800 Real Estate - ? Hamel for Sol" WEST COAST REALTY 055 Portland Rd. ATTRACTIVE TERMS can be had on this new 3 bdrm. home with family room, birch kitchen, one & half baths, double Karaite and forced air heat. Close to Washington school. Has City water. Price 112.950. Ask for Dick on this. Eves. EM 2-3884. EXTRAS INCLUDED 11,950 buys you a nice 3 bdrm. tJ0IEf, Wllh Cii"PetinR. drapes St TV antenna included in the price. Home has frplce. In liv. mi. Located on apornx. ij A. lot and close to bus & ichnol Pee this today. Call Mrs. Leavens, Eves. EM 3-4735. JINE. FAMILY "OME I NEAR all schools 4 bedrooms U uuwii. t up . HIE HVino room. Dininp room Nook "ciinic. DHbemeni. ui, neat fl 1,7(1(1. Terms. SUBURRAN NORTH GOOD 2-bedroom home. Only 7. vears old. rnnrrelo fmmHa- cm o .jiu. itMu i tie iounaa tion. Wired for range. Gar?ge. 5 BEDROOMS $500 DOWN FULL price for this home near Bush school is $5. -00. Living room. Dining room. Basement. "I""'" ' ' i.ouu. terms. Wants south. 427 Ferry (Open Sat.) Office EM 4-3:581 Eve, James Oswalt EM 3-7733: Frank Vlasic EM 4-2670; Jim Minify SHADES OF ENGLAND A PRIM CAPE COD. standing neat and clean in an Immacu late neighborhood. Living room .v ith colonial fireplace, den. two bedrooms, full basement, double garaffc. Beautifullv dec orated, fine condition. I15.5O0. Call EM 4-fi7fifi. Eve: Walt Jones. EM 4-7B32. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH, PH. EM 4-fi76fi- 5 Furnished Apts. CLOSE to this office and State bldgs., $24,000 00. Trade equity for clear home. All rented and In modern and good repair. Trade for Acreage HEWER ranch type large 2 bedrm. home with large lot. Trade for 3 bedrm. on small acreage. West, East or North. Price $9500. 2VL A. 4 Bedrm. RIVER bottom, nicelv land scaped. 18 miles South on Santiam River bottom. Modern home, sunken garden, 2 A. in strawberries. $13,500. Trade or Salem prop. Art Madsen Realty 1326 State em 3-aano, a-nai2, a-wos TILLAMOOK GRADE A DAIRY FARM 120 acres. 75 in pasture and hav land. Exceptionally good build ings. Equipped with tractors, hay baler, wagons, manure mid lime spreaders, milk cool er, irrigation equipment and everything needed to operate a grade A dairy. 44 head of tnck, including 30 milking cows. Stanchions for 23 more. The price is $45,000. Pav H2.000 down. A fraction of in i1 k check each month pavs hal.mce. Will take up to 20 flrres with good house in Wil. Valley as part payment. Call I J. A. (AM Shnlseth. riavs Ph. EM 4-5743. Eves EM 3-7307. JOE HUTCHISON, RLTR. 1211 Edeewater St. F.M 4-574.T 2710 SCommernal St. EM 4-7874 4 COnNERS3BDnMNEAn SCH.. F.A. HEAT. EM 2-Rfifil. ON THE RIVER FIGHT HERE IN SALEM! A truly beautiful home with pan eled family room. Everything built to take advantage of the petting. Beautifullv. landscaped to !he river. 517,nOfl. Call FM 4-157(56. Eve: Marjorie Fanning EM 4-6008. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2(if) NHIGH. FH. KM 4-67fifi SMALL clean 2 bdrm. home. ',r'.V full price. tlW dn. $17 50 mn. EM 2-67.T1 after 6 ft wk. end. EX'GLEW OO D. 4 vrTo!d4"bdrm. home. Owner EM 2-5680. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR' Let us solve your h lme needi. To Buy, Seh or Rent - Call P;t EM 4-574.1 111 Edceuatcr Ph EM 4-7S7 2710 So Cmm'l N E W 2 bd rm s inNort h ga t e Add 2560 Edgewood. EM 2-7520. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm.. corner lot. $200 down. Call after 5 pi. EM 4-50R2. BY OWNER: no "rinpVmtr, sch. bus at door. In citv No. 2.10jStark. fl 000 DOWN"; New" .1 bdrm.. home North, nice location. EM 4 3459. fEW .1 bdrm, home, family rm . 2 bafhs, utilitv, built-in oven & range, dbl. gar. 1372 sq It Large lot. 1 2.900. 141.1 Bren ner. No loan cn; ts. 2bT0 BLUFF FAM. kit., partv rm.. 3 flrepl.. 3 sets plumbing EM -14,'l4 WILL trade equitv in 1 hdrm. house for late model car. EM 2-0152. BYi OWNERS7nndown new3 bdrm. home in lovelv new residential dist. EM 3-nfl72 BY BTjTiTdER Kerr 3 hdrm ctntnm h-tin i-ome choice location. EM 2-7071. 801 Business Opportun. WANTED: Spact for snecialiTeri Restaurant Italian, Sea foods, steaks. Must be plertv of parking facilities. Bo 4f3 Statesman -Journal. GOING-lntothtServiee Station Btiiinesi? If vou want a real bargain In isstd. lube and tool equip ment ee us without delay. Sacrifice price' I Burr Miller Oil Co 26B0 Portland Road (Shell Bulk Plant Salem). Bt'SiNsY"loVVith 3 bdrm. he. 545 S Com'l. Make offers 420 N. 20th.EM J-8766. CAFE FOlTSALE. 2 can handle. $1 500 or will trade fojr crop erty or late model car. 431 5. 12th, EM 2-9275. 802 Bus. I Income) Prop. RUSINESS LOT CORNER HIGH-MILL ST. Income at present SALKM PROPERTIES TflHX J. PANX. REALTOR 37 Hn F' '-."HP? EM 2-15 ;3 Eve EM 2-7401 EM 4--122f APT. houe. good location A m cme. G-M rnnditinn rr ill takt homt in tride. EM 800 RfaI Estate 806 Houses for Sale Ph. IM 2-7642 EM 4-8595 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Restaurant clean profitable operation. 13.400. Terms, of course. Sell or trade for home. Wife sick. Call Gene G. Huff man. EM 2-3191, after 7 EM 2-2232. H0MEL0VER Immaculate 3 bedrm. Kelzer District. 3 yrs. old. Beautiful Krounds,. W-w carpet in. Oil heat. Dole. Raragc. Has din. rm. with kitchen thut is a housewife's dream. $10,500. Sell or trade for smaller home or a business and-nr business op portunity. Call Gene G. Huff man. EM 2-5191, after 7 EM 2-22:i2. GOOD TERMS ON this S-year-old home In h'n -at- n,.., i Uri. ... ins mom. Dining room, kitch. en. Utility. FA oil heat. Ga rage. $3.;;oo. AT .INDEPENDENCE THIS fine 3-bedroom home is t ,,. i . . Fit-enlace. Utility Garage! J11.75n. Terms. SELL OR TRADE , FOUR-BEDROOM home with iircpirice ana nouoie plumb intj. Big living room. Garare. ,il 1-UIJ'(!). WEST SALEM 3 BEDROOMS all on 1 floor. Very modern baih. Inside util ity. All newly decorated. This is a late built home with large 77 foot frontage lot. Owners leaving City will sacrifice for $B300. CALL BON CLEAR Y Eves. EM 3-0ti39 320 Court Ph. EM 4-B434 SOUTH LOVELY 3 bedroom with fam lly room home 2 fireplaces 2 baths birch kitchendouble garage patio. Will take late model car as down payment. Call Walt De Puy Eves. EM 4-0322,- HUBBARD 3 ACRES on hishwav 93 in ubbard. .1 bedroom home with 1800 sq. ft. Double gar age. Call Jim Carothers. Eves. EM 4-0056. EALTOR 1423 Fairgrounds Rdr EM 2-2B01 REALTORS 10BO Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. EM 2-3551 E-Z TO OWN C07.Y, comfortable. 2-Bedroom , South. Price 7f)50 "low down" payt. will handle. YOU FOLKS RETIRING? SEE this dandy (practically new I 2-bedrnom home near Hollywood Dist. and St. Vin cents'. Price of f 10.950; below F.H.A, appraisal. WALK TO CAPITOL QUALITY home, close in North. Gracious dining rm. 2-bed-rooms plus unfinished upstairs. Basement. F.H.A. appraised, owner anxious for offer. Sec today. PLANNING TO BUILD? SEE this choice East morel and lot. Terms to suit. OWNER leaving Stale. Says sell. New ft months old home to be vacated within week. Imme diate possession. Beautiful .1 bedrm. house. Lg. living rm. with fireplace, family rm. with fireplace. Beautiful kitchen wilh eira riming space. Dbl. ha tli Utility nn. Dhl. plas tered gitrage. Lg. lot wilh gar den space. For particulars ask Mr Ed Srhrerier. EM 3-9236. Evenings EM 3-7825. Orepon Development Cnmnany (Kealtors) .HH-N. Church Ph. EM 3-92:16 WIU. SACRIFICE well built neuiy dec. 2 hdrm. home. Hriud. floors, oil furnace, pa race. utll. rm. EM 4-6520 after S pm. POP. PENT or sale. 2 hdrms.. North. EM 4-5071. PICTURE OF TRANQUILLITY HIGH ON THE HILL and se-t-iuded. too. this brick front English Ktvle home can take care of someone's family for a long time to come. EOU Fi bedrooms, basement, THF.ES, in i(e and outside fireplace. NOT MANY NEIGHBORS, if vnu're so inclined. A well built home, for llfl.SOO. Call EM 4-fiTfifi, Eve: Dick Olson EM 4-41A3. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M X. HIUH. PH. EM 4-K7fi NO LOAN COSTS $70 MO INCLl-DES PRINC INT. TAXES. FIRE INS . ON THIS MODERN 1.200 SQ. ET 3 BDRM HOUSE ON I.APOE LOT WITH WIDE PAVED STREET PRICE Sll 500 DRIVE OUT STATE ST. TO 45TH ST HOUSE NO 3.11. KEY AT -(510 STATE ST. PH. EM 4 8M4. WE ALSO HAVE A 5 BDRM HOUSE AT ISO KENWOOD AVE. FOR ONLY 00 DOWN AND $70 MO.PFICE ja.fm TlcKINLEY DIST. Jut rr-r-plet-'d 3 hdrm. home. Pee at 2"0 S Church St Ph. EM .1Rjt7. Builder, SFLl7"eu:tv :n new .1 brtrm rme ft tak" nver ror.fa'-t FM 2-573 aC.cr wk. davs. MR OWNER ' Glen Wood- will par top once Mi your furn A jpoliance EM .v;?;.r BY0'.VNFRrvf-v Bsc 2 bdrm i riorre- &" ?ai:n. " i u mi... fUtSU total. EM 1-9547. Ilffl Ik 800 Rpal Estate 806 Houses For Sol REALTORS ULTRA MODERN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING APPROVED 3 lg. bedrms.. beautiful kit., comb, dinette A: dining rm., secluded front rm. away from foot traffic ent. hall, lots of brickwork, car port with storage. 2 bath rm.'.. oil forced air heat, quiet st. Truly a beautiful home. fl4,5C0. Call H. Peck. Eve. EM 3-5413. FOR THAT FAMILY SECURITY One of the better quality built homes in the growing Washington Dist.. 3 bedrms., 2 Swedish fireplaces, one in knotty pine familv rm., 2 full baths, one with shower, dble. garage. 1530 sq. ft. floor space. Large lot. All this for only $14.nso. Good terms to the right buyer. Call Murl Franti Eve. EM 2-6943. THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS Beautiful living kitchen with fireplace, builtin oven, range, dish washer. A- deepfreeze. 3 lovely large bedrms., 2 full bathr, Ig. liv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm. Heautiful beamed reil-ne. A: nMural wood interior. Utility A- dble. plastered garage. Loca tion? South. Call Curt Kinin Eve. EM 4-9920. EAST MORELAND DISTRICT Something a 'little different spilt level separate dining A- en trance hall Kit. witU nook 3 extra lg. bedrms. -42 bathj utility rm W to W carpels 2 car garage heautiful lawn A shrubs. All this for $19,000. Call Andly Halvorsen Eve. EM 3-7163. SEE THIS $16,500 VALUE Come A look with me this splendid 3 bedrm. home. Ig. natural kitchen, beautiful woodwork, front entry beautifully done in wrougiit iron bath ft i dole, garage Finest location 114,500. Call Roy Ferris Eve. EM 2-8010. 134 SOUTH LIBERTY H CHABM WITH ECONOMY Plastered 2 bdrm. home, dining area, living room and delightful kitchen. Insulated and weather stripped, low heating costs. On 90 x 100 lot on Sunny view. Price JS.300. Alreadv financed with payments only $50 per month. Call Kay Elling. STOP ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL Here are 2 houses on one lot. Good rental property. Both have two bdrms., living rm . kitchen and breakfast nook. Front nouse has nice base ment with extra room. Closr io school and transportation. Total rental $B(i. Full price $7,250 or make offer. Low dn. payment. Call Mrs. Graham. ' SOUTH CLOSE IN 3 bdrm. neat A- clean with large living A- din ing combination. Utility rm. wired for dryer. Lge. lot. paved street, convenient shopping and bus. Tntat price $7,050. Make offer on dn. payment. Call Mr. VanMcler. FARMFR WANTED B0 acres with 70 oultivaled. AM equipped with everything needed. Very good 7 rm. home. Irse ham, double garage, 2 machjne sheds. 15 acres good strawberries, irrigation equipment. 8 cabins for pirker. This is a full 'line farm and rradv to go. Owner might consider trade. Price $24, 000 with $10,000 dn. Call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Phone EM 2-8591 Eve. Van Meter FM 4-9800; Elling KM 4-8M4; Mrs. Graham EM 4-4718; Allison EM 4-3214; Todd EM 2-1731. JACOBSEN & KEENE, REALTORS- (FORMERLY C. BEST SCHOOL LOCATION in fastest growing suburban area. Nearly new (you save the ex pense of landscaping, putting in the lawn, etc.i spacious home with 3 man-sl7.e bed rooms, gracious living room, dining. Birch kit. with eating area. Tile bath plus i baih off util. Appl. needed. J14.950. HURRY ON THIS NEW LIST ING: 2 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, nil furnace. Corner lot with fenced yard. Owner will sell for $750 down ha lance $70 per month incl. taxes, int. Sc insur. Located near St. Vin cent. 79O0. 456 N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND ULDG.) EMpire 4-22l3 EVE: KIGGINS EM 4-5494; EM 2-5048: JACOBSEN EM A fixer uopcr at a bargain. ai acre Souinea'-t w-iin 2 Bonn, home, a good well, fenced, small harn. chicken use., nirnished. A buy for cash only $3,500. Call Bill Fidler, Eve. Ph. M 4-7148. 4 lav en bedrooms A- den, -all hwd. floors, only 4 yrs old. oily bus. close !o school, on nice corner lot with nice trees shrubs, garrien, fifi.H2 lot. Full price only fl4,flftO. or will trade for nice clean 2 Bdrm. close in town. Call Gene Pcdwell. View building Kites are scarce. This Vj acres located South In excellent area, priced only $4,500. with $1,000 dn. A- only $:100 per vear at 5 interest. An unusual buy. Call East ridge, eve. 'ph. EM 3-6522. See this neat, clean 2 hdrm. home, good- location, nice kitchen with eating space, hdwd. floors, tile hath, elerl. heat, utility rm.. nice ha.-k vara with patio and barbecue fireplace Call Frank Graham, eve. ph. EM 4-4748. REALTORS 3tfi N. Church St. ISM'S BST BUyS 322 North Church St. w' Specialize in Trades Ph. EM 4-J3I1 or EM 3-1(120 W. tired not advertise ur ' LPs ie-McK illle V Dist. To hundreds who now buy her', Each ad we run, I Is merely done. I To urge new friends to try here. 'Choice View Home IN excellent location. 3 Bdrms. 2 full baths, party rm in day light basement, large living rm. w li rpl-. separate dining rm . FA oil heat. dble. att. garac. patiop and surrounded bv In vet v landscaping. Only Jlfi 5nc (..all Mr. Gams, eve. Th. EM 4-8023. Rental Court 5 Ft'RMSHED units In good condition. Excellent close-in lo. cation. Maximum gross jnOft. per montn. Tenant? pay heat Sc hrht. Lou percentage ol acancies. Price onlv J2?i.!W0 flood terms offered. For more information call N. G. "Dan" lsnak. eve. Ph. EM 3-27. Like a Large Lot? Be Ptire to see this nice home ! nn an overi.i7.ed lot Bftxlfin. H-.me ha living rm, separate dining rm. kitchen A nook, frpl 2 bdrms and convertible den.' hath. FA heal and close lo ccnool and bus. Iots of frui and garden space. Only 11 -,V) C'a'l Edna Morgan, j eve. Ph. EM 4-6038. Jnfiepenflent Livinp is assured in this evcellent graee net .up. Automotive re pair', hnriv shop, gasoline, ml. tire batteries, etc. present owner how apprx. flO.fWo -.earv net. Land. hldg. equip, anrt irventorv included in price f nnlv Il.SSOO, Call N. G "Dan"' Isaak, eve. Ph. EM 3-5297. WE NKKD LISTINGS IJcened AIfo in Washington A: Idiho F.e Ph-ne-- EM 3-1558 EM 4.i20 EM EM 4-P( EM 4-8023. EM 2-8048. If no answer call EM 422'8. AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT IDE-VL familv home. 3'7 bed rooms Living room, fireplace.! dining room. Kitchen, full basement and double rrre call gkorgk rkkd Eves. EM 2 -MM Don Douckicr'.i. .. RtAlTtIM jV. 800 Real Estate 806 Housm For Sol & F FHtfNE EM 4-4478 V. KENT & CO.) INSURANCE EXECUTIVE transferred. See this elegant 3 bedroom home containing 1145 sq. ft. The liying room is 14x21 fl. Beautiful kitchen and din ing room. Other features are double garage, new lawn, shrubs and screcn.n. Located nea.r Sena High and Auburn Schools. Trice only $lt.:(50. TWO DOGS BUT they beat rent: Each has about 1 i acre, 3 bedrooms, living rooms, near good grade schools. One is north nnd the other is east. One sells for $3050 with $500 St $50 'a mo. ft $6950. Make offer. KEENE KM 2-6076; CUSHING 2 - 6978: SORENSON EM 4-2293. Ph. EM 4-fifi7l ved st. bus. neat 2 bdrm home with full hai-ement, saw dust furnace, nice yard. .lust $6500. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. Ph. EM 4-5020. 3 Plus Family SPACIOUS new ranch home with extra large living rm, 2 frpls.. big familv rm, lovely kitchen w-brk. area, extra 'i bath, separate utility, FA heat, dble farage. patio and located on andcaped Jot. Price nnlv $15,950. Call Mr. Sword, eve. Ph. EM 2-804H. Englewood Home IMMEDIATE poss. can be had and it has been completely re decorated inside and out. liv ing rm, separate dining rm. kitchen St nook, frpl, lovelv bdrms. bath. att. garage and located close tn chool and bur. Onlv $11,750. Call Mr. Garlss, eve. Ph. EM 4WI23. Must Be Sold QUALITY home in Englewood Dit. with separate utility, large kitchen, .1 bdrms. large garage, FA ml heal. FHA tenm available. Full price onlv $10,500., For more Infor mation call N. G. "Dan" Isaak, eve. Ph. EM 3-6297. A Fabulous Home BEAUTIFUL rambling ranch home with family pool. Qual ity obstruction with 3 bdrms, 2 baths, family rm. 3 frplf, large living rm. dining rm. big kitchen A nook wth lots of built-ins. dble. garage. Sub urban living with all tne rttv conveniences Onlv $24,000 Call Mr. Sword, evj. Ph. EM 2 R04A. Small 3 Bdrm. off Silverton Rd. att. Harare, hd..n flrv lot fi0xl!3 fVi0. i.WiO $40 mo Art MHsen Realtv J328 State FM .1-5580. EM 2 812 mti SALE Bv owner rm. hrue in F.oeiew oM Dutrict. i C'.rner !M N Hti j Ptt( KM 4 :"J7 ffr Appoinl ! men!. BV OWNER: Kinr.'. HeifhtF. 3 bdrrr: . full brn't . tile bth. 2 fireplUfe?: t'n"h'.truf 'ed j view, lurce pstio. !ndicpei 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sol $6,750.00 Buvs a mod. house of 2 Bdrmi, L.R.. Kit.. Large Utility Rm St Gar. Built on i halt acre Int. $750 down paym't with $M per mo. $7,500.00 Buvs house in Kelrer Dist, in pel. down $65 per mo. This is a good houre with 2 Bdrms. L R . Kit., also Gar. SO x 132 Lot and Real Garden soil. We have a swell new home in Lincoln Park Ad 'J. 3 Bdrms. 1', Baths. L.R., D.R.. Kit. A Inside Utility. Etotible Gar. This home has Hdwri. floors, 2 Firepls. Lincoln Park where the streets are paved, curbs ft sidewalk!, drainage system and a great water supply. Price $13,000 with 20 pet. down. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Building REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS PH. EM 3-9217 Eves: EM 3-7381 or EM 3-3077 Something 'Different TWO Duplexes. ONK NEW. tuid A modern 2 hedrm. home with fireplace and basement. ON Jj o( A. East on Center Sell the 2 duplexes lor 5.38.500 & home separate or all together tor $30,000. .Art Madsen. Realty 1326 State EM 3-5580. EM 2 8812 EM 38405 MAKE HER HAPPY I EUY her this F.H.A. constructed 2 norm nome mat is to enzy antf cheerful with Its warm 1 floors over a 1100 so. ft. base ment, It has a pleasant wann ing fireplace in the 14x22 ft. living room too. Located m a proud hut friendly neighbor hood. Full price just $11,!)50. Call Al. Watti EM 4-6081 eve EM 3-7265. $500.00 DOWN ! $75' PER MONTH takes care of everyining. i nree Denrm nome on one floor, located on 1 -n acre onlv 2 years old. Full price $!W50. Call Fred Head EM 4-6081 eve EM 2-7!56. SOUTH NICE 2 bedrm home, large lot. ui. or i ma. loan avaiiaoie. Full price IR500. Owner will trade up. Call Fred Head EM 4-6081 eve EM 2-7B56. 4 PLEX $2fi.5O0.00 NF.ARING COMPLETION Just 3 minutes to down town. These are single bedrm units over full basements. Rental should bring $60. per month with oc - cupants pa.ing their own utili ties. SlB.otlO loan availahle. Call A!. Watts EM 4-6C81 eve EM 3-7265. 4!07N. River Pri. Ph EM 4-fi0Bl k;glewood dist. Very well planned, spacious 2 bdrnr home. Each large hed room has 1 wall full of closets & Iniiltins. Bsm't. & attic for storage space. 2 car garage. z nams. ciose to stores & bus. Call EM 3!)J)30. NEAR CAPITOL SHOPPING IF you are Interested In a well built home onlv 1 vr. old close to schools and shopping, then bedroom home with a possible 4th bedroom or den, Nevada stone fireplace. 1 baths. Double garage. $14,000.00 Good icrms. Call Fnve Seal Eve. EM 4-5.W4 Don DouQydoH 320 Court Ph. EM 4-8181 Family Home LOVELY 3 bdrm. ' home and playroom in Keier, close to school, hus. shopping. Here is value, spacious rooms nicelv finished woodwork, plastered, has cov fireplace and eating space. Owner will accept good building lot as part down pav ment. $11,500. Call Al Roome, Eve. EM 4-5418. Home & Income 2 BDRM. home for owner with attractive knotty pine living room, tile bath, entire proper ty clean and neat as a pin. Has 1 bdrm. rental for $40 Cor month. Close to school, us. shipping, A good buy at $9,250. Owner might consider some trade for Silverton or Mt. Angel property. Call Ruth Morrison, Eve. EM 4-1844. Joe L. Bourne Rltr. 1M0 N. Capitol EM 3-8216 . ' VIKW PROPKIITY LARGE. CONTKMPORARY In the country. 7 months old, w ith TWO large balconies 18 x li and 12 x 12). 3 bedrooms, basement with finished party room. CKlra bedroom. Two fuil tile balhs. $24,500. Call F.M 4-B7fiC Eve! Cordova Stephen son KM 4-fil49. Ted Morrison,. Realtor 260 N. HIGH, PH. V.V 4-6766 NEED 2 BDRMS ? THESE- NEAT HOMES ARE EASY TO BUY AND READY 1 TO MOVE INTO! No. 1. Economical, nicely ar-1 ranged, very clean 2 bdrm. plder home No decorating tn J do. Completely fenced ard. 1 Familv fruit It nut trees ! Price $5.50(i. No. 2. Attractive newer home ith lovelv plaster ib. Fam ily kitchen, large utility rm. i Plumbed & wired. Large part Iv fenced yard Vacant, and priced right at $8,950. Lo" down payment. No. 3. East suburban ith frpl. autn furnace. 2 bdrm: & un ; firmhed up Attached s i Clnv to bu tV ftore. $fW don. Price $7,200. I mW LAND CO r RALTOftS BI7 COUR.T EM 44494 OWNER GOING. Ml'ST SKI. I. NF.WLY rf. iturriv built Mr home Terr (arrien rrtt it ? Kenrer! f.ov patio. n'-i- e nhrijb'. ha 2 bdrrri. trr area, frpli.. hd-rt flm , hir'n Many lovely (eaturef Y. eler. re'. ln,ul , ueathT- tripped, 2 rar far. Ml im prov. in. fll.WO. LM 2 W4. Co 800 Real Estate I 806 Houses For Sal 90 ACRE FARM Chehalis A Ntwburi soils, all cultivated ft ir rigated. Large barns ft storage sheds, silos. Near ly new 2 bedroom home lus large older home, his is an ideal stock, dairy or truck farm 1st time offered at this low price of $45,000 on on rea sonable tprms. Call Henry Tor vend for appointment Lee Ohmart IN THK DARK DON'T be in the dark about this home, call Ralph Maddv and see this wnndetpul 3 bedroom home in the "Carl Add."' it's realty different with new and rxcitine features thrnushout-r-you II he especially proud of the familv room this entire pa-ious home is exceptionally well finished Don't forget, call Ralph Maddy now . . , . HURRY! HURRY! . 3 YF.AR OLD, 2 bedroom home north this place is really nice nd good looking too. Owner moving to Idaho so here is your chance to get a real deal Price $(,750.00. Set Louu Lorenz. HO YOU NEED A LARGER HOME? & nn r. ,) nenrnnm nome wnn separate njning-room, - nice lot on Auburn Road will trade for 3 bedroorn home close in. ! $500.00 DOWN WE HAVE Just lUted this 7 year old home, dose In Knglewood School 3 bedrooms not a large home but comfortable -and homey"-full price H30. $?00. down, bal. at 5 Call Ad rienne Sercombe. FIRST TIME OFFERED 'i ACRES located North in rich farming area 1(1 A. No. 1 Peat soil t beaver dami large onion barn, beautiful building Me will trade for property in or near Salem. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS. ' LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Phone EM -241 15 EM-Z41I8 Eve. Henry Torvend EM -3.19,12 Ralph Maddy EM 2?,m Louis L.menz p.M-.w.uru Aarienne Brown EM-liSoM C. 1). McCargar, Rib. $!)99.00 DOWN ' Take your choice a 3 yr. old IM.-..HH mi f.M-ciicm conniuon aim om i'j mus. to scnool or a 7 yr. old 2 BR. home on S. Cani'.ol near the newS. Salem Hi Priced tn sell quickly Ruth under ISUOO. Call Herb Willsmore EM 4-4441, Eve. EM 2i'3P8. SEE ENJOY BUY Brand new 3 Brlrtn. home, in excellent location, quirt neighbor hood, surrounded bv new homes. I.amn Ilium r.n,..'u.lil. fi - place; comb, kitchen, dmine. familv room, with built-in range A oven, A nice fireplace. Beautiful ill birch finish. Bath rm. has lovely huilt-in vanity, separate utility rm. with bath. Finished garage with overhead stornge. Price 116,500. Call Mr. Rice EM 4-4441, Eve. EM 3-4869. BEAMS In the living room Beams In the in ucn v jangc. snaing aoort io covered patio, l'j Paths, sep. utility ft oversize dbl. garage with an extra hobhv or storage room. Excellent location south Total prlci 118,500. Call Tom Eagan EM 4-444L Eve. EM 4-81U3. TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY , 17 acres with Irrigation, good barn, small tractor, plow.. disc and nn.wi i , jjuumi niiiise jinn omrr om nulla in s older house livable. Full price (!i.;i00. Will 'nke house to Iti.OOO in Salem. Call Al Bender EM 4-4441, Eve. EM 3-7646. JUST COMPLETED 3 Bedrooms 2 baths, lovely tumult- K,u -mi Kr km. pavrn sirccis--coniracior say srll only $i:i.f:io with ?1,5UU down. Call McCargaf EM 4-4441. Eve. EM 4-7.171. 702 NO. HIGH PHONE EM 4-4441 Buy Real Valuo With ponfldnct) 603 CHEMEKETA OWNER TRANSFERRED. South Salem Candalaria School District. Beautiful birch wod 'work throughout. Nearly new home in lovely Laurel -Springs nisinci. Mas .1 oenrooms. 'j baths, ceramic tile shower. 11x20 living room, riming room beautiful birch kitchen w ith eating space. Utility room, double attached gumge. Welt located on nice corner lot with lawn and shrubs in. Rare op portunity to buy a well located home at the right price. Priced at $l4.fl50. Terms. Call Dean Klnrr EM 4-6875. Home phone EM 2-70DO. MOTEL. We will take a clean house or contract on this in come property on Hlway in Salem. Good location. If you are handy with ha m me r A saw this business can make you $25.ono more than the cost 10 you, tiood income at prcs- A NICK PLACR FOR THK CHILDREN on dead end Mreet in North Salem restricted dis trict. Attractive new .1 hdrm. home with din. rm.. 1 ' plumb in and 2 rar garage. Owner leaving Salem. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY 10 ACRE FARM V' miles from Yamhill.- Oregon near Newberg, MrMinnviile Si Port land market.. S Acres prunes. 38 acres perm, pasture, clean 2 bdrm. home. Good barn. All for onlv f!l750. CALL RON HUDKINS 11.1 ACRKS for $8500 with terms. Located approx. 11 miles south of 'Salem. All fenced, creek, spring, appro x. .10 acres open land. No bldgs, except sheep shed, Price Includes some sheep, dump (ruck, dozer with blade. CALL O. V. HUME fc'2iB& mm TM- ' a rtv G R A B K N II ORST P ROS. REALTORS 10 S. LIBKRTY ST. I'll. KM 2-2471 KvrnlnK.i A- SundavB call ,Sfllerncii Ron Hudkinit F.M 3-8712 O V. Hun.e EM 2-S2IW Wall Snrolofdky EM 3-IMW5 J. E Law FM 3-5113 Mrs. Richrtrdson EM 4-H'i86 $500 DOWN ' 2 BDRM. home, needi re deco rating, utility rm., g a race Once priced at $5,000, NOW $3. ft). C. W. RKKVK, Rltr. IBM Mission EM 3-45W) Eve. EM 2 Oflfla 812 Exch. Rco Estor Wednesday Trade SMALL ? BOP. M HOME IS INCOME PROPERTY. Tnn of over 1120 per rnonlh ar-d owner'i living rj -jar lent in hi potentl;.! for prr-.e-;T t-u ciyae rouiK, ive. t.vi OWNER OF THE5F TWO SMALL HOMES ON ONE LOT WANTS : TO TRADE WITH PROPERTY IN SII.VEHTON OR VALLEY TOWN. .SaJem piopertv con'Ht.i of 1 two hdrrn. hof. and 1 or bdrrn. home. la.elO for both. Will trade down. Call Dor othy Deal, Eve. EM 4-M.J2. OWNER WILL TRADE t'P TO t BASEM'I AND PARTV RM. i ha.s b-,emt -Ai'h rooio i to i nice nnrmt on mam m i 'm a r ire M-eet. South $14 i EM 2-"R(S. VAI L' A RLE ONK N filWLND A"RE f -E W I'J H h-i't.f nd bmld :n wbn-n retir ini nvsnr w ui tr-de for cou-t tri-nlex or home. 7 his valuaole acre hns more than paid for ltelf in ne vear erop Predirnont aie Boort for bumper onion crop thlf "-season. Call Chel Nelson K:t. EM 2-1(50 NELSON' & NELSOX, REALTORS lim 8. Commercial 800 Real Estate 806 Homes For Sal Rudy Calaba hercomhe EM-490R2 Stanley 1. RR. home In the MominRside family room 2 fireplaces, built- kilehrn rustle fireplace large 5-Loans5Vi I Buying - Building PH. EM. 4-6B75 ent. To see call Ben Griffith EM 4-6875 or Eve. call EM 3- B783. OWNER TRANSFERRED. Would like offer on Hits neat 2 bedroom home. Good loca tion 50 x 120 lot. Asking $7, 850. Make offer en Down payment Ask for Dale Ravhurn EM, 4- 6873. Eve. St Sun. call EM ' 2 2045. 5 Acres South Suburban, Has partially built home. Located on gently sloping hillside with nice view down a little valley. Price onlv $3,000 Terms. Call Dean Klarr. EM 4-6875 or home phone EM 2-7000. SUBURBAN SOUTH. Spacious 2 nenrooin home. Large int. Good school local ion. Price fn.fi.WI. Good terms. Call H. K. Lavmon EM 4-6873 or Eve. call EM 4-5507. FINK FAMILY HOME No! fancy, hut very livable. 5 hdrms, nice liv. rm. wiin fire place, din, rm., kitchen, hath, full basement with oil fur nace. Lxlra lfe. garage with facilities (or care of children' hikes, fenced yard. Convenient to nrhonla and transportation, in ooo. CALL J. E. LAW . DO YOU NtfHD MORE ROOM? If no and you have a 2 hdrm home around 1100 or 1200 iq. ft. in the Englewood District preferably, we ran trade it for you on a beautiful 3 bdrm home in Rood district. Priced at IIV-.V). Inc. well land scaped lot. Home fl yr. old in excellent condition CALL MRS. RICHARDSON BUSINESS LOT North Com mercial Stieet- 50x130 ft. lot a I lev at rear, f-3 Huxlneh.s Dlxlnct Price I.'lVMi ' CALL C, L. C.HAHENHORST $D mn -VERY NEAT 2 bedrm home on S. (Jolt age between Bush Park 8c Lehhe School, lovelv kitchen, oil furnace, an extra bed rm over garage, large corner lot Term Call O. A Walters. Healtor. flffl R. Com'l. EM 2-8714 or F.M 4-8385. 812 Exch. Real Eitot Day at Nelsons WANTED TO TRADE FOR THIS, home with 4 rem! hnu an Incn'ne i is oi aterl in hiisinrs". one H is n id m ion lo t rnt.il-. 1 tin property and future development. 110.910. z-Min. C.YT I.ARfiER HOME WITH 4 HDRMS Their IU'jOO home I M-itahle for hrim. In addition i uw a vrrv n:u9:ii nome Wi. fail Ed-th Aflrr-on, Ewe. rh. EM 2-3M: Mi OJTIttl 1 I Lb Capital R00 Real Estate B07 Apt's. Courts tor Sol 0.500 EQUITY In 4 plex In SE Salem. Might tride. EM 27520. 808 Lots For Sole BUILDING SITES Verv choice large lot on K1NGWOOD bmvK I ACRE SOUTH NEAR SALEM HTS. SCHOOL 15 ACHKS SOUTH Excellent for Ruhdivision 5 VIKW LOTS SOUTH uilh Kwl 2 bcilrni. home SAI.KM proi'khties JOHN ,1. DANN, HKALTOR 3(17 N. HiRh EM EMi'l.UI Eve. EM 4-32J0 EM 2-7401 EM 2-9723 810 Farmi For Sol FARM 30 ACRES: 17 irrigated with all farm eouin. included. 2 Bdrm. house, basement, good barn A out bldgs. Fenced, sheep light. rnccti io sen at hu.:ijii. tasy terms. C. W. REEVEi Rltr. lBtifl Mission EM 3-451W F.ve. EM 3.B33B. 2-0898 CHOICE ACREAGES ALL VERY WELL LOCATED ON MAIN HIGHWAYS AND IN GOOD DISTRICTS 10 A. New house Trees 4 A. Strawberries. Good subdivision possibilities. North $21,500. 5 A. Comfortable small home fine soil. East $U,500. 31 A. East Fine Soil Older home $.11,000. 1 A. South near all schools. Bus line. Older comfortable home. Orchard, garden, huge shade trees. Live creek, with fish and ducks for the children, $9,500. For appointment to inspect CALL JIM W. BRASHER Eves. .EM 413B8 Don DotUjktou. Court Ph. EM 4 8484 CALLING ALL RANCHERS! ! STOCKED A EQUIPPED 1B0 ACRES, (60 acres bottom S round with irrigation set-up. I 3 acres semi-cleared planted pasture, fenced St cross fenced. Springs St creek. 30 head of Hereford (20 registered). Full lines of excellent, almost new equipment. Feeder bafn for 150 Head, sire barn, machine shed. 50 tons hay. 2 Bdrm. modem en Huge, 2' miles from Independence. Add some sheep A hogs ft vou've got it made. An AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE. S47.5O0. Some trade cmsidered. Please call Mrs. WcIIk for showing. Eves. ph. EM 2-3738. COLBATH LAND CO. RKAI.TOIIS MJJCnurl St. Ph. EM A im ACREAGE 5 TO 20 A. close-in. East. All tillable, finest of soil. On easy C.'w. ItEEVE, Rltr. 8 GO Mission EM 3-4500 Kv. 1M 3-fI.p.lB. 2-OfWH tf ACRE mi. South ft 1 "mf. West of Gervais, omv 1 ml. West of !)!E Hw.v. Good nlace for horses, sheep HRht. large harn. noiris iimi ion nav 1 slory redecorated 3 bdrm Prlri- nnwn. EM 4-27H RV OWN Kit AM Irnvlni!. Will Mil 10 lo 1.1 re trHrl. rln. In A Corner.. Will mflke Rood Invc.tnient. EM 2 14. 818 -Wonted, Real Estate 2 BDRM. house w-Mhin walking dist. of 17th A- Cheinekctit. Not nver fft.500. Call Adrlrnne Serromhr. Ohmart Si C'ahiha nitrs., 477 Cojit. KM 2-41 1 A. SMALL 2 bdrm. house, vie. 17th Chemekctn. Up to $7,000. Cai! KM .1-7a7B. FAMILY ivlfhea hdrm . home, very mihstan tial dn. pm't. KM 4-ltO.lB after fl p.m. 8oO Anlomolive 151 New Cart Looking For Gasoline Economy The NKW STIIOKBAKKIt CHAMPION BEFORE YOU BUY Amrrica'.s most dpppndiiblp A economical fi cylinder en gine Delivers outstanding mileage per gal. with livelj pop ft acceleration. TOP ALL0WANCK -BANK TERMS BONESTEELE'S LOWEST cost delivery or tr-in. with the new HiM 3 wh,,l CUSHMAN TRUCKSTER. .-0 ml. per gal. 40 M P H., en clotted cab, elec. starter. Shrock's.-137.5 Mihlaiul Famous German KCONOMY CAR New HI37 Hit? dr r,mf.irt AUTOHAUS 340 N. High KM 4.13.1a m .., .. m. I-.,, r 1 852 Ued Car$ TOT 5ale MAKE offer on '31 Hudion 2 door. 52 Chev. 4 rio-rr, b'ltn ; In rood rondition.KM 4-12 IH Ts.vT'wiilvn hi at ion wKn, ex ! eellent condition, 31 WW miles, i Heater. radio. F7B engine Complete overhaul S15. 7W) West Vthta. KM 2 7fl7!i ' f?5 RHYS it.v equity '51 Pontiac CflUlina loaded. 7 B'0 mile onlv tl.BV) lo to. EM 4-:ift1. ' CLEAN '4(i Ford "ust'm 4 dr., th'u. o'drive. 12fl5 EM 2 H'Ofi '51 MERO xrtn 7"od rood " t:rtn fur er, i:tv. Call after t p in EM 2.2fl(3. '4n OLDS." 2 dr" For quick sale,: SLMi. EM 4 -Ml 4 7 J53 OLDS 6R Holiday, p'-er. low jf mileige, make ofer. CM 3-7779 i Journal, Salem, Ore., 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sale '47 FRAZER, work car. food radio, heater, tires. $05 or make offer. EM 4-3232. '50 PONTIAC 4 dr., excel, cond. $375. EM 2-4561. '50 FORD "V-8. 2 dr., n'drlvs, heater, ec. cond.. tires good, $.150. 2fi;(0 Dreamerit Lane. EM 4-3456. nsj Auto Port & Repair! CUSTOM painting, pin strip ing, ft flame painting also lead work. 520 Ratcliff Dr. Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-1513 iJ4 Trucks, Troil. tor sole '31 FORP i T. pickup, excel lent condition. EM 3-R802, 8-5 p.m. '47 Ford pick-up service truck, Perf, cond., $3!3. 600 Gaines, EM 2-6874. "CMC, 2-speed rear end. Want rear ena nousing lm 27345. FURNITURE vWhed""forl'"a" ton truck $75. Joe Rogers, 413-Jlndependence. 1051 INTERNATIONAL ',i ton Pickup. Good tires. radio, heater, one-owner. Very clean and exceptionally solid body. Hart Motor Co.. Independence. or call Bill Cogswell, EM 27137, Salem. FORD J-T. p i ck u p-re7lfyc 1 ea"n", $425. See to jpprejC.JEMJ-4280. 14' FACTORY built A 13' truck hed, both with grain racks. Ph, Dayton 12x4. p, mi. W. Grand Island School. Merle Church. t)A0 Auto Miscellaneous 1 REPOSSESSED WORN 10 pet. SAVE 33 pet. Four 6.70x13 tubeless. A real buy. Pick up balance for $4 down. $3.75 wk. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liherty. Ph. EM 22491. SET of nylon "500" tires. Bought nn sioicn erect it earn, no signs of mileage, Assume bal. $1 per tire. "Your Down Town" Fire stone Store. 335 N. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-2431. REPOSSESSED FOUR D.00x20 10-ply transport. n.u., inw mileage. Excellent huy. Call Ken at "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 303 N. Liberty. Th. EM 3-3491. 862 House Trailers 1057 CARDINAL' Ifl trailer, sleeps 4. A bargain. See 2469 Wooddale Ave. EM 4-358!) . SEE THE BEST In Fine Mobile Homes The New '37 VAGABOND; ARC; S11UI.T: GREAT l.AKKS; NASHUA TERRY Trailer,. It It. to 50 II. 1 ft 1 Bedrms. Jayhawk Trailer Sales 2640 rorllnnrl nd. EM 3 -BOM IMS nniXOIIOMF.740 tl.. slerni i. line new. complete wnn nwninff. on trniler lot in So. Inn's brut pnrk. Call EM f.- mnke offer. CASH KOH TRAILKUS 1940 LANA AVK. EM 4-4258 The People's Choice New 1057 Rlllmore Mobile Homes NOW ON DISPLAY See Them Today! WILL lake in trade furniture. pickup.., car equities or what i.ive vnu RON'S TRAILER SALES Open FvenliiRS EM 2-f)Hl)fl TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cal. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2(t40Jortland Rd. EM:4-6934 1052 an Jayllne trailer, 815 K. McGtlcrist, KM 2-lfirtfl. 3.1 KT, all mod. trailer houne. Must sell cheap. Inq. Reed's Trailer Court. Across from Paul us Bros. Crf.tsty. 900 Display Class. See The New ENGLISH Fords Anplia Prefect , Consul Zephyr Zodiac Dislinclivp styling "(MOD LOOKING . . . EXCELLENT QUALITY" Powprlul I'crtorniante Srr t he English Ford for your family today. II models to choose from. Now al mir n.w jhowroom 200S r.lrroundl Bold BRITISH CAR SALES 2tm No. Capitol SINGER'S mm OF FLOOR MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS USED MACHINES SAVE UP TO 50 .... -,.. li.mi Avvt-Ai t.ni.- aii. ni.-r:iii.B ktotk t) fTHKAp" I.KAUKR N1KRCHANDISK HERE. ALL? TVI'I'S AUTOMATIC. SLANT NEEDLE. STRAIGHT 'NEEDLE, PORTABLES, CONSOLES, DESKS. j PRICES FROM $495 t ' TERRIFIC BARGAINS - TRADES " AND EASY TERMS HUKKY FOR BEST SELECTION SEWING nt. TM D-.HIJ nmijs Wed., Jan. 23, 1957 850 Automotive 852 Used Cart For Salt 56 Pontiac $2795 870 4 Door V-8. radio, heater, h.vdnmatic, white walls, tu tone finish. One-owner, lowf mileage, clean, it s an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2695 Deluxe 4 door, radio, heater, hvdramatic. white walls, tinted glafs, power steering, power brakes, tutone green finish. 202 hp Rocket engine. Real sharp. It's an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2795 Deluxe Holiday Coup, radio. walls, power steering, power brakes, tutone paint. Be in style with this one. One-owner and It's an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2995 Deluxe Holiday Sedan, heater, nyoramnic, power Steering, power brakes, white walls, tinted glass, red it white finish with black St white interior, one-owner. It'i an NBC. NBC is the completely safe way to buy a used car Remember Jim Lodcr and Paul Geil art always ready lo make you a good deal. Come In and see one of thorn today! LODER BROS. CO. Used Car Department 461' No. High EM 2-7973 MISPRINT HECK no, Just honest barf .i ins AS Chev. 4 dr I114S V-ll, powergllde M Ford 2 Dr., SHARP S7.1S 52 Ford 2 Dr. , $433 SO Olds Hardtop Cpe. $4!)S 50 Ford V8 2 Dr. $105 4fl Lincoln 4 Dr. ; $P5 51 Willys Sta. Wagon . $545 QUALITY USED CARS I 3-12H4 3I1H Portland Rd. Orcuon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Can Commercial A: cnemektj KM 4-5711 CAPITOM Union ft Commercial EM 3-3173 1 M K RC. Monterey hardtop, power equipment, auto, trans., nvlon 1 1 res, clean. See at Shoppers Car Park, Kerry St High Sis. MUST nacrifice ir55 Bulck hard top coupe, power brakes, steer Ing. Can arrange finance and will accept trade in. EM 2-32t)l alter 6 p.m. 900 Display Clam. Phone EM 2.SB02 m .i-.isfn CENTER Woodburn i-mi LODER'S NATIONAL BONDED CARS I EN VW71.