Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 23, 1957, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 2 Section 2
Patterson Challenges Marciano to
Big Ten Tries
Rule Experiment
Defense Receives
Stress With 6
Foul Code
CHICAGO W-The His Ten is
putting the brakes on "Tire
uann" basketball, or at least jjiv
ing the came back to the defense
The conference is experiment-'
Ins with a rule which disallows
the honus free throw on the first
six fouls by a team during each
half and also a "no harm, no foul"
This has tended to inspire var,
led defensive play with some
coaches, during a single game,
mixing zone, full court presses
and regular man-to man de
fenses. I
Pace in
Jeff Outlasts
Scio by 52-41
SCIO 'Special Coach Oral
me Aianon n league viciuiy umm
by defeating the Scio Loggers, 52r
41, in a League basketball game
here Tuesday night.
Jeff held a 29-21 lead at the
Bobby Harris led the winners
with 12 points, but yielded game
honors to .Scio'i Ken Robinson,
who hit for 19.
Jeff now owns a 4-0 league rec
ord. Scio is 1-2,
O.S.D. Upset
By MacLaren
WOODRURN (Special) - Ore
gon School for the Deaf's Pan
thers, seeking their third straight
Marion B League basketball win
of the season, were surprised by i
the cellar-d welling Macl.aren
)fawks, 62-45, here Tuesday night, j
The win enabled the Hawks to f
break Into (lie win column for the
first time in league play, follow-!
in-; two straight lassen. (
Bon Nyberg and Bobby Gillette;
h: If) and 17 points for the Hawks. I
while Oavey Wood canned J5 fori
til" Visitors.
The Hawks owned a 20-fl intex
tii'ssion bulge.
O.II.n. 4S) (13) Marl.arrn
Otllev ili F 1 4 1 I.mUi
Wood H5l r i!H FtmUitir
'llininpMni f 1 0 C (4) ThomnMin
Illicit ifll C, ill) (Illlrtlr
Untlfin if G 1 181 Nvhfr
npKprvfn corin: OSO., Rev
(midle ll), Upton (2); Mfli-l.aion,
Jaimer iHi. rulpttm Cli. Tlmnins
Official; Allpy and Stewart.
Vails City Nips
Vervydale 50-17
In Marion Loop
FALLS CITY (Special - Falls j
City high school, behind Jackie
d';rl s 14-point effort, outlasted
the Perrydale Pirates, r(M7, in a
Marion County It league basket
ball game bore Tuesday night. The
win was the third against two loss
es In league play for the host
Falls City held a narrow 2U-2I
li'lftime edge.
Vogel's total was good for came
honors, Ray Pe.lung led the Ins
vv w ilh 1.1.
Perrvdale salvaged the Bee pre
lim, 31-27.
J'crrvrtalr 4t) (SO) r'IU lltv
Phillips iM F it), i'juvci
l'l:if ntMa (7) F i 11 1 Utlie
Funk I 10. C Ht' Ta l"i
1".-Jnnj! il.'il C (!' StrniieiM
C, ntti u-li iHI (i i Kii.lun
ilfir-i Si'itiik Pfiii.l.ilr Oia-
E n 2. Smith 2. F.tlU i'it. Vojrl 14.
Oftlil.llM llnllllPV llllll W.ilkrr.
Work al i .U ixv
Lake ( iomphicd
LFBANON i Special - - Kxcep
t tonally mild weal her is credited
with making possible the comple
tion of interior finishing of a new
boat house, manager's (iiarlers
J-nd olfice of the Santiam Fish and
Came Assn. at Clear Lake Ibis
veek. Cults Cntiviiiuiion Co. and
ft rrew went up iniu Hie hmh Cas
fades two weeks agn. They plan
to be through early (his week
Temperatures w no as low a
Mne degrees ahoe cro.'the crew
told Howard Crocket! , member ol
t Ha? board of directors of the asso
ciation, Thry plowed their w ay
nut 6nce and came out once lor
IlincraMs Sign
Hrrlvn Hodrs
Kl'CFM-:, Ore. i Berhn
Hodses, 24 year-old ictoria. B (.' .
pitcher, has been ngncd by the
F.ugene Kmeralds ol the North
vest Baseball League. Ceneral
Jlanager Hugh Luby announced
T Tsday.
"of':es h;id an 11-7 win lost rec
Or i 1; -t sTsnn. He w It doub'e
M trainer lor the ball club, Luby
f aid
';ISBANK. . 'i-.ttaha- Pancho
flonzalcs Los Anrles. defeated
Ken HnscwfllL Aeitrnlia. d-4. 9-7,
t- to take a V load in their
professional cries.
Jeil Keeps Leading
It also has trimmed five to
seven minutes from the playing
time of an average game, resulted
in an average team score shrink
ing about seven points and de
creased foul calling by about 10
per cent.
Bill Haarlow, Rig Ten super-1
visor of officials, said the six-foul
regulation is proving so satisfac
tory he is confident it will be writ
ten into the collegiate code next
Maarlow told the Chicago Bas
ketball Writers yesterday the "no
harm, no foul" policy may lake
some time for acceptance by fans.
He emphasized that in play close
to the basket in the slot that
fouls are called as strictly as ever.
But in mid-court or back court,
such infractions as accidental
bumping and other minor viola
tions escape thy official's whistle.
Marion B
W 1, Ave.
.Jrf fprson
A o l mm
2 1 .B"7
' 1 5 ..IM
. 1 j .:u:t
o 3 .ooo
W L A vp.
2 1 .fifil
3 1 .fi'17
3 2 .flffll
, Orrirnn Dral
IVrrvdHlc 2 2 .MM)
MirUifn 1 2 SW:t
St. Paul I :t ,.250
Tupsdiiv results Jrffron 52. SHn
41; Marl.aren fl:?. Oregon Deaf Sell no I
4ft: Chrmawa 3!). SI. Paul 'I'M F;ill
City 5ft, Prrrydale 41; Colton 41.
Sublimity 2!).
Indians Whip
Bucks, 39-23
C1IKMAWA 'Special! The
Chcmawa Indians, behind Al Nut
louis" 14 points, rolled over the St.
aul Buckaroo.1, 31-23, in a Mar
ion County n League basketball
game here Tuesday night.
Chemnwa held a narrow lfi-13
halftime lead, but poured on the
coal in the second half, and coast-
cd the distance.
Nutlmiis led the Hodmen, hut
yielded game honors to St. Paul's
Hich Koch, who canned IS.
The Cheniawn Papooses copped
the Jv mix, 411-26,
kVu'i" i ifl'J r
Coleman i4) r
wii.Jin m r.
(3H t'hrmaWfc
I2l .Sluilimi
iRI HjhIi.iiI
(Mi Niitlnuu
Ifil Hrdslerr
I!M SrttfltlilN
It. Paul. Hlller
Hrscrves nmrlnK
I 2l. Official! fie Lnrrttn and Dnnovon.
Colton Romps
On Sublimity
COLTON ( Special) W 1 t h
Bert Lundmark showing the way,
the Col Ion Vikings eased to an
impressive 44-2(1 Marion County
It League basketball win over the
Sublimity Saints here Tuesday
Lundmark canned IB tallies to
top game individual scorers. Doug
Bindley hit 7 to lead the losers.
Colton led, 20-14, al the half.
The Colton Bees wrapped tip
the opener. ;0-25.
SiiMtmllY (I!) (It) ( niton
Wilt Hi r ( Ui l.uml'n' h
Mn.T itii F iKl Hifl
lltrtiilrv 7 t" (A ('rrcc
llaiilici urr ifl' C; i:h Nvlim
.Silhci n,.crl il' (i ifli Rfi'tlun
lif.rirs M'ltrun S,ullinilt Pi'
Irr i 1 , UlRttn i 2 ; I'olton, Johiunn
I 1 1 1 A niakf r 1 4 1
j 'ffi,Mls HriHtitf auft Ireland.
Portland Hoop
Wtu e Mi i VK
Koos(rll Falls
POKTLAM) i.P The I'lulland
hi'h school league basketball race
became a lotu team allair Turs
! day as Ftaiiklui, last year s slale
class W-l champion, upended Boo
seell. ti'J f.0,
j That Nil Benson, lelleis.m.
Ciant and Lineoln deadloiketl
' attip the league Willi itlenlieal 4 1
; l'ei','1 tls.
Iten-eti was idle Tuesday, but
'. .leltn sun dow oed Wilson. 4!1 41.
I liraot drfeated Washington, M 41,
and Lincoln trimmed Cle eland,
Win I
KaMcni ( )rcjon
M.LA WI.L - Whitman
Cullr tie grabbrd an e.u ly lead
and held it thimiuhout I be game
to Kalei n Oregon 7 .'.",
tn a non-con (ereiu-e haskrtbal!
S.iilif Tiirsil.iv int'ht.
Tlie M s :o;i.m i snurtrd In an
tn I:'' in the hr-l quail' r an.t
s-tre'ehed that In ;i7 :i al half
time lnd'' sroi i n g honors,
thorn;!:, went In the lexers' Jeny
Baxter wild l." pnn-is
iMolnllu Koil-Cun ( Jul)
Slalrs Slioot Sumhiv
MOLALLA 'Special - It will In
tra p shoot IT Sunday auam Um
Calli ng Sundav , Jan 27. w hen a
iret t'haiuhse lun't will be held at
.Mol.'Ma Boil k Www v!-ih gieurd
Art iVnnid, H'rv dert i th
i li'li. said ammun tain and lurch
will be Mild on the grounds ant!
Mure will be games in the dub
house all day and evening The
club house is to miles south ot
,Mui.ilU on Saulcll road.
Of Fame
Floyd's Ambition
To Earn Kcal
United Preai Sporti Writer
weight champion Floyd Patterson
today issued a challenge to re
tired Itocky Marciano to "come
back and fight."
With the quiet but intense Pat
terson it is a matter of both pride
and pockelbook. He knows that a
botit with Marciano might produce
the greatest gale of all time, yet
his hope that the Brockton Block
buster might return to the ring is
based on a desire to prove his own
"Before I fought Archie Moore
he was picked by many to defeat
me," Patterson explained. "After
I defeated him to win the cham
pionship, almost everybody con
curred that I had beaten an 'old
man.' "
Beating Marciano, lie knows,
would clinch hi.s spot in the hall
of heavyweight champions.
Floyd Feels Cheated
"There is nothing we would like
better than to fight Marciano,"
agreed white-haired Cus D'Amalo,
: Palterson's manager. "I know
how deeply Floyd feels that this
in the only thing which stands be
tween him and the recognition
which he deserves. Bight now he
feels cheated and I can t say that
I blame him."
IV Amnio has no qualms about
risking the title against the heavy
handed retired champion.
"I told Floyd two year.i ago that
I thought he could beat Marci
ano," he said. "I was certain that
he could beat him for eight rounds
but at the time, '-'loyd had never
been more than that distance.
Now we are certain that he can
go IS rounds, if necessary, even
though he has been as far as 12
rounds only once in heating Hur
ricane .lackson."
Patterson Breaks Band
In that fight, Patterson hroko a
bone in his hand early, in the hout
but still managed to win the de
cision. "lie still was strong at the end
of those 12 rounds and knew that
he could have gone 15 rounds,"
IVAmato explained.
The Pntlerson camp admits that
a Marciano fight would be a real
risk because, as D'Amalo nodded,
"Itocky's punch could take any
body out at any time."
But D'Amalo has an iron clad
faith in his 22-year-old champion
and then, loo, there is the money. ,
Barring Marciano's return, on1
tap for Patterson is an exhibition;
tour and a probable June fight
with Jackson, Alter that there is j
nobody in immediate, sight except
some shopworn veterans and in
experienced Kddie Mac hen of Cal
ifornia. PltO BASKKTBALL
(Tuesday's HrsulliO
New York'W, Syracuse Wl
Fort Wayne !)7, St. Louis R7
Calientc 3-10
itlendance r
I'nlted Prp Sports Writer j
The greatest boon to the hoss bel
ling industry since I he develop
ment of the thoroughbred is the
.VIO betting, inaugurated at Cali
ientc race track a year no and
still jjoinR like wild lire.
This type of wapering. which
calls lor pickinp the most winners
in six races from the fifth tn the
tenth race, has had some astound
inp repercussions accordmp to
John Allesio, general manaper of
For inMaiue:
A prospector won $ Ml, 000 and
ininiedialely in veiled the money
tn iiiMiianci annitilies.
A w indow washer won $;t0.000
and purchased a motel.
A suuhcate of eidit employes
al It ulir Aircraft Company in San
Iheun lias cnnie up with these win
ners in ested $16 and won $42,
000 inuMed the next week $i4
ami won $i:iXl; uneslwl $144 the
lolfoump week and won $14,000
A little old Nepress trom Los
Anodes comes down every week
and has cdlrclcd bets of $ti.000.
$4,000 anil $:l 000
CoihI Knr Huslnrss
"It's hard lo imagine what the
.1 10 w atei m; has done for our
husinos," .sa Allesie
"Our attendance has doubled
compared with a ear ao and our
mutual handle the fust Sunday in
l!'Mi was $181 000, compared with
not) the tirst Sunday in 1W7.
jtfffSWWMIMtflMBgf Ri6hT.f STE a I EXACTLY ? IrWEN STfvC WEETS HIS K1 I lit Vfc fKGLtO A QuAQTf K O A 1
THT STE.E Wfi.1 GET T Tw twtvT -4W HE'LL PC A MCH-PlUS gf PlC UP A FCftTUNt J CCvMiS$'ON'S JJ TO6... ' rtS
Good Luck, Jim, From
COLLK(;K STATION, Tex. Paul "Bear" Bryant
(left), head football coach at Texas A & M col
lege, wishes his assistant coach, Jim Owens, good
luek as Owens prepares to leave for the Uni
i Vandals Knock
W.S.C., 69-57
MOSCOW, Idaho W Idaho hit
its best scoring stride in the final
! minutes to pull away from Wash
i ington Slate and post a (W-57 Pa
! cific Coast Conference basketball
: victory here Tuesday night,
j Trailing 52-fiO with seven and
one-half minutes to go, the Van
dals hit for 13 straight points
i while holding the Cougars .score
less. Ctfiter Gary McKwen's hook
shot k.iotted the tally, then Way
' len Coleman, Harold Damiano and
B.J. Schaffer all scored to settle
i the issue at fi.1-52. Meantime, the
j Vandals held WSC scoreless for
jsix minutes.
The Cougars' Larry Beck hit
for only i:i points, hut was still
high for the losers. He had been
averaging 21 points per game be
fore running into the rugged Idaho
High for the Vandals was Mc
Kwen with 17.
Idaho led at halftone. 30-29.
The win pulled the Vandals out
of the PCC cellar and left them
with a , two-won six-loss record.
WSC now is 1-5.
WSC (31)
r. f :
neck r 4 .i
Spannr.r .1 3
OlMin.f 0 0
U.isk.K 3 2
nis.B 1 2
cImi f 2 1
Honhar.f S 2
CllHth.r 1 0
Krndv.K 0 0
Stcrlr.n fl 0
(fill) IDAHO
r r J I
li diKn t
Rrnom.f 0
MKwn.o 4
Ciilnmg ,1
Wtl.son.j! 2
Dm a on ( .1
0 1(1
'rtiniMi.a o l .1 l
Sathfr.g 0 0 1 0
Total 71 IS 24 .17 Tom! 20 2H 17 fill
Wah. Slnlr 2!) ?fl-7
rffii Jumps
rom hear; Far
"Our attendance jumped from
a.non to 10.000 on Sundays.
"We ate hrinpinp an averape of
I, loo Inns down from Los Anpcles
by bus, a distance of 150 miles
each w ay. each Sunday. That
takes seven hours of travel. Rut
they mostly are 5-tO and they'll
lo any limit.
"There are two people who fly
out from New York every Sunday
lo play the MO. So far they
haven't collected a dime "
It is Allesio's belief that the 5-1(1
waiiermp. a Itlil- idea he thought
up alter looking al some of the
types ot bettinp in Latin America,
has created mure new faces than
any idea in racing in recent
Nut Itecoinmenitcd
"I don't recommend betting as
a way ol hie," said Allesio, "but
w hat it does for some' people is
astounding. A hin-e Portuguese
woman won $12,000 ami was so
excited thai she ran to the pay-off
window w ilhout her crutches. A
Frenchman won one day and his
wife and three children w ere all
screaming and cryinp as they ran
the full length of the prandstand.
"There are 5-10 dubs m l.c-s
Angeles for women and each week
they delegate a member to come
to Calient e w ith their selections.
"In the nine months of the 5-10
bettinp, the track has paid out
SI.lMO.uhi " says Allesin and he
has visions of it growing even
'It's the best idea 1 ever had
in mv lite." he adds.
!r. It
Hamia Heads Pack
Seeking Ring Title
Saddler Retires
As Feather
NKW YORK Wt Cherif Hamia,
a clever curly-haired Algerian,
1 lends the pack of challengers
snapping at the Vorld feather
weight title now that Sandy Sad
dler has been retired.
The National Boxing Assn.
hopped into .he fray last night
when Fred Saddy, secretary, said
in Milwaukee the winner of a
bout between Hamia and Carmelo
Costa of New York would be rec
ognized as new champion.
The New York State Athletic
Commission is expected to come
up with some sort of a formula,
involving the leading contenders.
when the medical report on Sad
dler is digested.
Berrto In Scramble
Miguel Berrios of Puerto ltico. 1
recently beaten by Gil Cadilli of
San Francisco, probably will be in
the midst of the scramble. Saddy
said Berrios, who had been No. 2
in both NBA and Ring ratings,!
was dropped to third behind Costa
after his defeat by Cadilli.
Former Boxer
Shot to Deatli
NKW YOIiK U'P) - Former
hoxer Frnnkie Palermo, 2fl, who
fought some of the world's lead
ins welterweights in the late Jfl40s,
was .shot lo death Tuesday night
in a Rronx candy store.
The only witness to the shooting,
P-year-old boy, told police that
Palermo was involved in an argu
ment w ith an unknown man in the
The man left .store, then re
turned about t5 minutes later with
two other men. One of the three,
the youth said, pulled a gun and
fired five shots, four of which
struck Palermo.
Police said he was killed almost
Palermo had been working as a
bartender since his retirement.
NVT Jr. Nordic Ski
Meet Killed Saturday
Pacific Northwest Junior Nor
dic "oinhmed ski championships
will be held here next Saturday
and ;unday
To be eligible for national Nor
dic competition. Northwest juniors
are required to enter this PNSA
Defending champion is Jimmy
Hrennan of Leavenworth.
Washington Senators said today
their IW7 srorrcards will bp new
book lets (hat wi" make the score
cards of other major leacue chins
look "re.illy hush leacue."
the Bear
: l
Alt? k
versity of Washington where he will assume the
duties as head coach. The departure of Owens
endrd a ilx-year coaching relationship between
the two men. (AP Wlreplioto)
According to Saddy's formula,
Hamia and Costa would have to
file an agreement with the NBA
to defend the newly-won title with
in 90 days after their bout against
the man designated as leading
challenger by the NBA.
Hamia outpointed Costa in a
Madison Square Garden 10-round-er,
March ;)0, l!)r6 on a split de
cision. In a June 15 match in the Gar
den, Hamia won a unanimous de
cision over Berrios who was
dropped for the first time in his
career in the fourth round.
Losing Eyesight
Hamia's other American start.
May 4, resulted in a victory over
Ike Chestnut at Washington on a
divided decision.
The 126-pound crown was va
cated yesterday when Charlie
Johnston, Saddler's manager, said
he was retiring the champ on the
recommendation of Dr. Thomas
W. Matthew, a neurosurgeon, who
reported the boxer was "going
progressively blind."
Dr. Matthew recommended re
tirement for the .10-year-old Sad
ler, who was injured in an auto
accident in July lf)"6 when a taxi
cab in which he was a passenger
was in collision with a car.
In the Alleys
c ii Kit r v riTV nmvi.
Inrttistrinl Lcnc No. I results:
Nntional Raltery 3, Burkland Lum
ber 1; El wood Masons 3. Mickey's
Drive In 1: Salem Pnln-e .1. Case
Case 1; KOCO 4, Rurt UntiRhr rtv 0,
Ciirly's D.iiry .1. Rurrss Builders 1:
Cal Fak 3. McGlkiinst 1; Blue Lake
a, Ftks 1.
High Vain game and srrles,
Cuily's Dairv 10:iS and 2!'.i. Hich in
dividual c.ime and enes, J, Miiier
247 and fi-IP.
Industrial Leacue Nn. 2
Tram result: Rrowns Jewelers X
McCune Fond Sales 1; Sawburks X
Phelps Rarher Shnu 1: Hoe Bn. 4.
Portland (las fl; Eppinp t.umhrr 4,
Marshall. 0; Dak Meyer Lumber 4.
Van Cleve Farms 0: I'happelles Mar
ket H Fhner's Markrt 1: Morse Sew
ing Center X K-Osv 2: Ramp and
Varbel .1. Wonder Bread 1.
High tram nerics: Browns Jewelers.
High team game: Dirk Mever
brr. 1008.
High individual series: V. Haugen,
Ladies l.e.txue n- Its: Lind Brirk
eltrs .t. Dsko Insui n me 1 ; Oi tn s
T.nem 2 Snnmon 2. Ladd A Biih 4. Kangai Highland Market 0;
I'liillips :i, Master l;
Mt Fir l.umlu-r Tt-ain No. 4 1
High g.ime anil erie, LaiUl
.V Bnli 81? and J4:i7. Hich mduuhial
(anif and senet. fJerlie C.irr 2LI and
54.1. Other higli series. Gloria Hrrn
n.m 5J4, Jean R.nve 5XL
I i'v League retilt' Davis Oil X i
Rainngi s 1; Mu-k s Sign S'lop 4. G.
B, Finnment 0: Dver .1. :
Rank y, Les Newman's 4. Li'der i
Hieh inni triiiat umr da
AppIckhIp l'.fl Huti individual sc
rip, l.cs Jaenber i". Hi
R.imr and frrif. Dyrr Insiuanr flal
and 22M.
Industrial l.ragiir results N
1 X Dvrr A S.-nj 1. T.Y. N-v :
.1, I'.'ontlrr Hrdwrr t: POF No
.1, Good llnuf kprpinf I : Mardv r
. nnnii'? 0. PGC Nn. 4 4. Tcajsue
H'SH Iriii frirj, PC.F Nn t 7 ;.l
I Sirup
.0(1 Ho
High individual serifs. D Whit
.Vi H;h iduMl.ul s-tn-.e. Larry e
nrr 2A$
By Ham Fisher
Return and
5 Schools
WSCs Beck on
Top on 21.2
schools shared top team statisti
cal honors in the weekly basket
ball' figures released today hy the
Pacific Oast Conference commiss
ioner's office.
The only team to lead in two
departments was UCLA, top -ranked
in total scoring and free
throw percentage for all confer
ence games through Jan. 19.
UCLA has averaged 75 8 points
per game in its first four outings
and has scored 91 field goals and
121 free throws.
The Bruins also have hit 78.6
per cent of their attempts from
the free-throw line, with their 121
points coming on 154 attempts.
Washington has shot 44 per cent
from the floor with 157 field goals
in 357 attempts to rank first in
that rating.
Oregon State's top rebounding
mark of 58.9 per cent was ach
ieved on 162 recoveries to its op
ponents' 113.
California has allowed oppo
nents but 51.4 points a game in
five contests and Oregon has held
foes to 32.9 p?r cent on floor shoot
ing and 72 goals in 219 attempts.
The state of Washington domin
ated PCC individual standings with
University of Washington sopho
more Doug Smart leading in field
goals and rebounds and Washing
ton State's Larry Beck leading in
total scoring percentage.
In only one department, free
throw accuracy, did another school
break into the leadership with
Carl Isaacs of Stanford on top.
fimart has averaged 55.8 per
cent on his floor shots, with 43
field goals in 77 attempts and is
a 19.3 per cent reboender. The six
foot, seven-inch player has snared
98 out of 508 total opportunities.
Beck has averaged 21.2 points
in his first five games on 40 field
goals ind 26 free throws for a to
tal of 106 points.
In total scoring Beck has aver
aged 21.2 points in his first five
games on 40 field goals and 26
free throws for a total of 106
points. Bruno Boin of Washington
is second with a 19.7 average.
Isaacs hit 88,2 per cent of his
free throws with 15 points in 17
Total Sionng C,
Beck, WS 5
Boin, W 6
Rogers, SC 4
Friend. C 5
Cambee. OS A
Smart, W 6
Bond. St 5
Neumann, St S
Halsten, UCLA 4
Franklin. O 4
Rogers. UCLA 4
Rohinson, C S
Torrcnce, UCLA 4
40 26 100
42 34
1!1 5
5 .14 27 95 13.(1
4 2fl 20 76 11 .0
6 4.1 21 107 17 fi
5 .14 lfl flfi 17 2
S 22 24 M 116
4 15 24 54 115
4 id 16 52 i:in
4 11 2fl 5t 12 8
5 2fl 20 fid 1 2 0
4 16 14 4fi 115
7 2! Ifi 76 inl
5 1 lfl 54 Id R
4 14 15 41 in a
4 10 23 43 10 8
MiF.wen, I
Haga, St
Duffv, O
Goblc, OS
Free Throws
Isaars. St
Robinsnn. O
MeF.wen, I
Sterkel, SC
Asplunri. C
Dve. SC
Hoaers. UCLA
Neumann. Si
Banton, UCLA
Smart. W
Bo i ii, W
fJnble. OS
I Ditfv, O
I AspUmri. C
Franklin. O
! Rucers. UC1-A
. Camber, OS
'56 Olympics
Run at Loss
MELBOl'UNK, Australia .r -The
lii.lfi Olympic Games were
run at a loss and quite a big
As the games ended last nmnth.
officials believed there would be
a small profit hut in the past six
weeks many bills have come in
and every one is higher than
anybody figured.
The full amount oi the loss can
not be assessed yet hut tlie Mel
bourne, Amis said Wednesday it
miiht be close lo a maximum of
$4.4i.OOO underwritten hy the Vic
torian government.
The total figure will not be
known until all debts are settled
and assets, such as sporting equip
ment at the Olympic Village, sold.
Koval Fills Oui
' Staff al Trxas
; At'STIN', Tex. - I'niversity
of Texas head coach rarrci
Hoyai said Tuesday his football
istaif is complete with the addition
j of Charles Shira.
Shira, 30. is a former star tac
kle at Texas A AM and West
Point. He will coach defence.
j His appointment must still he
approved by the board of direc
tors. Koyal took ove. at Texas this
year, goms th-ve from the Vn:-
versity of Washmston.
DrTtlam.ND Dr O Chin N D
ORS. ( HAN ind LAM
l ptair. 407 Court Su
lfftie nnn Ka'urdiy pmi te m
ul m ; I In 1 p m tnnmiutum
Stood preiirr ard nrin triK irr
fre of rht'tr ntarrt(l inr
'1T ltfii fi trtrn-r (in
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 23, 1957
Share PCC Leads;
Averages 75.8 Points
Foxx Says Ruth's Record
Harder to Top Each Year
BOSTON W - Babe Ruth's rpc-
, U,n nine in K SCaSOn
is sellinc harder to break each
year it stands. . .
I That is the studied opinion of
former slucger Jimmy Foxx who
with Hank Greenbers.. came
I closest to Ruth's production at 58
homers. . .
i Foxx. coach of the Miami iru.i
University baseball team, made
his observations here Tuesday.
"Oh, I wouldn't be surprised to
see a plaver come along one day
and hit more than 60," said Foxx
who starred with the Philadelphia
Athletics and Boston Red Sox of
the American League.
"Most other old records have
been broken and there's no reason
for thinking the home run record
will be an exception," he contin
ued. "But I feel that every year the
record survives, the harder it will
be to better it.
"At least, I'll say that if and
when it is broken, the player who
does it will deserve a lot more
than I would have 11 i naa
Molalla Victor
At Estacada
W L Ave.
Dallas 1 0 1-000
Sandv 1 0 1.000
Molalla 1 0 1.W0
Central 0 1 .000
Canbv 0 1 .000
Estacada 0 1 .000
Tuesdav results Sandy 47, Canby
41; Molaila 44, Estacada 35.
ESTACADA (Special)-The Mo
lalla Indians made their 1957 Wil-1
lnmettc Valley League basketball,
debut a happy one. defeating the!
Estacada Rangers, 44-35, in a WVL'
basketball game here Tuesday
Molalla led. 23-19, at the half.
Davey Brock paced the Indians
with 13 poinls to take high-point
honors. Johnny Woodcock canned
10 for the host five.
The Molalla Babes won the Bee
mix, 48-35.
Molalla (44) (35) F.stsraila
Larson l2i F (Ol Chrislenson
Brock (1.1 1 F (10) Woodcock
Parker (11) C 19) Graven
Marson (4i G lO) Frost
OgDurn 14) G (6j Harris
Reserves Scoring: Molalla Bussard
1. Wynrk 9; Estacada White 6, Cole
2, Miller 2.
Sandy Wins
Over Canby
CANBY (Special) - Sandy's Pi
oneers, with Bill Henfelman hit
tin? for 15 poinls, won their open
ins Willamette Valley League bas
ketball fame of the season, out
lastinc the Canby Cougars, 47-41
here Tuesday nipht.
The winners led, 2H-I9 at the
intermission, but c-nuldn't stand
prosperiay. Game hish-poinl hon
ors went to C'aitby's Del "Every
body's" Ilarlinc. who tanked Id.
The Sandy JVs won the opener,
Sandy (!!, cnhv
R.iMlnk ,S, F 110) D. Darllns
V'!'" ., F '31 InlmJ
JohiiFoi; iiS) c (2 Martin
Tniii. ,2. r, in, ltrm
M'Apv ') G (111 Zachnw
,,nrj;r1s J''nr"'' Sndv. Asrhnlf
Ml. B Hfnfelman DSi. HnriEc I4
2 pnm's award, d for Canbv hak,i
nl,rf,rrnrf Canby, C Darllnir i.ll.
l'clcrs ill. nitu-iala Rnlh and Mull
CHICAGO tl'P'-There is onlv
one American-born player in the
National Horkey League today
hut Ihe Chicago Black Hawks once
fielded a team made up entirely
of I'niled Slates players.
('('I Your lloal
i or dpi
Pointing . . . Fiberglassing
Ind Mim h'Si 'T'wi modern boat rrpaif
rmm "00dw"rl""8 shop. Elfctrit heated paint
pXleb,"i,n.lP'" ' Ari arthu "i.e in our
280 w n . PenSunday-10to6
2B0 W.ll.c. Rp.d m J7
smashed it in my big year.
! "You must remember that when
jRuth set the 60 mark, he was
! merely breaking his own record
of 5S. He was under no particu
lar pressure. Remember, loo, that
when I hit 58, Ruth war still play,
I "I was working under the theory
'that if I hit 61, the Bahe. might
come back and hit 62. So I was
taking things in stride. Setting a
new mark didn't strike me as an
incredible feat."
49ers Keep 3
Trend Already Set by
Giants, Bears and
Rams in IVFL
Francisco's 4!)ers have joined th
growing trend in the tough Na
tional Football League of carry
in" three quarterbacks. That's
position where injuries can prove
They signed the veteran Y. A.
Tittle Wednesday for his seventh
pro season here.
Coach Frank Albert stated flat
ly that he expects to keep Tittle,
Earl Morrall. a former All-America
from Michigan State,- and John
Brodie, the 49ers' No. 1 draft
choice from Stanford, on the
squad all season.
Tittle was injured in 1953, 1954
and 1956 but played anyway.
With the player limit at 33,
keeping three quarterbacks poses
problems. But New York's Gi
ants had three and won the pro
fessional title, and C h i c a g o's
Bears kept a. trio and captured
the Western Conference crown.
Los Angeles also has three sig
nal callers.
Albert, himself a former colleg
iate and pro quarterback slar,
thinks it good business to have
three signal callers.
"Definitely, it makes it a little
tough on the rest of the personnel
because a quarterback is a spec
ialist and doesn't contribute de
fensively or to special forma
tions." he said. "I think it is
smart, however. If one is having
a rough time, you can call in
another to get the team going."
Brodie, the nation's top colleg
iate thrower last season, signed
last week.
Oregon Drops
Swim Schedule
EL'3'iNE. Ore. ffl Swim
ming has been abandoned as an
inter-collegiate sport at the Uni
versity of Oregon, Leo Harris,
athletic director, ..nnounced Tues
day. Harris said only five candidates
had reported to coach John Borch
ardl. Oregon will resume the sport
whenever there is adequate man
power to field a team. Harris
for ggrjsive
men wanting to earn extra income
and at the tamt learn the ln-
lurance Bul'men working on full
or part time bii. For full particu
If tet ui at 1465 North Capitol
Salem, Oregon.
Otko I Oiko, District Agent!,