Page 2 Section 1 Ohio For Alcorn Still lop or List For Post f , tl JACK BKI.L "WASHINGTON 11 flay Bliss. Ohio Stale Republican chairman, was pushed today for the chair manship o( the GOP National Committee. But II. Mead Alcorn Jr. of Connecticut was reported "still on top of the list" of pros pects for the post. Leonard W. Hall, rclirins chair- Dist. Judac II. llohart Grooms man, called the 146-mcmber na- Friday ruled that trustees ol the t onal committee together in University of Alabama were wilh c'osed session to announce his in their rights when they expelled clioice of a seven-member croup Authcrine Lucy Foster, the first to canvass suggestions for his sue-Negro to attend the school, ccssor. Hsll has resigned effective Grooms' ruling climaxed the Feb. 1. The full committee will 41, years of legal battle waged vote on a new chairman Tuesday by the former Birmingham sccre aiter the smaller group confers lary to study at the all-white uni with President Eisenhower. versify in this deep south state. In advance of Hall's action, Mrs. Foster attended the uni John Feikens, Michigan State vcrsity for three days last Febru chairman, announced his support ary, then was expelled for bring of Bliss, although Bliss has said ing unprnven charges against the he is not a candidate for the na- school officials, tional chairmanship. She had said they had conspired "I'm one of the original Kisen-;in rioting which drove her from hower supporters in III52 who is ! the campus Feb. 6, but she later for Hay Bliss," Feikens said in dropped the charges. It was for an interview. Bliss, who was closely asso ciated wilh the liilc Son. Hnhert A. Taft of Ohio, declint'd com ment on Kcikens' statement. Along with most other ('publi cans, Feikens conceded Hint if Al corn is Kiseahower's pick, the Connecticut national committee man will get (he job. Alcorn was an early booster of Eisenhower for president In 10.12. The hope of Feikens and some othttrs who arc not enthusiastic,8 minister and is living in Texas, aboiut Alcorn is that Eisenhower was not present at Friday's hear maV decline to state his nrefer- Her attorney, Arthur D. fnee if the seven-member group presents more than one name. Four or Five Mentioned The report that Alcorn heads the list of prospects came last night from a highly placed Republican who asked that his name not he used. He agreed four or five per sons were being discussed for (ho chairmanship. But he predicted there would be no contest once Kiscnhower's wishes are known. Besides Alcorn and Bliss, others mentioned as possibilities include Harry Darby, Kansas national committeeman and former sena tor: L. Judson Morhouse, New York State chairman; and How ard Pyle, former governor of Ari zona and flow a presidential assist ant. Friends of Alcorn said they be lieved his chances are good in spite of publication Thursday of a telegram purportedly sent bv Har old E. Stassen, Eisenhower's dis- armament aide, o manv national committee members. This tele gram, sent from Stamford, Conn , urged Alcorn's election and said it was time for "liberals lo take a stand." Stassen has denounced the tele gram as a fake. SCANDINAVIAN SMORGASBORD Dinner Entrees $2.50 Reservations Preferred ,opi:n st'N-nAV oi v Serving 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. Kari's Smorgasbord Sift I'nion Ph. DM J ll': CUKNi hKOM THE 3 rsrn( I I n UCU MIL NC WKAT'LL YOU HAVE? Believe me vou make the choice at our Sunday Buffet. We set out everything including 3 delicious ma;n enireei you pick and choose at will $1.75 flHrlts $1 .00 children under 1 2 Open at 12 noon Remember in Salrm it's the Hotel Marion for tint food... Our Menu Is Matchless Prixt Winning HAM ind ROAST TOM TURKEY with ill tha trimmingi just THE SAN SHOP i The Portland Road at For Orders to Co - Leader Pushed GOP Chairman n 0f Alabama TrusteesFound Within Rights I'Yderal Judfjc Upholds Ouster from School Of AntlirriiH' Lucy BIRMINGHAM. Ala. UK U.S. this reason that she was expelled. Grimms said jn his ruling that "the evidence offered upon I his hearing establishes the fact that the charges and statements . . . are baseless and without founda tion in fact." He ordered the wo man to pay court cosls. Mrs. Foster's attorneys had asked that grooms find the trus tees in contempt for failing to re admit her to the university. The woman, who later married Shores, said he would study the decision before announcing wheth er the case will be appealed. Fishing Ban to AJ Go Into Effect I'OHTI.AND (UP) - A long planned move to close the Colum-I bia river to commercial fishing tlllUVU- ,MMIlll llif Utllll Will K IHIO I cum reorunry 1. The Oregon Slate Fish Commis sion, meeting here with Jhe direc tor of fisheries for Washington state, reached the decision after hearing sportsmen groups urge its immediate adoption. Commercial fishermen and packers agreed also that the clos ure might be necessary to protect clinunf Ich in Mm nnnni- riir.... lnoir rccommondnlions wcre no, ' as broad as those voiced by con- j 'servntionists. !lh ii; ; ' ' in fimimm-r n Huh nr K-. ' one, spokesmen said, and does not exciuue innians irom tne rule. Nomination'l 1''M Po(l liUliriclti nM n ro,l'lnc chore a lfw moments belnre the evplosion. POIiTI.ANI) (Jl The slate' ''be big blast. hcl:eed caused Poetry Assn. Saturday invited v explosion of methane gas or nnminaliniM lor Oregon poet Inn-,i ,ust in the tunnel, shmik a rente, a post it hopes the l.egis-: r,.vioot mass of rock, dirt and tim lature will establish iiirmanently. 'her into the shall win leet Irom .Mlla nam, the association s slate chairman, said the Legisla lure should consider only those poets who hae published at least, one bonk nf verse and who have : been Oregon residents to years. CHINESE TEA GARDEN llest Chinese I'oeit (iiHul Aineriemi I'mni Too Parties, l arge or Small. I all I i : '1(121 Chiiii se I unit to Take (lilt ll'I'i . ('oillllierci; I St. Open S p. in. to ! a. in. Sat'i (la .1 a. m. Cliist'il Wed. take rest NORin cmm at noon.. WHM TliC fOOO Ii (,000! Oregon Home of Sloppy J A Great Sandwich North City limilt Phone EM 26798 Yearly Pay Proves Help To Senators Oregon! lawmaker! find (lie lump-ium payment plan suits thi'tn very well this year. The slate constitution a? that If I he Senate didn't organize Fihlny, the Senators must go ilf the payroll until (hey do or ganize. Friday was the fifth day of the session. The constitution says that It either house fails to organize within five days, the pay of the ai embers of thtt house stops until organization is effected. The provision will probably he Ignored by the Senators, because that section could he enforced when lawmakers were paid by the day. Now the legislators get a lump sum of $G00 a year. It would be hard to apply the stop-pay rule. Bridges Seeks To Raise Dues SAN FRANCISCO ifl Harry1 Bridges has started a drive to raise the dues of International Longshoremen's and Warehouse men s union members to a dollar a month because he says, the un ion is broke. i And at $1 a month. Bridges said Friday in his column in the ILWU biweekly newspaper, "The Dis patcher." The dues will be among the lowest in the country. The 2a-cent raise has been recommended by the ILWU ex ecutive board and is expected to be acted upon at the union s 12th biennial convention here starting April 1. "We're not out to build up any surplus or reserve," Bridges said. "As far as the ILWU is con cerned, our reserves are in the pockets of our members. If the membership isn t ready to vote these reserves in an emergency, the union will go under anyway." The union president said that intlntion has made the (ducsli increase necessary Ihe ensl of operating ( a democrat ic union "a Hopes Waning For Miners ANCIIORAGK, Alaska IT Hopes for live coal miners waned ..l 1L- J ... )v ,av nf mpn ' ..-hrd rinc gcdly at a mass of rubble blocking the lunnel in which Ihi-v wpn : I u.. trapped the miners approximately i,i thousand feet from the port of the independently operated m: me fil mites northeast ol here. A .sixth member of the crew sur- t-it.wl 11,. h-ui lH thn nvim il-,fl the mine enlraiue. Th was 700 feet above the point where the men are believed to be. SuoiiK'la Favore As (!oiiiniisi)iic Of Fish, V. f WASIUNCTUN i.n - Anne .). Suomela. formerly associate di rector of (he Fish and WiUllue Sen ice. has been recommended ter appointment lo I he new post of commissioner of fish and wild hie, it was reorte.l Saturday. Interior Department sources said Suome'a s name has been recninineiuled to Pi tvadeni Hisen bower. The iob was aulhoiied by Congress ,;si yen1. Suomela v. as Oregon Slate dt , rector ot (tsheiii s trnin I.M.i until be ;mned the Fsb ard Wildlife j Ser :ce here in 1 !.;!. OSC I'rofrsor Crls (uv.lK nliriiiil rllo.liii S CO;AI.I,lS r Vernon H Cheldclm. director ot the Science J lie--at eh Institute at Oiv;on State ; Colic t;i has a special si -niontb s tiu't.'eelieim te'lo-. .Vp inc st;n( 1 tfus summer at Oxtotd. Fiv.'!;unl ChrMrhn and relurn will hae Mauh t: in September. DANCE TONITE! DAYTON LEGION HALL Music by IYIE and the WESTERNAIRES ivery I. Niaktf 30 n io Adm. l.M (Ux ia.) Preview Economist Says Mint Market Outlook Dark COHVALLIS tn The pepper mint market outlook for 1M7 is dark because of record produc tion last year, M. D. Thomas. Oregon State College agricultural economist, said Friday. That's the way Air Force men Production apparently is in-' describe a hop by three B52 bomb creasing faster than use. he lod, "s in.which the rou me look place 200 growers at the annual meet ing of the Oregon Essential Oil Growers League. Oregon production was up to an all-time high of 840.000 pounds. which was valued at more than 4'a million dollars, he said, Resides thn dim nmrlcM nut - . . . : " look, peppermint will disease threatens Oregon growers, Ralph Green. Purdue University scientist who heads the wilt flis. ease research program in the niiuwesi, urgen urcgon growers to start a disease-control pro- gram i.t once. Green said there was a chance rotation of mint with crops not susceptible to the soil-borne dis ease would provide relief. He said Midwest growers are Irying tvo years of mint followed by three years of corn Harrv Hnrhert. Cnhnrt u.ic olected nreiirfent and l.nnn Ftinlcn roburg. vice President. Chester Homer, Oregon State College plant pathologist, was re-elected ;iecrela ry-trcasurer. Dan Fry. Sa- lem, was named to the board of jdiivclors. Texas Senate Vole April L ArSTIN. Tex. tf The special eleetinn In fill the I'. S, Senate seat vacated by tinv. Price Dan iel will be held April 1 giving He puhlir.ins another eh iree Ill's year to gain control ot the Sim ate (invernnr Daniel announced Fri day that the special election would be held on a winner-take-all basis. He said no runoff wou'd he held. Demnernts fear that with one M'pnnlii'r'n and six Denvcrnts runninc for (he seat a division of Democratic voles rould throw (he election to the ('.DP Senate Ilepublican Loader Wil- liam Knnuland of Calitornia has said that anytime the ltepiib!ic;:ns had a majority in (lie Senate be would move lo rcorjanie the body. Democrats now control the Sen ale 4S-47. Should Teas elect a Kc-uiblican a 4)t-m tie would re suit. We President ion would break I he tie by vol ma w ith the Kepiibbcan Party. Jor l.mir now .l I tncsl I be Noi tnwe Aumsville Pavilion WITH Larry AHit Cascade Range Riders EVERY SATURDAY NITE STUBBY MILLS MUSIC 9 30 $1 Inc. to 12 30 Admission I Tax FREE DANCING LESSONS JvU pay $t admmien N chrg for lh full hvr iAttruttien in MsHfn Bllforn. woc! S wfllknown imtriKtort, Mr and Mr. Van. Jwil b mn hand l (loth cvtry Sarw'day tnqht. DICKSON'S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL of Inaugural WASHINGTON Military units swing down Pennsylvania Avenue today in a lime test for Monday's Inaugural parade. An Army band leads the way and is followed by troops of the 3rd Infantry. In far background Is the Capitol. AP Wirephnto) STAYED UP LITTLE Airmen Describe Journey Over World as 'A MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. "A routine flight five to 10 miles in the sky for 45 hours, 19 minutes. After the red-eyed and weary crewmen clambered yesterday from the trio of Stralofortrcsses which set a nonstop, round-the- world record, Lt. Col. James II. 1 . . : . i ii kc other long-aisiance tiigms. , ,1L , ... ,' I " sure, he sa, we stayed ' . 0 ,", " j on y u, ounce. only difference." -oi. .vioms was a copilot on me ; i''"i" u.w 1 1 1 luua 1 Ll" u " minis i iiiin- uLi-, (ii u giuui'-gu uiiug trip. Others among the 26 officers and men on the three giant jets agreed with Morris: the most tense mo ment came when the crew mem bers met the reception awaiting them at this air base near River side. W) miles east of Los Angeles. 1 Said Morris: "What a show!" t Tim hn.n ln,. I nnrt men rhrrri and ion' nvn took pictures or notes as the big' planes touched their eight-wheel 'main landing gear to the runway, Wronr Label Put nil ttnttl ,os a Angeles fi NGKLKS U'Pt-A Los les firm todav was inakint? an ' honest and hard"' ettort to re- r-over mislabeled hollies may cim'-ain turpentine instead of castor oil. The I-'noil and Drue Administra tion in Washington. D.C.. has warned residents of tour West Coast states that hottlcs ol "castor oil" di.sirilniled by the Norton Products Co. may contain turpen tine. Cordon Wood, chief ot the KUA's local oltice. said the turpentine W;1S placed by mistake in bottles nKirked "Norco Castor Oil 4 fluid nunc These bottles are known lo have cone in distributors in Koseburu and North fiend. On Phoenix, Ariz , Oak'.nnd. Calif . Fresno, Calif.. Lns Ansjeles and outlets in Nevada. The agency warned that "tur pentine can c;uise se ere bums v. ben taken internally and has been known to cause death when nvslaker'v administered to in- be i ot; fea lined 8 I'.cce eslern ILind" Every Sat. Nite BALL ROOM lams Parade LONGER Routine Flidit' Waiting to meet them was Gen. Curtis LeMay, commander in chief of the Strategic Air Command. He pinned Distinguished Flying crosses on each ot trie crewmen, j praised by the flight commander, Maj. Gen. Archie J. Old, 50, as "professionals all the way." .The planes circled the globe from west to east. They covered 24,325 miles at an average speed listed unofficially at "better than! sww m.p.ii. ;ovn.n(). ea(s WtW IlKllKmrMl Oil ! " - p .. ,. ,. . (f . .. Gov. and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes are scheduled to leave Portland by air at 8:50 p.m. Saturday to attend the Monday inauguration of Presi dent Kisenhower. If the slate Senate has not yet agreed on a president. House Sneaker Pat Doolev (D-Portland) will is QrhnHnlnH In rolnrn tn PnrtlanH 'at 9:15 n. m. Tuesdav The governor said he would meet Monday morning with the Oreson congressional delceat ion . to talk over President Kisenhow er's decision not to ask funds to. start the John Day Dam on the Columbia Kiver. Federal aid to education, forest i access roads, interstate bridge1 tolls and the proposed construc tion of drren Peter Dam in the Willamette Basin also will be dis cussed, Holmes said. ENDS : Miiim COLON STARTS TOMORROW -ANOTHER FINE FIRST RUN! CINEMASCOPE L.) f mdMElROCOLOR F I WAIT DISNEY S 1 1 NORMAN I "SIAM" i PRICES: CHUDRCM TVMNT T . Contractor Fund Use ., , . i , rlllll AlllClKllllCllt Invoked by Builder WASHINGTON uB - John Lind- r i Dave Beck. The question was put to Lindsay j after Robert Kennedy, counsel 1 for the Senate investigations sub committee, had asked him if he knew that Beck had sold his home to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in 1935 for about $162,000. Surprise Wtiness Lindsay, a surprise witness In the subcommittee's inquiry into alleged labor union racketeering, involved his Fiftlj Amendment protection against possible self incrimination in refusing to an swer questions. : His lawyer. James M. Mclner-j ney of this city, said Lindsay was forced to take his position since he had been notiiicd by the Treas ury Department on Jan. 11 that criminal action was being consid ered against him for ."attempted evasion" of income tax pavments. Sen. McCarthy R-Vis said Lindsay had "started out to he cooperative" with the subcommit- Timbcr Sales Drop PORTLAND W Timber sales in Oregon's public domain lands during 1!)56 was 2..I!I4.000 hoard feet, a drop of more than 3 million feet from 1953, the Department of Interior reported Saturday. VATICAN CIT Ycfi Pope Pius XII received British Foreign Min ister Sehvyn Lloyd in private audi ence today. BOX OFFICE O TICKETS ( NOW ON SALE SALEM JUNIOR SYMPHONY CONCERT Wed., Jan. 238 P. M. Leslie Jr. High Auditorium CESARE VALLETTI Willamette Auditorium Jan. 248:15 P. M. ST. OLAF COLLEGE CHOIR Willamette Auditorium Feb. 148:15 P. M. Store Hours 9:30-5:30 Kvery Day For Reservations Dial EM 4 :2;4 b TONITE i CINemaScoPE: f Ol tUX I H WAS NOT A MAN ..HE LIVED WITH INSATIABLE FASSION! KIRK DOUGLAS in M ti M i itiST mutt Anthony QUINN James DON.UD - Pamela BROWN Everett SLOANE YlNCtSU M.NSail KHN HODStMAH (UWit U) . . . 20 C 50c . 75C saw a beattie contractor, muM-u ing in snui uui um iuiv.i . . 7 7 : .7 Saturday to testify whether he! did know that "there is tremcn-, call from Kennedy last month. At had told Senate investigators that nous pressure to sweep this mat- : the time Kennedy was n Chicago funds of the Teamsters Union t ter 'the subcommittee investiga-, and Lindsay was in Seat le. Lind were used to pav part of the cost lion I under the rug." ! say is a brother of he late Gor- of a home for union president However, another subcommittee don Lindsay, secretary of th Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 19, 1957 Mum on Teamster for Dave Beck House tPP and "give the Tacts" but then !had received "this threat to bring jcriminal proceedings" from the Treasurv "s proccuurc. .Sequence Inusual Sen. McClellan D-Ark. the sub McCarthy added "the sequence committee chairman, interjected seems unusual." He said that that the department's letter spoke while he was not accusing the In- for itself. Iternal Revenue Service "of try- - - ...... iinnrcM M hrt ! member. Sen. -Munat 1 ii-bu'. saia Sconce! CRYSTAL piiif e! ENDS TONIGHT "You Can't Run Away from It" Odongo STARTS For Adult Entertainment Only! From the pen of Tennessee Williams, who gave you A Streetcar Named Desire," now comes the earthy story of -'Baby Doll'! ' "5 'JW' mirried...W 8Jf- 'tjg i4S.f wr meant By TENNESSEE WILLIAMS ".tarring KARL MALDEN CARROLL BAKER ELI WALLACH ksturE Mildred Dunnock Lonny Chapman SENSATIONAL t'O IHT! jCOLD MURDER... . IN 1 TROPICAL PARADISE! f. HE J filliCI OWAID COBB MEDINA ARNOLD STARTS YOUR ms HAVE NtVtR OPENED WIDER WITH TERROR AND EXCITEMENT! VICTOR MATURE version o a scandalous true storv! - ClNEMASeopg TICHNICOIOH IUnccnsorcd I Stk and I V, 11 HE uncut Ail . lol 11 iil 'it appeared the Treasury Depart- ment's letter to Lindsay was "in conformity with standard opcrat- I'nder questioning, Linnsay ack nnunrtpiMi rprpivine a leipnnnni. iraiiu "" unimom. 50 Jackpot Tonite GARDENS I Ask for Your i-ree iicxet! tii-llil'hlj SUNDAY ! S C ' Sh.' filing alll jgfe ENDS TONIGHT1 "Tension at Tabls Rock" "Nightmare" SUNDAY! JOHN PAYNE W1UIAM IISMO ClOIIA MHXEI fM AVtDOM " 1 -i W rnTMjOJlJj?" r