Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1957, Page 13, Image 13

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    r- -
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 2, 1957
Section 2 Patre 5
By Ketcham
On Television
K108 (12), KGW-TV (I), KVM (13)
The Elephant Goes With the Job
5:00 p.m.. Teias Rangers-Criminal stepson of one of them balks
jt being forced into life of crime.
5:30 p.m. Showtime for Mom With Eddie Butherus and Glenn
6:00 p.m., Soldiers of Fortune Tim and Toubo in dispute between
French Foreign Legion and powerful Arab army, in "Attack at
Ras El Ma."
6:30 p.m.. The Buccaneers Pirate takes advantage of Dan Tem
pest's absence to sail boldly into Nassau.
9:00 p.m., Gale Storm Show Susanna and Capt. Huxley discover
(hcv have a stool pigeon aboard ship.
9:30 p.m., Hey Jeannie Jeannie enmeshed in Camp Fire Girls
10:00 p.m., Gunsmoke A young itinerant goads older man into a
jenseless duel.
11:00 p.m., Showtime on' Six "Roughly Speaking," starring Rosa
lind Russell and Jack Carson.
. e , ,
5:00 p.m., 5 O'clock Playhouse "A Yank in London" starring
Anna Neagle and Dean Jagger.
6:30 p.m., Dateline Europe Robert Cannon behind Iron Curtain
to find formula of great scientist.
8:00 p.m., Perry Como Show Guests Four Lads and rock-and-roll
singer Fats Domino.
10:00 p.m., George Gobel Show Guest will be Rav Bolger.
11:00 p.m., Cinema Classics "Big Wheel" starring Mickey Rooney
and Thomas Mitchell.
. .
6:00 p.m., Joe Palooka's wife Ann has "blackout" as a result of a
icrious accident.
6:30 p.m., Stars of Tomorrow Uncle Nate introduces "Rhythm
Tones" trio; accordionist Judy Ccrvetn, vocalist Jack Lenhart.
1:00 p.m., Men of Annapolis A short and shy Midshipman en
couraged to correspond with a beautiful model.
1:30 p.m., "Now, Voyagcur," award-winner starring Belle Davis,
Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, John Lodcr, Ilka Chase and Gladys
10:00 p.m., KLOR Presents "Golden Opportunity." A man whose
wife announced divorce, gets chance to murder her.
10:30 p.m., Championship Bowling New contender for the bowl
ing title tonight is sturdy Tom Hennessey, from the St. Louis area.
Vnnnecpv ha hppn in thu AII.Kiar finnic four limnc anrt Imipn
Germany, England, France and Africa in 1955, giving exhibitions : SUNDAY ON KGW-TV: (8)
at u s. Army oases.
11:30 p.m., New Orleans Police Department "The Lady in the
Trunk." A temperamental Latin Quarter artist disposes of his weal
thy wife who is interfering in his romance with a beautiful young
1:00 p.m., Saturday Film Fair "Strange Cargo," adventure with
Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Ian Hunter, Peter Lorre, Paul Lukas.
10:30 p.m., Channel g Playhouse "The Lady Is Willing." Marlene
Dietrich, Fred MacMurray in the story of woman's love for an
abandoned baby.
10:30 a.m., Lamp Unto My Feet Young lawyer torn between
duty to clear innocent man and responsibility to family.
11:00 a.m., For God and Country Special American Legion an
nual "Back to God" program. Narrated by Will Rogers, Jr., John
Foster Dulles will deliver message from the President. West Point
chapel choir featured. 1 '
11:30 a.m., The Last Word TV critic Harriet Van Home, versi
fier Ogden Nash and lecturer-critic John Mason Brown join Dr.
Bergen Evans.
12:00 Noon, Face the Nation H. Meade Alcornc, Jr., appointee
Republican National Committee chairman, quizzed by top newsmen
1:00 p.m., Odyssey Host Charles Collingwood visits "Baker
Street Irregulars."
2:00 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Village Barn Dance," starring
Richard Cromwell, Don Wilson, Doris Day. "Forbidden Jungle,"
with Don Harvey.
4:00 s.m.. Governor Robert D. Holmes Special address.
4:30 p.m., See It Now "Burma, Buddhism and Neutralism," por
trait of uncommitted nation.
5:30 p.m.. Telephone Time True story of O'Hcnry, convicted em
bezzler and how he found real calling.
6:00 p.m., Air Power How United States Air and Sea power
destroyed the Japanese war machine.
6:30 p.m., Lassie A pet chimpanzee arrives at Miller farm.
1:00 p.m., Private Secretary Developing romance between Vi
and Peter suspected.
1:30 p.m., What's My Line Martin Gabel, husband Arlene Fran
cis, helps celebrate on show's anniversary.
8:00 p.m., Ed Sullivan Show Singer Vic Damone, Jose Greco and
his troupe of world famous dancers; recording star Al Hibbler.
9:00 p.m., Theatre Ronald Reagan as ex prize-fighter who takes
drastic action.
9:30 p.m., Alfred Hitchcock Husband shows symptoms of dying
from small arsenic doses.
11:05 p.m., First Run Theatre "The Life of Louis Pasteur,"
Itarring Paul Muni.
9:00 a.m., Faith for Today Progression from self defense to con
fession of guilt portray steps in a young person's struggle to pre
serve his integrity.
9:45 a.m.. The Pastor A woman is brought face to face with
fact that suicide of young neighbor direct result of her statements,
in "Convicted."
10:30 a.m., Frontiers of Faith "Broadway Stars Choir Gradu
itos." 12:30 p.m., This Is the Life What happens to a crusading report
er who is guilty of the crime which he is fighting? "I Killed
Annie Norvak." ,,
1:00 p.m., Your Afternoon Theatre "Same Goes to College,
starring Alan Hale and June Prcisscr. "Stand In," starring Joan
Biondel, Humphrey Bogart, Leslie Howard.
4:00 p.m., Wide Wide World Dave Garroway narrates "The
Texas Story" with pick-ups from Kilgore, San Jacinto, San Antrnio,
Fort Worth and Galveston. '
6:00 p.m., Meet the Press Senator Stuart Symington (D.-Mo.)
chairman of the Armed Services Sub-Committee, questioned by Og
den Reid Jr., Ernest K. Lindlcy, May Craig and Lawrence Spivak.
6:30 p.m., Roy Rogers in "Uncle Steve's Finish."
1:30 p.m., Ruggles of Red Gap Musical comedy based on book
ky Henry Leon Wilson of a starchy English valet who is the stake
in a poker game won by American cattleman. Stars David Wayne,
Imogene Coca, Jane Powell, Peter Lawford.
9:00 p.m., Aluminum Hour Hume Cronyn and Eileen Hcckart
in "No License to Kill," drama of fatal auto accident and methods
used to detect the guilty driver. Victor Riesel, blinded labor column
ist, will narrate. . .
10.00 p.m., Lorctta. Young Show Leo Bowman and Regis Toomey
In "Bad Apple," salute to the Boy Scouts ot America on 47th Anni
versarv. 10:30 p.m., Sunday Star Time "Thief of Bagdad," starring Sabu,
Conrad Veidt, and June Duprcz. ...
3:30 p.m., Building Amrrira "Green Promise.
4:00 p.m., This Is the-Answer "In His Name." Repercussions
of baseball incident felt years later by congregation,
4:30 p.m., How Christian Science Heals "The Oil of Joy."
5:00 p.m., American Religious Town Hall Meeting "How Can We
Know God's Will?"
6:00 p.m., Pioneer Playhouse Whip Wilson meets adventure on
"Abilene Trail." '
7:00 p.m., "All This and Heaven Too," starring Belle Davis,
Charles Boyer, Jeffrey Lynn and Barbara O'Ncil. Academy nomina
tions: best picture, best supporting actress, best cinematography.
9:30 p.m., Fcaturcttc "Pretty Polly," mystery starring Lynn
Bari and Barry Kclley.
10:00 p.m., Ray Anthony Show Dick Conlino and Ella Mae Morse
conduct a musical tour of the United Slates.
11:00 p.m., Wrestling From Chicago Pat O'Connor vs. The
Mighty Atlas, Tommy Martindale vs. Mitsu Arakawa, and Yukon
Eric vs. Hans Hermann.
Notes on the News
"If yno see your shadow It mM ON Wrth Al
Prosram on schedule only at time
of itart.
4:30 p.m. KPTV Live ir Leant
KOIN Horse Race.
KLOR Movie
KVAL Wizard
KGW Rar 8
S:00 p.m. KPTV Movie
KOIN Tex. Ranger!
3:30 p.m. KOIN Mom's Showtime
KVAL Disneyland
8:00 p.m. KOIN o!dlcrs Fortune
KLOR Joe Palooka
KGW Hoedown
6:30 p.m. KPTV Dateline Europe
KOIN Buccaneers
KLOR Tomorrow's Start
KVAL Rin Tin Tin
KGW rontler
7:00 p.m. KPTV Playhouse !7
KOIN Ole Opry
KLOR Annapolis Men'
KVAL ..awrence Welk
KGW Movie
7:30 p.m. KPTV People R Funny
KOIN-On Your Own
KLOR Movie
8:00 p.m. KPTV Perry Como
KOIN Jackie GleaSon
' KVAL Guy Lombardo
8:30 p.m. KVAL Grand Ole Opry
8:00 p.m. KPTV Caesar's Hour
KOIN Oh. Susanna
KVAL Caesar's Hour
KGW Lawrence Welle
KOIN Hey, Jeannie I
KLOR Unexpected
KPTV George Gobel
KOIN Gunsmoke
KLOR Presents
KVAL Georce Gobel
KGW Ozark Jubilee
KPTV Hit Parade
KOIN Talent Seoul!
KLOR Bowline
KVAL Hit Parade
KGW Movie
KPTV Movie
KVAL Movie
12:30 p.m., The Way "Homecoming" of Korean veteran.
1:00 p.m., Tclecourse in Music Guest Josephine Spaulding.
2:15 p.m., Bible Puppets "Moses in Egypt."
2:30 p.m.. Challenge of Books "The Early Churchills," by Mod
erator Dr. Frederich Peters, Reed college.
4:00 p.m., College Press Conference "Great Decisions" series.
"What are the U.S. Stakes in the Middle East."
4:30 p.m., Medical Horizons Unrehearsed symposium of cancer
specialists speak on detection & prevention.
5:00 p.m., Inside Industry featuring aluminum products.
6:30 p.m., Life of Riley "Friends Are Where. You Find Them."
10:30 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Bride Wore Red" starring
Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone, Bobert Young, Billie Burke, Regi
nald Owen. .
2:00 p.m., KOIN Kitchen Betty bakes a stew.
3:00 p.m., Garry Moore Show Ivan Sanderson introduces Garry to a
friendly animal.
4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Now That Summer Is Gone." Jr. Squirrel.
5:30 p.m.. Armchair Theare "Slightly Dead," starring J. M. Ker
rigan, Johnny Downs. .
7:00 p.m.. Studio One Hal March as embittered TV comic, who
falls victim to fickleness of public in "Talc of the Comet."
8:00 p.m.. Burns and Allen Gracie rushes to matrimonial bureau
for proDsectivc bride for Ronnie.
8:30 p.m., Science Fiction Theatre Scientists obtain vital secrets
from unknown colleague.
:00 p.m., I Love Lucy Richardos 'sell' furniture to tenants who
demand immediate oossession.
0:30 p.m., December Bride Ruth fears falling mentally behind her
10:00 p.m.. Star Performance Young lawyer, against opposition of
his wife, brings an orphan boy into home.
10:40 p.m.. Showtime on Six "The Night Raiders," stars. John
Wayne, Ray Corrigan and Dorccn McKay. One of movies that shot
Wayne to stardom. Location Is in old California.
9:00 a.m.. Tic Tac Dough Edic Adams, slar of Broadway musical
"L'il Abner. competes on quiz show based on game Tick-tac-toc,
with Jack Barry.
10:00 a.m., Home Feature, on the era of Rudolph Valentino.
12:00 non, NRS Matinee Theatre Julius La Rosa as dramatic actor
debuts in "Three Kids," as himself.
3:30 p.m.. Northwest Home George Paris prepares Chicken Span
ish and frozen lemon dessert.
4:15 p.m., Horse Opera "Border Bandits" starring Johnny Mack
5:15 p.m., Your Aflcrnon Theatre "Detour" starring Tom Ncal and
Ann Savage.
6:30 p.m., Willy "Willy's New York Colleague."
7:00 p.m., Scarlet Pimpernel Rescues baroness Suzanne dc Flcuray
to find Chauvclin holding her son.
8:00 p.m., Color Spectacular Producers' Showcase presents Audrey
Hepburn and Mel Ferrer in "Maycrling," with Raymond Masscy. Set
in imperial court in Vienna of the 1880s, tells of tragic love between
young Countess Maria Vetscra and Prince Rudolph o Hapsburg, sun
ot the Emperor Franz Joseph.
9:30 p.m., Robert Montgomery Presents John Beal in The Week the
World Stood Still," based on fact of efforts Swedish industrialist Bin-
gcr Dahlerus to avert World War II.
11:00 p.m., Cross Current Stamp Collector ' spells danger at Hotel
11:30 p.m., Tonight! America After Dark. Backstage at theatres
and nightclubs to talk with top personalities, new talents, attend
parties and ventures into any phase of nighttime activity that is tech
nically feasible. Jack Lescoulie new host.
4 .
1:30 p.m., In the Public Interest "Off the Beaten Track in Israel."
2:00 p.m., Life With Elizabeth Elizabeth has "Translation Troubles."
2:30 p.m., Lady of the House Geri Lindsey takes over as "The
Lady'1 today.
3:00 p.m., Mr. Antonio, starring Leo Canllo and Virginia Vallt.
Booth Torkington's charming story of conflict between sanctimonious
mayor and an easy-going Italian florist.
4:20 p.m., Telemovle Quiz John Salisbury host.
4:30 p.m.. Laurel and Hardy "The Live Ghost."
6:011 p.m., Wild Bill lllrkok-Boy serves as "The Young Witness" to
attack on aged prospector.
6:30 p.m., Meet Corliss Archer Corliss and Dexler's mothers com
pete for presidency of the Garden club. Ann Baker and Bnhby Ellis
as Corliss and Dexter.
7:00 p.m., My Little Margie Margie and Mrs. Odclls become
"Father's Little Helpers."
7:.m p.m.. Dr. Christian Rushes to nirpnrl in an atlempt to bring
hack a young lest pilot to expectant wile's bedside.
8:00 p.m., Man Called X Secret agent Ken Thurston pilots plain'
with bomb aboard and he has only minutes to save his life and the
freedom of a small republic.
8:30 p.m., "Rwana Devil," starring Robert Stack, Barbara Rritton
and Nigel Bruce.
10:20 p.m., "Rattle of Greed." Historical movie about Mark Twain.
Virginia City and famous "Comstock Lode."
8:13 a.m., Town 4 Country Norman Bjorklund speaking on Farm
9:00 a.m., Telescope Guests Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Binford in
charge of exchange students, American Field Service International
Scholarship program.
10:00 a.m., Mornlng'i Movie "Canal Zone" with Chester Morris
and Larry Parks.
11:30 a.m., Community Workshop Demonstration of the Controlled
12:00 noon, Wunda Wunda "The Black Cats and the Tinker's Wile "
12:30 p.m., Telerama Chef Gino and Konnie Worth. Plus Stu Er
win in "Love Bug."
2:0 p.m., New Horizons The history of jazz by students of Lewis
and Clark college.
2:30 p.m.. Stage 8 "Half Hour."
1:00 p.m., Afternoon Film Festival "Golden Salmander" (adventure)
starring Trevor Howard. Herbert Lorn.
J:00 p.m., .Mickey Mouse Club A young Naturalist seeks to dis
cover "The Secret of Mystery Lake'- in new serial
t:M p.m., Troohle With Father Stu F.rwin in "The Business "
8:00 p.m., Danny Thomas The Flashback Story" spotlights Sherry
Jackson and Rusty Hamcr in scenes from a few seasons ago.
8:30 p.m., Voiei Mildred Miller is guest soloist. Program features
I number of traditional American songs
: 141.. fhnraitl 8 Havhnme "1 Married An Angel," starring
iJeauttO XMbMHiMI, Nekon Eddy,
9:30 p.m.
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7 30 p.m
KPTV Faith Today
KPTV-Onc Person
KPTV Pastor
KPTV Fsu ild ins America
KOIN Faith Today
KPTV Faith Frontieri
KPTV Church
KOIN God and Country
KVAL Bowling
KPTV American Forum
KOIN Last Word
KVAL Bowlina
KPTV News Roundup
KOIN Face N-tlfl
KGW Prayer k Hymn
KPTV The Lite
KVAL l.leh'ed Window
KGW The Way
KPTV Movie
KOIN Odyssey
KVAL Oral Roberts
KGW Telecourse
KVAL Christian Science
KGW The World Around
K"AL "astor
KGW World Issues
KPTV Movie
KGW Give Thee Peace
KGW Bible Puppets
KLOR Lighted Window
KVAL Great Decisions
KGW Challenge of Books
KLOR A. A. Allen
KVAL Top Tunes
KGW Dr. Spock
KPTV Zoo Parade
KLOR Building America
KGW Johns Hopkins
KPTV Wide World
KOIN Gov. Holmes
KVAL Wide World
KGW College Press Con.
KLOR Christian science
KOIN See It Now
KGW Medical Horizons
KLOR Transition
KLOR Town Hall
KGW Inside Industry
KPTV Capt. Gallant
KOIN Telephone Time
KLOR Oral Roberta
KVAL Now You Know
KGW Press Conference
KPTV Meet the Press
KOIN Air Power
KLOR Pioneer Playhouse
KVAL Meet the Press
KGW Whlrley birds
KPTV Roy Rogers
KOIN Lassie
KVAL Hov Rogers
KGW Riley
KPTV Bengal Lancers
KOIN Pvt. Secretary
KVAL Renpal,.r
KGW You Asked for It
KPTV Showcn: '
KOIN What's My Line?
KVAl Shownsi
KGW Amateur Hour
KOIN Ed Sullivan
KVAL Steve Allen
KGW V.i'.iRhn Monroe
KLOR Movie
KPTV Aluminum Hr.
KOIN Theater
KLOR Omnibus
KVAI-3 l ives
KGW Omnibus
KLOR Film Feature
KVAL Wyatt Karo
KPTV Lorctta Young .
KLOR Rav Anthony
KOIN SR4.000 Challenge
KVAI-Loretla Young
KPTV Movie
KOIN Miss Brooks
KVAL Movie
KGW Movie
KPTV Movie
KOIN Movie
KPTV Today
KOIN Panorama Pacillc
KGW Prayer-Hvmn
KGW Town-Country
KGW Cartoons
KOIN Reducing
KPTV Tic Tac Dough
KOIN Valiant Lady
KGW Telescope
KOIN Love ol Life
KPTV Could Be You
KOIN Search Tomorrow
KOIN Guiding Light
KOIN Stand Up
KGW Movie
KOIN As World Tumi
KPTV Price Is Right
KOIN Miss Brooks
KPTV Tcnn. Ernie
KOIN House Party
KGW Workshoo
KPTV Matinee
KOIN Big Pavolt
KVAl, Mallnce
KGW Wunda Wunda
KOIN Bob Crosby
KGW Telerama
KPTV Queen lor a Day
KOIN Brighter Day
KOIN -Secret Slnrtn
KOIN-Edge ol Night
K'.H'-..MI ! .'
K PI V Modern Romances
KVAI Modern Romances
KP'I V Great l.lle
KOIN Kitchen
KLOR Ellal.elh
KVAI. Great l.lle
KGW New llorlons
KPTV Truth -Conscq.
KOIN Strike It Rich
KLOR I.adv ol Home
KGW Stage 8
KPTV Colors ma
KOIN Garrv Moore
KLOR Movie
KVAL Movie
KGW Film Festival
KOIN Arthur Godfrey
KPTV Uncle Whittle
KPTV Western
KOIN Mr. Moon
KLOR Laurel-Hardv
KGW-Ploneer Club
KVAL Guest Book
KOIN Cirtorm 'f'me
KOIN Red Dunning
KLOR Range Rider
KVAL Roundup
KGW Mickey Mouse Club
KPTV Movie
KLOR Gene A'ltry
KVAL News. Wee., Soil
KOIN-Wea.. News. Spts
KLOR-Wild Bill
KVAL Jungle Jim
KGW trouble With Dad
KOIN-Edwardl News
KOIN-Robln Hood
KLOR-Corli's Archer
KVAL- P'.ililie
KVAI.-Wel.fool FcjH
KPTV-K-erlet Pimpernel
KOIN-';ti,din One
KVAlr-Cisco Kid
KGWH.HI of Stars
KPTV Nat Tole
KVOR- Dr fhnMlan
KVAI,-Sea Klnertom
KGW-Uold Journey
tl 1 S JL V"
WASHINGTON II. Meade Alcorn, Jr., poses
with his secretary, Mrs. Lois Leyda, and an office
fixture a plaster elephant as he formally took
over his duties today as new chairman ol the Re
publican National Committee. Alcorn succeeded
Leonard Hall who resigned. (AP Wlrephoto)
Dulles, Nehru Rival Nasser as
Most Hated Foreigner in Britain
LONDON Mi Egyptian Presi
dent Nasser no longer holds the
undisputed title of "Foreigner
Most Hated in Britain." V. S. Sec
retary of Stale Dulles and Prime
Minister Nehru of India moved up
fast this week as strong contenders.
Most observers still gave Nas
ser a slight lead as consequences
of the Suez Canal fiasco pinched
tighter and tighter on the British
economy. But Dulles' remarks on
British and French soldiers and
India's actions in the Kashmir
dispute left Nasser's claim at
least shaky.
Dulles long has been one of the
less favorite figures in Britain.
His popularity dropped to its new
low after he told a Senate com'
mittco last Thursday: "Person-
sonally, I'd rather not have a
French and British soldier beside
me, one on my right and one on
my left.
Dulles was trying to explain
that one reason President Eisen
hower hadn't asked Britain and
France to join in his new doctrine
on' the Middle East was because
of the unpopularity of the British
and French in the Arab world as
a result of the Suez invasion. But
as usual the explanation failed to
catch up with the original state
ment in a public mind already
prepared to believe the worst ot
The Conservative Daily Tele.
graph summed up British reac
tions thus: Ann-American leel
ing goes against the grain here;
but there is no similar compunc
tion about anti-Dulles feeling, as
the secretary of suite may discov
er if he goes on forgetting him
self. What he said was gratuitous
ly offensive." ,
Calypso Whips Rock V Roll;
Andrews Sisters Started Fad
United Press Hollywood Writer
the year when calypso eclipses
rock V roll, and the Andrews
Sisters arc proud to have started
the West Indian music fad, de
spite pokes to the contrary from
Harry Bclafonlc.
Back in 1942. Maxinc, Patty and!
Lavcrnc came out with "Bum and
Coca Cola" which they claim in
troduced calypso to the American
public. Their record sold S million
This year, thanks to Belafonlc's
albums and a song called "Banana
Boat," calypso is bcinning to push
rock V roll off the juke boxes.
It appears to be the musical fad
ot 11157.
Authenticity Challenged
Belalonte recently charged the
Andrews Sisters' "Rum and Coca
Cola" was not "authentic calyp
so. But the girls still the top trio
of the entertainment business
say they truly were 15 years
ahead of their time.
"A calypso singer named the
Duke of Iron sang the song lo me
alter a friend ol ours. Maructy
Amsterdam, went to the islands
and heard it," explained Palti.
"Calypso is from the French
Sisters together again after a
two-year spat also recorded a
new calypso tunc last week, "No,
Baby." they heard the song on a
record sent them by a friend who
visited Jamaica.
The anti -Dulles sentiment
crossed parly lines. The pro-Labor
Daily Mirror depicted Dulles
seated at a desk with his mouth
taped shut. The desk was loaded
down wilh telephones leading to
other offices labeled Department
ol becond 1 noughts, Department
of Explanations, Department of
Apologies, Department of Inter
pretations and Clarifications, and
Department of Corrections.
As for Nehru, his actions in the
Kashmir dispute have plunged
India's relations with Britain to
their lowest level since India won
its independence nearly 10 years
Normally friendly British news
papers have attacked Nehru for
annexing the most productive part
of Kashmir and ignoring v.N.
resolutions calling for mainten
ance of the status quo until the
Himalayan state can decide In a
plebiscite to join India or Pakistan.
Nehru is picture as a smug
hypocrite who sets himself up as
a guardian of the worll's morals
until his own country is in
India championed Egypt's right
to take over the Suez Canal Co.
and later stunned British observ
ers by what they considered Neh
ru's basic to condemn the British
intervention in Egypt.
HOLLYWOOD Ifl Carrying
more than his "10 tons" (or NBC
these days Is likable Ernie Ford
generally known as Tennessee.
This is a great season Ir sing-
my. icnnessc-ans
(Elvis Presley,
Pat Boone, etc.),
and Ernie is no
exception. He's
been hitting it
big in daytime
TV for a couple
of years and last
fall he made the
big jumn to a
Thursday night a
snow. (OS. THOMAS
The result has been lvghlv suc
cessful. Backed by the adent Wal.
ter Schumann Singers, Ern;e h::s
put forth a show that has attract
ed enthusiastic viewers. The rat
ings have been mighty good for
a new show, especially one oodo-
site the powerhouse Playhouse 90,
"t think we're hitting our stride
pretty good now," Ernie opined
between rehearsals. "I believe
we've got a show that is good as
well as commercial.
"It's a lot more commercial
than when wc started out. You
know how it is you always put
down a bigger milk pail than tha .
cow can give."
If Ernie looks like a pooped
peapickcr these days, it's under
standable. It's no small matter
putting on six half-hour shows a
week. He gets some respite by
kincscoping his Thursday day
time show. But the schedule keeps
him tied down most ot the time.
That doesn't set too well with
Ernie, who yearns for his ranch
in Lake County of northern Cali
fornia, Since the nighttime show
began last fall, he's been there
only twice and then for one-day
"I'm not the kind of entertainer
whose career means everything,"
he remarked. "My boys arc 4 and
7 now, and that's the age when
they need some attention. If they
don't think much of their father
at this age, they ain't going to
when they grow up either.
"I'd like to cut down on the day
time show, but that presents a
problem. I've got a fine relation
ship with the sponsors, and I'd
like it to continue. I've got a loy
alty to them, but I've got a loy
alty to my family as well."
Police Suspend
Hunt for Body
MEDFORD un Slate police '
have suspended, temporarily.
dragging in the Rogue River 17
miles north ot hero lor the body
of Charles J. Howe, Grants Pass
real estate executive believed to
have drowned when his station wa
gon went into the river Monday,
The accident happened at Mill
er's Gulch bridge on the Pacific
Highway. State police dragged
from the bridge several miles
downstream with no results, but
pointed out the body may be In
any of several deep holes in the
Dragging may be resumed in
a couple of days.
Group Capt. Peter Townsend,
rejected suitor of Britain's Prin
cess Margaret, arrived here
Thursday on his solo trip around
the world. He will visit his elder
brother, Brigadier E. P. Town-
send in Johorc, Malaya, before
leaving for Australia.
Proposed Army Pay Plan Would
Reward Ability, Not Longevity
The aroup, hendrd by Itnlph
word, Carrousel, and il means (hcj , ,,(,ct;.i(! C()m r1.,(., ,,c ..
of the Wesl Indies, nut in Max
starting pay of $78 monthly would
remain the same.
The committee also proposed
the addition of two senior enlisted
grades lo rank above muster ser
geant or the Navy equivalent of
chief petty officer. No specific
designations were given to the two
additional grades, but there is
talk in the Pentagon of reviving
the old rank ol sergeant major.
The committee said that It
would be difficult to show a pre
cise dollar or percentage effect
on the pay of enlisted men com
paring the present and the pro
posed system, because length of
service would be eliminated as a
The proposed schedule would en
able qualified enlisted men lo
! ll...l.,,. ,nnH HI'1" IIIWIIl'l , I'OILnil., Ill
.. . .' .. , IX shorter lime. In addition II would
fense Department is considering
proposals that would enable skill
ed nnd dedicated military people
lo he paid more for ability, re
gardless ol length of service.
Present premium pay tor length
of service would be dropped, but
provisions would be included to
prevent a pay cut lor anyone now
in service.
The proposals were made by a
committee appointed by Secretary
of Defense Wilson to devise addi
tional ways to encourage good
men to join nnd stay in the armed
stewards and those with other
useful but non-critical activities.
The committee followed tha
same basic philosophy in propos
ing a merit pay scale for officers.
It would range from the present
starting point ol $222 monthly lor
new officers to $2,000 monthly for
4-star officers. The top figure is
$724 higher than the existing maximum.
d-1 , . .. !.r .., If. .V.iti. ! Permit "proficiency pay" for im-
limes" Unit il constitutes a
int. I lie American piiiinc won
Un i..l, ...... .1. Ift in II, r, Inrnl
,"'..: . 'i J! the
news Ol .Iflinilllii. ,-u we uuu iu,(l . .. . . :n-,l
llllljlll ,lll,VUII,IVIIt lO (IIIKVMM.
change the lyrics.
I.yrle Improved
"The original lyric was about a
doctor who lives on the islands
and always was drunk. Finally he
died. We could hardly use that
What's wrong with changing
lyrics?" Maxine asked. "We bet
Bclafonlc has to, too. The mel
ody we used was identical to the
original wc heard from a Wc3t
Indian calypso singer.
This year "Rum and Coca Cola"
is enjoying a revival, thanks lo the
1957 calypso fad. The Andrews
7:45 p.m. KPTV-NBC News
8:00 p.m. KPTV Producers' Showc.
KI.OH Man Called X
KVAU Dec. Bride
KfJW Danny Thomas
8:30 p.m. KOIN Science-fiction
KI.OR Movie
KVAI-IIadie 714
KflW Voice
) p m. KOIN l.ury
K'lW-rilshop Sheen
9.10pm. KPTV-Montf Presents
KOIW-Dereioher nude
KVALMonls. Presents
K'lW-l.awrenre Welk
inoOpm. KnlN-Star Perforance
Kl. fin-News. Weather
tO.Wpm. KPTV rol. March
Kl.on- Movie
K'iW -Movie
11.00 pjn. KI'TV-Tonilht
In general, the proposed new
system would substitute ability
lor longevity as a basic pay fac
tor. It would encourage the serv
ices to weed out men with poor or
mediocre ability who would other
wise try to stay in "soft" spots
in the services and be content to v'
ei me passage ot years nnng
them automatic pay increases.
Specifically, he proposals would
raise the top base pay toward
which an enlisted man could aim
from $.135 40 monthly to $440. The
nurlnnt skills and achievements to
enlisted men nflcr llieir second or
subscritienl re-enlis(inenls.
The proposed scale would con
tinue the current additional pay
for hazardous duty.
The commillee also urged the
services to crack down on rc-en-listing
men wilh low ambition nnd
what the committee called "soft"
skills such as truck drivers, mess
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