves. No Sun calls DOG OWNERS; Next obedience training class starts Feb 6 For information Call Ray Hofi man EM 2-0fiO4 eves. 400 Agriculture 414 Poultry & Rabbits CUSTOM DRESSING Plant 5310 Center. EM 3-1360 Dillon Jones Co. 4323 Market BAllY"Cnielc--for meat or Send for free folder. Wilson Hatcnery. Lyons. Or. PH. ULrUKB-2533 BA7JY Chicks hatched vr round. Special Red Rtioslcrs le '-a. Valley farm Store, TM 4-4624. 420 Seeds & Plants TREES Fruit, shade & ornamental trees now in also roses. Middle grove Nursery, 4920 SUverton Rd. 424 Farm Equipment GIBSON ridins tractor, witH plojv.J400.EM 2J932. JOHN Deere M.f. with 2 rovr cultivator $800. EM2-7751. (2T500 CHICK electric brooders EM 4-4116. 425 Auction Sales NUT COMPANY EQUIPMENT The State- Highway Commission will SCI. at puonc aucunn u-oo held at the former Stuhlfelcr Nut Company located on Wortli Baker and Walnut Streets in McMinnville, Oregon, , at 1:00 p.m. on February 21, jlttf, ma lOliowing cquipiucm. Marh electric dial taper Model M Smallcy piece picker Walnut sheer complete with drive Smalley walnut meat gradcf Clipper seed cleaner and mo tor Stapler BosfVich Model F Model lft-A Wylie Nutcracker, 3 machines Blanker unit complete wills motor and fan Model 18 Wylie nutcracker Air separator unit complete with fan and motor Blast blower Electric healers Callerman Model A-112 piece separator Conveyors, tables, elevators Electric motors, 1 hp, hp, la hp, U hp TERMS OF SALE: Cash at time of sale. The equipment will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction held on the prop erty with the right reserved to reject any or all bids. All of the bid price roust- accompany the successful bid. . BUILDINGS WILL BE OPEN at 10:00 a.m. on the dav of the sal for Inspection of machinery. FOR INFORMATION: W, H. Haskin, Property Manager, Ore gon State Highway Commission, State Highway Building, Salem, 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods MAH. dressing tahle, chest, twin Den set, wan. iiinhnoy walnut gateleg table, oriental ruff 43'x7a;' 701 N. Capitol. NEW Good Year foam ruhber puiows. jj.ua ca. used Mdsc. Mart. 270 .S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. WALNUT CHINA CABINET $35. EM 2-0814. ADMIRAL Eiec. stove, 2 ovens wnn rotary roaster; Hamilton Dryer; davenport, good for family room; round coffee table: large step table. EM 2-302SI after 5:30 p.m. NEW 3-3 foam rubber box sprlnff at iiiaiucas. a;j.;a. usca iia sc. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 54"x45" WALNUT dining table aim d . ciiairs, oa. z Klicnen tables $ each. Box springs, 'J8, EM 3.598S. - NEW 7 piece Douglas chrome set. One onlv. $70.95. Used Mrise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. DOUBLE bedTVprings and mat tress with vanity matching, all modern. EM 3-80!)6. UNFINISHED turnitu.'e. H. U SUH Furnitu re. 175 N H igh. SIMMONS Hide - a - bed good concL reaj EM 3-6032. NEW G.E.stcamlronB7Onl? $14.n8. Used -Mdsc. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 2 SETS nat. wood hunks. TmnT- tress like new EM 4-593(1. 452 Appliances SEMI auto, washing machine, 25.EM 2-20(13. DUO therm oil heater, auto" lighter & blower, like new. 3245 N. River Rd. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges it rcfrlti. 131.50 i up. YE ATE R APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. GOOD used Appliances & TV's. Low prices, guarantee. S & H Green Stamps & Terms. Master Service Station 365 N. Commercial 1950 EASY spin-drver washer, with auto, rinse, $90. Call aft- r-5"?M4"61J8, USED washers S15 & up. Moj ern Appliance Center. 1141 So. Com'l EM 4-9353. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce BENT & Fescue hav $15 T. Rt. 1 Box 286 Aumsvillc Ph B5F5. E A STE RN OreeonTAlfii 1 r 7r h . davs EM 4-6432. After p.m. EM 2-27Hft. ALFALFA hav 1st, 2nd. & 3rd cutting Eastern Ore Ida.. Calif, grown Delivered T or truck Ints TR 3-5857 or 3-5855. APPLES LARGE Jie Hood River Deli emus. $2 98 box. Green Apple Market. 5005Port2and Rd. CORN silage with bectpulp added Don Gilmour. Jeffer smi. Ore. Ph. Fairfax 7-2452 CLO V F. R hav" and straw,-" Ernie Zielihskl. 5370 Hazel Gret-n Rd. 1 mi. Kast of Totem Pole, IRONRITE. onlv 1 yr. old. $2f0 inc. Chair, exc. cond. Ph. Sil- yerton TR 3-8202 Eves. VACUUM cleaners tall makes) uprights St Tanks S12 50. COMPACT VACUUM CLEANERS 1321 N. Capital EM 3-7067 ABC. Apt. size clec range. Good condition EM 2.-8471. MAYTAG a"u lo"w a sher! good condition. $75 EM 3-6450. HOTPOINTautomatic"wash'cTm excellent condition. EM 403!8. K E N M 6 RE visamaTicTtyre wringer washer, good condi tion. EM 4-6646. vacuum' cleaner Compact vacuum cleaner, save over half of new prtcr ( $140.95. Free home demonstra tion1EM4-il02. Dir. USED oil heatcrrPhTEM"-44SO. 1073 Seventh St. USEb"refrigcrators. $13.25 & upT Al Laue, App., 2350 State SU 454 Sewing Machines 412 Market Basket Bl'RRANK Potatoes. 1 ml. N. lndep. on Salem Hwy. Hoover. HOT LIST For This Fri. & Sat. Coffee. 7c ; No 2'i size cans Peaches, freestone halves. 4 for 8ic $5 29 case; Vegetable soup, reg. sire can 10c; While ihev lajt tnd.iv ranch fresh A A large Eggs. ,13c. doz ; Alaska S.ilmon -tall 1 lb. cans, 4!H- : No 2, sue can Toma t'e. 2 cans 37c ; No 21, Me can Plums. 15c ; W Tea b.ig 4'H- ; Shaker salt. 10c : , gal V" Pure, apt- ; Juice Or-a--tri .1 dr $u Carrots 2 rki , IV., Mtnce4Ham. Me. Pv P.rk Chcm Sale. ic. -Ih Froien Pfas $c. pvr ; ;r .IT-H-d. f I r ft (cr, AKCV PARTS, repairs A- fen-ire on nil makes of sewing machines. Good selection 01 used ma chines. Meier tt Frank's-Salp-n White Sewing Center Second Floor. SEWING MACHINE REPOSSESSED Singer console complete with attachment! with only a $58.20 balance. Take over $1 down $1 week. Ph. EM 4-7102 tDlM VACUUM CLEANER LATE model Kirbv like ne cond. Complete with attarh ments $37.50. $1 down $1 week. Free home demonstration. E.t 4-7102 tDlrj VACUUM CLEANER REPOSSESSED Electrntux com. plete with hassock, new guar antee Bal. 138 40. Take over II rinn $1 week. Ph. EM 4-7H (Dir. I Sr:VIN(TMACHINE ' SINGER ratable 5 vear tfw antee (? 50 total pfn. n -t eni Vnr it in oUr hme bt Itre you uy.EM 4-7102 iDlr " SEWING JKACHINR o 0