Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 30, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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L 20 Paget
sjftw fluttfti tonight tuning to
tfccifslotfakrain Hmtsday. Warmer
fbnlghb and Biunday. Low to
tffttih. 2S Ugh Bfuesday, 40.
ejO eueang
69th Year, No. 26
Subnet Oregon Wednesday, January 30, 1957j?l,?1''
1 MU'Ulllll
Get House
HC Jamil Vetcmi
Ffaiat Vole Dtoe
Ol I'Viday
to net w. wmW iir,
Asscwraftiis Press WiStlSr.
IPtra State and Postal Affairs
CoswniH'ee ef Are Oregon Hause of
ftepr-osentativos voted approval
Wednesday of twe monnerieis ask
ing Cengr-oss far m-mediate funds
to buitd HcMs Casy-en Bam en the
6srake River and Mm Bay Cam
as lire Cffhmrfeue,
$he esminittco, wHft a -9 Rbh
cee-atie majority, was Httoommtts
fr fe Mm Bay wnwiroriel-. -
But the three Re-piABeaos e$
asrsHd ae-risa on to Iferls Canyeft
uroosHTO "at Bws time."
Tie high Hells C,KWft Dam
ctd flood out the kkfho Power
Ca.'s sites far fcoo low dams tor
fcihie-h It has a perm fram the
Ipedbr-al Fewer Commissieiv
fit Gemwvittoe afco voted to
stanee a trip this weekend to itr
jcPBet lira throe tew dam situs, a?
gurols Of Idaho Pswor G
Trip CnBo11tl '
Tlio Hflasa pwbatjty wilt WIS
00 the two nrouterials ea Friday.
Meanwhile, tho Lofitsiature bs
Jan to sink its teeth into the state's
fSnamcial problems, deserted as-l
tnngrt by Rep. Rsosrt J. ssemem
'B), Keating, chairman of tire
Hnusa Ways and Mjkbs Commit
The 8v9 sfllieonmiiltoCT at
Ways and Mms began inspecting
the budgets- ot depart-mools mm
Tim IftrasB TBsa-tierr- CormwEt
t8 bad an " afternoon rroormjs
scheduled an the 3 por coot sates
tax recommended by tie Ropub-liean-dommaiod
Interim Tax Com
mittee. But tan sate tax has
littte cbanse- of passage- djj fte
DenTOBratJe Hobsd.
Bea, Cfecofltje Barton- (B-), Cbbs
Boy, .chairman 8f tin taxation
srsuft sard that Che sates tax issue-
will ha sottfed bofap alltw
aw considtspod.
met to ssitMW' mssii
A proposed osnstituiierral
BBattj. eajebt -ineffses'' tter
mufdnr is eomBHtt'eb! by men whs
atiseaiay are vmen lffis nMNn
tan rnitfdw, was 'being prftparod
tap rntporfojctinn bjr 3tfa. Msoraa
SwOTlland (D), MilwsiAis. It has
Uie Wnsshvo Ot Gav. Hotnton.
ftenBasoTOs whtcb uautt bavo
ta be sntmrttett ta Mm jtaopa, pro
ritfe'S' a KS-yeae fmtenoi? for see
depreo murder, and a popsm
ooti-victod of tosl dcflrao murder
cmila not ba nwoiod tmlil na
erwd ta 3ora. A lia rarionra
tikhU h nttHJdfdarjr in Orel ds
sig murder ensra.
iS;p:otor Pat Dooiey stffiimnaod
Haass flicntbors to a rmmins
wttit ho pjsmmd to rooko pre
pcEsals to nrovem camm'ittimi
rmsideraiiaa of bilh; by eommtt
tajs. and to make snro that mcm-
totb irdroduee mite to carry am
the Govortror's ppo,armti.
Sefi. SbiiFtar PM1 (H), Pnrt-
totfi, httraiaeod a toll to tero tfas
mmranea eommis&nww rsuiata
employe heattb, well are and pen.
am hums.
And ttw Hanss Etortfcms GttKv-
(nittea iittrofbwwd tha firrt l
crad bills to refanft cieetiiSH pri
Oregon A
Of Big Freeze-up
By IUR AssnrtAiKrt press
&stara Rpagsn waters vme
tnsgm m they hadn't been tar
ngKsm fxf& when leather R
resm (Orenuters Wednmtay fdd
tiery vera coaftdeat the vontt as
Sunn frohsetod cm foande-41-
tmj TTbrn his Mods work vent
Paul BMd Tudwdar aiiM rireril
vera htmn and nraiwamts of
tot Iwl t tert to mDrmrT -
msnt Mi bsstausa their pUnliitw r" ai, warm? ma
vert rtocwl.
But in Veotnrg Ovfcul Weebre
cJojr viqH li'ere will he new for a
o"l(s wU, mi rKea wiraviRt ak
will fun t new te rem, tbe
thai ffu Areos tb. ft
ttBOtfi err, ) WD
trutft- 4rOtHtfttrb fftf 9 pfito
tttdecT By tumult
Chinese Celebrating Own
Wta Ne Soa to fioaiasi mwnffl.
fUSl orrivinss tor flm Chiiiws. Olliiross cwstdwtm rn Sntsm will He
nntaxmbsrhrg OtB ascasam tt-fffl a snraslot Oast and m trftorihg t
thrft end, ten sllnftK MODO F. Vdb, (Cajltot Journal Pluto by
Jerry Cfairssen)
Jt Festive Time
CupJiat Jmnnat Wriljw
liions wont wolfc thu atrosts to-
marwtv, bat total Clrinoso cttizBire
Vjsill dbserve sonro el this tadftrsHS
41 ftoir ehiwso Now Toot.
This eohrbratrea aoears at thn
end of IS Ciasese months, usually
batweon &em. 21 and Fc. K, This-
.year the oorornHnies wiiji -bo; iicid
J ob. t and 31.
On ft) special day, (ha Ohitit?SB,
,-amsgg Mronii Mr. and, -WSi-Gbtgfe.
:0h"aii d 7-amy' df- HSfe 'biiijt, vHW
(wehangB Ittlte rod emwropss- with
ff hsmte ad noighhiWB. Irwcfibud on
thn onvwkipa will to tfas utords,
"Goba-lw-fat ebop," "gt rieh
qnit-h." tnshta tho cmroiop)) will
lio tusked a eom or papar mamtf.
ta tho nomas, a sqttaro otr a long
strip erf rod paver weak) to) fos
Dallas Baby
D-ALLAS (Mreisd) A two-year-old
Dallas girl is In Ura Bal
ks hospital Bttffcrmg from hnros
vhkh eeonred Tufi4ay hea e
ocismr witti vhich sha vaa play
ing toearns kgnrtrtl.
Ksthy Cotenan), dausnir of Mr.
and Jdra. Itairr Cakmaa, is ha
nitaKeed rt1il Firat dtures brans
on her chest, head. Rtaottsrs and
art. Calematt mid jha Slid trot
bnm how Uw ftre started. The
Mara aba damaged tho Bam of
the room and a bigti etwur before
It was (DdavjnisbraJ isf Dattet th
bout Out
Cararut xobl, hrinina a tiw tttft
dtttotte end to me ks
Eaetara Otrejaa win t wane
wwmoK. hm, hat ttot&wdor
Hht's tny may dtw 3 to
aero. Cab as Ibnt nwy 'tat ffi reo
rewtfts a warming train.
Baker VedMxUy at 4: a. m
had a Ww of mina 18 find he-
Kwa Irtya tffrww a airfcawa crt m4 MtA
men to moms Mt, Tfcat w
TW Wflhr Bunui rtvmi
! the eramsj trard will ra trwnirtw Nmt Vmt tradition.
i rttrm tw.' 'r! "
rurr an. Tan motvtttre from
fall rVat see hmv, t-hen
era Orei9 e raao. And
eastern Pfrtteard, wbifti roaliAR
chilled by sobe Ciorfw -mhcId.
dn rncs ae-eet Utey will fneaea
n o fe&, firaMnrs 9nrd.
Tta vitderatin if tew-ajiriB-orw
w-n whii e-r-w a prtrmt er
-te-e. f. re-teetere Kt-rt, u-Mi fMnat-i
o mill torcwrin-s tatr trrali
rjftts at "ffnlsn foo I
''Ice ksa leal psrfl rraaHU-I 0
yfiani Biter, a nrt CM-atai
-rttiRe-fc, 4 fattm fteas bradt ta
evjtft IBtt trrdtoi at IrtoioV
KMaiSuFl ef M yaws, aano-d
SvHoh-aeytai. pad Ins roufcni't ra
anarlhe-- ffia amor tatrwiion-g 6tr
?ftb SoatB SamDam 4 Let-XDoa.
bat) euro a tnnv ajX-t covrnft-i
nrar its cooler. 't fhi
(rc-cme to tS ytao.
Tortlar) HOeW wo TO of
ice cakej. mostly jamrrt)-) toc'to
er and linked by a lieht crust (Nat
wis brokenQmly as tugs went by
l tp open up a channeL
I' ' $
4 t
ol to nrast AmortoaM- ttat tt1'
toimd over tho door. This, too,
mast hear an inscription sf good
wishes. Bed is gantl Inclf cator
On New Year's eve, members f
a family are expnoted to remain
home and have a sneetal party.
Spoeial disiros, not ordinarily eaten
during the year, are prepared and
- !o! Kr 2tnlSW
On New Year's Day cwsryoira
wears new ewtwos, there is more
feasting, gifts are exchanged, and
.f amily -ana t-rjenflff party togetaw,
'fbore arc firewerks and parades.
The tong paper Hons march, weav
ing; with the costumed reveier&
Children go from- dan ta door
On them days the Cfiirawe mnsi
only do what is good and say what
is gooi. StHror-stititrf says that if
they da smoothing bad, the wfaoh)
soar will be baa.
According te Mrs. Gordon Hcre
berg, who has attended some Kw
Year feasts witb Ike Chan family,
it is an extremefy gay and eolor-
hi aeeasion. It is aba an extreme-
ly hearty owiosion, apparentty,
for, as Mrs. rlersbenrf f ,
"tncre'e m pnrftil lot of eatbuf,
bits of Vm$
There are cakes, steamed or
fried, pastries with fruit films and
spices and real sjar cane wmen
is peeled sa me eater can chew ft
to get the knee out. The Chinese
mast pumpkin nerds and make
special chicken dishes, harhnraed
or steamed, to serre with Vats of
citrus fruit. Budt and squab are
also forarrttts atataj with a d
made ef rice Boedles that ate at
most irampmaat.
"ICwrbedy is real hanny ," s
Mrs. Hersberft. "there it so nurrH
mask fey aro e)J J guy grtti
ActeaBy, she adds, tws 'cetettrB
tina is tike eery Anxernaa bott
day rolled into are. tt is Kke
Ctirirtmas heeause they giro gifts
which must be wTe8:d only in
CAititeffio paper Kke JSahWeen
bxAte tiw ekildreH make rba
romtds of homes aririaa fw cakes
and eandy, hke the ?(ew Yrara
Here becawe it riaas in the new
and out Hro tdd and Hke the fourth
f My tneawne cct iba parades and
m Kulem, Georz Chan and his
friends bare atrvady been ex
chanfinv the font!!, red eaveVrs.
And. thnusrii ttsry must work on
thii iroeial dar, toe farm'Kes win
Jwrmr thrir (od. An imaje wiH be
dV'd with fla-wro and be will be
frd snd Irealed Hue a member of
the famib, an important part of
To Eklucatton Board
J. W. T arrester. J., . editor
and poblt-Aer of Ito PeacOatoa
f aet Ora-Mauca. mis iroponKbd by
Gee. Hoianes Vc-dnc-nday to ttro
Snot B-wd of Hurttw Cdurmioo.
yorraiVar, who will rapraseat
Oracojo Knte Collen op the
berad, ncceedi; P"ro;od Main-wto-oik,
fa-hail pahlijher win died
two vosuki (ego.
9 ctr rosier was aooob-rait) la Ibb
leico exoripe Borcb C. ba
tadmv -oea No oiil wstta bim
to lUb fed) ?xyW OwiD cebica
boea then '
TUr -ir--nlrot0 cfMrjre-, 3et
Qo confirrtttiicj
A native of Portland, Forrester
was graduated from Cascade
Locki Grade School ar& Marsh-
New Yea?
Soviet Expels
Yank Officers
As Retaliation
MOSCOW Wl Tla Sovki Un-
ton Wednesday ordorod the ex
pulsion of Maj. Hulwrt Tansoy
and Capt. Charles Stocked, as
sistant U.S. military attaches in
A Russian note handed to U.S.
Ambassador Charles Bohten said
the two men ware "engaged in
activities husompatible with tlreir
status as accredited diplomatic
officials and that their further
stay in the U.S. S B. was thwetaru
In the nasi three weeks two
Russians, one of litem an assist
ant military attache, hove beor
oxpolled from ths United States.
..The US. SHate .Depar.tniEitt an-
nonneod Jaa. IS that Maj. Yuri
P. Krykw, an assistant military
attache at the Soviet embassy in
Wasliingtan, bad been ordered out
of the cMutntry an charges he tried
ta buy classified military infor
mation.' Ha was also accused of
improperly purchasing electronic
equipment tbrongh "Anieriean in-
termodiartcs. -
Vassili M. Meier, clerk in the
embassy, left New York Sunday
nisht far Moscow. Washincten
sources stdd Mobxr was ordered
out of the country in conmsettos
with tta arrest in new ant last
IPificUnj of hrt!e attegetl fitmel
OiarEed Witli
Slaying Wife
ROSf.BLrnfJ aft A ye"old
?,wasd worker was accused here
tresdHy nislrt at ftillna bis 81-yoar-old
wife after a qoarrol.
Mrs. Ssfhara Gotater lil in
Douglas Community Itonitai;
amsos en- hoar after tha samminj
Bfcit. Atty. ftfthert W. BJuIts saifll
Om twsbaad. Lsral U Gcislor.
was feoioft held era a nVdoBrf03-
ranraor cfmrsp. tie saw Cetster
tetenifBJi) (fnljca alia Wo shout
(.waaer U L. Powers said the
wsman wrce struck; in the efimw
and abdnmea by a outlet from a
haakpawenetf rifte.
Collision Witli
Truck Is Fatal
PORTLAND itt-DooaM Charlcii
mtort, B. Tijard, was kilWd
Tundsy mjtrt vhea his car hit the
rear erf a truck and trailer driven
by Jack Primer, hrcMinnville,
BarW Bird., war the Salem
fremray crjmwctiott.
fietd HUch School. He attended
Cu-eaoa luta Cothtv tor tbrea
veiffs, and ttateo weol to work hi
Portbuui (or The Orviwmiia In
Porraster sarved io thr mer
chant marine la world war II,
became editor and publisher of a
weekly newspinjcr at Nortb Brtri
ia 1945, and took ovr ps editor
and publisher of the Pad Ore
! ejoaloo ia '
llolrr.Oi so-d bo ft-ipninted For-
ra'ter beOinse of his intense in
terest in education at both the.
local and sti' levels."
Forrester also served on Ihc
Upper Columbia Basin Commis
sion for four yen, and was presl
dent of the Oregon Newspaper
Publishers Assn., In 1931.
Areas Hit
4Sta1 Damage m
Miltxoti&; 3 Are
Flood damage meuntcd Wcctaes-
eoy ih a Mar-state area menaced
by raia-swsUsn wennt-ain rivers.
Theusands ef persons already
bad been fereed to leave their
homes. Losses ran. inte the mil
lions BHt the fU tally ceuld net
be reekencd because scores ef
communities were, isolated.
But orrly ftpeu deaths were re
The flood zone was in south
eastern Kentuetey, southern West
Virginia ana nearby sections ef
Virginia and Tennessee.
Damages in Menard, Ky., were
expected to ewreed five miHSun
dollars. Dewey Daniel, a banker
in that eity on the Kentucky Riv
er, said: Hazard s business soe-
tien eomphjtely wiped out. Fear
feet ef v,ter m People s Bank.
The town ef Wtlltanrsen, W.Va.,
ith a pcipsiolran ef 9.IW8. was V8
per coot under water. The wd
hamsos Daily Naws could net pub
lish its afternoon editions because
the water rase ta typewrfter tor-
els en the first ftoor.
Tini teleAboaa exchmioc at Ma-
tiwnn, W. Va., was awash.
Most of the l.SiW residents of
Pound, Va, wore forced to erae
uate. Mines and srlttmls were closed
in seme parts of the flood regisn
in Hie valleys of the Kentucky,
Cumberland, Pound, Guyanchittc,
Little Church, and Powell Rivers
and the Tug Fork ' of the
Sandy River.
Kentucky National Guard units
and 308 men sf .an Army engineer
unit based at Ft. Knox went on
reseus duty with: boats and
Rod Cross workers, including
nurses, were sent into stricken
districts in Vkgtaia, Kentucky
and West Virginia.
Gar. A. B. Chandler msmsfoia
Set tcdoral ant la Kentucky
The natronm weather map
siniwed clearkva skies In the ftenri
zone. Colder air moved' lata parts
of Kentucky and West Virginia,
SBiHftern eaiMorma s worst coJa
lap m fh'e years aroiearod eonV
ed Wednesday os the sm disnelittd
Safe Cracked
At Feed Store
SBtervtcfcera mads off with
absut $SJ9 in cash and S9T in
cheeks fram the General Milk
WmA Company, 28 Perry St.,
early Wednesday niojniiijj, city po
lice reported.
JJBtewreg said tho sado was
"tsrm-tred,'' apparently by experts.
Eslry to the building was made by
forcing the hasp and padlock from
man asm. .
Food store officials said misainfi
tram ttw safe was $224. 4ft in cash
and- &rn m cheeks. Thay aim re
ported that about S cents was
tnksa ram a desk drawer. Notions
staj was ctirtnrtad. they said.
North, South
Inslrumrntal groups from
' i are f . ,i V. v v ' i 1 ' i-
v I u Vr; is:v, s-'r
m p.. a -o-t,i,r'r'..-...AiY.-
Salem high schools will grl together on a friendly South gvm at
basis tonight a. signaled by South Drum Major both fc ,
Jim Walls and North Drum Majorette Louise Hen-
derion. Tha occasion will be Ihe second annual ' nolo)
wnson s Diuieiiieiii
About Guard, Draft
Ship Blast at
Alameda Kills
9, Injures 50
ALAlTtEIM, Calif. H9 Kiac
workmen were killed and 30 in
jxpod yesterday as hva ep1sions
and fire vwcehed Hio tanker Joan-
ny, being refitted for emergency
use m the Mideast 'A crisis.
Six ef Hie survivors were Bo
parted in critical eandition.
The 10,206 gwernweat-owned
lanker, newly eat ef wol-matls,
was being rustled te a Feb. 8
deadline. She was leased te ftre
American Transport Co, te earry
ou te Europe.
Austin tSitean, assistaitt fleaaral
manager ef 'Todd Shipym'ds, said
wetdDrs' torckes may lun-e ignited
potretoam ftunes ia tiro engine and
bettor rooms. Aa investigation
may dotormtne the cause. One
ether shipyard official, ituidrati
fied, said heat from tice touches
might have set off a raserve fuel
oil tank.
Survtvars sutd bodies ware
lairfod against bnlklieads of tlie
twe rooms and against pipes.
Some corpses were battered and
Many of me injured six were
in critical condition had broken
banes as welt as severe bums.
The tragedy eeenrrod in mid-
afterrrnim at the Todd yards on
the Oakland Estuary.
To Investigate
Klamath Unit
inwMnigaiien complaint r,
against tho operation of the Klam
ath county welfare commission
bare been ordered by state Wci
fare Administrator Jean Jewctt,
Gm. Robert D. Holmes announced
Gov. Holmes said a p-rtiiion with
W signatures bad been received
by his office charging the Klamath
county agency with "unequal and
shameful treatment of welfare
patients," and blaming it wita
the situation leading to a snooting
incident there last month.
Hiss Jewett said she Vets onl-
ermfl a fun-seals mrrstiflarltOTJ
into ttw durgefi and ttw com
mission's 8&&tMtt attorney flcner-
vrmud po to KlaiTMrih eoumy to
take WsUrrwmy from Uue mgncni.
A mombw of tire Hkmuttt com-
miwum vs tdlted and amdiw
wotmded m Dwcmbtr by an tto
crhr man vno van dwsailwfijoil
viih o comiiuMoi) ruling ia tiis
Meet in Harmony Tonight
North and finuth $and-Arhrstra
Ike Warmly
Greets Saud
Saud of Saudi Arabia arrived here
for a state visit today and re
ceived ,a "hearty welcome" from
President Elsenhower.
Tho President personally greet
ed tko bearded, bespectacled mon
arch of six million Arabs as he
stepped from, the plane which flew
hint hero fram New York.
"Your Majesty, an behalf ef the
American people, I heartily wel
come yH to Hie United States,"
Mr. Eiseiikswcr said. "We recog
nise m yen a great leader of the
Arab people and Hie custodian ef
lira eities mast saercd te Islam.
We are honored by yeur visit."
The welcome was tn contrast ta
the snub the visiting monarch re
ceived Tuesday from Mayor Rob
ert F. Wagner of New vorK.
Before he went ta the airport,
Fight-If-Must Policy
lleuse teday ovorwhrtminely ae-
nroved President Eisenhower's
"tight If we musi pian io pro
tect Hie Miauio ttase irom mis
sion aggr-essien.
Pflssnoe was by a roll eati vote
of 33S to 61. Approval came after
the House rejected, by a standing
vat of 191 Io 48, an attempt to
I kilt the rosaiutisn by sending H
tnrit in tint liatim Foreign Itela-
Committee. Tire measure
nw ffoes to tlw SobMc wiWc it
(wes a stormy eeorsc,
Mr. KisiKwor pcquflstod Hw
measure to strengthen bis htwrd
in tfeflluic with Uto criris hi Wh?
ail-rich Middls Kast and Hub flmt-
Polio March
Set Tliut sday
Abnat TO Salem woBwa will
lake ptnH Thursday in tine Mothers
March on Polio, a yearly feature
of the March of Dimes drive, Mrs.
James Armpriest, chairman of me
event, mm ladny.
The Wethers SUmr will also
take place in ether Marion cannty
cemnwantes m we same m.
The TOkwtoer worters will stop
for contributions at all hnmest
wmc hove a pnrfh nald o.
Hours far (be rnilOTtum wilt bo b&
Iween 7 and S p at.
festival to be prrsrntrd In Ihe
S:15. Bands and orehrslras from
, , , , , (c , Jollrna,
Mr. Eisenhower alluded to,
snub by telling his news confer
ence he deplored any discourtesy
shown official visitors.
Mr. Elsenhower arrived at the
airport five minutes before the
presidential plane, Columbine III,
brought Saud here from New York.
As soon as the King stepped
from tho plane, Mr. Eisenhower
doffed his hat and shook the King's
hand warmly.
Saud said he looked forward to
talks with Mr. Eisenhower that
would be marked by the "same
degree of frankness" indicated
by the President in his invitation
to tko Arab ruler.
Before going to the airport, Mr.
Eisenhower told his news confer
ence he deplored any discourtesy
shewn to visitors to this country.
gers of Communist penetration of
the area.
The House voted him substan
tially what he' asked:
1. Authority to use v .a. military
forces, It ncocssary, to resist Com
munist aggression against any na
tion in Hie Middle East which
seeks our help in meeting suoh
an attack.
2. Authority ta spend an extra
Sum million ef U.S. economic aid
for tho area before Juno 30. No
specific projects have been pro
posed, and virtually rue only lim
itation on use of the money is Hint
n Middle East country can re
ceive more Ih.-rn $98 million of it.
The House annrsved the rosoru
tlim after rejecting a proposal . te
kill it by sending it back to Hie
House Foreign Affairs ComnvHtoe.
Mouse opponents had given up
any serious attempt to defeat tiro
resolution long before the House
voted today. Support for Ike meas
ure was too WKresprend te make
aa effective nam ncninst ft, they
200 Students
Take Part in
Musical Fete
Hare than 268 Korik and South
Sotem High sekoel musteioas will
take part in the second anaual
bond-orchestra festival ia South
&okm gytmiamum at this
I'.oeh of the fW units will per
form mdividmtlty and then an will
hn cwnbiaed fer four aumbers.
Praroods frem adtnissien will be
dtardod between the tw high
sdwak; ta pravitte fands for the
llitsi dejiartmoats nv fttii-ii things
as umfa-MS.
Directnrs ef tire unanrid units
(av Vir-lwr PamHKmfl, atwtk Solvn)
orostra; Bass Wrttnscr, North
ixdvai bainl: Krrbard JfeCbatie,
Nortb tatna orrtostra nad Wid-
bcee JobSHOil, Soittb feireai bdird
Tbe tiMdmd vol oricnatad trot
fear at tba mussrevtian of tbe
director of the musical groups.
20 Officials to Meet
Oil Bus UnesTItgfit;
(Ipci atinB rv,mm hfliroilirti isiven of CTU b.3 cbo.scs, wiM ha ;
of City Tr.-coiitt Lbres hnrs reocbid
such im ucobe .Htna tbict. s cenfer-
earc of aver 'A ctfitudf, ef ttvva
nnd Kosoos bin bVM cnUud bwrs
Thursday te wit vain) om b dixit
about it.
Ctiy Trim ill I.inui, a nvrricte.
I concern, operants at :rsvi ou;
systems of both edwr.. tt'i roo(s.
rates and schedules lira bd
largely ta' iroprovid ot Oik City
Coining te SmI'jdj Tbui.din' toro
Eugene will bo iHityor J. McGialy,
City Mnniuter 8. A. Rowiy.soo,
City Altncnny ,7aftn V. PcoDmjduo.
all eiOit tocogbniK of tbe Kvueoo
oiuord. iorJ k'ntd (Atnsil'. anDPi
'Rer of tba t'coicm tt Cocameroo.
The Ktbo-Dt' ofteourjs wcU cdtM)
bo ernioajotftrao: sfDood& ot
tPtftrg 'Foe (ann ricoe iB opics
.9. II o'oo.'k at the office of
Salem City Manager Kent Mathcw
son. and will adjourn at 3 o'rjnck.
At 1.10 o'clock Carfc Wcndt,
general manager of City Transit
Lines, and any other rcprctent-
'Very Unwise'
He Says
Eisenhower said today that De- :
fense Secretary Charles Wil- j
son's "draft dodging" statement
about the National Guard was t
very unwise. -
Mr. Eisenhower told his news j
conference that Ihe . men who
joined the National Guard certain- -ly
could not have been slackers -'
when they entered the Guard un- ,
dor proper provisions of law.
Didn't Stop to Think ''
He said ho did not believs that
Wilson wanted to damage ,ic Na- .
tlonal Guard, but he thought his
secretary ef defense certainly'
made a very unwise statement
without stopping to think. T
Wilson told a House Armed ,
Services Subcommittee Monday
that the National Guard was a t
"sort of scandal" during the Ko- ,
rean War; that some young men
were using it -as a "draft dodging '.
Wilson stuck to his charge Tues- '
day after a conference with Mr.
Eisenhower. Wilson told reporters
nis language may nave been tougn
but that it was an accurate ac- '
count of the situation.
Bcfcnds King's Visit
Other highlights at the Presi
dent's meeting with reporters to
day. 1. Ho strongly defended his con
ferences here with King .Saud ol :
baud! Arabia and the possible vis
it of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia
to this country. He said he de- .
plores any discourtesy shown to .r
visitors who came here as repre- ;
scntatives of governments and in '
an effort to ameliorate difficulties,
This was a reference to New York '
Mayor Bobert F. Wagner's snub .
to Saud Tuesday.
2. He sard he would not nun
again even if Congress changed
Hie 22nd auierrtlment which limits
a IRtiocifhiul fcn Iwn Inrmt in nttra t
DOMi In Praise of Dulles
3. He was unrestrained in his '
praise of Secretary of State Jdhn
Foster Dulles. As for Democratic
charges (bat Dulles' aettons in the
past had contributed trr M-iddtb ;
(Ceatimred on Page S, Column- ft -
New in Brief
t'tn? Wnrfnr&ikiy, iih IBh KfT. , -NATtOV-it,
SV CWdfis See. WHsen Far
Remarks en Guard See. k 9. t Z
Floods Wreak Millions
Loss Jn Pour States See. i, 9. I I
Sprafiae Named Ad.vcrtising
Dwceter .. bee. I, P. 5
Beg Lieoasc BeglstraHon
iwaduae set see. i, . 9 f
Miiust Croup Approves .
2 Dam Memorials . See. 1, P. i
Russia Experts Twe
Amerkran Ofl'C"rs Stn. I, P. i.
wti9 ; "
Ducks Jrore I3m1cs Sow. C fr. t '
Ntthwdy Swe VM
Won Game .... Sve, . if. tt :
Vikiwss Ww Tkrittar M. t. V. t
n;i;ti.Att vuifiivm
Arwsem-'tfls .Sec. 1, P.
KcWarkdli 8m. 1, P. '
I.eeab ta. 1,9.9'
Society 1, V. - ;
Comics tM. 2, P. If .
Televadsat Dm. 2. P I
Want Ada Sue. 9, P. (MP.
Xarhets -.- Dm. t, 9. 1 X
llwolby ttx swo. 8. 9. S-
CrowBworel Praidn .. . Sw. 8, 9 . 9 "
flnrm ami Gaidui ..Da. B, C .
uimirted to lbs ceaBiKHcc and wfll
be givao IS mvabes te preseot ,
tbvir ctK, laid vdV (ban lenue ttis
miettoa iced die efbeuds vail Ison-
torus Ore ccoessnon.
41 a men hour rco-ss the Ba-.
Oew eftiondH vaD be guests of '. 0
Ibv ttiixm otoclals at lunejfton at ;
Ha- fceitor hotel. '
Tbe transit lines loe having a
fhnoeml ditbesAdes bi both cibes. .
Hi ercft itrnioiaDoo of ni,0t service i
mi ii eooimy measure accom- f
ptwlicd Nttial was locsectcd of lt0
co vdpii ost ceataOi operational
looses, but sinae tfico otjier ouP '.
deboas haw tftvAopcd OiiR haves
broiiKU On a sertous siBOiOon. tJ0.
lnrift of bus sttftcv oj di bSCB'Ol ,
rlt Qfb OoufW.
Maxlmiim ye Up friar. 31 1 mlntmumO
tnrlay, H. Toml 21-hnur prrrlpltx-
linn; A; ff tiinnlh: 1.4ft: nnrmal. '
5,4. Sranon prf rlnlUtfon. 11.74; nnr. ;
mil, 23X1. Rlvrr fictthl. .3 or a foot.
(Report hy U. S. Heather Bureau.) ;