CHAPTER 13 9 Men During the gang-busling 1930s, j, Edgar Hoover became "Mr. FR1." Thrnush the vear. the FBI wt ahaped in the image of this man't ideas and ideals. No other agency in the federal government bears the imprint of a single per sonality as clearly as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hoover is the FBI. But his po iition of strength and the strength of the FBI isn't merely a matter of one man's personali ty. The real secerct lies in the fact that Hoover has around him group of topflight executives who climbed from the ranks of the FBI's special agenls. They came up the hard way. by merit and not as someoooy political pets. Hoover trusted them to make decisions. In turn, these men have repaid the trust with lnvalty and fierce pride in the FBI. They accept without question the FBI policy of anony mity. Their names arc not widely known beyond the doors of the FBI's headquarters. And yet they hold in their hands much of the responsibility for the nation's safely. This inner circle is composed of nine men of whom Hoover has said, "You can't buy the kind of energy and devotion they have given to the FBI." Tolsnn Presides Hoover' top lieutenants gather each Monday and Wednesday and It need be each weekday in what is known as the FBI Executives Conference. The presiding officer is Clyde A. Tolson, 56, who came to the Bureau on April 2, 1928. Tolson is "the man who came to dinner" at the FBI. He intend ed to stay ju.-t long enough to get a little experience and enough money to start practicing law at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he had gone to business school. Several months after joining the FBI as a special agent, Tol son was brought to headquarters as chief clerk, and then he moved up fast. He became an assistant director in 1931 and in 1947, Hoover gave him the title of As sociate Director formal recogni tion that Tolson was the No. 2 G-Man. Close Friends Tolson, like Hoover, is a bache lor. The two men have become such close friends over the years that their intimates say they have even reached the point where they think alike. Tolson carries much of the administrative loan which Hoover handled himself for many years, and serves in ef fect as Hoover's chief of staff. Third in the line of command Is Louis B. Nichols, SO, a big and affable man who handles a tre mendous number of chores for the director in addition to run ning the Records and Communi cations Division and representing the FBI in matters not handled personally by Hoover. Nichols is an assistant to tne nirccior, a title also held by the No. 4 man, Leland V. Bnardman. 47. Below Tolson, Nichols and Bnaidman, the six assistant di rectors who arc the operating chiefs of the divisions are: Iden tification, C. Lester Trotter, 41; Training and Inspection, Quinn Tamm, 46; Administrative, John T. Mnhr, 46; Domestic Intelli gence, Alan H. Belmont, 49; In vestigative, Alex Rosen, 51; Lab oratory, Donald J. Parsons, 47. Inside Hollywood nvpi.i, i nmii, ir n hat h nn(K to see uran mockwcii as a yminpMer in Anchors Aweigh on I one week, and find him a grown-up leading man the next! Time dors uuiord march on. Dean, now a handsome lad of 20. is starring in "lhe Careless Years" for Kirk Douglas' Bryna1 iTonmiions. caught up with him NOW Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort i FA.STFf.rH. a plttktnt alkaline (non-arid 1 pondrr noldn flf iwih morf firm It Tn eat and ilk in mora ennifrrt. Just sprinkle a little t K TF.KTH on yntir plait Nr t'ininiT. jtoofT. p.t taatt or ferllnir rberka Fasi fkth at any drug counter FREE NEW N0RGE REFRIGERATOR OR RANGE Srf Our Advrrtlsrmrnt on Paxr 5 Cherry (ify Electric 20-10 N. Capitol f "All Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" l (121 No. HIGH PH. EM 4-3333 - A Study in Devotion ! J. EDGAR J DIRECTOR i HOOVER ! -pj.' P FBI i i. " r-'i aYOI IOIJON ' VOOMAN "T" AISOCIATI OIHCtOt ASStAIS 70 TH! DIlCTO OONA10 J. f AUtONS JOHN These men did not reach their positions by beini! yes-men. They arrived by being willing to ac cept hard work, make decisions and take on responsibilities while submersing their own personali ties in the KBI. They push them selves harder than they do their subordinates. It isn't unusual for them to work 12 to even 15 hours a day. They do it because there is work to be done and their work comes first, In the conference room, each executive is expected to say what he thinks, whether the problem Hv BOB THOMAS in nun out wnai lias Happened he- tween Anchors Aweigh and nnw.ily "That was my first picture," he 1 explained. "I had been in a show! In hrtef. you swear to the honesty Inn Broadway which flopped. But 'of what yon have written in the Ml!M saw me and tested me for j letter. ! 'Anchors Aweigh.' I was at the!" -- siimio cicni years. 1 "They dropped me when I was lh guess l was in an awkward nge - or maybe they thought I - "Hoi any goon, i Hun t know, l (unshed high sthool and spent a year al the l niveisily of t alifnr- inia. Mutlymn psyihulony and Kiik- "I quit and duln't do much of anvlhms for Ihri-c vrars I sorl n( on lhr hum nol knnwmp' I anlrd lo do "I.oM year my amenta suiziicsled ,,,M 1 K" - aclini;. I decided in Kie 11 a iry fu l picture was "llun (it a Cimard" at 1 nivrrsal -Inter-niilii'iiiil Mr ha- done a couple of unpifsir T dr.1m.1- and two Mudip l. . , 1 , . .'."V hi.u 111 MKn mill 111 "I,U,U1V v.uir FRKK HOOK tnd.iv Address He no. "I m-cr nuain want Tnr Hall Clime, pept. 2fil2, Kx tn he m lhe position of haiine to cplf'nr Sprints, Mo. do pictures the studio tells mc to, he expliimrd. Most of those Mines which .'unniv Durante w, 11 hies in night club and! movip appear iini'fs me composed : hy himself, including such cl;tsic,il lyrics n "Inka Dinka Don " 1 - C. Iff FIR TIOTTH deals with his own work or the work of someone alse. But he had better be ready to defend the po sition he takes, and have his rea sons ready. These are strong willed men and there arc, at limes, clashes of opinion. But when these men walk out of the conference room, they walk out as a team. The decisions have been made and rach man knows where he is coins and what he is to do. Their shouldcr-to-shoulder teamwork is one of the keys to the FBI's reputation for unity and efficiency. INKSS NA.MKD TOLEDO CHIEF PKNDliETON Ml Jnmra Ness, iwho resigned Dec. 11 after 14 .months as Pendlelon's police chief. Thursday said he has hern ; named police chief at Toledo, Ore. Ness formerly served three I years with the Oregon State Po lice. When you Sinn a letter "sincere- you are reallv writing the -tin words meaning "without wax ADTUniTIf nUCI IU 4Tlf IJ ' AKIilKlllj " KH tUPI A 1 1 jn rirTf rvni lliirt VI I AL fAllJ t At-1 LAINtU l ltl K IH SCHIIMiVK BOOK A a public st-rvu'p to all read er x nf lilts tlllliT 1 tl...f 'iC iiiun highly illu.siraletl' book on Artli- rm iul llhruiiKiliMn will he "'aili-il ARSOI.l TKI.Y FHKE lo "ho wri" fr " I'HK HOOK fully rx- plain the cainc. ill effects and llfiiTlhs a CM .tJill n-n,nn nl rrmnlu...' Mnjii.nn; I. i. danger in neiilecl of these paintul ;(iriiKlrss method of treatment which has hoen anolied in manv i ik k,I. - " I inoiisiinils of cars Thu hook in mm WITIIOl'T COST or ohlicatnn. It mav be the ....1.' ..1-iril. (1 llllll'KI iimA,.v M.m'l ,UI,. SctHl for, People 60 to 80 APPLY FOR OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE If you jtre under 80. you can t still apply for a $1,000 life in-. 1 stirance policy to help take rare , of final expense without bur- y. denniK jctir family. You c;m handle the entire transaction by mail with OLD i' AM Kltlt'AN of KANSAS CITY No WiWl,n of ,v kind. No OriO Will call on vmi' WritA l.wl it- f..f I.a : r . 0 linn. Simply mail pnstrard or ran Ins t o . 3 W Rth L136H, Kanas ti, Mo. t. MOHR I Employes would find fewer pressures, easier work and often more money if they left the FBI and took other jobs. But despite .he strict discipline, constant su pervision and demand for better t nan-average performance, the FBI has an amazingly low turn over in personnel. .More than one fourth of the almost 14,000 fmDiovM hv hion with 1 Hp KUreau JU years or longer. And more than one third of the Rpe - Cial agents have been employed for at least 10 years. Since March 25, 1918, Helen W. nanrlv has hppn Hnovpr' rr- retary and in 1039 lhe was desig nated Executive Assistant to the Director. Awarding Miss Gandy a scroll at the end of 35 years of service. Hoover called her "the truly indispensable person in the FBI." No FBI agent comes to the of fice in the morning wondering "What shall I do today?" He Knows What he is going to do be cause he laid out his work sched ule the night before. If it wasn't done the night before, then he must get to the office early and gei ji aone. Ready to Go There is no such thing as a 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. day in the life of an agent, because criminals and subversives work around the clock. No agent's Jife is ever quite his own, because he must be ready to go anywhere he is ordered, at any time. There is no problem in recruit ing either special agents or cleri cal help, from all parts of the country and from the territories or have been influenced by mov ies, television, radio or reports from friends. Many recruits are recommended by men and women already working for the FBI. Many fathers and sons, brothers and daughters are FBI and now the grandsons of former em ployes are entering the service. (Tomorrow: The Enemy Within.) CommisHioiiers' Court The following It the official nubll- cation of the record of Claims beore lhe Marlon Countv Commissioners' Court for the November Term lor nun, with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc., according to the rec ords in the Office n( tht County Clerk. MiNrellaneous: Land it Bush, Salem Branch. U.S. National Rank of t'nrtlnnri, withhold lnj. $0,147.0!). Public KmploveH He UremeiU Bil . Soc. Sec. (evolving Fund. Soc. Sec, $3,302.22. Public Km ployes Retirement .System. Itetiri- ment, $4,01(3.17. Slate Industrial Ac cineni umm,, Mate Inn. Ace. (.3 07. United Fund. United Fund, $H.OO. Dr. W. G. Burrows, lsv. Serv., $100.00. W. R. Elliott, Rep. Tees, 4H 00. Salary paid Marlon County Em plnyees: H. F. Domocalla 400.08: Leo Que nel 371,91; Dalberl J. Jepsen 30A.76; David A. Terbell 269 : J. L. Sick mund 271.54: Bichard Nicholson 378 57; Paul R. Taves 21)8 57; Harvey Frankum 274 10; Frank T. Stone 307,- n: ina naiuie Z20.30: Anshel Moon 244. 4; Helen M. Danskey 207.82; Nancy E. Wilson I!i8.44; Dorolhv Oomoffalla 193.30: Barbara Snvder 228.71: B. Hughes 341.07; B. D. Pev ton 376.4.1r H. Hnuirri 2.17 Ot - Art 1 1 Johnson 48.59; Dan Polinc 204.37; Richards 338. U7: L. M. Johnston 204.25; Wallace Wharton 355.16; Muri el L. Push 202.H0: H. C. Malison 410.65; A. M. Roethlln 295.42; M. Reznicsek 195 86; O. HiiRhes 2.13 6.1; H P Halev 23206: G. Hurry I'lfi !K1: Anna Tasto 1 85 30; E. Taves 1WM ; D. Guined 89.HA; H. Kleihexe 227.98; D. M, Chance 225.15; W. Gilford 220. 70; F. Cuminlnus 207.49; M. Olden-, burg 232.80; Rex Hartley 3H1.46; Rov Rice 406.00; E. U Rogers 411.2ft; Reznicsek 80 00: Joy LeComntp 22; .01; T. O. Rickman 356.94; Kit Booth 197.40; Ed. Korteborn 200.2: Richard Hooper 202. M; Jack Goldadc 208 86; D. J. Jacnbe 2C12 28; C. K. Waltman 202. .10; H, L. Hair litfl 411; A. Scott 171.01; Heinz Laetsch 212 .16: Cecil Johnson ft). 18; Ruth Hickman 180 08; Ruth Hutchms I8.IO8; Mane Sehern 181.88; MnKitie l.acher 168. SH; Kenneth E. Brown l;t.81; Joseph 1'. Meier fi6 WV Thomas W. Hansen 305 70; C N. Oross 70.00; Dons UeVnll 219.80; Tina Thmvtas 166. 8; E. O. Stadlrr MD.tKl; L. Heal 202.06; H. Anderson 212.00; N. Hecklrv 219.72; D. i'earson 2WI.07: Earl Adams 36;i.- !"2; John O. hacey 249.46; Barbara Mniiih soti.a-l; w. J. Mone n.'H); C. Lennon 320.70: John Kelt-hum ;U8 80; K. 11. Coleman 310 30; V. O, Hrllie 305,88; llrrnicr Years' 339.50; Klla Mae Dctcniii! 306. DO: viola Ki- nbai h 2:6 !): Effie Cole 25 03: Knth Injiritni 2M fl,t; 11. Maria Eiscl 1H1.H5; Marion linker 242.14: Kll.abcth Wilder 2H.tj2; Erna Herlecher 2M) . Muriel Swenniten 206 2.1 : Helen I'ouliKlo 159.48; M.iruirle Wills 232 57; 'eia Wood 250.71: Ethel Lermon 2ihi - '22; Afines HeiulerKoi 183.71: Kleanore Hioson VXH: lhllis l.rener 140.40; Joann Stupfel 145.48; Blanche Sturrr; fhi joia omi inn: i.rsiie it. handler 253 84; Russell R. Dav 244 Harold Fox 2M 6!; David NelMn 247.44: Harrv A. Km her 2.U 30; Kllrn RwkI 1!2 W; Elsie M. Spem-er 205 30; Mavbele B McDon.ild 1!8 35; Klhel (l. renrot 27 36, Marvin A. MutrhuiKK 244 30; Mattha T. llutchinna 3! iKi; Reo F. Arinstiong 38 40. Jn-.ei'i F.iulhaber 111 20; Qulntin B. Estell l'Ht 13; ILirlev H. !eleel 95 4.1; Klur ence Fain Outshall 46 HO; li. Eicli sleadt 312 tX. Adeline Eichsleadl 87. 60: Cecil I. Omaiis 46 80: James H. Ashbauth 351.80: Phillip Rall.ihrr 291 6.1: C. lavtd Handv 272.74: K. Ann While 241.12; Opal Mali!e 251.12: Crair Uudlev 254 !U. Bilhelte L'nk lin 208 10; taut W. Baker 30.1 64; Herman Win. Lanke 389 06; Irene Johnson 230 03; I'Mllis 7rh V.n 67 Pons Kuebler 187.48. Jo,n ihi so: Janet Bales M7 kt; l:r") " T,1: Hf T. KieiheRf 31 M: M- Six It 42; Glartvs White 2.17 0:. Agnes C B...-th J.Vt Petty J Parrelt 277.75: iiiare l.emm 2H -00; (irnrxf A GiUls 3t4 44. C.uv E Wjildroou 276 90. l'hritine V. Morlcv K7 96; Nina E. PtHle 17192: Hcrucr Young 408 74; A I MaUtiom 2S7 41; I O. Sbaw 31? OH. 11 R. Siniln ?rt 37; Richard H.lhringer :"4 64; Frank J P.iprntu 2X 56. John 7..ibin ski 264 6-1; Herman Donev 235 !'2; Rov I. a ml) 260 17. V. Everett Hansen 25.1 IU, J. Ui;.u-e Cttit.-ler 204 25: Frnc.t E. rtnrk. Jr 2K 74; James D. I'ainl er 266 67; M.uv E. Straver IM H T. Evans 3tHl 32. Leonard dmiN 147 7!: Ravmond Kleen 3.' 15; M,ri an M.i.i 2 JO IS Sidnev Nelson 211- 47; Patricia Savage 22116; Dolores Moil tor 212 21: Hermce H.irt.i 32; Phillip Runner 226 20: A D. Ot iiftiMi MiHh. i.jii Morrivon 18(117 S j Huller 3VI 2: Au.lrcv II Ewlnf 233 1.1 Charlotte W.ilkrr 214 2ii Viminu Stone I'M W: Ridslev mi rr .ii'i 'J, i i. r rur i.. r ohm . : I K V,,r1,ii ti :- John An.irs,.i st: 4S Thro Kuen.-i i 't.v t W'alti lfi.s . Ct N Cross W; ! A Ward ?U M- Kennettt . lun- i. ,'n.(t iV un,r.. ?3 ilt Nnl C. H.xehmer : 40: E!ev J Moon 4H: f. r I.m.1hl JKT Afi l arrv V. Miel Mark J Met artv ztb s Rogrrs 2 '6 40 vev Thurl- 15 15. Di:t C Pardons . tuZS V lie l-V ?: Jacob M. Stevahti l'-l IVI; John B Lain 85 ?: Rsmona Need k,n .7J" mi runlml Smith 1ST 20 Ardvs Bomke 181 20 Kav Chamber H 72; William Ju-a 6 M. Vsther Ward Mmi Kinv 3li ?i n-rot-v M I Frem-h .81 Oi M;fe 2.1 VV I Katharine M. Jelderks 262 5. C Jud - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ion 2rn.63: Anna June Weeki 1K0.4S; Belt L. Olson 273.21; Naomi Rchfuss 32B.62; Anna Tani 88.87: Gladva White 126.84; Ida Oldenburg 134. 5t; Kathrvne Scriber 124.30: Phvllis Gil lis 124 .30; Catherine Bnlcr 124. IH; Eaves Rogers 10U.6U; Jeanne Hopkins 1 16 Wj; Thelma Bou tin 95 .05; Jose phine Fitzpatru-k 35.10; Elsie Slinila 40.80; Clara Deyo 35 10; Barbara Vic tor 35.10; Cleo Walker 35.10; Mvrtle Evans 70.20; .Sidney Nelson 46 'J4; H. T. Evans 152.40; C. A. Lewis Howell 57.60; VJ. if. Bill 1GH.00: Gale (Ml. The Lasers Co-operative Pub. Chmlensen 19.20: A. F. Avmong 28.. CV. Law Llbr.. 15 00. Adolphson . Ot. 80; Leo Quesnel 331.42: Anabel Moon j 00. Allen Hardware, txp.bup., B.3J. 225.57; Charlotte T. Gill VJ2 M; Wilda j American Aspnait Paving Co As N. Greene 215 2fi: Harlrv Tate !7.'.2; pnalt Mi. 2.483 8.. John A. Ancier Harley Tate 17.28; Irving H. Johns an mm, TE. 8 00. Leo A. Andreas, yaiii.. 378 22: robert Han 327.90; Adriano pi 50. A & P Sand it Gravel lo.p Arliano 280.88; Delbert J. Bair 217 HO; I Craned rock. 70.20. Ballou At Wright. Jas. M. Carson 27.50; Elmer T. P'-cn Tires Gen . M.78. Balzer Machines 227.34; Don Spelonnk 256 61: HM. Co . Rental, 373.75 Barnhardt Kedl V. Stoops 258 3!i; Cliffotd Vnhland 316.- ! Mix. Inc.. Hedi-Mix-gravel. ill w 76; S. K. Ely 302.37: Paul Arnev j Heall Pipe it Tank Corp.. Shop Stores, 273. fi2; Paul M. Codv 263 j2: Win. M. i ',u7 2a. Hearing Specialty Co.. Heps., Duchetcan 216 42: Arthur Thnver 281.- J 34.11. Broadway Tire berv.. Tires ;. 06; Kenneth Watts 266 2: Win, Nail.- ger 302.25; Leo A. Andreas 271 10: Albert L. t-anoy. iraii . Martin Baughman 224 3:1; CnarlieiAuto Parts. Reps., &-&i- Ca?-I; I ar'? v'f5 1 n; :anJ,t ' "i Ear s 238 08: VirKi R. Fane 2-IJ 0!': 269.23: Melvln Monitor 2ll'J; Alicrt 1 SfBlf"Ih f.; I Carter 271 35;' Mcnno lialke 23!'t7;iAi Drapery Shop. Exp., 18.50. Capital 250.72; Leo McCalhster 272 76; Jlmiry Rasmuxsen 253. 83; Tom Jtiti hey vf F.-iri k. shartu ?k tn- K.r in Vier- BUt 2.10.22; U. U. JtOSS 2Mi..'j; liowri Canov" 267 .33; L. K. Cot. i"er 226.45: 2:18.00'. Colgate Palmolive Co.. Sups. liner "Dahlberir 2"4.27; Francis U. : it.. '4 '.,?. Columbia Lquipment Lo., L. Wllmer Dhlberff liet-hl 2.(a.80; t-alvm l... Uiuinan X4n. 0; Robert L. Martin 348: A. B. Rostad 2:i0 34; Willie Templin 2 7.7H; Ralph Wickham 227.35; Fr:mk Woelke 331.74; D. P. Scharl 30198; Kenneth Adams 230.79; John Anderson Jr. 2M.71: Ronald Bartruff 2:10 34: O, U. Bineaiir 274.13: Lawrence E. Bochsler 246. J8; Karl W. Busch 214 33; Rich ard L. Be 287. Hi; Chas. W. Cherry 221.83; Clark W. Cox 2U1.51: Lawrence Faiiev 262.41: John E. Finlrv 235.47; Willmar Fossholm 2:6.72: Harvey M. Rlrori 251.08; John A. Hampt-m 2M 41; Clair Harvey 270 34; Hoy Hat field 231.09; Robt. L. Hinkler 283.13; Dii-k Hoover 250.92; R. G. Kammler 260.45; Laurel Lamb 280.44; Virml Long 216 31; Arthur R. Mack 235.26; H. A. Martin 267.61: w. R. Massey 304.45; John McAllister 297.56: Ralph McAllister 279.47; Ray Mi-Callister 245.70; Ernest B. Page 231.86; II. J. Peterson 294 89; Larrv G. Peterson 224.33; Jas. Rik1 260 34; Glenn Rob ertson 268.62; W. Shellev 255 90; Ken ncih Slvter 212.44; Robt. Smith 276. W5; Earl D. Standlev 234.76: Ted SloMe .103 48; I.lovd E. Tavlor 29106; Willis J. Thayer 257.78; A. M. Theis ibH.Hi; virgil watson 2a; nupn Webb 271 90; Sam Weese 231.95: Lite L. Wilt 311.15; Tonv Woelke 282.46; Lomon C. Wright 233 24: Walter P. W'uifr 231,04; John Gianfagna 280 82: Earl R. Viesko 239.45; Tom Bowden 332.03; Frank L. Hersha 74.7"; Llovd Williams 298.08: Keith AuMin 261 79: Robert Irving 206,52: Edwin H. Shaw 176 69; A. M. Roethlln 44.40; August Fischer 31.80; A. A. Geer 144.40; Cora P. Geer 32 08; Warren Grav .12.40: Wintoit Hunt 11.70; Jerry Wil cox 92.52; Harvev E. Frankum. TE. 85 75. H. F. Domogalla. TE. 23.58 Salem Printing & Blue Print Inc.. Off. Exp.. 2.49. David Terbell. TE. 41.09. We.-l-ern Aerial Contractors, Inc.. Hevolv. Map Fund. 14.30. Neil Bochmer. TE. 20.79. Bowers, Davis it Huffman. Re Appr. Share. 3,8o0 00. W. J. Dawson. ReAppr. Non Share. 204.00. James A. Eddv, He-Appr. Share. 24.00. Wil liam W. Goodwin. TE. 12 53. Lvle A. Gutlirl, Re-Appr. Share. 84.00. Inter national Business Machines, Inc., He Appr, Share, 325 65. Kav Typewriter Co.. ReAppr. Share. 40.00. R. P. Kennedv. Re-ADor. Share. 135,00. Oi- car LuiL'ahl, TE. 11.83. Alar chant Cal culator! Inc.. He-Appr. Share. 90.00. Mark J. Mccarty, tk, 22.89. Esley J. Moon, TE. 24.15. Moore Business Forms, Re-Appr. Share, 1.071.32. Rich ard S. Nicholson. TE. 25.41. Dwiaht C. Parsons. TE, 20.58. Charles Rogers, TE. 21.70. Bruce R. Salisbury, Equip,, itt.i au. tiarry w. nneu, 1 r., 10. to. The Standard Register Co.. Suns.. 95.- 69. Paul It. Taves, TE. 19 60. Harvey munweii, it, zdAti. iieruert k. mi- len. TE. 21.63. Rov M. True, Re Appr. Share. 40,00. Km melt O. Well- ing. Tt., I3.!i:t. itanK s i'arKing Lot, Parking. 90.50. Win. D. Miller. Attv. Fees, 30.00. Mildred Warrick, Report ers Fees, 10.00. Wallace S. Wharton. TE Postage, 16 00. A. C. Gragg. post age. 12 00. Leston W. Howell. TE, H) 92. Allied Supplies, Sups., 218 34. American Brush Co., Sups., 32.67. Electric Motor Service Co., Exp., 5.45. R. L. Elfstrom Co., Repairs, 62 00. Glo-Klen Co., Oregon Agency, Sups., 129.32. Hillvard Sales Co., Sups., 27.50. Larmer Transfer & Storage. Fuel, 378.39. Lee Bros., Repairs, 50. Plas tic Sinn Co.. Exp.. 8 26. Portland Gas & Coke Co.. Exp . 24 69. Oliver Rick man. Exp. 7.91. Fred W. Smith Lum ber Co., Sup.. 15.00. State of Oregon Bureau of Labor. Exp.. 4 00. Vanco. Sups., 13 50. Vista Saw Shop, Exp., 1 50. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Sups, it Exp., 12ft 00. A. C. Gragg Postage. 12110. Joseph P. Meier. TE. 2 38. A. C. Gragg. Postage. 9.00. Earl Adams. TE. 272 59. Dr. Muriell. Exam. Feeble Minded. 7.50. John Schmid. Garbage Disposal. 100 00. Sil- verton Sanitary Serv,, Garbage Dis- posal, 50.00. Paramount Pest Control, Garbage Disposal. 25(H). Adult Educa uon assoc. oi ine u.xa.. un Mips., Batterman. Rent. 456 30. Brewer Pest Control, Vector Control. 30.00. capital city iransier Co., item. 54.26. Clarmar Company. Rent. .44.- 46. Dr. D. E. Dl laconi. Med. Serv., 1 30.00. Dr. Henry H. Dixon, Jr., Psy. Serv., 50.00. Douglas Co Health Dept.. Vector Control. 28.00. Dr. Mar garet Dowel!. Med. Serv., 45.00 Har iri uunsmoor. licni, i is. imp. ur. l,u ille Former. Med. Serv.. 60.00. Four Corners Pharmacy. Med. Sups , 247 50. D wight (i ruber, irans., za.wi. it art man's. Off. Sups . 4.75. Henrine Lah- oratorv. Lab., 216.75. H. it M. Ribbon Carbon Co., Off. Sups., 4 46. Klasic Photo Shop. Off. Sups., 1.75. I. G. Lermnn, Trans., 16.25. Dr. Keith Lusted. Psv. Serv., 175.00. Masonic lemnle Assn.. Rent. 345. W). Meier ft Frank Co., Off. Equip.. 6 88. Phvsi- is &. Hospital hupply. int. t,tiuip., !H). Quisenberrv Pharmacy, Med, Sups., 10 56. Salem Clinic, Med Serv., 41.66. Salem Medical Lab., Med. Serv. Lab., 54 13. School Dlst. No, 4. Off. Sups.. 1.15. Harry W. Scott. Off. Sups . 2 10. W. J. Stone. M U., Trans., 16 25. Vallev Farm Hard v. are. Olf. Suds.. 9 75. t)r. Austin W. Eivers, Herd lnsp , 197.00. John M. Hanrahan. Herd lnsp . 233 75. E. L. Henkel. DVM. Herd lnsp . 5!9.75. C. Stuart McF.lhmnv, Herd lnsp. Boiul. 5 o. N. Boe. Hi-id lnsp . 336.00. Tom Webb, Indem. for siaugnu't' or iia. . auic. .u o-i. ir. V. D. I'.istei line. Insane Exam. 7 50. Dr. Morris Crolheis. Insane Exam.. n. t rolhers. insane Exam . 7 50. Dr. D. E. In- : SO Dr. C. A. IKniin, lns;me Exam.. 7 M). Dr. Allen Fen in, Exam. . .M). IJr. Lucille fori ..itie Exam.. 7 5tl. Dr. Burton Exam., 7 50. Leslie Chandler. Sups, 2 t'5 C A F.ldi u-dne. Dentit. Jail ur, m w. nairin .ic morial Hip , Jail Hosp., 10 00. M rons Sew ing M.tchme-. Jil Sups . .45. lion a Id i anucrs. M v., j an Dr.. 25 tk). S.imtarv Serv. Co., Sail. Serv.. 7 00. Dr. H.irry Semler. Dent- i-l. Jail Dr.. sou. urnxer l oung, Bd. of Prisoners., 1476 56. Marvin A. Donald M. Orange, Rent, 40 00. Quint- llni. hios Itrtit A Off. Exu . 35 01. 1 ' niki " Elell. Kent A OS. 43 72. W. B. j,,.,n:Bell. Rent. 30 iH). John Becker. Hem. 35 00. H Kich.-ieant. tr., .'u m'. miiiih Bros. OftK-e tutl liter. Off. Equip.. 30,00. Dr. James H, Ashbaugh. Juv Trans. 9 25 Dr. Crothcrs. Juv. -Detention, 2150. Craig J. Dudley Trans., 3 50 Phillip iLillaher, Juv -Trans., 3 25. Dr.v tlaimobst. Haworlh. Ben- "e" oH.nan Juv - I cte-Hlou. 10 uu Juv -Met. Suits. Ml Mrs. W. J. Marh. Juv.-lVttMitlon. liM W. Opal Matile, Juv .-Trans., 4 iH. Science Re search As.m'1- , Juv. OS St Exp.. 14 The Ink Spot. Sups. St Ep., 21 00. Tillterv Tc.n'o Serv . Juv .-Trans., 17. 4S. Mrs. I'hns. Wvant. Juv.. 192 w. I'.itholit- Services (or Children. I't. Ciini. Childien. SW. Christie Sthrtnl. ft Com. Children. 3 rtl Louise Home. Com t. niiuren, a isi m .mjtv s if tor Rovs, Ct Com. Children, ixt. Si R'--e Industrial Svho I. t. t. 'Com. tniuiien. i.i.uo itrrmsu LanWe. TE. 14 tW. S.ilem Shopping Nfv un . W 4;) v nkip-H 1 . 1 r Primer. up. . iw tuvuen s ,ip HilKl'.Iit.'l.MvHri . M tsi It l iu as, Drav aice-Rec. r levi , ihi C Matt Fleet 4t i s.h lanon . i i-mxi nnm . iti serv ut "v' E. 41 42. R O. C.arber. School Supl In serxu-e. 2 iV C.e.-rte A I lis. TE A In service. l.envii. i r. .-v in 51 Hem Pirrctt. TP Si In service. 4. iU ' Rex Putnam, OF. 30 "0 Flovd Rtilrv , Trans 3 '-2 N P Hradlev, 7tt. 4 '.'. Finest E CI .irk Jr . Ii.i'i ! 1 5v Fra-vslm Pr.titn-g C . s,,--, i She iff 10.15. Kreos .Hert!-i , Trans. -Sheriil. 45 00 M. F an p! 'Slop Sups . 56 59 McKmnev Line 1 Mercurv, Trans 18 Sit sure of Ore - ' cn. Te'etie 62 (XL The Pmv tf r ' Pitnev Bo. e lnc I 21 IV'nr- Vo.i -r S"ert" T I Oi-i .v f. tl- 1 ,;..-vr f, p .s rtrt 1 Ladd Busfi. fra.em Branch, 4up. h Kxp., 14 00. Ridgley Miller. TE, W 68. John McKay, 'ft., 4J.54. J. K. feldt. TE. 17.05. Mr. Ella Glvens, 1 lamb. 10.00. L. E. Rund. 1 iamb, 12 00. L. M. Van Cleave. 1 lamb, 4.00. Fred Viesko, 5 lambs. 50 00. Ervin A. Ward, TE Dog Fund, 115.J6. Mri. 11. W. Bowden. Exp., 7M.0O. August Fischer. TE. 2.W. A. A. Geer, IE, 'CI 21. Wancn Cray. Trans., 14.5b. Mellower Milk pnniucls, Exp., 45. Joieufi V. Tompkins. Exu., 2a 00. ilancroft-Whitnev Co.. Law Ltbr., 25,- Oti, Snepards Cnaliuns, Law UDr 14. E. 1L Burrell . nepi-irans., ia m. C.ievroiei .aoii:ac, " "B V"' h'iVr'.r;.Vr' n.rV.V' B uk Co. concrete DiocK, , r, , : uSfcSS'S Harry Calteison. Scalp bount, 1 50. i C:ty of haiem. Lrmeicrj- i 4i: Citv Water Uepl.. waier, 69 57. Station, Gas, LlilTKnon union Htps., 481-li. toi.vear muiur Reps. -Ren.. 127,98. Commercial Book Siore, Misc., 404.62. CooKe Mauoner, Misc 37.65. Cox-Brvant. Misc., 25,00. Crallbinan Press, Exp.-OE. 165 .94. ii. A. Downs Clas.a Shop, E.p., 81.22. Eoff Electric Co.. Exp., 27.66. teen .'ughtv Machinery Co.. Misc., 1266. 22 Fcinng General Tire Serv. Inc., Tires, t43.8. Golden Pheasant, Meals, 27 30, Louise Golik, Equip.. 100,00. A C Haag & Co., Reps.. 45.79. Halton Tractor Co., Reps.. 696.68. J. E. Hasel tine it Co.. Misc.. 73.45. Howard Coop er Corp.. Reps.. 784.32. F. G. Hubert, Rent. 10.00. Hutcheon Paint Store. Sups.. 11.35. Instant Fire Protection Co Misc., 7.80. Interstate Tractor St Equip. Co,, Misc., 31.02. Dalbert J. Jvpsen. TE. 9,87. Johnson 8c Siewert, Misc. 200.85. Ira Jortenaen Co., Reps., 219.76. Judson's, Sups., 2.11, Ketzer Sand Gravel. Misc., 25.00. T. L. Kulins Co., Misc., 1.46. Lila Lafky, Water, 4.00. Elna Landon, Water, 4.00. Leu poi d & Stevens Instruments Inc., Misc., 86.00. Logger's & Contractor! Mach. Co., Reps.. 115.63. Virgil Long. Trans.. 34.50. Lvtle's Tire Mart. Tires. 622.60. Marion County Dept. of Health. OE. 2 6-1. Master Service Stations, inc., J ires. Oiz.oo. nuo.i u. wmncr, Misc., 139.05. Dick Mever Lumber Co., Misc., 53.80. Mill Supply Corp., Reps., 51 51. Needhams, Equip.-Sups., 208.24, New berg Sand & Gravel Co.. Grave), 48.75. Norris Walker Paint Mfg. Co., Signs-Reps., 92.10. Oregon Gravel Co., Oil GM, 3054.68. Oregon Physicians' Service, OPS, 1176.86. Pacific Auto Supply. Sups., 5.06. Pacific Power it Light Co., L 8c P, 3.12. Pacific Power 8c Lignt Co., L it P, 100. Pacific Tele, it Tele. Co.. Radio-Sherlff, 12.75. Philippi Motor Co., Reps., 46.42. Port land General Electric. L i P, 760.04. Portland Rd. Lumber Yard, Sups., 27 50. Pumilile Block 8c Supply Co., Ep., 10 99. Remington Hand, Inc., Sups , 11.65. J. H. Rigdon, Cr. Rock, 332 50. Saffron Supply Co.. Reps.. 11. 04. Salem Auto Parts Co.. Trans., 89 07, Salem Black-Top Paving Co.. Misc.. 145 61. Salem Brake 8c Wheel Aligning Serv.. Reps.. 22.20. Salem General Hospital, Jail-health, 19.75. Salem Hardware Co., Off Exp.-Sups., 10.39. Salem Iron Works. Rep.. 202.83. Salem Laundrv Co., Sups., 23.67. Sa lem Sand 8r Gravel Co.. Imp. Crest- view Dr.. 920.15. Salem Steel 8c Sup ply Co. Misc.. 372.60. Salem Welding Supply, uxygen, 11. do. scneiity equip' ment Corp.. Reps., 168.91. Glen E, Schwenke. Herd Inso.. 173.50. Sears, Roebuck 8c Co., Exp., 23.29. Shell Oil Co., Misc., 25. .18. Inez June Shelton, Water, 4.00. bherwtn-w imams lo Signs, 10.55. J. L. Siegmund, TE, 26.. 32. Smith Auto Parts Co.. Rena.. 13.01. Snap-on-Tools, Misc., 52,33. Square Deal Lumber Yard, Reg. 8c Elec, 41.20. Standard Oil Co. of Calif., PrruhiHc r.rfiv! 945 85. Steven Trans. -Sups., 268 84. Stevenson Rock F.nuiomnt Co., Reg. 8c Elec, .7.28. "suit (tiBn-.Tiuirnnl Newsoauer. Adv. 169.39. Stevenson Rock Product!, Roc illiuinn Miles Sulak. OM. 81.20, Llovd E. Taylor. Trans.. 34.50. Tide Water Oil Co., Gas-Oil. 2. 989.15. Trans port Clearings, Rep-Re-Appr. non thare. 87.19. Truck Sales it Service ti. nn 18 10 Union Title Insur I ane'e Co., R-W. 170.O0. Union Oil Co. of Calif., Grease. 413.54. Unruh Knipp Printing, a.w.ow. vauey .um.-rcic Co., Misc.. 426.48. Vallev Motor Co.. Teps-Trans., 144,96. Vallev Welding Sumdv Co., Misc., 65.65. Van Waters At ttogers, inc., tviiiit rcc.c, m.oi, Viesko & Post. Alt. St Rep., 934.85. Viesko Sand 8c Gravel Co.. Misc., 1960 15. Warren Northwest. Inc. Hea 44.50. Walling Sand & Gravel. Misc., ther Lane-rep., 10.242.43. West Salem Fuel Co.. Fuel. 101.25. Western Equip ment Co.. Reps.. 11 90. Willamette Basin Project Committee. Proj., 800. 00. Willamette Vallev Transfer Co. Misc.. 1000. Lile Wilt. Trans.,, Woodbury 8c Company, Misc., 97.10, Denver Young. Sup-Postage-Trans. 41. Zellcrhark 1'aoer Co.. Off Sups., 141.18. Walter H. Zosel Co., Trans., 327.08. Duane I'arker. Bid. Radio Sta., 110 81. Harold V c Lorene u. See, Prop.- Radio, 900.00. Statesman Publishing Co., Sups.. 138 95. Ralph A. 8i Lucille Case. R-W Option. 5 00. Donald J. i Doris Davidson. R-W Op tion, 5 00. Donald J. 8t Doris David son. H-W Option. 5.00. Edward F. St 5 00. Edward F. it Eleanor C. David Eleanor C. Davidson, R-W Option, son. R-W Option. 5.00. Eugene C. 8c Eluabeth Davidson. Etal,. R-W Op inn & on Vropoian E. M.inefire. R-W Option. 5 00. Jesse A. 8c Dorothy Man ere. Et al, R-W Option. 5.00. William J. 8c Jean M. Manegre. eiai., -w Option, 5 00. Quida 8i Thomas O' Nt.ira, R-W Option, 5 00. Henry 8c Olivn C. Uavmond. R-W ODtlOO. 5.00. P. M. At Lima Splrup. R-W Option, 5 00. Theodore M. & I'atr nena van Dvke, R-W Option. 5.00. Robert J. 8i Anna M. David. R-W Option. 5.00, .laniri KHuarri Greeorv. R-W Onllon, 5 00. Alfred 8c Amelia Hanauska, R-W Option. 5.00. C. J. & vera jones, U.W tlnlion. S 00. C. J. At Vera Jones, H-W Option. 5 00. Arthur 8c Edith K.ituit. R-W Option. 5 00. Arthur n. Bt Odel Kearns. H-W Option. 5.00. Al cuun Ac filadvs May. R-W Option, 5 00. Glen S. At Ellen Polly. R-W Op tn. n 5 00. Paul St Delta Simon. H-W Option. 5 00. Paul St Delia Simon. H-W Option, 5 00. Lnn Paul 8t Elsie Mae Simon. R-W Option. 5 00. Thomas Slew a. t, R-W Option, i.w. r.iaon a Him nice E Alt. R-W Option. 5 00. i German i Apostolic Christian Church, H-W Option. 5 00. Bales 8c Brady T-'w-ing Serv.. R-W Deed. 300 00. G. Earl St Lena DeSart. H-W Option. 5 Ik). Jerome L. Gehrmg St Sam Stoller. H-W Option 5 00. Julius St Marie Gehring. H-W Option, a iK. Julius Geh rmg. Jr t Haiph L. Herr. H-W Op tion, 5(H). John Hanna. H-W Option, 5 on. Edward Han i Adolph Hart. HW Option. 5 00. Sam Ai Mary M. Man. HW Option. 5 00. Alvin r.. tioi i:n It -W Out ion. 5 kl. George St Flor ence Kaufman. R-W Option. 5 00. Al fred Kuriui Estate, n upuon. aw. Arthur A Kuen.i. R-W Option, 5 ixJ. Edward Kucivi. R-W Option. 5 00. George Kuenri. R-W Option. 5 00 E m ni a St George Kuenri, et aL R W Option 3 no Herman m. at Kurnn R-W Option. 5 00. William Porter, et a!. R-W Option. 5 00. Zelda Van Dvke R-W Option. .1 uu wov at Susie E. Williams, el al, R-W Opt ton. Ami Pacific Tele it Tele Co. Tele, I 2tM.2!! Denver Young. Taxes s h o p Proceedings : November 1. 1 onv of PCC license, nf PCC Orucr F25.1T: Dispr users Flovd K Held. nun. ir.utor. 7 2, to Beer lici-ie. Dean H. McFarland; Order vetting forth valuation cf prop ertv foreclosed on for taev Nov. 5. Pei nut to move Bidg , Hales and Hr.tds; Bfer licen.-e. J W. and Em ma J. Ci .tie, Samuel E. Oroutt, Frank R. ami Ellen G. Pfaff; Mm-Ute-i of Board of Equalisation. Nov T, Permit to h.iul logs. Carl H. Longe necker Nov. s. Atf of Pub of ("ill tor Bids for Crushed Rock Materials. Mobile Radio Equipment: Call tor Bid for Loader-Tractor Backhoe : l'u... In- tirinii Citv of SiKerton: Hord for 1-suanoe ol " duplicate w ar- rani to Wm. V. Fisher. Nov 9. Fmal lnden-mtv Claims Tom Wetil- Arthur V Helgerson. Herbert m Nov U, Agreements re- 1'oli.i-nTi Phn tin nermit. Citv me n Marion Countv C: Ueiense i f o r and 2 I'nion Kiel .p.-- of nnmrrni fnifn F r n A Nov 14 Copv of Mio Reset 200 hv State H.v. C mn : Copv of No Park- nc Rcol N' t bv State Hv von-" : wsrranti ueei trom naroin V inl !.o:cnr B See ! M.ino" Inriemnitv claim of .on. f na; hc.iriit Nov C in- L io .li. li56 Nov 19 Beer l;en.e. Walt- K.iuth and Leo J We ;e. Wtr J , Tielir a Helton, Wm C- r J Eli.-abeth A Nies. . or Fclna C Jonc. Mt.r.e Nier Alii" A Pru-e Or 09 t cli:n - , '. an T--ai m . I H Tti:'l F V u w r ainei Kuper, FmnciinMack I ?( 1 r. . tn mm' trartOT and rr.oer. Harold M. Hills; Plat of Claggett Subdiv. No. 2. Nov. 20. Beer license, Mildred Lnwsha and Ada line Mt'Adams. A. A. Krucger. Charlie C. Nielsen, John and Bess Zurawski; Per mit to haul logs, Emery R. a n d Rachel Learfield. Nov. 21, Heer li cense. Marvin 8c Hose Long Robert ic Calvin Chrlstensen. David Benin et al, Rov & Bernadlne Cooper. Eva I Vrotnah; Copy of answer of State Hwy. Comm. in re: application Df Ore. Elec. Hv. Co. lor R-W etc. over Countv Hoad No. 906 at Orvllle; Order accepting portion of Mill St. in Silver ton as part of Co. Rd. No. 652. Nov. 23 Warranty Deed from Malena M. Carev to Marion Co.; Pole line per mit. "Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co.. Port land Gen. Etec. Co.; Beer license. Lawrence O. Hassing. Chester R. and Helen L. Mulkey; Order accepting work completed as per contract on Heather Lane; License to sell used parts of cars. Bales t Brady Towing Service; contract w 1 1 n nioioroia Comm. 8c Electronics Inc. (or mobile rartm milnmanl' HlH On mobile TA- dio equipment; Order setting hearing: Maser: Contract with Stevenson Rock Products Co. for crushed rock; Min utes of Board of Equalization meet ing. Nov. 27, Permit to move aweum. Rainbow Const. Co. Nov. 29, Permit for buried cable. Pacific Tele. 8c Tele. Co.; Permit to haul logs, Joe W. Frv; Beer license, Gene it Grace Da'genhardt. Vernon and Lucille Be shore. Vern it Mariorie Joseph: Dis pensers license. Oliver M. Willis. Mnv .in Final hearing on Indemnity eloims. Tom Webb. Herbert S. Cole man. Arthur V. rieigerson. uaron u. f Henri Rr license Alexander Ot Cora Steinka. Ha?el K. MarshallDia pensers license Zenneth G. Cutting; in h.,ii li etc Umiri' Niplspn I Clarence H. West. Gerold Wetherell; Junk dealer, Joseph L,. Newport; riai of Sherwood Heights; Petition for An nexation of continguous territory to S.i I em Heights Water District; Trans fer Order. CoInnliH8ioner8, Court j The following 1 lhe official pub- lleation of the record of Claims be fore the Marion County Commis sioners Court for the December Term for 1958, with the amount allowed, records in the Office of the County bills continued, etc., according io me Clerk. Miscellaneous Ladd and Bush Salem Branch U.S. National Bank of Portland, Withhold ing. 10.253.34; Public Employes Re tirement Bd. Soc Sec Revolving Fund. Soc. Sec, 3.292 84; Public Em ployes Retirement System, Retire ment, 4.. 230. 51; United Fund. United Fund, 77.75; State Industrial Accident, State Ind. Ace. 1.016.79; Charles H. 8c Marv E. Fowler. R-W Option. 5.00; R. E. St Madge B. Jones, R-W Op tion. 5.00; Denver Young. Tax Col lector, Hargrtaves Taxes-share, 65.89; Denver Young, Tax Collector. R-W Tax, 6.24; Denver Young. Tax Collec tor, R-W tax-share. 57.79: Denver Young, Tax Collector, land Tax-share. 158.13. Salary paid Marlon County Em tloyees H. F. Domogalla S38S.25; eo Quesnel 371.91; Dalbert J. Jep sen 308.76; David A. Terbell 269.61; Henry Jungwirth 267.79; J. L. Sieg. mund 271.54; Richard Nicholson 278. 57; Paul R. Taves 298.57; Harvey Frankum 274 10; Frank T. Stone 308. 70; Ida Baillie 226 56: Anabei Moon 244.64; Helen M. Dansky 207.62: Nancv E. Wilson 196.44: Dorolhv Domogalla 195.30; Barbara Snyder 228.71; R. Hughes 351.04; B. D. Pev ton 386.40; R. Howard 237.02; A. A. Richards 347.44; L. M. Johnston 204. 25; Wallace S. Wharton 364.76: Mu riel L. I' ugh 211.00; H. C. Mattson 410.65; A. M. Boethlin 311.12: M. Rez nicsek 195.66: O. Hughes 233.69; H. P. Haley 232.06; G. Barrv 196.90; A. -Tasto 185.30; E. Taves 199.11; D. Guined 24.52: H. Ktelhege 227.96: D. M. Chance 225.15: W. Gilford 220.70: F, Cummings 207.49; M. Oldenburg .vz.m itex Hartley 372.43; Koy j. Reznicsek 60.00; Joy Le Compte 220. Rice 406.00; E. L. Rngers 411,28; M. 01: T. O. Rlckman 341.54: Ed Booth 197.40; Ed Kortzeborn 202.40; Richard Hooper 202.39: Jack Goldade 208.86: D. J. Jocobe 232.26; C. E. Waltman 202.39; R. L. Bair 196.43; A. Scott 159.38: Heinz Laetsch 212.35; Cecil Johnson 78.90: Ruth Rlckman 167.86: Ruth Hutchlna 183.98; Mane Sebern 181.88; Maggie Lacher 166.98; E. O. Sladler 539.93; L. Beat 202.06; B. Anderson 212.00: N. Becklev 219.72; D. Pearson 200.07; Earl Adams 372. 12; John Lacey 249.46; Barbara L. Smith 209,34; S. W. Fox 48.96; W. J. Stone 725.20; I. G. Lermon 326.10; John Ketchum 318.80; F. R. Coleman 311.90; William Hellie .105.86; Be mice Yeary 324.16; Ella Mae Detering 306.90: Viola Eisenbarh 298.81; Effie Cole 297.41; Ruth Ingram 264.83; H. Maria Fissel 157.61; Marion Baker 242.14; Elizabeth Wilder 244.62; Erna Berstecher 248.90; Muriel Sweringen 181.96; Helen Pouiade 177.91; Mar jorle Wills 232.57: Vera Wood 250.71; Ethel Lermon 200.22: Aerie Hrnrir. son 183.71; Eleanore Broxson 193 05; t-nyuis Leeper 140.40; Blanche Slorer 301.54; Joann Stupid 145.48: Kenneth Dunnigan 105.60; Nora Wood 8.64; Leslie It. Chandler 293,64: Russell G. Day 244 30; Harold Fox 253.69; David Nelson 247.44; Harrv A. Kocher 233. 30; Ellen Good 192.99: Elsie M. Soen- cer 205.30; Maybclle B. McDonald 198 3a; Marvin A. Hutchings 244.30; Martha T. Hutchings 39.00; Geo. F. Armstrong 38.40; Joseph L. Faulhaher 19.20; Quintin B. Estell 190.13; Harlev H. DePeel 95.43: Florence Faith Cut shall 46 80; H. Eirhsteadt 312.00: Moi ra Sweeten 9fi.00: Cecil I. Omans 46.80; J. H. Ashhaugh 357.11: Phillip i-ananer .iip..t; iraie uuniev; K. Ann White 271.80; Opal Matile 281.80; R. R. Richmond 262.74: Billv ette Conklin 208.10: Maxine Lowery 165,92; David W. Baker 303.64; Her man Win. Lanke 372.64; Irene John son 2.10.03: Phvllis 7-eh 194.57; Doris Keubler 187.48; Joan Lanke 197.10; Janet Bates 187.90: Joan Gramm 146. 70; Fern Cummings 24,73; Mvrtle evans 1.1.10; Dorothv H. French 210. 46; Ruth Hutching 131.22; Katharine M. Jelderks 179.75: Alma June Meeks 153.24; Naoma Rehfuss 194.05; Anna H. Tastn 12.92; Gladvs White 237.02; Gladvs White 46.05: Agnes C. Booth 353,66; Rettv Jeanne Parrett 300.80; Grace Lemm 2H6.0O; George A. Gillis 344 44; Guv E. Waldroop 274.14; Chris tine V. Mnrlev 231 .80; Nina E, Poole 192 05; Denver Young 408.74; A. I. Malstrom 290.32: Amos Shaw 314.96; H. R. Smith 268 27: Richard Boeh ringer 294.64; Frank J. Papenfus 245.08; John Zabinski 264 64: Herman Donev 235 92: Rov Lamb 260 17: II. Everett Hansen 218 07; Star Thurston 35 21; J. Wallace GufTler 204 25; Er nest E. Clark. Jr. 262.74: Marv E. Slraver 192 99; H. T. Evans 306 88: Leonard Combs 276.31 : Ravmond Kleen 236 15; Marian Maas 220.15: Sidney Nelson 211 47: Patricia Savaee Delores Monro 212.21; Ber nice Harlan 210 32: Phillip Runner 226 20. A. D. Graham 4t00; Martha Jean Morrison 1H6.17: S. J. Butler X' I 2d: Audry If En m; 23.1.1 3; Char- letie Walker 223 15: irgmta Stone 1W 88: Hid Kiev C. Miller 351.52: Char- lene L. Foust 182 70; J. K. Neufeldt 141.85; Jnhn A. Anderson 547.48: Theo. Kuenrt 347.78: A. M. Presnall 237.52; Darl Waltz 181.20; E. A Ward 2(50. 50: G. N. Gross 70 00: Dons DeVall 224 80; Tina Thomas 16fi 6; Dan P.i lin 5t4 57: Rrllr I. Olson 110 38: j Anna M. Davis 128 11: Ruth Rickman h oh: l . A. Lewis w nu; rteien i. j Kleihege 3.1 70; Donald M. Orange i6 00. Rosemarie P. Orange 19 5t; w. H. Hell 168 TO; Ci3le Uhristensen 19.20: A. F. Avmong 28 80; Emmett . o Welling 262 21: Herbert R. Totten, 2 04; Neil C. Boehmer 2'.-6 40; Eslev 217.85: Oscar Liudahl 263 7 Harrv Snell 26 40; Mark J. McCartv- 278.57: Charles Rogers 26 40; Harvev l nurln ell Jn. i3: Uvv ignt t . rarsons j 277.68; William w. Goodwin 2.7.12; Kcnnetn v nanipion -n. .n; ie v.. Leslie 297 60; Jacob M. Sterahn 247 7,1; John B Laing 26148: Raman a R. Bd., Soc. Sec, 1S7 95; Cnlgan Lum Needham 222 80. Caroline J. Smith i tier Co, Sups St Ep.. 5 00; A. D. 1K7 20: Arrivs Bomke 18120: Ida OI- i Graham. TF... 40.48: G. 1. Surulus. denburg 149 W: Kathrvne Sen ber 138 - (M: Phvllis Gilhs 1.18 "4; Catherine Karer iw.vtv taves Kogers i.m to; Jeanne Hopkins 176 5v Thelma Bow - lin 95 05: Jo.-ephine Fit-patnck 74 10; Elsie Simila i5 3. Clara Devo 6141; Barbara Victor 7 0 20: Cleo Walker 71 10; Mvrtle Evans 210 60: Sidney Nels, 6188. lnard Comh. 12609: j 163 49: Wilria N. Greene 18158; Ana hel Moon 168 51: Helen D.msfcv m.i i'.arh.ira Snvder 581. J L. Siegmund IH 86 Nancv Wiis.n 17 22: !: 27. 17. Irvine H. Jonn Hail .172 45: Robt Han 3JS 14: Adn.m. Artiano lru'ni J. nail ..aj.. i T ldeen 217.46- Don Soeibrink 2o 2: Rht. V. Stoon 25i16. C:ifford Voh- land 25.14. S K Etv .105 85. Paul ' arney 260 iX- Paul .M C.xly 137 70; ! Wm M Duchatean 2-17 1.1. Ar.hur naver ys unmr.-i 29-' 1.1 Albert L. Can R Cvper 241 20 Wilrier W?: ?WM-. 'rt . "Mt1 iaivin l.. U'Jinn .:iw. lie Anamf ft w etlake Co.. Reps. Robt fartm ?37 51- A B K-tstad Jul 22 Willie Templin 216 10: Ra oh Wu-kham 2t7 4? Wm. Naft.-eer 1.1; Leo -w .-i.iri.n n-j;T V.r" 22121 ?(.' rlvin ti tt.fc. mm ,.fmm 046 XM Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 21, 1957 235.84: P.obt. O. Bye 316.54: Jos. A Robl 311.18: Jesse R. tarter 2.ili.7b Mcnno Dalke 229.53: Lloyd Jarman 239 68; Arnold L. Kirk 218.48: Leo McCalllsler 259.60; Henry Rasmusscn 243.87; Tom Hitchey 2:14.41: Ear E. Shade 262.97: Erwin Viergutz i24.3. Frank Woelke 324.77: D. P. Sch; rf 311.18: Kenneth Adams 216.42: John Anderson, Jr. 268 23: Ronald Bartruft 212.48; O. D. Binegar 252.15: Lawr ence E. Bochsler 234. B4; Karl W. Busch 204.15: Richard L. Bye 2C3 ,08. Chas. W. Cherrv 211.65; Clnrk W. C !lia.!M): Lawrence r aney am .01, y 61- Harvey M. Cirod 251.08: John Hampton 224.15; Clair Harvey nj ) Hv Mntfiolri 32121: Robt. L. liinZ7i. iu AV tlmlr Honvff 233.00: R. G. Kammler 248.07: Laurel Lamb 250.22; Virgil Long 237.93; Arthur H. Mack 28.47; H. A. Martin 257.!6: W. R. Masiey 306.95: John McAllister 284.92: Ralph McAllister 27H.47; nay McCalllsler 236.41: Ernest B. Page 222.74; H. J. Peterson 281.87; Larry n Pprnn 214.15: Jas. RiKKl 250.22; Glenn Robertson 275.92; W. Shelley 239.40; Kenneth Slyter 232.42; Robt. Smith' 5fifi tw Karl b. Standlev 225 Ted Stolle 282.94: Lloyd E. Taylor 280.94; Willis J. Thaver 234.42; 245.31; Virgil Watson 275.40: Hugh Webb 289.89: Sam Weese 246,97: Lile L. Wilt 260.94: Tony Woelke 270 19; Lo man C. Wright 217.90: Walter P. Wulff 222.28; John Glanfagna 270.28: Earl R. Viesko 218.20; Tom Bowden 343.10; Frank Hersha 335.28; Lloyd Williams 286,75: Keith Austin 252.70; Robert Irving 75.14: Richard L. Merri man 39.68: Kav Chambers 6 24; Bill Halseth 14.36: Win. Juza 13.76; Mar- fare. Nichoin 12, : t-smer w am .12; Wm. Moran 18.72: L. M. Mattson 2.74: Frank Stone 2.00; Edwin H. Shaw 147.31: James M. Scott 18.40; Leston W. Howell 38.40. American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Off Exp., $7.00; Ameri can Society of Appraisers, Off Exp., 15.35; H. F. Domogalla, T.E., 29.07; Harvey Frankum. T.E., 71.33; Dal bert J. Jepsen, Re-appr Share T.E., 9.08; Henry Jungwirth, T.E., 34.65; Hlchard Nicholson. Jte-appr anare-1 TE 23.24; Leo L. Quesnel, i.e., 15.46; Frank T. Stone, T.E.. 43.80; The Standard Register Co., Off Exp., 232.90; David A. Terbell, T.E., 14.19; Neil c. woenmer, ne-Hppr W. W. Goodwin, Re-appr., 11.76; R. P. Kennedv. Re-appr Share. 135.00; Oscar Luidahl. Re-appr Share T.E., 14.91- Marchant Calculators Inc., Re appr Share. 90.00; Mark J. McCarly, T.E., 26.04; Esley J. Moon, T.E.. 25. 20; Oregon State Dept. of Finance Ac Administration, Re-appr Share, 158.61; D. C. Parsons, i.r.., i.i.o, whvci ; Rlckman, Exp., 10.32; Charles Rog-j era. T.E.. 17.01; Harry W. Snell. T.E.. 1 15 33; Tab Products Co., Re-appr Non Share, 310.75; Paul R. Taves, T.E., , 19 67; Harvev Thurlwell, T.E.. 15.68;, Herbert R. totten. T.E., 15.54; Em-' men O. Welling, T.E.. 17.78; Richard 1 H. Allen. Alty Fees, 15.00; H. W. Bar low Attv Fees. 45.00: William Barlow, Ally Fees, 15.00; Merlin Estep. Atty , Hire 15.00; Golden Pheasant. Meals, 32 40; Good Housekeeping. Inc., Equip.. 39.95: Daniel D. Walts, Alty Hire. 15.00; Wallace S. Wharton. Post-age-T.E., 15.61; Havden'i Capital City Binders. Sup.. 45.70; H. C. Mattson. T.E.. 24.00; Hex Hartley, T.E., 45.04; Hearne Brothers. Sups.. 37.50; Roy J. Rice T E., 33.10: Leston W. Howell, T E-. 16 39; Allied Supply Co.. Exp.. 17 32; The American Floor Surfacing Mach Co., Exp., 4.12; Bressie Elec tric, Exp., 2.92; Campbell Norquist Co.. Exp., 4 52; Easter Day Supply Co., Sups., 45,75: Eoff Electric Co., Exp., 6.94; Larmer Transfer Ac Stor age. Fuel, 378.39; Oregon Builders Hdwe Jnc, Sups., 26.68; Salem Navi gation Co., Exp.. 2.11; Westinghouse Electric Corp., Exp., 172.80; Kather ine Bangert. Co. Clerk. Invest., 1.00; Fern Collia, Chelan Co. Clerk. Invest,, 2 00; Joseph P. Meier. T.E.. 2.38; Thomaa W. Hansen. T.E., 2.52; Pat O'Brien. Grant Co. Clerk. Invest., 2.00; Shepard a Citations, Sups Ac Exp. , 24 00; Earl Adams, T. Ac Civil Ac Crim, 308.51; Dr. Geo. Morsel). Feeble Minded Exam., 7.50; Rudolph De Vries, Reward, 25.00; John Schmid, Garbage Disposal. 100.00; Silverton Sanitarv Serv., do. 50.00: N. Boe, Herd Inspection. 102.00; Dr. Austin W. Elvers, do. 210.75; John M. Han rahan. dn, 98.00; E. L. Henkel D.V.M., do 578.75; F. G. Rankin, do, 176.50; Glen E. Schwenke, do, 244.25; Clar mar Co., Rent. 562.65; DR. H. H. Dixon, Psy. Serv.. 175.00; Dr. Mar- taet Dowell, Mea serv.. id.wo; ur. ucille Former, Med Serv., 45.00; A. C. Gragg, Postmaster, Postage. 86.00; D. M. Gruber, Trans., 35.00; H. Ac M. Ribbon Carbon Co.. O S.. 5 39; W. G. Hellie, Trana.. 8.50; Hendrie Lahossi lory. Lab, 216.75; Henry's Photo Shop, Off Sups.. 5.00; Hollywood Plumbing Ac Heating Co.. Equip.. 65,96; Ken nedy's CUV Cleaning Works, O. S., 4 10; Lipman's, Off Sups., 9.24: Dr. Keith Lusted. Psy. Serv.. 175 00: Northwest Industrial Laundry, Off Sups., 4.45; Pavless Drug Store, O S., 4.47; J. C Pennev Co., Vector Con trol 6.50; Qulsenberry Pharmacy, Med Sups.. 51.35; Glenn's Richfield, Trans., 2.11: Salem Clinic. Med Serv., 41.66; Salem General Hospital. X-Ray, 13 50; Salem Medical Laboratories. Med Serv Autopsy. 150.00: Salem Memorial Hospital. X-Ray-Lab.. 152. 50; School District No. 4. Off Sups.. 1 15; Harrv W. Scott. Trans., 1 50; The Stavton Mail. Off Sups., 3 50; W. J., M D Off Sups., 23.74; Surgical Sales. Inc.. Med Sups., 14 05; Wvnkoop-Blair Printing Serv.. Print ing, 10.15; Herbert S. Coleman. In demnitv, 12 00; Carol! L. Ellison, do, BOO; Tom Webb, do, 80.00; Dr. Merle Brown. Insane Exam.,; ur. Mor ris Crothers. Insane Exam.. 7.50; Dr. WM. Crothers. do. 22 50: D R D. E. Dilaconi. do. 52.50: Dr. Marian Mayo, do 7 50; Dr. Donald Sanders, do, 7.50: Dr. Chas. Weeber. do. 7.50; Dr. Roscoe Wilson, do. 7.50; Capital Bed ding Co., Sups-Jail. 10 50; C. A. El driedee. Dentist, Doctors-jail, 1ft. on; Dr. Richard P. F.mbick. Dr., 50.00; Al Laue Refrigeration Sales Ac Serv., Reps.. 6.75; Marr Radio St Television, ail, za.oo; ixorinwesi iuhc nit-mi Service Co.. San Serv.. 7.00; Dr. Har rv Semler, Dentist. Doctor-jail. 4 00; Denver Young. Sheriff, Bd. nf Prison ers, 1253.41: Marvin A. Hutchings, Oft Sups.. 35.90; Gen. F. Armstrong. T.E., 7.62; Donald M. Orange. Rent, 40.00; Quinton R. Estell. Rent-Off Exp. 55.72: W. H. Bell. Rent. 30 00; John Becker. Rent. 35.00; H. Eichsteadt. Tele.. 9 30; Cecil I. Omans. T. E., 4 08: Cecil 1. Omans. T.E.. 2 64; James H. Ashbaugh, Trans., 17.75; Dr. Crother St Crothers. Juv-Deten-lion. 33.00; Craig Dudley, Trans.. 5.75; Francis Motor Car Co., Juv Trans., 255.12: Phillip Gallaher. Juv Trans., 3 00; W. T. Grant Co.. Detention. 2 34; Russell L. Guiss, M D.. Detention. 2i)00; Don Harger. Clothing St Sups.. 6 30; The Ink Spot, Juv O S.. 11.50; Mrs. Wm. J. Marsh. Detention, 2:i0. 01: National Probation & Parole Assn. Otf Sups St Exp.. 11.52; Round Table Press. Inc.. Off Sups & Exp. 5 00; Science Research Assn.. Sups St Exp . 9 43; K. Ann White. Trans.. 18 00 Woodrv Furniture. Off Equip., 9.!tj; Mrs. Chas. Wvant, Detention. 1R4 50; j Uniform Bldg Code Assn., Suns & ! Exp.. 24 80: Children's Farm Home. Ct. Committed Children. 20 00; Dun- ham Printing Co., Sups it Exn.. 19 80: Herman Wni. Lenke. T E.. 2:t 50; Abrams. Skinner St Co. Bond. 15 00; C. J. Hansen Co . O E . 5 00; Tab Products Co.. Equip., 54.75: Agnes C. Booth. TE. 19.11; California Test Bureau. Testing. 51.99; George A. Gil hs. T.E . 12.25; Grace Lemm. T E. 14 35: Bettv J. Parrett. T.E. 12 0-1; Waldroop. T.E, 10 12: Ball ! Brothers. Trans., 1 00; Ernest E. l Clark. Jr., Trans.. 3 00; Cecil Fames Co.. Sups. 420. J. H. Grav & Son, Sups.. 9 27; Mr E wan Photo Shop. Sups. 14 51: Nudetman Brothers. Shertff 30 14: The Pacific Tele, A Tele Co.. Kadm . .sheriff. 13.75: State of Oregon, Teletvpc. 62 00: Sun-1 j p District "Dec 21 Order an d:n Tailors. I mformS-Sheriff. 45 00; ' noirflin Ceo ArmOrnn.x rftnt.hl w estern l nion, i e:e., 1 1 45; .el Ier i j bach Paper to., o . 4.5o; The Na- j , inmai k..i'n nfiu-.rr lo., Aiarn .iiaini. ! 106.40: Public Emploves Retirement j Sups St Ep.. 1 59; Salem Printing At : Blue Printing. O S.. 3 00; S. J. Butler, ( i.f.. .'.-; a. k.. i.ragg. postmaster, ; Postage. 50 00; Ridglev C. Miller, Vets Olf . 41 16. J. K. Neufeldt. T E. ; 59 50: The Hnloid Co. Sups. 820 80; , Western Aenai Contractors. Ine , Sups.. 89 05; C.ath Bro , 6 Es, 90 00; , Ken Graber Sporting Goods. Sups Ward. TE. 50 Ai Audit, I 125 0(i; Philip R Peiersi State Fair '- hi' m - f i in,, tt'k.i.. r r Siani- tk. Ci 1 Co Fur. m RSBak.r-' La tL' '." - Bancr.-it nitney r ' li .- V hr' Ww. n Se'ie ih t'hr inn rf.-'mn. i Bu- h" - u-P"' Whme ro i ,t i h ??:?!.fub" v,r,ni r 15 W" Addres- his 1 5 E Corp' Sup-MuIU- 5 4 5 47 John A. Anderson. TE." fr ' A P Co. GM. 297 2"6 "1 l.en A Andrea Trans 25 W : Ar--ri Dram.we A Metal Cont 1 I 5165 50; American Asphalt Pavirg Co , .mix. il ,.t tfi'lou ft W r r-t. Or:' .173 75e Fei-M:. 7',: ?. V',T ,- Tank W.-tto(Corp. Shop &Tt, so ;; ea-ir;g Specialty Co.. Reps., 16.R0; E. H, Burrell. Reps., 4W.90; George r. Cake Co.. Sups., 57.39; Albert U Canov, Trans.. 19.50; Capital Auto Parts, Reps., 131.23; Capitol Chcvro. lot Cadillac Inc., Trans-Heps,, 83.59; Capital Drug Store. Med Sup., 234.55; Capitol Lumber Co.. Misc.. 630.62; Capitol Tractor it Equipment Co., Heps., 164 26; Central Paving Co., Mi.c, 204.60; City Water Dept., Water, 13.52; Clarkson Union Oil Ma lion. Gas, 220.03; Columbia Equip, rr.ent Co., Equip., 279.87: Colyear M,.t,,r Sales Co.. Hens.. 197.95: Con,. mercial Book Store, Misc., 347.43; ! Commercial Sand & Gravel Co.. Misc. j 272.25; Commercial fasat Cover Co., Reps., 39 50; Cooke hlatlnnery Co., Mifc, 122 35; Cox it tiryant. Rent, 2.1. IK); trai.f niflii rivs, i5U)S., (; G. A. Downs Glass Snop, Rep., 4t.4B; Electric Motor Service Co.. Reps., 94.70; Engine :ring News-Record. O.S., 12 00; Fanners Union Co-op., Mine., 7.!W; FeiMiaughly Machinery, Equip., 1001.60: Feinng General Tire Servut Inc.. Tires, 411-16; Halton Tractor Co., Shup Stores. ISUbiU; Hank's Parking Lot. Parking-trans., 9R 50; Harold Snell Service, Reps., 3.72; J. E. HascU tine St Co., Signs. 362.33: Hnu ard Cooper. Reps.. 17u 45: r. G. Hubert, Gen., 10.00; International Business Machines Corp.. Exp.. 3553.3 : John son St Sicwcrl. O.K . 54.76: Ira Jor gensen Co., Shop Stores, 34. !K; Jud ton's,, 5 Mb: Kay Typewnicr Co., Misc., 10B.30: Kci?.er Sand St Gravel Co , G.M.. 2.16 25: The KLASIC Photo Shop, O.E., 3.35: Loggers St Contractors Mach. Co., Reps., 1 P . 0.1 Virgil Long. Trans.. 21 00; Lvtle'i Tire Mart. Tires. 181.36; Master Serv ice Stations. Tires, 331.96: H. C. Mattson Petty Cash. Pettv Cash. 22.. 67; Meier it Frank Co., ftiisc, 135.51; Dick Mever Lumber Co., Misc., 42.80: Mill Sunnlv Corn.. Misc.. 6a. 62: Mm. nesota Alining & Mfg., Signs, 575.90; Needham's Book Store. Mir.c. 173 67; Norris-Walker Paint Mfg. Co., Sups., 241.72; Oregon Grnvel Co., Misc., 2621.04; Oregon Phvsiclans Service. O.P.S.. 1203.66; Pacific Auto Supply! Jtep., 2.06; Pacific Power & Ltghi Co . L it P, 1.00; Pacific Power St Light Co., L 4 P. 2.94; Pacific Tele St Tele. Co.. Tele.. 1415.64: Peck Broiler.. Tires, 33.80: Philippi Motor Co., Repi. oc fugiis, i-tipv oc i aiuoi inc.. Const 1, 4717.63; Portland Gas St Coke Co., Fuel. 93.12: Portland General Electric, LAP, 7!)5.9fS; Pumihte Block it Supply, Sups & Exp., 569.08; nviiiiiiKiun Jiana inc., i-xp,, y.r 27! Hoy J. Rice. Secretary. OCA Land. 381.84; J. H. Rigdon. Cr. rock. 372R.. Rohertson St Kurtz. G.M.. l.i nn- Roen Tvocwriter EYrhanB. n r 45.90; Saffron Supply Co.. Exp St Reps., 9.55; Salem Auto Parts. Repg & Trans.. 37.43; Salem Block Ton Paving. G.M.. 10.34; Salem Brake Ot Wheel Aligning Serv.. Reps., 28.95; Salem Concrete Pipe St Products Co., Misc., 835.44: Salem Insurance Agcnti Asso.. Ins.. 77.57: Salem Laundrv r O.S., 19.93: Salem Steel & Supply Cn. Exp., 553.74; Salem Tent It Awning, Gen., 2.50; Salem Welding Supplv, Sups., 25.40; Santiam Hock Products, Inc., Misc.. 94.70: Schetkv Equipment Corp., Reps.. 222.86; Shell Oil Co.. Gas-Trans..; Snap-on Tools Corp.. Misc.. 16.24; Southern Pacific Co.. Frt.. 16.44: Standard Oil Co. misc.. 92 23: State Public - Welfare Comm.. Old Aire A;si AO fioo -.k Statesman-Journal Newspaper." Ad t ' 454.72; Stevens Equipment Co.. Shoo stores. 188. .6: Stevenson Rock Pro ducts Co. Mir iRifiJi- iimri c Taylor. Misc., 24.00; Transport Clear nigs. Equip.. 38 19; Truck Sales & Service. Shoo Stores. 1 nil- limm n.t Co. of Calif.. Trans., 466.04; Unruh KnacD Printing. Suns.. 5 fit tn Vaiim Concrete Co.. Misc.. 187 00; Valletf Motor Co.. Rens.. 341.93: Vallev WIH. ing Supply. Oxygen St Suds., 17.90; Viesko Sand & Gravel, Misc., 18 00; Walling Sand it Gravel Co., Misc., 390.60; Warren Northwest Inc., Misc., 290.94; Western Equipment Co., Reps., 16.42: D. A. White Si Son r.fn . 3.50; Willamette Valley Transfer Co., uen.. uu; jue wm. Trans., 22.50; Woodbury te Co., Gen., 90 91; Denver Young, Postage-Sups., 52. 4R; Walter H. Zosel Co Trnn nrt? io- vrnnu E. Hubhs, R-W Ins.. 43.22; Mauric H. it Mary A. Merten, R-W Option, 5.00; J. R. it Evellen Kueline, R-W uihiuii, aim; num. v. ixeison, n-vt Appr., 75.00; Ben & Elma M. Kauf man. R-W Option. 5.00; Benjamin A Elma M. Kaufman, do, 3.00; William C & Juliana Bankston, etal, do. 3.00; George it Ida Benson, do, 5.00; Ed- wiiiu et r-ona rv.enagv. et at, tin, a. no; Anna H. Tasto. et al. do, 5 00; Ma tllda B. Aim. Mnrln 911 nil A C. Gragg. Postmaster. Fed StamDS, iu..-n, m. wm. L,anKe, Hecorder. Re cording Fee. 1.50; August Otjen. Bal on option. 127.20; Edla M. Francis. Tax refund. 115.66; Thorn ai W. Han sen, T.E., 2.10. PROCEEDINGS December 3. 1956 Copv of Speed Limit Resol. No. 233 by State Hwy. Comm ; Pole line permit, Salem Elec trie; Order annexing area to Salem Heights Water Dist. subject to favor able vote by District: Bids on Loader. Tractor Backhoe. Dec. 4, Beer li cense. Rohert C. Engie. Floyd it Beth Mulkey, Clarence O. Jnnes; Order to reimburse Co. Clerk for expenses paid in forming Lake Labish Water Dist.; Order to reimburse Co. Clerk for ex penses paid in forming Suburban East Salem Water Dist.; Permit to haul logs. S. P. Matheny: Dispensers li cense. Jos. and Eleanor Hopfer. Dec. 5. Beer license. Tonv Koch et al, Ernest and Marion Fernau; Call for bids on 2 cars for Health Dept.; BBnn for issuance of duplicate warrant to Marjorv A. Anderson. Dec. 6. Pol line permit. Portland Grn. Elec. Co.; Beer license. Richard Kicfer: Recom rr.enriatmn to PUC regarding Ore. Elec. Ry. authority to alter grarii separation on Co. Rd. 906. Dec. 7, Copy nf Reg. 22 bv Ore. Lquor Con trol Comm.; Aff. nf Pub. of Ca'l for bids on Loader-tractor backhoe: Order Accepting Heather Lane as part o( County road system. Dec. 10, Beer license. Cart and Dorolhv Cummings, James & Alice Tavlor. Caroline Mil ler and Ruth Hodges; Bond as County Clerk, Henry C. Mattson. Dec. 11, Beer license. Henry and Carlotta Lurht, Alphonse and Gladvs Schuetz, Dorothy M. Leach. Thomas and Inita Maguire: Certificate appointing Sid ney Schtesinger as State Senator to fill vacancy. Dee. 12, Beer license, Berg's Inc. Elmo W. AND Elamt Frey, Jacob S. St Jnhn W. Kaufman, Thos. J. Sett lem ier: Agreement be tucrn Marion Co. Civil Defense and Wnodburn School Dist. 103C in re: purchase of equipment, same for Cas cade I'nion High SchonlNo.5;Bond as Constahle lor Marlon County, Earl Adams. Dec. 13. Beer license. Roy and Millie Smith; Junk dealers li cense. Charboneau Bros ; Dispenser luense. Don and Lorraine Marshall. Dec. 14, Indemnity claims. Torn. Webb, Lawrence S. Vandecoevering, final hearings 12-31-56; Beer licence, E. W. Kay and Jnhn B. Varlev, Neate and Marv Chanev; Warrant Deed from August Otjen to Marion County; Minutes of Board of Equali zation meeting. Dec. 17. Beer license, Anna C. Rombach: Permit to haul logs. Geo. Brumann. St. Clair Bros. Dec. 18. Beer license. Gilbert and Maxine Roles: Permit to move Dunn ing. Arthur Berg; Permit to logs. Joe W. Frv; Q. C. Deeds to Geo. P. and Mary L. Fischer, Glen L. and Theodora Humiston, Harold St Irene Woolsev. L. Harvey and Alica R. Vence; Order certifying amount of assessments on Heather Lane to County Assessor. Dec. 19. Order deny, ing ptition for vacation of portion of Belle Vista Court; Dispensers li cense. Joseph H. Randall; Beer li cense, t rar-K Coates. 5. B. White; , R,nd Countv CorrineV inn W. ! H " , nc on R-,P i,A; iThel u- Had!Jr, . p-VmVt in hfoi t r.en jw" B-rcheil- Order apiwintine ' Cerii n,,n nnc,,hu u'"jh for Jefferson J. P. Dit.; Order ap pointing Harley DePeel as Constable lor Silverton J. p. Dist.; Order ap pointing Joseph L. Faulhaher as Con stable for Mt. Angel J. P. District; Permit to haul logs, Ed. Gisler: Order annexing area to Salem Heights Water District; Bond as County Surveyor. A. D. Graham; Certificate of Insurance renewal ap proved in re: Contract with Para mount Pest Control Service: Contract l- , . " U. " Aston antt Porter Sand a n j Plat of Helton Trlrts- Permit to haul fo Jns. - : u-,,.. w r," t.. r.rtn,i b-,rv n, nrt-e' i d-,... . i , -r-.- ran-ie ie:e Tele Co. Dec . Order to strike recording of Plat of 1',kMld Add to Salem rescinded: Warranty Deed from 7-eida Van n ke 10 ManoR Countv. Dec. 28. Bid r-v Capitol Chev Cadillac Inc. on can ,or Hea,1h DeP' ; Permit to haul loc Kellh M'i'e--. Eo-.ery R. AND Racnel Learfield. Pole li-e permit. Portlard Gen. Co; Release of Pme Ire 1 TRJ:. "1, SX -',r.f on' IndVmmlv rT..mi" T WePb. 1 1 c v. -V-. o.m!t haul loes Jrhn J Ni-hmiu C.a:r Br" . Bieienoerg Broa., J H-Biele-iberg. Ceroid Wethere!! Enoch m ft F-- A Mrvre: 3 '-:vi. Defense a1 Srhvil Dltnct 1" re m ::pn-e"t purrhaied oO lhart , ba.ii"'- sfer ??d,