Save tine -Save money For the Best Profession Service! ML LAM EXP 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tues., Jan. 22, 1957 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate R00 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 806 Houses For Sol 806 Houses For Sale 810 Forms For Salt 852 Used Cars For Salt 806 Houses for Salt 806 Houses For Sal 806 Houses for Sal Make Lite Easier Read&UseWtant Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A Flscus CM 3-S2SS. IMS till M. ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent." All makTi Roen-Typewrlters. 454 Court EM 3-S711. AUDITIONS REMODELING" MODERNIZATION Add rooms New kitchens Family Roomi Houses leveled Party Rooms Garages Feiuies rinvi. Call EM 4 5351 j v,?SR ESTIMATES SKILLED mechanics. Quality , ,t t-duuiti i hop. ho down paymts. small mo. pavmis. BEAVER BUILDERS ' 285 Ferry St. CAPITOL Bedding; Mattresses. new- & renovated. EM 3-4069. BUILDING TRADE-IN'S Home Building remodel Elwood E. Townsend EM 2 0987 CARPENTER - CONTRACTOR I HomTrdlnT"RTmdel)ng: ' Ralph M. Scheidel. EM 3-0701. j CEMENT CONTRACTOR " Contractor To vr en PriTmot , Service. E Drake EM 4-6331. I -, CEMENT WORK House raising, leveling and ; foundations. EM 2-6280. 600 Employment 614 Work Wonted, Lody HOME and loving care far 2 or 3 children by month. Ph. Mon mouth. SKyllne 7-1295. WOULD like babysitUng fc housework, mornings & all day Sat., babysit tine also in eve. EM 4-56C6 days. EM 2-1007 eve. BABYSITTING wanted. Eves. & Sunday. 1810 Trade St. WILL care for p.-e-school child. My N. Salem home. E M 3-6731 rTRESSMAKlNG fc alterations. all types. Mrs. Day EM 4-71 SB . BABY sitting eves, your home. EM 4-9540 between ft fc 7:30 p.m. LOVING supervised child care. So. EM 2 3916. IRONING, MY HOME E.M 4-4694 WOULD like work In nursing home or restaurant. Mrs. Mon- roe. 531 N. 22nd. INFANTS cared for in my home. Ages 8 wks. to 18 mo. EM- 3-6628. 615 Situottons Wonted INTERIOR PAINTING REAS. CHAS. McLEAN EM 3-3035 Income Tax Preparation EM 2-8443 CARPENTER & cabinet work. remodeling & new. EM 2-HB85. ' SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-5568. ElGHT crawler dn?er. leveling, grading. EM 1-7042. L. Kurth. 618 Education GET U.S. GOV'T JOBI Mnnv now open! Men-Women, 18-55. Start high as $340.00 month. Coaching until appointed! Ex perience often unnecessary. Get FREE 36-page book show ing jobs. salaries. tests. WRITE: Box 463, Statesman Journal. School of Dress Making LEARN to Make or alter your own, the easy way. Reg. for Classes now. EM 2-8336. REG-NOW. Kindergarten to 6. Salem Chrism Sell. EM 2-9596. 620 Doy ond Controct 4 'i. yd. shovel, crane, hoe ilrg. Ime. 25-ton mobile cranes D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 Si. Tront St. EM 1-2461 TOO Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms,Board Vr- W . nr?v FM 2-1449' Snpg. Distjtit.. pm. sJW-iw. Vi.-nv nine slur-nine rm. priv e'nt.. gent. prcf655 N. Cottage. HAN s pg. rm i v P 1503 N Capitol. EM 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. TV., close in 213 S. Winter. EM 2-1 capital. Ladv. LM 2-6S86. TVf clcan nicelv furn rm .men $5 wk. EM 2-7620. LRG. frt. rm- & bsmt. apt. Close in. 533 N. Winter. 2 SLEEPING rm's. with cooking pnv. 967 Leslie. EM 3-4492. 705 Apartments For Rent K TiVWFN' COURT TURN aot clean, altrae. nr. shop center s oui. s. tJm ai E. Rural. - FURN. APT., 35 1210 Tile Rd. r..M NICELY furn. Irg, 666 So. Summer. m. apt.' ' 3 RM7 FURN. APT. Java E M 2 -4 436 eve 743 UNION ST. - CLEAN Suburban 1 bdrm.. all CLEAN. COMFORTABLE J rm. tlec. part furn. '"ft- ,r,odern spt. bills pa'1 $45. garden space EM 1M86. per week. Ph. EM 4-4020 ."'3" bp hse. $fi7.50 inc. im, SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. modern apt., aDt f-jO, 7 bath. EM 21744. close to state noue pn. wi ''- COURT apt., extra nice, turn . 1 r-T r-i . k.(. pm H I UT1I1 ties.J&7 N. Liberty. EM 3-7695. 2 RM. FURN. Apt. 1582 Court Si. EM 3-9r.20. 3 RM! FURN. unstairs ant. with garase. $35. EM 3--t50-'. LOVELY 3 RM UNFURN. Near MODERN, clean 2 and 3 brirm.i Write Box 435 Siatesrnan Caoitol. barbeci- ere-' . auto. nouWf. EM 3-04 13. 562 Mill. journal. Indry. Couple, lm j-jo- 4 RM. unfurn., exceil stove refng. 605 S. Summer, f RM. Turn. apt. newlv - ii t ii.pd. KB. L. m i so.-. FURN. 3 rm. apt. Adults, 1545 N. Capitol, EM 29006. CLEAN, furnished, remodeled. onv. bath, util turn. ij Capitol. EM 3-5359. Furn. apt. 1210 Tile Rd. LM 2-5006 1 BDRM unfurn. apt. Steam heat. Inq. Hollywovi Cleaners 44NCapltot.EM 3-M3 KFWLY DECOR., cMse in, 3 rms. furs., util. pd ., EM 2 5.W3. NICE Tm7"BPt.."priv bath and ent.. laundrv. I t fir. Rent reas.. 6T5 S. T,h. J n'X)1 o . -' S'"-- furn EM J-'!41 Of EM 3-6444. FURN. 2 room apt. close in m No. Cottage. Rs- " SPACIOUS ACACI A APTS. 1140 S. 13th. EM 3-.009 tNTUPNt-bdrm. e'irt- far North HI. 112 N. 14th T bdRM. curt. unfurn. sdulU. V.'. EM -471, 1433 Trade. CHASE won 2S-ton Loriln moto crane Sal lem Sind Sc Gravel, EM J.2461 CUSTOM GRINDING Vhlley Grlndln, Strvlc. Ph. Stayton 2668 colled EXCAVATING ing. Earth Moving a specially t?.'n 'J'n Son. operated bv .?IsBln "en F.milOtlen lit E. Rural Ave. EM 3-M. FLOOR COVERINGS KOBRIS WALKER Pa.nfco Floor-covering Division Wuali- ai; tiiiaii4tuoni Linoleum- A. Pliall A- Rubber Tils. Wall til. ree Estimates. EM 4-227$. GRADING DOZING BIILLDU.INU S3 50 per ni Ex cavating, trrrntnr uie lay inf. -tenttr" etr r.n-r Maerz. EM 4-3311 after 9 a.m. BULLDOZING clearing roads. Bonds D-4 D-6 earryall. V uskey EM 1-3144. MINTING PVntill?V Paperhanging. Ph. Dal- V-- ' - gPFIM PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVEH ; underbid RePir- . ROOKING Ac REPAIR CASCADE ROOFING CO. PHONE EM 3-4823 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent ATTRACTIVE, clean, nicely turn, small Ant. for 1 or 2 Close in. garage. EM J-7830. UNFURN. Apt.. .1 nns. fc balh, Rtas. to reliable party whe - j Re... to reliable party, who If . will give some care. EM 2-oHiki FUKN. 1 and 2 bdrm.. Apt heated, 1411 Court St. LARGE well furn. apt. 2nd fir., gas stoves $30 washing lacililies. No pets, adults pid Re required. 2164 Mtple Ave. EM 3-7117. CLEAN & REASONABLE 770 S. Com'l. EM 4-1607 LGE. clean furn. 3 rm., pvt. bath. Inq. 1207 So. Com'l. EM 4-9760. DOWNSTAIRS 4 rm. unfurn apt. 2 blks. from downtown. 755 Ferry, EM 2-3101. UNFURN. 1 bdrm., stoves, re- 1BYcycleanEM 3-7143. EM 4-6873, evenings EM S-I74J CLEAN 1 bdrm, 570 Union. apt. Close In. NEW furniture, wall to wall carpeting in this large well appointed 1 bdrm. apt. Also have a 3 rm. unfurn. 1055 Edgcwatcr, West Salem. 3 It.M. unfurn. In modern 4 plcx range & refrig$45 EM 2-7520. VERY desirable well" heated 3 rm. pnrtlv lurn. apt. Garage. EM 3-8413. COURT nice 2 bdrm. hse. gar, , close in, bus. EM 4-6346. SALVAD0RE APT'S ONE Bt 2 bdrm nptf . range It relrig. furn. EM 1-SS41. THE CENTURY, 1961 CENTER. New Jrg. dlx. 2 bdrm, Apts. 706 Duplexes PARTLY furn., oil furnace, TV antenna, $30.EM 3-3it!i7. Bit AND NEW suburban 2 bdrm. duplex, hdwd. floors. Birch kit. draw drapes. $37.50. 3860 Center. EM 2-8651. NEWLY decorated furn. 3 Irg. nns. TV Ant. EM 2-8342. CLEAN, nicely "furn.. heated. adults, bsm't. V garage. EM 3-5746 after 6. NF.W attract. 2 bdrm. duplex. Stove & refrlg. $73. EM 4 -1 976. LOVELY spacious 2 bdrm. downstairs apt., free water. Bus bv door. 4212 S. State. F.M 2-9309. FUllN. 2 bdrm. upstairs duplex $:tj. Cloje to State Bldgs. Sc Willamette Univ. or EM 2-7249 days or EM 2-7249 eves. 2 BDRM.-unfurn. downstairs du plex, din. rm.. liv. rm. hdwd. firs., frple., FA. heat. util. rm. it garage $43. Close to Univ. EM 3-9894 days or EM 9-TUQ eves. FURN. duplex TV ant. couple I f;M 4I40"7 N- aih- , NF.W 2 bdrm., very nice. $63. iirmv rfr.ines. 4135 Portland Rd , new 2 bdrm.. birch kit.. Ig. liv. rVn.. att. garageEM 3-7841. - - rfl near" State ; c-m muuI hefora 4 Dm 707 Houses For Rent 2 BDRM. ith living rm. .4 dm rm.. inside utility, large S:.St..Vd.,Vom.H.".in0t1 hut ii verv gnod at ,43 Joe L. Rfnfrne Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. EM 1- S21A. N1CE 2 bdrm. unfum . fenced virrl rime tO CaDllO bldg. EM 2-8032 3 BEDROOM, larfe llvin, room. fireplace, oil f ur n a r e. dry Osm l. saranr. man RdEM 3-3067. T.,t.i.ntj .u( Krli-m tic ,j hrat. sco. s.:7 s. 12th. see suit., ai.. 2" BDRM. l-on-e NE , nr. srsrle rnDRM hse. range, oil clrc. BDRM. hse. range. Inq. 158 Court si- jj0..qF ffrni or x)t. 245 for de- 4 BDRM.. gar., elec. water heater, wired for w a -lier. drv- RENT $W.0O0 new home with vinw furn. or unturn. EM 4-'216. I . RDRM. hou e Iut or unfurn Near bus. EM 4-12n. 4-RFDnOO?'. 2T31 Com'l $0 j.bedroom. 2330 Broadway $40 Ramsey Realty. t"L'3-81 1 BDRM. hse.. large far .fenced back vard. $50. V. Salem LM 2-502J. UNFURN 2 bdrm. hse.. $45. EM 3-7987, wesi aici S BDRM.. full bsmt . oil furnace firepl.. gar. Ciore to jhools 4 Hcllvjvocdt.emer --.j. L 2 BDRM. horre V"D4""W" . Equipment and All Utilities Fur dens. smt. $i5EM 4-P560; you buv on'v Mdse. LARGE 3 Wrm.. attached ant. for resale. Ph. EM 4-M58. fr'W "om'so:' pSc'cniNC Into the Service Station Hv. FM 2-6810. CUTE mod 2 bdrm . all elr.. rarap- g-rden pot. W. Sa fern $75 mn. EM 4-93.1S. SM LL urfurn comfortable 4 " r n he in country Nice yard. itove. Refr.g- EM 2-l24. r BDRM cottage, rlean. anten na ue of ssher fc dryer. 17 N. 18th. 1 BDRM upurmr.rd n' renter, Dsy EM 2 12. i Eve. 1-8405. f AND St G RA VEL VALLEY SAND 4cG RAVEL CO. Crushed I: round gravel sand & Don. mix. EM 1-4001. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1623 McGilchnst Cruihid quarry roctu ana gravel. All size for roads. drive ways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, bull -dozing. shovel and dragline work EM 2-9248. SALEM SAND fc GRAVELCO Ready mix concrete, crushed louna gravel, sand fc top foil. 1403 N. Front, EM 2-2461. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel'i septic . tanks -.-leaned, line service Guaranteed work EM 3-7404 or EM 3-5071. H() WARDS (mii-Kf-Mtei sewers, aeptic Unici cleaned EM 3-3321 MIKE'S Septic service lantts cleaned D'roater rean sewers drama Phont IaM 3-HSI. WELDING REPAIR Power saws all makes repaired. Magnesium & aluminum welding Exoert blade & chain repairs. Curriers Welding fc Repair 3405 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-6538 WALL CLEANING Walls cleaned by new machine, results perfect. Saves paint Mod. Wall ClraneVs. EM 2-4237. PLUMBING LICENSED Plumber, new I remodeling. EM 2-9596. r()0 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 1 BDR Unfurn $30. $35, $45 l nun Turn :t ro 2 BDR , Acre, Barn $35 2 BDH Unlurn. . $33. $40. $63 g 5 ffi"? g 2 EDR Range. Refng $65 2 BDR North Lg. rooms $85 3 BDR South 2 baths, dbl. e tr.. carpets, drapes . .. $125 1 BDR Furn. apt. 30 CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center St. Ph. EM 4-6631 Eve. EM 2-7812 2 BDRM. home, very clean. Hollywood dist. Near bus & stores. $47.50. Call Mrs. Wells. Th. EM 4-4494. eves. EM 2 3738, Colbath Land Co., Real tors. 517 Court St. $40 1' j bdrm. house in Keizer. EM 3-8116 or EM 3-9023. 1 BDRM. hse., unfurn.. garage, near N. High $50. EM 2-6950. 707-O Furnished Houses NICE 2 bdrm. with fireplace Close to schools, bus, shopping. Will lease for $63 per month. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N.Capitol, l'h. EM 3-6216. 3 RM. hse., elcc. heat, $50 mo. nr. shop ctr., bus. EM 2-12:r. 1 HDI1M. h,ige. l: 2 KM. furn, cottage, yard fenced 1965 HighwayAvc. EM2-6f!lH. 1 BDKM. Gnr. laundrv, adults, no pets. 3845 Portland Rd. FURN, or unfurn. 2 bdrm, home EM 4-3779 after 6 p.m. 9-HM. FURN. cottage. Close In. Hdwd, firs., lots of closets, nicelv furn. Ph. EM 3-8382, 683 N. Cottage. . WE INVITE YOU TO SEE our cozy, neatly furnished 1 bdrm home at 1245 Park Ave. Auto. Electric heat, shady hack yard Garden Bus at door, close to state Hospi tals, no rhildren, no dogs. We will glndly show you what we have to offer for $63. COZY, clean 1 bdrm.. garage, $50. Inq. 4135 Ptld. Rd. REDEC. 1 bdrm. furn. house, water, garbage, $50. EM 3 3.167. 710 Wonted to Rent HseS 2 OR 3 bdrm. home in Wash. Sch. dist. EM 3-8318 after 6 p.m. 714 Business Rentals 1 8 Convalescent Homes EXTRA nice rm board, care BROADWAY Nursing Home An EM I ""L'V'" " 2-4801. 780 Moving &' Storage LOW COST stomne H L Stiff I Furnifiire Co EM 3-918 Larmer Transfer & Storage Complete movine service Also stents for BEKINS Nation wide Movers. Ph. EM 3-:U-'.l tfUHJ Ileal Instate - 801 Business Opportun. "" IfL We will take a clean house or contract on this income prop ter! v location. If you are handv with hammer and saw. tis business can make you $23. OW more than the cost 10 you. Gvsd income at present. To see rail Rm Griffith F..M 4-M75 or Eve. Call EM 3 -B7BH. RAWLINS REALTY fi05 Chpmckota Phone EM 4-6375 SELF OPERATING APTS. NEW, well planned No vacancy loss. Low opcratir Garages. Extra lot. FOR LEASE: Dbl. Bay major oil co. Service Station in In dependence. Small investment, good rental. EM 4-4)53. I SILENT partner in established business $:i.0M investn.eit Mm liT". return I1-' vear. Vt' ANTED: Space for snecialiTed Restaurant Italian. Sea food", steaks. MuM b nle:itv of parking facilities. Box 4f3 St ateMiian-Journal. FLYING "A" SERVICE STATION LEASE IN SALEM If wnt a rel bargain In lube and !ol eoiip- 'td. without d'lsy. TlflP price Mil'T Oil Co - pnrtlanri Road 'Shell Plant Salemi. BUSINESS lot with 3 bdrm. h" 543 Corr'l. M; Ve offers 420 N. mth. EM 3-I7M. CAFE FOR SALE. 2 can handle. i vm or Mil! trade for prop erty or Toiei ear. 431 S Utn, EM 227$. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES. FAIR MOUNT HILL DISTRICT Colonial style. 3 lovelv bdrms.. 3'j baths. 4 fireplaces, charming liv. rm., real large over-sized din. rm. with bay window. A truly beautiful and very efficient kitchen. Paneled den. full basmt. with fine party room fc complete kitchen. Green house Ac tool house on rear of well landscaped lot. Many other excellent features too numerous to mention. For appl. to see this Dream House. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON ANOTHER NEW LISTING In S. Salem District. Recently built 3 bdrm. home with oil bent, bath with shower in tub. a round i 60x185 Immed. Puss. Price $8950 with terms. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. SALEM HEIGHTS TRADE 3 bdrms.. 1 down, 2 up. liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, nook, utility, bath. 100 x 200 corner lot. (80 x 100 could be sold). All for GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. Liberty St. . Ph. EM 2-2471 Evening & Sundays call Salesmen Ron Hud kins EM 3-8712 Walt Socolnfsky EM 3-8833 J. E. Law EM 3-5113 Mrs. Richardson EM 4-8SM CHARM WITH ECONOMY Plastered t bdrm. home, dining area, living room and delightful kitchen. Insulated and weathrr stripped, low heating costs. On Ml x 100 lot on Suimyview. Price $3,300. Already financed with payments only $50 per month. Call Kay Elling. STOP ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL Here are 2 houses on one lot. Good rental properly. Both have two, living rm.. kitchen and breakfast nook. Front nouse has nice base ment with extra room. Close to school and transportation. Total rental $80. Full price $7,250 or make olfer. Low dn. payment. Cull Mrs. Graham. SOUTH CLOSE IN 3 bdrm. neat K- clean with large living din ing combination. Utility rm. wired for dryer. Lge. lot. paved street, convenient shopping and bus. Total price $7,950. Make oiler on dn. payment. Call Mi. Van. Meter. FARMFR WANTED 80 acre with 70 cultivated. All equipped with everything nerdt-d. Very otioie garage, t macnine snea. j.t acic kh: irrioalir,,, entiinment. 8 r."hins for Dtckrr.'. Till Ifl a full time farm and readv to go. Owner mieht consider trade. Price $24, 000 with $10,000 dn. Call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Phone EM 2-8591 Eve. Van Meter EM 4-9500; Elling EM 4-8514; Mrs. Graham EM 4-4748; Allison EM 4-3214; Todd EM 2-173. JACOBSEN & KEENE, REALTORS (FORMERLY C. V. KENT k CO.) BEST SCHOOL LOCATION In fastest growing suburban area. Nearly new l you save the ex- ficnse of landscaping, putting n the lawn. etc. I sonclnuN home with 3 man-size bed riiomj, gracious living room, dining. Birch kit. with eating area. Tile bath plus 1 j bath off utll. Appt. needed. $1 1,10. HURRY ON THIS NEW LIST ING: 2 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, nil furnace. Corner lot with fenced yard. Owner ' will sell for $750 down balance $70 per month Incl. taxes, Int. & Insur. Located near St. Vin cent. $7900. 456 N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND BI.DG.) EMpire 4-2293 EVE: KIGGINS EM -549t: KEENE F.M J-f,076: CUS111NO EM 2-5048: JACOBSEN EM 2-0078; SORENSON EM 4-229.1. A fixer upper at a bargain, ai acre Southeast with 2 Bdrm. home, a good well, fenced, small barn, chicken hse.. furnished. A ' buy for cash only $3,500. Call Bill Fidler, Eve. Ph. EM 4-7448, 4 large bedrooms A- den. all hwd. floors, only 4 yrs. old. city bus. close :o school, on nice corner lot with nice trees, shrubs, garden, 66x142 lot. Full price only $14,000. or will trade for nice clean 2 Bdrm. close In town. Call Gene Pedwell. yfW building altes are scarce. excellent ara, pricea nniy i.nw. wim "-""; pr month at .v, interest. An unusual buy. Call Eastridge, eve. ph. EM 3-6522. See this neat, clean 2 bdrm. home, good location, nice kitchen with eatins space, hdwd. floors, tile bath, elect, neat, tit I ity rm . nice ha.-k vera with nstio and barbecue fireplace. Call Frank Graham, "eve. ph. EM 4-4748. REALTORS 316 N. Church St. 802 Bus. 8 Income) Prop. APT. house, good location it ln- come. Good condition. Owner will take home in trade. EM 4.xm. 803 Suburban ISflftKS BEST B LOOK $3750 Buvs nearlv 3 acres, close-in South. Small modern 2 bedrm, home, garage, good well, on pavement !.VH down moves vnU in. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 North Chunh St. 1 Ph. EM 4-.T311 or EM 3-7820 - " NF.W 2 bdrmf.. in Northpa'e Af)f4). 2560 Edgeo-d. EM 2.7320. NEAR ST. VINCENT Sell or trade for smaller zzr 1 or late model car, fam-lv riv.ellint lower 2 bedrooms, living rm dm. area. pnv. hath. pnv. cm. front Sc rear. FHA lo?n com mitirent $a.sno. Po-ib1e in come Sfh mo. Mike Dona hoe. EM 4-S704. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm . corner lot $200 down Call after 5 p.m. EM 4-.V2 BY OWNER: no dn. pym'l. bus at door. In city No. 2.10 Stark. $1 0O0 DOWN: New 3 bdrm home North, nice location. EM , built-in oven k ir i::7: .. (t 1M3 Bren- 2660 BLt'FF FAM kit partv rm . 3 f!repl 3 set-- olunibinEM3 M U SELLor exchange 2 bdrm , mod home, unfinlsrer.' uo stairi. full bsm't.. 2 IrpJ.. if Int. lots of If-es. al?o Ceramic Studio. Will fch6ii7e for 2 or 3 bdrm db! garage, day light bmI EM 2-C91 WILL-trade eouttv tn 1 bdrm hnu- for late model car. EM 2-2. McKINLF.Y DIST. Jut cnmpletd 3 bdrm. home, finished flallg)'. ha'fnent Sr- it Church St. J'h. F.M 3-rM7. P.uildrr. S'".LI. eruitv in net, 3 bdrm. h'--e ta' - ot ' ini ft FM 2-S7K.1 after 6 vV.. da 4 rOPNFRS 1 BDRM - NFAH SCH . F A HEAT. KM 2-8-jOI BY OWS'FR, vfrv ntr-e J hdr h"me. So Saief $'.V1 rtovn $53 rr.o.. $M total. EM 3-M17. To Place ClassifiM Ads CaU EM. 4-6811 IRVMl. Owner will trade close in j oann. nnnie iw CALL RON HUDKINS WHY RENT? $435 down and move right In, Vet clean, newly redecorated 5 room home, arprox. 3 vrs. old. Has hardwooa floors. Electric gl-tss heat. Attached garage. Large J?l'vToii.l.plce WM' CALL'260 N. HIGH. PH. EM 4-6766 LOVELY FAMILY HOME on Nob Hill. From Its gracious liv. rm. and din. rm. to Its E radical activity room in the , asement. this home is Ideal 3 bdrms., 2j baths, aviio. oil forced air heat, dble. ga rage. Convenient to all schools. $18,960. CALL J. .. LAW WILL BUILD TO SUIT TEN ANT Main arterial locations. Ideal lor retail and service businesses. Rental terms t o be agreed upon 10 year lease. Call C. I. GRABEN HORST . O. V. Hume EM 2-5206 goon ( rm. nome. urge uarn. INSURANCE EXECUTIVE , tinnslerreri. See this elcfumt 3 bedroom home containing 1445 sq. ft. The living room is 142I ft. Heautiiul kitchen and dm inn room. Other features are double garage, new lawn, shrubs and creuns. Located near Serra High and Auburn Schools, l'lice only $14, KM). TWO DOGS BUT they beat rent: Each has a bout j acre, 3 bedrooms, living rooms, near good grade schools, One is north and the other is east. One sells for $ft)50 with $.VM) & $50 a mo, & $6950. Make offer. This 3'i acres located South In Ph. EM 4-6871 HAYESVILLE PARK A SUBDIVISION WITH TREES. Oniv me house left u ith a large OAK tree in back. 3 bed rooms, famllv room, P7 baths, oaved street and sidewalks. A CHOICE place m live if you work in North Salem. 114.950. Call EM 4 6764. Eve: Marjorie Fanning EM 4-60118. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2W) N. HIGH. PH. EM 4-67Hi near capitol shopping IF you are Interested in a well built hone onlv 1 yr. old close tn school"; and shopping, then vou shoud see (his lovelv 3 bedroom home with a pof-sible 4th bedroom or dn. Nevada stone fireplace I1, baths Double garage. $14(00.00 Good terms. Call Fave Peat Ee. - EM 4-5.-.M ; Dofi Dotujldon HIALTO , ! ( irCj Ph. EM 4-SHI 7 YEAH OLD HOME UnO DOWN '2 BDRM. hwd. floors, plastered i Ne iv dermaled inside it out. Puce SfV.Vl. 1 NEAR SO. SALEM HIGH I.VH) Dn . Hal $65 mo 2 Br. h me with inirte ulilitv. Pl.i- I teieti. Hwd. Ilii. This is a rel buv ;tt $7''V) or partlv furnish- i LA ROE lot with 4 room house I Carige and i-srport. Bus at I d'ior. Only $:.Vi. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR TM N Hi?h Pn. F.M I Eve. EM 4-i68. E.M 2-8846 ENGLEWOOD DIST. Very well planned spacious rKirm home. Each large bed- roorn hs I wall full of Ho els fc builtin. Bsm't. fc attic for storaee spare. 2 car rrre. 2 baths, clme to stores fc bus. fall EM 3-rr7:i'i. MR OWNER' Glen Wood' will pay top price lot your turn A appliance EM 3-5110 Liberty Gardens BuiirW offers ne 3 bdrm.. tj.'iti. f1:n. r:n , fi'enl , doi rr 3 Mrrr. neartng ni 1 J mailer repletion KM 2 0l(ir, BY OWNER "$7f 3 bdrm. home m knelv new residential dist. EM j-9072. BY BUILDER New 3 hd'm rtj'te.' hitin Somt Choice socatien. M 2-1071. PRESTIGE HOME A SWANKY LOOKING home overlooking a small val ley. Everything the best, with 3 bedrooms, large family room, impressive fireplaces, dream kitchen with all built in appliances. Semi-rustic type with cupola. 110 foot frontage. $17,500. Call EM 4-6766, Eve: Cordova Stephenson EM 4-6149 Ted Morrison, Realtor ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT IDEAL family home. 3i bed rooms. Living room, fireplace, dining room. Kitchen, full basement and -double garage. CALL GEORGE REED Eves. EM 2-0089 Von Douqkicm Ph. EM 4-SI8I SUBURBAN LIFE AN UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom home with a large front porch, on Just under 'j immaculate with center entry, utility, dining room. The lot has i walnut. 6 cherry trees. A BIG PACKAGE for only $11,950. Call EM 4-6766, Eve. Walt Jones EM 4-7832. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH. PH. EM 4-6766 5 Furnished Apts. CLOSE to this office and State bldgs.. $24.000 00. Trade equity for clear home. All rented and in modern and good repair. Trade for Acreage NEWER ranch type large 2 bedrm. home with large lot. Trade for 3 bedrm, on small acreage. West, East or North. Price $9500. 2V A. 4 Bedrm. RIVER bottom, nicely 1 a n d scaped. 16 miles South on Santiam River bottom. Modern home, sunken garden, 2 A. in strawberries, $13,300. Trade for Salem prop. Art Ma risen Realty 1.126 State EM 3-5580. 2-8812. 3-840.1 FAIRYLAND IN THE WOODS and ON A rnKKK. A cozy little home with paneled living room, and large fireplace. A woodsy set ting with lots of old stone walls, stone bridge, terrace beside the creek. Almost 9 acres In all. close In. $10,750. Call F.M 4-6766, Eve; Dick Olson EM 4-4183. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M N. Illfill. I'll. EM 4-67(16 Family Home LOVELY 3 bdrm. home and pin v room in Keizer. close lo school, bus. shopping. Here is value, spacious rooms nicely finished woodwork, plastered, has coy fireplace and eating space. Owner will accept good Eve. EM 4 5416. Home & Income 2 BDRM. home for owner with attractive knotty pine living room, tile bath, entire proper ly clean and neat as a pin Has 1 bdrm. rental for $10 Ccr monlh. Close to school, us. shopping. A good buy at $!t.250. Owner might consider some trade fnr Silverton nr Ml. Anne! property. Call Ruth Morrison, Eve. EM .4-1644. Joe L. Bourne Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol EMJ3-82IB 17x28 LIVING'S Ideal spacious 3 iKlrm. family home. Fireplace. basement v.jth extra nns. Lg. dining rm. and kitchen. Excellent Engle unod Diht.. clre to school tV hus. Dbl. plumb. Dbl. garage. Pleiitv trees fc shrubs. Dandy lot with fireplace. Plenty rm. for children. For particulars ask for Ed S hreder Ph. EM 3-92.16 Eve: EM 3-7823. l uu wcvciuHi..uu Company (Realtors) 31R N. Chlirrh Ph. EM LOVABLE! 3 B R. SOUTH. 3 Yrs. old. Wonderful neighbor-ho-vl. beautiful yard. Forced heat insulated inside utility. N F A R bus A- shnonine FHA terms approx. fl.Wi ri'.wn sll.PV) Call DON BEL LINGER Office F.M 4-3394. Home EM 4-04K2. in'Kt Falrarnund, Rd. OUTSTANDING HOMKS Fach In Irs own Prlred Field 4 B R. Deluxe 1 3 B R. MorningMde . 126 5O0 $18,900 $18,500 $1350 $13,900 $11,500 $11,500 $)0.')V) $10 500 $ 5.650 3 BR. Candalana j p r jsiew N F j Mf , 3 B rt. New south 2 R Msrihnn rr. . 2 B R. McKmley Dist, 2 B R. C'andalarla ,1", G.KKl S E. DM. Fr appointment call JIM W. liRASHER Eves EM 4-73H6 Don Doucktcm 320 Court Ph. EM 4 8481 i ;', B V "OWNER n- Kingwood Park DIsL late mod;l 2 bdrm . home, knotty-pine den. fiplc. nard dr.. new:' v all to wall carpel, drape, . flr inflated Weati-er - striped. 4 Wirec for wssher fc dryer. ? t'il rrn. near bia A- sc ool. enrl' ed vnrrt Wit frrlf Choice 1326 Franklin rut" 18S50. f. 3-fc650 SMALL rlean bdrm home. full orke $15rt dn $17 50 mo KM 2 6731 alter fc wk. pd ENfil.F.WOOn 4 vr "M 4 bdrm. home. Owner EM 2-5680. 90 ACRE FARM Chehalls it Newburff soils, all cultivated & Ir rigated. Large barns & storage sheds, siloa. Near ly new 2 bedroom home plus large older home. This Is an Ideal stock, dairy or truck farm 1st time offered at this low price ot $45.000 00 on rea sonable terms. Call Henry Torvend for appointment. Lee Oh mart IN THE DARK DON'T be In the dark about this home, call Ralph Maddy and see this wonderful 3 bedroom home in the "Carl Add. it's really different with new and exciting features throughout you'll be especially proud of the family room this entire spacious home is exceptionally well finished Don't forget, call Ralph Maddy now . . , HURRY! HURRY I 3 YEAR OLD. 1 bedroom home ana gooa looking too. owner moving to tasno so nere is jour chance to get a real deal Price $8750.00. See Louis Lorcnz. DO YOU NEED A LARGER HOME? WE HAVE a 3 bedroom home with separate dining-room, nice lot on Auburn Road will trade for 1 bedroom home close In. $500.00 DOWN V WE HAVE Just listed this 7 years old home, close to En lie wood School 3 bedrooms not a large home but comfortable and "homey" full price $5t50. $00. down, bal. at ft1:. Call Ad rienne Sercombe. , ' FIRST TIME OFFERED Mi ACRES located North In rich farming area 10 A. No. 1 Peat soil (beaver dam) large onion barn, beautiful building site will trade for property in or near Salem. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Phone EM -24 115 EM-24116 Eve. Henrv Torvend KM -336.13 Loixnz E.M--I3&W Aarienne Hrown r.M-za.'ib THE HOMESELLERS C. D. McCargar, RUr. $999.00 DOWN Take vour choice a 3 vr. old 3 district in excellent condition a 7 vr. old 2 BR. home on S. HI Priced to sell quickly wiiismore fcM fcve. cm a-tano, SEE ENJOY BUY Brand new 3 Bdrm. home. In excellent location, quiet neighbor- noon, suirounaen nv new names. i.aree living room wnn lire- place: comb, kitchen, dining, family room, with built-in range A: oven. & nice fireDlace. Beautiful all birch finish. Bath rm. has lovely built-in vanity, separate utility rm. with bath. Finished garage with overhead storage. Price $16,500. Call Mr. Mice 4-1441, .ve. tat a-trwy. BEAMS In the living room Beam In the family room 2 fireplaces, built fn oven A- ianfe. slidinr doors lo covered natln. 1' hatha. aep. utility At oversize dbl. storage r,oom. Excellent location south. Total price $18,500. Call Tom Fagan EM 4-4441, Eve, EM 4-8103. TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY 17 acres with Irrigation, good barn, small tractor, plow, disc and mower, poultry house nnd other out buildings older house livable. Full price $9,500. Will 'ake house to $6,000 in Salem, Call AI Bender EM 4-4441, Eve. EM 2-7646. JUST COMPLETED .1 R.rlrnn.tti-9 hnihx lovelv double garage large lot, paved streets coiitr.ictor says sell only $13.54)0 with $1,500 down. LM -.lll, 702 NO. II Kill " Buy Rtjal Vluo ' With ConfldaiK 60S CHE ME K ETA TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. Trade your home for this 5 unit nmtel located on 9E. 1 bed room In Owners living quart ers. I two bedroom unit w ith kitchen. 4 single unlis. one with kitchenette. 80x300 lot close to restaurants, store, service station, tavern, bowl ing alley. Asking $27,300. For appl. lo see call Dale Ra.vburn EM 4-6873 or Eve St Sun. call EM 2-2045. Use Our BUILDING SERVICE Over 300 Sample Plans 1. Come in and choose your plan. ' 2. Specify your desired loca tion. WE Will 1. Locale the best available lot to fit your house. 2. Select the builder best qualified to build your particular house. 3. Help you with all details of construction. 4. Guarantee final, ready to move in. price. 5. Arrange all financing de tails before start of con struction. YOW WILL BK PI.KASKD WITH THfi JIKSULTS - CALL KM 4-S76H a.k for Ted Mnrrt,on Ted Morrison, Realtor 2fi0 N. HIGH. PH. KM 4-671 .IOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your h -nt needs. To Ruv. Seh or Rent - Call Ph. EM 4-574:! 1211 Edgewater Ph. CM 4-7674 2710 So. Com ml. 900 Display Clans. I , Of Nationally Famoug Krnmorr, ('(ild.spfit Home Appliances. Some New! Some Used! Some Slightly Scratched! t ea. 36" Dlx. Elect. Range, used - I ea. 36" Electric Range, used 1 ea. 37" Electric Rnge, tised.. 1 ea. KMfhen Heater, used 1 ea. 8 2 Cu. Ft. Coldipot Refrigerator 1 ea. Wringer Washer, used 1 ea, Auto Wsher, demonstrator . 3 ea. Auto Waher with Sudiomatle, new .. 1 a Dlx. Auio. 2 Speed with 9udnmatlc drrnonstrator .. - RS". 1 ea. Automstlc Washer, new Reg. 2 ea. Semi-Auto. Wanher, new R'f. 1 es. Dlx. Auto. Gas Dryer, new Reg. 2 ea. Auto. Gas Dryer, nw RM ? J, ;. 6 ' SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. IS Rudy Calabft north this place Is really nice Raluh Muddy EM 23488 louli aercomoe M-4uuu Stanley BR. home In the Mornlnfslde and only l'j nika. to school or Capitol near the new S. Salem Both under $9,300. Call Herb garage with an extra hohhy or kitchen rustic firenlnce Inrce Call gar EM 4-4441, Eve. PHONE EM 4-4441 5 - Loans 5VH Buying - IhiHdintf PH. EM. 4-8873 00 ACRES. VERY NICE PLACE TO LIVE. 3 bedroom home, large barn, machine shed nnd plenty inner ouiiairigs. mi cultivated. Farms in the Valley are going higher as more peo ple move in. This place will pay for itself, also make a nice living for you. Only $5,000 down. Easy Terms. Call Ben Griffith, EM 4-6878 or Eve. and Sun. call EM 3-8760. 807 Apt'i, Court i for Sale $9,500 EQUITY In 4 ptex In SE aaiem. migni iraai. z.m-iav. 808 Lott For Sale REASONABLE large restricted lots Keizer EM 4-U513. 810 Forms For Sola CALLING I ALL RANCHERS! ! STOCKED fc EQUIPPED 180 At IlKS. 160 acres DOllom f round with Irrigation set up ) 5 acres semi-cleared planted pasture, fenced St cross fenced Spring fc creek. 3d head of Hereford 120 registered). Full lines of excellent, almost new equipment. Feeder barn for I. vi Head, sire barn, machine ahed. 50 ions nay. z nm modern cottage. 2' j m frm Indeoendence, Add an sheep fc hogs fc you've got It made An AMA7.INC.I.Y LOW PRICE. $17,500. Some trade considered. Please call Mrs. Wells for showing. Eves, ph. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 317 Court SI. Ph. EM 4-4494 0 ACRE ml. Soulhfc West of Gervni. nniy I West of ME Hwy. Good place I for horse, sheep tight, large . barn, holds 100 Ion hay. 1; Morv redecorated 2 bdrm. ! home. Irg garnge Price 16X50. $1,500 down. EM 4-2714 eves. BY OWNER AM leaving. Will sell 10 tn 19 acre tracts close to 4 Corners. Will make good Investment. EM 2 4644. j 900 Display Claw. PRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE Reg. $239 93 H f)6 .Reg. 21913 (WAS Reg. Rd 1.1ft !) 64 DS 54 !)5 29 00 Reg, .. Reg. Reg. lfW M 1 43 f'3 2.1fl f5 M 03 fM 15 IM 15 Reg. 251 81 20D 99 2SISS XISSI 111 jti n litis 2ISSS ISA SS 11(1 s 71 SS ISA SS SM N l APITIIL V rM -sni v JO A. IRRIGATED LAND SELL OR TRADE 42 ACRES IN ALL THIS Is one of the finest farms we have ever listed and in cludes a beautiful 5 yr. old, 3 bedroom home with D. R.t H.W. fir. ft F A. oil furnace. 1 A. strawberries, 3!j A. Nec tar berries, 4i A. Filberts, 3'i A. walnuts. Price Includes Irrig. pump St equip. Tractor and attachments. Barn 40x60 and outbuildings. Will take ood home In trade up to 11.000. Price $31,500. For appt. call Geo. Partny with Allen C. Jones, realtor. 231 N. High. Ph. EM 3-3838, Eve. EM 4-1689, EM 2 9848. 812 Exch. Reol Estoto 12 UNIT COURT CLOSE IN location. Income $750 monin. nonnenui condition in side and out. Will take 110.000 down or good mortgage in trade. CALL BON CLEARY Eves. EM 3-9939 0 Court Ph. EM 4-S4S4 818 Wonted, Real Estate SMALL I bdrm. house, vie. 17th at unemexeta. up to S7.000. Call EM 3 ?87. 850 Automotive 851 New Cars Looking For Gasoline Economy The NEW STUDEBAKER CHAMPION America's most dependable & economical 6 cylinder en gine. Delivers outstanding mileage per gal. with lively pep acceleration. TOP ALLOWANCE BANK TERMS BONESTEELE'S Famous German KCONOMY CAll New 1M7 Practically Trouhle-Free Engine AUTOHAUS 140 N. High EM 4-3353 852 Used Con For Sola '41 Plymouth coups. Good tires, hndv. brakes, etc. Full or let $75. 1278 Wood Acre Dr. EM 4-17ZU. MAKE OFFER ON EQUITY Exc. 1953 Merc. Custom 4 dr.. merc-o-mahr, radio, heater, 2 lone, iota or extras. Assume bal. EM 2-U673 eves. St wk, ends. '4 OLDS. 2 dr. For quick sale, $150. EM 4-51)47. S3 OLDS 08 Holiday, power, low MUST sacrifice 1953 Bulck hard- lop coupe, power brakes, steer. Ing. Can arrange finance and will accept trade In, EM 2-3208 after 0 p.m. 50 PONTIAC 4 dr., excel, cond. $373. EM 34561. 50 FORD V-8. 2 dr.. n'drlve, heater, exc, rond., tires good, riV). 2i:ui Dreamerla Lane. EM 4.94.16. '47 PLYM. 4 dr. sdn., $75 Center Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Carl Commercial & Chemek.ta F.M 4-S711 CAPITOL evrolet Cadillac Union fc Commercial FM 3-3173 1P47 CHRYSLER Windsor sedan, exc. cond., cheap, EM 4-3206. 900 Display Class. III I SINGER'S ! mm mmwn OF ! FLOOR MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS USED MACHINES I SAVE UP 10 50 ! f () THIS SEMI ANNUAL SAI.R. AM. RKGIILAR STOCK. , N(I CHKAI" I.KADKR MKHCHANDISE HERK. ALL TYPES AUTOMATIC. SLANT NEKDLE. STRAIGHT f NEEDLE, I'ORTARI.ES, CONSOLES, DESKS. PRICES FROM j $495 TERRIFIC BARGAINS - TRADES i AND EASY TERMS 4 HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION SINGER SEWING CENTER TH r.M 3-.1SI1 NATIONAL 56 Porta $2795 $70 4 Door V-8, radio, heater, hydramatic, white walls, tu tone finish. One-owner, lov? mileage, clean. It's an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2695 Deluxe 4 door, radio, heater, hydramatic, white walls, tinted glass, power steering, power brakes, tutone green finish. 202 hp Rocket engine. Real sharp. It's an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2795 Deluxe Holiday Coupe, radio. ncmcr, nvaramaiic. wnita walls, power steering, power brakes, tutone paint. Be In style with this one. One-owner and It s an NBC. 55 Olds 98 $2995 Deluxe Holiday Sedan, heater, iimnc. power steering, fower brakes, white walls. In ted glass, red & white finish with black ft white interior one-owner. It's an NBC. NBC is the completely safe way to buy a used car Remember Jim Lodr-r and Faul Grit an always ready to make you a good deal. Come In and see one of them today! LODER BROS. CO. Used Car Department 461 No. High EM 2-7973 '34 MERC. Monterey hardtop. power eauipmem, auio. irane.. nvlon tires, clean. See at Shoppers Car Park Perry 4 High JSts. 47 KRAZER, work car, good radio, healer, tires. $05 or make offer. EM 4-5202. FOR QUICK SALE '34 Ford, 2 dr. sedan, radio. neater, new paint, cxceueni condition. EM 3-0565, 853 Auto Parts 4 Repairs CUSTOM painting, pin strip ing. Si flame painting also lead work. 520 Ratcllff. Dr. Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-4513 854 Trucks, Trail, for tola '47 Ford pick-up service truck, Pcrf cond.rt $303. 690 Gaines, EM 3-fH74.'J' l . CMC, 2-speed rear end. Want rear end housing. EM 2-734 3. FUR NITTJR E van bed for Pi" ton truck $75. Joe Rogers, 413-J Independence. 11154 INTERNATIONAL Va ton Pickup, uood tires, radio, heater, one-owner. Very clean and exceptionally solid body. Hart Motor Co., Independence, or call Bill Cogswell, EM 2-7 107, Salem. FORD I-T. pickup, really clean. $4113. See to apprec. EM Z-UBO. 14' FACTORY buUt fc 15 truck- bed, both with grain racks. Ph. Dayton 12x4. Pi ml Grand Island School. Merle Church. 862 House Trailers The People's Choice New 1957 Blltmore Mobile Hornet NOW ON DISPLAY See Them Todayl WILL take in trade furniture. Klckup. car equities or wnai ave vou RON'S TRAILER SALES Corner of Center fc Church test Ol Meier at r ransj Open Evenings EM 2-680S TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cal. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2640 Portland Rd. EM 4-6934 19S228' Jayllne trailer. 843 K, McGUcrlst. EM 2 1668. 33FT. all mod. trailer house. Must sell cheap. Inq. Reed's Trailer Court. Across from Paulus Bros. Csnnery. 900 Display Class. Woxrlrturn 1 Dallas 3-3MI 1