Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 17, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section '4 Page 5 MS W - 1 . -T ? -Jf.Tr-t-VV'IOB I On Television UHF KPTV (27) VHF KOIH-TV (6) KIOR (U), KOW IV (8), KVAl (13) ' Prnirimi lubirct change. to list minute THURSDAY ON KOIYTV: (6) ndG?mrdepeaonntninB X b R ay, State Fish l 4hrm7n'maX.rS,'lvia Sidnoy. U' Ericksnn, June Lockhart 11:05 p.m., Showtime nn Six "Lifchnal " aHrirt u-itt. a --j 8 women. Hitchcock production, from John st nbcck', no r Cronsn khC"d' Bc"diX' John HodTak "nd Hume , THURSDAY ON KPTV: (21) 6:30 p.m., Count of Monte Crislo The -Black Death" strikes Pans. 7:00 p.m., Liberace Salutes men behind the scenes. 8:30 p.m., Dracnel Friday and Smith find a hat-check girl giv ing names of good "insurance prospects" to bov-friend J:2J " fiilderslecve In "Gildy's Efficiency Kick." 9:30 p.m., Tennessee Ernie Ford Show Guesl is singer Rosemary iu.ou p.m., ineo i heaire International intrigue, in Heming way's "To Have and to Have Not." 11:00 p.m., Playhouse 21 Sir Ceclric Hardwicke portravs very British Englishman; a sweet mixed-up young girl is Diana' Lynn, ' THURSDAY ON Kl.OR: (12) 5:00 p.m.. Captain Z-Ro Z-Rn I lines in Khnru'nnrl kWnci anri Robin Hood. 5:30 p.m., One Autry Gene goes after some dry gulchors in 'Cold Decked." 6:30 p.m., Buffalo Bill, Jr. Solves the "Mine Mysterv." 7:00 p.m., Public Defender Reed Hadlv, Barbara Logan in "Un fit Mother." 8:00 p.m.. Studio West Guests tonight are Bob and Buford, western comedy team. 8:30 p.m., "Bullets or Ballots." stars Humphrey BoEarL Edward G. Robinson, Joan Blondell. 10:30 p.m., "Fort Algiers" Starring Yvonee DeCarlo, Carlos Thompson. THURSDAY ON KGW-TV: (8 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club Tells about the Tokyo circus. 6:00 p.m., State Trooper "Paper Hanger of Pioche." 7:00 p.m., I Led Three Mves Richard Carlson as Herbert Phil brick in adventure of a young Soviet courier whose secret party or ders were invisible. i 8:00 p.m., Circle 8 Theater "Rough Riders Roundup" starring Roy Rogers. 9:00 p.m., Wire Service Dane Clark, as reporter Dan Miller, dons army uniform to learn the prohlems of draftees. 10:00 p.m., Racket Squad "Beauty for Hire," a model agency racket. 10:40 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Strike Up the Band," Mickey Roonev, Judy Garland, Paul Whileman. FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: (fi) 12:30 p.m.. Bob Crosby (color) Cast sings "San Antonio Rose." 2 p.m., KOIN Kitrhen preparing "Beef Pasties." 3 p.m., Garry Moore Show Martha Davis and spouse and Ivan Sanderson and Animal Friend guests. 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Big Snooze" starring Bugs Bunny. 5 n.m.. Red Dunning Jack Marks, guest. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Legacy" starring Elizabeth Patterson. 6:30 p.m., My Friend Flicka and Ken befriend a horse thief in "The Unmasking. 7 p.m.. Chuck Foster Newscene reports news stories from state for past week. 8:30 p.m.. Zane drey Theater "Time of Decision." 9 p.m., Mr. Adam and Eve "They're Off and Running." Ida Lup Ino and Howard Duff. 9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Artist Linda Darnell disappears and encounters "Terror In the Streets. 10 n.m.. Thp Lineup "The Ellis Garden Case, 11:30 n.m.. Showtime on Six "Western Union." Zane Grey's great western novel, starring Robert Young, Randolph Scott, Virginia Gil more and John Carradine. FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10 a.m., Home Hugh chats with Carl Morris "Miss Universe." 12 a.m., Matinee Theatre "Madam Ada.'' 2 p.m.. Comedy Time in "Denny's Big Night." 3:30 n.m.. Northwest Home explains Central Volunteer bureau. 4:45 p.m., Plavhouse 4:45 "Easy Riches" starring Bruce Setnn and Marjory Taylor. 6:45 p.m.. Famous Fights Sandy Saddler vs. Paddy DeMarco at Madison Square Garden. December 7. 1951. 7:00 p.m. Cavalcade of Sports The third welterweight title fight be tween champion Carmen Basilio of Canastota. New York, and former champ Johnny Saxton of New York. The 15-round bout staged in Cleveland Arena. 8:00 p.m.. Blondle Dag wood sorry when he invites Mr. Dithers to stay at his home while boss' house redecorated. 8:30 p.m.. O. Henry Playhouse "The World and the Door," starring Pedro Gonzales. Donald Barry and Jean Willes. Thomas Mitchell as O. Henrv. 9:00 p.m.. On Trial "Libel in the Wax Museum". 9:30 p.m.. Big Story Ray Fulton, Sharon Pa.i Herald, encounters a mvstery that could result in conviction in "The Face of the Thief." 10:00 p.m., Crunch and Des The long association of the two jeopar dized bv "Fresh Water Mermaid". 10:30 p.m., Mvstery Theatre What looks like death from natural causes turns out to be murder in the 55 p.m. coo p.m. 6:13 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:41 D.m. 7:00 p.m. KPTV- KUIN 7:41 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:11 p.m. 10:30 p.m. "Case of the Brazen Bride". FRIDAY ON KLOR: (12) 2:30 p.m.. Lary of the House Nadia Whybark makes dishes with Oregon wheat flour. 4:30 p.m., Noah's Ark Father Haley illustrates "Solomon the Wise." 5:30 p.m., Gene Autry Plot to sabotage railroad, in "The Sleel Rib-hon" 6:00 p.m., Annie Oakley "Sugarfoot Sue." a little girl whom none believes. 6:30 p.m.. Operation Tomorrow "Modern Rocketry." "Falcon" is hown shooting down an attacking bomber. Re-scheduled. 7:00 p.m., KLOR Presents "Night in the Museum" starring Steve Brodie and Tim Considine. 7:30 p.m.. Mlrkev Rooney Show "Seven Days to Doom.' 8:30 p.m., Dodge City-Starring Olivia de Havilland, Errol Flynn, Ann Shnririan 10:30 n m . Thp YounEer Brothers Starring Robert Hutton, Bruce Bennett, Jams Paige. . . FRinAV OV Kr.W.TV: (8) 8:15 a.m.. Tnn & Country Barney Duin with meat cutting demon stration. ' 10:00 a.m.. This Morning's Movie "Free and Easy Robert Cum mings, Ruth HusM-y. , , 10:30 a.m.. Community Workshop-Your I mted Fund and the Biesed Martin Dav Nurserv. 12:00 nn." Wunda Wunda "The Three Bears' . 12:30 p.m., Telerama (rolnr) Stu Krwm in "French Teacher . 2:00 p.m.. New Horizons-Transit prohlems of Southwestern Wash ington and Oregon Cities. 2:30 p.m., Stage 8 "Juvenile Genius". ' 4:30 p.m., Pioneer Club Heck Harper (color. 5:00 p.m., Mlrkey Mouse Club Lennon siMers. 5:30 p.m.. Trouble With Fathrr-"Father Docs His Homework . 10:40 p.m.. Channel 8 Playhnuse "Without Love' Spencer Tracy. Katherine Hepburn. Lucille Ball. Dizzy, the dog. . FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: 6 , 12:30 p.m.. Bob Crosby icolori And cast sing "San Antonio Rose. 9-fwi wAin Kitrhpn PreDanna ' Beef Pasties." sloo p.m. Garry Moore Show-Martha Davis and spouse and Ivan Sanderson and Animal Friend guests. 4:4S n.m.. Cartoon Time-"Big Snooze" starring Bugs Bunny S:M nm. Armchair Theatre "The Legacy" starring Patterson. . . . ..- 6:30 p.m.. My Friend Flicka Ken befriended a horse thief in Inmasking. 7:00 p.m.. Churk Foster New we ne Reports neus of past uerk. , . . ., 8:30 p.m.. Zane Grey Theater-' Time of Decision. 9:00 n.m.. Mr. Adam and Eve- They re Off and Running Lupmo and Howard Duff. . .. , . 9:30 p.m.. Plavhnue of sun-Artist Linda Darnell disappears and ncounters "Terror in me ?'" in m . m Th. i.inuD "The Ellis Garde Ilia p.m.. Showtime Oa Sii- 'Wester tmon, western novel. THURSDAY 5:00 p.m. KOIN Rrd Dunning KLOR Capt. 2-Ro K v tilr Rou; t.un KGW, Mickey Mouit 9:30 p.m. Koi.s-AnmniH K LaJH oene Autry KVAL News. en., Spt. KOIN Wei, News. SpU. KLOR Jungle Jim KVAL Annie Oaklev KGW Slate Trooper Kr i V AU-oill e KOIN D. Edwards News KPTV Monte Crislo KOIN Name That Tunt KLOR Buffalo Bill KVAL Advrntura Road KGW Newsbeat KVAL Studio 13 Liburaue HiEhwav Patrol KLOR Public Defender KVAL Steve Donovan KVAL-Hawkcve T:30 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shnr. KOIN I Search Adventure KLOR To Be Announced KVAL Frontier KGW Lone Ranger KPTV NHC New. KPTV Groucho Marx KOIN Bob Cumminn ivLUn siuaio west KVAL Groucho Marx KGW Circle 8 Thea. 130 p.m. KPTV Dragnet KOIN Climax KLOR Movie Kv'Ai D . .net 9:00 p.m. KPTV-Gildenleev 1 i,Mpn Uro X KW Wire Servico 9:30 p.m. K.-l'V Krnie KorrJ KOIN Plavhouse 90 KVAL Ernie Ford 10:00 p.m. KPTV Video Thea. KLOR Fr. Mac KVAL Video Thea. KGW Racket Squad KLOR News Kl.OR Movie KGW Racket Sauad 11:00 p.m. K " '' : ioust il KOIN Movie 11:30 p.m. KHTV Tonite FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific KGW Prayer-Hymn 8:15 a m. KGW Town it Country 8:30 a m. KGW Cartoons 8:45 a.m. KOIN Kun to Reduce j 9:00 a.m. KPTV Tic Tac Dough 1 KOIN Vnllant Lady KGW Telescope 9:15 a.m. KOIN Lovt- oi Lift 9:30 a.m. KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow 9:43 a.m. KOIN Guidlm Lieht 1C:00 a.m. KPTV Home KOIN Stand Up KGW Movie 10:30 a.m. KOIN As World Turns 11:00 s.m. KPTV Price is Right KOIN Miss Brooks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Tenn. Ernie KOIN House Party KGW Workshop 12:00 noon KPTV Malmci KOIN Bib Pavoff KGW Wunda Wunda 12:30 p.m. KOIN Boh rnsbi KUW Telerama 1:00 p.m. KPTV Queen lor Day KOIN Brighter Dav KVAL Queen (or Day 1:15 p.m. KOIN Secret Storm 1:30 p.m. KOIN Edge of Night 1:45 p.m. KPTV Modern Rnnnncei KLOR Public Interest KVAl- Modern Itomances z:uu p.m. Kriv i. real Life KOIN Kitchen Kl.OR F.liz.ahrth KGW New Horizons KVAL Grrflt Lite 2:30 p.m. KPTV Truth -Consequen. KOIN Strike it Rich KLOR Lady of House KVAL Truth-Consequen. KGW Stage Ft 3:00 p.m. KPKTV Colorama KOIN Carrv Moor KLOR Movie KV.iL Movie KGW Film Festival 3:30 p.m. KPTV NW Home 4:00 p.m. KPTV YWCA 4:15 p.m. KPTV Industry 4:30 p.m. KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. .Moon . , KLOR Superman KVAL It's a Fart KGW Pioneer Club 4:43 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Tlma KLOR Superman 5:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunmnc KLOR Range Rider KVAL- :- Mourn o KGW Mickey Mouse 5:30 p.m. KOiN-A nvie KLOR Gene Autry 5:45 p.m. KVAlNews. Win.. SptS, 8:00 p.m. KOIN Wea., News. Spts. Kl.OR Annie Onklev. KVAL Range Rider KGW Trounle unit 0:15 p.m. KPTV McGill News KOIN D. Edwards News 6:30 p.m. KPTV To Be Announced KOIN My Friend Flicka . KLOR Op. Tomorrow - -KVAI,a-Snortsr'ians Club KGW-2iwsbeat 8:45 p.m. KPTV-Famous Fights KVAI-Fishing News 7:00 p.m. KPTV Boxing KOIN Newscene Kl.OR Presents KVAL Boxing KGW To Be Announced 7:30 p.m. KOIN Person Person Kl.OR "Mickev Rooney KGW Rin Tin Tin 7:45 p.m. KPTV NBC New KVAI, Sport Album 6:00 p.m. KPTV-Blondie KOIN' West Pnf-t KLOR Cochise Sheriff KVALCruivh a Ues KGW Jim Bowie 8.30 p.m. KPTV-O. Henrv KOIN Zane Grey KLOR Movie KVAL Hiffhwuv Patrol KGW Crossroads 9.00 p.m. KPTV On Trial KOIN Mr. Adams A Eve K"L- "o Wr Ar ""iced KGW Treasure Hunt 9 30 p.m. KPTV-B;g Morv KOIN riavhousf KVAL-On5""-H KGW The Vise 10:00 p.m. KPTV C'runrh At Des KOIN Line-l'p KVAL- Walter Wlnchell KGW Stage 8 10 15 p m. KLOR-Xf w 10:30 p.m. KPTV Mvstery Thea. KOlN-Wretltng Kl.OR) Movie KGW Movie KVAL-Lrl See 11:00 p.m. KPTV-Sfcret File USA KVAL Lets Sre Bogie Stayed at Top By His Independence By BOB THOMAS ! mention of liquor and remove HOLLYWOOD I They are classes from tlie table when they burying Humphrey Bogart today, j are photographed, but his legend will live on. "1 defend my American right to What set him apart from other take a drink whpn I feel like it." actors? Bogart said defiantly. Citing the He was fine performer. But proverb "In wine there Is truth." there were others of his genera-1 he saif he distrusted nondrinkersi Ike to Wear Homhursllat at ceremonies next Monday. The decision was announced by White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty today. The President's choice of head- . R.m woo i.jin.itu una jccii tinu jf I llY If 0"Tf Tarf I I 's nt likely to cause a flurry n M. UUll 11 III lit like I hp nnP hi ranspH four vonrt WASHINGTON (UP)-President Us by discording the traditional cisennower has decided to stick silk topper for a Homburg. to a Homburg hat for his inaugur-1 Officials, who by protocol copy the presidential headgear, started a run on Homburgs four years ago that was felt all the way to Raltimore. This year, Washington shops are well stocked in Mr. Eisenhower's favorite hat style. People in the United States con sume about 475 million tubes of toothpaste a year, an average of three per person. OCC Campus Sing MONMOUTH "Toast to thi Twenties" will be the theme for the annual Oregon College of Education All-Campus Sing to be at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30. ii Campbell hall auditorium. Campus living organizations will compete in the presentation of songs drawn from the 1920 s. tion who were equally fine. Many of them never became stars. Many faded In their middle years. "They must have something to hide." One of his favorite theories was Not Bocic. When he died of . that the world is cancer at 56, he was still cm top below normal. He of the movie heap. Why did he last? The answer lies in the character he created both on and off the screen. Bogart's whole life had flavor. It was a sharp, pungent, unmis takable flavor of a true individualist. From the start of his Hollywood career, he refused to fit the pat tern. While other stars coyly sought after the press, he barked and growled at reporters. But he was viewed with affection by most of the Hollywood press. The reason: he was copy. "The only way to get publicity is to be an exciting enough per sonality. Then people will write about you," he once said. Bogart loved to slap the face of convention. Most stars shun any three drinks claimed war, strife and intolerance would dis appear if everyone caught up. Bogie had opinions on every thing, including politics. An ar dent Roosevelt man. he cam paigned for Ike vs. Taft before the 1952 convention, then came out for Adlai Stevenson. To add to the confusion, he founded what he called the Progressive Independ ent Reactionary party with him self and writer friends as presi dents. Bogart fascinated all of us be cause of his very independence. We live in a conforming world. All around are pressures to be a member of the team, to buy standard brands, to live standard lives. Most of us do so. Bogart wouldn't conform. That's why he was great. Perennial 'Good Girl' to Play Part of Helen Morgan in Film striking resemblance to Miss Morgan. Ann is aware thai ner tans ana Elizabeth "The stones from state Idi Case.' Zaee Ury By AIJNE MOSRY . United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD UP "In this picture," director Michael Curtiz told Ann Blyth, "you're sexy, not holy." Movie-goers will be rn for a sur prise when they see Hollywood's perennial "good girl" sitting on piano to portray Helen Morgan, a sensual torch singer of the '20s, Ann will do a hula and sob in the drunk scenes. I didn't want to test Ann at first, Curtiz admitted as we waited on a Warner Bros, sound stage for the actress to appear for wardrobe tests. I tested 25 girls and interviewed another 25. I talked to Olivia De Haviland and Jennifer Jones. I tested singers Julie London and Connie Russell. After everybody was exhausted, I took a chance and tested Ann. She made just a brilliant test!" Ingenue Turns Sexy At that moment we saw the sweet star of movies such as "The Student Prince" walk on the set, and it was a sexy walk. She wore a pink headed dress of the '20s style and carried a long chulon scarf, one of Helen Mor gan s trademarks. With fluffy bangs, short hair and elongated eyebrows, Ann bears a Hollywoodites didn't picture her in the coveted Helen Morgan role, which Warner's been trying to get before the cameras since 1943. "When you've grown up in pic tures, it's hard for people to realize you're grown up," the for mer child star said with her sweet smile. Variety Important "Also, I usually have played a certain type of role, the ingenue, except in 'Mildred Pierce' 11 years ago. Yet an actress should be able to portray anything. Vari ety is very important. "You don't have to have a figure like Venus to portray sex appeal," she added. "I feel a great part of Helen MorganY ap peal was her warmth. I he usually demure Miss Blyth does a "corny hula" and a Charleston in the movie, "The Jazz Age." The new Ann also will be belled around by Paul Newman who portrays a racketeer friend. Offscreen, however, it s still the old Ann. One set worker com mented on her perfume and sug gested she had switched to My Sin. "Oh, no, H's Lilies-of-the-Val Icy,' my favorite," she said. Body of Maestro Toscanini to Lie in State Two Days at Home NEW YORK ( The body of Maestro Arluro Toscanini, musical genius beloved by millions for more than two generations, will lie in state for public viewing to day and tomorrow. The Maestro died in his sleep i yesterday morning at his home in Riverdale. the Bronx, after a stroke. He would have been 90 Dad in March. Not only the great personages mourned the loss of the diminutive man who wove magical webs of entrancing music with his baton. There were also the countless "little people" their lives en riched by Ihe tapestries of sound produced for them by a dedicated artist. Said President Eisenhower in a statement: "As man and as magician he gained the admiration of the world. He spoke in the universal language of music, but he also spoke in the language of free men everywhere. "The music he created and the hatred of tyranny that was his are part of the legacy of our time." There will be a Solemn Re quiem Mass in St. Patrick's Ca thedral at 10 a.m. Saturday. Later the body will be flown to Italy for burial in the family chapel in Milan. Outside the Milan opera. La Scala. the Italian flag was low ered to half mast yesterday. The orchestra there halted rehearsal for one minute of silent tribute when word of his death was re ceived. Then director Nino Sanzogno lifted his baton, and rehearsals went on. Said an orchestra mem ber: "We felt that was what he would have wanted." t Women's College Has Talent Show MOUNT ANGL (Special) To further Hungarian relief and to stimulate interest in future teacher goals, collegians at the Mount Angel Women's College sponsored a talent show Wednesday, when high school and college students part icipated in musical and dramatic program numbers. A skit dealing with modern ed ucational classroom procedures, written by Margaret Bergen, col lege student body president, was the main attraction of the hour assembly program. COLOR TV SCHEDULE, Jul. 17-KrTV NIC MATINEE THEATER 11 NOON-1 PM. IUX VIDEO THEATER 10-11 P.M. MARR'S SEE AT 2140 S. Cnmmerril Phone KM 3-RZ01 discover the difference in STYLING! at BONESTEELE SALES tx SERVICE, INC. Like 'em low-built? That'i fine Studebaker itarted that trend! What'a more, Studebaker ia gracr fully low with ample road clear ance, and plenty of leg room inide. Tht PrMldent Claitlc Come ride a Studebaker today. You're bound to agree C rafts mnv nh ip ma kc3 the big difference! NOW IS THE TIME TO IUY Studebaker '57 cases 1 4 I I -I I FT- II U ... Ba SPECIL OFFER THIS BEAUTIFUL FAMOUS MAKE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED T-V NASSOCK STORAGE CHEST oc RETAILS 1 II U FOR Smart looking (Hat. ock ii maful too, Finlthacf in fray tw..d with softly ouihionud top. Juit ha placo to ttoro. your Unlvortal. WILL BE GIVEN FREE WITH EVERY NEW UNIVERSAL CANISTER STYLE VACUUM CLEANER 1 Ji 1 (SrffQ it f f" tlli :..T fr. ? m O 1 IK 4 V, .ffr I I furv m 15 t0MMCT m STMts 1 snci "rt',V"'J YvyV7 m ' 1,0 llwnrtlll,T m USIIT mm VA v HAS UICI "iHROWIWiT I1G JUST LIFTS OKI. Nf-3T t I y fl ir m mwhfui motok aim him strong vacuum. mpS3v X AST ar? V KICKS All PAHS OF DOOM WITHOUT MOVING. , VU 'Jfk I 7W , VI I 111 CAH K USED FOR COHFldE HOUSFCIEAKING. fc, , " I m Limited Time Offer! SHOP IN PERSON OR ORDER BY MAIL OR PHONE . . . NOW! WilSFIIlD, J.w.l.n PI.. I. Ind rK. Supr Dyn.mlc UNIVERSAL CanMitr V.cuum Cl.tntf l 41 S8 with th. FRtE TV-Sw.g. CKttt. I tm .doling S .id will lend t ptr of I ptt month until th. ,ntir. .mount plul ihippmg (h.rg. i H"E PHONI 0OEI$ HOW IONS CI" JONI .... 1111 WMIIE lMlOrD HOW IONS OBDIT lEXIINCES Ifirin Htmt .d Wh.ri lAr.t.dl 305 N. Liberty, Salem OPEN MON. ft FRI. Ill 9. P.M.