THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' Section 2 Page 9 850 Automotive 8.10 Automotive 1850 Automotive 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive o.")0 Automotive 850 Automotive 8."0 Automotive 850 Automotive 352 Used Cars For Sale 852 Used Con For Sole 852 Used Cars For Sole 852 Used Cors For Sole 852 Ussd Con For Sole 852 Used Cars For Sole 852 Used Cori For Sale 852 Used Cort For Sal 152 Uied Cart For Sals 852 Used Can For Sal Salem, Oregon, Friday, January IS, 1957 PRICES ARE BETTER THAN EVER At CHEVROLET CAPITOL CADILLAC Used Car Dept. Valley's Largest Chevrolet Dealer IvlURb CARS SOLD IRE CARS Tl Biggest Selection 1956 Cadillac 12. 4 dr. sedan, equipped with iuii rtuimciu. inic as a new debutante. Comfortable as an old sh"e. $4395 1955 Cadillac "60" Fleetwood sedan, really wToom new with only 17,000 mites, 1 local owner. $3795 1956 Buick V-8 Special black and red Convert ible, radio, heater, white side wall tires, variable pilch dyna. $2495 1953 Cadillac 62 Hardtop coupe, truly a fine automobile at a sacrifict price $1995 1955 Chevrolet V-8 4 door Nation wagon, radio, heater, tinted glass, windshield washers, powerglide trans. $1895 1954 Ford V-8 Crestline 4 dr. sedan, radio, healer, windshield .washers, white side wall tires, Fordo matic, very clean. $1345 1953 Ford U Victoria hardtop coupe, radio, heater, directional signals, Fordomatic. $1145 1950 Cadillac 1 4 door sedan, radio, healer, tinted glass, motor completely overhauled. $1045 1952 Buick Super hardtop coupe, radio, heat er, dynaflou. $875 1950 Chevrolet $tleline deluxe 4 door, radio, heater, seat covers, windshield washers, powerglide, $425 1951 Chevrolet 8lle!ine special 4 door sedan, lots of running for very little money. $345 1952 Dodge I pas-s. DjMiiess coupe, heater, defroster, the ideal work car, lets of trunk room. $295 1949 Mercury I pass, coupe, radio, heater, spot light, undercoated. $99 Come to Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac For All Your Automotive Needs Commercial El. Bftww Marion and Vninn. Salem, Orrfnn Ph. EM 3-3175 New & Used 1955 Cadillac Coupe DeVUle finished in a beautiful coral with ivory top and harnr-nixing interior. $3795 1955 Cadillac 62 hardtop coupe. sold new and truly an ex- serviced by us, ceptional buy. $3595 1955 Pontiac V-8 Catalina hardtop ciupe, radio. heater, power steering, brakes, and hydra. $2195 1956 Chevrolet 6 Del Ray 5 pass, coupe, heater, defroster, tinted glass, oil fil ter, back up lltes, plus over drive, for fuel economy. $1945 1952 Cadillac Coupe Do Ville. radio, heater, tinted glass, power steering, windows, it seat, undercoated, white side wall tires. $1795 1954 Ford V-8 Customhnc 2 door sedan, radio, heater, directional signals, windshield washers, Fordoma tic. $1195 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 door sedan, radio, heater, directional signals, back up lites, white side walls. $1095 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 door sedan, radio, neat , er, teat covers, back up liles, undercoated. $895 1952 Pontiac Chieftain deluxe 4 dr. sedan, ra dio, heater, directional signals, outftde visor exceptionally clean. $745 1951 Studebaker Champion deluxe 4 dmr heater, teat cover?, 'overdrive, real economy . $350 1950 Pontiac Chieftain deluxe heater, hydra. 2 door, radio. $295 1949 Plymouth Special deluse 4 d"r sedan, ra- dio. heater. defroster, runs real good. $195 DEWEY'S 'M Chev. ft 4-dr. tea. .. .K.4M ' '87 Radio, heater, powerglide. 2. tone red, -.'lee. swtprr, wind- '5fi shield washers, turn signals, j K low miles. Like new. '56 Ford rus. 8, 4-dr. was. $2,450 'M Jtaoio. nearer. loraomatic. power steering, power pack. mw mnes. a Duy. 53 Chev. sed $1,095 Radio, neater, new tires. Low miles. '55 Rambler Sr. Cnty. war $1,950 Radio, heater, hydra., turn signals, windshield washers, 2-tone blue. Very low milr. '52 Ford 8 Cnty. Sq. wag. $1 ff5 Rdio. heater, fordomatic. turn iiinali. windshield ;-55 M ! I'M 55 '55 I ' "55 washers, white Ride walls. This oae is way above av erage. '5 Buick hardtop sedan . M.7S0 Radio, heater, dyn. drive. 2 tnne. Here's the best buy in 1957. "54 Ford 8 club $1 095 k i q i o, heater, overdrive, while side walls. 2-tone green Really tops. 51 Merc, sedan $695 Radio, heater, overdrive. New black taq. paint. 51 rhrv. deluxe sed $S95 Radio, heater, seat covers, powerglide. Perfect cond. '48 Plym. deluxe sd $295 Radio, heatr, '50 motor In top shape. Old one? wc ure have, but good if Across from Ebner's Mkt. 3080 Market EM 3-4M1 1955 OLDSMOB1LE 2 dr. hard top. - radio, heater, power brakes, good rubber. One owner. Low book price. Phone Slay ton 15-F-.17. 900 Display Class. mm '56 Ford V-8... $2375 Victoria coupe. Radio, heater, fordomatic. power steering, and continental-kit. '55 Cadillac... $3265 62, 4 door, Bekutiful green V white with all Cadillac accessories. '55 Olds 88.... $2185 Holiday coupe, Radio, heater, hydramatic. power brakes. '52 Ford V-8.... $875 Club coupe, Rdio, heater, overdrive. ' '56 Ford V-8... $2365 Country sedan, Radio, hciter. foriiomatic. tu-tone red & white. '52 Olds 98.... $1075 Convertible coupe, Radio, heater, hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, autronic eye. '54 Ford V-8., .$1565 Victoria coupe, Radio, heater, overdrive. '55 Buick $2075 Special 4 door hardtop, Radio, 'healer, dyna flow. Cower steering, power rakes, power seat. Center & Liberty OPEV EVENINGS EM 4-40.1t See The New ENGLISH Fords Anglia Zephyr Prefect Distinctive styline "GOOD LOOKING . QUALITY" Powerful Performance. Sec the English Ford for your family today. 11 models to choose from. Now at our new showroom 2005 Fairsmunds Road BRITISH CAR SALES 20S5 No. Capitol P'lone EM 2-W02 s Uiy used Cars l ? W" ' If i! IflfT; Warmnly on Paris K Lahnr for 1 year no mattrr how many miles ymi drive. '56 Pontiac . $2895 '56 Pontiac . .$2695 BTO 4 rlnnr Milton wagon. OiMnna e d a n. rdii, heeler, hdra";i'ir he.-.wr. hvdra '56 Pontiac. $2495 '55 Pontiac. $2295 Catalina coupe, radio. 4 ri,ir waEOn, hr-.ler, hea'er. hvdramatir pi,er brakes & hvdia. '55 Pontiac. $2295 '56 M. G $1995 Star Chief Cai;l:m. radio. . , .. . heater, hvrtra., full rer. TrMer. radio, heater, etc '55 Pontiac. $1895 '55 Ford ....$1595 B"0 sedan. r?dio, heater, V-fl Fairhne, cluh sedan ri'-ma'.ic radio, heater. '53 Pontiac. $1195 '54 Ford $995 Sedan ith radio, heater. V- rlub ledan ilh radio. '5TPontiac...$995 'sfchev $595 C,hdan. radio, he.-er. Ryr, ,,,. dan . '50 Buick ....$595 -50' 6id7'8F7"$445 '49 Cadillac... $495 tt a.rlun ta4in heatr nedan, hydra. TAGGESELL PONTIAC WEST SALEM I Chev. Vg Spt. Cpe $27fl5 Few miles. Save S'ifKt. Ford V8 Sedan 11 WW Chev. VR Wpn. 9-oass. $2535 j local cr. 10.000 mi. Chcv. Bel Air Spt. Sdn. $2595 i.liai mi, vo, r -u irans. w Lncv. va ciun Cpe, ... $1895 1 Powerglide, !5 0C0 mt. M Buick Suocr Hardtop . $2735 All power. Save, really Sive. 55 Olds. 83 Super 4-dr. ., $2235 All power and nice one Chev. V8 2-dr. Bl Air $1835 Only 17.0M artual miles Olds. 98 Hardtop. Onlv $2495 This is a renl BARGAIN. Chev. V8 Spt. Cpc. P-C. $1895 Onlv 1.1.000 actus! miles. Ford R-neh Wagon 8 ...$1835 Chcv. fi 4-r!nor. P-Ct .. $i;s5 Another terrific buv. Danriv, Olds. 88 So. Co, EmiiDt. SL'195 '55 Ponhac Catalina V8 $1995 Local car. Top condition. 55 Ford Sunlincr Convert. $1995 12.0C0 miles. R , H. & O. D. "54 Ply. Station Watson $1295 "54 Ply. Belvedere Hardtop $1295 '53 Ford 6 Wagon, O. D. . $1195. '53 Chev. Bel Air Sedan $1095 27.000 art lint miles. Sharp. 53 Buick Special Sedan ...$1095 r xciieni car, gooa Duy '53 Ford Victoria Hardtop I119S CTAVTfW V8. overdrive, nice one. ISIA' 53 Chev. 210 Sedan. R.. H. $ 9951 53 Chev. Power-Glide. 4-dr. $ 995 '50 Chev. Bel Air Coupe .. $ 495 '19 Packard 4-dr. Very good $ 215 ' S Chet VI FsedaV P 'C. -Jiwl m Mnnh c,'o ri 5 S'i 51 Mercury Clb. Sea. CD $ 595 1 '51 Cadillac fi2 4-door . .$1195 49 Chev. Club Cpe.. R . H. $ 195 51 Chev. 4dr. R., H. Sharp $ 595 ' '52 Ford Victoria. Nice one S 795 Motor rebuilt. New paint. "55 Chev. V8 Spt. Cpc $1895 Verv, verv nice one. '55 Chev. V8 Spt. Cpe $1B95 Has the works. Sharp. "56 Chev. V8 4dr. Bel Air $2295 Low mites. Beallv save, 53 Ford V8 Sedan. R.. H 8 B95 O-Drive. New covers. 50 Merc. Club Sedan. O-D. $50 KANNIER'S USED CARS PH. EM 2-8602 1395 Edgewatcr Salem LESS THAN , WHOLESALE! 54 Desoto Powermaster Club Sedan Looks good, runs food, starts easy. Good tires. 995 no trades. British Car Sales, 2085 No. Capitol. '57"HlLTMAN-Minx.00b miles IM MAC. $1695. Trade. EM 1058 FORD V-8 4 Door Custom with overdrive. Brand new 1 with tutone paint, heater, and turn signals. Hart Motor Co., Independence, or call Bill Coeswcliat Salem, KM 2-7197. 48 PLYM. Club Cpe. Olds-engine, radio, heater, hydra., turn signals. Ph. Stayton 18F83 900 Display Class. PROTECTED Wherever You Go Our Bonded Cars Are Guaranteed for 1 Full Year. "56 F0HD $2195 Falrlanc, just broken In and fullv equipped. '55 MERCURY $2395 Montclair. hardtop, tt has everything. '55 BUICK ... $2395 Century hardtop, full power and all equipment. '55 FORD SEDAN $1395 It's tops and has radio, heat er, overdrive. '56 RORGWARD . . $219. 2 dr.. only 4.000 miles, here's the economy and luxury ev ervnndy loves. '56 CHEV. $1995 Tudor, it's a honey equipped with radio, heater, over. EISNER'S Center & High Consul Zodiac . . . EXCELl I NT Cluh edan. radio, healer. fchev. $45 Sedan, radio, heater. FOR 1957 SEE PH5LIPPI FORD BEST DEAL ON NEW BEST BUY ON USED 1955 Ford Custom. Ranch Wagon . . . .$1895 Fordomatic, radio, heater, very clean, one owner. 1955 'Ford Ranch Wagon $1795 Overdrive, radio, heater, another very clean one owner. 1956 Ford Ranch Wagon $2310 Overdrive, radio, heater, very clean, one owner. 1954 Chev. Station Wagon $1395 Powerglide, radio, heater, very low mileage. 1953 Plymouth Belvedere $995 Red -with black top. radio, heater, overdrive, on owner, low mileage, very clean, 1954 Plymouth Tudor $1140 Light blue, seat covers, radio, heater. 1948 FORD 4 dr. sdn. 1125. Terms. $50 down. $25 a month. Mt Calls Used Cars. 1237 Stale 51 KAISERTdr. Overdrive". Io A fine car. $465. Easv tcrs- McCalli Used p,' ,.Hn c,, "-ri--' ? nash 4 dr. Very good con dition. $195. Terms, $75 down, fctt a month. McCalla Used ars, izht state. 900 Display Class. AMBUSHED Wagon, Train OUR PRICES ARE SHOT '56 Ford V-8 Country Sedan $2395 Radio, heater, overdrive. '55 Ford V-8 Country Sedan ., $1995 8 Passenger, radio, heater, automatic ,trans. '56 Chev. Sta. Wagon, only 8,000 ml... $2395 " Fully equipped '55 Plymouth V-8 4-Door Wagon.; $1695 Like new, radio, heater, overdrive. '55 Chev. Station Wagon : $1895 Dark green, radio heater, overdrive, premium tires. '53 Dodge Sierra 4-Dr. Wagon '...$1095 One-owner, very clean. '53 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sta. Wagon..... :..'!$1095 A top unit. 50 Willys Sta. Wagon Radio, heater, overdrive. EISNER'S Center & High dlU CHEVROLET Mr. Teague Says: Thank You for the Wonderful Response 1 to Our New and Used Car Sale Last I AVcek. Many New Car Sales Have Brought in Fresh Used Cars at New Low Bargain Trices No. 1 New 1957 Chev. Cars and Trucks (Deal of a lifetime. Pick your car, name your terms.) DEAL NOW! No. 2 Great New and Used Car January Sale Continues A SAMPLE OF MANY BARGAINS RKMKMRKR NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL MARCH No. .WA IM1 ('hrvrnlit 4 Door No. 42 Ifl.Vt rhrvrnlet f'luh Cnupr No. 4."i I9.M Chevrnlet 4 Door lielair No. 5.1 19.71 Nash 4 Door No. 40Ii 1947 Ford 4 Door No. 58 1 !r, I Chevrolet Cluh Coupe .TflKIO rnllrN. one owner. Like re No. 57A 19.jl Chevrolet Cluh Coupe .. No. 4IA HO) Chevrolet 4 Door Kxtra f'lean and Nire. No. 59A 1947 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 9.Vi Plymouth 4 2 19 Ford 4 Door V U'lOO n.lle. Like 3 I9j. Chevrolet Del. Law mileage, hr.arp. 4 1951 Ford 4 Doer Extra Clean and NRe. 5 1954 Chevrolet 4 8 19:4 Plymouth Bel. Fxtra hire and Snarp. 7 !9r,.i Chevrolet 'i Willamette Valley's Best Flace to Buy EMERSON TEAGUE CHEVROLET PHONE 2524 1949 FORD Station Wagon. $295. Terms, $95 down, $35 a month. McCalla UsedCars.1297 State 51 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER CLB. CPE. Firepower V 8 nitr., automatic torque trans., custom scotch plaid uphol stery. 31.000 actual ml., radio, heater, etc. Like new inside & out, $975, cash or terms. Ph. original owner EM 3-6196 or EM 3-3424. 900 Display Claw. $345 NEW f OI.I) LOW i PRICE PRICE I . $1295 $1145 J . $10!l.i $ 995 .. $1,145 $1195 Sj .. $ IV) $ 175 . . $ 225 $ 185 $ 645 $ 5J . . . $ 645 $ 545 . . $ 545 $ 495 i . $ 195 $ 165 ' . $1695 $1595 .. $2395 $2195 ) .. $1595 $1495 .. $ S45 $ 54.1 J' . $1395 $1293 ... $1595 $1395 I . $1395 $1295 Door Sedan Fairlane . New. 2 Door Door Belair Wajon Ton Pickup WE'LL BE HERE FOR THAT TOMORROW Yes folks for over 36 years Salem Auto mobile Co. has been serving Salem & Willamette Valley with the finest top quality & low priced used cars. Folks have come to us dozens of times for fair & courteous dealings. We'll save you many dollars. Courtesy is our business. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 1953 Plymouth V-8 Savoy 4 Door Sedan, lutone color, loaded with extras, low guaranteed mileage. Save at $159S.OO 1553 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Dr. Sedan, has H 4 H, powerful V-8 engine, fully equipped. Extra clean. A real buy, Only $1195.00 EXTRA SPECIAL Only one IrJt, 1956 Chrysler Windsor house car fully equipped including power steering. Priced at a bargain only $3295 TRADES ALWAYS CHEAPIES . '48 Plymouth $245.00 47 Lincoln 245.00 '50 Ford NORTH COMMERCIAL AT CENTER ST. Chrysler Plymouth Imperial GUARANTEED USED CARS 47 Buick Sdnt. 8 48 I AO Dodge Coach S 5B 48 Dodge Sdn $ 4!t dn. S 10!1 '48 Plym. Coach $ 49 dn. 8 109. 49 Hudson Sdn. ... $ 59 dn. 8 119 i '49 Pack. Sdnt t 59 dn. 8 129 '41 Chev. Cpc $ 9dn 8 149 , 6 Ford Club Cp. J 69 dn. f 169 '41 Ford Sedan Deluxe M7 Chev. Sedan Dfluve "47 Chev. Pickuo '48 Chev. Pickup ... $159 dn. f 499 31 Lliev. t'lCKlip ...SliBdn. I 559 i '55 Ford Clb. Sdn. $;i!8 dn. $13i9 ; AYNBEE MOTORS. 540 Union St. Ph. EM 1-0105 Nlte Phone EM 3-32M, EM 4-75a7 50 PONTIAC 4 dr., excel." cond. :i75. KM 2 4361. 900 Display Class. r '. .. Of any make or kind Until we've seen It's just as clean As a little baby's mind. '56 FORD THUNDERB1RD $JMH), This is the finest automobile we have h.d Ihe privilege to aell. Millions have desired Ihe thunderbird and we have one of Ihe hest ones. This car was originally anJd by us and serviced bv us. It I a one owner car wth only 7.0110 ensv miles. It is a jet black brauty with white wall tircf. fordomatic. healer, selectronic radio, power Mrcring. power brake, power windows, four way seat, safety equipment, engine dress up kit. fender shields. h.-K-k-up IiRhts tintrd glass, turn Indicators, and 11 has hnth hard and soft tops. Be aure and see Ihls mag nificent sports car. '56 FORD COUNTRY A nine pnssrnger station wagon. This one should he on the show room floor) Beautiful metallic green finish and a harmonizing easy to clean vinyl interior, ll has whltewall lire, custom radio, heater, Ford-n-matlc and many other extras. Vou would be pleaaed lo drive and own' this line car. LOOK WHAT'S BEING TRADED IN ON S7 FORDS '55 BUICK SPECIAL This Special Riviera Hardtop is darrling green and Ivory. Fqmpprd wiih genuine factory aicessorles such as radio, t.nted glas rivnaflow. white walls, etc. This locally owned car has extremely low miles. It looks like new, it drives like new. See tl lodayl LOOK HERE'S ANOTHER 57 FORD TRADE V BUICK SDN. HARDTOP $24. This 4-dr. hardtop, Buick' finest and smartest modria it is a beautiful two-lone red and white, with white wall tirrs snd a striking black and white Irether Interior, '"hit fullv equipped century model has everything. You will marvel at Its performance with Ms variahle pitch . .i-i,.... iriin.mliilnn iriii 9'Ut hnnr nnumr nine. For a wise investment in a late i LOOK ANOTHER TRADE-IN 00 rUNTlAi; UATAMINA ZM) This cii'torn hardtop has a genuine leather Interior, plus hvriramatic, radio, heater, power pack, power brakes, twin ehatit. tinted glass. & white walla. Sharper than a hound tooth. LOOK ANOTHER 'SI FORD TRADE-IN '54 BUICK HARDTOP $17!)5 This onr is rann' to go. It is a 1u-tnne green and col onial wht'e with white wall lire This is a powerful nliiry mridel with a full pnu.t -trn your, al a Thin luxurloii. ahove ave below averane NO DOWN PAYMENT '55 FORD CUSTOM Mere i. a KOIID that'a a nr.M and grind hahit nl I la previous owner. Not a mar anvwliere on ll brautlful freen harmnnlnlnf treen In terior. Low mileage. Betlei trad, allowance. Caiieat ternn. nKTTKR HDBBVI NO DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY CAR O.A.C. '51 FORD CONVERTIBLE $15115 Here" one that will cutch attvone't eve. A sunshine yel low Sunlincr with everything on it. Continental kit, grill En Td -. Mwirt light, radio, ford -o-ma tic. heater, while vail lire,, p-nvrr uleering. elr. Beautifully upholstered In black V yellow pleated plastic. A real car al a real buy. '53 FORD CONVERTIBLE $1205 Thti little go-getter will steal your heart. Brilliant red with hiark nip Come In t drive It St look over the many 1'onvrnirnl Items. NO DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY CAR O.A.C. i FORD COUNTRY SDN $1995 If vou re looking fnr a wagon, here's one you ran't if ford to pahs hv. Popular 4-fJr. model with ga pinching nverdi n . "overfill V-t motor, two-lone paint, largo heater A many more convenient llemi. NO DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY CAR O.A.C. I FORD RANCH WAGON $095 1o get Hie n'lit for your trantporla'jon dollar, we have Me nrv.vrr in the form of this sharp '52 FOflD V-g HAN' If WAf.ON. It has radio V heater with an excep. tionallv (lean interior Ac solid body. Thu hard lo find niodel of many mes Is a great value. Don't miss seeing It Many More Cars to Select From "SALEM'S OWN FORD DEALER" $225.00 . 295.00 S BUY HERE AND SAVE IMS Ford 8 Wgn Loaded JlflWl 1!)52 Ford Vic OD Sharp .. B45 1952 Ford 8 CL Loaded 6!tS Nash BOO Sdn OD Nice 5115 15 More In choose from 1100 tin 240 Center St. EM 3-37.14 8 HUDSON 6 cvllnder. good trans. Best offer. KM 4-7S7T alter 8. BRITISH FORD PREFECT JW7 Model. Nevy Car Warranty, oniy z.uiiu mnes. ovr 9111. British Car Sales, 20JJ5 No. i-apum. CHEV. 2 DR. SED. EM 4.-6.T07 After 6 P.M. 56 VOLKSWAGEN, completely equipped. S1565. See It 1355 Alder or call EM 4-7147. 900 Display Cluns. - 11 :-i 3? i SDN $2495 HARDTOP. .$1905 model car. don't miss this one. ON THE BIG '57 FORI) line of equipment including axe car ran he prlie. ON ANY CAR O.A.C. 4 - DR $1505 real romollment to th. neat. '4 DeSolo 5 I m subur: trans., r '55 PLYM. SUBURBAN Powerflite trans., radio, heater $1595 '50 CHEV. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater. $295 51 FRAZER SDN. Radio, heater, overdrive. Sharp $295 '49 PLYM. CLUB COUPE Heater, recent motor overhaul. $295 '49 FORD CUSTOM 2 DR. Radio, heater, overdrive, white side walls. Im ma quisle condi tion, $345 '4fl PACKARD SDN. Radio and healer. $145 '41 CHEV. 3 DR Radio, healer, 50 gine. $50 JEEPS 52 WILLYS .1EEP $7H5 Healer, metal cab. In excel lent condition. '45 FORD JEEP $44.5 Excellent motor, Rood rubber. 'S Corner Center & Church East ot Meier & Frank Open Eveninfis EM 2-nSOH Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial & Cnemeketa EM 4-3711 '57 BUICK spe. hardtop, radio, heater, rivna.. pw, equipped. (2.950. Estate Sale. Between ft a.m.. 3 p.m. 21 as Coral. 900 Display Clan. MS A Name Known for Dependability for Half a Century BEST NO. ONE '56 Buick Special Sedan 55 Olds Super BR Coupe Bivtera hardtop aoll by us Holiday hardtop with power new A- regularly serviced. steering A- brakes seat Has only g.6fig miles A de. One owner. Very red and luxe equipment $2A9$ white $2193 BEST NO. THREE '55 Buick Cenlury 4 Door Estate Wafjon $27M We aold new and aerviced. radio, heater, dynaflow, powar brake., ZZI, whltewalla. . . . Also '56 Buick Special & Super Hardtop Rivicras . . . GOOD Some Cannot Be Called the Very Best Bui They Are Dependable and Economical '53 Buick Special Cpe... $1195 '54 Chev. Sedan $1293 '53 Olds 88 Holiday .... 11005 '52 Buick Spr. Sed flOSS '51 Buick Super Sed. ... 850 'SO Buick Spcl. Sed. ... t 591 Wagon Wagon Wagon '55 Chev. Dr. 11895 '54 Plymouth 1395 '53 Ponliac $1295 ASK FOR Ellis Buswell or - Clyde Major Oregon's Oldest Dealer Chemckela at Commercial Grand Opening Commercial Motors Proudly Announces THE SALEM SHOWING OF VOLVO e SPEED e ECONOMY e COMFORT Check these Outstanding Volvo Features' ' Unbelievable Gas Economy Lowest Upkeep Cost Lowest Down Payment Tubeless Tires 1 Lowest Monlhly Payments : The Swedish built Volvo, a 9 1 priced with the lowest. See and ride in this iew showroom. Free At 1952 Olds 98.. $1295 Deluxe 4 Door, radio, Ktr.. hydra., power steering, tintea 8Uss, Autronic Eye. spotlight, ackup lujhLi, tutone paint, one-owner, A nice family car In top condition. Sold and Serviced by LoderV It hu a nice service record. 1953 Dodge V-8 $995 Radio, heater, Gyro fluid) drive, tutone paint, white, tires, low mileage and clean 1955 Dodge V-8 $2495 4 door STATION WAGON with, radio, heater, power fine, while walls, tinted glass, tu tone paint, one-owner 4 lot mileage. 1956 Olds 98.. $3895 Deluxe Holiday Coupe, radio, heater, Jetaway. power steer ing, power brakes, padded dash, rear speaker, backup lights, white wal. tutone paint, one-owner fc only 3,400 miles. 100 pet. Guarantee fof one full year. Save money oat this one and be in style. REMEMBER! If It's from Loder's ..... It's goodl LODER .BROS. CO. Used Car Dept. 461 No. High EM 2-7973 195A BUICK Black 2 dr. Cen tury hrtp. low mileage. 1 owner car power brakes, tinted glass, while wall tires, radio, heater. $2705. See at Carpenters Hichfield Station, McMinnvlllc. Ore. '58 OLDS. Holiday coupe, low mileage, plus all accessories. Will consider trade and ar i range finance. EM 4-8568 after 6: JO p.m. MUST sacrifice 1055 Buick hard top coupe, power brakes, steer In jr. Can arrange finance and will accept trade In. EM 3-329 after 6 p.m. SaTvOLKSWAC.EN. InaShelI Station. Mt. Angel. 900 Display Clam. LSON'S BEST NO. TWO LSON'S Tel. EM 4-5711 Large Luggage Spacs passenger family "Sports Car" amazing car at our treats for the kiddies. 2nd i C Street INDEPENDENCE Phone 412 or 65 -v LIBERTY & CENTER EM 4-020T. 660, N. Liberty EMJ-41J3 990 So Commercial St. Ph. EM 1-9894, Open this Eve. and all day Saturday