Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 17, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' Sectiorl I Page" S Local Paragraphs t.on apart January 20 to fifth new class o squarc dance Commerce Similar ri-ni(in i. 1 "w tvangenca .Ministers neara a being fiven th rouahout ?he TJ ST? 'w'UdeS JMr anH Mrs' Ed farewell address by Rev. Llovd T. ited I States lhrOUghout lhe ln' jf-Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Underson. Anderson gave a brief " """f" ih review 01 me past iu vears in a- Wins TriD-Jav Merril man-, S"Se"'i' "nd.Mr?- D.0.n.W""S'llem as Pas,w the First BaP'is' Anderson Bids Group Adieu The monthly meeting of the Greater Salem Association of Ministers heard Army Gets Six Men From Salem of the n.-, r. k..' u iT r; r.,i.niircn. h k j . "'"" irae.jana Jirs. McCulliueh. .Mr. has been awarded an all-cxcpcnse ;and Mrs. Warren Gaskill, Sir. and , " " n ; .Mrs. Da'e Niccolson, Mr. and Mrs. niuiier oi me nrm s Judd Panl-rntT nn.t m jecent national sales contest. He Lloyd Riejel, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- in the counlry to win the trip. Silver Wings Members Robert Itohland, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Rohland, 295 Sonora Way, and Richard Rosen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rosen, 1197 South Hish St., are members o( Silver Winus. air force ROTC drill honor so ciety, at Oregon Stale college. The two men are freshmen. ence Hagenauer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sceva, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Tom my Thompson. Mnse Van Dell is instructor and will start a new beginners class on Feb. 7. A pie and ice cream social will follow the Friday dance. News off Record CIRCUIT COURT Slate Highway Commission vs. Roy V, and Mary Jane Bell: Plain tiff files notice of intention to pro ceed to take real property involved in condemnation proceedings. No tice files findings of fact and con clusions of law by Circuit Judge George R. Duncan who fixed $150 as the sum to be paid to the de fendants. Raymond Porter, a minor by Ernest .1. Porter, guardian ad lit em vs Richard Lee and Chester I.. Haines: Suit for judgment of $I8,!)40 as the result of tratfic acci dent Oct. 27, 1936. Howard L. Smith vs. C. H. Jones: Suit seeking judgment of $19,110 damages said to have re sulted from traffic accident, be tween Dallas and Valley Junction, Oct. 27, 1956. Walter Slcinbrook. a minor, by his guardian Pauline Steinbrook vs. Richard Lee and Chester L. Haines: Suit for judgment of $19,390 for injuries said to have resulted from traffic accident of Oct. 27, 1956. Robert C. Yocom vs. Dorothy L. Vocom: Divorce decree to plain tiff. Dorothy A. Matthews vs. Victor A. Matthews: Divorce complaint, alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Salem June 30. 1947. Plaintiff asks for custody ot four minor chlidrcn ' and $350 monthly support. Eva Kabatoff vi. C. T. Parker, C. A. Schram and John Doe Lit trell: Suit seeking judgment of $14,580 damages as the result of traffic accident, Aug. 13, 1955. Lnla A. Geddei vs. J. C. Pen ney company: Suit for judgment of $18,000 damages for injuries said to have been received in defendant's store Sept. 19, 1955. Fay Woods vs. Clair D .Woods: Divorce complaint alleging- cruel and inhuman treatment. Married at Reno, Nov., Nov. 28, 1952. Plaintiff asks custody of minor child and $50 monthly support. Theodore Roosevelt Glenn vs. Kathervn Glenn: Divorce com plaint, alleging desertion. Married at Palmer, Alaska. May 27, 1952. Dorothy Evangeline Stockbridge vs. Lester Stockbridge: Divorce decree to plaintiff awards her cus tody of minor child and $30 month ly support. PRORATE COURT Laella A, Torreni estate: Order fixing Feb. 18 as time for hearing final account. Antone Frank Hanauska estate: Order fixing Dec. 20 as time for hearing final account. Samuel E. Baseel estate: Order admitting will lo probate and ap pointing Anna L. McFadden admin istratrix. MUNICIPAL COURT Averill Beavers, 824 North Front St., disorderly conduct, pleaded guilty, fined $25. Ben Wilfred Kunkrl, fined $73 after pleading guilty lo charge of reckless driving. MARRIAGE LICENSE Ronald Ralph Lowery, 21. stu dent, 2959 Chemawa Rd. and Bar bara Jo Pierce, 1", student, 1290 Minturn. More Hub Caps Taken Two per sons reported to city police Wed nesday that hubcaps had been stolen from their cars. Rodger Berg, Beaverton. said that a hub cap valued at $12 was stolen from his car while parked in front of Baxter Hall at Willamette uni versity. He also reported lhat an jnnertube was ruined. Larry Jus tice told of the theft of two hub caps, valued at S7, from his car while it was parked in front of his home at 1070 North 18th St. Driver Charged Lewis Paul Robertson, Portland, was arrested on a charge of driving while in toxicated Wednesday night by state police. He was held overnight in the Marion county jail and re leased on his own recognizance after arraignment in district court Thursday morning, sheriff's depu ties said. High Reds (Continued from Pafje 1) First Deputy Premier Anastas Mi koyan. Former Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, former Prem ier Georgi Malenkov and other Soviet leaders. Blast United States (Before leaving Budapest, Chou and Hungarian Premier Janos Ka dar said in a joint statement that the United States is "the main ringleader of the imperialists." The statement declared that President Eisenhower's policy is to extend the U.S. zone of power, subjugate the pc&ples of the Near East, stir up rebellion and resume the cold war. It also said "American impe rialists were still trying to inter fere in Hungarian affairs, and backed the Kadar government in its earlier condemnation of a U.N. proposal to send a five-member investigating commission to study the situation in Hungary.) French Morocco, normally re garded as being a total desert, has a half million acres irrigated. Prospects for growth in the new charge are great, he said. "The Bethel Baptist Church of West Co vina is located in a greatly ex panding area. The church is only four years old and has a Sunday School of about 1,000." Anderson expressed his regrets at leaving so many friends in the Snlem area. Miss Elizabeth McCall gave a report to the ministers on the work of Child Evangelism. There are about 30 churches in the association. Kev. M. C. Miller, president of the association, appointed a com mittee to work out plans for a city wide Sunday School convention to be held in the spring The meeting was held in the Salvation Army chapel. $18,940 Asked For Injuries A traffic accident of Oct. 27, 1956 that took place on North River road near Berg's market has re sulted in a damage suit being filed in Marion county circuit court for a total of $18,940. The plaintiff is Raymond Porter, minor and the defendants are Richard Lee Haines and Chester L. Haines. The complaint states that young Porter received numerous injur ies, including the loss of two per manent front teeth when the de fendants caused their motor vehi cle lo collide with a vehicle upon which the plaintiff was riding. General damages in the sum nf $17,800 are asked as well as $140 special damages and $1,000 for fu ture dental services. ,. A similar suit for $19,390 was filed earlier by 16-year-old Walter Steinbrook. 840 Cummings lane, by his guardian, Pauline Steinbrook. The two youths were riding on a motor scooter when the accident occurred. Snow Ball Baled MOLALLA Snial At (he old gym in Molalla high, the date of January 19 has been set for the "Snow Ball " The chapter sweetheart Judy Melum will be reigning as queen. This dance is sponsored by .Molalla FFA and FHA. The theme is "Icicle Escap ade and North Marion band will play at the dance. Pearson (Continued from Page 1) votes on the presidency, bringing the total to 45. Lowry told the Senate that Wed nesday's maneuver by which the Democrats claimed election of Pearson was "such a sham and piece of chicanery that all of us ought to be ashamed." Thornton Ruling Due The Democrats asked Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton to rule on whether Pearson had been legally elected. Thornton, a Dem ocrat, said he hoped to have an opinion some time Thursday. In the meantime, the House rolled along smoothly. Rep. William A. Grenfell Jr. Portland, and seven other Demo crats introduced a bill to put the slat" withholding tax on the basis of a person's income, so that vir tually all income taxes would be paid by withholding. The with holding tax now is a flat 2 per cent. Rep. Katherine Musa and her husband. Sen. Ben Musa, both The Dalles Democrats, sponsored a hill to have a state board of tax appeals, appointed by the gover nor, to hear appeals from deci sions of the Tax Commission. A memorial asking Congress for federal aid to education was in troduced by two Lane County House members, Reps. Keith D. Skclton, Eugene, and Richard Eymann, Mohawk. Both are Dem ocrats. I his memorial was re quested by Gov. Robert D Holmes. These six young men from Salem were in lhe U.S. Army Thurs day after leaving Salem Wednesday afternoon to be inducted in Portland. The new recruits included tleft lo right) James W. N'ordul, Forrest L. Logan, Kennelh X. Doughton, .Michael S. En sign, William E. Balch and Stephen D. Wood. They were to be joined In Portland by Walter A. Crippan and Edward C. Wat kins, two other recruits from this area. (Capital Journal Photo) Conclusion Reached in Circuit Court Case Started in 1951 Slate Statutes Ruled Constitutional by Pro Teni Judge A circuit court case that had been hanging fife since Dec. 12, 1951, reached a conclusion Thurs- Jury Ponders Bashor Verdict With the state having concluded its testimony at 11 a.m. a Marion county circuit court jury was ex pected to receive the case involv ing Raymond Clarence Bashor, charged with burglary before the end of Thursday. The trial opened Wednesday. Bashor, 43, Portland, Is accused of entering the Pride of Oregon service station at 3300 N. River Rd. last August. He and a com panion were arrested by sheriff's deputies after the station owner had telephoned concerning the break in. day when Lester W. Humphreys, judge pro lem issued an opinion holding that certain Oregon stat utes were constitutional. The litigation originated with the filing of u complaint by Wilbur J. Smith and by Arrow Tug and Barge Co. as plaintiffs in inter vention. The complaint challenged the constitutionality of the laws under which the stale tax commis sion fixed and determined ad val orem taxes on tugs, barges and vessels and apportioned the as sessed values among the several" counties which had levied taxes thereon. 1 Judge Humphreys held "that it is clear in reading these statutes that there is nothing arbitrary or discriminatory therein because the stautes apply to lhe Columbia riv er and its tributaries as well as all other rivers in the state. Private carriers are assessed and taxed as well as common carriers and car riers fo hire." Original arguments in the ease were heard Dec. 12. 1951 by Circuit Judge Rex Kimmell. While briefs were being submitted Kimmell died and the matter has been held in abeyance since. Budget Allows Faculty Trips A bucket has been authorized by the board of trustees of Wil lamette university, which makes it possible for faculty members to attend professional meetings at the expense of the university. Region ana national associauon meetings arc held all year, every year and teachers and professors have been expected to attend 10 keep "up-to-date" with new meth ods and material, and to do it at their own expense. Mail Carriers To Get Carts The Salem post office is in re ceipt of a dozen satchel carrier carts which will be turned over for use of city mail carriers. They are government issue and will he used bv the carriers without cost to them. Carriers who have physical dis abilities will be given the lirst al lotment. However, others are to be ordered and it is expected all will be provided with the bag tolers in due course. The vehicles are similar to those which were purchased by a half dozen carriers during the past two years. They are constructed of aluminum, with two large wheels in the rear with two smaller ones in front. They arc fitted with a hand operated brake which prevents the rie from rolling when parked on a hill. The machines arc built in Port land and are sd constructed that they can be placed in a mail stor age box when knocked down. Morningsidc Extension Unit Slates Classes Morningsidc extension unit has scheduled cooking and sewing classes for this week. On Tuesday, January 22. the group wHl meet at Mrs. Gilbert Austin's on Albert drive for a les son on yeast rolls. Project leaders are Mrs. Richard Don and Mrs. Orvillc Halvcrson. The basic sewing class will meet Thursday, January 24, at the home of Mrs. Murlin Limhockcr, 760 ldlewood drive, with Mrs. D. A. Ridings and Mrs. Kenneth Lim hocker as project leaders. The sun never sets on Classified's action-power. For an ad to work around the clock filling a need lor you, dial EM 4-6811. (Adv.) O'Shca's Health Food Ctr. 696 N, Cottage. EM 2-3448. (Adv.) LATE SOCIETY Miss Pfaff Bride-elect The engagement of Miss Carole Pfaff, prominent Willamette uni versity student, to Patrick Hib bard of Portland has been an nounced. Miss Pfaff, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. Aaron Pfaff of Portland, was campus correspondent for the Capital Journal for two years. She is a senior psychology major on the campus; president of Cap and Gown, senior women's honorary: vice president of the Associated Women Students, and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Hib bnrd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hibrard of Portland. A graduate of Lewis and Clark col lege in ISIS"1, hi- is in the insurance business with his father. The wedding is planned for June 7 in Portland. Fringe Study (Continued from Page 1) February 26 Existing tax rates. March 12 Desired or needed utility services. The committee may arrange for a poll to determ ine lhe desires of the residents. March 26 Study the alternate courses that are available, such as incorporation, annexation, or utility or service district organi zation. April 9 Preparation of conclus ions. April 23 Hold a public hearing on conclusions. , May 7 Preparation of final rec ommendations. Attending the Wednesday night meeting were: From lhe Snlem Chamber El mer Berglund, chairman; Mark Astrup, Ward Davis, Roy Hnr land, Freeman Holmer and Fred G. Starrett. From the South Salem Chamber E. A. Bamford, D. M. Campbell, Lloyd Clark, Richard Denton, Charles Poquell, T. Harold Tom linson, William Troth, Arthur R. VanLche, and Verne Wadsworth. Co. D Enlists 101st Member Salem's Oregon National Guard Co. D, 162nd Inf.. formed over eight years ago. went over 100 men this week for the first time with the enlistment of Jack Wil cox, Rt. 5, Box 153 Salem, being the 101st man. First Lt. Blair McCabe, acting company commander, expects en listments to increase rapidly be tween now and April 1st. After that time all enlistments will be required to serve six months ac tive duty. House Member's Wife Must Take Pay as Secretary Mrs. Hclene Stadler, wife of Rep. Glen Stadler. D., Eugene, discovered Thursday that .she can't donate her services as 'her husband's secretary. Stadler said he was opposed to his wife's accepting pay for her work, but he found that the law won't allow her to work for noth ing. So she says she will donate her $12 daily pay to charities spon sored by the Eugene Soroptimist Club. Recent excavations reveal that the city of Arzawas, Turkey had central healing 3,000 years ago. Rummage Sale St. Vincent de Paul Store 341 N, Com'l.. (Adv.) It's Fun to Browse at MUNKER'S THRIFTWISE VARIETY NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY. Next to Erickton't Super Mkt. North S,lm n Portland Rood OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P M. EARL MURRAY Appointed Manager of ,; Gat Heeling , Department at '' Cherry (ily Electric With natur al gas be ing an en tirely new fuel to most of us we arc very .for lunate to have acquired a man with the qualifications and yean of experience that Earl Murray has had. Earl has sold and installed natural gas heat ing equipment for the past 28 years. To anyone who is con sidering changing to natural gas heat, Earl Is available (t Cherry City Electric In The Hollywood District 2040 N. Capitol Ph. EM-46761 and will be glad to give yon a free analysis of your heating problems. Open Mon. 4-Frl. Nlte Til 9 P. M. Mid-Valley Births SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CASTERL1NE To Dr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Casterhne, 833 Sunset Ave., a bov, Jan. 16. ORMOND To Rev. and Mrs. W. Berkley Ormond, 1260 S. Liber ty St., a boy. .Ian. 16. S.M EM GENERAL HOSPITAL LEBOI.D-To Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Lehond, 3415 D St., a girl. Jan. 16. , STRONG To Mr. and Mrs. Don ald G. Strong. 3243 Beacon St., a girl. Jan. 16. BEYER To Mr. and Mrs. John Bever. Mt. Angel, a boy. Jan. 16. KNIELING To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knieling, 4335 Glenwood. Dr., a bov. Jan. 16. EMMOTT To Mr. and Mrs. He ber Emmott, Independence, a girl, Ja"- 1- . .. u . LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis. Dallas, a boy. Jan. 16. LTLEY-To Mr. and Mrs. George Vtley, Independence, a Dov. Jaa. 16. HAGNER-To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Hagner. 1045 Vista Ave., a girl. Jan. 15. SILVERTON HOSPITAL KAVFFMAV To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kauffman of Hubbard, a girl. Jan. 14. ACKLEY-To Mr. and Mrs. Har old Ackley of Molalla, a boy, Jan. 15ERICKSON-To Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Erickson. a boy. Jan. 16 JOHNSON - To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson of Valsetz, a girl, Jan. 15. SORRY NO PHONE ORDERS C.O.D.'S-LAY-A-WAYS or MAIL ORDERS Limited Quantities 1 w6lSflBl'S, FKDI3AV MILV FREE PRIZES DRAWING FRIDAY. NITE 8:30 P.M. ON SALE 9:30 A.M. 3 TO 10 A.M. ONLY Reg. 5.95 Electric Corn Popper with Glass Look-in Lid $1.89 Reg. 3.95 lile 12 foot Trouble - 99 Reg. 3.95 7-Pc. Kitchen Tool Set 1.44 ON SALE 10 A.M. or Sauce pans TO 11 A.M. ONLY Reg. 21.95 8-Cup Universal Automatic Perculator $1288 Reg. 3.95 Set of 4 Aluminum Skillets Graduated Sizes 896 ON SALE 11 A.M. TO 12 NOON ONLY Reg. 39.95 Model G Hamilton Beach Mixer $2488 Reg. 2.95 3-Pc. Crystal glass Salad set 996 Reg. 2.50 Bone China Cup S Saucer 996 ON SALE 12 TO 1 P.M. ONLY Electric Power Saw and Case Rea. Values to 1.95 Assarted li ' vZ. c.iUm. i..u,, sej. ..W- mzZ ---- Reg. Values to 7.95 Costume Jewelry 1,99 ON SALE 1 P.M. TO 2 P.M. ONLY Reg. 39.95 3 Piece Set Air Plane Luggage $18?5 Reg. 7.95 2 qt. Casserole and Copper Candle Warmer 3.77 Reg. 7.95 Stainless Steel Flatware 24-pc. set ... 2.99 ON SALE 2 P.M. TO 3 P.M. ONLY Reg. 24.95 3 Speed Record Play er Non Breakable Case $1497 Reg 7.95 16'' Lazy Susan Revolving Base-5 Sections 2.99 Reg. Values to 3.95 Bed Lamps-Your Choice 99C ON SALE 3 P.M. TO 4 P.M. ONLY Reg. 39.95 Lamp Ensemble With Fiber Glass Shades $2188 Reg. 12.50 West Bend Auto matic Perculator 8.88 Reg. 7.95 9-pc. Coffee set-Warmer I Mugs 3.99 M - ON SALE 4 P.M. TO 5 P.M. ONLY Reg. 6.95 32-Pc. Service for 6 Blue Willow $3.99 1 Reg. 12.95 Twin Gooseneck ftixSgSf ' Table Lamps 6.88 Reg. 12.50 Gents Wristwatch Anti-Magnetic 6.66 ON SALE 5 P.M, TO 6 P.M. ONLY Reg. 59.95 4 Speed Automatic Record Player $298 Reg. 7.95 Salid Maker and Food Grater 2.99 Reg. 6.75-1 6-pe. Santa Anita Breakfast tat . 3.28 ON SALE 6 P.M. TO 7 P.M. ONLY Reg. 99.75 f 53-Pc. Service for 8 "Coronation" By Community $3999 Reg. 4.50 10 Pc. Vogue Punch Set 1.88 Reg. 5.95 24-pc Libbys Stemware 2.99 ON SALE 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M Reg ONLY 24.95 45-Pc. Service for 8 Violet Dinnerware $1099 Reg 9.95 Electric Hair Dryer and Holder ...' 4.88 Reg. 22.50 Crosley Table Radio 9.99 ON SALE 8 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ONLY wrryv'' -i .... 19o5 Automatic Electric Skillet & Cover Reg. 2.95 Spice Set 7-pc. set and wall D.,1, OQJ. v,... " . ' I " - ze vi.j Reg. 9.95 Nurse Doll and Drink "N" Wet Doll both for 4.88 t . ... - -u . Use Weisfield's i Simplified Credit ! No Money Down as low as 25c weekly . I !Z7QD0POB '365 N. LIBERTY, SALEM S0 r Jei OPEN MONDAYS I FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. I Complete Watch Overhaul Today Only OPEN MONDAYS I FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. Your Watch Completely Taken Apart-Perts Clean- ed, Oiled, Reassembled and Timed. $J99