Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, January 16, 1957 I MORE THAN COLOR Lipstick Really Scientific By i.'JROTnY ROE AP Women'! Editor What'8 in a lipstick? A lot hpsirtnit n nrnltv rnlnr nirt a fancy case, says Florence E. wan, a consulting rncmist who has made a lite study of cosmet ics. As the nnlv woman tn rnnnivn the medal award of the Society of cosmetic Chemists, Miss Wall is qualified to speak. "A lipstick isn't just a slick of ed butter," she says. "Before it goes on the market it has to pass ,nre tests than a college fresh man. We have to be sure, first, 'hat ft is safe for use hv thp pnn. cral public, that it contains no harmful ingredients. We have to nui mgreuicni5. we nave toi out if it is drying to the lips. lould be glossy, vet kissproof. find It should be glossy, yet kissprnof. It shouldn't romp nff nn nnnline and it should not be affected by water, alcohol or food. "A lot of serious scientists in a lot of laboratories put in a lot oi researcn on every new lipstick Before it ever reaches your cos mptirs rnnntnr " "How do you test a lipstick to una out it it Is mssproof?" she was asked. "Well, you'll always find some dedicated chemist willing to sac rifice himself," replies Miss Wall strictly in the interest of sci ence, of course." Officer Guest At Star Meet WOODBURN (Soeciall line.. PCCtcd sucst at the mee! in? nf Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order oi tastern star, Monday night at mo Masonic temple was Edwin COX. Portland, associatn grand no. Iron of the grand chapter of Ore gon, wno was introduced, escorted to the east and welcomed. Also honored in the cast was Willard L. Smith, worthy patron of Roose velt chapter, Portland. Two candidates were initiated. This being the 61st anniversary of the organization of the chapter and at the request of the worthy ma tron, the degrees were conferred by the past matrons of the chap ter. Past matrons taking part and positions filled were: Minnie Rich ards, 1900, worthy matron; Martha Roiling, 1928, associate matron; Agnes Jones, 1947, secretary; Elea nor Vickcrs, 1918, treasurer; Lois Weng;nroth, 1953, conductress; 11a icl Thompson, 1954, associate con ductress; Fred Hurt, 1952, chap lain; Haicl Hughes, 1946, marshal; Hazel Enos. ufrilintnH nru,mct- Eyelyn Morris, 1949, Adah; Mabel uixon, 1931, iiutti; Dorothy Gar ren, 1955, Esther; Nettie Johnson, iihb, Martha; Mabel Sims, 1950 Electa: Bmlah r.ilhrt mia .i er. Past patrons assisting' were Harlow Dixon, associate patron na r-ercy sceiy, sentinel. Two petitions tor membership wue received. Invitations received were to re ceptions for grand officers from Sollwood chapter, Portland, Jan. 29; Coos chapter at North Bend, Feb. 2; Pacific chapter, Toledo, Feb. 4; Salem chapter, Feb. 9; Reamcs chapter, Medford, Feb. 14; Trinity chapter, Salem, Feb. 15. Members of the Rainbow board npointed by the worthy matron, Mrs. Lcif Peterson, arc: Mrs. Fern Foster, mother adviser; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mr. and Mrs. Lester llenn, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Secly, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard . Leighty, Mrs. Frank Doerfler, Mrs Edward Hcidcn and Mr. and Mrs. Lcif Peterson. Members of the board will be installed at the Rain how installation January 23. Representatives of eight chap . trrs have been Invited for the nexl .meeting, January 28. Serving on the refreshment committee will he Mr. and Mrs. Tom DcArmond. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton l.antis and Mrs. R. L. Anderson. The the evening will be in charge of me men oi the chapter with (leorgc I). Jones and Percy II Secly as co-chairman. It was announced that a district meeting for Itnmona chapter of Silvcrton, (iervais chapter ol (!er Vais and Everyrepn nf wnnrii... will be held at the Masonic temple in Woodburn Friday. Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. A practice was si t for Sun day, January 27. at 1 p m at Woodburn. Mrs. Bertha 0. Burton worthy grand matron, will make her ollmal visit, at the district meeting. Mrs. Layman Baird announced a no-host luncheon by the social dull to be held January 23 at noon in the Masonic dining room. Volun teers were asked to register do nors fur Ihe blood bank which will or at the high school January from 4 to 8 n in. with the sw,,, orders in charge. The past malrons who nut nn n,,. degree work were introduced and eacll presented Willi a gift from tin worthy matron. Brief talks um given by Ihe honored guests. Ilclrohnienls were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ora K M,,rrk i.v Lenore Schnor and tnt t,i.i.-.,.i Schoor. A three-tiered, decorated iiirtnci.iy cake, baked hv the unr thy matron, was a highlight of tin refreshment hour, featuring tin bisi anmns-Kary Dr.T.I tjm.N D fir O Chin N D DRS. (MAN and LAM CHINt:SK NAIl KOI'ATHS Upstairs. 407 Co ari St. o If If opm Miiri orm t m to 1 p m ; (o 7 p m ( nrmiMiMon hlnnril nr ttura mnA urino ttttt tit rhartt PrrMrrn .Inrr - C - -i nifl- Mr. and Mrs. Rainbow Girls at Dallas DALLAS (Special) Installation of 0"it'('rs ,or Naomi assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, was conducted Sunday afternoon, at the Masonic hall. Mica Nnnpv Klnn.nnr, A,lt,htn of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kleeman, was installed as worthy adviser. Other officers arc: Miss 1 icile Crimps Wfirlhv nccnninln aHvicnr Miss Mcrlia LcFors, charity; Miss Ann Homing, hope; Miss Patti Lantis. faith: Miss Marv .Invnps nvnrHnr. Mica Ifurnn r. treasurer; Miss Carolyn Haworth cnapiam; miss Kay snutt, drill leader; Miss Deo Gee Green, love; Miss Margaret Steele, religion; Miss Dorothy Howe, fidelity; Miss Marijo Smith, patriotism; Miss VickL Gentry, service; Miss Carol Woods, confidential observer; Miss Karen Johnson, musician; and Miss Marilyn Anderson, choir di rector. Members of the choir include Misses Kav Anderson. Mvrn Hilrlp. brand, Kosalee Robb, Beverly Banks, Nancy Povcy, Nancy Kcl- lev Kilnpn PaHln I nnnn Colith,,.-., Nancy Straley and Judi Page. In troduced as the bow were Misses Nancy Olson, Joan Colgrove, Adrian Kricr, Lorctta Rowell, Jan Van Den Rnsrh. .lean Hnh anH Sandra Jensen. Installing the new officers were Miss Mary Ellen McClcary, worthy ariVicnr. Mica tnru tana U'nlt marshal; Miss Diane Chase, chap lain; ana miss Janet Young, re corder. During the crowning ceremony with members of Tillicum chapter, DcMolay, of Independence, partic- inalinc. Miss Marilvn (Innrtvim sang the Lord's Prayer, accom- paineu oy ivirs. iee ivnuer. inose introduced and escorted Are Engaged DALLAS (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Quiring arc an nouneinff the encntpment nt fhnir nnugnicr, miss Martha quiring, to Hnrvev Wall, jtnn nf Mi- nnH Mr. n. . wan, an oi Lianas. Miss Quiring is employed in the office nt Ilprrnld Phpin-nlpt anrl ha. fiance Is with the Gerllnger Car rier company. No date has been jet for flip wedding. SCOTTft MII IS (Knppiall ln ODen house hnnorpd Mr nnr! Afr. Frank Camprnn nf Swppl ltnmn Sunday in celebration of their 50th wcaaing arrnivcrsnry. niorc man 100 guests greeted the honorecs. Among out-of-town guests were Mrs. Hen Rneers. Mr. and lr Homer Davis nnd three children, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harrison. all of Lone Hnck- Mr. and Mrc .loo Ewert, Portland: f-r. and Mrs. John Gcrren, Salem; Will Robinson, Ocean Lake; and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmquist. Ml. Angel; Mrs. Ada Gerren, Virgil Lawrence, both of Silvcrton; Mrs. Miko Landwing and daughters. hcotts Mills. 'Ihe couples daugh ter. Mrs. Clarahell Smith was hnc- tess for Ihe occasion, assisted by a niece, Mrs. Nona Rogers. LEBANON (Sneciall An en. lisliiicnt tea. sponsored by the woman s Missionary society of Trinity Baptist church, will he given at 7. 15 p.m. at the church r i may, January 1R. lommittee heads, auociinled hv Mrs. Joe Chapman, president, are .Mis. (liner K. Hyde, program: Mrs. Milton Presley, refreshments: Mrs. J. It. Alclllcv and Mrs Phil,,. Willard. decorations: and Mrs Eugene Davenport, invitations. 'A-. ... m o... u ttisx cm . m m - h.A a ., i itF s;"va m wr a l ncio vourseil fo some l r trVS ' .l ' 9 real Borgoins while l! f I 'i 9 you help us clear our 1 K We Give it V ' M Green Stamps If I ' M P I pSi-WlM v- All I J Ins Vfvl ' R. 0. Burr Install Officers . i were Mrs. Robert Kreason, worthy matron, and Art Woods, worthy matron, and Art Woods, worthy patron of Naomi chapter, Ordor of r.asiern aiar, Lianas; Airs. J. raut Bollman, grand chaplain of the grand chapter of Oregon, Order of Eastern Star; Miss Janice George, worthy adviser, Rose City assem bly in Portland, and John Dickin son, dad adviser of Tillicum phan. ter DcMolay. Miss Kleeman chose for her theme "friendship" and her flower tha OnH in fnmitwin .V " "' -"J'"B out mat tncme the decorations in cluded a wnite flocked tree blOOm inff with flnuinro anil flankpH hv hlup panHIno A! nanh station was a white flocked tree branch with the same flowers. Miss Cora Swanstrom presented Nanmi nsspmhlv mnmhpra thpir snrvien hare thia hnino tha Inm ost group to have received the Dars. Another feature of the afternoon was the installation nf thp nnin. bow advisory board, Mrs. Kreason, vii vvouuk, mrs. nerscncl Wait and Mrs. Robert Kleeman, the lat ter (WO hpiniT tnnlhpr ar, ... nnJ assistant mother adviser of Naomi assembly. Miss Kleeman Introduced her familv. including her narpnt gn.4 brother Robert J., home for the occasion irom the University of Oregon. In the dininir room silvprpH iw and blue tapers against a white uacKgrouna nignugmca the deco rations. Pouring were Mrs. Clar ence Smith and Mic Corn! C.a,. lach of Portland, a cousin of Miss Mecman. Members of the Rain bow Mothers cluh on Ihe serving committee were Mrs. John Grimes, Mrs. R. G. LcFors, and Mrs. Fred Mardorf. Birthday Event STAYTON (SnerinllMr0 Mcrtz was guest of honor Wednes day &ftPmnnn at a .Itrnrlcp mnnn. lion given to celebrate her 80th hirthriav annivpr.arv tur.l.h currea me louowing day, January 10. Mnr than Kn mip.f. ppIIbj .1 her home at 653 Third street. The alfalr was arranged by Mrs. Rob ert James, Mrs. Ernest Dozler ann nirx. John Murnhv n rinitphtpr of Mrs. Mertz. The guest of honor was presented a white corsage and gifts for her home. A hirthriav pnL-p Klrp J decorated by Mrs. Murphy whose hobhv is rakn dprnrnlinn uoc served. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. John Mertz. Mrs. Vin cent Mertz and Mrs. Peter Mertz. Benthin-Middleton Mni.AI.T.A KnonLitl IJlMirl A. Middlcton of route 2, Molalla,, and Miss Alice Fay Benthin. ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cius Hf'lllhin nf Tnllnn wnrn n.nirinrl by Molalla .hislice of the Peace! liladys 11. Olson in her home Saturday evening nt 6 o'clock, Jan uary 12. Hp ntkp nf llif- livn,, were present for the ceremony. Mr. mid Mrs. Jack Henlhin at- lonHnfi flirt rnnt.ln Tim weds will live on route 2, Molalla. A reception was given after the wedding ceremony at the home of hip Drmegrooni s parents, .ir. nnci Mrs. Itichard A. Middlcton Sr., on route 2. MHI.AI.I.A (Wi.iH Air and Mrs. Kenton Harless are entertain ing their ftX) club in their home (his Saturday evening, with three tables playing. Burrs to Be Feted on Sunday SILVKRTON (Special) Mr. nnd Mrs. R O Rurr Salnm. will observe their golden wedding an niversary aunaay, January zv, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the after- rifuin nt tho Kik'ortnn Amorirnn Legion hall social rooms, at a fam ily reunion ana open nouse 10 ineir many friends in Salem and Silver ton. C Pllhu Mnv r'ornhnli anA U r.Korf 0. Burr were married in Burton, Kansas, January 18, 1!M)7. Thnv IivpH in Knrlnn thrpp vnnrs and their oldest son, Don, was Dorn in Kansas. Ihe family moved tit Wuchi not nn uhora Ihiiii alHnci rlaiiohlcr l.urillA uinc hnrn Thn i other twelve children of the Burrs nrp native nf Orprfnn Thpir vnnnff -e est son, Dclo, was born on the ... ... , pntc nnH U'lll hp 90 vparc nf nop Ihic votir -.-" - -b The Burrs have lived in the Sil vcrton area fnr thp nast 2.1 vpars but recently moved to Salem. mere arc 32 grandchildren and 14 0rtni .arantnhirirtin flf I ha A cnuaren norn in air. ann lire Rlirr woto urn liirino inere are 32 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. The sons are Don Burr, Myrtle i'Oini: Wl mm. Hn line- Rnncn Toledo; Frank, Drain; Harry, Woodburn; Hert, Crcswell; Robert, Eugene: and Dclo, Long Beach, Wash. Thp daiiohtpra aro M r n Allen (Tami) Dixon, Portland; Mrs. Robert (Betty) Allen, Salem; Mrs, Francis (Jnnis) Ness, hong Beach; and Mrs. Kenneth (Lucille) Schinke, Gresham. The fmir riJlllhinre nt tho Rurrc are to serve refreshments. All menus are to be welcomed. State Official to Speak at BPW Club WOODBUIiN (Snceiall Slalp membership chairman, Mrs. Ervin Inchram of Portland will hp 0mpi speaker at a dinner meeting of the Woodburn Business and Profession al Women's club Thursday. Janu ary 17. The dinner will be at 7 p.m. in the dining, room at the Woodburn Presbyterian church with the Women's association of the church KPrvini? thp rlinnpp Music will be provided by Mrs! icq L,anasom and her daughters, Gloria and Caroline. The member ship committee will hp in of the meeting with Mrs. Evelyn uuianu, cnairman. utner members of the committee arc Mrs. Rosanna nicner, Mrs. Molly Hunt and Mrs. John Zerzan. Reservations should be made by Jan. 15 with the com mittee. The groun has hppn invii,i i a dessert meeting of the Canby group January m at 8 p.m. Transportation will be provided. iii-scrvimons snouui De mnde with Mrs. Walter Miller by January 16. SCOTTS Mil l in.pi.n an,. Jean, nd r k .n., .Imk .T u j "'"' terv rillr ,Vh i . ' given 'm" he .,L'teM.P.r "J5 were introduced rinrinc thp h,,ci " ,, "j". '"" ness session. It was announced there will be a benefit dance at Smith Unil- i .1. i" "' Union hurlv" 1 aTT The Hi-De-Ilo square dance club hnr nt AmprTp. i. ii . Jnuatu TS , pians us dance at the Hoynl Neigh served at intermission with Mr. and Mrs. Kldon llarlh on the lunch committee. The next dance will be January 26. There will be another mystery caller at that -j' . , . - -mo nine. EAST SALEM (Special) -The first meeting following the holiday vacation for memhprs nf Ihp l,.rru Minglcrs was last week at the nonic oi Mrs. Krnest Butler on Silvcrton road. Present were Mrs. Anna .less, Mrs. A. Covil Case, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs. E. A. Jackson. Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Allen Mi-Plain. Mrs. llcnrv Sprick. Mrs. W. B. Whiltinglon. Mrs. Rob ert Kromin, Mrs. I. .1. Wagers. Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mrs. Gay Kabry and the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Snyder. In its -ton years of history. For nandina Itpach. Kla ha hppn under the rule of eight flags. To-; THURSDAY - 'Cnffcfl Aiiti " Timp wi'h dav,,niP sport c'olhes-A "tome as you are' hour tor women with coffee and light snacks available. OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 9:30 A. M. TO 10:30 A. M. FASHION MODELING OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15 1:30 P. M. INTERNATIONAL PRINTING WEEK EXHIBIT Sponsored by Allied Association of Printing House Craftsmen A the Graoh'c Ar' Clubs. AUDITORIUM, SECOND FLOOR Odd Fellows and DALLAS fSnppiatl CAA TTpI. lows. Friendshin tndop Kn R anii Almira Hcbckah lodge No. 26 con- HllPteH Iheip inint inclallslinn Incl ween ai me luur icmpic. install ing omcers were jienry Kegchr, district deputy grand master, and Mrs. .1. F. Knnnnnr rlicfrit H.,ni,l president, assisted by Mrs. Orrin rvcney ana cicn zinK, grand marshals; Mrs. Ted Smith and J. Roy Alderson, deputy grand warders; Mrs. L. 11. Howell, Sr., and J. Riley Craven, deputy grand secretaries; Mrs. Albert Burel- bach. dcDUtV eranil financial sen. retarv: Mrs. 1L A Pptprsnn nnH Alfred Domaschofsky, deputy grana treasurers; Mrs. Altred Do masehofskv and .Inhn V r i p . p n deoutv Brand chanlaina- Mrs .1 Roy Alderson, deputy grand mu sicidn; .naries coenrane, deputy grand inside guard. Retiring noble sician; inaries Cochrane, deputy kiuiiu were airs. .aivm uarnnart . anu cuwara r-aaes. Officers installed fnr the CI A H Fellows were- Fduarrl PaHpe n-,ct crand: Ted Smith nnhlp omnH. Albert Burelbach, vice grand; Hen ry iiegenr. secretary; Calvin narnnan. nnanciai secretary: A.M. Larson, treasurer; Clinton Brown, warden; Armon Brown, conductor; Fred Itosenkrantz, chaplain; F. M. Nelson, outside guardian; J. Roy Alderson; inside guardian; Alfred Domaschofsky, left scene support er; Walter Townsend, right scene supporter; Charles Cochrane, right SUDDOrter nnhlp 0rnnrl V r a n Ir Green, left supporter noble grand; niiuam ciienDergcr, ngnt support er vice grand; L. H. Rowell Sr.; left supporter vice grand. Rebekah officers installed were: Mrs. Calvin Rarnharl nact nnhlp grand; Mrs. Harvey Wall, noble grand; Mrs. Charles Wilson, vice grand; Mrs. Albert Burelbach, sec retary; Mrs. J. F. Spooner, finan cial secretary; Mrs. Charles Cochrane, treasurer; Mrs. Bruce Hoff, warden; Mrs. Loyd Stuve, conductor; Mrs. Jack Ragsdalc. chanlain? Mrs f:avp VfliuaNir m.. sician; Mrs. William Hutchenson, color bearer; Mrs. Lynn Cook, right supporter noble grand; Mrs. George Floyd, left supporter noble grand; Mrs. Clergy McWhirter, right Slinnnrler vipp orA. o David Benson, left supporter vice grana. insiae ana outside guard ians will be installed at the regular business meeting 'January 15. Courtesy officers introduced were Mrs. Elmer Schulson, Mrs Rowell. Sr., Mrs. L. L. Meyer, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. ripccip rnnnn- and Mrs. Peterson. I he newly installed noble crand spoke briefly and Mrs. Barnhart. "-"ung nooie grand, was escorted Parents Meet LIBERTY (KneciallA fil . "Human Growth" was shown to ine unerty Mothers and Dads ciuo wnen the group met last week at the school A panel discussion followed ' 'J? . Moderator was X. sL. e.a .Jae "etering. Marion -oumy neaiin nurse. Panel mem- ent, Dr. Lewis Clark, pediatrician, I'nysicai enucauon and recrea on J" ".P .l'" " Rev. nusseii uiimoro Victor Gibson wav fn pharop nt the business meeting and plans were made for a pie social, and were maae tor a pie socia , anc fn.T 15, in lieu of the regular business meenng. Wallace Turnidqe, princi- Pal- aslieo that the date of the ?'. lifW. Fcbn.: ary ai so mat a school science exhibit could be arranged at the same time. NOW Sl:l(f mpnihprc cinrn Ihp first of January were announced, Mrs. Jean Coleman, fifth grade, Mrs. Stanley Mcrlptlan cppnnH grade, and Mrs. Edith Fuller and aim aipe, maintenance helpers. TWIN FINES FOR TWINS MILKS CITY. Mnnl in nln. ari Dan Bicry of Rosebud Coun ty arc 20-yearold twins. Both have the same model sorlnns Both were lined $10 in justice court aiter pleading guilty to op erating their twin vehicles at 68 miles an hour, humner tn hnmnpr. in a 5.i-mile-an-hnur zone. I day it is a peaceful, prosperous community of 7,000 reaping a rich and peaceful, livelihood from pa per and chemical cellulose manu- lacturing JANUARY 17 infnnnal n'n.Hlinn of Rebekahs Install to the center of the floor by the conductor and was presented vyth a gift by Mrs. Lynn Cook on behalf of her group of omcers. M r s Spooner presented Mrs. Barnhart with her past noble grand pin, a gift from Almira lodge. The serving table was covered with a white linen cloth centered with a low bowl of pink and white chrysanthemums and flanked by pink tapers. The refreshment com mittee, assisted by a group of Odd Fellows, . consisted of Mrs. A. J Kracher, Mrs. T. B. Hooker and Mrs. Virginia Lamb. Decorating were Mrs. Julia Allgood and Mrs. Charles Wilson. For entertainment, program chairman, Calvin Barnhart intro duced Lydia Norton who played several selections on the steel guitar and saxophone. Terry Mur ray, music instructor in the Dallas schools, sang three solos, accom panied by Mrs. Berry. Imj0 Hflf 'i:kfj'' PRINTErThNLAY upper sales eZfflt EMB0SSE Cen FLOOR StS&Z'i 'Fi&Wi f I Fast color no-iron auorled Ij&l Ti-VV Jfjr JsAfg It pastel spring colon WW yrJ. 0 hj I ' REG. 79c yd.-lst QUALITY f'My ; EYERGLAZE PRINTS . . . ( O " tf&jir' Jt$ '"' lovely aisortmeni of high stylo f Wtli i ' i i 1 1 00a' L " m droit paHorni. WishUil. Jfc m A .y jyv ' ?- 36'lnch wld,hs SjT JUr f?L ZZJ& ir ' price would bo 98t-1.49. TtX1' il Vvf n 1,f QUALITY REMNANTS drin X PR,NTED C0TTN SATIN ftw' tpfl l I J W lino combed jams. From I ntf; .11 1 III bij namo houie. 9Sc $1.49 ' OS U ' i f Hlu- len5,hl ,'10 ,,rdl Td. Vff P SAILCLOTH & POPLIN f A 7 ' l afl0 ' VotP',,w T In smart combed collon prints ft Wit JfY Wm V01 ffsmt tor interior decorating, sportswear. fJL m ffl fr-MJsk I WaiMai1' 36"wid "' jd. ff) 36 a "'-m& ' 4c I 36" PLAYTIME 1 Nnted cZ i X STRIPED DENIM l. . . Mil "0rfPrifc WMj a7K ,..,, Uw , f II oadcloth lif w F,NE qual'ty sanforized A" c;e- 15tim '' Mr m BROADCLOTH PRINTS si jl Oualiiy C B fhptT '" Wonderful new prints to use for MUjt tmm 0 S everything from aprons to blouses 'W m -t 2SBSi n l ,nt' youn95,erJ' dresses. , lengths to yd, 3 10ylrd,' Reg. 59c yd. MfSif mm UIIII IM H..B. iviiiiw iviru iu. JTjii- TIK3I UUALIIT INU-IKUfN n vfc7 DR,p-DRY prints jF "'y 89' I pU Unusual saving price for such fine j jfvl ' f fM coHon p"n,s' Perfe" for dret". iflaT yd, v ' m ' x ,ummer dr,peri"' len9lh, to 10 yd Reg. 79c yd. M u p.o;- shag-lin 3 :nrM J-ZJ COnON SUITING . . . M $ XJ f iL. ii ii nJ jj' A"-tecl Spring Colors Q jJTlfiUjftcaU) Ca 241 N. Liberty Lyons Rebekah Lodge Installs New Officers LYONS (Snecial) At thp regular meeting of Faith Rebekah lodpp. last wpplr Hn7pl l.puiv Hie. trict deputy president, and staff, including jieien Anderson, deputy marsnai; Alia uodoKer, deputy warden: Jean Rnhprlc H p n t v secretary-treasurer; Blanche Wag ner, deputy musician; Eva Bress- ler, deputy cnapiam and inside guardian, installed ntippra fnr tha following year. The new officials are: Marian Pennington, noble grand; Zona Sischo, vice grand; Alma Olmstead, secretary; Beulah Lewis, treasurer: Hazel James, warden: M.ivinp Rprrv nnnAmtn. Jackie Harper, color bearer; Mil dred Carr, right supporter to noble grand; Lois Meyers, left supporter to noble grand: Alta Bodeker. right supporter to vfee grand; Rosa Berrv. left sunnortpr tn vipp oranH- Gertrude Weidman. chant a in- Blanche Wagner, musician; Helen Johnston, inside guardian; Venetta Remmenea. outside guardian. Helen Anderson was elected as degree captain, Jean Roberts as drill captain and Gertrude Weid man as trustee for a term of three years. Norma Pennington, Jackie Harper, and Hazel Lewis were ap pointed on the finance committee. An invitation was received from Santiam Rebekah lodge of Mill City to attend its meeting on Feb ruary 6. which will be the 50th anniversary of the Santiam lodge. The 50th anniversary of Faith Rebekah lodge will be on March 9. At the close of the meeting a no-host supper was served. LEBANON (Special) "Love's Miracle in Marriage" and "Let's Talk Over Radio and TV" will be discussed at a Beta Sigma Phi meeting Tuesday, January 22, at the home of Mrs. Donald Benson at 8 p.m. Information on preparing and presenting a speech was given by Daily 9:30-5:30 Catholic Students Plan Dance Series MOUNT ANGEL (Special) -The Young People's senior sodality of St. Mary's parish will sponsor a series of four dances to be given every other Friday before Lent, in the school auditorium at Mount Angel. Russ Brom's six-piece orchestra of Portland will furnish the music for the first of the series scheduled for Friday evening, January 18. Appearing with the orchestra will be Jack Nagel, vocalist, whose recent recording is "Mary Ann," an original. Dancing will be from 9 to 12 o'clock, and the public is invited. The other three dances r planned for Friday evenings, Feb ruary 1, February 15 and March 1. Mrs. Shirley Childs at a meeting last week at the home of Mrs, Tom Gates. USE NEWBERRY CREDIT Monday & Friday 9:30 A.M.-9P.M. 1-17. writ rnt mmr-m ein n