hage 'i .Section '& Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 18, 1957 Undefeated Huskies Facing Test at Stanford Tonight Exams Slowing Basketha 11 Pace Bradley Solves Houston Stall Tactics I Houston 81-64 last night to lift its pace-setting conference mark to r-0. On the year, the lzth-rankcd Braves arc 12-2. Midterm examinations have put the college schedules at a com parative standstill. .. oV-Vm vi Jayhawkl Idle llv HfcN ((LAN Th(, KansB javhawks, top-rated The Associated Pro,, I , ,nis w(.pk., AssociaU.d Prm Tahbed as the dark horse of lpon m m. un(j, Kc) a whc) lis conference early in the season, h wj a(( , t eam revenge P-adlcy running ahead of lhel,or ,as( MondaJ,s 39.37 5clback b Missouri Valley basketball packj,owa Sat(, l"-ia: - . I North Carolina 'No. 21 will upsomns i s opponent ...... ; Sad on its )5.0 record unlH Kcb tactics. Eradlcy rallied to defeat Colts to Keep Coach Ewbank No Winner Yit in 2 j Yrars Hut Gets 1 New (lhance BALTIMORE W Three years find lour days ago, Wilbur Wch) Kwhank came In the Baltimore Colts with the "sole idea to start a regime" in the National Foot hall League. Today, he had a one year reprieve to get that idea in high Rear. Ending weeks of speculation thai I he roly-poly football scholar Was through in Baltimore, prin cipal owner Carroll Koscnbloom announced last night: "Wceh Kwhank is going to re main as our head coach. , ." Kwbank has one year remain ing on a three-year contract. On Jan. 14, lfr4, the same day Kwbank publicly set his goal, Rosen bloom said: "We've prom ised Ihe people of Baltimore a winner. Until we give it to them, we won't be happy." Millionaire Happy There was no secret afler the Colls broke stride last mid-season thai the millionaire wilh a smold ering hunger for a league cham pionship was unhappy. He said if 5 when it meels Maryland Bradley used a full court press to slop Houston's stalling game. Houston took a 2-0 lead at the start and then held the ball for Vandals Playing Oregon Ducks Could Be Surprise of Coast By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington's Huskies, one of three teams undefeated in Pacific Coast Conference basketball play, match their tall shooters against Stanford at Palo Alio Friday night and Saturday. Most of the other PCC teams, including California and UCLA which nUn havp iinhlmihri about two minutes. The Braves ; eBI(ue marks wm be ide be. went into the press and shot into ;cause o( ,cmester exams. The TUCSON This Is Sport? Duke Asks pr3 -pinrPSB Braves Want 2nd Baseman a 45-2A halftimc lead Houston lost two starters, Dean Evans and Buss Boone, on per sonal fouls early in the second half and Bradley upped its advan tage lo 74-r2. Joe Billy McDadc, with 17 points, a Gene Morse, wilh 14. paced the Braves' at tack. Both are sophomores. Elsewhere, Bob Gibson sparked Creighlon from behind lo hand Dfake its sixth straight loss 74-fiO. St. Peters (N.J.) whipped Add phi 94-73 to stretch its winning streak to 17 games over a two year span. Four Tied in Tijuana Golf TIJUANA, Mexico, UB The old saying "baby needs shoes" ap nlied Friday In Inno hilling 11.11-ru Weelman of Kngland as he and ! in my tw0 ""'"once outings, three American professionals ledlD"1 Cal Coach Pete Newell com only other games scheduled are a pair between Idaho and Oregon at Kugene where each seeks its initial PCC victory. Bruno Boin at S feet 9 and Doug Smart at 6-7 power the Washington attack and give the Huskies a height advantage. In PCC play, Washinglon has taken two games each from Southern California and Idaho. Stanford divided two with Ore gon Slate and then lost one to California. Guard Paul Neumann and for ward Dick Haga, a pair of sopho mores, have teamed with letter men Bill Bond, Hap Wagner and Clint Waring in the Stanford starling quintet. Neumann has a scoring average of 13.9 and Haga 8 9. Bond is just a notch below Neumann at 13.2. Idaho lost to Washington Slate. 73-70, Tuesday for its fifth straight conference setback. Oregon lost to California twice r e s ram t 1, Ml' J V 111 - " ' I I n u) m y 'Mr A u w. Milwaukee Could Be .Favorite With .270 Hitter Hich Court to Rule On Pro Grid Status ball League. He charged the league with violating antitrust laws. Blacklisted for Jumping District and circuit courts In MILWAUKEE tfu-Th Milwml- f o.icns Sal rrancisco wircw oui Had .. . ,ri,t tnr uiuwu vicn s sun lor iuo,uuu in oxma- kee Braves a e in the market for I ges from the league and some of a2-o7r bettc H they findhim WASHINGTON Iff - Profession- j ber clubs. Rauovich- w lhv Lh hJomJ T favorites in al football's freedom from fed- r(fci groccri contended he was infNon". LeaTe ScT" era! antitrust laws rcd -'".blacklisted for jumping in 1M8 Rmvf r.onpra Manaeer Jonn me oujMci.re ,.!"u'" u " " " " ' - i -.l. t ii a a in arpi mpni.t 1 rn- ih highlighted ' America Conference. NFL Fights Suit Against Reserve Clauses Oi.inn discussed the 1957 Cam- me COUn nr. . "TTlu.-J-1 uuw-Miinci AU naicn and Milwaukee trouble Thursday in a sessit snnis Inst niuht in a ta k at the by tniei jusuw ne miu una. prevemra nun Press Club I sion of tne reserve cla"5e u j 'r"n landing a job with the mi- As' for the race, Quinn said he in professional sports contracts. nor league San Francisco Clip, saw it as a contest between the: The suit raising the point was pcrs Braves, Brooklvn, Cincinnati and brought by William ftadovich of, Radovich charged the NFL, nnssihlv si I o'uis I North Hollywood, Calif., a lormer (s monopolize professional JUMuiy 01. iwuia. University of ; .Kll D., thA 1.- r-j-t Second base ana ion neia. u ,"" iai necunu UdSC onu mi in, i - , , n where Danny O'Connell and Bob-1 Southern California and the De by Thomson labored last vcar.ltroit Lions of the National Foot are the trouble spots. If able to' rub out either one, or both of the , m - ri weak positions, the Braves prob-l llooIlP .10"11S hl, Z,M lake the field in Aoril iTlCli-llly UlwllO Quinn said, "If O'Connell could add 30 points to his batting aver age I think nothing more could be desired." The second baseman hit .239 in 1956. "Don't be surprised if you see some new names on our club this year," Quinn said, and then added that he didn't mean they would have to be players with estab lished reputations. They could come from the farm system courts, in dismissing his suit, held that football, like baseball, is en titled to exemption from the anti trust laws. The Supreme Court has so ruled in the case of base ball. Would "Ruin" NFL I? (POA AiWI In arguing that Radovich's suit jT 01 epOvf"v" should be allowed lo come lo trial. Dodgers Now Have 23 Under Contract, 30 liv Cards Ihe way inlo the second round of the Jl.1,000 Caliente Open golf Tournament. In the case of Weelman. 35-yenr-old Ryder Cup star, baby and Mrs. Weelman arc due on the scene Friday. Baby is a young mented that Stc c Bolko has done a surprising job with the Oregon squad, indicating the Wcbfoots could pull some surprises. attorney Maxwell Keith of San Francisco said the NFL victimi zed Radovich in the course of what Keith said was a planned effort to bring about "suppression and ruination" of the All Amer ica loop. But Bernard I. Nordlingcr of Washington. representing the NFL, told the court "the League may very well be destroyed" if the High Tribunal orders Rado- TUC'SON Duke Snider (left) becomes a three- by a band of Vigilantes. Showing the Dodger gun Pete when fitted out with a different kind of outfielder and Rig Gun how to dispose of enemy artillery yesterday when greeted at the airport pitchers Is Bill Shirley, Vigilante. (AP Wircphoto) States Behind Kwhank's contrnct lo get a win nT, he would do so. Bosenblonm, Kwhank and Colt President Don Kellell arrived at vhat Ihe owner called "a meeting of the minds" during a six-hour conference yesterday in Palm ' Beach, Kin. I "We are of Ihe opinion our con-j VersHtion was constructive andi Daoy is on tne way. "So, said Weetman, "I should win some money." weelman, Mike Souchak Closing River tinil'H A MIA in TU AlTU winner here, '.luhus 'iwlin!0n. Sl"le F'"" ncparlmcnt and a Inngshol, Len Kennett of;"nn.'"e "regon risn tommission rnmn i.n... r'.nV continued Thursday to aland bc- hase, put In strong bids to' win1"" " p!a" ,0 close the Columbia some monev ""'llliver to commercial fishing ah V . above Bonneville Dam. that it will be beneficial to the T ,' ' V . . . v". u. I '"" C. Veatch. Orecon com iiccess nl Ihe Colts In 1957," Rns- 1fi ll,lr mission chairman, said the step enbloom said in a siatement re- ... . . ... , leased through Colt officials here. I ' ,"' "X f ny "Wert is happy to he wilh us "L t W""" J"',!1- m and we are happy t. have him." '""'" "f i??'- G!,nl ,AJ , I " l't,U 3 CIUU Eugene Plays Sparts Next Heads Ski Scliool Jones Figured To Win on TV pro, Vlhll Bisdorf. CLKVKLAND WW-Halph (Tifier) clones, rated No. 3 nmonj; middle weipht contenders, is looking be yond tonight's ficht toward a pos uible clKince al the title some time this year. Jones, who lost to Oene Kullmer In a close fiylil Inst April, will Wesley Signs Wilh Canadian By TUB ASSOCIATE!) PKKSS KiiKcne, the top team in Ihe Associated Press high school poll. takes on Corvallis Saturday niphti in what shapes up as the top game of this week's prep basket ball aclion. Corvallis, which meets Sweet Home Friday, gave Kugene a scare in last week's game. Klamath Falls, ranked No. 2 in Ihe state, takes on Ashland In a Friday-Saturday scries. is nnfocoi.ru in it .,imnn riiah I ncnson oi i oruano, ro. j in me upstream spawning waters. jP?11- facos Franklin, last years Some commercial fishermen's champion which so far has had a snokesmi-n itaiH Ihrv um,lH nni 1 Poor wnson. .iciicrson, l0. 0, oppose the plan if, in exchange, season. Jefferson, No, draws a bye. Fifth place Med ford also is idle. Central Catholic of Portland. I hey were granted additional days of fishing below the dam. Rut Umatilla and other Indian tribes ! fourth ranked and with only one protested, saying the closure j loss meels Astoria which has would hurt them. three wins and two losses in dis- Veatch predicted that some flay trict competition. fl T ' m t,rcKn' commercial and sports t rennieion. raica io. 7 goes mu- OOUXtU IjOOJ) fishing will be regulated by one side of the Blue Mountain Confer- . ' i .niMmiceinn Rut t mXAnA "li pnco tor fl cam" with Walla Walla 1 fVtlll'Ar I IC . n t' 111 :.,) Thnriw h. .' i.i! would start a revolution to sug- Kighth place Marshficld meets Saskatchewan of the Canadian Rcst Sl,cn a ,hing now professional football league in the' Oregon sports fishing now is hone of making money to get a rcSl,la,cd hV ,hc Stn,e (;nmc Corn college education I in'ss'nn while the Fish Commis-Wnim- cnn.wi.. n:i ' sion oversees commercial fishing. he facing Manly Stnallwnod f i halflim k. ' was disnualifird from ! Sporls fishprmpn havc s'rongly Brooklyn in tonight's in-rounder. (jlc oroRnn stale team alter Iwo : PPSP B proposal that the Fish .Innes wants annther crack at RnmM ()st "sv)iKm for nincenliiig ! Commission lake over all regula Fullmer, who took the middle-! p.ovimis tlendaiu-e at two other ,ion- weight chnmpuinshtp from Sugar , ccllrms. lie remained in school' Z T Iliiv Rnhinsnn some nine months however 1 I T 1 '.li' rTv J ."i:"1' :" 1 ' in- header Likes . v ., , , I . I'm", in rriiirn earn winter mini h'avy fav.-r.le In whin Smnllw-onrt. 1.,l.r , ()r s The nronklvn l...xrr has Inst l.-ur lMv .ima ( , In a r.-.v nnd has an IRB2 record .',.,;,..,,, .', , " schedule.) ", 1 ?;n. In" "'m tt,M (Continued From PaBo ). Col .3' Kiwania Club Thursday Jenes is 4 1 -17-3. The bout replaces Velterweicht title ficht hrtween .lnhnny S.ixtnn nnd chnmpmn fVirmen Hasilin. The S a x I o n -Baiho hnut was postponed lie canse of an injury In Hnsilio's ri-h' hand Game Setup Norlh Bend. ItoseburR. tied with llermiston for ninth place, goes to Coquillc. Cards KefiKse Offers for Dark ST. LOUIS iff Alvin Dark, veteran shortstop of (he St. Louis Cardinals may have turned 34 hut he is still a hot topic in the base hall Irade markets. "1 received three offers for him a month ago," general manager Frank Lane told the Downtown Nap Rorque, Jr., 460 Delmar Dr., Is rhlef instructor for the Salem Jnycre ski school, which starts Sunday at Hoodoo Bowl on the Snnliam pass. He will oversee some 10-1S Instructors and ino-l.'-l) students at the four weekly sessions of the school. More than ?5 persons had resisterrd or indicated they would attend by Friday morning, Chairman Douglas Sheldon announced. Others may register up lo 11 a.m. class time Sunday. Students under 18 must have a parent's signature. Regislralioos are being taken at Salem sporting goods stores. (Capital Journal Photo) By UNITED PRESS Sal Maelie. who won the ' Mentioned as possible future ! ey" games for the Brooklyn DodE-j Milwaukee second sackers are 1 ers in 1MB. sisned an agreement Gene Baker of the Cubs and Red . today that figures to keep him 1 vich's suit tried. Nordlingcr said Schoendienst of the New York 'rolling in the "green stuff" for the mo rcsuit mjEt be "expense, Giants. remainder of 1957. ; harassment and utter chaos." ine craity ngnt nanocr, wno Tnc court won't is5ue jts dcci. made an amazing comeback with'sion on whether to order a trial the Dodgers after the Cleveland of Radovich's suit for several Indians let him go in a waiver WCC(S deal last May, quickly reached, ' agreement wun Brooklyn net n . j. Bob Bell in 10 LOS ANGELES t Rudv President Buzzy Bavasi for a sal ary believed to be $30,000. While the figure is not too im posing, it still is regarded as quite .iigii iu. a fcuy .uu nui uv iw j-aia : f . . . . . " old on April 26. i""!"-' 10 .'"'" ' Few major league clubs have'?"!1"; won a unanimous decl been known to give awav thcirlf'0" '5 !" """ T,nurfda' J'cht monev. but in Maglie's case the I 'rom . Bobhy Bfn N " Dodgers are only too happv. I Garcia weighed 129, Bell 130. Would Havc Missed Him 'A Wi!s a ,blond' ,boul- Garc" suncrca a siasnca icit eye and Bell's nose was cut early in Ihe contest. Neither fighter was in any serious trouble. Judges Tommy Herman and Abe Roth called it 98-95 and 98 96, respectively, and Referee Dick Young scored it 97-94. After the Dodgers clinched the National League pennant last fall, the Brooklyn official family, in cluding President Walter O'Mal ley, Bavasi and Manager Walter Alston, agreed it couldn't havc been done without Sal. Down the stretch run Maglie was near perfect. He won eight of nine games, including a no - hit. no-run game against the Philadel- SCORES In the Alleys Pro No-Raid Pact in Peril WINNIPEG W At least two clubs were reported unhappy with the relationship between Canad ian and U.S. pro football Friday as the Canadian Football Council gathered for a closed session. British Columbia Lions, main taining that while "our teams are forbidden to raid American pros, the National Football League lets its teams raid American talent playing or signed in C a n a d a," were reported in favor of repeal ing the no-raiding pact. Montreal officials were dis turbed over the signing of tackle Don Owens of Southern Mississip pi by the Pittsburgh Steelers aft er he had first agreed to play for Aioueiiea in iww. phia PhjiiieS. He won 13 sanies VTi Hv, ,L ial1 and Jost Pasted an earned and Western Leagues with he run averasc of 2.87. fourth bcsl in NFL were on the agenda for thejthe Nationa, Lc and d session which was called to pre-up as the chlWs ..brMf and bu(. nare material for discussion at : .i.. i :. later sroarate meetincs of the two " .V. . .:.V .. C PoIUand. .Rd.- Lbr.Co. 10.. Mym r - -- --- c , n-Bs ui uit- cio.se race wun ine,iiove to. m: iees usea cars in, leagues. Milwaukee Braves and Cincinnati I fapiiol cuy Glass cp. (3; Johnson' ods (Ot. Pujr.i Co. Hi: Frani Gideon Stolz Co. 10). penes: Myers Glove Cn. ?ns Cap. dividual h I .14 1 . CORVALLIS I O r e c o n rord and lost the fiMh came when i viduai came- Marvin rj nihr State's Pacific Coast Conference np ran up against Don Larson's lsi). "co"s: ;llff Mais"n 5ML P'3" champion football team will be perfect game. uSU M"mn Bn 56: A' honored at a banquet here Friday1 Hls signing gave the Dodgers 231 , night. P.ry-to cmlracl. , le c o d "J Timrs- Plavers will receive wrist :nl 10 thc '-is Cardinals I day: Mickev's Oriv In ai. Portland watches designed with a Rose ' wb" llav' 30 players in the fold. I !!,"aIiBr-1 f J: ' j ,12)' .Co"'l" Kc"'.', Bowl motif. I The New York Giants. Milwau-i ill; ZVa !?!; r' Awards to be presented are for Braves, and Chicago White Hmisokecprng 141. Karr's (0): the most valuable player, the a announced s , .ignings. , Sl,.! ,!ShJ ,?' I.ane Countv 30 Staters Award ' , " lnr '"e mosl Parl "' involved i team soncs: Chuck's steak n-e the Otto Si'lton plaque for out- '"w,r Pla'"s- . n ??n '-h'cLc. 'stkl;H?u'.5 standing lineman, the Robert ,1.1 .'' ha"dt'd P1''"" Pole Burn- S;Cirti?Scr'osS Chrisman tronhv for the best s ' ronk,e caichcr Boh Schmid: Curry 5- nf cmuk's steak House. l.liriMIldll .rupny lur UIL .'l.lnj nl1,finM, D.li . . . hid. hiriiviriual ffami.! Phvl is CurfV downdeld blocking, and the tti-, ,' 7.7 , . " r s'cn 2:u f chu.ks steak House, ourr Hide and scholarship cup from the " ln" Vla.n,s: lne Brav,s lined , high sinrcs; Ann Thrush sol Linda ,ut; At.., iuP second baseman Fd Charles-' Cushnian .1IO. Kay Kreicl SW F.va athletic department. nrjol5 "H ,;, arlPS- ?.icker 500. ,nd Aiict Uktn it. Color motion pictures of the nh u ? i ?f , ,L ?' bastnian spins, odd.t.cj. etc.: Frieda wmiami rlrcnn Slain Inu;. tlnso Rnu-l HalP' and 1,10 W"ltp Sox COr- Dlckrd Ihe 4-10 Rolil. ' " railed a nir nf . . . : - - ineir larm club UNIVERSITY BOWL Commercial No. 1 League result Thursday: Hayden's Cap. City Pnnl- wcsicrn i-apcr conv. lo. Redlegs. Just to prove he slill had somei"" Block ..i.i : l: . . I Rread (41. iiuiin-i .cn in nis aging rigni arm, Hish tearr Bearer Gridders Trk 7i I T Sal opened the World Series withi2W: h'Sh team tanrie: Haydens 1 U lie ilOIIOl I . ft : the Yankees bv beating Whitey c,,y P"S"S 'ra5: hjfh Jnd'' . , , , " "i"isj i series: Elmer Case Mill; high DRVAI.l.IS I Oregon r and lost Ihe fifth game whenividual came: Marvin Benz NBC' will hroa.lcast and tel.1' at in pnv. KST. I.nne sai.l the offer rnmp from page by t lark t. an l leef; , ln(. N(,w York (iianls-the club Till hsdavs KKJIITS -N'ons iiiusiraieu .sovcnii.cr zi. 1st. I.ouis got Dark from last year llv Till'. ASSdflATKII I'HKSS ' lo ave me una: Miooi j (olir (or (our tra(,. inch,riint; I .OS ANGKI.KS Uu.lv Hmn. "r ,n iW , Bed Sohm-ndienst-ihe Philadrl- I.ns Angeles, oulniililled Hub- nala Amm- r"""" Phm l'hlls and Cincinnati Red ist hy 11.11, Id. i:io, Ymingslown, tihio, All 3 Leslie Jr. High Teams Win Games From Parrisl ary. lir.ii, i"rre Wasting Our .Deer" by Durward L. AllcnK ,tut ane said t tho es(,nt ; The sturdily Kvenmg I os No- ,)iirk js . nol on u, milrko, moer ;t, i.i.mi. i ho ahisi miooi Grabbing Foes' Face Masks 7 To Cost 15 Yard Penalty game will be shown. OCK Wrestler. Leslie .luninr 1 1 1 y teams proved loo i school's three 111 l.V the l. stroiik: for the the Panish tin CO) v. 1 II mli Nrlsi cnmpelnifi rarnsh Junior High Hie Leslie lllues squeaked by the 1'hiir.Mlny, capturing all the gitmcs Tarrish tirajs. 2t-27. n s.ue margins. i n Ilhlf, In a pair of afternoon games, the !I'1'.lri ' Leslie Blues tliuhbed thr Panish Kinn Ciavs. 37-ln, and the Leslie War- rmrs won over Ihe Pairish Pi uneer.s, 2i, :ti. , r.. i orin Last night, Ihe Leslie CnUls r rimcrrs. coi i. Wjtrr thumped the Parrish Curds, ::. V'",,',"! 7t J." 1,1 "'j' in spite of an 18 point perform- sn'n . "V.n ' c vin' unee hv the Cards' Tom Fdwanlv n'f..Mi m (; o sen. Other leading scorers for the n,!',',.!',,,,,,,, ni.riV day were .lerry Burger, wro tal- it j oii .iVi. .nnr n& Alio M-ii ii poinis Kir me i.r.Mir nitic.s. (: Henry Windcll. who hlul nine ( iik nm fer the Warriors. HmiV') In jayvee gaines. the Pari ish Brm-itt : Caids edged the l.cvhe tiolds. Bfo;,k1 tt, i More Deer" hy Hubert Cruhton'; j Outdoor America 'official piihhca- lion of hnak Walton League of I America'. November December. Ii:on, i Mates look at inrreasing Deer Herds" by Kenneth .1. Chia- 'vetta1: Field and Stream, Decern !ie Warriors clubbed her. l!i,'ti, t"A New Business Deal Pioneers, 27 H; and for Deer by Harold Titus. In addition, a new hook pub- t lished by the Wisconsin .onserva tmn Department (at Madison ,' s Wisconsin! entitled "The White- Tailed Deer hi W isconsin" is based Ii on H years ot intensive research on the deer in that Mate and gives an unusual insight into their life habits. If you get the impression that Oregon is just one of many states to find deer populations get ting oi Mickcv Mantlp leH ih v, vi, I v!..: . iu XV-. . A I lrfiihefs in nine departments riur-; III 111 UpOIlOr lns IS' batting average, homel MONMOITH Special - Ore-i S I.ba,!Le.d ?' ns - N'KW 0111. KAN'S The Knot-. Kxpansion of the substitution gon tollege ol Kducation. in its i strikeouts and stolen bases nail miles ioiiimiuee o. me ni.c, proposca nv reurra vo.um- ...o.- , i,,. tional folli'giale Athletic Assn bia Coach Lou Little as a repre-' 50n- ' a" easy 'ictor over Lin termed Ihe game "pretty good as sentative of the American Foot- tie!l here last night. 2..-10. it is today." but cracked down on hall Coaches Assn . met wilhi Results by weight divisions: face ina.sk grabbing as a growing strong opposition. Crisler said. I founds Dave Barkley danger. j I'nder the plan offered by Little. I P'SF,6 U'arnra The thrce-dav sessions ended , substitutes as well as starters 1 mi AlKinson 'Ul t.i pm- Kl.ttT.WVIT 1 I'h,r. U K. ... I. ' "Ctl DOll .11.11 . 1. . c,';:,'r" SZiLTX'Z ' 'o- vri"-. " Mc.h MrMMZttfy'nT si.w'ni Mlch,Kan- calling the et-together; Crisler said the committee felt Boh Boshv (OCFi Tlic rommiltco. with final say 1 of platoon system football. He said I Mother Give Your Child Aspirin Rust As The Doctor Orders' Eacbtatlt - contain! 1 Si fruot, ttaa pre fer. tr aUDdaid of atcuratt doit mectuf. irj ill ST.JOSfPH ASPIRIH inD nuiLfJREN h;riis Mgisl Silling Asiirm fu CMiM Rsliing Kpport ucalhrr I'ocoinrs u .inner. lempcrnHires arc fold. rut ot MrrlhPnn. AtiRluit in k jiifa tns not open t nil tin- week The WiUon lfi7 Dewaine Crahh (OCK a schools with large squads could pinned Vince Gillts (L. II lit ? O" UHilU.lll U'KIM1"1.)II, III) '"M il (I Minus y 111) UtI JiV UUHU I'HUIU IU I ri-r-, J imi m,h cio.Hiriu mpxiiv anil i.Vv;ml penalty for protective face train specialists in offense and do- n,, . T' '., 1 n l he in .hh1 conilitnui 1 Thur , i ... t j ..n . ... ullSS TlUirman (I.1. dv and ihe eek end n,e Npmuc i,SK Kiii'ing ami oeemieu in ex- lens.- una sun annmer unu notn Ueavvweieht Fnrfrit.-H In tin ti..s w.n ihe best pr.HHwer. uh i..n pand the present .substitution rule. wavs. .. V, s roricntn to Lin- 1 "AtSt K. Ted W.eman. commit-, priKiuve some ..t lih. ll woa.hrr tee secretary and athletic dircc- ,, . ... Mai .-..i.i ihrse i.. r.vera ..nv ior al n(, Vniveisity of Denver ' "'" "l'"- Syracuse backficld! Oartmnuth won Us first basket- v'Swuv-'ein' STS?-.Jh. 1 the SS-man 'group felt the fh- n air force pilot dur-: ball game in 1900. beating Ver- .xh1 ai.KiM.n (..r ra practice of grabbing the masks ,tt ttorl(' "ar " 'moiit. 46-10. in-rrh anil h.s Ttic S.rndv and i.j ..j ' . - - - ,.t of balance Y.lh their fo.nl ,.,:h Z -nK-. ''"t 2 7,., 1. Strict enforcement will be left i.ei s uiiii ou iiic m.ii iiihi Mini i, V- " (ill liTTlh l rd some light on this important prob lem in conservation. mirs for his;ger and better deer. H R Glascock. Jr. t'CO Krirndly St. Kugene, Oregon the .to the officials, Crisler said. FANFARE Bv WAIT OITZcN " JuT-ja 6s f st 1CM ist S!N tbj;e wts.-ag g';;s f J y-BfcT Tg. a.t ' J I'iWkL- j Come one Come all Help Us lo Celebrate Our 15th Anniversary January 15(h-25th Special Old Timers Week End Sal. & Sun Jan. 19th k ;oth Meet your old Bowling & League Friends of Yesteryear at the B & B Ilnter Ihe father Son Mother tV llaughtrr Man & Mile Competition being held durini this 10 Hay Anniversary f.vrnl. Tom A Gladys Wood Owners B &B Bowling Court 308S Portland Rd. Ph EM 2-4438 S OPEN SUNDAY 10S1 t N.CAPITOl STREET From 9 lo 6 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9 TO 9 1983 N. Capitol Hollywood District Phone EM-4S007 ti citing Swidnh-butll VOLVO S-PASSlNGK FAMIIY SPORTS CAR ECONOMY yrffVX, . . i '"J&5i' P'ictd wilh lew tit IMPORTED CAR ECONOMY BIG CAR OPERATION H-t-e is i-jperb Swediih cff,i',nK'P combntd with continent! tuirv. The VCLVO, with imar-ng rodb,i;tY "d oowerful big car perfo"T-nt - fen unbelievable economy. Vf.h Volvo, you get rrore for Iti . ic er down payment . . . low mon't'ly payment! , . , lower maintenanc ce' Volvo available for immediatf da ery. DfilVE THE VOLVO V0'' " Bur THE VOLVO. CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING VOLVO FEATURES: UNBElliVABlE CAS ECONOMY J IOW OPERATING COST v SPACIOUS LUGGAGE AREA DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS v SPORTS CAR ENGINE SMARTLY TAILORED INTERIOR DRIVE THE VOLVO TODAY t your Authorized Volvo Dealer COMMERCIAL MOTORS f0 San Cmanrtil St. (WW si EM 3-9894