Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 21, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 Blizzards Due Across North; East Warmer By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Large helpings o snow and ram Icll over much of the country today with expected blizzard con ditions across the northern and central plains and increased tcm-! peraturcs in the Atlantic Coast' states as features of a generally i unpleasant weather picture. Heavy snows and hazardous! blizzard conditions were in pros-' pect over most of the north and central plains states from a storm i moving eastward out of the rocky mountains. ! The belt of snow extended from the Northwest along the Canadian border to the western Great Lakes. Accumulations of from 1 to 4 inches were common from eastern Washington into the Da kotas. Two deaths have been attributed to the storm. Occasional rain fell over a wide area from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Coast with rain or snow in the works for New Eng land by tonight. The greatest warming took place In Pennsylvania and New York. Albany, N.Y., saw the mer cury climb to 35 as compared iwith 1 below 24 hours previously. MO!TESI CASE Italian Scandal Comes to Trial Jet Tankers Lack Slowed B52s 6 Hours WASHINGTON Ul - If jet tank er planes had been available, three B52 bombers could have clipped about six hours from the time it took them to circle the globe last week. That is the estimate of Lt. Col. James H. Morris of San Anto nio, Tcx who piloted one of the three heavy jet aircraft more than 24.000 miles in 45 hours and 19 minutes. Morris told newsmen the bomb ers could have "kept right on go ing it that had been necessary, He voiced the opinion that the B52's ranee, when refueled flight, is limited only by the phy- steal endurance of the men who fly it. During their round-the-world journey, the B52s were refueled at intervals by KC97 tanker planes which arc driven by conventional non-jet engines. To take on fuel from these tankers, the heavy jets must slow down and drop to 20.000 feet the maximum altitude that can be reached by loaded KC97s The B52s also lose time in climb ing back to their normal cruising level, which on this flight was be tween 35,000 and 50,000 feet. In response to a question, Mor ris said "about six hours" could have been saved if the B52s could have been refueled by the new KC135 jet tankers, now in pro duction. VENICE tfl Italy's biggest poitwar scandal, the explosive Wilma Montesi case, came to trial today in Venice. Startling new disclosures were expected. Chief defendants in the case are Gianpcro Piccioni, 36-year-o 1 d jazz pianist son of former For eign Minister Attilio Piccioni; former Rome Police Chief Sav erio Polito; and Ugo Montagna. prominent Rome man-about-town arid friend of influential Italians. Nine others were accused of giving false testimony during 16 months of preliminary investiga tion which jarred Italian politics and Rome society. The trial was shitted to Venice because feeling was running high in Rome. Some n00 witnesses were called, including high officers of the Carabinieri (national police), three former police chiefs and an Italian movie actress. The court's task was to try to find how the 20-ycar-old Montesi girl died in 1953 and who if any one tried to hide the truth. Wilma's body was found on a black-sand beach near Ostia. the seaside playground near Rome. Police listed her death as an . The youngrr Piccioni is charged I with contributing to the black-! haired party girl's death b y "abandoning her, believing her already dead," at the edge of the sea. His father, now an adviser to Italy's U.N. delegation, re signed as foreign minister to help his son prepare his defense. Montagna and Polito both arc accused of aiding and abetting the crime by trying to help Piccioni escape punishment. WILMA MONTESI accidental drowning. Scandal erupted when a young magazine editor, Silvano Muto, wrote that she had died at a high society dope and sex orgy. Penney's FiIlc Qm,lilv b2fci 'aftBHffiByfffi Rubber Footwear SALEM, OREGON Protect Your Foe I In Thermal Galoshes Keep feel dry and warm with Penney's amazing thermal ga loshes! Cellular sponge-type lin ing insulates them just like your thermos bottle. They're of one-piece vinyl plastic, have loop-button closure. DOWNSTAIRS STORE misses sizes. 13 tn 3 r t : LLli. - - - liild's sizes. S tn 12 298 2 79 f ti ! -j: f I Save! Slip On Kubber Boots . . . 49 3 Sizrs to 12 Sizes 13 to 3 3.98 Sizes 4 to 10 4.19 Penney's loltnn fleece lined rubber waterproof boot. Ad justable strap. POWNSTAIHS STORE Tine Oualitv Dress St vied Rubbers for Men No excuse for wet feet men, when you can get Penney's dress rubbers for so little! Dress styled with fine trim lines. Quality built with easy-on, easy-off net linings. DOWNSTAIRS STORE u I... "" 2 i9 Sizes 6 to 12 AGNES KOENIO ILL SUBLIMITY (Special! Miss Asnes Keenig is convalescing at Santinm Memorl"' Mospital fol lowing major surgery. Father Burns After Saving Wife and Tot DECATUP. 111. I A young father perished yesterday in his blazing ,i?cond-(loor apartment after aiding his wife and infant son to leap safely into (he arms of bystanders. The body of Vernon Leon True. 25, was found in the charred rubble. Firemen asid (he S'JO.IKKI blaze was started by a gas ex plosion in the basement. True's wile Judith, 20. told po lice she was awakened by the blast and roused her husband. Carrying their son Kevin Leon, 6 weeks, they attempted to escape bj the stairs but were driven back by the heat. "My husband cleared glass fragments from the window and I dropped Kevin to some men be- ;low," she related, "lhe men Urged us to jump and said they vould catch Us. But Vernon said I hr was too heavy and would go to I a porch window to get out. I 'jumped and they caught me." S Members of the football team a! nearby Millikin University ! caught Mrs. True and her son Boy Shot in Hand on Bus KLAMATH FALLS Ml - An Ashland High School pupil was shot in the hand Saturday night when a gun was accidentally fired in a school bus. I The shooting occurred as the loaded bus was headed back to I Ashland after a basketball game I at Kli math Union High School. The wounded boy was treated without injury. True apparently was overcome as he attempted to reach another window. at a Klamath Falls hospital and released. The youth who fired the shot was arrested on a charge of firing a gun in the city and later was released by Stanley Jobe, Ashland High School principal. Police did not reveal the names. Australia's annual wool crop amounts to about' 900 million dollars. Hoys Town Elects Porllaiuler Mayor BOYS TOWN. Neb. Ifl - Ronald Ford, of Portland, Ore., is the new mayor of Boys Town, a home for homeless boys. Ford, 18. is a lop alhlelo at the Boys Town High School. FREE NEW NORGE REFRIGERATOR OR RANGE See Our Advertisement on Page 5 Cherry Cily Electric 3040 N. Capitol ! TUESDAY -JANUARY 22 f I FASHION MODELING j& OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR l J jjKj 12:15.1:30 P.M. M on each im urCh oiceforOnl Butter Beans Seaside Brand Cracker Jacks Super Slie Package 4, oo 27155 Mazola Oil AQ' Perfect liquid shortening 01. V M Shortening 3lb 99' Snowdrill . . , quicker, easier blending tin Spray Shortening ,lb, 39' Beit lor anything you bake or try Iln Chop Suey No 3H 31' Chun King, vegetable! tin Tamales . 75' Van tamp Brand Iln " Meat Balls - 40" Dennison'i, with gravy tin Winced Clams 7;. 79' Snow'i lines! quality tin Dressing ,. 59' Duncan Hines Roquefort B II. Karo Syrup w. 7 5 Bed label ' 1 Btl. Cleanser 7 2'" " 37 ijax "Foaming Aclion' Tin tm m Mrs. Wright's Bread Save 2c on each leal ol ' I'W OQ While or Whole Wheal loil ZOC Lucerne 3.8 Milk Richer "Bonus Quality" 01- OO- Regular or Homogenlied Cln. Mmi& Circus Nuts bTolss Coffee Spanish Peanuts Whole Cashews ST 35c ""59c l09 217 Starch Liquid Lux Unit . ' 12 01. Mild on J2-oi. Q Brand pkg. QC Your hands can 07 1 Beets or Carrots Marlon Diced No. 30 Iln 10' Bullerminls Verne" Nestle Morsels tmM Tuna Fish st"r Ki5ti c,"",k Hawaiian Punch 'rui' dr,nk -Steak Sauce sl""ly 0"kl wllh musl,roon" Dill Pickles Columbia' Ko"hcr Soda Crackers Nnc Snowflak,!" Hi Ho Crackers Suns,,inc Br"nd Pineapple ,)"f ,r07fn c,,"nk" Pineapple Juice 1,ole' ,ro,cn Nob Hill Coffee '1.02 Airwav Coffee VI'; 95c 7-oi. pfc. 29c U rn. pkK. H ' No. 'i can 31 C 39c 4(! oi. can 5 Vt oi. can 1 OC 32 oi. jar 39c 29c Mb. pkj. 37c Edwards Coffee Wrisley Soap ,ave5c Mb. can 1.07 Mb. pUK. No. 211 can 29C 17c fi-nit. can 1 1 v 2-lb. bat 1.89 2 ib. 1 13 ran 2.03 Babo Cleanse; 1Qf; Save 3c on each Tin W , Toilet Soap 3 29' Palmollve complexllon soap bars Lux Flakes . 35' Cleans clothes whiter Pkg. m tm Vel Detergent 37 , 73' Save 10c each Pkg. 1 t Fels Noptha SUL Quicker, easier washes pkg. SUrf 50 -or, 7f Save 12c on each glanl pkg. Pkg, Quick Starch k Quick Elastic brand Pkg, 1 w Toilet Tissue 39' Famous MD brand Pkg. t0 M i Paper Napkins 2- 25' MD soil, strong 80 Doa Food $ Red Heart Brand Can 8 rcg. bare 53c Cat Food Kitty Brand IS oi. Can 10' aAPT--wu' i The Finest Selection of FANCY ome Apples Lb. U c J9' 5 1 49' I f kiil!n Aiir Ar CELERY The Finest Tree Ripened Beauties 23-lb. Box 1.98 LETTUCE Tender Leafy Heads rninCCnillT Texas UKAKETKUII Tender Firm Stalks Ib. 19' Red Ruby Cauliflower Firm crisp hrarU Brussel Sprouts Flavorful Parsnips ,h,F,BMl Dales California Trca Ripened 2 lb. I'kg. 49c ,, 19c is .ni. i'k. 29c 2 25c Featured This Week at SAFEWAY SOMERSET-SHORT STICK BOIIOG MA Choose Somerset and you choose the finest. Average weight is 2 pounds each. Ground Beef (.round Frrsh lb. Beef Liver Slirril Brrf Ib. Boiling Beef "Cboiie'TlatcCllt lb. Sliced Bacon Standard I'atk )t. Fish Slicks ( aptain'i Choke ra. ea. 39c 49c 15c 55c 39c SANDWICH SPREAD I9 Somerset Finest ggi Prices in this adverlisement are effective through January 23 for Safeway in Salem. We reserve the right to limit. SAFEWAY'S L-ta- yfmt&ST place to save! " '-i"'.:-" ri--!l-rii,i""'iiinr