mm Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 21, 1957 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 9 starring Hume -"Bluebeard," starring John Carradine. MONDAY O.N KOIN-TV: (6) 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "A Taw ji Pnttv Tat" i itiu Twcety and Sylvcsttcr Cat. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Numbers C. ard Crane. 6:30 p.m., Robin Hood The leacndnrv hern of Forest, starring Richard Greene. 00 p.m.. Studio One "The Five Tlnllar nm Cronyn and Jessica Tandy. S:00 p.m., Burns and Allen-George finds himself takinc nntituHe ttcst. S:30 p.m., Science Fiction Theatre "End of Tomorrow." 9:00 p.m., I Love Lucy-Ricardo home a varitahle menagerie. 9:30 p.m., December Bride GrouD arrives hnmn tn fin unnch3,v rouse redecorated. .. IONDAV ON KPTV: (27) 4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45- ilean Parker. Nils Asther. 6:30 p.m.. Hilly A farewell dance for Willv when she nlan in leave Jer home town. 00 p.m.. Waterfront "Double Exposure" finds Cnn'n .Inhn latino lip photography. 7:30 p.m., Nat "King" Cole 15 minutes nf musie nlavoH and n ,n original sytle. 8:00 p.m., Sir Lancelot "Theft of Excalibur." 9:00 p.m., Twenty-One Contestant may win unlimited amount of pioncy. 9:30 p.m., Robert Montgomery Prespntc rilni. "rvlci. a C-....1. Cave," re-creation of the true efforts to rescue a man trapped in nar- uw miiiici vi iwniucKy cave. 10:30 p.m., Colonel March of Scotland Yard "The Klnlon rvimn " alc of man confessing to murder he did not commit. ll:oo p.m., cross Current "Trumpet Player." murder mystery. 11:30 p.m., Inaugural Ball Descriptions' and interviews frnm fmir biaugural balls being held simultaneously. Eisenhower will attend each an ana inree camnet members will be present at each. 12:00 Midnight Tonight. Ernie Kovacs cavorts for a full hour with little of this 'n that; comedy, music, adn his usual quick adlibs. ... , . ilONDAY ON KLOR: (12) 4:30 p.m.. Laurel and Hardy "Our Wife." 5:30 p.m.. Gene Aulry 'Rio Renegades." 6 00 p.m., Wild Bill Hiekok-Thieves have hidden slnlen mnnev in an Id "wagon wheel." Guy Madison. 7 00 p.m.. My Little Margie "Homley Margie." 8:00 p.m., Man Called "X" Agent Ken Thurston keens a dan Ippointment with a dead man. Barrv Sullivan. S 30 p.m., "Deep Valley," starring Ida Lupino. Dane Clark and Fav inter. 10:30 p.m., "Truck Busters," starring Richard Travis. "Girl Port- 8:13 a.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:4a a.m. y:00 l.m. IIOXDAY ON KGW-TV: 18) 5:00 p.m. Mickey Mouse Club "Donald s Cold Minn " Fun frusic day. 6:00 p.m.. Trouble With Father "The Bonus." 8:00 P.m.. DannV Thnitint Danny, heart ,nll,nr l.n . lYom Iowa." 10:40 D.m.. Channel R PlavSei,Be " A t r 1 i nd premier starring Loretta Young and Brian Ahcrne. IUESDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 1 U:30 p.m.. Bob Crosby Show-Fran Scott and John Drake with "The Man Who Plays the Saxophone." - 2:00 p.m., KOI.N Kitchen Consumer marketing specialist dis Cusses buying tips. 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Gorilla My Dreams," starring Bugs , Bunny. ; 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Adventures of the Speckled Band." 6:30 p.m., Sgt. Preston Spectacle of Arctic dog sled race marred : by gambling syndicate that poisons lead dog. f 8:00 p.m., Phil Silvers Bing Crosby, as himself, hooked Into one of Btklo'5 schemes to raise easy money. 8:30 p.m., The Brothers Trio of forceful women invade the Box household. 9:30 p.m.. Red Skelton "Freddie the Freeloader" wins trip to Paris. Vincent Price is guest. 10:00 p.m., Code 3 Los Angeles sheriff's office investigates "The lauiuy unes. , 10:3.i p.m., Showtime on Six "Paper Orchid. 4 iu:3.i p.m., TUESDAY O 12:00 Noon ON KPTV: (27) Noon, Matinee Theatre "Night Train to Chicago," tense Drama. !2:00 p.m.. Comedy Time Trio flunks driving license exams. 3:30 p.m.. Northwest Home Johnny Dugan, formerly star of 'Ladies' Choice program will sing. 4":00 p.m.. Cowboy Serial Time Part two of "Flame of the West," Itars Johnny Mack Brown. I 4:45 p.m.. Playhouse 4:45 "Joe Palooka Champ." I 8:30 p.m., Noah's Ark Noah McCann and a mooning seal arc both afflicted with troubled romance in "Psychopathic Seal. i 9:00 p.m., Jane Wyman Show Jane Wyman in "The Gulden Poor," story of an English maid who works in a New York hotel jwhile studying for citizenship. i 9:30 p.m.. Circle Theatre "The Freedom Fighters of Hungary" brings to the screen Eva Soreny, who escaped recently from Hungary, from Hungary. I 10:30 p.m.. Radge 714 Friday and Smith on trail of Iheif find their clue in work number on a watch. 11:00 p.m., Dateline Europe An American correspondent re trnrts the identitv of a political assassin to the wrone oartv. 11:30 p.m., Tonight Ernie Kovacs romps and stomps for a full our. . TUESDAY ON KI.OR: (12) 2:00 p.m., Life With Elizabeth Comedy episodes, "Bills," "Dutch Doors Installation" and "After the Trio." 230 p.m.. Lady of the House Geri Lindsey interviews Northwest uthor Anna Mav W right. 3:00 n m.. "Tnielt Rusters." starrine Richard Travis. 5:00 p.m., Captain ZIto ZIto travels backward to observe ad ventures of "Hernr.ndo Corlez. 5:30 p.m., Gene Ailtry "Santa Fc Raiders." (il)0 p.m.. Superman "The Big Squeeze." 7:00 p.m., Judge Roy Bean The Fugitive." Three men black mail resnecteri ranrhpr who sunDosedlv killed man many years ago. 7:30 p.m.. Charmed Circle Howard Garland emcees new weekly sive awav show. 8:00 p.m.. Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal Hudson forced to make s fateful decision concerning man who needs operation to restore lanitv. 8:30 p.m., "Doughgirls," comcdv starring Jane Wyman. Jack Car ion. Ann Sheridan. Eve Arden. Alexis Smith, Charles Ruggles. 10:30 p.m., "Bulldog Drummond's Peril," starring John Barry more, John Howard, Reginald Denny. TUESDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 8:00 a.m., Praver and Hvm. 8:15 a.m.. Town & Country Horticultural specialist Pamler Tor vend. Hillsboro. discussing "Pruning Trees." 9:00 a.m.. Telescope Portland Repertoire Theatre will do sketch from "The LUtle Hut." . . 10:00 a.m.. Morning Movie "Conspiracy in Teheran. Story whispered behind closed noors from Downing Street to the Kremlin. 1130 a.m., Community Workshop "Triumph of an Idea, graphic progress of modern art in struggle for acceptance featuring artist l , I D;nkrrl Pr-tche 12:nn VnnV Wunda Wunda "Bennie the Bear Who Grew Too -rnpsdav Jan. 29. at the Ivy Re Fast." . . .. bckah hall, the Lodge will have 1230 p.m., Telerama (color) Chef Gino, ivonnic u. norm, , installation of officers. .Milland in "Ray Plays Cupid." ..,... i officers to he installed are. z:llll p.m.. New Horizons i resenis mt mciuu hl "rand. Cora Rich: vice On Television UHF-KPTV (27) VHF KOIN TV (6) KLOR (12), KGW-TV (8), KVAl (13) Srhrdule lubleet to Uit ml&uU chant by cutioni. MONDAY 4:30 p.m. KPTV Whittlt KOIN Mr. Moon KVAL Guest Book KLOR i.aiTcl-Hsrdy KGW Pioneer club 4.45 p.m. KHTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Tim 5:00 pjn. KOIN Red Dunninr KLOR Range Rider Kwiu- i;-. tn KGW Mickey Moust 5:30 p.m . . i . KLOR Gene Autry 5:45 p.m. u . . . Vv i. ..i-, Spls 8:00 p.m. KOIN Wea., Newi, Spta. K.OR U lid Bi KVAL Jungle Jim KG-t-.'irouoie v.ith Dad 6:15 p.m. KPTV McGill Newt KOIN Edwards Newi :30 p.m. KPTV Willy KOIN Robin Hood KLOR Corliss Archer KVAL Public Prosecutor KGW Ncwsbcat 8 45 p.m. KVAL. Web foot Featl 7:00 p.m. KPTV Waterfront KOIN Studio On KLOR Marni KVAL Ci'vo Ktd KGW Hall ot Start 7:30 p.m. Kn V-..0 LoW KLOR Dr. Christian KVAL Kingdom of sea KGW Bold Journey 7:45 p.m. KPTV NBC News 8:00 p.m. KPTV Lancelot KOIV Burns-Allen KLOR Man Called X K .-w- l). ndt KGW Danny Thomai 8:30 p.m. KPTV Stanley KOI'' "trnt e Fiction KLOR Movie K . u- citto 714 KGW Voice 8:00 p.m. Kt'i V iwenty One KOIN Lucy KVL Twcntv One KGW Bishop Sheen 0:30 p.m. Kj'iV uu Prci KOIN Defcmber Bride KGW Top Tunet ' KVAL Bob MiURiny. Pn. 10:00 p.m. KOIN tv puj luse 10:15 p.m. KLOH News, Wea. lu:oO p.m. .which KOIN Movie KLOR Movie KVALi Visitor KGW Movie 11:00 p.m. KPTV Cross Current KVAL Movie 11:15 p.m. KOIN Inaugural Ball 11:30 p.m. KPTV Inaugural Ball KVAL Inaugural Ball TUESDAY 8:00 a.m. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific KGW Praver-hvmn KGW Town & Country KGW Cartoons KuIN rteuuLinK KC.W Telescope KPTV Tic Tac Dough KUlrs valiant iaay KGW Telescope 9:15 am. KOIN Love of Life 9:30 a.m. KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow 9:45 a.m. KOIN Guiding Light 10:00 a.m. KPTV Home KOIN Visitin Time KGW Movie 10:30 a.m. KOIN As World Turnt 11:00 a.m. KOIN Miss Brooks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Tcnn. Ernie KOIN House Party KGW WorkshoD 12:00 noon KPTV Matinee KOIN Bic Pavofr KGW Wunda Wundt KOIN Bob Crosby KGW Telerama KPTV Queen for Day KOIN Brighter Day KVAL Queen for Day KOIN Secret Storm KDIN F.doe of Nifiht KLOn Public Interest KPTV Modern Romances KI.OR Public Interest KVAL Modern Romances 2:00 p.m. KPTV Great Life KOIN Kitchen KGW New Horlzoni KLOR Elizabeth KVAI Great Life KPTV Truth -Consen. KOIN Strike It Rich KLOR Lady of House KVAL Truth Consequen. KGW StaRe B KPTV Colorama KOIN Garry Moore KLOR Movie KGW Film Festival KF1V N. W. Hume KOIN Arthur Godfrey KPTV Cowbov Time KLOR Western Star KPTV-Whittle KOIN-"'. Von KGW Pioneer Club KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Time KOIN Red Dunning KI.OR Capl. Z-Ro KVAL Round un KGW Mickey Mouse HO'" "vlr KLON Gene Autry KOIN Wra Sot.-.. Newt Kl OR Surerman KVAL Little Rascall KGW Frontier 6:15 p.m. KPTV McGill News KOIN Fdwarrii Newt 6:30 p.m. KPTV Cisco Kid KOIN Set. Preston KLOR Fishmc Hunting" KVAL Robin Hood 7:00 p.m. KPTV To announce KOIN $64,000 ? KLOR Judge Bean KVAL Wliirlev Pirdl KGW Polka Time KPTV Jonathan Winters KOIN Trust Your Wife? Ki nn rb-rmd Circle KVAL Code 3 KGW Conflict KPTV NBC New KPTV Big Surprise KOIN Phil Silvers KI.OR Secret Journal KVAl, RiR Surprise KPTV Noah's Ark KOTV-TT Rrotheri KLOR Movie KVAL Ceionrltv Playhse KGW Wvatt Karp KPTV Jsnp Wyman KO'N T" Tell '' KGW Broken Arrow KVAly Jar.e Wvman KPTV Circle Thea KOIN Red Skelton KVAL Circle Thra. KGW Cavalradf Thea. KOIN Code Three KGW Rosemarv Clooney KLOR New 10 30 p.m. KPTV-PH' 714 KOIN Movie KLOR Movie KGW Movie KVAlZane Grev 1100 p m. KPTV Dateline Europe DENNIS THE MENACE Bv Ketcham 1 ff MM VISIT 'LIKE A DREAM' Ingrid Departs; U.S. Kindness Thrills Her NEW YOKK IB A tired but, went." she said. "I want to thank hannv Insrid Bersman relumed all those kind people who put 1 in Furnne lodav. thrilled about nresents in mv car and handed her first visit to America in near- them to me wherever I went." ly eight years. At the airport. Miss Bergman "It w as almost like a dream I disclosed that she had talked by and I'll start to remember it 'telephone with her daughter Pia, when I get back to Paris," com-a child born ot her marriage with menlcd the Swedish-born actress! Dr. I.indstrom. as she boarded her plane last I 1 night at Idlewild Airport. "I am very happy about the "I enjoyed my trip very much! talk." the actress said. "It was although I got very little sleep," very personal, and should be left she said of her 34-hour visit. to the two of us." She came here to receive the Pia. now called Jenny Ann. Is New York Film Critics Award for 18 nd a student at the University Leaving With a Smile ' I'M rJOTGOMNA STAY IN 6E0 TOMQMOtf I 60JTA HELP 60110 A SWQlVAVAN ( 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:O0 p.m. Service to In-Laws Under Duress Conf using to Bride By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: 1 am curious to know why you suggest a life of service to others as the answer to all problems concern- ine hnnniness. 1 am marriea into a lamny wim, apparently, the same idea. I don't share il! After two years of married life, we have acquired a small house next to my in-laws. We moved here partly because the older folks need help, financially and physically, partly because my husband doesn't want to be away from his paregts. Now I find myself involved in a continuous round of helping with medical expenses, sharing nursing care tat which I am no goodi, and practically giving my husband back to his family. If any one of them parents, sisters or brothers need help of any kind, my husband is right there. He's not interested in going any place. His only pleasure is being with his family. Perhaps I'm indulging in self-pity, but I would like occasional gaiety and laughter, a home where I could retire to some privacy, and money for children of our own. Pamela. DEAR PAMELA: Don t confuse voluntary service, which is con ducive to happiness, with forced servitude, which is not. Responsi bilities that are thrust on one arc quite different from those that are sought. Service under duress is apt to be given begrudgingly, and cannot co-exist with happiness. Perhaps, Pamela, you are indulging in self-pity, but who can blame you? Coming, as a bride, into a household ruled by illness was not a cheerful prospect. Trying to convey your feelings to your husband is the only answer. Let him know you're willing to do your share of nursing, etc., if he will take you out occasionally for a bit of fun. This surely isn't asking too much of him, when you're pitching in with so much co-operation. best actress of 1956 for her per- lormance in Anastasia. During the time that remained. the 42-year-old blonde actress crammed in a matinee perform ance ot the hit Broadway musi cal ".My Fair Lady," did a little shopping and talked to friends. It was her first visit here since 1949 when she left to make a film in Italy with Roberto Rossellini. She and, the Italian film director had a son while she was still mar ried to Dr. Peter Lindstrom. It touched off a wave of criti cism and ended her Hollywood film career. However, she was warmly greeted by well-wishers during her brief weekend visit. "I was surprised by how nice people were to me everywhere I of Colorado at Boulder. She did not come to New York to visit with her mother. Miss Bergman scotched all rumors that she might return to the United States to live. "Europe is my home now, although I had 10 wonderful years in America," she said. Waiting for Miss Bergman In her Paris apartment are her three children. Rohcrtino, 7, and her twin 4-year-old daughters Ingrid and Isabella. Miss Rergmnn Is appearing on the Paris stage in the play "Tea and Sympathy." Rossellini, whom Miss Rerg man married after a divorce from Dr. Lindstrom, is in India on film location. V. - A Aclress Ingrid Bergman imlles during news conference mi , Idlewild Airport before she boarded plane to return to Paris. -"I wns surprised by how nice people were to me everywher I went," she said of her first visit to U.S. in nearly eight years. She made trip to accept New York Film Critics' award as best actress of the year lor her rolo In "Anastasia." Coln.hraeelet was given her by Robert Anderson, author of "Tea and S.vm pnthy," the play she Is currently appearing In, In Paris. (AP Wlrcphoto) DEAR DOROTHY DIX: As the result ot nn operation, my sister- in-law cannot have children. Three weeks nfio she married suddenly, and when asked by us if she had told her husband this, she said no, and she didn t intend to. we feel he should be told. Are we right? Shclia. DEAR SHELIA: The husband should have been told while he was still a nance, lo tell or not to tell, however, must be left to your sistcr-in-law's honor. 7:30 p.m. 7 45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8 30 p.m. 9 00 p.m. 9:30 p m. 10 00 p.m. m is p m. 11:30 p.m. Srotts Mills Lolre Plans Installation SCOTTS MILLS "Special 2:30 p.m., Stage 8 "Some Small Nobility. . . e.ftA i ' T..hi-:ll.ei star riav. Birk Twins (aero- Rrana Three people caught in hatir Hanrinol 6:00 p.m.. Frontier "Georgia Gold violence and greed of "gold fever." ?;30 p.m., Conflict Keith Andes stars in '-Blind Drop. Warsaw. 8:30 p.m., Wyatt Karp Marshal Earp poses as doctor and tries to save killer Ben Thompson irom a ryncmK suo p.m., HroKen Arrow inc the murder of a ftorckeeoer's daughter grand, Nora Kdna Baker: DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My steady beau is to be an usher at his best friend's wedding. He has informed me that I probably won't be asked to the wedding dinner, as the number of guests will be limited. I feel I should be invited. His friend knows me and I think my boy friend should ask for an invitation for me. Roberta. DEAR ROBERTA: Your boy friend is not in a position to solicit invitations to a wedding dinner. It would be courteous of his friend tn invite you but certainly it isn't obligatory. Do be pleasant about the incident and don't make an international episode out of it. The bride's family is doubtless having enough trouble with people who would like to come, but can't. Send your problem to Dorothy Dtx. Or write for her free Iraflel P-13, "Ten Commandments For Happiness." In all eases, be sure o enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelop, and send request to her. rare nf this newspaper. JEFFERSON' Gl'EST ANNIVERSARY NOTED JEFFERSON (Special) Mrs. SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. fifi Wan rhnnrflor nf Si Paul Minn Pr-anlr W.H anH family rMnmnrl ! us a guest at the home of her sis- ilast week from four week's va- :cr, Mrs. Frank Martin in .Icfler-: cation at Petersburg, Iowa. While ion. She also will visit her daugh-jthcrc they attended the 40th wed Icr. Mrs. Marshall Owen in Losding anniversary of Mrs. Wolf's Angeles, Calif., before returning : parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scher- home. i bring. Notes on the News Hiding: secretary treasurer. "Barbara Vio- "Just heraunf a tropical vacation didn't hrlp Anthony Kden rfnctn'l mran it won't help mei" ( He murder of a !tnrckeener s aausinier. , - 10:00 p.m., Rosemary Clooney with guest Rex Allen ihe members 10:40 p.m.! Channel S IMayhouse "Grand Central Murder, an ning proceed. V'etler: recording secrelary, letle Nomer. Feb. 5 the stale president. Mrs. Ethel Gibbs of Ocean Lake, will meet with the Scotu Mills Lodge Apache youth framed for j for the annual official visit. Ther will oe an anernoon scnooi mi an and the regular eve- ings will follow. Hefhn. Patricia Dane. , t- 1 BLUE, GOLD DINNER Lost l'lirsc J-OUIKl j M0LALLA (Special l-Plans for SILVERTON' (Special)-A purse the annual Blue jnd Gold dinner tolen from the back yard of Mrs. for Cub Scout sot under a I,n RHi, Hi i rt 74. Silver- recently when den mothers met Inn. as found beiide the hiehway with Mrs. Bland Foslwon. 10 miles south of Oregon Citv. The dinner will be in February finder. Clvde Barney of Mill City. 3-4163 The traced the owner through a VFW card found in the purse. A sma'l um of monev. a pen and a wed d:rig ring were mis5ine. MRS. Tll.GNER HI RT SLT CREEK 'Spcciali - Mrs. John Tilccer was badly .bruised and her classes were broken when .r nr went into Ue ditch on Dissine of the Tanama Canal be-! Highway 99 near the Leppin place EM 3-4163 n SERVICE STATIONS. INC. 4 Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the National Home Study Council MEN WANTED To Learn DRAFTING! We will train you at home in your spare time to be a drafts man. No drafting background nr previous training needed. All hooks and instructions for as little as $6 00 a month HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO PREPARE FOR STEADY PAY AND A 1957 :-; CONSOLE 1 k-. ffl , It LEV 1 5 1 U Sf r jlw .I i 1 I ' o v ll additional l 5 1 ! cost II I i I extra light. . . 9 in. screen 1 G-E PORTABLE TV I SQQ95 . GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTSMAN information. Write today for free AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dent. SJ 35 fi.lfil Hollywood Blvd.. Hollywood 2. Calif. Mail without anv obligation romnlet" information and l.Vt-psce hook on how to learn and qualify for these good paing jobs as draftsmen. NAME A';K -- ADDRESS -- Phon No. Travelized steel cabinet with carrying handle less than 13 pounds Tinted dark salety window Best picture it all signal strengths O One-year guarantee on all parts, tubes and picture tube O Aluminized picture tube O "Set and forget" volume control O Fine furniture wood cabinet 0 Superior fringe area performance O Light-absorbing dark safety glass Full-power transformer for longer tube life GREEN STAMPS-NO MONEY DOWN OPEN MONDAY NITES TILL 9 P.M. M 36S N. COMMERCIAL OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 P.M. San m IISJ. Il KK-