Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 25, 1957, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 2 Section 2
PCC Fare Features Beavers
Vs. Huskies, Bears Vs. Indians
Oregon at WSC,
Are Idle
Undated PCC Bnskdli.ill
Northwest giants of the Pacific
Coast Conference basketball race
meet Friday night and Saturday
as the Washington Huskies play'
hrrt to the Oregon State Beavers.
And at Palo Alto, the confer
ence lending California Bears
hive a date Friday night with the
unpredictable Stanford Indians
("il has an open date Saturday
when Stanford hosts Santa Clara.
' l.'CLA. like California undefeat
ed in conference play but with
one less victorv. is idle this week
end. So is ISC. Another series !
sends Oreson to Washington State. I
.Must Step (i a mitre
Both Washinglon and Oieyon
Stale split series with Stanford.
The Huskies have a 5-1 confer-
ence mark; the Beavers 2-2. The'
Fuskies have the advantage of !
tiieir home court and a pair of
bi'4 fellows in Bruno Boin and
tuug Smart who could put the
Beavers virtually out of conten-1
(ion should they win the pair,
Washington's big job will be
stopping Dave Gambee, who has
a .conference scoring average of
l!t points per game. Boin has a
19.7 mark while Smart isn't far
behind with 17.8.
Leading the scoring parade in
the PCC is Washington State's
f-arry Beck with 21.2 although his
team has only one victory in five
' California beat Stanford once
this season, 59-45. Since that time
Carl Isaacs, a star end in football;
who , played in the Kast-West
game, nas rejoinea inc aiiinitiru j
I)(1,1M.'IU(11I JsqitriU H1IU WI'II NIC
starting center spot.
His return, plus the home court
advantage could make a differ
ence. Isaacs scored 17 and 10
points in the two games against
California's biggest job, how
ever, will be to curb Stanford's
forward Bill Bond, twice voted the
playef-of-the-w e c k in Northern
California. He scored 45 points in
the pair against Washington.
The assignment of guarding
Bond probably goes to Cal's Capt.
harry Friend, who had averaged
1!) per contest, and held Bill to 11
when they met.
Anne Quasi in
! 1st Round Win
Anne Quasi of Marysvillc, Wash,
advanced to Ihe second round of
the Helen Dohcrly Amateur
(inlf Tournament Thursday with
a fi-5 triumph over Margie Bums.
' Carrying a one-stroke lead at the
Hid of nine holes. Miss Quast
crushed her opponent by winning
the first four holes on the back-j
. ..... tt '
1 he win pill Ihr Marysvillc miss,
in a championship lirnckel hat-1
wnn aiary Ann Hcynoids oi
iloan, Ca., Friday.
NKWAIIK, N.J. tUI'l - Kx
wclterweiplit champion Kid (iav
ilaa has agreed to meet Vince
ilartinez of Palerson, N.J., in a
in-round hout at the Newark Ar
mory, Feb. 2fi. it was anmium-cd
today by co-promoter Willie Gil
JcnbcrK. Tlli nSDAY'S l'li:HTS
" l.dS ANGF.LF.S - Tombs'nnc
Smllh. ltli'j, l.os Alltclis. mit
piiinted Don Jordan, H'i, l.os An
pi'les, VI.
- "-' '"',-!y ' f 4
"fei 1'"!'' "I;:''fi I
PALM SPRINGS, Cllf.-Jlm- ,
my Itrntiirrl. drfrniltnx champ- 1
Inn In thr $ 1 5 .0(10 'I huiitfrrhlid
Inviiatinnal golf tnimiry. w intra
a his l.-fniit pult slnp 1 inelies
frnm (hp tup in Thursdat'i flr.t '
round. It would hne gltrn him
a hirdlr 3 on Ihr Uh hntr. hut
hr finished with a (!. Ihtrr
t token hrhlnd the hitdrr. lAP
W Irrphotol
. of--. I .
ESfetttlfclttavJMf'' FiSt. CJ AT MY
TH' 01 W, MR . C " , 1 T
Fighter of
14 I V'-lW
NKW YOHK Floyd Pallrrion, 22, the worlds heavywrlffht
boxing champion, holds (he Kdward J. Neil Memorial award pre
sented him as the flghlrr of the year at last night's Boxing
Writers aHsoelation dinner. The plaque Is awarded annually In
memory of the former Associated Press boxing writer who was
killed In ItyH while serving as a war correspondent In Spain.
Patterson, who was 22 Jan. 4, won Ihe title Nov. .30, becoming the
youngest fighter ever to hold Ihe title. (AP Wirephoto) .
'I'll Get Him,' Says
Hurricane of Flovd
PalhM'KOii Earns
Award as Top
By Ml It It A V ROSE
NKW YOHK 0T On the surface
everything was sweet and peace
ful at the annual dinner of the
Hovinc Writer. A., lost niKhl. I
Hravvwoicht champion Hoyd
. ..J .' ...I .1
f" i -
pniirrsnn mid snnrls co umnisl
yrmy ;rahnin of the New York
.i,,,,,,,,,! . American received the
main awards.- Kvon Julius
land, chairman of the New York
Stale Athletic Commission, was
content just to hand Falterson the
Kdward J. Neil plaque as Fishier
ISYjjro Trams Muter
Touriu'v in Kentucky
I.KX'NCTON. Ky. if Neuro
,..t,.,l ...ill ,-nmn.itn In thn
.,., i ' lo.iilino In M.e
state hich school haskelhnll cham-i
ninnshin this vear lor the first
tune in the hislnrv of Kentucky.
Seven W.'ro si hnols which bold
mrmherslnp in Ihe Kentuckv Hiuhl nmersnn won a snlil decision
School Athletic Assn bae notl-',,vl'r Jackson at Madison Siuare
fied commissioner Ted Sanlord .
they .nullify In enter district tour-,
(laments which open next month,
( hips Kcmovnl From
Kll.ow of Willir IVp
1 HOLLYWOOD. Via. tJP - farti
hine and hone chips won removed
surgically Tuesday from the Irlt
elhow of W.llie Pep. former
world's (cilhrrweiyht h o i n r
, 'Ihr aim Will he kept in a cast
ahoitt in il.ts hut Mr. Martin lo
iit'llf. who iiperatrd, said he r
peclrd the oper.ition to he a com
plete suceev-i.
Nl'W VOIIK 11 1" -- .! Wil
lanl, suttnl fi fret, 7 nuhrs.
u,i llu t.tlU'sl o( Ml -v e" l y h I
' ehainpums wlii!. rritun Camera,
NEW YOHK 'II'1 -- Tommy
l.ounhrnn. former It'lit heaw-
weight champion, will he an lion-
orett vuest ai lite nist annual tun
nrr of the New York Homiik Man
agers' Asmi, Saturday muht.
t.OI F
Marlene Steart was 5 tindei par
for it holes a she bested Mrs
G. P Wilson Jr. It and 4. in Ihe
In: teund p!.' in the Helen Lee
Poheity Am.ituei.
H5 TO ALrt TKf A'ilF Y T lPAvE M
HfBf ...I 0 6LADLV ma. CAR FT? M'
P-CaEO VC'J LP.' r ML'GHTEa...
the Year
of the Year without putting the
rap on anyone or anything.
But in a far corner of the grand
ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel,
a tall, broad-shouldered fellow sat
and burned.
"Walt and See"
"I'll get him the next time. I'll
show htm. I'll chop him up some
thing awful. You wait and see."
The words came slowly at first
' J'" in fr"m Tommy
"III. nif frinn.
lie ttns my friend. ' s.ild Tom-1
my. 'hut he ain't any more. I'll
set nun in .nine, mats my next
IW-'fiRhl. lliin and me for Ihe title." ,
""" " (olleae.
m" I Thcv succeed Jim Owens, new-
!'l beat him Ihe Inst lime and,y named head conch at the I'ni
he knows it." replied the Hnrri-1 versity of Washinslon, and Tom
cane. "I made the ihl. He didn't j Tipps, whom Owens look with
do tiotbins to me. He' only fousbt
a couple of seconds each round
So he sot the decision and he sol
to lisht Archie .Moore and he won
the title. It should have been me.
N"1 111 K''1 ain't my
,ricnd "' m"ri'- 1 htrn m','l
111 anynni- before but now I'm
n,il" -
tnnien last June H to earn the
' Moore, tie then kmuked
out .ioore in tne nun round lov.
mi lo succeed me retired itocKy
Marciano as heavyweight cham
pion. A Patterson -Jack son tille fiyht
fur June has not been made yet
hut everyone seems to think il
will. I nitfti Press Stuff ( nrrrspnntlrnt quite naturally enrircl up on lhe n"vin ator liith the " 7 h Washington Saturday night.
The Neil award is named in' NKW YOHK U'l't-Jne Wilmnn camp bowling team. Ultimately hoh "or olii? eiuterUivJe CiurVJ
memorv of the former AsMiaatetl has heen in nianv touch matches .foe's team and the McChord Air Few fh hown up in the KACI.KS SIGN LINEMAN
I'nvss 'hoxiny wr.ler . sho was during a 38-vear 'career in which Field team met for the Ninth PHILADKLPH1A 'IT) - Line
killed in l!i:t8 while sen in" as a he has won seven national match Service Command championship The waters of the Appiegate are men Aha Gihron and Ken Huxhold
war coi rt'spondent in Spain. tKamo championships and rolled and Joe's commanding general hlT.V'u inn on1hinr tiTcr"imni1VivV1re hine 5,Knpd lhelr 1957 contrao,s
his way into the howling Hall of i was on hand tor the rollolf oc-1 kochc batn. The hn run of Meei- with Ihe PhiladeJphia Kagles. Gib-
Kame, but the tought'st of them copying a camp stool on the ad-' J;o fIa!'h', rinlim" la b 11(,p ron joined the Eagles late last
I'Yv ami Gibson Kiach ':,U ttus n l",,,,l,,,i,ni1 performance joining npproach. tmJrriipte'for ou'" 'di: : season after a seven year tenure
! for a I'mnT-il i K.-u-li tf-uiiunn on came unit Meek end. Kreh rtt are attniii tht with th Clpvpland Rrownit. whil
Australian Srillifilials i
MKl.lUH'ltNK if Shirley
Kry of St. IVtershtiig, Kla . and
Althea G'hsnn of New York
:inceJ WeHnetjiv tn tho .Mni.
finals of Ihe Australian Women's keep pace with a tremendous up
Singles National Tennis Champion- surge which has boosted its par
sli pv ticipants over the 20 million mark
Mu Kiv be:it Australian M:nv Yet the pressure of the largest
Hawlon A I ii-7 in one tmarter-
tMa ;,( Kvooyong Stadium Miss
(;ibMn tteteated Pon- Smilham
f , ti ;i m another qnarterlinal
CHU'AiiO. CP' The Chicago i
k uix too.iy veiei ted Wiluam Klose.
'"'' of thetr oldest and most de-
otett tans, tn thro" out the first
ball betnie the opening game
a.i'n-t the Milwaukee Hraes on
April lt K1om 81. tnst saw the
pl.i tn isnt.
j lK...lHAr
ftj iT T ulft
...I BKOCGNT ACTin mighty swfET.
Field of Stars
Poised to Run
Tabori to Make U. S.
Mile Debut Tonight
At Philadelphia
Tabori, sandy-haired and spindly-
legged Hungarian runner, makes
his American indoor mile debut
tonight, still a little nervous about
the short straightaways and
sharp turns on the boards.
Tabori, who left his native land
for the Melbourne Olympics and
chose not to return because of the
Communist oppression in Hun
gary, arrived here last night to
take part in the I3th annual Phil
adelphia Inquirer Games.
A firm believer in rigid train
ing, Tabori has been working out
at the University of North Caro
lina, ritnning almost four hours
every day. He even planned a
workout today before tonights
Tonight's events will be the sec
ond indoor appearance for Tabori.
He finished second to Fred Dwyer
in a two-mile contest in the Boston
K, of C. games last Saturday
night. He's hoping to do better
than that tonight, since he prefers
to run the shorter disfance.
Tabori said he isn't shooting for
a record in the Inquirer Mile. Like
many European runners, he runs
against the field, not against the
However If his competitors, tig
jTen mile champion Tee Wheeler,
man. Phil Coleman of the Chicago
j Track Club. NYU's George King
and Villanova s Johnny Kopil,
really open up there's no telling
what might happen.
It was that way in London. Ta
bori ran the mile in 3:59 against
Chris Chataway and Brian Hcw
son in a race in which all three
finished under M minutes.
Allhea Gibson,
Fry Cain Final
Tourney Round
MKLBOl'RNK OH - Althea Gib
son of New York and Shirley Fry
of St. Petersburg, Fla., continued
their domination of Australian
tennis Fridav by reaching the fi
nal of the Women's National
Championships at Kooyong Courts.
Miss Fry beat Beryl Penrose,
the 1955' Australian women's
champion, 6-3, 6-4, while Miss
Gibson defeated Lorraine Cogh
lan. 7-5, 6-3 in the other semi
final. They will meet in the final on
Lew Hoad and Neale Fraser
teamed for t he first time to win
the national doubles title from
countrymen Ashley Cooper and
Malcolm Anderson 6-3, 8 6, 6-4.
Texas A. M. Srlect.s
Itcmnitxlcr of Staff
coi.i.i:;k station. Tex. ip
Two youthful conches, .1. T. Kinc
in mi; i mil'l.Mlv III 1 I'XilS, HIKI
,. . ,..., nuiiii.. r
, ' d h s h . ' .
Thj:. , ,,, ,-, ,,
,,a hing staff of Texas A&M
him as an assistant.
THKNTON. N. .1. (I'Pl-Ceorpe
Tase. former major Irasuc speed
kins, was tasced with three speed-
i"C violations Thursday by state
Motor Vehicle Director Frederick
I Ciscort Ir ulin rnt .UrnI f'-icn'c I
'drivers license. The ex-Washinc-
ton Senators nullirlder is head
baseball coach at Rutgers Univer-I
Wihium's Toughest Pin Match
Knoched General Off Cliuir
Wilman ranks as one of the na -
lins lop tournament stars. In be-;
l"ccn matches, he currently is a
ad-:howling professor who is 'teach-
ing teachers" so that bowling can
louinaments never can match one
war-time game which Joe rolled ;
ul,en he wa "the best bed-pan
commando in I'ncle Sam's;
Close To llnmr
Wilman recalls with a chuckle (
that, alter m emnt; his greetings
hn l'M.1 "thev found mv tvu v we
warm so they put me tn the medt-jthe
cai corps at Camp Grnt. 111. He
was given charge of the camp
bowling alleys and enjoyed lile
only M miles from home.
Hut the net year he was shitj-
By Ham Fisher
.J FC VERSWE YCC CO, 165 - ) I
v e" Al STEVE n
t, YCC CO, 165
Masquerade as Lou Groza Ends
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.Poslng as Lou Groza, toe" for newsmen here, too. FBI agents said
Cleveland Browns placekicklng star when he ap- Brown traveled up and down the east coast mas
peared here recently, this man was Identified by queradlng as Groza for about eight months. The
FBI agents as Anthony Brown, of Philadelphia, Inset, at lower left, Is Lou (The Toe) Gcza as
after they arrested him Wednesday at Miami on he actually looks. (AP Wirephotos)
bad check charges. Brown holds up his "kicking
Big 7 Confused, Missouri
Upsets Fearless Iowa State
Another Surprise
When Wichita
Tops Ags
The Associated Press
That'j a co.y merry-so-round
they have coins in Ihe Bis Seven
conference basketball race. Kan
sas is "unbeatable" e x c c pe t
asainst Iowa f'tate and Mis
souri can't beat anyone BUT
Iowa State.
It was Iowa Stale's Cyclones
who put an end to all that Wilt
Ihe Stilt nonsense by junking
Kansas's unbeaten record and No.
1 position in the Associated Press
poll last Saturday.
men Missouri up ana ooppea
Ihe Cyclones, who had scooted
away up to No. 3 in' the national
ranking this week. 6:1-66 in over
time last night. Upset? Not for
OTI Favored . . .
Against OCE
Oregon Tech is heavily favored;!": "Y''"1 ,Z"."lmX:f
tu run lit 111 mi ii ui 1111- vi i'himi
Collegiate Conference standing
after it meets Oregon Collene at
Klamath Falls Friday and Satur
day niphls.
Oreaon Tech has a 4-2 record.
Orecon College is 2-3
In nlhrr UfwkoitH rnnlWotirf ,lf.
linn Portland State 2-3 will he !
at Kastern Oregon
Southern Oregon, the other con-'C""
j ference team, will he idle.
nod to Kort l.pwis. Wash., and ,
then, in the final game. Wilman
rolled II straight strikes.
"The general has never seen a
300 game, whispered one ot the
general's aide. "If you strike out.
he'll give you a two week furlough
with (till travel time."
Away From Home
.lor hadn't been home in ninY
months. All he needed was three
straight strikes to win the match
and the trip,
"Well, I gut two of them, he
recalls ruclully. "The final hit
was as good as any of them but
the 10 pin stayed up and I 'oiled
As tlir 10-nin trelered. howe.rr.
general leaned forward so far
that he tell o(f the camp tlool on
his (ace.
"I didn't get the furlough." .'oc,
says. "But the general sent me a
leiler saing 1 was the only PKC
w ho eer knoi'ked a general otf
his chair and didn't get coiirt
1193 I.KSI.1K
OHirf Hour!
Turi. and Sal.
a. m i . tn.
Mizzou. The Tigers had handed
lowa Stat. (2-21 its only other de
feat in conference play 77-59.
Wrecks Title Bid
The second defeat just about
wrecked Iowa State's bid for the
title, since the Cyclones must face
Kansas atfain, (Feb. 2 at Kan
sas. Missouri, with a 2-3 record,
is just a spoiler.
The Midlands had another sur
prise when Wichita defeated Okla
homa A&M 52-48. It was Wichi
ta's second victory ever at Still
water, Okla., first since 1954
and all but crumbled Aggie hopes
for the Missouri Valley champion
ship. Those were the only two stand
out games in yet another night of
Fishing Report
North f oast stream arr in good
rondtdon but walrr itill rnld. Strpl
hfad angling pro i per U are only lair
for Ihr wrrk f nd unleit water be
romn warmer. Streams in the Tilla
mook arra are low and clear, sterl-
head re hit Hue fairly well lor drift-
era. Some good ralrhes have hern
rivers near tide and In upper river
hole. The Nestucra has been fair.
hut lots of boat have hern plying
river level before new" run of fish i'
food Irnhft i needed to raise
Srrelhead ant line If generallv
ipotty to poor In trie central Doug
las county it ream.. The North Imp
qua is very cloudy and ihe south and
upper main river muddv. Water
...tL -. k
e ' Tenmiie iaki are both
head annum si.rlhrad anitiin, .i,
mam .viiiiu-nma rivrr n lair to
rood and (sir In the eaL ind ihe
wei forki. t nrs the Coqiillle rUer
rlear. sterlhead anKhn will be poor
to fair. Striped hi annllnr In Uih
mui slouch I only lair. The Rogue
river was hlih and tnuctdv after Ihe
last week-end storm, but It li rapidly
droppnir and rleartnjt. Steelbead ilsh-
thh eek. if the weather turn,
rold. (resh nr cluster eics used in
the weather remains (atrlv nirni.
be best, but If
'0J.,,0W blhohf1Ur.rL,0Jr,,i, p,Vv
i catch.
Prices Effectiv Friday and
lb. Pkg. with
10c Coupon
Without Coupon 29c
PATTIES r:.!51
Without 15c Coupon 49c
W.M wtm llwrif Richt tn Limit Quantitira'
meager action due to midterm
John Stephens, Lionel Smith
and Bill Ross got the job done
for Missouri. Stephens and Smith
each canned three free throws and
Ross added a field goal for all of
the Tiger scoring in the overtime
alter a 61-all deadlock at the end
of regulation time.
Blew 8-Polnt Lead
.Wichita, now 4-1 in the confer
ence behind leading Bradley's 60
mark, didn't get the lead for good
until the last 5 minutes at Still
water. Joe Stevens sank a field
goal and foul shot to do it. The
Aggies, now 1-3 in Ihe conference,
hlew an eight-point lead in the
first hair.
Elsewhere on the thin schedule,
Marquette defeated North Dakota
72-57 with Mike Moran scoring 25
points: Miami (Fla.t almost im
mediately wasted a 19-pnint lead
in defeating Kentucky Wcsleyan
100-95; and Toledo, of the Mid
America Conference, rapped Del
aware 91-70 in a nonleague game.
c,. ir .
jtPll SOtl L tO 1rOff
79.7 Football Sitae
Stetson University of Deland,
has dropped intercollegiate
football for 19.i7 but hopes to pio
neer a "Southern Ivy League" of
"unsubsidized football."
Dr. j. Ollie Edmunds, president
of the small central Florida uni
versity, made the announcement
to the school's committee on ad-
' ministration meeting here Thurs-
Laszlo Tabori, Hungary's self-exiled
distance runner, plans to
leave here today for Philadelphia
where he will compete in the Phil-
ado nlufl Inouirer Track meet r ri-
i Aav nioht Tnhnri aUn k onlnrpH
1 , , ,,. . . . ,
tin the Washington Star Games at
Huxhold has played three seasons
with the Eagles.
Saturday, Jan. 25 and 26
Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 25, 1957
Huskies Say Allord
Is beaver to Mop
Stady Given Job;
Boin to Guard
SEATTLE (Special' Bill
Stadv, Washington's 6-3 junior for
ward from Silverdale. may hold
Ihe kev in Ihe important basket
ball series this week end with Ore
gon State.
That's the belief of Tippy Dye.
tt.. U..CW montnr ftV0 hdS a5
1 ct'av the task of defend-
ins ajjainst Boo Aiiora, usv,
talented senior forward, in the
Friday and Saturday night games.
at Edmundson favinon
ih nf hanriline Dave Gambee.
Oregon Stale's scoring ace. goes
lo Bruno Boin but Dye has
reason to fear Allord even more
Merit Plaques
Awarded Trio
Sportscastcrs Honor
Patterson, Gifford
And Courtney
NEW YORK (UPl-The Sports
Broadcasters Association an
nounced today it had voted
plaques of merit to heavyweight
champior Floyd Patterson, pro
football star frank bitlord ana
Olymp'c 800-meter champion Tom
Those three, together with base
ball stars Mickey Mantle and Sal
Magli, will be honored Jan. 31 at
the 10th annual awards dinner of
the sportscasters.
The dinner also will feature pre
sentation of the Graham McNa
mee Memorial Award to pioneer
snortsraster Ted Husin? and the.
first annual Ted Husing Award toj
a recipient to be announced next'
week. I
The 21-year-old Patterson be
came the youngest heavyweight
champion ever when he knocked
out Archie Moore Nov. 30. Gifford,
a halfback, led the New York
Giants to the 'National Football
League title and was voted Most
Valuable Player in pro football in
the annual United Press poll.
Courtney's victory in the Olympic
800-meter run was called by many
the most exciting at Melbourne.
33.6 Leads U.S.
In NAIA Tally
Virginians are locked in a duel
for the NAIA individual basket
ball scoring leadership.
Ken Hammond. West Virginia
Tech forward, barely held the
lead after last week's games over
center Joe Miller of Alderson
Broaddus at Phllippi, W. Va. Mil
ler averaged 3.1 2. trailing Ham
mond's 33.6. NAIA statisticians
said Thursday.
StOl in the running for scoring
honors are Pete Hughes of Hack
burn College. Carlinville. III., with
a 30.3 average: Gnyle Hoover of
Sioux Falls, S.D., 29.1. and Don
ald Gibbs of Iowa Wcsleyan, Jit.
Pleasant, 28.3.
Swim Slar Marshall
Badly Hurt in Wreck
shall. 26, one of Australia's great
est swimmen; u-ac critirallv in.
jured when his car turned over
in-tii uiuiit's, oa nines irom .Mel
bourne Friday nipht.
Marshall is in hospital with a
skull fracture and other injuries.:
Marshall was driving to Mary-!
borough to compete in a swim-1
ming carnival. As an undergrad
uate he swam for Yale.
General Hardware - Small Tools Builders'
Hardware - Housewares - Clocks - Cutlery
Guns - Sports Equipment - Fishing Rods and
Tackle - Small Electric Appliances - Garden
Tools - Paints
Invited . . . Come in immediately for
best selections
No Phone Ordert Accapttdl .
Woodbury Hardware Co.
Portland, Oregon
than the sensational Gambee. Th
bespectacled senior has been pure
poison to vvasnmgion.
Hit 21 sf 42 Shots
In the two 1956 games and in
the non-conference game at Cor
vallis last month, Allord hit 21 of
his 42 shots from the field and
added enough free throws to give
him a three-game total of 55
points belter than 18 per game.
"The figures only loll part n
the story," Dye comments, with
more than the usual amount nt
respect in his voice. "They don't
tell how tough he's been on the
boards and on defense nor how
he's been at his very best in the
Gambee has had a tougher time
in past Washington games, what
with Jim Coshow defending well
against him last year and Boin in
the December game. Big Bruno
held Gambee to five field goals
and 12 points while he was collect
ing 30 himself.
"I'm sure that Bruno won't be
lulled into thinking that Ganibee
can't kill us but Allord is the
boy we must stop," said Dy
Kmart vs. Gobie
Doug Smart, who teams with
Stady at Torward for the Huskies,
will check OSC's 6-8 soph, Gary
Goble, in Dye's man-to-man de
fense. Guards Johnny Pariseau
and Don Dorland will handle Ken
Nanson and Jerry Crimins, respec
tively. Oregon Stale has won tour of
its last five starts at the Pavilion,
totally short-circuiting the old
"home court edge" theory.
Tipoff is at 8:051each night. The
Husky Pups entertain Sand Point
NAS Friday and Seattle U. Satur
day. The preliminaries begin at
6:05, five minutes after the doors
are opened.
Indianapolis Indians of the Ameri
can Association have purchased
second baseman Lhieo Garcia
from Wichita of the same league.
Garcia batted .279 at Wichita last
In the Alleys
Commercial No. 1 League results:
Valley Oil Co. 3. Western Pnper
Conv. Co. 1: Pumilite Block and Sup.
Co. 0. Johnson's Menu i; Capitol
City C,nr Co., 1, Franz Bread 3;
Portland Rd. Lhr. Co. 3. Lee's b'srd
Ciira 1: Anderson Sporting Goods 3.
Hayden's Cap. City Punters 1; Mvert
Glove Co. .1, Gideon Stolz Co. 1. High.
Uam series: Johnson's Meate 2.B(2;
high team game: Valley Oil Co., 1.
IU2; high Individual series: Orval
Mull fi04; high individunl gme: Hoy
Anderson Jiifl. Other high scores:
Woodv Mvers 213500; Deanr. Curlil
20l3i',5; Hnv Anderson 573; Bill Hill
crich 220576; Fred H.iasc 215 5S1.
UB 800 League results: Cadwell Oil
Co., 3. Ilipp's Service Station 1; Team
No. 6 1. Roy A: Ken's Mobil Service
2; Kannier Motor 1. Tag Resell Pon
liac 2. Independence Merchants 1,
Earl Malm 2.; Nameless Food Mar
ket 3, Independence Lumber 0. Higtl
team scries: Nameless Food Market
2.414; high tram game : Namclra
Food Market Blfi: high individual se
ries: Ralph Lulav o( Rtpp's Servirt
W4: high individual game: Kd Miotke
of Ripp s Service 217. Oddities, split
conversions, etc.: John Smith, team
No. 6, shot 137 triplicate.
Ladies City League results: tVb
Lawless Masons 2. Ladd's Market 2;
Mickey's Drive-In 1, Irnnnte 3;
Chuck i Steak House 3. Karr's I;
Hollywood Cleaners 3. Marshall's H
Portland Road Lumber Co. 2. The
JIutdAaasnoH pooq :j, aje IHJ-I"J
Kay's 0. High team series: Gopd
Hnusekcpplng 2fi3R. Htch tram name:
Good Housekeeping 025. High indi
vidual series: Norma Lawless Sri.
High individual game: Casste Bain
217. Other high scores- Rose Karri a
21fl. Wilms Clark 209. Cassic Bain 534.
Split conversions, etc.: Frieda Wil
liams picked the 4-7-lfl split; Kay
Krejei picked the 5-7 split.
Detroit, Mich., str:
"No need to cut tablets
of St. Jmepb Aspirin
For Children to five el
act dosage. My children
like the orange flavor."