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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1957)
! ' V fQ r -i " I 1 HEADS of divisions In the Mothers March met this week to talk over plans. Three of them are pictured above, left to right: Mrs. Walter Hartley, Keizer district; Mrs. Leslie . Davis, South Salem area; Mrs. John H. Kolb, also in South Salem district. A1 N interesting program is planned for Mar- jon-Polk Medical society auxiliary s meet ing Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the Salem YWCA Dr. and .Mrs. Burton A. Myers are to show their third-dimensional pictures they took on their trip to Kurnpe last spring. Hostesses lor the evening are Mrs. Thad More land. Mrs. Philip Porter, Mrs. George R. Hoff man, Mrs. Dm Beardsley, Mrs. Raymond Schnei der, Mrs. John Ross. Mrs. A. A. Schramm is to entertain for Theatre Arts group at luncheon at 1:30 o'clock. Tuesday. Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis is to review "The Chalk Garden" by Enid Bagnold. A moving picture film. "Farewell to Childhood," will be shown at the Y-Teen Mothers club on Thursday. January 24, at its noon-time meeting in the ocial rooms of the YWCA. Members are asked to bring their lunches, with dessert and coffee to be furnished by the club. Mrs. James E. Bunnell and Mrs. Irwin F. Wedel will lead the discussion following the showing of the film. All Y-Teen mothers are welcome to attend. West Salem Lions club auxiliary is to discuss plans for taking over the "march of motherr" in the polio campaign in West Salem at its meeting Monday night The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith, 870 Kingwood. Beta Omicron chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, is meeting on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Obermann. Sigmas will meet with Mrs. Robert Spraeue, 464 Rural avenue, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Richard Burns will be co-hostess for the eve ning. Installation of officers for the new term will provide the program. Salem chapter. No. 162, Order of Eastern Star, meets for a regular session on Saturday evening, January 26, at the Masonic temple. Chadwick assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, meets Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic temple. This will be the last meeting for the present group of officers. A business and social meeting of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters is planned for Wed nesday. January 23. at 8 p.m., at the home of Miss Pearl Bairey, 1440 North Liberty street. The regular meeting of bethel No. 59. Job's Daughters, on Tuesday evening. January 22. will be devoted largely to a practice session. The group will gather at 7:30 o'clock at the Kingwood hall. The educational and social meeting of Cascade chapter. National Secretaries association, for the month of January is set for Tuesday evening. January 22, at the Golden Pheasant. A no-host dinner will be served. "Mission Field U.S.A." will be the theme for the new study course of circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Jason Lee Methodist church at meetings this week. The circles will meet on Wednesday, January 23. at the following places: Clara Swain, at the home of Mrs. Grover Holler, 2375 Myrtle avenue. 1:30 p.m. dessert, with Mrs. Clarence Martin giving the devotions. Anns Lee. at the home of Mrs. Charles Ramsey, 1195'i North 17th street. 1:30 P m. dessert. Thoburn. at the home of Mrs. E J. Williams, 1424 North Winter street, 1:30 p m dessert. Helen Kim. at the home of Mrs. George Ben son, 850 Market street. 1:30 p m. dessert. Laura Austin, in the Fireplace room of the ch .h, 10 a.m., with comforter tieing and a noon lunch, to be brousht by the members. A rummHze sale of the circle is planned at the church on Thursday and Friday. January 24 and 25. for the benefit of the general fund of the society. EjLfcjjfcj&'SMl. Xw: ' - :-- ' ";:: a Additional Sauaty 0 PS 9 . . .Large Group Participates ay 4? THIS TRIO ASSISTING WITH MARCH Jaycee-Ettes Meet Mrs. Elwood Ohcrt, 770 Wild Wind drive, will be hostess for the Monday evening meeting of the Jaycec-Kttes. Co-hostesses will be Mcsdames Robert Cole, William McKlroy and James Lodcr. Plans for the installation or new officers on February 9 will be discussed. Mrs. Dale A. Dorn will be chairman for the program. Emblem ceremony for the initiation of new men bers will feature the meeting of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club Tuesday, January 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Pheasant. The informal service will be conducted by Miss Louise Catuzzo, membership chairman. Miss Constance Weinman, program chairman, has arranged for solos by Mrs. R. C. Rickard, accompanied by Miss Gladys Edgar. Social meeting for the month of Salem Zenith club will be Wednesday evening. January 23. at the home of Mrs. Donald Dougherty. 220 West McGilchrist street. Co-hostess for the affair, which is scheduled for 8 o'clock, will be Mrs. John Gun dcrson. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Richard Jenning and Mrs. Charles Knapp. A benefit for the Haven School. Inc. is planned by Beta Sigma Phi sorority chapters of the city and Oregon Beauticians association on the evening of February 13, at the American Legion club at 7:15 o'clock. A hair style show and preview of some spring hats and accessories will be staged, followed by a card party. Members of the proposed Marion county D no cratic women's organization will vote on by-laws at their next meeting. January 24 at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, 750 North Summer street. Plans for presentation of the by-laws were com pleted by the by-laws committee which met Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Resinald Parker. Be-, sides Mrs. Parker, members of this committee are Mrs. Jasnn Lcc. Mrs. Rohrrt Y. Thornton. Mrs. Charles Ladd, and Mrs. A. W. Lovcik. Social club of Chadwick chapter. Order of ern Star, will meel for a dessert, followed by, a program of entertainment, Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. at the Masonic temple. The committee in charge will include Mrs. W. E. Knower. chairman: Mrs. Ernest W. Peter son, co-chairman, and Mesdames O. E. Palma teer. Eugene F. Crail. Zina Sharpnack. L. M. Case, Guy C. Ncwgcnt, and Margaret Rosecrans. Hostess to her hridce club Thursday for lunch eon and the afternoon will be Mrs. Robert F Wulf. MISS INEZ JEAN JUSTICE AXNOIATED recently a the engagement of Inex Jran Justice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. .Mrlnloh of Portland, to Stephen Taft Mer ehant, mb of Mr. and Mn, Ivan Merchant of . (Jestn-MUer ftudio picture) P1NSTERS club is meeting on Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Robert Morrison, 3' 375 Oak street. At that time plans will be outlined for a special charity project for the coming year. Miss Adele Egan. president, will announce committees for the forthcoming charity benefit, "Fashions Americana," a style show to be pre sented at Meier & Frank's-Salem on February 23. Proceeds will go to the club's spring philanthropic pr jeet. Co-hostcsses for the Monday meeting are Mrs. Gerald Kelly and Miss Beverly Carlson. St. Elizabeth's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church meets for a business session Tuesday, January 22, at 2 p.m. in the Fireplace room at the church. For the tea following the business meeting, hostesses will be Mrs. Allan G. Carson, Mrs. Earl T. Ncwbry and Mrs. H. A. McCoy. Initiation ceremonies will be conducted by Cherry assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the first meeting of the term on Thursday eve ning, January 24. Miss Cleta Mae McMorris will preside at the session which opens at 7:30 o'clock at the Scottish Rite temple. Honored queen of bethel 43, Job's Daughters, to he installed at ceremonies Saturday evening, January 26, will be Miss Mary Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Clark. The rites, at 7:30 o'clock at the Scottish Rile temple, will have as participants in the book of gold ceremony. Miss Karen Clerk as the girl and Miss Edith Brown as reader. Miss Suzanna Davis will sing, accompanied by Miss Barbara Keudell, and Miss Belli Dyke will give a reading. Miss Betty Self will provide a violin solo with Mrs. George Self as her accom panist. Candlelighters will be Misses Theresa Blum and Karen Linn, Installing officers will be Miss Patti Claggett, honored queen; Miss Pat Whelan. guide: Miss Karen Thomas, marshal: Miss Ann Vanderhoff of Independence, music'an: Miss Shirley Beutlcr, re corder; Miss Jody Boyor. senior custodian; Miss Nancy Owens, junior custodian: and Miss Nancy Snider, chaplain. Willamette chapter. Order of DeMolay, will per form the crowning ceremony. Master councilor is Roscr Stewart. Mrs. Harvey Gibbens will play piano selections before the ceremony. Officers to be installed with Miss Clark are: Misr Imogcne Thomas, senior princess; Miss Ko lettc Thomas, junior princess; Miss Jani Baker, guide; Miss Dori Slringham. marshal: Miss Mary Ann Cave, chaplain; Miss Diane Hensey, treasurer: M-ss Joan Huencke. recorder: Miss Marilyn C'arr. musician; Miss Pat Stivers, librar ian: Miss Judy Jacobsen. first messenger; Miss Kathy Miller, second mes-cnger: Miss Gloria Wood, third messenger; Miss Dfloria Shnver, fourth messenger: Miss Linda Hammond, lifth messenger: Miss Gretrhen Fenimore. senior cus todian: Miss Linda Bacheller. junior custodian; Miss Karen Gresham, inner guard; Miss Patty Worral. outer guard; Miss Pat Johnson, lady of lieht.;-, Misses Betty Self and Pat Karnes, histor ians M:ss Terri Gustafson. merit keeper: Misses Nancy Van Houten. Susan Armstrong and Shirley Thede. pases: Miss Linda Dodge, ehorr director. Committee chairmen include: Miss Judy Gram, sunshine: Miss Karen Van Keulen. telephone; Miss Pat Barrick. hospitality: Miss Linda Berry, de gree: Miss Laura Jean Dilley, prompter; Miss Sue Sickler. sociability; Miss Marion Isaac, cleanup; Miss Juhanne Melzer, invest igation: Miss Judy Fortmiller, activities: Miss Joy Pederson. para phernalia: Miss Joan Gilbert-son, obligation; and Miss Judy Mopster. birthday. Alternate bethel officer are: Miss Carol Itnbb. chaplain: Mi-s Linda Schwa rz. treasurer: M:ss MariTvn Co'gan. recorder: Miss Rebecca Sinzer, musician: M'ss Sandra Wiscarson. librarian: Miss Pat Laws, first messenger: Miss Rosalie Collins, second messenger: Miss Sharon Golden, third messenger: Miss Annette Lionberger, fourth mes senger; Miss Carol Ramsden. fifth messenger: Miss Joan Griffith, senior custodian: Miss Jean Bartlemay. junior custodian: Miss Vicke Fronk, inner guard; Miss Laura Kendrick. outer guard; and Mi Dianna Judson. lady of lights. Misses Cathy Cannon and Jacqueline Gorman are ushers for the evening and Steven and Jerry Groff will handle programs. Invited tn pour at the reception following the ceremony are the Misses Beverlee Fulton. Marlis DeGroole and Gm McAllister. Assisting will be Mrs. Benjamin Cave. Mrs. F P. Colgan and Mr. Samuel W. Robh Miss Mary Streed Clark will pass the guest book. First Concert of Junior Symphony On Wednesday Rodney Schmidt, talented young violinist, will be the soloist with the Salem Junior Symphony orchestra Wednesday night, January 23, when the organization presents its first concert ot the season. Rodney is concertmaster of the Junior Sym phony. As soloist, he will perform the Beethoven "Violin Concerto," a demanding work calling for the talent and technique that have won this gifted young man a series of "firsts' from the time he was in third grade at Richmond school. Now a senior at South Salem High school, Rod ney has been first chair violinist in public school orchestras from third grade to the present. Some of his musical honors include: a I rating (the highest) for two successive years in solo and en semble contests sponsored by the Northwest Divi sion of the Music Educators conference: a super ior rating for solo performance at the 1956 contest of the Federated Music clubs and Salem Music Teachers association. In 1956 young Schmidt was concertmaster of the summer music camp orchestra at the Univer sity of Oregon. He has played in the All-State or chestra of the Oregon Music Educators conference and the All-Northwest orchestra of the Northwest Division of the conference. For the past two years he has performed in the orchestra of the Music-in-May festival at Forest Grove. He is also a member of the Portland Junior Symphony. Under the direction of Dr. William Swettman, the Salem Junior Symphony orchestra concert will begin at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Leslie Junior High school auditorium. Tickets will be available at the door. The Wednesday program culminates many weeks of -work and practice on the part of the young musicians. Program for the concert Is as follows: The Bronze Horse Overture Auber Sonata in F Major Handel-Perry Adagio Allegro Concerto in D Major for Violin . Beethoven Intermission Symphonic Miniature McKay I. March to Tomorrow II. A Prairie Poem III. Rondino on a Jovial Theme To the Moon McDowell-Swettman Blanik March Smetana Mulacek From the Symphonic Poem "Blanik" The song recital to be given by Misses Patricia Perrin and Helen Harrison, will be Sunday, Jan uary 27, instead of this coming Sunday as an nounced previously in the Capital Journal. The recital will be at 3 o'clock on January 27 in Roberts studio. Assisting on the program will be Irene Byers, pianist, and Mary Linda Doerfler. pianist. The interested public is invited. Both young soloists are seniors at North Salem High school. Installation of officers and members of the Willamette Area council of Camp Fire Girls. Inc., is to take place on Monday night, January 21, at Randall's Chuck Wagon. Girls who have earned two craftsmen in Torch Bearer ranks will assist with the installations. The girls who will participate are Connie Barber, Kathy Donor, Ann Howarth, Jean Howarth, Jay Ann Har vey. Jane Roberts and Bonnie Jean Kurlh. Secretary of State Mark O. Hatfield is to speak on the theme, "Together We Make Tomorrow" which is the Camp Fire Girls birthday theme for 1957. Table decorations will also match the birth day theme. Welcoming members and guests from the four counties included in the council will be Mayor Robert White of Salem. A surprise feature of (he evening will be the presentation of national Gulick awards by James Lundy. Robert Carpenter will play the organ. A no-host dinner will be given by Cherry court, Order of Amaranth, Wednesday evening at the Scottish Rite temple at 6:30 o'clock. A program will follow. The host committee will he Dr. and Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dyer, Mrs. Archie Brewster and Mrs. Paul Gricbenow. Royal Neighbors of America Sewing club meets Wednesday, January 23, for a salad luncheon at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Jcfferies. 2rW) Norlhgate, at 12:30 p.m. Election of officers will follow. 1 CudHjMtJ ( I fri' nT?2SI if mi ii ii nri i V'ffi51 J lit? m Z12 "rWf tfr"p.'.y AMON'i orkine on plan for (hf brnrfit hritU r parl of Salrm Woman', rluh arf thf Ihrpp aboif, left Ui rijhl: Mr,. A. K. Lllman, Mr. Roy E. timith an d .Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker, general chairmin. The parly U neit f riday afternoon at the club house. - ; . N . r ' ' iv- : d :' ' ...'v. ...""" MISS BARBARA HENKEN NEW WORTHY adviser for Chadwick Miss Barbara Henken, above, installation NNUAL founders banquet for nil local chapters ot P.K.O. bislcrhood will be next Wednesday night at 6:30 o'clock at the First Christian church. Mrs. Robert Dow, president of the cily P.K.O. council, is chairman of arrangements and will preside at the meeting. Guest speaker is to be Mrs. Joseph R. McCready of Forest Grove, a past state president. Invitation is extended to members of all chap ters in the city and to all unaffiliated P.E.O. members to attend. Reservations are to be made by January 20 with Mrs. Wayne Gordon. A discussion of the "Guild and What It Means' will be the theme for the program of Vivian Pom eroy guild of the First Methodist church at its Monday evening meeting. Miss Phcbe MeAdams, Salem district secretary, will speak on the topic. Members of Morningside Methodist guild will be special guests. The meeting starts at 7:30 o'clock in the Fel lowship room of the church. Past Oracles club of Oregon Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, meets Tuesday evening, January 22. with Mrs. Gladys M. Applcgate, 1H35 Oxford street. Grant School Mothers and Dads club will meet at the school Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Following a husiness session, 411 awards will be presented by Mrs. Wyne Stevenson. Barbershop close harmony will he offered by the Salem Scnate-aires, preceding the social hour. ftlkMfcsii ii.4dI.MO j ,4 I) PLAN WOMAN'S CLUB BENEFIT i i i. m .-i....i.i.. r w I 1 -m (Jesten-MUler itudio plcturt) . assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, is taking place this month. Benefit Party Committees have been announced for the bene fit card party of the Salem Woman's club which will take the place of the regular meeting on Fri- day, January 25. at the club house. A dessert will" be served at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker is general chairman and her committees ore: Reservations, Mesdames John S. Tyler, Jr., Harry Sappenfield, and Nettie M. Smith; prizes, Mesdames A. E. Ullman, Kerby E. Johnson and Walter Osborne; refreshments, Mesdames Frank P. Marshall. Charles LcRoy Mink, Frances Speerstra, and Miss Dorothy Fred- ucii; ut-'turai lima, musuauics iwy aim in, u&uar i, Paulson and II. D. Lytle. Among those reserving tables at this time are Mesdames Frank G. Myers, Jack Hcnningscn, Clifford Tavlor, David H. Cameron, Fred Keeler, James If. Allenby, Clark C. McCall, Ralph A. Da Metz, Howard Price and Jack Tilton. ; A feature of the afternoon will be the program' demonstration of an electronic oven with cupcakes baked for the guests by a factory representative through the courtesy of Phillips Appliance com pany. The public has been Invited to the party. Capital Post 9, American Legion auxiliary, will conduct initiation of new members at its meeting Monday, January 21, at American Legion hall. The Cherry City chapter of Sweet Adelines, Inc. will enleriain the group with barbershop style harmony, singing quartet and chorus numbers. Mrs. Neil Witting is in charge of refreshment! and Mrs. George Dow of entertainment. r--:.f tWi J n ...! ' (Jrstrn-MHItr iludin plcturt)