wmmmsmmmmmaekm MotKers MarcE in Polio Drive To Be January 31 9 Coffee Parties v Informality marks entertaining for mid-January, the coffee party still the favorite. At Reeher Home One of the larger coffee gatherings will be the one for which Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher is to enter tain on Saturday next at her home, her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Franko assisting. Guests are invited to call between If) a.m. and 2 p.m. At the door will be Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs, I M. Doughton, Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. E. G. Rickctts. Pouring will be Mrs. Fred B. Kceler, Mrs. John H. Hann. Mrs Leon E. Barrick, Mrs. R. T. Boals, Assisting about Hip rooms will be Mrs. Jack Pedersen, Mrs. J. Kdgar Rcay, Mrs. Kreta Dahl, and assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. Rob ert Y. Thornton, Mrs. Francis W. Smith, Mrs. Ted Morrison, Mrs. Allan T. Johnson, Mrs. Donald Barrick, Mrs. Frank W. Washburn, Misses Martha and Jean Minto and Candy Painter. For Mm. Grpgor Honoring Mrs. George Gregor, who is moving to Tigard to make her home, an informal coffee is planned at the YWCA social room next Tuesday morning, January 22. The affair is arranged or 10 o'clock. Members of the YW board and volunteers in the YW budget shop are to attend. Mrs. Gregor has served on the YW board and for the past year and a half has been m charge of the budget shop. Receiving with Mrs. Gregor will be Mrs. Don ald L. Rasmussen, board president, and Miss Ger trude Acheson, executive secretary. Mrs. Chester Loe is to pour. Neighborhood Event Mrs. Warne Nunn, Mrs. Sidney Schlesinger and Mrs. H. R. R. Hutchinson are to entertain at a neighborhood coffee next morning at the Nunn home on Leslie street. Friends in the neighborhood are invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER (Capital Journal Sorlrty Editor) MONO affairs being given to honor Miss Vivienne (Plum) Brown preceding her marriage next Saturday to Spencer M. Snow of Portland will be the informal tea for which .Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs. Ralph E. Pur vine and Mrs. Stewart Johnson are to entertain at the McCargar home, Tuesday afternoon. Friends of the bride-elect in the Fairmount Hill neighborhood have been bidden to call between 3 and 5 o'clock, each to take a recipe or two for the honoree. Mrs. Keith Powell, grandmother of Miss Brown, and Mrs. Chester M. Cox are to pour. Miss Mabel P. Robcrslon is to take charge of the recipes. At the door will be Mrs. Werner Brown. On Friday evening, Miss Brown and Mr. Snow will be complimented at a dinner at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown, the event to follow the wedding rehearsal. Miss Brown and Mr, Snow will be married next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck officiating. The reception following will be nt the Fairmount Hill home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown. Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Frea McClaughry of the engagement of their daughter, Miss DeAnn McClaughry, to Walter D. Jaspers, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jaspers of Portland. An early summer wedding is planned. Both young people are attending Portland State college. The bride-elect is a sophomore and Mr. Jaspers is a senior. Miss McClaughry was grad uated from North Salem High school and Mr. Jaspers attended Portlnnd schools. Alpha Delia Pi alumnao are meeting for lunch eon next Saturday. January 2fi, in the Coral room of the Marion hotel. Mothers of pledges and ac tive members in the chapters at University of Oregon and Oregon State college arc to be hon ored especially. Mr. Richard Bollam, director of the Oregoninn Hostess house, Portland, will be the speaker for the luncheon. While in Salem, Mrs. Bollam will be l guest of her niece, Mrs. Howard Gilliam. In charge of the luneheon are Miss Beverly Carlson, Mrs. Alfred L. Pfeifer, and Mrs, Edwnrd Quinn. Mrs. Lewis D. Clark is president of the alumnae. Luncheon meet ing for Salem club of Zoi.ta International will he next Thursday noon at the Golden Pheasant. A film, "The Littlest Giant," will be shown from the Lenders exchange. Miss Bvtty Simmons is program chairman. Delia Gamma alumnae are meeting on Monday night al the hnme of Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, 210 Candalaha boulevard. Assisting the hostess will be (Miss l.orena Jack and Miss KUie Maxwell. There will be a report ol the nominating commit tee for new nfliecrs, also oflicers will he nominated from the floor. Mrs. A, ('. Grrlinger is to entertain for her bridge club at luncheon and afternoon on Thursday. The First Christum chmvh was the scene for the Friday night wedding of Miss Mnrgaret L. Rcid. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs John Heid and Ronald H Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Bates, The Rev. Wayne Greene officiated at the 7 o'clock rite.s The couple rxi hnngcri their ows before an al tar decorated with baskets of pink and white chrys anthemums and snapdragons. Mrs. Joseph Cra crofl was organist. Yvonne Tool the soloist Given m marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of white Chantilly lace over satin. It was fashioned with a scoop neckline decorated with seed pearls and iridescent sequins, a fitted bodice and long sleeves pointed over the wrists. The hnutfant skirt of nylon tulle over satin ended in a chapel train nnd featured two wide lace panels in front and back. The bride's only jewelry was a pair of earrings. The fingertip illusion veil was caught to a crown of iridescent sequins. The bride carried a white imported lace fan on which was centered a pink throated white orchid with stephanotis. Miss Janice Roseler was maid of honor, Mi.ss Marva Jean Ray of Modesto, Calif., cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. The two attendants wore identical dresses of pink brocaded satin, ballerina length, and fashioned in princess style with v necklines and cap sleeves. Both carried unite lace, fani with pink Frenched carnations nnd stepha notis on them. LaMoyne Mapes was best man and ushering were Don Jones and Jim Kellogg. The bride's mother wore a beige brocaded satin dress with brown accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. The bridegroom s mother wore a prelude blue dress with matching accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. The reception was in the fireplace room of tht Church. The bride's table was decorated with maidrn hair fern, stophanotis and carnations. Cut ting the bride's cake were Mrs. Elmer Hamilton, Mrs Hollis Hamilton and Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Serving the punch was Mrs. Karl Condit and presiding at the coffee urn was Mrs. A. D. Hicks. Mrs. Gayle Merwin was in charge of the guest book, and Mrs. Don Jones of the gifts. Assisting were Mrs. Byron Ray and Mrs. Dean Ray In charge of the rice bags was Mrs. Robert Lyon. For going away the bride wore a pink velveteei luit with black accessories and orchid corsage. The couple will take a trip to Idaho md will ttaki their homt at 2201 West Ktfc BJi. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) CHAIRMEN FOR MARCH WORK ON CAMPAIGN SUPPLIES (Jesten-Miller studio picture) IIFADING up the annual Mothers March for the polio campaign on January 31 are Mrs. James Armpriest, general chairman, left above, and Mrs. William R. Shinn, co-chairman. A large group is assisting them. THREE of those assisting Mrs. Armpriest and Mrs. Shinn in the Mothers March are pictured above, left to right: Mrs. Ken Muller, women's activities chairman; Mrs. Francis Leffler, Four Corners; Mrs. John H. Johnson, restaurants. Town and Gown Legislative Tea Set One of the first big teas for the legislative group comes next Thursday afternoon, January 24, when Town and Gown gives its traditional party. The tea will be 'at Lausanne hall between S and S o'clock. Invited are wives of all legislators and wives of stnt officials. In the receiving line will be Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, president of the club; the wife of the senato president (not yet named); and Mrs. Pat Dooley, wife of the speaker of the house. Mrs, Robert White is to introduce to the line. Pouring will be Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor; Mrs. 'G. Herbert Smith, wife of the university president; Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Estill L. Rrunk. Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. Howard Run kel, Mrs. Frcnk H. Spears, Mrs. Klmer Wooton, Mrs. Thomas Watson. Mrs. Klmer 0. Berg, Mrs. F. C. Wiessenbach, Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs. Wallace Carson. Mrs. Lawrence A. Ballmer, Mrs. Ralph II. Cooley, Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks, Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Rob ert L. Elfstrom. Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. Karl Stciwer, Mrs. Russell B. La Fontaine. Serving will be Mrs. Richard Yocom, Mrs. Howard Madcr, Mrs. Jerry Whipple, Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, Mrs Clarence Craft, Mrs. Gerald Long. Mrs. Charles S. McBlhinny and Mrs. E. M. Page are co-chairmen for this year's affair. The tea is given only during legislative years. Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood Is meeting next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dewey Rand with Mrs. Harry W. Scott as co-hostcss. Linda Crom observed her 14th birthday today. A group of school friends was invited to a theater party and later for refreshments at the home of Linda's parents, the Earl Croms. -:"; . N "-"SV " I ) . -I N I f i f f Cf - V l -if -9 f: MISS PATRICIA R. ULLMAN UK KNGAtJFMFN'T of Miss Patricia R. Vllman. above, daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. K. I'llman, to X I t Bruce Itvi. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis of Fairmont, W Vtrgoiia, ai announced recently. An early sprint weddinx Is planned. ONE of the social gatherings on next week's calendar to honor the legislators will be the dinner party given by Oregon Farm Bureau. The event will be Wednesday night in Izaak Walton league club house starling at 6:45 o'clock. An ail Oregon products dinner will be served, fea turing charcoal broiled chicken. Mrs. Rollie Robin son of Corvallis is in charge of the food and mem bers of the bureau in Yamhill and Benton coun ties are taking over arrangements for the party. In the receiving line will be executive officers of Oregon Farm Bureau. Following the dinner will be some entertainment. All legislators and their wives, state officials and their wives and the legislative press are being invited. Meeting Monday afternoon will be St. Anne's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, at the home of Mrs. Maylon E. Scott, dessert to be at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. F. W. Poorman is hostess chairman and on her committee are Mrs. Robert Brennan, Mrs. Donald A. Young, Mrs. Logan C. Berry. January program meeting for Salem alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi, women's national journalism honorary, will be Monday night at the home of Mrs. Jack Steward. Gene Huntley of the state highway department staff is to be guest speaker to discuss the highway department's new public relations program. Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodry leave Sunday morn ing hy car on a trip south. They will go to Reno and Palm Springs, then on to Ensenada. Mexico. They will return to the Slates to Los Angeles for the furniture market, and north to San Francisco for the furniture market there. They will be gone three weeks. Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae are meeting next Monday nie.ht at the home of Mrs. Donald L. Rasmussen. at 8 o'clock. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mrs. Wil liam Kgan. Mrs. Gayle Finley. Mrs. Lauren Gale is to present a skit for the program. Wednesday Afternoon Literature group of the American Association of University Women will meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o clock at the home of Mrs. F. D. Palmer. 5345 Center street. Mrs. L. A. Walworth will give the review. Next meeting of the Salem Sojourners club will be Thursday. January 24, in the Salem Woman's club house at 1 o'clock. Dessert will be served and after a business meeting, cards will be played. Hostesses for the dav arc Mrs. Jack HnlVr, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ted Lawrence. Mrs. Charles Crolev. Mrs. Stanley Rolfsness and Mrs. Quentin Bowman. A board meeting of the Sacred Heart P;'-ents club has lice" sot for Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the school library. "Miss Italy" Mtosanna Galli1 will be a visitor in Salem for a few hours on Wednesday. At noon she will meet at luncheon with Meier ft Frank's-Salem Community council in the store's Oregon mom. and at 2 .10 o'clock will appear at a fashion show in the store. f 'sfun show to raise funds for the comple tion of the st ace in the YWCA gymnasium is planned by Y-W w es for February 20. At the meeting of the group Thursday evening the following committee chairmen for the show were announced Arrangements. Mrs. Raymond Olson; tickets. Mrs. France K. Alhada: hostess, Mrs. Charles Holmes; publicity. Mrs Harry C. Cox. Jr.. and Mrs. C. J. Kunowsky; models. Mrs, Wilhs Ross. The program Thursday featured a family life film and discussion, led by Mrs. Gilbert Jones and Mrs 'Wayne Miller. Guests were Mrs. John Beck. Mrs. William McG..rry. Mrs R R. Kumm. Mrs. Rnoert Gardner and Mrs. E. A. Bu.ey. In charge of the refreshment hour were Mrs Frank Dachenhausen, Mrs. Robert Gannon and Mrs. lr win Simmons. Dancing Clubs List Parties of Week Several of the local dance clubs have arranged their January parlies tor next week. 56' Club The "56" Dance club has arranged an informal dance for Friday night in the American Legion club. Stubby Mills orchestra is to play for dancing between 9:30 and 12:31 o'clock. . Committee in charge for the evening includes Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Frank llamstreet, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harm, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Zcller, Mr. and Mrs, Nels Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark. Sojourners Event First evening social event of the new year for So journers club is the annual dance set for next Saturday night at American Legion club. The party is for all club members, their hus bands and invited guests. The social hour will be at 8 o'clock, dancing at 9 o'clock. There will be cards available for those wishing to play. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Dunn head the directorate in charge of the dance and on the committee are Tommy Thornton, young son of Attorney Gen eral and Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, celebrated his sixlh birthday today, and was honored at a party at his home this afternoon. A group of six young friends was invited tor the occasion. Alpha Chi Omega alumnae are to meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Joseph Moreland, 615 Ben Lomond drive. Mrs. Dale Dyk man is co-hostess. No aflcrnon meeling is planned for this month. h Hostess to her bridge club for dinner and the evening Tuesday will be Mrs. Brazier C. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Pi. E. Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoover, Mrs. Lila Hichardson, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Miles, Dr. and Mrs. Austin Eivers. Reservations may be made with any member of the committee. Tuxedo Party Tuxedo club's formal dance comes next Satur day night at the Marion hotel, Dr. and Mrs. James Seacat as chairmen. The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock, the dinner at 8:30 o'clock,, dancing at 9:30 o'clock. Intermission Club Members of Intermission club announce their dance for next Saturday night at Knights of Colum bus hall. Urs Wolfer's orchestra is to play for dancing between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. On the committee are Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Faltyn, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Vince J. Healey, co-chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. C Mack. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parks. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ripp, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schackman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sommer, Salem Opti-Mrs. club meets Monday with Mrs. Charles Terry, 1587 Strong road, at 8 p.m. Visiting in Portland on Sunday will be Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Munlz and family, at the home of Mrs. Muntz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bass. Mrs. Bass returned recently from three months in the Philippines, visiting her son-in-law and daughter and family, Col. and .Mrs. Kermit D. Stevens. Col. Stevens is deputy commander, 13th Air Force head quarters. Clark Air Force base. While in the far east, Mrs. Bass slopped also in Hong Kong, Bang kok. Thailand, Singapore and Saigon and en route home, in Japan and Honolulu. ;:r :SJk ' ft .... . xsm - 'x ' y i-'i -i ' .-V l a J V (McEwan itudio picture) MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM O. PAULSON WF.D LAST Saturday were Mr. and Mr William n 1 . v o O O