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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 18, 1957 Pape '4 Section 2 THE CAPITAE JOURNAE RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1390 KOCO ll KOAT I4M KOIN 171 KC (21 KOON 1S2 FM: M.carycl.l KOIN 101. 1 ; KGW I00.S FRIDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 5 6 7 8 KSLM Bob Ic Ray .Bob A Ray Hob & Rav Chucki Sport K( () Newi KIo-Mo-Snw So-Mo-Show ;Frank Gou KOIN Ed. R. Murrow News-Weather Tmn Harmon lAnderson KdW Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof MH Allen IKImer i'eterten K(;N Melody Magic IMelndy Magic IMHody Magic ISports Scope KSI.M News Reel IB111 Bnmdage iBIdg. Oregon iSam Havei ' KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight On the 88 On the 88 k KOIN Sports-Newi I.mvcJI Tuomat Amos It Andy lAmm it Andv I K(iW Edw. P. Morgan! McCall Mytery Time IMvstery Tim ' KtiON Melody .Magic IMelody Magic IMalody Magic INewa . KSI.M Gabriel Heater Stlv. Serenade Music iSporUcope f KOCO Newa Woody Way IWoodv Wav iWnodv Wav KOIN Melody (News IRoht. Q, Xwli iRobt. Q. Lcwil K.W Music 1MU-.IC Mu.hc Muslc KGON Fijjhla IFights r iglits NplsL HIMte-s . KSLM Basketball (Basketball inasketball in.i'skctbnU" f KOCO Newa iWnodv Wav 1 Woody Wav Woody Wav k KOIN U. of O.-Idaho III. ri O. -Idaho HI. nl O. -Idaho 'If. of O. -Idaho I Music Muslc (Music iMuMr KtiON World News II Man i Farnilv Monster 1Mon.ter KSLM Basketball Basketball .Swret & Swing! S weft A Swing KOCO News (Woody W;iv iWo-.dv Wav iWonriv Wav KOIN If. of O.-Idaho L'. of O. -Idaho 'tJ. of O -Idaho IU. of O.-Idaho KfiW Humc Music (Dance Time Dance Time KGONMnnilrif Monitor Monitor Monllor KSLM Music Music KOCO Ncu I Woody Wav I News KOIN 5 Star .Sports Drvk KfiW New Profile Dance Time KfiON Newa Flashes 'MoMly Mump iMo.stly M KSLM Counter Spy jCniinter Spy iMelodien KOCO Silent IWoodv Way IWoody Way KOIN City Club tf-'ily Club (Dance Time KfiW Dance Time (Dance Tune if ilv Club KfiON B.ish Harris i.;iMi Ham Bais Jlarrii I New Vtoociy way wormv wav Good Evening ;cood Evening i Dance Time I Dam e Time IMostJy Music I Melodies IWoony Way KSLM KOCO KOIN KfiW KfiON KSLM" KOIN K f. W KfiON 1 KSI.M KOIN KfiW f KfiON Muilc JMuiiC Not: turns (Nocturne Suspense Suspense Munc Festival Music Festival Monitor (Monitor Music New (Dave Hoss Mitch Miller Mitch Miller Mubic Festival Mustc Feilival Family Altar Family Altar Hr. of Decision Hr. of Decision Sun Nite Fin. Mm. Memor. Canham rVetj News Rich. Reporter ISun, Serenade I Music Noctumft (Nocturne IMitch Miller iMitcji Miller Munc Festival m&uic Festival Monitor (Monitor iPeace In Vally Peace In Valley World Tonight (World Tonight iMusic Festival 'Sen. Neubergerj mr. m ucnuon nr, oi uecision Music Music Years of Criiii Year of Crltli People Prob. Washington .Sun. Serenade l6un. Serenade KSI.M KOIN Newi-MuMc KfiW New KfiON Catholics Music ImiiiIc ImusIc ICity Council IClty Council (City Council fathollL'a ISun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Danceland (New Bfs Harris SATURDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 J 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . KSLM New Mui Timkpr Mus Timkpr iNews rKfiAY Farm News (Salute to Sat. Salute To Sat. K(1AY Newa KOIN News America KOIN Klock (KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock K(iW News illeck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper KfiON Monitor (Monitor IMonitor IMonitor JHrenkf Gang News KSI.M Hemingway (Brenk Gang kulii Mgn un-newi ii miner Jai-K Timber Jack Timber Jack KfiAY fiame Comm. Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat IKGAY Newa News IConsum Newa Heck Harper llfeck Harper INews-Monitor IMonitor KOIN KOIN Klork 'News KfiW Heck Harper Heck Harper Miun monitor (Monitor "KSLM Bible Hour IMusic I Haven "of Rest lllaven" of Rest kulu new i-j fix wax jhx wax jiix wax I Jax Wax KfiW Y Salute To Sat. Salute To Rat. Salute To Sat. KfiAY Newa KOIN Story Master Jllnbl. Q Lewi iRobt. Q Iwlslltobt. Q Lewi I KfiW No School No School No School No School KGON News-Monitor (Monitor IMonitor IMonitor KSLM 4 H Show 'Farm & Home Pastors Call I KOCO Newi-Jax Wax (Jax Wax I KfiAY Salute to Sat. ISalute To Sat. I MUM Story Master (New ' KfiW No School No School K(it)N Monitor IMonitor (Matinee Jax Wax Jax Wax Salute To Sat. IKGAY Newi Ounsrnoke (Gunmoke Bonks Ui & Down IMonitor Mori I lor KSLM News IMinir KOCO Newn-Jax Wax (Jax Wax KfiAY Camera Club j.Salute To Sat. ISalute To Sat. IKGAY News KOIN Slory Mauler 'Galen Drake Galen Drake Galen Drake KfiW Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Hnd Merry Go It nd' Merry Go Rnd KfiON Monitor i Monitor (Monitor Bluea v Gray KSLM Youth Syinnh." YnuthSymph, 'Youth SymphT i Youth SymphT KOCO News Jax Wax jJax Wax (Jax Wax Uax Wax KfiAY Snlule to Sat. ISalute To Sat ISalute To Sat. ISalute To Sat. KOIN Amos 'N' AndvlAinoB 'N' AndvlKathy G-ndfrey IKathy Godfrey KfiW Mcrrv Go HndiMerrv Go ItndlMerry Go HndlMerry Co Rnd. KfiON Monitor IMomlnr (Farm Hm. Hr. IFarm llm. Hr. KSLM Newa INrwx KOCO NewK-Mallnee (Maltnee KfiAY KGAY Newa KOIN New KfiW Drrier Newi KfiON Monitor jSat. Hits Weather ICIub 620 (Monitor Record iMalinee Snt. Hit Newspa per ICIub 820 IMonitor Top Trade Matinee Sat. Hits Garden Facta ICIub 620 IMonitor IMusic Matinee Sat Hit I rcn. Show ICIub 20 (Monitor IMusic Matinee Sat. Hit Farm Facta Club 920 (Monitor IMusic Matinee KGAY Newa (Tifw. Show ICI lib 820 IMonitor KSLM Records KOCO Newa-Mattne KfiAY Snt. Hits KOIN Newspaper KfiW Club (12U KGON Monitor KH1.M Music IMusic INews IMusic KOCO NewaMatlnee Matinee (Matinee (Matinee KfiAY Sat. Chase Sat. Chase Snt. Chase Treasury Show KOIN Treaa Show ITreaa. Show Way for Youth Way for Youth KfiW Club 620 Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd Mcrrv Go Rnd KfiON Monitor (Monitor IMonitor Monitor KHLM Marine Band (Marine Hand IMerry-Hound (Merry-Hound Kind ncwa-Maunae Miuinee Matinee (Matinee KfiAY Knt. Hits ISat Hits U'end. RoundupU'end. Roundup KOIN Basin St. J7f H.istn St. Jn7 Basin St. Sun Hasin St. J a.. KfiW Merry Go Hnd Merry Go Hnd Merry Go Rnd Mcrrv Go Hnd KfiON Groucho Mlirx If roucho Marx iMonltor (Monitor KSLM Guest Star INews Show Boat IMutr KOCO NeuK-Malmee IMntlnee iMatinee IMalinee KfiAY Pend. Roundup Pend. HounduplSal Hits IKGAY Newi KOIN News langer Ahead Man Bile Rec.:Man Bite Re, ' ICIub 820 IMonitor 'Frank Go iRed Foley I Monitor (Club (UO Monitor KSLM New ICountrv Style (Jack KlrHah KOCO Harrv Jainea Il'ierve for you Guest Star KfiAY Sal. Hits San Off t KOIN News Weather U N, Itecnrd Iffarmnn Spt KfiW Dreier Newa Club 6M Red Foley nifii.-x nionimr imoniior ;nioniiur "KSLM Hawaii Cnlla jlfawnll Talis (Western Ser. IWsIem 'Ser. KOCO Candlelight CitndlcliKlil :'nndlellghl (andlellglit KOIN F. uteri mnment Kntertalnment Jliidlclment llndlctmcnt KfiW Ja.z Concert J;it: Concert Jai. Concert lJii7. Com-crt K(iONNeus-Monltor (Monitor ((.rand OI OprylGrnnd Ol Opry KSLM Word'ofLlfe 'Word" of Life", West. Serenade West ."Serenade" KOCO New-W dy W'y Woody Way IWm.dv Wav IWoikIv Wnv KOIN FBI IK11I (CBS Feature (CHS Feature KtiW Ja2 Concert Jr Concert J Jar. Concert Jar. Concert KtiON Monitor (Monitor iMuiutor IMonitor KSLM West. Scit'iiiitlclWcst. KerenadeWest. Serenade West. Serenade KOCO News-W'dv W'y Wood v Wav I Woody Wav Womlv Wav KOIN 11 of O-hlnho III of O-Idaho (U of O-Idahn U of O-hlaho KfiW Jn.z Concert Jn. Concert I .In. Concert hw.r. Concert KfifiN Monilor (Monitor IMonitor IMonitor KSLM Newi IMusic Serenade West Serenade KOCO News-W'dv W'ylWoodv Wav (Wnndv Wav (Woody Wav KOIN tl of O-ldnltn ,V of O-ldaho H of O-ldalm 'U of O-ldaho KfiW Jar Concert IJa Concert 1.1a. Concert !J Coiuerl KtiON Mostly Miimc Mosllv Mumc Mo..llv Mumc. Mollv Music 1KSLM Dance Partv IDance Party lOancv Parly IDnnce artv KfH'O News-W'dv V'y Woodv Wav IWoodv Wav Woodv Wav KOIN Sporls Desk Spoils )ek iGnod Evening (Good Evening ft KfiW DHnce Time IDance Time (Dance Time 'Dance Time "KtiOMMnslly Music (MnMly V Music iMostly MilMc 1 KSI.M rSanre'Partv lDancv" Parly Dance" Party Dane Partv KOCO News-W'dy VV'vAVoodv Way (Womlv Way IWoodv Wav KOIN Music IMiiMt IMusic (Mush- IKf.W Dance T(n 'Daticeland 'Dance Tim 'Dam- Time KfiON Mnstlv Music Motlv Music (Mosttv Music (Mostly Music SUNDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 KCW : l Nriro Collrge Choir KOtN- 00:30 00:45 - 30 Church of the Mr 7 81 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 4i KHl.M Mrlodv Journ Mclodv Journ' Mumc Church Prill KOCO New lune 1 ime-I une Time lone Time ('tunc Time KOIN F Power BiKgv E, Power BtgRs Church ot Air Church of All KfiW Cliilslophci- lAnthi. Chance mH 1 1' KliON Foim. ot life I Foun. of Life lElrinal 1 lulit KSLM Cons v Baptist ;Salriil Acad. Back lo C.od I Bai k to God KOCO Ni'Wi I II t till. gu;ikrr Hi 'IJu.iker Hour KfiAY Wallle Club a(fli- l luti IW.iIMc Club KiiAV N,w. KOIN Inv to l.ctrn Inv lo 1 t.iin ; Salt lake lab Salt Lake 'lab. KliW Revival Hour Kevlval Hour ; ttetival ILmr I llevu al lloili KtiON Light A Lileh-Hht At l.HrJHiMe Study lllitile Sludv KS1 M Bible" Class j Bible Class ( e'ot Ptoph Voice of Proph. KOCO Mus. for Sun, (Mus fur Sun. Miimc for Sun Mumc tm- Sun. KfiAY Roberts Oi fan Huberts OiKHll Mil Ilex lew KCAY News KOIN Jewish Failti ISt. Francis i ForriKu Afialrs Suo.l.iv News Mr. Scaiulinav. Hr. 1 Sc. .t. Friend 1 Vc amhonv Hr. auclmav. Mr c. i'lophecy Frank A Km'st Mumc ' Htsan I ott til k'ac 1 oft ' Bit Ilex irw Kti A Y Nexx U .ouiu'l.'" t b.iTii:ii.r 1 i Mu.'.H' (or .sun Mum, lor S Ml llhimmat o Mt llhuniti, icrrt Mm'lr Firl Methodist Kitst Mrlhodist t H.iHi t Flist Baplist ' III it PaplM lait ItMotlnl C.tUhx IU-tlst Calx at Bsi'l'st "r'""lt NY PlnUrni N Y Ptulhsrm. ir. ii Ser tee ( toi'- h Setvi. e Church Servi. e iisi ciun.n n.i.ii-i i run ih B.ipt isi rhmm sic Mratt Hi .il He ait Be .t i. Mrttlnee Suit M timer Sun M.iliree i Snctde Sin Setetiaiie I Sun Serenade Y I'lulhrtiin N l"ilaiin N S Plnlhaim. sic Mumc ,M..Mc nitor 'Monitor t.Muintor Sun. Serenade Sun. Setenade Sua, snenade Sun. Matinee Sun Matinee s,r- M.iti"re Sun Serenade Sim .seirnsrte Kii Nnx l r in ii orm. ,rn:,i 'r. n. T'm'lj Hi, h. Met Oner Wtx Oreia Met Oneta IMonitor i.MonitiT !Mon;t.i- JMeet t.'-.e Meet ti e l're IMennonitei Memionitei " jun Miunee sun. Mune HOUR 00:00 MONDAY 00:1 i 00:30 00:45 6 71 KSI.M Nrws Chtti.m Set. KOtO Preh terlan IPirst leriai) KfiAY Hit Hex lew Hit Review KntN Stnrv Mailer 'Ail Mumn KtiW Mumc It Sun. Mumc tor Sun KtiON Bible Bdcsl Hex Mueller Mt llhimmat " Mt llhunin! r KSI.M Join Navv 'Con,, KOCO Fitvl Baptist liivt KfiAY C.ilxaiv Haplisl I'uKii KOIN S rt.pimn.Mr Suii KfiW Church Serxl.e t'tiur. KfiON Baptist t mirch ,ll..pti KM M Ni xx s -Musi, K( ( WorUli Ni-xxi iS i KfiAY KfiAY Nexxs ISu KOIN N Y. N KfiW News. Dreier IMi KtiON Monitor M KSLM Sun. Sereraile Sim. Serenade Sim Srrrr.tde Sim. Sere-ind. Kill ft Sun. Matinee Sun. Matir-ee v..-. atn-re Si.n Mmii't-e KliA Sim. Serecade .Sun Sereo-me Sun Srr- .n'e Kti AY Nrws KfiW Prnx Fai'h Hr IV'cx Faith Hr IVtcx I iih Hr !' t, ,,,! KOIN Met Opera Vf I Opera Met Oneia Mn Oi-eia Kf.ON' Monitor iMonilor Monitor l. :iit,.r KSLM Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun. Malinrc KfiAY Sun. Serenade KOIN phi la tin h. KliW Met Opera KfiON Monitor KSLM Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade Sim. Se; ena.le Sun Serenade KOCO Sun Matinee Sim Matinee iS n Ma'mee s m Mat ire KGAY Sunley Butler jStanlex B iller Stanlex Butler S-an'.ex II d er KOIN New I'rilV. F.p. Man H;es Rrc Van Bite Hec Kfitv Meu Opera (Met ipera -Mei upera Met Oj Kdli.N riew n ontiuine KSLM-Mien ie IMuitC KOCO Sun. Matinee tS in XUtlnee iSun Matinee KfiAY G't'wn. Forum (G l wn lorum 'Airtime ,T Time KOIN Face Pie Nat n Face C e Nal n Radio W rkshop K .d o Wnrkshop RliX ixiei X'peia "n i'peia KfiON Monitor Monitor Sim Matinee f KSI M News " KOI O Sun Malmee rr, hfi KGAY Sr S h(HN Mu.,c Hall KfiW -Iradltres hfillN 'otulor . KM M Wilt Wmchel KM II Nocturne KOIN .Miss Brooks M.W Paul Harvey KfiON Monitor 'Mum Mollllo . KSLMVal. Farmcait IVal. Farrncast IVal. Farmcat INews KfiAlrFarm New Morn. Man. Morn. Ma. KGAY Newt KOIN New America KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock I KfiW New Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanrierhnof KfiON Rise St Shine Rise At Shine World New j Rise it Shine KHL.MHemfnfway (Breakfast Ganf Breakfast Gang! Newt & Wetth 'KOCO Newi Rhvthm Ranch I Rava In Tlma iRavilnTim. KfiAYMfirn. Ma. Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KGAY News KOIN KOIN Klock Headline Newa 'Gois Newa Babbitt Show KfiW News Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Vanrierhnnf KfioRise At Shine I Rue A; Sninel Rise Ai Shine Morning Hept. KSLM Cliff Engle (Family Altar Bible Inst. (Bible Inst. KOCO News Ray' In Time Ray' In Tlmt P.ay"f In Time KfiAY Hcrh's Show Herh'a Show Herb' Show KGAY Newa KOIN Consum. New Vaile New . Shelley Seren Shelley Seren, KfiW News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof KfiON Riie At Shine I Rite A: Shine-- Pre. Inaug. (Pre. Inaug. KSLM Pres. Inaug. Pres Inaug. (Pre. Inaug. Pre. Inaug. roil ii news KfiAY Herb Show KOIN Wendy Warren KfiW Breakfast club KfiON Recording KSLM Newa K Off) News KfiAY Herb'f Show KOIN Nora Drake KfiW Chef Glno KtiON Pres. Innug. KSLM Inaug. Parade miro New KfiAY Dinner Winner KOIN Happiness KfiW True Story KtiON Inaug. Parade Hay' Melodlea Herbs Show Howard Miller Breakfast club j Recordings Tello Test Wlng of Song Hay's Melodies Ray's Melodlea Clarey Dyer (Herb's Show Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Anderson I Girl Marries ' Ray'i Melodies Herb's Show I Helen Trent Breakfast club I Recording Ray' Melodies KfiAY New Mid-Morn News Breakfast club Recording Wing of Song " Ray's Melodies KGAY News Road of Life . Whispering Sts. Pre. Inaug. jPres. Inaug. (Pres. Inaug, Inaug. Parade Queen for Day (Queen for Day 1KSLM News KOCO World News KfiAY KGAY News 2 KOIN News Weather KfiW Mitchell Rpts. KfiON Top Tune Itay'i Melodies uinner winner Mrs. Burton True Story Inaug. Parade News Hay's Melodies i.ucny y -Strike It Rich Konnle Worth Ray' Melodies Lucky 7 Pat Huttram Konnle Worth NBC Bandetnd NBC Bandstand ISc'ts Bike Show! Vail Forecast Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Hollie's HccordslTown Crier KGAY Nexxs Come Get It i House Party (House Party Paul Harvey Merry Go Rnd. I Merry-Go-Rnd, I Nws Top TuneslTop Tunes tWill'm'tte Mat (Willamette Mat Top Tune KSLM Pre. Inaus. Il'res. Inaus KOCO News IHfin Tune St. 11400 Tune St. I 14110 Tune St. KfiAY Rome's Records Rollie' Records) Rollle' Records! KGAY News KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time KtiW News iMerry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd KfiON Bill Goodwin i Bill Goodwin Hiil Goodwin i Bill Goodwin KSLM Matinee KOCO 1400 Tune St. KfiAY News KOIN Godfrey Time KfiW News KfiON True Confess. INews 14im Tune St. F.asv Show Ruth Ashton Merry-Go-Rnd I Woman in Hue. Matinee 14!H Tune St. Easy Show News-Weather Merry-Go-Rnd Dr. Gentry 6 7 Front I'tje Nocturne ,M,xs Biooks poknlsky IMonitor Tulton Sheen (Monitor 'J.nk Retmv (Fulton Sneen IMonitor KSLM Marion Theatar 'Marion Theater Drew Pear ion Music KOCO Nocturne iNocturn iNocturne (Nocturne KOIN Jimmy WVW Uimmv Wakel? (Gunsmoka Gunstnpk KGW 7flOOn Children lln AW Children Kld Dusty Kld Duity KfiON Monitor Monitor lAmer. fonjn Amr. rorum Matinee 14o Tune St. Easv Show Godfrey Time Merry-Go-Rnd I I rue Lomesa. KSLM Wtlam. Mat. IWtllam Mat. Barg'n Counter (Tello Test KOCO 14?W Tune St. t4U0Tune St. 149(1 Tune St. 14M Tune St. KfiAY Rolhe'i Records! Rnllle'a Records! Rollle's RernrdslKGAY News KOIN Hackstage Wife IGa Sunday Take Thirty Take Thirty KfiW News (Merry-Go-Rnd Merrv-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd (a-Star Mat. I Hilltop Hse. i Pepper Young KfiON fi-Star Mat. Chewing Helps You Relax S Enjoy chewing delicious Kxx S Wrigley'j Speirmint Gurnr Auxiliary Afrets MOLAIXA Special -Mrs. Tris Milts, president of Molalla VFW auxiliary past presidents, enter lained the group at the January meeting Monday night and dis cussed the fond sale to be held by the auxiliary at Orcutt's Drug store Feb. 9. AH past presidents attended the meeting, except Mrs. Kdna Lewis, Mrs. Ruha Swigart and Mrs. Oleta Nautz. dames were played with prizes going to Mrs. Hazel Perry and Mrs. Marie Wells. The hostess served refreshments. WISHING WELL K'ftiil.reii U. S. OhHc. 4 A 3 8 !& 2 7 436 2 5 8 1. p a c. c, I i r i r a y, 1 . o 1 1 K 7 2 6 4 5 3 2 7 4 .1 S XI I. A S I. I T S r, T tt N '5 4 8 1 3 ii 2 7 5 4 3 S fi HROEOLCNEOIME 2 8 5 8 7 4 8 6 3 7 5 4 U N MRU A 3 N W M B "4 82537847 3 RERHGOMIIEAS 8 D "5 S L 6 3 5 8 4 1 i i i 5 5 4 8 RPODCBOIEiDEHI T 4 3 7 .6 2 5 8 3 4 ? 5 K E R E SD V A I'S MT T HERE ii i pltuant littlt gime that will live you t messagt every diy. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your Arst name. K the number ot letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number Is Jess than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper lcfthand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. O lur, kr wuma I. MUltf. DtmtM kr Kiu r.iun. Bi.Jir.ii I" I ft iQlt (DBElX AlDitflLIA ACROSS 1. Fall: r'r. 4 Stviive I'i' digits 13. K.xnt 13. Smull body of l:uui 14 1-aiRP l.S Sterp Ifi. Mnke bigger at:.tin 18 .Siamese monetary unit 2H. Cat's cry 21 Clumsy belt 2.1. Afr. amrlpr 24 Slop up 27 llireol 30 The bret 31. Pi;prn 32 Snapping brcllp 34 Fnrnrl.i: Fr. 3S. Fragrant 37 Dry 38 Creek letter 31 Bv 40. Dull finish 42. Merganser 45. Callings 41 Anger 50 Vnforhl- n.itely 51. To a point on 52 lm-h '' Cistern 54 Broods of pliea.ssnts 5.1. Crt ode IR'F. PiAiS T E9A C F. p'ts. i HI I IUI AjNAP t'alia,' HK tlrglr I if i B-iR sl NpiAlL'sj AiERjlelR LiVBiJ A T L I NMA,M t'N O.b Solution of Yaatarday'a Puttla DOWN 1 Sharp point 2. Surface 3. Slow 4 Kseigreen 5 F;vpt:an ailov e Winter vehicle i - 5 4 Ii Ik I i I 's a 1 10 II -li: 15 i 17 1T Z?S"Z ;lkp .si 57" T.s 4S t(TiT Ts r" 11" 7. Inhabited 6. Melt 9. Of us lit. Vrge 11. Behold 17. Diminutivt of Louise 19. Volcanic earth 52. Outfit 24. Decide 25. 26 Market 27. Springs 18 Note the speed 19. Revolution 30. Bundles oi cotton 35. Cutoff 36 Agreeable- nf.ij of sound of letters 3f M.ll.r 40 l cce cc cr- mn 41. (..raftrd: ter 4.1. Siisssoim 44 Shed tears 4V Tub 46. Palm leal 47. Is abn 48 Help ai ted ft PTA Has 100 At Mill City I MILL CITY fSpeeial)-Al Nes-1 bitt, membership chairman of the I Mill City PTA, reported 110 mem-! bers in that organization when it ! met Thursday evening at the audi- torium of Santiam Union high school. Mrs. Morley's sixth grade" room won the room count of parents and teachers present on a percentage basis. The "traveling award" is a framed reproduction of a famous painting. Mrs. Robert Veness presided at the routine business meeting. James Putman, superintendent of the high school, spoke on the forthcoming bond issue for a new j school, explaining the various is-. sues involved in the $206,000 bond, i which will be on the ballot Jan. 21. Jim Williams, piano instructor i from Salem, was present to give a recital of both classic and mod ern pieces. Refreshments were nerved in the recreation room of the school by a group oi fifth grade mothers fol lowing the meeting. . , "-IJ"!., I have uAiNSBTHarieoaeETJE l Jr. I I'tjiN. A 2 'TJ V )0KE 7 J CALUOON MAIL. L J ' CO-JSOLiPATtP SCHOCT. BOV BA:r- 3 I hfetSOTT JSfWT AS A ' AS 'T GIVES ME ABOUND ATHLETIC S. ( A W HOOOeO I H "PALM ' CHAMPlONS.nHVl lV2y V y f4 SlJMfAJTJI 2 stow" i i.iiv- r5stvfET mnVwv's r-,rai ' u-fi I Ui ( I THE CAPTAIN I I I CAN'T HEAR A J t Jt.Vwent cxrr to ( word jou'be sayins.' kv-$- I i.fff J.-A wXBa irgfil fm!W ' $tX ilflv gJSI 1 l jj jC IlO! uL iL vrV ill! ft Or i s : I WeuFHcyr w iZmSs SH Wf'-L CT c5) - VssK. Wvl ' '! !,V.J C C U CUT ACROSS TH BACK OF f flHD MW BUT MFIC i K&TRj STSADV Boy S WjSiS flV1', u Lit uz S4! SK! Graceful shell dcsiBn thaf. easy o "Cj6 JulSftL. W) HTfh, to crochet - makes an elegant g L rTW fYfM-HSlL") Iwf iX'KZU'l? H jk M i.INCW ' SUWf table setting! llse( one doily as 2 l yyp eS-- t, string. Equally effective made in T ' " for each pattern ior Ist-class mail- 1 aanaanaiar sataaiiiiisasaasaiasaaiMaaj ""mt9!"''m7t ' S ' j Household Arts Dept. P 0. box f I've BtN WfrrcHiN' J do vffly A cousin now and theres anyvw 3 : nobody takin' voj (sack couatstisfE- 168. Old Chelsea Station. New I that oeputy peep- believe him. P I fiftv o' us rioht here dcxjno Ej : wwhere nohow no time i thanksI Vork 11. f V Print -nlv I and ustenin'- I cxxjsrt suse? Ii this town o' laxity- Ej : ij" - . , 2.' NAMK, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND a TriS . ,Vg : : 7r-f PATTEtlN NUMBER. z 1 4BMa I--S7 ' V F V V jt Two FREE patterns printed I Igy TW 0 ' I "iM in our ALICE BKOOKS Needle- 7, I 7 Lc't? 1 fltt UT' ?r craft book stunning designs 5 I ( atl ' st7VI ' Iguw. I t for you. our readers! Doens of JKsVlbfl V VfV II it NX I I i . other designs to order all -easy, g jlfflwTOM- IS . I A -1 I ccnts for your copy of this won- T f''i' ' f '''j'' a J' Easier to cut ( A.-J-J p hain't et no mud I but, now thet all hopes 1 II 1 74 uniing 1 atco i 1 easier iu vu 1 W mushroom becuz gone, ah might's well die I HOURS LATER . Sew and fit dunnowhuttisupthar.Y' thev makes folks ) tgw healthv- Y It BUT ITS GONNA BE MAH f FAT, FAST.1'' S tsfMfcjH y V 1 f ' tOOC, JEFF vVAS ATING V 1 GOT A -vJ VEP, I THRIVE V .. . A HIS LUNCH ANOI THINK j DATE WITH THERES M JLoet'-l I YIPE, IM LATE.' J E GULPED 30-v-J BEAUTIFUL W THE eLCV If W J OOWts HIS Sl? Jim BLONDE, NOW ?fel WATCH I I YT f?Q C IW, t WATCH.' ZrfJ yt I DON'T KNCfV I ' r CSX I ''', 'f -tf ' l 'y TV lM'Avflr Tr5 "j'in ' WHT 6,0 ,c" T eBX v?e&4M, "1 f 1 Port gfUEVEtONLV necci v 1 r '. ' SsKtl sfok I TT-VV " Wl'WTEt THArt ALL SJ&MT.'I K.TOWO h, 1iSH NSl gEFORE raw CT I U CAME OVES A I A WILL ( POWK TM IN NO HUKRy, 1 MAN ? "TTIv " RAVE I 1 utr.rl, W HORRlEP ABOUT WAirTKA- I . 1 I Of C0urt$C ,ff 5 aiajiNUkL it OM! r fO.ul HNu hHV -'l ' LJ WOTXtR TO FUL THAT NO MAM f t CAME OVER! I THOUGHT fJHJ 1 ( WU VERY THOOCiHTf ULfSUT "J!TTODA"OUT rW liOunEAWONOtRFUlMMtR WIlSHT UKL TO TRY TWi CtinU 1 It IX NOT EATlMfi. MRi.WORTH CAMI lM6A4fJNT.MR4.IOlEy! kit OAJC-TtR.JT ASA.STOVtR CAS.E! W1 AN CD 6R,AN .VI EVER AiAIN 1 I fEL'EVt 0 act A.5 A AW I AmARi... RECIPE SV AUNT.-- V VS rut fsessuwuvit uunv sffrill . .sar I ,an ii'.'a 9393 Printed Pattern Katirr to Cut, Sew and Fit. A Printed Pattern that's a handy cobbler apron, terrycloth beach coat, smart tunic to top your skirts! Easy sewing any way you choose to wear it; wraps at the back, opens flat (or ironin. So versatile you 11 want several! Printed Paitcrn MM: Misses' SiP5 12. 14. iti, ia. 20 Size 16 re quires 3lt yards 35-inch fabric. This printed paMer assures pi'tlcct fit K.iy direction printed on f.nh tissue pattern part. St r.d s in coin no stamps please1 for Pattern with Name. Adiiress. StMe Number anfl Sue. Address PA IT K R.N Bl'KKAU. Capital Journal. Box 41 Old Chel sea Statifn. New Vork 11. N Y For first elu mall tnelada ai extra I teats per patierm. -Ii 43 1