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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1957)
Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 18, 1957 Here's Route of Monday's Inaugural Parade w ir, h i in in mi i i i i i 1 T -""Tgy-J 1" - 5 WASHINGTON D.C nnni J mu Map traces ruule of the KUcnhower Inauguration parade, to Include 63 bandit, 34 floalK, U'ltli the President in the reviewing tand outside the White House. (AP Wireplioto Map) . .THEY DON'T SPEAK KNGIJSU 2 New Life in Salem Started By 3 Hungarian Refugees F; By JANET TINMAN STONE Capital Journal Writer "It's fascinating," says Mrs. jj. ' Jack Culbertson, of the cxperi jf'v enecs she is having with her i guests, three Hungarian refugees k' who arrived in Salem Saturday to ttart a new life, lstovan and Mikai Rakonzay. rat' brothers, with Mikai's little girl, '-;Gabriella, arrived in Portland &?by plane. They were met by the i",;Xulbertsons who, after a meal at the First Congregational church, jfcy, brought them to their new home Xi- in Salem. v Mrs. Culherlson says she and licr husband became interested in sponsoring the refugees because of friends who arc llungarinn. They worked through Catholic Charities lo open their home to tho llnkon I zays and, as a result, are now U rngaged "in a constant gomo of ; charades. 1 Speak No English ; Because the new family speaks no English, and the Culbcrtsons TODAY'S CLOSE M. STOCK Ql'OTATIOM (By THE ASSOCIATED PRFSS1 Admiral Corporation 14 Allied Chemical 9.1 Allis Chalmers ' 3a I Aluminum Co. America m Y American Airlines 21 ?i IT American Can 4! Vt t American Cyanamidc 72 ?fc American Motors 5 to I'. American Tel. & Tel. 174 V, American Tobacco 7I . Anr.conda Copper lB '. ; Ai mco Sleel SB Atchison llailrcmil '.!"' 'i IMhlehrm Steel in I ' ltucing Airplane Co. 57 la f. Jlorg Warner 42 li .Itiirvuughs Adding Much. :I7 'i ' California Tacking 41 to i Canadian Pacific 112 :U Caterpillar Traclur 117 V ' Corporation Hi Ik Chrysler Corporation tv to Cities Service t2 to Consolidated I'.dison 4:, Crown Zcllerbnch r." . .Curtiss Wright 4.i 1 1 Douglas Aircraft 'i l .' dul'ont de Nemours 1B2 i ; V.astman odak Hiii Kmerson Itadio i Kurd Molor 54 ' Cencral Klt'ilric "4 i General Foods 4lt to (irnrral Motors 40 ' t (icorgla I'ac Plywood 2ti 1 1 ,. Goodyear Tire 7ii International Harvester Ml ' International Paper l"l 'Johns Manville 4ii to - Kaiser Aluminum 41 'i , Kc microti Copper l'-'n ' - l.ibby. McNeill U ' '. l.ockheeil Aircralt 5.1 J.ocw's Incorporated '-" to -'Montgomery Ward M 4 New York Central '2 ' ' Northern Pacific ' Pacific American Fish 14 to -Politic lias & Klcctric 4'i to :jac.fic Tel. Tel. 1:12 to Penney t J.C.I Co. ' ". Pennsylvania It It '' ' Pepsi Coin Co. 20 to ' Philco Itadio If ' Timet Sound P k I. to Itadio Corporation 31 ' ila.wmicr Invnrp. 41 to lirpuhlir Sleel tvnnll Melals Itichfield Oil Salewav Stores lac. M St. Hcis '- Scott Paper Co Sears Itoebuck 4 Co. -' Shell Oil Co. 81 Sinclair Oil " Socony-Mobile Oil M to ..Southern Pacific 44 Standard Oil Calif. ' Standard Oil N J :'T Studehakcr Packard 7 to Sunshine Milling 7 l; Swift & Company ' Transatncrica Corp. 37 Twenlielb Century I'ox 24 to ' Vnion Oil Company s "I'nion Pacific 2H to ' ' t'nited Airlines S'-' Vnited Aircralt m ' JTJ; I'niled Conxiration 8 to J"t; 1 niter Slates Plywiwd .13 to Vnited Slates Steel to Warner Pictures 211 i . We.iern Ciimn ici i ' - WcslitiliuoM' An 1'i.ike 2:i . W'e.stinghouse Kleclric M Woulworth Company 44 to don't speak Hungarian, "wo. use maps, atlases, encyclopedias and plain old sign language why I even find myself explaining the language to old friends it's get ting to be such a habit," says Mrs. Culbertson. But, she adds, they're catching on fast. Because of the language barrier. the new family have not been able to tell the Culbertsons of their first impressions of their new country. But Mrs. Culbertson says no words are needed to indicate their sur prise nnd pleasure over some of They will stay with the Culbert sons until they can get jobs to sup port themselves. Istcvan was a locksmith and welder and Mikai was a carpenter. WHY THE ENGINE PURRED DETROIT (UP) When Car roll S. Blair beard strange noises in his car Thursday, he had a service station attendant thor oughly check his engine. The at tendant could discover nothing wrong and started checking the rest of the car. A cot was finally discovered perched on the axle. Judge Rules On Paternity LOS ANGELES (UP) Moises Vivanco, 39, husband of Peruvian singer Vma Sumac, has been ruled the father of twin two-year-old girls born out of wedlock to his wife's former secretary, Mau reen Shea, 24. Superior Judge Jesse J. Framp ton Thursday ruled that Vivanco, arranger-manager for his wife, was the father of the girls after an 11-day paternity suit. Miss Shea charged in the suit that she and Vivanco became in timate after he hired her as his wife's secretary. Vivanco testified that he had engaged in intimacies but claimed their relationship broke off before the twins were conceived. Miss Shea asked $500 monthly support of the girls. 'Young' Turks Given Offices ByMacmillan LONDON ifl Prime Minister Harold Macmillan brought into his government at junior level Friday the leaders of two Con servative Party factions which clashed over Middle East policies. Macmillan named 29 parlia mentary secretaries and under secretaries who will serve as as sistants to the 18 Cabinet mem bers and 22 other senior minis ters already selected. The list in cludes representatives of various shades of opinion within Conser ative ranks clearly an attempt by Macmillan to bury the old di visions that haunted Sir Anthony tden s last weeks in office. The prime minister appointed Sir Edward Boyle, 33, a leading spokesman of the party's moder ate wing, parliamentary secre tary to the Ministry of Education. Boyle resigned as economic sec retary to the Treasury in protest against the abortive British French invasion of Egypt last November. Julian Amery, 33, was named parliamentary and financial sec retary to the War Office. t Amery, son-in-law of the prime minister, was a leading figure in the Con servative rank and file group which supported the Egyptian in vasion and then turned against Eden for agreeing to a cease-fire. Amery 's group opposed that Jed by Boyle. Playtime Postponed our comforts nnd traditions. Perhaps the greatest joy to the C . ' ! IP refugees, she says, has been the ,11USI lnilS I 1 .llsl MPri( I 1 ftl electrical appliances. The vacuum "OB " " cleaner, the electric mixer, the ro- l mr n better rarking at Woodburn tisserio and washing machine and dryer. "They've never seen the like," she says. And they all have to gather around and watch when ever Mrs. Culbertson is using one of these Instruments. TV Enjoyed Th television set has also been a aource of pleasure. Apparently, saya Mrs. Culbertson. Hungarian TV Is still In the experimental stage, so the new family has been overwhelmed by the sets here. They particularly enjoy the cow hoy pictures though (inbriella is fascinated by the cartoons. The Culbertsons have taken their guests down town nnd to the Capi tol and report the Hungarians were "thrilled." All the cars, says Mrs. Culbertson, were amazing to the guests who rode only bicycles in heir home country. And the shop ping centers were full of surprises lor Ihe refugees who hail never seen so many goods available to he public. In Hungary, savs M,-s. Culbertson. "coflee is about t:io a pound and eggs nbout j:i or $4 apiece." When served some of llieso "del icacies." the visitors have seemed reluctant to eat too much "1 think it s because they're not really con vinced there is enouch nnd don't want to deprive us of anything," say ihe I tilhertsnns. The story these new guests have to tell isn't a pretty one. They were active during the fiehting in nngary and when the Russians WOODBURN (Special) Several suggestions to ease the parking situation in Woodburn were dis cussed at the city council meeting Tuesday night and taken under advisement. Action was taken extending the two-hour parking limit on Garfield street at tho side of Dr. Deagen s office. A proposal was made that the west side of First street be tween Grant and Lincoln in front of the Lincoln school be returned 3020 police calls, 1233 miscellane ous calls and 57 fire calls. A total of 166 burning permits were is sued. Fred Kinns and George D Jones .asked that the culvert at Tout street and Settlemicr Ave. be lowered to permit septic tank overflows to drain and also asked for improvement of storm drain facilities for S. Settlemicr Ave. from the city limits to the slough. The council voted to withhold $200,000 Fire In Anchorage ANCHORAGE. Alaska (UP) The old Malemute Saloon, an Alaskan landmark, and three oth er buildings were destroyed by a fire which raged out of control here for several hours early to day. Damage was estimated at $200,- 000 and one unidentified fire fight er collapsed from smoke inhala tion and was treated at a local hospital. The Pay and Take It Grocery, a floor covering establishment and an electrical supply store were al so destroyed in the blaze which for a lime threatened other build ings in the downtown business dis trict. Heavy fog and 5 to 10 above zero weather hampered city fire men and Elmcndorf Air Force personnel who fought the blaze. Cause of the fire was not known. The fire broke out about 1L p.m. PST Thursday in the grocery and was not brought under control un til several hours later. Includes 32 Blaze Gibson to Enter Plea on Assault, Robbery Charge ALBANY. Ore. W Ernest L. Gibson, already serving a life sentence in the state prison, was scheduled to plead here Friday to an assault and robbery charge. He was brought from Salem Thursday for arraignment on the charge, which stemmed from the escape of Gibson and three other prisoners from the Linn County jail Sept. 7. The life sentence was on con viction for assault and robbery in the Linn County treasurer's office lat January. Gibson also faces a 10-year prison sentence for the theft of two cars after the September escape. to unlimited parking since it is I $300 from the first payment to uon bcii, lormer cuy engineer, for sower survey fees. It was reported that Mrs. Gerald Smith had tendered her resigna tion as a member of the recrea tion and park board. The term of Robert Snwtelle has expired not a business area, A suggestion was made that West Lincoln street west of Kirst street be widened to full width in the near future and that park ing then be allowed on both sides of the street. One-side parking on Gatch street near the Bible Baptist and the council w;ll make appoint church to eliminate congestion i ments in February. H. M. Austin was also discussed. f Ihe board reported a number of Councilman L. H. IlildebraiuU ; tall trees near Legion park might reported that the water depart me nt had pumped a total of lt2,- r(i7,ft2. gallons of water (luring l!),r)(i. During that time 26 new services were installed, three re newed, six hydrants installed, six meters replaced, !)8 meters fall, breaking power lines. Council man Robert 1 hirst is lo investi gale. Austin also asked investiga tion of the culvert under the rail road tracks opposite Settlemicr park. An informal meeting of the conn- paired. 47fi meter readings investi- oil will be held Wednesday .Ian gated and S3 leaks repaired. Asi ni r.Mt p.m. io aiseuss iiiuire total of 3773 feet of 6-inch cast developments of streets, water. iron pipe was laid. 4 till feet of sewers and street lights. No nf Vi inch calvanized. nnl 44 feet ficial action can be taken. The of 2-inch galvanized. Of .the pus- next regular council meeting will jtihlc 1173 services available in the be Feb. 3. city 1121 arc in service and 52 are entered the town llirv tn fl.i Tlu-v duln't have limi- tn linrl tii..r Vacant. families so they fled, across the Fire lteport border tn Austria Thov have since! Kim Chief Flnvd Mariele renort-i named "The Flame" turned in been in Camp Kilmer, N. J., and ed the department had 57 fire calls i fire alarm Friday. Firemen quick now, of course, because of Choir ! during Ihe year, 22 city and 35 ly put out a minor blaze, in s new spoiiMirs, they are in Salem. rural. The dispatchers handled , barbecue stock. B57 Crashes, 2 Men Killed KL PASO. Tex. (fl A B.T bomber crashed while landing at Biggs Air Force Base near here Thursday, killing its two crewmen and injuring a civilian worker, The Air Force identified the dead as: 1st Lt. Russell Karl Hanson. 24 son of Air. and iMrs. Kmmett C. Hanson of Cudahav, Wis. 1st Lt. Thomas H. Higcins, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Higgins of Wallad Lake, Mich. Higgins wife lives in Kl Paso. The huge plane, attached lo the first two target squadron here, smashed into the motor pool, rie stroying two trucks and damag ing several others. It also hit two buildings. Porllaiul Driver Heturns to Jail i Undercover Job ftfe. -fit;'. 'fssS B-a :. r f ii1 A Portland man was back FI.AMK HAS A FIKK jail today on a drunk driving SPOKANK A restaurant eharsje, the second one in two days, stale police here reported. Lewis Paul Robertson was ar rested Wednesday night near Sa lem and spent the night in the Marion county jail. He was leased on his own recognizance Thursday by district court Judge K. O. Siadtcr Jr.. lo consult an at tornev. Rail was set at $100 and he wa given until Tuesday to enter a plea. Robertson was arrested again Thursday nmht in Linn county on a similar charge and was taken to the county jail in Albany, where he was being held Friday, oflicers said. 0Ji WSJ VifcK REDS BUILD REACTOR BKRL1N W Communist Fast Germany said Friday it has be gun construction for its first atomic reactor. Neues Deutsch- land, the official Communist Par ty organ, reported several Soviet experts are helping with the work, in Dresden, The newspaper said the parts for the reactor were supplied by the Soviet Union. ALTAMONT, 111. The sign on the door of the home of seven-year-old Greg Cox is self-explanatory. However his friend, Jon Douglas, six, can't read and comes knocking. Greg's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Cox, posted the sign but it isn't work ing out loo well because most of Greg's playmates are too young to read. (AP Wireplioto) Fidel Gaviola Is Councilor WOODBURN (Special) Fidel Gaviola, son of Mrs. Verl Hersh berger of Woodburn, and a senior at Woodburn high school, was elected master councilor of Wood burn Chapter of DcMolay at the regular meeting Wednesday night. He succeeds Clarke rickenng. Other new officers elected are James Morrison, senior councilor; and William Bishoprick, junior councilor. Appointive officers will be announced later. Installation Lloyd Under Heavy Guard After Threat ROME 1 The Rome police tripled their guard today around British Foreign Minister Selwyn Lloyd after an anonymous tele phone threat. Lloyd is on the last day of a three-day official visit to discuss proposals for creating a West European trade union. . More than a score of plain- c.othesmen hovered about the Police Charge Three Teeners With Burglary Three Salem teen agers were charged with burglary early Fri day after they broke into a parts building at Trader Mike's used car lot and wrecking yard at 3200 Sil verlon Rd.. the Marion county sheriff's office reported. Deputy Amos Shaw said the ar rest came after Deputy Richard Boehringer noticed an open win dow in the building about 1 a.m. Boehringer said he stopped to in vestigate and saw a youth jump out the window ami run. He lost the youth in the chase Hut then noticed a car parked near the scene, he said, so he went to check on it. Another youth fled from it. A check of license plates on the car (the rear one was a switched plate) led deputies to the home of the car owner where one youth was found hiding in a car parked in the yard. Upon contacting his parents, they gave the names of the two youths he had been with and dep uties went to their homes. Under questioning, the three admitted breaking into the building to ob tain some parts for their cars. They were turned over to coun ty juvenile authorities and were being held in the juvenile ward of the jail Friday. city museum. Police kept other sightseers at a distance. A source at the Italian Foreign Ministry said someone had tele phoned that an attempt would he made on Lloyd's life. will be Saturday, Feb. 2, at 8 ! Briton who had a major hand p.m. and will be open to the pub lic. Clarke Pickering, the retiring master councilor will be the in stalling officer. Posters for the visit of the blood mobile on Jon. 21 have been put out by the DeMolay boys and they will put on the crowning ceremony lor tne Kainbow installation the evening of Jan, 23. 51 SAFE AS FERRY GROUNDS PORT AUX BASQUES, Nfld.tP Twelve passengers and 39 crewmen have been taken safely off the 2.043-ton ferry Cabot Strait. ine cralt went aground on a sandbar. DROP U.S., BRITISH TOLD MOSCOW W Pravda Friday suggested to Britain an easy way out of her "plight." It was to drop bad associates, including the I'nited States and take up with Russia. in the Suez invasion as he looked at paintings and sculptures in the Schaefer's Liniment This vlauable time tried lini ment in use 60 years, has proved effective in the treat ment of rheumatic and neu ralgic pains, sore muscles, backache, sunburn, insect bites, itching or burning feet. Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 135 NORTH COMMERCIAL NOW IS THE TIME To Spray Your Roses & Fruit Trees With DORMANT SPRAYS LIME & SULPHUR OR FERBAM ' F. A. DOERFLER & SONS Nursery Landscaping Garden Supplies Open Monday Through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 250 N Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners Weather TaMe By THE ASSOCIATE 1 PRKSS it hours lo t:30 . ni. Friday Max. Mln. Prep. Raker 17 I E Y . i ' I v'V hi I'.end -'- -S Kuceno 31 30 Klamath Kails .Hi l.akt'vunv fi H Modford "'.1 ?" Newport " -7 North Hen.l V" 31 Pendleton in 2 T Portland Airport : ?l T ! Hosfburt 3S :'s Salem 36 Is I ' III ill "SkKS '' ' I! .-issa I ! II I . . II CD. i ' lil'KFAI.O. V Y. A miitrisl nnd IrirmH rt pturr thr snow at n downtown Intrrtrctlnn today and lo: there' an automobile, burled under a now I, ill thai rre.ifertl l im-hr. In delh In tuns ol Nrsirrn .New York. (Aft Wirrpho) CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE AND HERB CO. NEW LOCATION so. i;th am l IIH 1.K.S1.IK. Office Hours Turi. Mwl ftht. OnU 9 a. . i r m. s. n. t vtwsr Command performance for safely-tlie Stutltliakcr Golden Hawk puts you in comm.iml wiih a Imill-in ?ti'ortluirger for extra power the instant you need it . . , puis you in command with Twin Traction for driving power in Wh rear wheel... and puts you in command with the moM effective hrakes. Tut yourself in command of a Golden Hawk at our dealer?, today! Studebaker-Packard Ell E 1 CORPORATION III iitnaWamiininMBii mum 1 1 k7mZiSm"-xmamam f II I Mlll iukmi.i;i.k a lks a- m;rk:k iSi. 70 . Cliurcli Salem. Ore.