Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 19, 1957 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materi.U FREE COFFEE & Doughnuts SATURDAY 10 MULINO SASH & DOOR (Salem Branch) EM 4-S453 1185 Lancaster Dr., Salem, Ore. EM 4-8453 L. I. & L. G. BAUGHMAN Sole owners of MULINO SASH & DOOR of Mulino, Oregon Of their Salem Branch and have installed DALE L. VOGLKR as General Manager and Outside Salesman and DON HOOD formerly of Drayton Lumber Yard as Assistant Manager. We have established this Salem Branch of Mulino Sash & Dnnr so that we may give you good service of quality milhvork. We now have and will always have in the future the largest stock of Windows made up and ready to set into your rough opening. Come and order your windows and take them with you, there is no waiting on stand ard sizes. Our prices are strictly wholesale at all times and to anyone. We also have quite a few windows that are to be DISCOUNTED UP TO 60; so that we will have room to put in our regular stock, which at present consists of SLIDING CRYSTAL WINDOWS, PICTURE WINDOWS. DOUBLE RUNS. SASH, DOORS. CASING. MOULDING, DOOR JAMBS. PRE HUNG DOORS, and Miscellaneous items ... Come in this Saturday and talk with us over a cup of FREE COFFEE and a Douahnul or two. He will always give you quality millwork for a good price but we will not have the free coffee and doughnuts after Saturday. We have ordered a lot of dough nuts, if you don't come in we will be pretty sick afterwards. 38 PLASTERBOARD Jl PER SHEET Used Common Lumber, all Nn. 2 & Mr. 2x8. 2x10. 2x12 k sheathing $45 $55 per M Used Fir Flooring $45 per M Loose fill Cork insul.. $1.20 sack Used Oil burner, 'romp 850 Furnace fans $.15 2 wire Romex. 14 ga. . 2c. ft. '" rigid Conduit 7c. ft. U s-noLe da !ii aged Ch inboard. good 2 sides 15c. sq. ft 3 uancl Doors, complete with framrs. Mwd. S7.50 ea ' Mis-, size Doors $1 In 95 ALSO MANY OTHER BLDG. BARGAINS e: s. RinER & co. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-8311 4 mi. North of Salem. ml. North if Totem Pole Open all day Saturday I IIs'LAID linolrum $1 79 per sq. yd R L. Elfftrom Co.. 260 S. Liberty. LARGE barn and refrigerated milk house to he torn down. Make Offer. EM 2-7849 eves. ELECTRIC-waif heaters, 25 "fc off. 52 gal. elec. water heater, 965. 12-2 wire, 4'3c ft. In rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc. hath set, $120. ,uilt-in ranges. Built-in ovens & 4 burner units Sl!)5. Outlet boxes. 25c. 14-2 wire. 4e ft. in rolls. Aoe- Electric fc Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. EM 2-1S66. R L. Elfstrnm Co 260 S Liberty VINYL floor tile. 10c each.. 458 Musical Instruments ACCORDION Lesson. Your home. Call EM 2-Sfi2. Free Scientific Talent Analysis or your child. SPINET piano used 3 months only $349.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. EBONY FINISH SPINET. 1956 model. Will discount for quick sale. Tallman Piano Ware house. 395 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. LOVELY KNABE GRAND Morrells Organ Sales 3(i3 N. High EM 4-2271 . - - WURLITZER ORGANS. Rentals, Lessons, naies.. morrcu s ui'i Ban Co. M.l N. Hum. EM 4-2271 1 ACCORDION or Piano lessons Free use of accordion, EM 2-3255. Duane Hunsakcr. SPINET-PIANOS. Rent with option to buy $5 mo. Free riravage. Tallman Piano Ware house. 395 S. 12th. near S P Depot. "A Mile From High P rices. " ' PIANO-and organ lessons. My home or vours. wancv a. mini 3R65 Liherly Rd EM 3-!2o FINAL JANUARY PIANO linucd h. V.S: and returned rentals at huge discounts! Spinets start at y.Kh. Drive to Tallman s and save' Tallman Piano Ware house. 3!5 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. 462 WannH Hshld Gooch CASH FOR FURNITURE Valle; Furn. Co Ph. EM 2-7-1 12 HONe'sT." rair, cash price paid for good, clean, ued furniture and appliances EM 3-5110. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Sttmmer illSC furniture wanted Cour teous service. Ph EM 3-60f we need'furniture Vallev Furn. Co. EM 2-7472 464 Sports Equipment USED MOTORS Several used outboard? at ridicu louMv low prices. We must make room for trade-ins com ing on ltto7 Evinrudes 1051 Mercitrv Huurncane $i5 oo l!Mft EHo Slieecr 12 lip h0 50 1W3 Lawsnn 6 hp like new 79 50 1952 Martin 4n (new power head i 1!18 Johnon 5 hp li;i9 .Inhnvrm 5 hp lfMT F.vinrude 3 3 hp l!CiO Se.iKing 5 hp iri9 Martin 60 1317 Champi'in 4 ho ,vi 2T -W 2 VI 10 00 Mam more to choose froi: TERMS, ol course: CASCADE MERC. 1230 Broadway Open till 9 p m Every Kite. RFpOSSFSSED 15 H Evmrude. lf'55 mdl . run only .10 hrs and just like new. A real slal for pnm sportsman wi a bal. of onlv $20. AUo Evm rude. 25 H . KM) Terrn Green Spirting Good 12dl S Com'l EM 3-t0j0 CASH Daid lor used guns mod ern and antique C'aiade Verc 123U Brcdwa? REPOSSESSION 18' Reinell Cruiser. 2 l'S rude Larks, all controls. ware lights, beautiful factory trailer, ail complete ana rean to in No d"wn payment- o et merthlv payments. 5 over 9100 CASCADE MERC Open Everv Nite til 9 Broadway '"5.S ?5hp Johnson This t'NDE RPR ICED at ion Che'.ieketa St F.m' u n.'"r:y..::vn? t 450 Merchandise 470 Building Mneri.h a.m. to 4 p.m. . rami 3 pc. white hath set comp. ith fittinc $139.95 1 only Stanley Electric router-planer kit Aluminum Storm Doors Wood Storm Doors i." RC Mahocanv 906 on 9:11 oo $16.75 Plywood 13'jC. sq. ft. Westcx Texture Paint 5 lbs. $120 FOR YOUR REMODELING AND REPAIR NEEDS Let up arrange one of our EASY PAYMENT PLANS. LOANS arranged un to 93.VX) and no to 3. vears to pav with NO DOWN PAYMENT. Come in or call in Kday and let us help you with your home modernization needs. J. YARDS 34f SO. 12TH ST.EMJ06 lUeri Rlri'ff. Materials FOR SALE See at Corner Cap-) itot Shipping, or Ph. EM i 3 -tiB13. SPECIAL DELIVERED job or within S ml. city limits. Good quality old growth 2x4 No. 4 com. R-L $20 M No. Com. R-L oak flooring ...S20S M 5 Cnm R.I. oak flooring $113 M Flooring stored in dry heated warehouse. LUMBER CO. 1775 Lana Ave. EM 3-49.19 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 10" POWER SAW. skill I CU. FT. refrig. good pond., also Mouton fur coat size 16, cheap. EM 3-3.120. : TWIN hize mattress. $5. Used I 1Ht Mart 270 S. LiberlV. Ph. em 4 6.171. - . 26.50x16 hite sidewall traction tires. Eve. EM 2-20U6. BLACK TUXEDO, almost new. Waist 32. EM 3-B606. SURPLUS 18 x 27 throw rugs, i Va'ucs to $4 'J3i ' Tin coats, all sizes. I Niroprcme rain pants, i Garbage cans. 30 gal.. Ic. ' $2 00 $l,!tn 4-S5 vp ov rront auppiy 1405 N. Church I FOOD PRICKS SLASHED! Lowest prices in years. See our j ad under the Market Basket. '42 Bunk, good ruboer, good work car 563 2 wheel Trailer witn rack $H0. Power Craft skill saw 61 ' $.10. See at 300S. 14th StJ PRACTICALLY new 12 gal. l: alter House Rhccms elec. H. water heater. Cheap. EM 3-6108. TO BUY. Sell. Trade, or Ser- vice our car. t ycie. bcuoipi.i Boat. or Outboard SEE SHROCKS Cor. Highland i Portland Rd LADIES" Ac Childrens manne ouins. tea stand-. 4 Misc win dow fixtures. Hughes 4W N. Capitol. Refrigerator, like new. ll'j cu ft. Crowley Shelvador. frost free Automatic 2ri0 Chick Electric Brooder. 2 I unit Sears r arm iwasier mim stainless floor type buckets. Mall chain saw, 30 in bar. Tractor chains sie 11-28 3H ft. R in. wide drive belt. New T A Gricer Counter Hi'hwav f"E at Gervais June rhn. r.rrvan 2151 or 3161 R s Ahr.ilnmson. Box 278. Gervais, Ore. ENGLISH China, plain Crystal, Singer Sew. Mach. EM 3-5345 ADMIRAL combinnlinn radio & rec'Td pvcr. an sppco. records So 2 fishing poles. kitchen table k chairs. 115. Chilris log truck $4. Electric power tmil ffi A misc. article-;. 1015 Fairview Ave. See hefore 10 a m or after 7 p.m. nr all dav Sun 7 LARGE miTor 3 display ca-ie in excel'ent cnnditin Pioneer Trust Co. EM 3-31.KI -o t fioirfi aualllx T'ei"'' " 't'ed Pile Pb EM 4-3081 550 GAL gafolire tank, welded on kid EM 2-315 TYPEWRITERS adding ma chine, cash registers ouoli cators desks chairs fi!e up Dlies Roens. 456 Court F.M r.-v p,, rn1o tiller 945 Samon foot locker 95. Ph EM VACUUM CLEANER Elec'rolux. l:ke new New iuar antee Automatic baf empt ,r sold for over lino, now f::7 Vi Librral trad in lowance icna 'o ter.-r.s P EM 4-710: Dlr . J-M prMMAGEale. Fn Sat ! p m. Ill" ' r,,r' abinet On' - i .15 wi M.n m s Liberty. Ph. EM 4 371. 450 Merchandise 470 Building FREE COFFEE & Doughnuts JANUARY 19, 1957 (REPRESENTS A YEAR'S STUDY i A HEATED WAREHOUSE fnohn' i to brine YOU the BEST in PANKLlNlih. &LK.r. and other FINISHING MA TERIALS. Wonderful Stock. VARIETY & SERVICE, rnir aim YOUR GAIN!!! All this at our regular low everyday prices. PLYWOOD GALORE! Ext k Int '4 as low at 5c. :1 low as 14c. AND WE'LL CUT AS YOU WISH. ' inahog 10' ft. ' BIRCH 10c. & lPc 1 Nor mally 27c Doors $:i.95 up Oak f!g. Imp Birch fig. and Pecan fig. (All in heated room) Competitive prices' Free estimating, prompt de livery at no extra charge!! REMODELING? TAKE 36 mos. NO DOWN PAYMENT on ap proved credit. Enjoy your buy ing. Try "Your Building Sup ply Friends" at Portland Road Lumber Yard Open all day Saturday rnone c. i-tt.w 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Red With Mattress Valhw Furniture Co. 219 N. Com't. RENT cr lease Ige. warehouse space cement floor, brick biflg., downtown. Inq. H. L. Stiff Furn. EM 3-9185. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous MIDDLE-AGED couple wishes to manage & manitain Apts., fnr Apt. & salary. Statesman Journal Box 439. WANTED to buy scrap iron and other metals. EM 2-2341. WANTFD several thousand cords of wood, all species Ph 3-7721 3- 7-1 Nights E,l 4-5633. 484 Miscellaneous Cigarette Burns Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on any wooden surfaces in your home or office. LEE BROS. 402O Stale St. EM I-7001 DCNTAL PLATE REPAIR J HB SERVICE IN MOST CASES DH HARRY SEMI ER. DpntlM Adolph BIdJ. State Com 1 SU. SALEM PH EM 3-Joll 486 Machinery & Tooli SEVERAL used welders See at 70 Stewart M Ph EM 4-1 n;iir. i int-niti Wiknn. rc weld- Vr. also acetylene, reas. EM i 3-7947 eves. USED Welders for sale 6H8 Illi nois, EM J-flDhh. DRY WOOD, slab wood. $21 cord. Oak wood 16" length. $18 cord. EM 3 !).VtH. $'io per cord $6 half "cord. U- haul MAfair 3-237 eve. SHAVINGS We deliver. Phone Monmouth SKyline 7 1722. SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. EM 2-6171 i " ' . DRY 16" Fir wood Pick up at lanu u KM i-3081 sawdut SOMETHING new users We nave tor a Uhio Mn i0 fuel Capitol Fuel Broadway Pr EM 3-7721. CAPITOL FUEL CO Dry oak ash A mapte wood Choice slat & hoice sian & "n . Z mixed DIT Ut prrru j 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 I WANTED Several I enrd ol nark-'ree thousand -id fir of ?1. nigri'j hemlock Ph F.M a- EM 4-5633 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWMI St A. WtKUJ 3-644 - WTST SALFM FT'FL Dry ereen wood Turte or pu-out sawdust -1525 Edgewater Ph EM 2-4031 300 Bus. & Finanre - , Loem 510 Money to LOQW $1500.00 Now vou can borrow $1500 from us on furniture, autos trailer twin -. and eauinment We are happy thai after 28 years we are able to evterd this additional service to you CORPORATION Phone EM 3-9161 Com! Salem. Oregon rftTovi a i Investment Co Real Property Loans. Contracts Pjr Thawed 637 Court, m $2o to ?2"jno PACIFir INDUSTRIAL LOAV MIS S. Liberty Pn. W1 ANNOUNCING IHE GRAND OPENING 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon Home owned Horr.e operated Loans to consolidate bills-New Purcnases - Personal Need See us at 1980 Fairgrounds Kd Salem. Ore. Free Parking 101 Ph. EM 2-7032. PRIVATE MONEY to loan. CASH lor mlgs. and contracts. B. M. Mason or W. B. Minier. 341 Chemeketa. Ph. EM 3-KHU LOANS 150 00 to $1.500 00 Buy What You Neea Consolidate yout bills. Finance throueh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St. EM 1-1417 PRIVATE money to loan S Interest. Ph. EM 2-0794. SI 2 Loons wanted 8T- for S3.000. Security. Box 492 States man-Journal 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted MAN or woman to take over restaurant al Golf Club. EM 4-H24:i. fv RvnirienVed IBM WANTED Experienced IBM Tab Operator should nave knowledge ol accounting and pa v roll procedures. Apply. Personnel Dept.. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Longvtew Branch. Long view, Washington CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bldg. adj. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 Your fulurejs our Job. AUDITIONS are being held for snlist, 1st Church Christ Sci entist. Salem. Ore. Chcmeketa & Liberty sis. HELP WANTED: Correspondent in Aumsvillc. Must have type writer and telephone. Some ex perience or training preferred. Contact Mtke Forbcr. Valley Editor. Capital Journal. GOOD foster home wanted tor Al.lcL.aren si-nmn " . tcnance. clothing & medical expenses provided. Write Mr. 1. A. Hansen. Rt. 1, Box 37. Woodhum. Ore. APPLICATIONS are now being:) taken for biaiesinan Dicycic routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac-1 enmnanird bv their parents i or have their written permit- i sion n -n " Department of the Statesman JournaL 60b Help Wonted. Lody REGISTERED Nurse permanent position lor 3 to II; 11 to 7. Relief k part time shift. Ph. collect Mrs. Dennis, Wabash 8-3136. Albany Ore. COUNTER girl, apply in person, Lebold's Ice Cream, 1272 Stale EXP. bkkpr.. post gen. ledger. prep, stm'ts. Perm. Box 400 Statesman-Journal, r a ft wnn sionnv Joe's Drive- in 12th k Center. No phone calls. 609 Commission Work ' NATIONAL concern has opening for man with knowledge of machinery and farm equip ment. Must have late model car. References required. Full schooling and field training given. Sales experience advan tageous but not essential, nrvrim of-rmmt Write, stat ins Qualifications, address and Bhone number to W. T. Hodge, ept. 35C. P.O. Box 1341, Dallas. Texas. 610 Soles Help Wonted EXPERIENCED sales man or woman. Ramsey Real Estate 427 Ferry. EM 4-3381. TlACK OF ALL TRADES WOMAN who can sell, sew A- do general ollice work. Excellent pay. group hencfits. friendly working conditions. Write fully, explaining whv you can quali fv. Write Box 494 Statesman ' journal. MAN With Car For Outside Sales Work. Electrolux Corp.. 107! Broadway. SALESwoman It demonstrator to work in cosmetic studio & at women's & girls clubs A groups in the Willamette Val lev We will train you In otir studio. Salary. Box 485 Statesman-Journal. SALESMAN -SOLICITER'. salary and car allowance, uicx num. Sites Silverw heel Freight Line". 370 Belmont St. EM 4-6713. HAVE part or full time opening fnr route sales person. Car is essential, but experience is not. We tram. Please contact W ATKINS QUALITY PHOD t'CTS Distributor. 1135 S. Com'l. St., Salem. Ph. EM 3-.VW5 9:00 to 11. W) a.iiu only. WANTEOT Experienced Sales man to work out of one of Sa lem's finest Ileal EM ate of fices. All applications confiden tial Rawlins Kealtv. 605 Che meketa. phone EM 4-6875. 12 Work Wonted, Men ' Qi'tCK TV & radio repair at mv . home. Reasonable. EM 4-4324. EXP Service Station man wants Salem work. EM 4-!610. PKi hi SCHOOL student want j time work after 4 A Sat, I WANTED farm dairy work or what have you. EM 2-5123. LATHING IKE PAULS, EN' SPRAYING, tree .mi CARPENTER work the vi a v ; I you wam KM .82fl5, i BUILD, remodel, cahinet-;. paint or what nave you wninii or by hr. EM 4-6340. Paintinc & Paprrhancmg Anv sie job - Free Est Terms Ph. Nelson EM 3-B4flS CARPENTER rppalr or remnd eling by m or con tract. N( ob too small. EM 3-4785. I'i8 CAPr-FNTFR WORK, day or contract. EM 2-1141. FREE etimaies on floor cover ing! : or drainhoards. ft I. Elf strom Co. 260 S Libertv. LOU'S tree service, tonntng. prune. cabllngEM 4-B501 PAINTING Inter good brushes Job or hr Heal EM 3 3033. 614 Wofh Wonted, tody CHILD 5 da 4 Cc.rners I 1-6471 PART tune office work wanted EM 2-MJn. WlLLcare f'jr pre-sch'l child M N Salem home EM 3-7:il PRACTICAL nurse for nurstng ncj-T.e or private home. EM 3-44 CHILD care, my home. 4 Cor ners. EM 3-5244. DRESSMAKING " alterations. all type. Mrs. Day EM 4-7156 - BABY sitting evei your home EM 4-9540 between 5 It i 30 p m. CftVING-iuper-ied child care So EM 2 316 IRONING. MY "HOME KM 4 4bM , i I Wfjt'l.n like rm 141 H. wofk in u'nt. Mr THE CAPITAL 600 Employment 614 Work Wonted, Lod 705 Aportmenfri For Rent DAYTIME child care in my LOVELY 3RM. UNFURN. Near home v week, day, nr., EM, 1590 N. 5th. WILL do ironing in my home South E. Salem. EM 4-3462. WOULDlike to rare for small child. exp. EM 4-0X6. MOTHERS: Dependable" loving child care my home. KeUer Dist. EM 2-7954. DRAPES MADE EM 2-2559 BOOKKEEPER" Secretary. 17 vears insurance, banking k iumber experience. Starting salary dcMied woe Statesman-Journal. Box l RELIABLE baby sitter my home day or night. Ret. EM 3-685o. MIMEOGRAPHING, "typing Mrs. Poe. 665N. llith. EM 3-3642. INVaT?!'. eared for In ty home. Ages 6 wks. to 18 mo. EM 3-OtWH, 61i Situations Wonted CARPENTER k cabinet work. remodeling Ac new. EM 2-8885. SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers. Septic Tarkf Drain Firlris Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-3368. LIGHT crawler do7er. leveling. trading. EM 3-7041. L. Kurth. 618 Education School of Dress Making LEARN to Make or alter your . nay. Reg. lor Classe now. EM 2-8o36. REG NOW. Kindergarten to 6. Salem Christ n Sell. EM 2-'Jj9fi- HIGH" SCHOOL AT HOME Finish vour Hign School in vour j spare tune. Books furn. Low; tuition. Free Booklet. AMERI CAN SCHOOL. 6543 N. Inter state, Portland 17. Ore. 620 Day ond Contract 'i. yd (thnvel. crane, hoe drg line 25-ton mobile cranrs D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 141 N Front St. EM 2-24SI 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board CLEAN quiet Shpg Dist. 2-1449. lr. Stale Bldgs. kit., priv. EM VERY nice sleeping ent.. gent. prci. 6j5 N. Cottage. LARGE rm.. board at Chalet. 360 N. Capitol. EM 4-3643. BOARD A- Room. pvt. home. with T.V.. bus at dor. 252 Simpson J5t.EM 4-0674. SLEEPING rms. cooking priv. close in. EM 3-5323. MEN downtown, clean, warm h.wht., wfrig.TVSS Union. MAN slpg. nn TV priv ent 1505 N Capitol. EM 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. TV, close In 215 S Winter. EM2-1722 COMBINATION sleeping, sitting rm. kitchen priv. 2' .. blks capital. Lady. EM 2-ti!ia. TV c!?an ntrrly furn leco1ng men $5 wk. km i-bjb LRG. frt. rm. A burnt, apt. Close in. 5H!) N winter. DESIRABLE rm. 1 blk. from Post Office 606 r erry. 2 SLEEPING rms. with cooking priv. Wflf Lewie. 705 AportmenU For Rent NICE clean heated apt., nr. cap- Itol. Suited to business girl. $40. EM 4-3271. CLEAN furn. 4 rms. bath. gr. fir., util. pd.,gar. 330Missioii. ATTRACTIVE, clean, nicely furn. small Apt. for or 2. in. garage. EM 2-7830. 1411 STATE ST. Furn. 3 rms. & priv. bath, util. ine'l. 2 RMSfurn.r nvt. bath. util. pd. 15119 State, r. m FURN apt. 2 rms. ft bath, rinse in, South, pvt. ent. Emp. lady, EM 3-8343. UNFURN. Apt-. 3 rms. & bath. $37.50 to reliable party ho will give somej-are EM 2-0988 FbDRM.. part. furn. North, on bus. Antenna. EM 2-5.117. FURN Ind 2 bdrm., Apts healed. 1411 Court SL LARGE well furn. 2 rm. ant. 2nd fir., gas stoves $30 mo. Washing facilities. No pets, adults pfd Reft renmred. 2164 Maple Ave. EM 3-711T. i X- 2 hdrm. ants . toves At re- frig, turn, very clean. EM , 3-7145. j 3 POOM mod ant Nice'v furn EM i-7148 or EM 1-6444. I VERY desirable well healed 3 rm. paMlv furn. apt. Garage, i EM 3-8413. I SPACIOUS ACACIA APTS. I 1140 S. 13th. EM 3-7009 J NICE 4 RM. APT. 4!I2 S. HKiH UNFURN 2-bdrm. court. Near North Hi. 812 N. 14th THE CENTUM Y. 1961 CENTER New lrg dlx. 2 bdrm. Apts. MODERN Furnished Court 1 bedroom Wesi Snlcm fall EM 4-6875, evenings EM S-I74S i CLOSE in mod furn 3 rm apt. Ph. EM 3-B4W except Sat. IPllDRM. court, unfurn., adults. i TV. KM 3-4671.1435 Trade. CLEAN 1 iKlrm. apt. Close in jiu union. NEW- furniture, wall to wall carnet iiik in this large welt appointed 1 bdrm. apt. Also have a 3 mi. unfurn. 1055 Edgewater. West Salem. FURN.' court $45 "plus utilities. 2t55Trade.EM 4-7472. 3RM. unfurn. in modern 4 plex range&refng$45EM 2-7520. FURN. 2 room apt . close in. 696 No. Cottage. Reas. COURT: nice 2 bdrm. he. gar., dose in. bus. EM 4-6346. SALVADORE APT'S ONE A 2 iwlr nil range & refrig. Iurn. EM 2-3S4L .IANSSEN COURT FURN. apt : clean, altrae nr shop center A Hub. S. 13th at E Rural. FURN. APT.. 'm 1210 Tile Rd. EM 4-!3.2 NICF.LV furn. lrg. 1 t. apt. WW So. Summer 3 RM MODERN APT. FURN 1 BLK TO CAPITOL BLDG ; 177 COURT EM 4-4919 1 FURN apt . util. pd.. cm bus. 930. 945 125 Gerth. EM 4-5U72 3 RM. FURN. APT. 743 UNION ST. CLEAN" COMFORTAHLF 2 rm modern apl bill p-d l'j Mi per week Ph. F.M 4-4020 SPACIOUS 2 bdrm modern apt to Stile h'ri-' bargain yj 50 Ph EM 4-'.KJ.',i 4 RM furn. apt . grd, fir. Oner. UM N 14th COURT hpt . extra nice, furn 9 j ' rmi . Dam IV launnry park ing avail. Inq 134 So 12th 1 FURN hskng' rm . all util! ties. 5'j7 N. Uberty EM 3 76'5 RM FURN Apt IM2 Court St EM 3-9i 3 RM FURN. upstairs apt. with garage. 15. EM j-is-ij DF.VF.REAUX Apts. N:ee 1 hdrm f'jrn. Stair F.M 2-25.11 LARGE 1 -m. an' f :rr . hot aatrr na' 1 blk F.t M- rr Unimlil 117 50. EM J-7487. JOURNAL 700 Rentals tapuoi, unuccur i-rrn,. "iu lndrv. Couple. EM 3-S524. ATTRACTIVE (urn. apt., close in. 461 N. Front. Eve. EM 4-8522 or days EM 2-8763. 4 RM. unfurn., except stove k refrig. 605 S. Summer. 1 RM. (urn. apt., newly dec, uiil. pd. Stt.KM4-28KI. 3 RM. unfurn. apt., hot water,, $33. 620 S. Summer. EM 3-74H7. FURN. 1 rm. hage. water. 2-0763. kit., bath, gar- EM j l FURN. 3 rm. apt. Adults. 1545 Capitol, iL.M 2-UWO. CLEAN, furnished. remodeled. 8rjv. bath. util. turn. 451 a. apitol. EM 3-53511. Furn. apt. 1210 Tile Rd. KM 2-5006 1 BUHM unturn. apt. Steam heal. Inq. Hollywood Cleaner 2044 N. Capitol. EM 3-961W. CLEAN furn. 3 rm . pvt. bath. 93Y.50. 818 N. Com'l. 706 Duplexes NEW 2 bdrm. In North gate Add. li.'.rk) Edgewood EM 2 3o1l. NEWLY decorated furn. 3 lrg. rms. TV Ant. EM 2-8342. CLEAN, nicely furn.. heated. adults, bsin't garage. EM 3-3746 after t. I 4 LARGE 2 bdrm.. duplex, new, utilities furnished. EM 4-B7WI. UNr URN., S by S. Candalana, , j 1 bdrm., all elec, garage. TV anl.EM 4-0!(78. NEW attract. 2 bdrm. duplex. Stove & rcfrig. $7jEM4-1376. LOVELY spacious 2 bdrm. downstairs apt., free w ater. Rti bv door. 4212 S. Stale. EM 2-!iMy. 2 BDRM. furn. duplex, patio with trpl. 4B50 Rickman Rd. Earnest Porter. NEW spucious furn. 2 bdrm., watet, garbage $65. Few mos. only. Legislatures. EM 2-741". SpBEDRM., unfurn., clean, gar age. EM 4-3253. PARTLY furn., oil furnace.' washer, drver, TV antenna. : EM 3-B!W7. I j SMALL new unturn. 2 txlnii. m country, nciter cr inis mr, $K.:-n mo. 3H60 Center. EM 2-8C'ttL FURN. 2 bdrm. upstairs duplex I $35. Close to State Bldgs. A Willamette Univ. nr EM 2-7249 days orEM 2-7249 eves. 2 BDIIM. unfurn. downstairs du- Flex, Irs.. din. rm., liv. rm. nawn. irple.. F.A. heat. util. rm. & earage $45. Close to Stale Bldg. At Willamette Univ. EM 3-9894 days or EM 2-749 eves. FURN. dunlex TV ant. couple EM 4-1407 2595 N5lh: NEW 2 bdrm., very nice. S5. Draw drapes. 4135 Portland Rd NEW j'bdrm.. birch kit., fg. liv. rm.. att. garage-EM 3-7841. J-"RM. furn. gar., near State hospital EM 2-8041 before 4 pm 707 Houses For Rent NICE 2 bdrm. hse., frpl. rugs, curtains, &awdiM heal, gar age, nr. Stale bldgs. EM 3-33U TWO B.R. house, oil healer. 1 block to West Gate Shopping Center. Ph. EM 2-4315. MOD. 2 bdrm. house, att. sar. Near bus. 4ltfU Hickman HQ, Ernest Porter. UNFURN. 2 bdrm. house, $40 1482 Pork Ave., fcM 4-3(ih FURN. 3 bdrm. East nr. school, completely modern, iirepi., 1 hdwd. 11 rs. EM 44862. 2 RDRM.. unfurn. elec. heat, util. rm., wired tor wasner, drver. near Gen. Hospital. 675 Catterlin Ave. EM 2 7476. COMPLETELY furnished, new 2 bdrm. house, Ig. living rm . family rm.. dbl. garage. EM 3-6548. $95. reference required. 3 BEDROOM, large living room, fireplace, oil furnace, dry bsm'l. garfige. $70. 1020 Shur nian Rd. F.M 3-50(17. FRESHLY redecorated, two bed rm home in Mnnbrln Gardens for $65 00 per month. Call Al WaltsJleal EstateEM 4-6081 WELL located. Ig. 1 bdrm. home. with frpl., garage. Needs clean up k redec. Will furn. material & give free rent. See Joe L. Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol. r BDRM. hse. range, oil circ. Inq. 15118 Court St. HOUSE for rent "or sale. 2445 Cherry Ave. EM 2-6776 for cle- LIKE new 2 brriin., hdwd. firs , attHCh. gar. elec. heat, fully Insulated; nn dogs. 560. Inq. 4.r.i.1 Slale;EM4-262. 4 BDRM.. gar., elec. water heater, wired for washer, drv er. .V N. 17th. 960. EM 3-B574 RENT 920.000 new home with view. furn. or unfurn. EM 4-4216. f BI1HM. in rourt. fenced yard. fnlio, garare, garden space, ileal lor elderlv or working couple. EM 2-3.')'l3. UNFUHN. 3 iKtrni. house, water, gar. furn. Located in Roberts clitl. nr. grade it hi. 940 mo. EM 4-!i!l!l. CONVENIF.NT4cle"an 1 bdrin. house 930. nio. Liberty Dist. EM 2-21W6. MODERN, clean 2 and 3 bdrm. houses. EM 3-9413. 562 Mill. NICE clean 2 bdrm. home lovely view, inside utilitv. elec heat.' insulated, all gr. tcr furn. Kij .W. Itig. BOO Cns- t-iMlc Dr. EM 2-4644. SMALL house partly furn. gar age. Adults 8,')5 Shinning. Tm-'rinnoM 2nin N. t'onri. 91" 2-bedroom, 2310 Broadway. 90 Ram:,ey Kealtv. F.M 4-3.WI 2 BDRM. h-e, back vard. KM 2-&025. gar., fenc ed W. Salem UNFURN. 2 bdrm. hse.. 945. F.M 3-7fl37. West Salem. 3BDR MTfull hmt.. oil furnace, flrepl., gar. Close to schools K Hollywood Center. EM 3-3111 2 HDRM home, Manbrln Gar dens. bmt. $85 KM 4-9500, FOR RENT: small 2 bdrm. hie.' electric heat at 265 S. 20to km rs-inai ! RMS , unfurn., near Engle 1 wood uhl., $:.. EM 2-17.l. RI-'.DEC small 2 bdrm.. garage Inc). 1310 N. IBU1 955 4 IIDHMS" 451 N. 2Ht Gas oil stove. Inq. 1445 Oak. 'included On Highwa South I W.itei. S57 VI 4WI2 So. Pac ific Hv. EM 2-OH'W- I BDRM cottage, clean, anten na. e "I asner IRtn Ai d r s e r . N. CUTE mod 2 bdrm . all elec . garage garden spot W Sa leni. 975 roc EM A 'tXlS 1 BDRM h-e , unfurn . garage, near N High 9T EM 2 fi'-.Vi SMALL unfurn comfortable 4 rm hse in country Nice vard De-iraMe urr iitortine Elec Uf Refrig EM 2-6124 OWNFRS deirt to rent Nice 2 bdrm. home k garage "ith hot w ater heat North. 965. EM 3-4R25 1 BDRM home Excel crmdi - U,n Electric heat EM 3-fV'23 2 BDRM HOUSE. 135 mo 44' Jones Rd EM 3-4811 before 3 BDRMS newly decorated 985 15:i5 Broadway. EM FOR f ouple wanting nire nlc FVnt withir re ion Ne- bftr-r li sp nfirn home. nr. Gen 2251 B'fvmin. RENT nice lean 2 hdrm house i Garden spot. EM 4 1730. "00 Rentals 707-a Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. Gar. laundry, adults, no pels. 3815 PrllanjJ?aj Fl'RNfor unfurn. 2 bdrm. home EM 4-3779alter lp.m. 2 Bdrm.. furn. clo?e In. EM 3-4332 or 3-7495. WE "INVITE YOU TO SEE our cov. neatly furnished 1 bdrm home at 1245 Park Ave. Auto. Electric neat, shady back vard Garden Bus al door, close to state Hospi tals, no children, no dogs. We will gludlv how you what ut have to offer for $65. BDRM.. furn. hse.. gar. elec. heat. Auto, wasner, . iviv N. Church after 6 p.m. 1 BDRMSelec. heat, garage. No.. $70 mo. EM 2-77B"- r B R . lr.. dr.. kit. 'washer k dryer. Ph. EM 2 6758. CANDALAHI A "District. fur nished. $125. Beautiful ranch t pe, 3 bedroom home, parly room. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, double garnge. etc. Located 310 Roice. Call EM 2-8515. Otis Really. COZY, clean 1 bdrm . garage, $50. Inq. 4135 Plld. ltd. 3RM. hse.. elec. heat. $50 mo nr. shop ctr. bus. JM 2-1296. SMA1 L 3 hdrm. furn. hse. close in on N. Com'l. EM 2-7.178. 5 PM. FURN. cottage. Close in. Hdwd. (Irs., lots of closets. nicelv furn. Ph.. EM 3-8382,883 N. Cottage. km. modern nouse partly turn. Artull-i niilv nn drinkers. S35. 740 Cummings Lane. EM 4-7SM5 BDRM.. flrepl.. oil heat, burnt. ear. So. $65. EM 2-9894. REDKC. I bdrm. furn. hse.. ga rage. ater. garbaee. no pel, rcf. MS. Avail. Feb. 1st. EM 3-5367. FURN. 2 bdrm. bus line nr. school garage Inq. 2155 Uni versity. 2 RM. furn. cottage, yard fenced 1965 Highway Ave. EM 2-6618. LARGE nnrtv furn n ci"e State bldgt, St Univ. EM 2-3616 week days. 710 Wanted to Rent Hses 2 OH Sch. 3 bdrm home In Wash dist. EM 311318 after t P " WANT: 3 bdrm. hse.. den, rat ing space in kit., good neigh borhood for small children. No hurry. EM 4 5737. 714 Business Rentals OFFICE space, all util.. janitor service $55. Pevlmnn Btdg, 6511 N. Cottage. KM 4-7S83. OOWN'l OWNlfiee nace str rms & warehouse EM 3-4114 FlinNlSHED 5 "unit motel in Slem area. Lomaci rroperty Management Dept.. State High wav Commission. State Highway Building. Salem. 1 8 Convalescent Homes BROADWAY Nursing Home Am- huiatnry & oea patients, r.m 2-4R01. 780 Moving & Storoge RUSS PRATT MAYFLOWER Movintr & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER LOW COST storage. H. L. Stiff Furniture co. KM3-lBa Larmer Transfer k Storage Complete moving service Also agents for btKina naiinn W ideM overs Ph. F.M 3-3131. LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINKS LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. KM 2-1730 OR KM 3 r TO PLACE AD PH0NK EM 4-6811 ft()Q Fslate 801 Business Opportun. BI'INESS lot with 3 bdrm. hse. S-15 S. Com I. Make oners iu N. 2IHh. EM 3-H7. SELF OPERATING APTS. NEW, well planned. No vacancy loss. Iaovv operating expense. Garages. Extra lot. EM 3-8347 FOR LEASE: Phi. Bay major oil ro. Service Malum in in dependence. Small investment, good icnlal, EM 4-44!iH. SILENT partner in established hosiness s.t.wio iiivrMmrni. Mm Kl'; n-liifn 1st year. Wute I 4!3 Statesinan- Join nal. FINE paving greenhinise. cel. icaticm. Flower shop. 3 net IU0 100. ex 2 ran run. 97HHI ha ndle Carlscm Realty Ph. 1114 McMinnvilie. WANTED: Space for siieclalied Iteyt.'iuranl Italian, Sea focxls. steaks. Must be pleot I of parking facilities. Box i:u Statesinnn Journal. : ' FLYING T SERVICE STATION . FOR LKASE IN SALEM Equipment and All Utilities Fur nished You bu onlv Mdse., for resale. Ph. F.M 4 88.1B. "SELL OR LEAST AN OPPORTUNITY IN A FAST GROWING, CLOSE-IN SALEM SI 'BUR BAN AREA Building ha ,10M ri ft floor af-a lo cated cm corner of through 3 miles frofo cilv center Re friger.tlion. Mas tieen oieralrd a. fuc.d market tt arietv tcire Ideal for couple as hu tiding has living quarters Owner 'Mil take in small h'me or contract in trade- Call Edith Anderson, EM 2 7849. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS I5'r0 Com'l EM 2-3BWt CAFE FOR SALE 4 fl. 2tn E M 2 !'2 . 5 CAFE for sale. mud fulh equipt , Joe h-t In town. Call Mt Anirel, (iieen 61. eve. f.reen 31 GOING Into the Service Station Busine1 If vou want s real bargain In td lube and tool equip ment -nee us without delay. Sacrifice price1 F. Burr M 1 1 1 r Oil Co - 2M) Portland Road 'Shell Bulk Plant Salem 1. , 8 802 Bus. & Income Prop, RUSINESS FRONTAGE South Corn'l near 12th St Jet lot; i -n m,.tm lrA aailahle i 111 D.n inr 1 Vnj ht fl ft ihfin fruit .Unrt T'lVt Trrnn Phone EM 4..Tl! V.v EM 4 04t2 cliff nowpr.n CO R.ltori, 'l'J0 rnrr'und 800 Real Estate 802 Bus. I Income Prop. PROFITABLE NEWER INCOME PROPERTY BUILT FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING IN GOOD ENVIRON MENT. No vacancy loss. 3 units with fireplaces. All 7 units have stoves and refrig. Central utility room with washers and dryers. Off street parking. Renters nav own util ities. Priced at $48,000. Owner will consider trade-in of hune up to $20,000. Call Chet Nel son, Eve. EM 2 1350. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Com'l Ph. EM 2-3869 82 OPPORTUNITY 9 000 sn Ft. under glass 31.. A. for expansion Hiehwav retail possibilities Convenient living quarters Close in for cheap operation A $25,000 value for $17..i00 A hot deal for an ambitious man 81ft Dennis Lane KM 4-W33 COURTESY TO REALTORS APT. house, good location It in come. Goon condition. Ov. ner will take home in trade. EM 4-3271. 806 Houses For Salt $600 DOWN NEW 3 RKDRM.. KltlKPLACE PI.ASTRHK1) OARAGE. KAM U,Y KITCHEN. PAVED STREET. ONE P.I.K. SOUTH CtV MflUN!Nr.S!I)E SCH. 1074 SHAMROCK ST. NO LOAN COSTS. $11,500. OPEN EVERY DAY. tin OiW. ail WOODLAND DR limn uti r.ui.rt i.n. .,.r. m.K. PAST KINGWOOD 1)11 EXCEPTIONAL MOD ERN. BEAM CEILINGS IN LIVING ROOM. TWO BATHS. TWO Fl REPLACES, FULL BASEMENT. FINE VIEW AND EXCELLENT LO CATION, UNUSUAL SPLIT LEVEL ENTRANCE HALL. TRADE WILL BE CONSID ERED. $500 DOWN. OR WHAT HAVE lull n 1 tinur. nr. j BEDROOM HOMES. FinE PLArES. REAM CEILINGS. BIRCH KITCHENS. DELCO FORCED AIR OIL HEAT nnirr. in wo. NO OTHER COSTS. ONE BLK NORTH OF KEI7.ER SCH. OPEN EV ERY DAY, LOOK FOR SIGNS. FAIRMONT HILL. DELUXE TWO a K IJ It u u M MUMr. THAT HAS EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANT F.n. HOTPOINT DIS1IWASH ER. DISPOSAL. RANGE AND OVEN. CARPET. DRAPES. SCREENS. SPRINKLING SYS. TEM THIS HOME MUST BE SOLD AS OWNER HAS MOVED TO CALIF. tlR.MHl. SULLIVAN HF.AI. F.STATE KOS S. 12111 Ph. EM 4 B5X1 J BDRM. KnmYwoofi Disl. Call tvfii. or Sat. EM 2-nm. BY"OWNKR Klngwnnd Park Dll. lati- model 2 IKI1I11., iiunir, iiiuii-iJiiio den, frple.. hard, fir., new wall to wall t-arpel, drape.. Innulated. Weather atrlped. Wired lor washer & dryer. 1HII. rm. near hu Ar acliool. KO'vlOO' Int. enclosed nai-k yard with Irplf. Choice fthrubn. A,9S0, 1326 rranltlm. EM 3-flfi.SO. OUTSTANDING HOMES Each In li s own Priced Field 4 B R, Deluxe 3 B R, Morntngslde 3 P II, Candalarla . 9-'6.5on . 918.000 , 916.500 . 913.950 3 R R. New N. E 3 B R. Hazel Ave . 9 13. BOO 911.500 911.500 910.050 910.500 9 3.650 3 B.R. 2 R R. 2 B R. New South Manbrln Oar. McKlnley Dist. Candalarla BR. I', Good SR. Dist. For appointment call JIM W. BRASHER Eves EM 4-7386 Don Doiwldm 320 Court Ph. EM 4 B4B4 SMALL clean 2 hdrm. home. 91.050 full price. 9150 dn. 947 Ml inn. EM 2-6731 after 6 A wk. end. SELL OR RENT Large I vr. old Candalarla home, wonderful view, lrg, lot. Accept trade or low dn. pymn't Your Realtor Invited. I'll. EM 4-5275 Liberty Gardens Builder offers new 3 bdrm., l'i baths, din. rm., nook. Util . flrepl . dbl. gar. Also smaller 3 bdrm neanng completion. EM 2 0108. SACRIFICE I Builder needs money, 91.500 I down gels best hu V In Salem. New 3 hdrm., South, flrepl . forced-air heat. dhl. car port. Or might sell TiOO down with 95 mo pavints 4297 Pauline. Eves. EM 2-3759. BY OWNFR-Englewood dist. 3 hdtni.. iirepi , full bmt. Call afler 5 pm, FM 2-345B. HOME "with income for 93.000 i, A with 2 cottages. 1 now renting lor 948. EM 2 2285. SACRIFICE SELL or tiade I bdrm. house. Irpl , full hsm't.. till furnace, hdwd. firs., garage, fenced hack vatd, lot fl()xl2n Holly wood Dist . for late model car or liailer house. EM 2-0952. Home & Rental JUST think a house with bsrot. A fur. Lr Dr al-c..e Kit eating space 2 bdrm mod older house, double garage etc ! shea. Close in on bus line AImi 3 no. apl rented for i5 per rno priced at f ft. nun. si."" dow n. 90 per 1110. HERE is a nice k clean house wilfi 2 bdrms large Inn. kil w ith cupboard space insior ulilitv no. extra large gar Near tin Washington School Price 91!(V. with 10 pet. down Croisan Creek 1 A country living but 3 ml from tow 0 Older lull upstairs' not finished double gar apple pear, n walnut tree pnng water to house, price 915 000. some terms LINfOLN PARK ADD. DEAL WITH THE OWNERS WHO ARK Abrams& Skinner l MrtOIIIL U HCAI. r.-i iir. MfinTfiAfiK LOANS P.nn. F.M l-i?!? ' . r.M 3-13W Rd' I Or EM 3 3077 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $800.00 DOWN Buy this clean 2 bedroom home, only 4 years old. Located on ouiet resi dential street laroe bed roomshardwood floors oil furnace and att. gar ace. Lots Is 70x170 Full price is just $8,750.00. Call Stanley Brown. Let Oh mart ACHKAGE WITHOUT acres, 40 A. cultivated, balance billldmK Mtes can be aubdlvioeo. a.'ooo.w down, easy lerma on balance. Total price lll.0OO.O0. See Henry Torvend. SUPPLEMENT VOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NOW!!! Buy ihi? dtiplexl Well located south, 2 years old. easy lo main tain, shows good return on your invcsimem. u,uwi,u. A DRKAM COME TRUE If you want REAL home in a new 3 bedroom nome wun tainiiy room, utiumr (jtuiiiuiuij. m fireplaces, built-in oven and range trees In oack yard It I god buy. Have Ralph Maddy show you through. CORNER LOT 60x100 ON COURT STREET If you want a good building lot 93500.00, paved streets ana wants, ENGLEWOOD The Ink Is hardly dry on this new with fireplace. 1 large oenrooins wnn Ruaiimnai v-e " "Vm up large utility room. Owner is leaving stale and dependanit buyer may assume 5' contract SlOW down, bal. 970.00 a month. Full price Ask lor Adrienne Sercombe. LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 411 Court Street Phone EM 2-4115 EM 1-411 J Eve.-Stanlev Brown. FM 2-5581 Henry Torvend. EM 3-MB nalph Maddy, EM 2-3488 Louis Loreni. EM 3-55W Adrienne Sen-omhe. EM 4-!)P2 WEST COAST REALTY 30.S5 Portland Road TRADE. SELL OR OFFER I i ACItr.h in Uie LaKe area. Sneep tisht fences i-om plete. All under cultivation ex cept 2 acres hetng cleared. Has barn, livable house, gar., ririvewav. and .separate pump house. Only 916,500. AND to believe this vou should see it. Call Mr. Carpenter. Eves. EM 3-ema. UNUSUAL NEW 3 bdrm. hnme with family rm., r.ircn kh.. wun insine um. rm. l'j baths, dbl. gar., F.A. heat. MfiB sq. ft. City water. Close to school & stores. Price 912.950 Ask far Dick Eves. EM 2-38B4. BARGAIN FOR $3500 NICE liv. rm.. 1 hdrm., nice kitchen with nu i- ns. Bm rnntii a nice larcft Int. 9500 down and 940 per mo. Call Mr. Donahne. EM 4-9704. A05 CHEMEKETA GOOO suburban Incattnn for re-1 tired couple. r.xcepiumniiy i nice 2 bedroom home. Living room with fireplace, separate dining room. Nice light cherry kitchen, utility, attached gar age. Plenty shade trees. Owner will trade for 10 to 20 acres. Fnr appointment lo see call EVERY HOME BELOW ($1,000 OR LESS DOWN) SOUTH: Basement, 3 bedrms., separate dining room. Very livable older home. 3 Blocks lo High School. Oil Furnace. 9H750. Phone DON BELLIN GER, nfc. KM 4-3394, Eve. EM 4-0402. SOUTH: 2 Bdrm . 1 hlock to bus ft shopping center, tiign m-num 5 blocks. 50xl5 lot. Can't he heat for 94300 Phone DON BELLINGER, office EM 4-3394 Eve. EM 4-0402. NORTH: 3 Bdrm., 8 yrs. old. Excellent condition tnrougnciui. .10x100 lot. Large floored alllc. Hicirage everywhere. FHA built. 96950. Phone CLIFF BOWDF.H. office EM 4-3394, 1 Eve. EM 3-095H. NORTH: Immediate possession.! 2 Hdrm. down, l'j up. nepar ate dining ronm, Inside utility. Good children's yard Name vour terms. Owner MUST sell 9fl!50. Phone CLIFF BOWDER EM 4-3304. Eve. EM 3-9056. 1800 Fairgrounds Rd. SEE this well arranged home. 2 bdrm. fireplace, din. rm. brkfst. nook. dbl. gar. Close to Kcnooi more, -j A lot. Call Rudv Klundl, EM 4 OOflfJ or EM 4-4783. nlor 1500 down, 970 mo. Call Mel Potts, EM 4-0960 or EM 4-8973. 2 BDRM bungalow, Washington dist. Oil heat, large lot, barn, Call Verle Landreth. EM 4-0988 or EM 4-IW73. DAIRY on roast. 200 acres, sell or trade fullv equipped Call John Allison EM 4-0988 or KM 4-0327. BRANCH OF COLHATH LAND CO. 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-096S KEYED TO CONVENIENCE. This neat 2 bedrm. home nenr Leslie school k Bush Park on S Cottage, lovelv kitchen, oil furnace, oak floors, an extra j ( becirm. over the garage. 91 uimi tl-.un bal. of imxt at S7 a month Call G A Walters, Realtor !'M) S Com'l. Ph. EM 2 8714 or EM 4 8.365. NEAR WASHINGTON S( MOOL j NEW 3 bed room home built in range, oven l'j r,uns, living r'nm. Fireplace Fainilv niocn. Kitchen Double gari;e City water and sewer. Open 2 p.m. lo 3 p m. Sunday Jan 20. CALL GEORGE REED Eves. EM 2 0889 RttlTOH, INI j' f Ph. EM 4 8484 I Buy Real Value I 5 loans 5fc 1 m With Confldnc gJJ Buying - Building g Section 2 Page 7 KOO Real Estate 606 Houses For Sol Rudy Calaba BUILDINGS Mump, easily cleared Ideal good district, South, see thlj be sure to see Ihis one pnc tan Loan wirwi. SCHOOL listing! A snug family hnm Ph. EM 2-7642. EM 4-8999 FOR RENT BOIIM. house. 950 ALSO I hdrm. home. Call Mrs. Leav ens. EVES. EM 3-4735. VALUE PLUS IN THIS 3 bdrm. home. Nict liv. rm., wun nrepiace. sep arate din. rm.. full bsm't with filavroom. Sawdust heat. All or 911.500. Call Mrs. Leavens. Eves. EM 3.4735. GROCERY BUSINESS OWNER retiring. Will sacrifice inventorv, cnaueis, ana nun nest for" 93,750. Call Mr. Whit' man. Eves. EM 2-0757. BOOST YOUR INCOME MAKE an offer on a 3 unit apartment house. A short S minutes walk lo Willamette U. or Slate Capital. Low dn. pay mt. or a reasonable contract will give you possession. Call Mr. Harris. Eves. EM 4-1.21 ft. PHONE EM 4-6976 Dale Ravhurn EM 4-6875 of Eve & Sun EM 2-2045. BE INDEPENDENT. 40 acres. All can ne irrigated, ah equip ment goes. Nice 4 bedroom home with fireplace, furnace, heat. Some stock. 95.000 down with verv easy terms. Call Ben Griffith F.M 4-6M5 nr Ev At Sun call EM 3-R760. STEVENS SPECIALS CHARM and INDIVIDUALITY! 2 bedroom home on N. 15th Street. 12 x 19 ft. living room with fireplace, dining area. Large wardrobe clo.seis. Dble. attached garage plus work shop. A dandv home for 911.500 with FHA terms. Call Don Wall for details. GO SUBURBAN! Acre nicely landscaped, creek and small duck pond. Where else can you find all this with a 2 bed room home plus 10 x 10 ft. den and large living room for only 9K5O0? American sleel kitchen cabinets, lire alarm system. Located south. See this now and be readv for the first days of spring. Call Bill Estill. WEST SALEM. 3 Bedroom hom near hub, grocery and cnurcti. 14 x 24 fl. living room Now rented 970 monlhlv. Total prlca 99200. FHA terms. Call John Pierce. PAY MORE? WHAT FOR? 26 4 Acres located 4 miles cast 01 4 Corners. Grade "A" Dairy set-up with barn, milk house, loafing shed, machine aheti and old hut livable 9 bedroom house. All-year creek. Thla land alone should bring tha asking pi n e of 913.500. Owner must have 9'000 cash down pavrnent If you want lo buy wisely, hut at a bargain price, Investigate ihis dairy farm. Call Don Wall. Salesmen's evening 'phones: Wall EM 4-6407; Estill EM 4-83(6; Pierce EM 4-2603. STEVENS REALTORS FOR SALE: 3 bdrm. home. 310 E. Hrowning. twi -wa. BY OWNER' 9700 down." new 3 bdrm. home In lovely n W residential dist. EM 3-0073. BY BUILDER JUST completed 3 bdrm hnint. Finished daylight basement. fireplaces. 2 baths, douhle ga rage, riihh washer, East view. See this beautiful home at 2040 S Church St. between Fair view and Vista Ave. Call EM 3flM7 SELL or exchange: 2 bdrm.. mod. home, unfinished un staiis. full bsm'l.. 2 frpl.. ig. lot. lots of trees, also Ceramic Studio. Will exchange for 2 or 3 bdrm. dbl garage, day light b.siii't. EM 2-aiIH. 2 BDRM house, low dn. pymt Highland dist EM4-72fll. Rare Opportunity LOCATED in excellent East En itlewood District. n aannj .siiictlv modern, 2 hdrm. home, l.g living rm. w ith pictura window and fireplace. Lg. kitchen with nook -space. Util Itv Rm. Attached garage. Own er lives oul of C;ty. Price 9!i 7IK) Terms Ask for Ed Sc hreder Ph EM 3-9236. Eve nings EM 3-7R2.V Walking u.stance of downtown. Modern 3 bdrm home. Lg. dining rm. Kitchen with nook. Fireplace Basement with ex tra room Lot street to alley. One of the few huvs close m. Ask for Lnval Warner. Ph. EM 3-9236. Oregon Development rnmnanv (Rea tors) ' 31 N. CHURCH PH. EM 3-9231 fa '-. irr ail EM 3 1731.