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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1957)
-. Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 18, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Section 2 Page 6 fgTpl MEW 6 DENNIS THE MENACE By Ketchtim FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: ) 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Big Snooie" starring Bugs Bunny. I p.m., Red Dunning Jack Marks, guest. 5: JO p.m.. Armchair Theatre 'The Legacy" starring Elizabeth Patterson. 6:30 p.m.. My Friend Flicka and Ken befriend a horse thiel in "The inmasKing. 7 p.m.. Chuck Foster Newscene reports news stories from state for past week. 8:30 p.m., Zane Grey Theater "Time of Decision." p.m., Mr. Adam and Eve "They're Off and Running." Ida Lup ino and Howard Duff. 9:30 p.m., Playhouse of Stars Artist Linda Darnell disappears and encounters "Terror In the Streets." 10 p.m., The Lineup-"The Ellis Garden Case." 11:30 p.m., Showtime on Six "Western Union." Zane Grr-v's great western novel, starring Robert Young, Randolph Scott, Virginia Gil more and John Carradine. FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) 4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45 "Easy Riches" starring Bruce Seton and Marjory Taylor. :45 p.m., Famous Fights Sandy Saddler vs. Paddy DeMarco at Madison Square Garden. December 7, 1951. 7:00 p.m. Cavalcade of Sports The third welterweight title fight be tween champion Carmen Basilio of Canastota. New York, and former champ Johnny Saxton of New York. The 15-round bout staged in Cleveland Arena. 11:00 p.m., Blondle Dagwood sorry when he invites Mr. Dithers to lay at his home while boss' house redecorated. 8:30 p.m., O. Henry Playhouse "The World and the Door." starring Pedro Gonzales, Donald Barry and Jean Willes. Thomas Mitchell as O. Henry. :00 p.m., On Trial "Libel in the Wax Museum". 9:30 p.m., Big Story Ray Fujton, Sharon iPa.) Herald, encounters a mystery that could result in conviction in "The Face of the Thief." 10:00 p.m., Crunch and Des The long association of the two jeopar dized by "Fresh Water Mermaid". 10;30 p.m., Mystery Theatre What looks like death from natural causes turns out to be murder in the "Case of the Brazen Bride". FRIDAY ON KI.OR: (12) 4:30 p.m., Noah's Ark Father Haley illustrates "Solomon the Wise." , Gene Autry Plot to sabotage railroad, in "The Steel Rib- lUll SC0- r ' I ' they sure killed mm ivhm he was iittib, didn't they?' Annie Oakley "Sugarfoot Sue," a little girl whom none Falcon" is 5:30 p.m. bnn". 6:00 p.m believes. 6:30 p.m.. Operation Tomorrow "Modern Rocketry." fhown shooting down an attacking bomber. Re-scheduled 7:00 p.m.. KI.OR Presents "Night in the Museum" starring Steve Brndie and Tim Considine. 7:30 p.m., Mickey Rooney Show "Seven Davs to Doom." 8:30 p.m., Dodge City Starring Olivia de Hav'illand, Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan. 10:30 p.m.. The Younger Brothers Starring Robert Hutton, Bruce Bennett, Janis Paige. FRIDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 4:30 p.m., Pioneer Club Heck Harper (color). 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club Lennon sisters. 8:30 p.m.. Trouble With Father' Father Does His Homework". 10:40 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Without Love'' Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Lucille Ball, Dizzy, the dog. FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Big Snooze" starring Bugb Bunny. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Legacy" starring Elizabeth Patterson. 6:30 p.m., My Friend Flicka Ken befriended a horse thief in "The Unmasking." ( 7:00 p.m., Chuck Foster Newscene Reports news stories from state of past week. 8:30 p.m., Zane Grey Theater "Time of Decision." 9:00 p.m.. Mr. Adams and Eve "They're Off and Running". Ida Lupino and Howard Duff. 9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Artist Linda Darnell disappears and encounters "Terror In the Streets." 10:00 p.m.. The Lineup "The Ellis Garden Case." 11:30 p.m.. Showtime On Six "Western Union," Zane Grey's great western novel. SATURDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 8:15 a.m., RFD 6 "Transplanting Shrubs." 10:30 a.m., Captain Midnight Search for thorium, uranium sub stitute. 11:30 a.m., Sky King Peaceful fishing trip turns into a danger ous battle. , 12:00 Noon, Lone Ranger "The Quiet Highwavman." 12:30 p.m., Ice Hockey The Detroit Red Wings' against Chicago Black Hawks, with Bud Palmer. 2:00 p.m., Armchair Theatre "African Scream," starring Abbott and Cnstcllo, Clvclc Reattv, Frank Ruck. 3:30 p.m., Wild Bill Hickok "Hallcy's Comet." 4:15 p.m., Santa Catalina Handicap 525,000-arided championship event for older California-foaled steeds. 5:00 p.m., Texas Hangers "The Rlark Eves of Texas." 5:30 p.m.. Showtime for Mom Eddie Butherus emcee, organist Glenn Shelley and Young Oreconian talent. 6:00 p.m., Soldiers of Fortune In Africa, caught in "The Green Ti,ip." 6:30 p.m., The Buccaneers "Blond Will Tell." 7:00 p.m., Grand Ole Opry With Louvin Brothers, the puke of ran'urah, Moon Mulligan. 7:30 p.m., You're On Your Own Steve Dunne emcees, with con testants relying on their own resources. 8:00 p.m., Jackie Gleason Show Jackie returns. !l:0fl p.m., Gale Storm Show "Foreign Intrigue." 9:30 p.m., Hev Jeannie Jcnnnie thrrws financial structure of a great banking lirm into chaos. 10:00 p.m., Gunsmoke Two assailants marked for death by white hunter whose Indian wife attacked. 11:00 p.m.. Showtime on Six Award winning "How Green Was My Valley." Waller Pidseon. Maureen O'llara, Donald Crisp, Roddy McDowali and Barry Fitzgerald co-star. .. SATURDAY ON KPTV: (27) 11:30 a.m., NBA Pro Basketball St. Louis versus Syracuse at Syracuse. 6:30 p.m., Dateline Europe Steve Godfrey in Paris involved in international game of cat and mouse. 8:00 p.m.. Perry Como Show Guests are George Gobel, Jeff Chandler and the Mills Brothers. 9:00 n.m.. Color Carnival Comedian Jerry Lewis in first solo TV performance. Eighteen-year-old Judy Scott, Jerry Lewis' recent singing discovery, will appear. 10:00 p.m., Ernie Kovacs Show "Radio in-reverse": Viewers will have to rely m imagination to supply dialogue, but show won't he silent. ; 11:00 p.m.. Cinema Classics "Champagne for Caesar." starring Ronald Cnleman, Celeste Holm, Vincent Price, Barbara Briltnn, and Art Llnkleilcr. Debunks quiz'shows. I SATURDAY ON KI.OR: (12) 4:30 p.m., "Jackie Robinson Story," starring Jackie Robinson, the fniir-letter athlete from UCLA who stepped into the world of pro sports and overcame almost insurmountable odds. 1950. I 6:00 p.m., Joe Palooka "The Fast Tourh " I 6:30 p.m., Stars of Tomorrow Uncle Nate hosts the Junior Folk landers of Longvicw. 7:00 p.m.. Men of Annapolis Stars are the 3.800 U.S. Midship men, in action at the Academy and with the Fleet, adventures filmed flf Anna nn lit 7:30 p.m., "Confidential Agent," starring Charles Boyer, Lauren Bacall. J I 9:30 p.m., The Unexpected "The Slide Rule Blonde." ! 10:00 p.m., KLOR Presents "The Girl From Kansas," starring Barrv Sullivan. 10:30 p.m.. Championship Bow ling Buddy Bomar, "The Chicago Bomber" meets Dawes Comins of Kansas City. ' .. SATURDAY OX KGW-TV: (8) .. , ' 2:00 p.m., Merry Go 'Round Dance Workshop, Modern Theatre dance 2:30 p.m.. Before There Was 1 U.S.A. Sponsored by University, of Portland. 4:00 p.m., Televenture Tales "Tall Tales 1 5:00 p.m.. Bar S Double Feature "Under Fiesta Skies," "Song of Anzrna." 6:00 p.m.. Circle 8 Hoedown. 7 00 p.m.. Saturdav film Fair "It Happened in Brookhn. Frank S--tr? Kathrvn Gravsnn. Peter UwforH. Jimmy Durante 10:30 p.m., Channel 8 riayhnuw ' B F s Dauzhter," Barbara St'nwVck. Van Hrflin. Spring Byingtnn, Kennan Wynn. I SUNDAY ON KO!YTV:(6 . 1 11:00 a.m.. 1-amp Unto Mv Feet An n soldier fleeing his pat comes face to face with an angel. i 11:30 .m. The List Word Engliih language. Dr. Brgeo Evaiu mc. 12:30 p.m., World News Roundup Newsman Eric Sevarcid nar rates a comprehensive report from world correspondents. 1:00 P.m.. Odvssev "Forty Fathoms Dccd" On-the-air treasure hunt for Sb8,U00,000 worth of sunken treasure lost with sinking of Spanish Armada. , 2:30 p.m. BolngBoing Twirliger Twins debut. Parents of Ger ald Mctioing-Boing finally find a method to translate Gerald's sounds into words. 3:00 p.m. Armchair Theatre "Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Coun try," also, "Chatter Box" with Judy Canova, Joe E. Brown. 5:00 p.m. This Is Galen Drake Drake as host, yarn spinner, and emcee. Songs of vocalist Stuart Foster, music of Bernie Leighton' dramatic vignettes, discussions timely events and special guests. 5:30 p.m. Telephone Time rFamily problems of a child's incur able deafness in "Parents of A Stranger." Spencer Tracy will appear. 6:00 p.m. Air Power "Conquest of the Air," of the American P-51 fighter planes escort for bombers over Germany. 6:30 p.m., Lassie Gramps enters a turkey shoot, Lassie fights a wolf and Jeff learns of faith in himself, in "The Champion." 8:00 p.m., Ed Sullivan Show 6 popular recording stars sing hit tunes. 9:00 p.m.. Theatre Myrna Loy as Congresswoman in "Lady in The House." Jeff Morrow co-stars. 9:30 p.m., Alfred Hitchcock Present "My Brother Richard." Harry Townes and Royal Dano star. 11:00 p.m., First Run Theatre The television premiere of be trayal story) "Boomerang," starring Lee J. Cobb, Dana Andrews, and Jane Wvatt. SUNDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10:30 a.m., Catholic Hour "Bird of Sorrow", "liberation of a Chinese town bv Msgr. John Romaniello. 12:30 p.m., This Is The Life Steve Bradley tries to salvage his wasted life. 1:00 p.m., The Pastor "Roadblock." 1:30 p.m., Faith For Today Wilbur Shaw finds the courage to continue alter invention falls. 2:00 p.m.. The Early Show "American Empire," Preston Foster and Richard Dix. 4:00 p.m., Wide Wide World Abilene, Kansas, to visit Eisen hower's boyhood friends: Washington, D.C., for a preview of Presi dential Inaugural ceremonies; St. Louis, Mo. to show St. Louis Post-Dispatch "in action." 8:00 p.m., Steve Allen Show Filmed interview with lngnd Berg man. Guests arc vocalist .lull London and George .Icssel. 9:00 p.m., Aluminum Hour Lloyd Bridges and Betty Field in "Ride the Wild Marc." , . 11:00 p.m., Sunday Star Time "Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel, stars James Mason. ... ct'v-nAV nv vi nn ) 4:30 n.m.. How Christian Science Heals "An Answer to the Pressures of Modern Living." 4:45 p.m., Transition "Miracle in a Feed Bag.' 500 p.m., American Religious Town Hall Meeting "The Turposc 6:00 p.m., Pioneer Playhouse Whip Wilson chases "Lawless Cow-' bovs. , ,., 7:00 p.m., "Objective Burma" War story stars Errol Hynn. 11:00 n.m.. Wrestling from Chicago Billy Darnell vs. Hans Her mann; Dck the Bruiser vs. Ivan Rasputin; Len Rossie vs. Great Yamato. .... The Sermon on brotherhood. SUNDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 12:30 p.m.. The Way "The Barrier. 1:00 p.m., Teleeourse in Music. . 2:00 p.m., Give Thee Peace First Congregational ( hurch choir. 2:15 p.m., Bible Puppets "Joseph and His Brethren." t 2-30 p.m., Challenge of Books Discussion of Clinton L. Rossitcrs "The American Presidency,'1 moderator Dr. Frederick Peters. 4 00 p.m., College Press Conference First of the 1!)S7 Great Decisions" "How should the United States compete with Russia. 5 00 pm., Dean Pike Martin Browne, British producer-director, discusses religious drama with Pike and daughter Cathy. 9 00 p.m.. Omnibus "Lee at Gettysburg" Verse dramatization tracins both blunders and bravery of Southern genrals. 10:30 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse' Ninotchka Portland Premier starrng Greta Garho and Mclvyn Douglas. Woman Advised to Turn Her Charity to Better Purpose By DOROTHY PIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: A very dear friend of mine became menially ill several months ago, and for a time I took care of her at home. She finally had to be hospitalized, her children were taken by their grandmother, and i conunuea on ai nei home, washing and cooking for her husband. We ro out together occasionally, and spend quite a bit of time with his family. Of courso, I've known them for a long lime and we have all gotten along very well, lie says he loves me, and wants to get married. He claims it will be a simple matter to divorce his wife. I think he still loves her, and regards me chiefly as a con venience. Should I chance il? Mona. DKAfl MONA: The washing and cooking that you, apparently, regard as acts of kindness, are being regarded in quite another light by outsiders. Turn your char itable impulses to something that won't be so compromising to you. You are wise to see that this man's declarations of love are motivated by fear of being alone and worry over his' household chores. These things arc not your concern. He has his own family plus a set of in-laws, who can help. Kvidrntly they're well pleased with any situation that relieves I hem of this responsibility. I suggest that you duck out before the situation becomes unpleasantly involved. DKAR DOKOTHY DIX: I am really baffled. My parents are divorced, remarried, and shared my custody until I became of age. I never liked my stepmother, but get along very nicely with my step father. I'm getting married and wonder if it would be proper to invite both parents and their families. Should I surprise them, or let them know the others are invited? Maggie. DEAR. MAGGIE: Are you planning a wedding or a 12-round bout? By all means, let each parent know the other has been asked to at tend. Let them use their own discretion from there on. But please, no surprises! On Television UHF-KPTV (27) VHF-KOIN TV (6) KLOR (12), KGW-TV (8), KV4l(U) Srtirdule BUhJfrl to lait mlnutt chance by stations. Program ichrd ulrd only at Us Urt. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm 17 and. unfortunately, have gotten a bad reputation because 1 often spend the night with my boy friend 1 don't see anything wrong, since I love him so much. My problem is: how can I straighten these gossipers out and slop the talk .'Marion C. DEAR MARION: The solution is simple stop the actions that are creating the talk! You are old enough to know the importance of a good reputation and good character. Don t be fooled! Your boy friend shares the opinion of everyone else and, in due time, will let you know it. Don't wait. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My girl friend and I are 13, nd our parents are very close. They are always getting together lo decide what time we should come home, what friends we should have, etc. Thev don't seem to tnM us. Debb.e DEAR DEBBIE: Wise parents! This way. you can't complain. "Linda is a!kwed to Ho thi or that: why can t P" RcMrirt fens are marie for your own protection, nnt for lack of confince in u Accept them gracefully and, as you grow older, they'll be relaxed 4:30 pJTi. 4:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 0:30 p.m. 6:43 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. :00 p.m. '8:30 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 11 :00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a m. 11:1X1 am. 12:00 nonn i2::l p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m, 3:00 p.m, 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 pjn. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 830 p.m 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10.30 p.m. 11:00 p m, II :30 p.m. 10 00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. I? 15 p m. 12 .10 p.m. 1 15 p m 1 30 p.m. 1 45 p.m. 2 AO p.m. 2 15 pm. 2 30 p.m. 3 00 p m. 3 30 p m. 4 00 p in . 4 30 pm. 4 45 p m. 5 00 p in. I 30 p m. FRIDAY KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon KLOK Superman KVAL-lt'a a Fait KGW Pioneer Club KPTV Movie 4 KOIN Cartoon Tim KOIN Red Dunning KLOK Itange KtUtr KVAL Big Roundup K(J W Miikcy Alouae KOIN Movie KLOH Gene Autry KVAls Kewa. Wea.. Spts. KOIN Wea.. News. SpU. KLOR Annie Oakley KVAL Range Rider KGW Trouble With Dad KPTV McGll News KOIN Edwards Newi KPTV To announce KOIN My Friend Flicka KLOR Operation Tomor. KVAL Sports Club KGW Newhbeflt KPTV Famous Fiehts KVAL Fishing News KPTV Boxing KOIN Ncwsi'cne KLOR Presents KVAL Boxing KGW Riley KOIN Person-Person KPTV NBC News KVAL Sports Album KPTV Blondie KOIN West' Point KLOR Cochise Slierifl KVAL Crunch ft Des KG W Jim Howie KPTV O. Hrnrv ' KOIN Zane Grey KI.OR Movie KVAIj Highway Patrol KGW Crossroads KPTV On Trial KOIN Mr. Adams & Eve KVAL To announce KGW Treasure Hunt KPTV Big Storv KOIN Plavhouse KVAI, Crossroad! KGW The Vise KPTV Crunch & Dei KOIN Line-up KVAL Walter Winchell KGW Stage 8 KPTV-Mystery Thea. KOIN Wrertllni KLOR Movie KVAL Let's See KGW Movie KPTV Secret Tile USA KVAL Lei's Sea KPTV Tonight KOIN Movie SATURDAY KOIN RFD 6 KOIN Capt. Kangaroo KPTV Cowboy Thea. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Mighty Mouse KPTV Joan KOIN Capt. Midnight KPTV Fury KOIN Watch the Birdie KG W World 'Round Us KPTV Pro Basketball KOIN Skv King KVAI, Pro Basketball KOIN Lone Ranger KOIN Horkev KOIN Jill Corev KPTV Hlleah Race KOIN Look-in School KVAL Movie KGW Farm Film KPTV Brenribasket KOIN Movie KGW Merry-Go-Round KPTV Country Campus KGW Before the U.S.A. KPTV Movie KLOR Christophers KGW Science Secret! KOIN-Wild Rill KLOR Big Pix KGW World We Want KPTV Mr. Wizard KLOR Youth (or Christ KVAL Mr. Wizard KGW Trirventur KOIN Santa Anita Race KPTV Live and Learn KLOR Movie KVAL Finder KGW Children's Corner KPTV Movie KOIN Tex. Rangers KGW-Westrrn KOIN Mom's Showtime KVAI-Disnevland KOIN Soldiers of Fnrt'ne KLOH Joe paiooka KGW Hnrdnwn KPTV Dateline Europe KOIN Buccaneers KI.OR Tomorrow's Stars KVAI, Rin-7 in-Tin KPTV Mr. Talent KOIN-Ole Opry KLOH Men of Annapolis KVAL Lawrence Welk KGW Movie KPTV People R Funny KOIN On Your Own KLOH Movie KPTV Pcrrv Como KOIN-Jackie Gleasrtn KVAL Guv Lomharrto KVAI, Grand Ole Opry KPTV Jerrv Lewis KOIN Oh, Susanna Kr:V-I.awrrn-e Welk KVAI-.Irrry Lewis KOIN Hev. Jeannie! KI OR- The Ilncxnertcd KPTV Ernie Kovacs KONGunmoke KLOR Presents KVAI, Ernie Kovar KGW-0ark Jubilee KPTV-Hit Parade KOIN Talent Scouts KLOR-Fowllr.r KVAI Hit Parade KGW Movie KPTV Movie KOIN Movie KVAI, Movie KLOR NOPD aL'NIlAY KPTV KVAL KPTV KOIN KPTV KPTV KOIN 1 KPTV KGW - KPTV KOIN KVAL KGW KPTV-KI'TV-KVAL-KGW-KGW-KVAL KPTV-KOIN'-KGW-KGW--KOIN- Ki.nn- KVAI, Ki.on- KVAL K(.W -K PTV KI.OR KGW K P'l V KVAI KGW KI.OH-KGW- Ki.on- KPTV-KOIN- Ki.on KGW-KPTV-KOJN-Kl.OH-KGW-KPTV-KOIN- Kl.riR KVAI, KGW KPTV KOIS Christophers WreMIe Catholic Hr. Faith Toriav American Forum Lamp -Bowling American Forum Lust Word - Howling News Roundup Face Nation Pr.ivcr Ac Hymn The Life News -Lighted Window The Way -faster -Od v-rv Oral Roberta Music Teleeourse -One Prrtfin -Fnlth Torlav -Christian S ience World Around Us World Report -- PaMor -Movie - Mama Give Thee Peace Bible Piiuorts M Ho in a; Boing -Lignted Window -Great De mnn Book' Challenge Armchair -A. A Allen -Top Tunes -IJT. .M'H K 7.un Parade Circu Tune -Jo;ir Honkif.i -Wide Wnrid - Wide Woi id -( ollre Pre ar - 1 Jfartmsr t-om pany Lonsress Art Carney, right, confirmed In New York today that he ti ending his live-year television association with Jackie Gleason, left, when his contract runs out In June. Carney's personal agent, William McCaffrey, said the parting is amicable all around. (AP Wlrcphoto) ' " - i . i . 1 ait barney to Leave Gleason Show in June NEW YORK iJn Art Carney and Jackie Gleason will part company, nays Carney a manager. after Carney's contract expires in June, Carney and Audrey Meadows have been Glea.son's two chief mainstays in his rise to the top as a television comic in the Inst five years. William McCaffrey, Carney's personal manager, Thursday con firmed reports that Carney would leave Gleason's weekly show. McCaffrey, saying the pa rune was amicable all around, added: "Gleason has other plans for next year and they don't include Carney. That's to Carney's liking. too. We think ic's ready to fly on his own." DworsliakEyes Veto Of Partnership WASHINGTON IA - S.'n. Dwor- shak IR-Idaho) predicted Friday Congress will turn thumbs down on President Kisenhower's "part nership" dam construction pro gram during the next two years. The President in his budget sent to Congress Wednesday requested !0 million dollars to enable the Army Kngincers to participate with states, local governments and private groups in the develop ment of partnership water resour ces projects. "Also, where feasible and in the public interest, nonlederal inter ests will be encouraged to partici pate with the federal government in certain previously authorized projects now in various stages of planning or construction. Similar partnership arrangements are be ing considered by the Bureau of lteclamation." Both federal and private dams have been proposed at Bruces Ed dy on the North Fork of the Clear water River in Idaho. A pending Senate bill would authorize Bruces Eddy as a fed eral project. The Pacilic North west Power Co., a combination of four private power firms, has ob tain' d a voliminary permit from the Federal Power Commission covering the Bruces Eddy site. The permit enables the company to file for a construction license. Marie Blames Clash Of Stories on Shock asked her about details of the first version. They were "very kind," she said, adding: "I'm glad to clear up these so called glaring discrepancies in my statement taken in Indio." The jurors took evidence for al most nine hours and then ad journed without action until 10 grand jury hearing, blamed a.m. Tuesday, when they will rc- discrepancies in her kidnap sumo aeiiDeralions on possibn Jury Said Unalile To Agree Upon Indictment LOS ANGF.I.KS ltt-Mar!e Mc Donald, emerging teary-eyed from stories on sedatives and a state of shock. She repeated for newsmen yes terday a little of what she said she told the Los Angeles County grand jury investigating the case: "I was in a state of shock when I made the statement in Indio," she said, "and I , never had a chance to correct it. She said she had previously been given sedatives. Marie did not soy what the dis crepancies were. It was at a hospital in Indio, a small desert city 150 miles from Los Angeles, that the blonde ac tress first told her story of being abducted from her home by two swarthy men. Later she re-enacted her story of the kidnaping at her Encino home as police cameras filmed the scene. She said that the jurors indictments. Before she went before the jury for a three-hour appearance, Marie told newsmen that "it's my prayer that it will issue John Doe indictments against the two men' she accuses of kidnaping her. But grand jury members said, unofficially, that after receiving instructions from a district attor ney's representative the jury was unable to agree on an indictment. The case was handed to the jury when the Police Department an notinced that it was unable to un cover evidence to prove or Ais prove Marie's story. After she left the jury room Miss McDonald, "The Body" of film publicity fame, embraced her recent escort. British actor Michael Wilding. Then she talked privately with her attorney Jerry Giesler. WO"T SEE DAI CUTER Ingrid to Return To U.S. Tonight Bv ANOMKW BOROW1EC PARIS 11 With a lump in her throat, Ingrid Bergman flies to the 'Jnited States tonight for the first time since she began her self imposed exile seven years ago. "1 can't help being emotional about the trip." she said in her hotel suite before the departure. "1 love New York and I miss it terribly." She will be In New York just 36 hours long enough to receive Rainiers Work Hard at Being Plain Mr. and Mrs. in Palace IP Asks Permit for 4 TV Uelav Slalions WASHINGTON 11 ' Idaho Pow- Co. Thursday applied to the By GEORGE MCAIITHUR MONTE CARLO tfl While Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco are wailing to become roval parents, they are also working hard at being plain Mr. and Mrs. Friends say that though their home is the 120-room palace atop the rocky cliffs of Monaco, the Grimaldis' We is much more sim ple than one would expect for a Hollywood movie star and the reigning Prince of an BOO-ycar-old dynasty. Thi Prince and princess live in a well-furnished, comfortable six Cnnimuniratinnc r'nmmi.cinn tnr I room apartment in the palace, u four television translator station ! has a big open fireplace and pic permits to bring TV programs to lure windows overlooking the Med- the Oxbow Power Plant camp and ili-rranean. They do most oi uieir the Hrownlee Power Plant camp, I private entertaining there, and the both in Oregon. I Prince himself mixes the drinks The companv asked for use of i behind a small bar. channels 70 and 74 at Oxbow and 72 and 76 at Hrownlee. In another application the com mission was asked lo approve as signment of license of Kt'MA-AM-FM, Pendleton, Ore., to Pendle ton Rroadcasting Co. Get Too Many Diiihh SILVER TON I Spec in 1 1 Tom Myers, chairman of the Silverton March of Dimes drive, announced that the Rainbow Girls inadvert ently solicited a portion ol t h e residential district for part of their accumulated $53 17 for this year's fund, which together with the -f"hr tlian Si K V M ,- Kfi'.v KOI" KI 0( KVf : Mfdl al Hnmrtn. -Tranllton -Trni.r -Oaln Drake -Tnwn Hall Dean Pik. -faDt Gallant Tal. phone Time -Oral Roberta Pre Conference -Meet the Preta Air Power Pioneer PlavMe. -Meet the Preta Whirled htrfla Pov Roc.ra I aoie Roe ere Rrf.l ..r .l.-'k P.ennv era COSTLY INQI'IRV NEW YORK UIPI An inter view with a man who said he wns interested in buying Waller Dnrn-IM'.UM collected downtown by the fest's bookshop cost Dornlest $378 Linns club, and a late $10 enntri- Thursdny. Dornfest took the pro-1 hut ion, hring the total to dale to spective buyer into his nitice in ram ine notary ciuo win mm-- discuss terms of sale The sell ! charge of the street collections styled buyer robbed him. I this coming weekend. Joe Frisco I fas Struck It Kich In Films After Lonnj Idleness By AUNH MOSHY i a fiinmr let rne sleep in his at- Inlted PrrM Hollywood Wrller tic if I'd help him with the chore HOLLYWOOD 'I'i'i .Santa Ani- the next day. la has "loaned Joe Frisco He raps on the door, it the horse-p laving, stuttering i d-d-dark. He says, will you help comedian for a comeback to the I me for nn hour hocinft the potn movies. But so far the morose toes. I say, what t-time in U'.' He Ine .tees two drawbacks: Knrly i says, 3 am. What do you have hours and strong cigars. to d do. I say, sneak up on the The old-time stage and vaude- potatoes? ville star is a comics' comic, but -Joe waved his cigar and sipped often a nonworking one. The big on a manhatlan for lunch after stars from Hob Hope to .lack Hen- his .scenes. He had a brandy egg ny break up when they're around nog for breakfast, it seems. .Joe and borrow his gags, but who! I'lieasanl tnrfer Hubcap gives him roles? I "Not hungry. Had a big dinner .loe han't worked in pictures ; last night." he explained. "I ate since Hing Crosby's ' Hidm' High" i at the home of some rich Texan nine years ago Hut this year will , and we had pheasant imder .la be Joe's year. He has a dramatic g"-'r hubcaps." part in "Sweet Smell of Success." ; I asked Joe about his trade Marring Hurt Lancaster and Tony marks horses and stuttering. Curtis. He's scheduled to play: "Kverybody has a hahil and himself in "The Jazz Age" and lo horses are mine." he said. "You appear in a movie on Jack Demp-; ran't beat the horses, hut I love sey's life. Paramount is dickering Py them, for h;s life story. "I've stuttered since I was lit- Tn see Joe away from the lb The kids at school laughed tracks and before the camera at me so my mother let me stay al H e c h t-Hill-Lancaster Produc- home a lot." lions is a novelty. Joe, who lives alone in a Holly- Cigri Too Strong , wood apartment, looked .serious a "They g;te me dollar cigars to moment. But then he leaped back smoke in this scene too strong," ; to his gags. mourned Joe. "I asked them to j "Tunc in next week and see if g.go g.grt me 15-cent cigars. i Pinky Lee gets out of the mo- "And if I could get up at 12 lasses jar, he rasped o'clock this would be a wonder ful job," he said. "These hours remind me of when I was travel ing through Kansas playing night clubs. I couldn't find a hotel so The apartment is near the royal nursery which Prince Rainier has never seen since it wns re modeled where their baby's birth is expected to take place any time after Jan. 20. Friends say that the 33-year-old Prince and his blonde wife arc extremely close. They discuss al most everything together includ ing the wardrobe which gained her a listing among last year's 10 best dressed women. Despite the informality of their private life, they dress for dinner. They feel that enhances their ap preciation of a good meal, and 1 both like good food and wine. Both arc shy people and the princess has not made many new friends outside her husband's family. Her pregnancy has re stricted her activity much of the time. Now that her French is be coming fluent, her circle of friends and acquaintances is widening. The Prince has warmed con Jerably. His latest public ap- pearances have been casual and, a trifle happy-go-lucky. During Ihe American presidential cam paign he even wore an Ike button under his coat Inpel to tease an American friend who supported Stevenson. the New York Film Critics' Award as best actress of 195B and to see "My Fair Lady," the Broadway hit musical. I've been wanting to see that .show for months," explained the actress. "Friends have been Riv ing me records of 'My Fair Lady and this will be a wonderful chance to see it." Then sne will rush back to Paris leaving New York Sunday night in time for the curtain on Mon day night's performance of Robert Anderson s Tea and Sympathy, the play in which she is starring with great success. The play will close for three days so Miss Bergman can make the trip. The blonde, Swedisr-born ac tress has not been in the United States since she left to make the film "Stromboli" with Roberto Rosscllini in Italy. She and the Italian film director had a son I and then married after Miss Berg man s nivnrcc irom nor American husband, Dr. Peter Lindstrom. Her daughter by Lindstrom, Jenny Ann (Pia), is a college stu dent in Colorado but Miss Berg man says her visit will be too short for them to have their first meeting in years. "To see Pia." she explained, "I would need a lot of time and privacy. I couldn't very well do it with all the publicity and televi sion that will undoubtedly accom- nanv ntv Irin " Silting in the living room of her hotel .suite surrounded by her three children by Rosscllini 7- year-old Itohertino and 4year-old twins Isabella and Ingrid Miss Bergman insisted she is perfectly happy with her European career. Movies ore made all over the world, not only in America," she. said. Then, as an afterthought. Rut maybe one day I'll return to America." She said she is still getting fan letters "from all over" the United .States. CHS (laiH'cIri JimIy'h Thrre-Yrar Contract NKW YORK ttf - The husband of Judy Carland says the Colum bia Broadcasting System has end ed its three-year contract with the singer two years ahead of the ex piration date. Last week, CBS said it had dropped plans for Miss (iarland s Feb. 2."i show, which would have been hi r second program under provision of the contract calling for one show a year for three years. COLOR TV SCHEDULE Friday, Jan. ll-KPIV NIC MAIINEE THEATER 13 Nan 1 P.M. SEE AT MARR'S Phone KM 39201 2140 S. Commercial Shyrock's Send your problem In llnrnlhv IHx. Or write for her free leaf let D-2, "Hivorrel. Sepanllnna." In all enaea, be aure to enrloae a. turn pad. lelf-iddretaed envelope, and send requeil lo her, care of Ihli aefrtpaper. Dorothy Due u a Trademark registered in the U.S. Titcnt Office by The. Bell Syndicate, Inc. 1 M p m. I 00 p.m, I X) p m. Kr,W-YrMi A-V-M for It 9 Vi i m 10 H) p m K"TV KfUS" KVAI KPTV KOTN KVAL KOW- Bov -Whit My Lint? -- Ar.rpni -Amittur Hour -vt AMtn -M iillivf. Stv Allifi -Vaughn Mom o 00 pm. KVAIa Alun.inum Hr. KOIN 1- trr KVAI,- Ai j ui-um Hr. KCW- Omr itju K'tlN-Hit-'h-o X KVAI.- V. 'MM h-rn KT'TV I .-rU Y'p.inr KOIN -M 001 fjll-(it KI OR -Ry Arth-nv KVAta I.'.retli Ymmf 10 nn p.m. KPTV t'n-ov.rert KOIN Vim RrwieU K'-W-Mivi 11.00 p.m. KPTV-MVt KLOft-Wrtltl f SCRVICC STATIONS, INC. 4 -r.a n t rv a 71 m qjHS WEARV ' All I Capitol ShoppinB Center -iaaU . 'in' K Many new Reductions Have Been Made' Help yourself to some real Bargains while you help us clear our slock. W Giv Z'C Grn Stamps Ctnter t IS '. "i i IV ! k