Pape 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SpIpid, Oregon, Monday, January 21, 1957 Holmes, Other egonians in ;al Parade 1 j could point with pride elsewhere. lrflVf!lltr Allclllls : Marching at the head of the 1st Inaugural Hall Tlie President Catches Julie's Eye Tonight .' Bv Fit VNK VASIIIXCTON' an i v.'s;r"r!on Ijcprc.v.'nlalio i at tf Oregon hnti :mnre. s vc President K'scn- i Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Hei ment, which provided the honor escort for the President, was M. Col. Hubert K. J'helps, His moth er. Mrs. .italph K. King, lives in Grants Pas, Ore., from where he entered military service in July ltVtO, after graduation from Ore gon Slate Collce. Leadinp a woman s marine componv in the line of march was V'r"in:a (aley. tiauahier oi Mrs. Gertrude K. Caloy, Seattle. attle vjis third in line of com Capt. William Jt. Malone of So malia" of a 524-man composite Air Force croup from Boiling A I r Force Base, Washington, D.C. (.'lydene Push, formerly of Sis ters .Ore., had one of the best parade spots atop Miss Burma, an elephant symbolizing the Ke- pttblican party. Thr-e Washington state winners of the Congressional Medal of Honor were among 120 invited as special guests of the inaugural coin'.iittee. They were Lt. Col. Or villc K. Bloch, Seattle; Hobort K. Bonney, Kdmonds, accompanied by his wife, and William C. Jlor i ton. Seattle. (iov. II :lmcs, who arrived by air Sunday, began inaugural day by joining Oregon's five Demo cratic members of Congress in their semi-monthly breakfast in the Vnndcnberg Room of the capi The Seattle Chamber of Com merce honored members oi tnc Gov. Robert D. Holmes Monday Washington Congressional delega urged the state's Democratic tion at an affair last Friday members of Congress to support ! night. 1 a comprehensive development) Gov. and Mrs. Holmes will program lor Northwest water; attend one of the several maugu po'ir'cs. ral balls Monday evening. They The Kisenliovver administration, will leave Tuesday for the return the newiv sworn Democratic gov- to Salem. ernor said, has simnly gotten no place with its alleged partnership power program." Holmes met with the five Ore gon Democrats In Congress at a breakfast meeting before begin ning a round of Inaugural Day activities. h'rr's Frcnrtd inniiTurn'.iiin .Mon day, p'thcjjih only Oregon had an Capt. uii 1 i jji i M.II ifii t c. Oregon's- new Democratic gov- CiT"", Ro'icrt D. Holmes, had the 5'rlc's ofl'cial plrce of honor in the long inaugural parage, gh.n r?w car hetweer the Min- Desc a a"'! Kpnyns sections. Vhi't fVc7on had no other en tries in Ih pr'dc and Washin" ton none at all, the two states Governor Bids Solons Oppose 'Partnership' Trlls Demo Ili'lciiliou He l'lllllS Ml'NNIIgC Oil HfSOUITCH Washington m Oregon's! I 7 "3S F A ) y4 CU w V? Gomulka Guidance Endorsed hy 60 Per Cent of Poland's Voters . Diana Churchill Leaves Husband By COI.1N FROST WARSAW w More than per cent oi Poland s voi- bic sp0S d.a not nave 10 Su , mcans crossing out the in ...I "'r"-. - acnon. Wladyslaw fiomulkas Communist . .. leadership in the lirst popular test C-omulka. now 51, nr hi. 'vnmmiinism without tv-; a course of some ranny" policv. Ilrorn Moscow dictation into LONDON Hi Sir Winston Churchill's eldest daughter, Di ana, has separated from her sec ond husband, British Defense Min ister Duncan Sandys. "We have parted, but I cannot say yet exactly what we will do," Mrs. Sandys told a reporter Sunday. rienenriencp of our country ana she married Sandys in m.U has advocated crossing Poland off the map of after divorcing her first husband, independence Europe." he asserted. ;John Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Sandys He was voting was quiet in nwn are parents vi a sun una (wo western rousn inuiiMitai iv-m... , aausniers. ports of disorders. Precautionary . didates would inite Soviet inter M ; patrols set in some po'.cntia' i"00- power three months m (he Junc br(, j a new 4.i()- voting yesterday tor member Parliament cast the official ballot without change. Gomulka's regime had warned sternly against exercising the modest right to cross names off the Red-dominated single list of candidates. apparently ,jtDur0 Lasl wec( he joined visit- government. WASHINGTON Utile Julie Nixon. Vice President Richard Nixon's daughter, lakes ' a look at President Owlght Elsen hower outside National rrenylcrian Church where the Eisenhowers and Nlxons attended prc-lnaugural services Sunday morning. At left Is Mamie; In front of Mrs. Nixon Is another daughter, Patricia. Ike and Nixon were sworn In for second term shortly afterwards at private ceremony in the White House. (AP Wire-photo) wide-eyed children, too Oalli Consists Of 35 Words it' cniM'TnM in t1.ii-ji ji Most of the discussion, he lold wor(ls get down in Artic1c , &c. tion I, of the Constitution, make up the o.ith President Kisenhow er took in starting his second term : "I do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States Proud Wives Share Inaugural Sootliirlit newsmen later, dealt with the need for multi-purpose water and rcr.nurcc dve'opmenl. Holmes said he expects the Oregon Senate will adopt memori- lals urging Coni-rcss to authorize 1 f .thfully ii-uui hi i-uiiMi iicuon oi n ens tan yon Dam and federal aid to education. The governor snid he plnns to deliver a special message to the Oregon Legislature within the next two weeks on the need for a resource program. He said he would propose aboli tion of the Oregon Development Commission In favor of a depart ment to he set up under the governor. The commission, he said, "has not been particularly productive" and was "lot .illy un realistic" in its recent resource report in which, he said, there was no mention of Oregon fisheries. and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect ond defend the Constitution of the United States." Presidents customarily add, "so help mo God," as Eisenhower did yesterday in a private ceremony starting his new term. lko 2nI Term Is 1st Limill lv (lonslihilioM Ike lu .sis Hand On Xlvd Psalm WASHINGTON UP-Presidcnt Eisenhower selected verse 12 of liie 3Jrd chapter of Psalms as the Biblical passage on which to rest h s hand in taking his oath for a second term. It reads: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom Me bad chosen from His own inheritance." Vice President Hichard M. Nix By PATRICIA WIGGINS United Press .Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP! Two proud wives and five wide-eyed youngsters shared today's inaugu ral spotlight with President Eisen hower and Vice President Richard M. Nixon. A happy Mamie Eisenhower. a day which won't end until the wee hours after four inaugural halls, had three of her grandchildren close hy to watch her husband take the presidential oath for the second time. With them were Mrs. Hichard M. Nixon and her two daughters, Patricia, 10, and eight-year-old Julie, who wos still shy over the remains of a black eye caused by a sledding mishap. ( The Eisenhower youngsters Da vid, 8, Barbara Anne, 7, and Susan, 4, drove up to the Capitol with their parents, Maj. and Mrs. I John Eisenhower, for the impres- breasted with small notched revers and bracelet-length sleeves. The skirt was of medium width, double-pleated in narrow box pleats. Atop her famous bangs perched a new Sally Victor creation: A small violet taffeta cloche with all over stitching, self material bow and turned up brim. Mrs. Nixon's new inaugural out fit was a rose-red suit with slim skirt and abbreviated jacket topped hy an ostrich plume pillbox hat of matching shade. Missing from the family gather ing was the youngest Eisenhower grandchild, 13-months-old Mary Jean Eisenhower. She was left be hind at the White House today, but stole a march on the nation's other big wigs by witnessing her grandfather s private swearing-in at the White House Sunday. For that, she was held in the arms of Deloris Moaney, wife of presiden- Bend Hospital Receives $100,000 U. S. Grant BEND (fl Rep. Ullman D Ore) ffas sent word here of tenta tive federal approval of a $100,000 grant for St. Charles Memorial Hospital here. It is for construction of a 41-bed wing at the hospital. ing Red Chinese Premier Cou Etv lai in lambasting u.a. poucy in the Middle East and endorsing the Soviet-installed regime of Premi er .Janes Kadar in Hungary. The hal Inline rirnite the loD- Ahout 16 million voters nearly . si(je(j outcome, had more of the 90 per cent of those qualified atmosphere of free .voting than went to the polls. Both the Red : tne two postwar rubber-stamp hierarchy and the Roman Catholic parliamentary elections of the Church had called for a big turn- Stalinist era. The present regime out. ' feared the voters misht use too The Communist-controlled Buda-i freely the new right to strike pest radio claimed that 80 per cent names from the official list, of the electorate voted the straight , granted as a concession to demo ticket, 'cratic principles. Official result? are expected by i . Gomulka in an election eve ap Tucsday. ipeal that was rebroadenst repcat- Those who refused to go along edly in effect warned that a de with Gomulka boldly struck off feat for too many Communist can the names of candidates they did ' not like, uncoerced hy any direct ; y- official measures. Their protest iCllS()ll ilOlCl voie uiu nui aucr uiu i".i mat Gomulka's United Workers (Com munist) party will have a sub stantial majority in the new Par- Immpnt. Ballots which were unmarked dollar program for enlarging the automatically were credited tn the Benson, Hotel in downtown Port Communist candidates, who head-'land is planned by Western Hotels, eri the lists. Winners in the other Inc. 'parties admitted to the National The firm, which also operates Front ticket the Democrats and the Multnomah Hotel, said it had Set xpaiision PORTLAND 11 A three-million the United Peasants are com mitted to the Red line. Only scattered demonstrations against the National Front were reported, and there were no re-to the Benson. acquired the quarter-block Oregon Hotel, adjoining the Benson, and will replace it with a 12-story building, adding some 200 rooms ANOTHER FIRST RUNI M SfiOH mmm IS 1H THE SCStiK! tolSC6rt i mm ' M-GM trH KIRK DOUGLAS m rWSTFORUFE ANTHONY QUINN, kMHWUlD-PlKH (Ml 'lt Infill S101S1 PLUS WALT DISNEY'S SIAM PRICES: CHILDREN 20c STUDENTS 50c ADULTS 75c T 'nff ifi ol hut rliahln rnnnrls tunnl said more than 11 million of those a,0 jn an rps.Tge that kicked out-: frce)om riots contributed to end-1 fry, Jmr? jm ymJ -:u ctniinidc ftff th nsr v s Po- in s a mist control ot tne national i r " r ' BOX OFFICE O TICKETS NOW ON SALE SALEM JUNIOR SYMPHONY CONCFRT Wed., Jan. 238 P1. M. Leslie Jr. High Auditorium CESARE VALLETTI Willamette Auditorium Jan. 24 8:15 P. M. ST, OLAF COLLEGE CHOIR Willamette Auditorium Feb. 148:15 P. M. Store Hours 9:30 5:30 Every Day For Reservations Dial EM 4 2224 x Jump for joy, Salem! WASHINGTON W President on nelnetrri Mil- fnnrlh voro of Iho F.iscnhnwer starts pulilich- tnM.iv second chapter ol Isaiah, which h s'nr-'s first c-irslilutioiinlly Inn-1 reads: iled V. S. presidential term. "And He shall jude among the The ?2nd Amendment tn the nations: and shall rebuke manv Constitution, ralilied in 19.'. I, says 'people: and Ihey shall heat their no p-esi-'ent srve more than swords into plowshares, and their t'vn Inrn-F Harry Truman, presi- spears into pruninghnoks: nation f.r-l in IMI, was speciiu-ally ex- shall not lilt un swnrd aD.iinst empieu. i nist'on, neither shall they (inly one president ever sought war anv more " a third term: Franklin I). House-1 The President used a llihle given ve". He ve.s elected In a Ihird tn hail by hi la'e mother wlien term in inn. He died in l'.M'. short- he was gradualed from the I'.S. sue ceremony starring grandpa ' iiai , i-i .inhn' Mnnnev "Ike'' The first lady chose a new Iwo piece litled violet suit of fine gabardine for the swearing-in cer emony and inaugural parade after ward. Designed by her favorite designer. Mollic Farms, its hip bone length jacket was single- i 0 IVamsler Probe Dim in 1'oiiluiul Salem , Junior Symphony lv nfier reins elected to a fourth term. I The who live on the mo.; f:tstcrlv ot the Pacidc islands are rmnnj: the tallest people in the PORTLAND i.fl City Com missioner Stanley Karl returned home Saturday from Washington. D.C. where he testified before a Senate subcommittee investigat ing labor unions. He said he be lieves the Krmip will hold hearings later in Portland. The Senate investigators have learn been quizzing top officials of the Teamsters t num. Karl, n former executive secre tary of the Oregon CH). said he (ell that Teamster ofnc'als have indicated 'complete contempt lor bon.ilide labor organizations." "I believe Congress will have imIIv to his great, great to institute labor legislation to grandparents. William and Martha home measure ot protection Millions. The Itihle was a King ' dues-paving members of the Mil tary Academv in West Point 1!U.V Niou used a Hible that helonged Convert Wed.r Jan. 23 Leslie Jr. High Auditorium 8 P.M. Soluist Rodney Schmidt Violinist Adults SI Students 50c Tickets Available at X grandparents. William and Martha home measure ot protection Stevens ann ron W0 Millions. The Itihle was a King ' dues-paving members of the mftZZSi worn. .'- ersen pr.nled in teamsters I men. he added. - 1 lyylVklV 3 CbkQ W NOW SHOWING NOW PLAVING C V i ! I VICTOR MaTURt KAREN STEELE g '', I ' Help yourself fo some f'( fv !l f MALDEN BAKER WALLACH I I real Bargaini jiile ' "mJ ''' f SKXS'""'XA 1 fC j Nl:XT ATIRAI TION COMING NT XT p- fuZ The Wagons" QiSUSiJ C'"101 ShPPin Cen,er 1 IliMirTl'jnlrT.S A." ' filter cigaxei- alt W -:rf--v . -lit n ,e60e' fvtets " ,sv i ( camp -Tobacco CoV r