Salem', Oregoff,Moti3ay, January 21, 1957 iTHE CAPITAL' JOURNAL Sectiotf I Page J Local Paragraphs Hubcans Tab.. TArrAn. tn:.. r- viticijr .11101, 6o4 North Church St., reported to police Sunday that two hubcaps, valued at $6,50 had been taken from a car parked at his house overnight. Story Hour Featured at the story hour in the Fireplace room of the Salem public library at 4 p.m. Wednesday will be "Rumple-stiltskin." East Salem Lions A film mill shown by Edgar H. Whitt, mana ger of the University branch of the U. S. National Bank at the weekly meeting of the East Salem Lions club at noon Tuesday in The Chalet. Kitranfo T.iinhA.. a C....H.. member of Willamette university will address the Salem Kiwanis club Tuesday noon at the Senator hotel. HtS talk Will hp hacnH An tha situation in the Near East. Out of Hospital Mrs. Mike Steinbock, 2670 East Nob Hill St., has been released from Salem General hospita 1 following a 10 day observation period. She suf fered a heart attack last summer. Farm-ritT Prntrt-am flc Tini-n- thy M. Sherrill, consumer-mar- ketin? snpeintict nt iha E-vrnne;nn Division, Oregon State College, m speaK to tne membership of the Rotary club at the Marion ho tel Wednesday noon. Perfect Grades A perfect grade record was made by Layton Gil son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Gilson, 1735 North 20th St. in first term examinations at Stanford university where he is taking a physical therapy course. Cart Damaged Extensive damage was done to two automo biles when they collided at Church and Union streets Sunday morn ing, according to city police. The vehicles were driven by Milton Norman Rood, 3303 Ncff Ave., and Jess Theodore Donohoho, 1810 Trade St., according to the offi cer's report. Building Permits J. W. Ricks, to build a one-story dwelling at 1685 South High, $14,000. Blue Lake Packers, to alter an office at 376 Patterson. $3500. 0. L. Trussell, to alter a lV4-story dwelling at 1325 Karen Way, $1200. Boy Injured Dennis Blanchard. S235 Electric St., was treated by city first airmen Monday morn ing for a one-inch laceration on the back of the head. The boy was injured when he fell while playing at home about 8:30 a.m., aidmcn reported. Motor Burns Out City firemen were called to the Bert Victor residence, 1854 North Capitol St., about 9:30 Monday morning when an electric motor on a furnace burned out. Damage was limited to the motor, firemen said. Freeway Accident Damages 3 Cars Three cars were moderately damaged in a collision caused when one of them skidded on the Baldock freeway about 8:30 p.m. Sunday, state police reported. The accident occurred near Aurora road, they said. Drivers were listed as Jerry E. Braden, 1590 Ncwberg Dr., Salem: Robert James McCree, 1490 Hines St., Salem, and Roger Wespby, Scap poose. No injuries were listed. Mid-Valley Births Disease ReportSix cases of reportable and communicable dis eases were checked by the Mar ion County Department of Health during the week ending Jan. 18. They included three of strep sore throat and one each of measles, bronchial pneumonia and scarlet fever. Car Hit Harland Selmer. 945 Union St.. told Dolice SlinH.nv that his auto had received minor dam age when struck while parked off the alley beside his house. Veterans Meeting The Veterans of World War II and auxiliary will hold their next meeting Wednes- oay nignt at tne Vr W hall. A birth day party and a joint installation of officers will be the highlights of the meeting. A potluck dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. with the instal lation scheduled to begin at 8. Lecture Set The third in a series of lectures sponsored by the Salem Association for Retarded Children will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Little theatre at South Salem high school. The speaker will be Dr. Brace I. Knapp and his topic will be 'A Pediatrician's Viewpoint on Mental Retardation." Injured In Wreck Mrs. Edna M. Bergner and her daughter Betty Jean, 1189 Jefferson St., were kept overnight at Salem .Memorial hospital Saturday after their car was involved in an ac cident caused by slush on Baldock Freeway about 3 p.m. The car slid into a center divider and rolled on its side, state police said. Senate Knot (Continued from Page 1) Power Pole Sheared After Skid igffii ., , ,,-!-- ... - . r .f-v f i " r i irrrni-imfTtnii 'triiigrii.MwtfirTiiiMririti tt 1 - --- ..'..- -fc-o..... nt Mnm lift nWwBiiri liiit lit tax exemptions. However, since the committee was dominated by Republicans, the chances that the Democratic House will adopt it are extremely remote. With Gov. Robert D. Holmes in Washington, D.C., for President Eisenhower s inaugural, Speaker of the House Pat Doolcy (D, Portland, was acting as governor. Dooley will continue to be the state s chief executive until Tues day night. In the meantime. Rep. Robert R. Klemsen (D, St. Helens, is acting speaker of the House. The number of bills introduced in the House reached 122 Monday morning, almost all of - them appropriation measures intro duced by the Ways and Means Committee. These bills are being sent back to the committee and won't be acted upon until late in the session. Injured Crash Victims Still In Hospitals Two victims of the collision of a station wagon and a truck Sat urday on Highway 99E in Hubbard are still hospitalized. Most seriously injured was Joan Staffer, 12, daughter of the Robert Youngs of Hubbard. Her condition remains critical at Emanuel hospi tal in Portland where she under went surgery for possible skull fracture Saturday. Driver of the car was Mrs. Doris Eleanor Pulley, route 1, Hubbard. Her condition at Doctors hospital, Oregon City, was reported im proved Monday She was said to be now "out of traction". She was believed to have suffered fracture of a vertebra. The station wagon collided with a truck loaded with new Volks wagens, driven by Edward Wilkins of Portland, State Police Officer Henry Hcpler reported. , The accident happened In Hub bard on highway 99E at Sixth street. SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MOREHOUSE To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morehouse, Hubbard, a con, Jan. 19. JARVIS-To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jarvis, 4301 Portland Rd., a son, Jan. 20. BOSWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Al len Boswell, 4125 State St., a son, Jan. 20. ALLENBACH To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allenbach, Jr., 363 Park view Ave., a son, Jan. 20. W1TZF.L To Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald A. Witzcl, 1115 Jefferson St., a son. Jan. 20. PRESTON To Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Preston. 1525 Mill St., a daughter, Jan. 20. SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL RUPP To Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rupp, 226 E. Salem Heights Ave., a bov. Jan. 17. DASCH To Mr. and Mrs. Ro ger Dasch, Stayton, a son, Jan. 19. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Anderson, 152 S. Church St., a daughter Jan. 20. SAUL To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saul, 3340 Rawlins Ave., a daugh ter. Jan. 20. FORD To Mr. and Mrs. James Ford. 235 N. Catron St., a daugh ter. Jan. 20. GANSKIE To Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ganskie. 1514 Park Ave., a son. Jan. 20. DEWEY To Mr. and Mrs. Georse Dewey, 1245 N. 24tB St., a daughter, Jan. 20. BICKLER To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bickler, 555 Rose St., a son, Jan. 19. MADSON To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Madson. 4140 Barrett Way, a daughter, Jan. 19. FREDERICKSF.N-To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Frcdcrickscn, Albany, a son. Jan. 19. News of Record Winter ( Continued from Page 1 ) The five-day forecast is for the cold to continue through Saturday, a warming trend being due then. There will be rain or snow sho wers through the period, starting tonight and continuing through Tuesday and Wednesday and again at the weekend. Temperatures for the five-day period are to be much below normal. CIRCUIT COURT State vs Edwin A. Lyle: Order requiring defendant to appear in court and show reason why his probation should not be revoked. Rudy Lumber Co. vs Harold Iltlls: Defendant's demurrer to complaint on grounds of insuffi cient facts. Roy Bert Land ret h vs Clarence T. Gladden, warden: Notice of ap peal from circuit court to supreme court filed by defendant. Cleo Patricia Raker vs William Howard Baker: Divorce decree awarding custody of two minor children and $50 monthly support for each to plaintiff. PHOBATE COURT Sofia Raurh estate: Estate ap praised at $.31,162. John W. Cattrall estate: Order appointing Verna B. Cattrall ad ministratrix. John E. Ellison estate: Order approving final account and dir ecting distribution. FILM COUPLE PARENTS HOLLYWOOD i.-Actor Robert Stack and his wife, actress Rose marie Bowe, are the parents of a 7-pound, 10-ounce daughter. The child, named Elizabeth Langford, was born yesterday just three days before her parents' first wedding anniversary. James Patrick Kennedy, Salem, escaped with only a lacerated 1 knee Sunday night after his car sheared off a power polo near 21st and D streets after skidding on a patch of Ice. The pole was broken In three pieces and sent hot wires lashing around the right side of the cars. A ball of Are was reported to have been seen rising after car hit the pole. Electric and telephone service In the area was disrupted. (Capital Journal Photo) Hot Power Wires Fall On Car After Pole Hit A lucky young Salem driver was back in school Monday after a narrow brush with electrocution from some hot power wires in a one-car accident Sunday night. James Patrick Kennedy, 17, 4095 Milton Rd., was just glad to be alive after getting involved with 12.000 volts of electricity. His mo ther, Mrs. William Kennedy, said Ike Installed (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Eisenhower, watching in tently, seemed close to tears as the President was sworn in. When the solemn moment closed, she blinked, then smiled happily. Unlike his quick action of four years ago, Eisenhower this time did not stride over and kiss his wife. He put on a pair of rimless spectacles, placed the text of his inaugural address in lront ot mm, and immediately began speaking The President' mobile features changed expression continually. When he began speaking, he looked solemn to the point of grimncss. From time to time, his jaw jutted forward and a kind of belligerency showed through. It took less than 15 minutes lor tne President to deliver his address. The families of the President and vice president all were on hand. Also seated near the official stand were members of Congress, other government dignitaries. Su preme Court justices, some 40 state governors and members of the diplomatic corps. Three of the President's broth ers, Milton, Earl and Arthur, at tended the ceremonies. Another brother, Edgar, of Tacoma, Wash, was ill and could not be present. all he suffered was a cut on the knee. Wheels Skid The accident happened about streets. Young Kennedy, driving 5:50 p.m. Sunday near 21st and D west alone on D, felt his car wheels hit a patch of ice. Before he could control it, the car had skidded to the left side of the road and straight into a power pole. The pole was broken into three pieces, spilling hot wires across the car and down the street. The front end of the two-door sedan was demolished. Kennedy at first tried to climb out the right front door, but hot wires were lashed around it. The youth kept his head and waited in the car until he could question a passerby about the condition of the left side. It was all right and ne jumped out, unharmed. Results of the accident were re portedly visible several blocks away as sparks shot from the downed power wires. Two friends following Kennedy said they saw what looked like a large ball of lire when the car hit the pole. Downed electricity and tele phone lines in the vicinity were put back into service today after emergency repairs were made last night. A new pole had to be in stalled to restore power to about a block and a half of homes and telephone services to six residences. BEGGING MARCHES ON TUCSON, Ariz. (UP) The art of begging moved into the age of electronics Sunday, Tincup in hand, a beggar who is frequently seen on downtown Tucson streets gave up his harmonica and made music by turning on the tiny transistor radio which hung from his neck on a string. Legislator Fires Wife, Hires Girl To fire one's wife from a. job would get most men In trouble with his spouse. Rut that's not the case with Rep, Joe Rogers D). Independence. Mrs. Rogers served as her husband's secretary all through the last session of the legisla ture and has been at the job again this session until this week. But in the next few days the Polk county representative will relieve his wife of her sec retarial duties and turn the job over to a younger woman just out of college. So far this story sounds like nothing but a breeder of strife for the Rogers family. Actually it is not and there Is a simple explanation for the whole situa tion. Mrs. Rogers did not really In tend to be her husband's secre tary during this session. S h a only handled the job during the first week because of Illness which prevented Rogers' new secretary from taking over hrr duties until this week. So really she Isn't being fired at all. As for the young secretary, she Is Rogers' daughter, JoAnne. Miss Rogers applied for the job long ago and went to summer session at the University of Ore gon last year In order that she could finish her college work during the fall term or 1956 and be free to work for her father during the legislative session. Incidentally, JoAnne got a 4.00 grade point average for tho fall term. Translated, that's straight As. Congregation Of St. Mark's OK's Contract New Lutheran Church Construction Plans Receive Approval A contract for the construction of the proposed St. Mark's Luther an church at Marion and North Winter street received virtual unanimous congregational support Sunday night during the annual meeting of the denomination. Three contractors had submitted bids on the church which will cost in excess of $350,000. However, no announcement was made as to the low figure. An agreement with the low bidder is expected within a few days, said Rev. John Cauble. The congregation approved a budget for 1957 which is in excess of the one that was effective last year. At the same time members o' the church council were elected. They included: three year terms, Leslie Davis. Mark Gehlar, Ed Jenson, Dr. Kraushaar, and Oscar Liudahl; two years, William Stortz: one year, Arnold Olson. W. V. Lyle was elected delegate to the Convention of tho Pacific Synod, to be held next May in Portland. Block of Dimes Adds $500 To Polio Fund Collections A pedestrian solicitation drive in downtown Salem Saturday netted more than $500 for the March of Dimes, according to Elton McGil Christ, Block of Dimes chairman. The Salem Lions club, directed by William E. Kimsey, and the Salem Kiwanis, under tho chair manship of O. L. Wiltsie, took part in the drive. Tho Keizer Lions, under Clayton Jones, also partici pated in their districts. The Salem Lions club had an added attraction in Bernie Phillips who played an organ, furnished by the Zobel Piano company, from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. The organ was located in front of the Bishop's Clothing store. Another organ, furnished by the Stone Piano company was placed in front of the J. C. Penney store. Mrs. Frances Llghtner, Mrs. Mary Barton, Robert Carpenter and Herbert Carter were the organists. SALEM ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN PrtttnM . , . Third of a Stritt of ltcturu Dr. Brace I. Knapp, Salem Tho .Pediatrician's .Viewpoint Mental Ratcrdartion." - TUESDAY, JAN. 22, 8 P.M. llHl. Th..l.r - So. Silim HI No Charg. Church Parley (loniinura rrom rag. 11 periences and then workshops were opened. Theso included sessions on Christian World Missions, Chris tian World Relations and Christian Social Relations, on finance pub lic relations and administration. Hillcrest Girls will provide the music at the banquet scheduled for 6:30 this evening. Mrs. James H. Edgar will preside with Mrs. J. H. Pollard giving the invoca tion; Mrs. R. S. Grettio speaking on Christian Social Relations and Mrs. E. C. Gilbert on May Fellow ship Day. Main address will be offered by Mrs. Ralph Mort on European re action to tho problem of alcohol. She is on the hoard of the WCTU. At 8 p.m. Mrs. Paul B. Means will lecture on, "When a Woman Learns to Read" based on facts from Sumatra and Malaya). The first event ot the Oregon Council of Churches convocation is slated for 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when Dr. Harold A. Ros ley, author and pastor of First Methodist church, Evanston, 111., will be tendered a reception. At 8 p.m. Tuesday Dr. Rosley will givo an address entitled "Wit ness to God as Love. Ilo will speak nt 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, as well as 9 a.m. Thursday. FEU This Full Size New This Big New 10 Cu. Ft NORGE RANGE or NORGE REFRIGERATOR DELUXE DELUXE Model E4U Model DllO . Reg. $249.95 Reg. $229.93 With the Purchase of a New 1957 Norge Automatic Washer and Dryer The Buy of Your Life! SUPPING GALLIC TRUCES WESTON, Mass. Ifl A French exchange student is having his (roubles keeping true to his vow that even in the United States I would remain quite French." Andre Itoesslinger of Rombas, v ranee, told a church group of slipping from his gallic ways: "Now I drink two quarts of milk a day, consider a car a need and can not help saying this guy, gosh, gee and ya' instead of yes." most Extraordinary LONDON (UP) The Sunday Express reported Sunday railway officials in two cars drove 200 miles to arrange for Queen Eliza beth II to travel 103 miles by train instead of by car in order to save rationed gasoline. It's Fun to Browse at MUNKER'S THRIFTWISE VARIETY NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY. Next to Erickson's Super Mkf. North SUm en Portland Road OPEN 9 A.M.-9 PM. plus rhj iPi: m TRADE- ff 'ftij "r, WHK IN Icig j J FM ill 1T3 W4 Excfuitva Nw Dliponiar f xcluilvo Dual CycU Tlrtii Lint Control S-Way Rinio Safety Spin Control Built-in Sadlmont Ramovtr D4 Iicluirva TIim lfn Cntrl Ixcluifva 4-Way Drybtf Olant 21" Blowar Fan Sopar Capacity Drylnf Cyllndir Safe Drying for All Fabrltf Supply Is Very Limited at This Low, Low Price So Come in Today CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 2040. N. Capitol Phono EM 4-6761 Open 'til 9 Monday and Friday Now is the time to get your PtfERJOWEl . Will care tor, elderly lady in my home, 1st floor. EM 2-8672. (adv.) Fair lady or plain hunk o man. Classified ads work for you with the same speed and economy. To fill vour needs the Want Ad way, dial KM 4-6311. For Oustanding Wallpapers With Fabrics & Harmonizing Paints plus Expert Decorating Assistance, visit Clarke's, 220 N. Commercial, (adv) Castle Permanent Wavers. 303 Livesley Bldg. EM 3-3663. Perma nents S3 up. Ruth Ford, manager. 'adv.) 8S.1 " skih r J FRESHENER IfhrtfSIJO LIMITED TIME ftr tbdt spic 'n'sfa lukl CAPITAL DRUO STORE tar, sutt st. tfC Green Stamp EARL SAYS . . . 28 Ycar - 1 I vJ : In Natural r. !C i .. Gas Heating FTnprirnre Karl iMurray Before you buy your gas heat er or furnace, be sure your home has been properly fig ured by an experienced natur al gas heating man. Call me and I will Bive you a free heat ing analysis. See Tcmco Gas Heaters at Cherry Cify Electric In the Hollywood District 2M0 N. Capitol-Ph. EM 4-6761 Open Til 9 P. M. Mod. It Fri. MM Clean, Safe Nahrai Ca I Ready for Spring WW m " POWER LAWNM0WER YlS&' SHARPENING W ? 0NI Y REEL TYPE POWER MOWER SPECIAL k Tune Engine Grind and adjust blades Adjust chains and belts Steam clean and lubricate Clean plugs Change oil Reg. 12.00 99 ROTARY MOWERS k Sharpen and balance blade Tune engine k Steam 'an Lubricate wheels Clean plugs Reg. 6.00 99 OFFERS GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY AI L PARTS ARE EXTRA HAND MOWER SHARPENING REG. $2.95 SPECIAL $2 00 H0WSER BROS. IMS S. 12th St. EM 3-3646 RADIO SPECIALS! 1-New Motorola Radio Phono. Com bination, $lCOO was $239.95 NOW I D 1 Westinghouse AM-FM Radio Phono. Combination Maple finish, new 3 speed changer. SOftAOO Very Finel JLJJ 1 -Packard Bell maple finish Radio Phono. Combination. New 3 speed changer $J25 1-R. C. A. Victor A. M.-F. M. Radio Phono. Combination. Very nice manogany $11 COO I tJ finish B-Good Radios, all cabinet models. Tour moice '7.50 PORTABLE RADIOS & RECORD PLAYERS 4 Only Zenith Portables, battery and Electric, were $46; $)Q8S NOW A 2-Single Speed $-T CA Players -. .. JW each 9950 1 Only Wire Recorder . Used Piano Bargains 1 Used nana S5U.OO 6 Used Pianos . your choice S99.50 1 Used Grand Piano, walnut finish, rcg. p r i c e $H(I5 (X) SPE'MAI, nt only $600.00 ALL T1ANOS ARE RECONDI TIONED, TUNED AND REA DY TO GO! These will make line Instruments for your young sters piano lemons. CLEARANCE SEWING MACHINES We are discontinuing the sewing machine department and we have only these THREE left in stock! 1-Used New Home Console Sew ing Machine, $y f0Q fine condition .... raf WE CARRY PARTS FOR 1-Used Treadle Machine, good condition, $0 C00 only OJ 1 NEW Domestic Console, combin ation electric & treadle machine, walnut $QQ50 cabinet r M 1,1, SEWING MACHINES.' PLAY IN THE SCHOOL BAND I Reynolds Cornet It case reg. prlee $230.00 $1 QnOO .Sale Priee U 1 Conn Cornet & Case reg. priie S2C0.00 Si OfiOO Sale Price . ' 1 llollon Trombone & case. reg. price S1H7.50 $1 OQ50 Sale Price 1 Baritone Piston Bugle, reg. price $75.00, S4Q50 Sale Price 1 Strasser Wood Clarinet, reg. price $195.00, $1 4Q50 Sale Prire ' ' USED BAND INSTRUMENTS 25 Metal Clarinets SOCOO your choice ea. 10 Trombones $OCOO your choice ca. 10 Trumpets, $OCOO your choice ea, 15 Violin Outfits, complete your SOCOO choice - ea. GUITAR SPECIALS! Used Hawaiian Guitars ..$25.00 & up New Gibson ES "350" Spanish Guitar, Reg. $395.00 NOW $275.00 New Epiphone Spanish Guitar blonde finish was $295.00 NOW $195.00 New Gibson 8 siring, double neck, Hawaiian Guitar. Iteg. $2fi5.00. NOW -.SIK5.00 Many, Many other Guitar and Amplifier Specials! RECORDS I P Special .. Reg. $3.9R, Now $2,911 1000 "78" Singles . . . Reg. 98e each Special . 15e ea. This selection includes Pops, West erns and Orchestrations. All "78" Albums . . . . 'i Price Special Prices on other Classical, Western, Show Albums and Children's Records. ALL SALES FINAL - NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES! WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 Stat liberal Credit Term - Phone EM 44757 T. V. SPECIALS! l-New 21-Inch Admiral. With lazy tusan base, mahogany finish . . . Was $319.95 $OT NOW Jml J I Zenith Radio Phono T. V. combina tion. Really a beautiful set. Sold new for $785.00 With NEW 21" picture tube. $ii JC ft 00 Special tJv 1-Motorola T. V. A little dandvl Small screen, good for "Juniors" room. $3Q00 1-Raytheon Radio-T.V, 21-inch com bination. Excellent condiiton. Ma hogany finish. $1 7 aC OO ONLY I 1-Hallicraftert 21-Inch T.V., blond limed oak finish. ft C OO Very good condition. lOw 1 General Electric 2 1 -Inch T. V. Con sole. Gives $ioc.oo good picture I Am fes SHEET MUSIC SPECIAL ONE TABLE 5c Vocal and Vocal Books. ONE TABLE 10c Piano and Piano Books. ' O