Salem", Oregon", Wednesday, January 23, 1957 .Vajrf SLOSectfog I THE CAPITAL' TOURNAE TranquilizerDrug Shot Into Whale , LOS ANGKLES (AV-Somewherc In the Pacific a large gray and somewhat relaxed whale is recov ering (rom a whale-size jolt ol tranquilizer drug believed to be the largest one-shot dosage in medical history. '. Researchers believe the whale is getting hack to normal now, hut for a while Monday the old boy was probably the most happy and who-could-care-less mammal in the Seven Seas. . In the interest of heart research members of "Operation Dumbo" hot 500 milligrams of a strong tranquilizing drug into the 50-foot-long whale as he swam with three other pals in the choppy waters off Santa Catalina Island. The normal human dosage is 2.5 milligrams. The "hypodermic" was a speci- eally constructed stainless sleel harpoon which discharged the drug through gas pressure. Dr. Frank 0. Nolan, Los Angeles osteopathic physician and head of the expedition, said they had hoped . to take an electrocardio gram of the whale. The huge mammal's heart heats between 10 and 15 limes a minute, compared With the 70 to BO in humans. "By taking an electrocardio gram of a whale, wc may well find something which can be re flected to cardiovascular re search." Dr. Nolan said. Members of the party, aboard Coast Guard cutler, came upon the whales about noon. After a lengthy game of hide and seek the harpoon loaded with the drug was hurled Into the blubbery side of one nf the big fellows. But he dove tinder the boat and joined dp with the rest of the Moby Dick squadron before he could be identified. - H was an hour before the drug took effect and one of the sub' merged goliaths dropped out of formation. "That's the one we want," Dr. Nolan shouted. The cutter gave chase but lost the carefree drug-loaded whale in dense fog and rain after a two hour chase. Sighed the doctor: "There is no doubt that the drug had some effect on the whale. What, exactly, we were unable to tell." lie said the hunt was a trial run and he plans to look off Lower California for more whales. Dr. Nolan said the project was similar to that of Dr. Paul Dudley White, Boston heart specialist who treated President Ilisen hower. Dr. White made several attempts with whales last year off Baja California, using harpoons with an electrode attached to permit an electrocardiogram to be taken from an accompanying vessel. The tranquilizer of Dr. Nolan was to make the mammal "re ceptive to treatment," the doctor said. 11 Caribbean Isles to Join In Federation KINGSTON, Jamaica IB-Dele gates from 11 Islands arcing 2,000 miles between North and South America gathered today to set up the government- of a British Car ibbean federation. The island federation will unite Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados and the Windward and Leeward islands as a separate member of the Brit ish Commonwealth. Britain will retain control of the federation's defense, foreign relations and some of its financial policies. British Guiana and Honduras, which arc undecided on whether to enter the federation, sent ob servers to the meeting of the standing federation committee. The two-week meeting will draft a federal constitution, pick a cap ital, select a name for the new grouping, consider a national an them and the design of a national flag, and plan the mechanics of government organization. A spe cial commission is also to report on plans for a customs union. The location of the capital is ex pected to create the greatest con- troversy. Poj) in Too Much I In t ry to See Daughter Get Married By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: There are seven of us children at home, j I'm 111. work, contribute to the household and help with the chores. I'm going steady with a swell boy my own age. Wc date Friday and daiuruny evening, as ne iw ..... , rest of the week. We plan to marry in a year or two, but want some sort of foundation before we proceed. My father, however, disagrees with our idea. He wants us to marry right away. He claims that if wc broke up after going together so long (almost two years!, people would talk. Is he right? Cynthia. DKAIl CYNTHIA: Could Dad's thinking be in fluenced by the fact that he's a hit weary of such a large family, and wants to reduce it? His argil mraii of course, is all wet. Scarcely an eyebrow would he raised If you and Paul broke up. Continue being nice, sensi ble kids; don't rush the Wedding March into your hit parade. TWAn nnttnTIIY DIX: I'm in love with my bachelor hoss. filed two years ago! We've been dating ten years, during which time I've been hoping for a proposal. By now I m rcconcueu 10 uie iai-i mai it " , vmii;. Should I keep on working with him or make a break Ida. DKAR IDA- Make a break wmlc you re sun urnae n in mc business lield. Anything' better than hopeless waiting. Discrimination Suits Settled NEW YORK UP Pan American World Airways says it has made out-of-court settlements of four damage suits alleging racial dis crimination brought by Negro linger Ella Fitzgerald and three or her staff members. The suits, filed two In U.S. District Court, asked damages totaling M70.0O0. Observ ers said settlement was made lor $7,000. In announcing settlement yester day, the airline declared: "Pan American states that any inconvenience which may have been suffered by Miss Fitzgerald and her party was entirely the result of clerical error, and that no discrimination of any kind was involved." The suit slated that the singer and her party had booked first- class air passage from San Fran cisco to Australia. Because of 'prejudice," tho suit said, the party was not permitted to re- board fhe plane after a slop at Honolulu. Complainants in the suit, in ad dition to Mus Fitzgerald, were her piano accompanist. John Iwis: aliss Georgiana Henry, secretary; and Norman Granz, business manager. BLMtoScll Area Timber PORTLAND UH Tho Bureau' pF Land Mananrmcnt's Salem district will offer l.'ifl million board fnel of limher for sale this ye;ir, district fnrcstcr Otto Krueger said yesterday. The f inure represents a boost nf 2. million board feci over IMi tiles on O&C and public domain lands in 12 northwest Oregon Counties in an arci running from .Timet inn City to the Columbia Itiver and the Cascades to the Tatinc Ocean. Nearly a third of the sales will be salvage timber on 71 tracts, ranging in size from 2 ,".0,000 to 10 million board feet. DKAR DOROTHY DIX: My husband has a gruelling schedule- school, a night job and a week-end job. I realize how important Rt-hooline is. but he insists that the children and I share his gnna. lie s nsked us to Rive up our monthly movie and weekly visit to relatives, lie even resents my shopping without him. Am I unreason able to want this little reereal ion? Nancy, DKAR NANCY: Someone in this family should have time off from the eternal grind, and it might ns well be you. Father should re arrange his schedule so a little family can be squeezed in. DKAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm in love with the handsomest, most popular boy in school and he doesn't even know mc! How can I make him interested in mo.' Desperate. DKAR DKSPKHATK: Be content with love from afar. Hand some, popular hoys arc apt to be too conrciled to make satisfactory br&ux. Resides, with every other girl in school crazy about him, the competition is (oo much In buck. Send vonr problem In Dnrnthy Dfx. Or write for her free leaflet IMS, "What Age For Dating?" In nil can ph. he mirr to enclose a stamped, srlf-nridresed envelope, and send request In her rare of this newspaper. 11 Children nl Koizcr's Clinic KKIZKR 'Special' - Fourteen V.ere present at the Keier will child conference rit Cummmgs school laM week Dr. Willarrl .. Stone, county health officer, ami a Staff of nurses were prevent. Vol unteers were Mrs. Robert Wood. Mrs. Kuald Franz. Mrs. Harold Swenby. and Mrs. Hush Ad.nns. Next cltnic will be February :'o ' a ' 'Lionel Harrymore. late stage and screen Mar, was also a talcuied composer. Airong other things, he composed "Farewell Symphony," a one-act opera for four piano pieces. . ,V -tW It YOUR CHILD r. J IOVTOf3DOtSl mmur.r rtcui urn art ciiaa to ti! firm rf Pin-Worms . . . ur'T pinritM that mdi.-l exprtj tn.'wt ) avt of try trt ir r oti stftilrifd. Entire faim;i inir Tirtun tnd tW kn"w 1U To ct rid of PinV.Vrrr. tn pU mult B"t nnW VuleJ. t- :t ki;;pJ in th lire IntMtir hr thfT nd rauIlir'T- Ttn' i v rtJy whit Jtjnt' P-W tiMf I dn . . . ind hrrc'a tww thrr 6o ll : FiTtt ifintiftn rnnlmi fr. Hm uhltU Into (hboc: l for thtr dil. ThniTti tnndrrn. mlif-llT-rpf,l f rdint t"M tght to work kiia Fin-Worm quit-klr nd Miiir. Dn't Uh chincM with tVii dunrrmni, hih!y rorraricui n-n-ditin. Ol gfnu'i Jant'a P-W Vcrsilfof . . . amnll, rarr-trviAla UMria.. . ip'l nf frr rbi!dri and il'ilti. rrt-tt . Jarn k Sn. awalirta In worm for the famous New Automatic Blanket wilh lamouj f.-E Sleep Guard You're never cold ... nover WOW SAQ? loo wirm . . . wilh G E. "UU U Auloni.lic Bl.nkell Com. in ONIY . T,,i" today and lea thorn. Dou- bla bed ute $34.95 Dual Control Model $44.95 NO MONEY DOWN Pay Only 5Qc per wk. W Are thr Auihoriiril (,.:. Blanket i:rhan(r Store For liiiiprialive llbukrls or Controls ZtH" green stamps M GENERAL ELECTRIc'" MIH'S VETERINARY DEPT. ' I or! dry IRON X VINYL GOLF SET Neoprene Overalls lu0F your heeds The Molt Wanted Steom M 1 fr""". CDCCTT I J "... Sm,.l, med. OO 2 Ifa00 jARGOT jm jm QQ i"m t"l I r B I1JJ x,ra ,ar9 iie' J1 wi n """' Oimnum wilh ..ill JJ ! 11 CO t $izel. $1095 value. $9.95 value- TT y" w f ZS DATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23-27, INCL. fX '"'"'i T"''7 Flannel tT Iti I I ' ' ' y" pr.riptt. t. OltfTMEHT . . . 89c 12 lor 8.88 HS shirts wsesmmW!Sr':i V m m m --m TERRAMYCIN MASTITIS B- - .mw99" S I OINTMENT . 89 12 lor 5.88 v.,i.rT."!.Sr.h,."kdSi... JrZX zz v I MASTITIS INDICATOR . mmm ZSSk fZZZwT) ZW PO ) BLOTTER eg. 60c 47 Reg. yfl Jr (rJ Zs 'r J ,ut40l beebe iriple. triple mastitis i2T Jk iA ilUlf 1 f.,y to 1 - CO Easy to apply; bruth or rollsr ? NnoNS $mh Ji -zd I ALARM CLOCKS ? j ?T""r L Movement W& .,,lc """W9 V& M "' iluiiv. TO, KmX sM 1$ jrr I colors with Gold ffc- ' .. j49F"sr&r v m ? ill lift El 11 1 ' 2'BandArOUndFaCe7 KS Reg- $1 6 & " vess M "" UT If af ll S jc A 3n VI r n TM ssJ oen?y cj Wig m WOVjafl . Alun.iii.un Construction HEAVY COCOA ' "ll , 3 ' fifc M 1 !JL, OIKIillMAIISE SSI Certified Accurate B?aWEw Molded of genuine break-resistant "Melomine", beouti- jfii Km C... aSeSSeSf lully styled in velvet-soft colors. Si. IV1 to rCVer f te; f r T.gB -A- 4 Cups 4 Souccrs 4 9" Dinner Plates . tFRm LO Thermometer WW''' jR 4 Brcad flnd lil0 WH 1 ffl I o..,, '0$ Sg88 , $129)) JPn i J !C,'c B I f0!? 0C AND FVI.I.Y GUARANTEED a4l3 YVJtVffWVTVfn Q u 81 j , 'Jfiry Open Stock to Complete Your iiiaaaj yUbUMUAaMSMtafl Itgl ""paper I 1 "Loose a Pound a Dav!" (f33 CAKE 1 TrtVACl C T ' "UK 11 UHlJ Panqt or Ion ol Entrgy mmrr"f& F " AUI V iH 2E IWYYCl-i 6Sff3 f See What the Kcssomin Plon Offers! Vrnaklfttl f A j UtlLl Ri ,. w Urge Roll '.ViVL t-A .., . f T1 " &Q3JIBB V M I s B .Rt, iC Mf r:rr...,p iKl Mineral Oil 'Jli d 4 8J (VKa .I'r:,.. .: ' m vjH J3 - V 3 VvA- norml IntfUtnal elimination r-irwrWi ' -"4 i-f ATi F d J Vfl J gfj;?'gii n'aiTS SQUlBC 1 yfr -,,u" " "a s?22 nrniiTiiwriiMiiiii r ASPIRIN Hi r,,. fCI rurerancy 1 T,i.,- Hiil I ttdotfl Gnrantpr lo ttk off m pound 'Tv- :"'"" I I " I 1 1 ' OPFftrtKI It-v LTWrMTniil MJ ""M i dy for H ily or your monfv T--,-kWBBa1 MlJJ 1 WfCVJUll IWj t.K IIH M Wax Paper ,H Roll (n3 HONEY X1 2';.r remedial for 100 yean on.ij.iiir.iJi.L ji rip TEW a 3:i'IIH7 LI it 1 1 1 . riu 36S N. COMrVURCIAl on ws. t tut xmuituf v '-zssswm m&m& m&BMb mw& p I' 1 ma lllrrr 7