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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 17, 1957 Pape 4 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL NAMELESS BIG T SALE 1940 Mission St.-Salem HEINZ Tomato Soup 6 HEINZ-14-oz. Ketchup 3 6s rrj ll" Ql) I C HEINZ 12 Gl Urt Baby Foods SWIFT'S SWIFT'NING 3t AMERICAN ROYAL COFFEE KITCHEN QUEEN flour ,ob.1; Tin A Crab Meal 47 HEINZ Pork'n Beans 3 67 HEINZ Dill Pickles 37 MAISON ROYAL Black Pepper :;.57' AGED ' Cheddar Cheese AT HEINZ . Spaghetti 2.37' FRESH TURNIPS FRESH PARSNIPS FRESH BAGAS 3 lbs. ORANGES 3 25 GOLDEN GRAIN RICE 3147' Shop Nameless Big "7" Sale If You're Not Shopping At Name less You're Spending Too Much 1-Pound, 12-Oz. Fryers 79c GROUND ro)(3)C BEEF 3(227 SHORT RIBS 12' ib. IOWA HMD BACON 39 FGESH SMOKED HAM 49 Beef Roast ib. Corn, Lima Used in I Hearty Beef Stew When there is call for variety in your menu, this beef stew is sure to fill the bill. Beef is plenti ful and a good buy for budget wise homcmakers. But one Msh . ou'll want to serve time and again, especially during the cold winter, is a hearty beef stew. Here, it has taken on a differ ent guise, the vegetables are either frozen or canned lima beans and whole kernel corn. Certainly this beef stew is a colorful meat for a cold, dreary Cay, ana It's so economical. Another way to serve beef cubes browned and cooked in liquid with sliced mushrooms. Beef Stew with Cora and Lima Beam 1 pound beef for slew 3 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 onion, chopped ' 1 clove garlic, minced 1 can (1 lb. 4 oz.) tomatoes 'j teaspoons salt ln teaspoon pepper 1 cup nncd or frozen lima beans 1 cup whole kernel corn Brown beef cubes in lard or driopings. Add onion and garlic and brown lightly. Pour off drip pings. Add tomatoes and season ings. Cover and cook in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) or simmer on top of range for l'a to 2 hours. About 30 minutes before serving, add lima beans end corn. Cover and simmer until done. Thicken liquid for gravy, if desired. Yield: 4 servings. Brains One of Pet Variety Meats Rating Brains are a delicate meat, both in flavor and texture, and are suit able for a light meal sirch as breakfast or lunch. Here, the pre cooked, tender meat is simmered in mushroom sauce and served over crisp toast. Brains With Mushroom Sauce 1 pound brains Water, salt and pepper 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 I0V4 ounce can mushroom soup W cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon flour As soon as brains come from market, soak in salt water IS min utes. (Use 2 quarts cold water and 2 tablespoons salt.) Simmer gently la minutes in fresh water to which vinegar or lemon juice has been odded. Drain, drop into cold water, drain again, and remove any mem branes. Refrigerate or use immediately. Cook onions in butter 4 minutes over low heat. Add mushroom soup, diluted with H can water, and cel ery. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Stir In flour, teaspoon salt and V4 teaspoon pepper. Continue stir ring and cook until thickened. Cut brains into serving pieces and add to sauce. Simmer until heated through. Serve on crisp toast. 4 servings. Franks and Potatoes Combine in This Dish This recipe for franks, Italian style, is the kind homemakers should keep tucked in an easy-to-reaeh place, for it is a quickly pre pared main dish that both the youngsters and the adults of the family will enjoy. Frankfurters, Italian Style 6 frankfurters V cup minced onions 2 tablespoons bacon drippings or fat 3 medium potatoes, pared and diced 1 can tomato paste a tomato paste can of water 1 teaspoon salt U teaspoon pepper Cut frankfurters lengthwise into quarters. Cook onions in hot fat 5 minutes, then add potatoes, tomato paste, water, salt and pepper. Cover and cook over low heat 20 minutes or until potatoes are tend er. Add franks and cook until heat ed through. Serve immediately. 4 servings. Fruit Salad Dressing Salads containing avocado and grapefruit slices or other season able fruits taste refreshing and arc a change from tossed salads. For the dressing, squeeze the juice! of a lime or a lemon into a bowl adding a tea. spoon of salt and half teaspoon of black popper and powdered muMard. Stir, then add a quarter-cup of Spanish olive oil. and a dash of tabasco, if you wish, and pour this over (he fruit slices arranged on a bed of lettuce. This recipe is adapted from "The Main Line Cook Hubrr. Rook" by Stokes and MAKIN ATE SCALLOPS Marinate scallops in lemon juice for alwut an hour net ore broiling on skewers. Alternate the scallops with mushroom caps: baste with butter during the cooking. PEAR NOTE Peeled fresh pear hahe will need to be baked in a moderate oven for about half an hour to be tender. Baste the pears with a sugar syrup flavored with lemon while they're baking. Serve with vanilla uc cream. HONOR 01" EST FIRM It s a pleasant custom: Serve the guet of honor first at a com pany dinner. OWN COOKY DKSU.NS Like the idea of having your own cookie designO Hae some cookie cutters made to your speci fications by your tinsmith! St ND W Sl'PPER drill cheese sandwiches in your electric skillet lor Sunday niht supper, Add a big salad, fruit and: .cookies. Reasons why YOU GETlflfftAT lU'n yir : (I The man who operates your I. G.A. food store is both a"Community Builder" and a "Community Saver." He owns his own business and, there fore, what is good for the community is good for him. He's active in civic affairs. He has your personal interest at heart. Being a member of a chain of 6.000 food stores from coast to coast throughout the United States and Canada he becomes a "Community Saver" also. The huge purchasing power of I. G.A. food stores makes it possible for him to pass on to you the tremendous savings which are effect- ed through mass buying. TWI COMMUNITY) SEIECIJON Shop al IGA, where everything lias been ;' planned lor speedy selection . . where hundreds T and hundreds of different lop quality food products are all conveniently displayed to make it easy for you to choose and where salespeople are friendly and courteous and anxious to help you in every way. QUALITY Feeding the family can be simple, but pleasing them frequently involves careful planning. Thal'i where your local IGA stores templing foods come to your aid . . appealing to all appetites. .1 Canned, packaged, or in bulk, all IGA foods are ' lops in quality, popular in taste appeal. With foods like these you'll find it easy to make a hit with the entire family. Visit your Igcal IGA food store every day for tasty foods at thrifty prices. ,, price You save every day when you shop al IGA. Yes, you get the same low prices every day of Ihe week IGA's prices are low because we buv in carloads, sell for cash, keep overhead down and you gel the benefit of every saving we make. No matter when you shop, you always save with IGA's Low Prices Every Day I Prices Effective Friday and Saturday January 18 and 19 U.5. Good Grade Steer Beef CHUCK ROAST 7 si Wieners (5? JUCIIG lilU) Mealy IGA Sno-Kreem Shortening 3-lb. tin Pure All Vegetable 83' Campbells TOMATO SOUP Snow't Clam Chowder 4 15 oz. Tin 27c lor 1 V Reg. 3 for 35c Save 5c No Limit IGA Deluxe COFFEE Drip or Reg. lb. tin $107 I Kraft Velveeta CHEESE ! FOOD Uncle Ben RICE 28 m. Pkg. Cooks Fluffy 39c Fresh Crisp FLUFFO Shortening 99c Golden 3 Ib. Tin 29cl J Uslirr . . . rrisper flakier! Ib. pkg. Sunshine Hydrox COOKIES 39c 12 Pkg. Carrots 2 Cello Bags No. I Yellow ONIONS 3 Fresh New CABBAGE Indian River Grapefruit w W ,6.49' Reg. 89c Save 10c 2 lbs. r Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 25 lb. Reg. $2.19 Save 30c 10 Ib. Bog 99c 50 Ib. f Complete Selection at IGA ! Armour's Corned Beef Hash H-ai. Tin JOIN THE DEL MONTE SUNSHINE CRUISE 4 5 7 PINEAPPLE JUICE V 27c SLICED PINEAPPLE M" 21c CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 0 ."- 15c for ler for $1 $1 I 1 I yReg.35c Save 6e No Limit r Look at this IGA ZEE TOILET TISSUE Reg. 33c Save 4c HiA Stores Kesrrvf thf Hithl to Limit tiuantillfs. 7'i 01. Tin . 15 ot. Tin Snow's Minced Clams Snow's Corn Chowder Post Bran Flakes Armour's Star Vienna Sausage 21c 5 lor Ig. U'i oi. Pkq. 3c off Beg. Prlco Pkg. i Si:o Tin . 31c $1 25c 19c White King SoapPwdr. Giont O Pkg. JC SHOP AND SAVE AT THESE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED IGA STORES VISTA IGA MARKET "M I, A I .' . 1043 S. EMIRTS IO FOODIINER Willact U. II 7th STATE ST. IG MARKIT 1?30 Slat Slrttr EQUAll'S IGA FOODUNE! Ortecn MCUTT'S IG MKir 4100 N. . H White King Detergent Giant "T "5 Pkg 73c White King Detergent Giant Tin Liquid IC White King Water Softener Reg. Pkg. 27c 12-ox. Pkg. Argo Gloss STARCH 12 ox. Pkg. Blade Cut, Well Trimmed Sliced BaconS,T49' 39 49 49' lb. Cheddar Cheese Tasly Mild Ib A Typical IGA Value! i fl " You Get More at IGA! dm u i Bag $3.75 J II I r J Vaiu7 Niagara Cold Water STARCH Colo Dog Food 2 A. 29c 21c Parsons "Sudsy" Ammonia 15c 27c Quart Whit King Toilet Soap 3 Bart 25C Purex Liquid BLEACH 29c -gal. White King CLEANSER 2 T 25 c Purex Beadi of BLEACH Reg, Pkg. 41 C -