Salpm, Oregon, Tuesday, Rep. Field Speaker At J W Club Imprest in thf subject of legisla tion affectins young married cou ples ran high at the meeting of the Salem Junior Woman's club Mon day evening, as was evidenced bv the extended question and answer period which kept the speaker, State Rep. Shirley Kield, Multno mah county freshman legislator, before the group for an hour and a half. After a preliminary discus sion of bills that arc planned for introduction at this session and w hich are of special concern to the younjer groi'p. the members cap tivated by the clarity of the expla nations continued questioning the speaker. Installation of three new officers, conducted by Mrs. John S. Tyler. Jr., director for the Junior club and president of the Salem Wom an's club, seated Mrs. Orville Kin nier, Jr., as president, Mrs. Rich ard Ballantyne, as first vice oresi- dent. and Mrs. Howard Price, as a: , fri. . , ... . i .h . . . Jt " Tcers 81 i A tas,y rice ri"- P"'e Pink in 1 f , ,r""ed i1" .' ""fr" color and containing bits of chop nation of the president, Mrs. Rob-' ped maraschino cherries and cit ert Carey, who has moved to Kn- ron and topped with a peach half terprisc. and pricot sauce was one of the Announcement was made of a delicious dainties prepared in the contribution of $.10 to supplement Fairmont hotel kitchen, San Fran the fund being raised by local cisco, and served as dessert in clubs to provide dental care for a honor of the golden centennial of boy. from the North Salem high 1 cling peach canning in California school. Mrs. Richard Allen report- j last weekend. ed on the success of the March of "Centennial Peach a 1" Impera Dimes activity of the club and , trice" is the imposing name of the stressed the need for polio shots. I dessert, one of four demonstrated l'- The annual Valentine ball was bv Chef Marios I.afnille and Pas. announced by Mrs. Kenneth Lim booker for the evening of February 15 a! the Knights of Columbus hall. Olher club projects were covered In the reports of Mrs. Stanley Wol cott on "city beautiful," Mrs. Jack Tilt tin on consumer and family fi nance, Mrs. Donald unsworn, com munity service; Mrs. Howard Houck, home craft; Mrs. Klmer ; Winegar. mental health: Mrs. I George , Dewey, Jr., character and education; and Mrs. Forrest Walker, youth conservation. The YWCA project for a new swimming pool was discussed by Mrs. William Ferguson who point ed nut the Junior Woman's club desire to aid in any local youth programs. The film, "Our Living Future," will be shown under the sponsor ship of the club at Leslie Junior high school on February 7 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Stanley Wolcott, com mittee chairman in charge of the showing of the film, which is a pre sentation of Life mahazine, stated that 25 cents admission would be charged. The sum of $54R wns reported by Mrs. Howard Price for the bus for the Haven School, Inc., for Re tarded Children and she added that the bus has now been pur chased. The refreshment committee, her.ded by Mrs. Marvin Simpson, included Mesdames Robert Mc Laughlin, Carl Miller, Bernard Bcdnarz. Tprry Green, Klmer Hau gen. Richard Burson. Glenn Cush man and Virgil Weber. Trino ink Cluh K'" greased muffin-pan wells twO- inpie umK uuo thirds fuil. bake jn hot (4(X) de SILVKRTON 'Special! Mrs. grees) jven until cake tester in John Tnwle was director of the serted in center comes out clean business hour of the Triple Link about 25 minutes. Serve hot at cluh meeting following a noonionce. Makes 8 good-sized muffins, turkey luncheon at the IOOF hall j in lhe installation ceremonials of LEAVING this week for Phoenix, the recently elected officers of the Arizona, are Mr. and Mrs. Gail H. cluh. Serving the luncheon w a s Jones. They are going south to at Mrs. Nellie Southmayde and Mrs. tend the graduation exercises at Clarence Reed. ;the American Institute for Foreign Installed as president was Mrs. j Trade on January 2.V Their son, Orln Thompson: as vice president. Gary M. Jones will graduate with Mrs. Carl Rutherford; as secre-;the January class. His wife, the tnrv Mrs Rnrnc Pnvvirk- and (nrmor Rnvfrlv VInll has hnnn as treasurer, Mrs. L. Clav Allen, The retiring president. Mrs. John Tnwle. presented the official UTOiip with corsages. In turn, on hhalf of her vear's service. Mrs. Towle was remembered with a gift presented b- Mrs. Renwick. i The next meeting of the Triple' Link club is announced to he the afternoon of Januarv 23 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Reed with Mrs. Forrest Zelterberg as assist-; ant hostess. j SHERIDAN ISpeciall Mrs. Carl Moore was honored at a surprise shower, given for her by the senior home economics stu dents at the high school last week. I Mr. Moore is employed at the high school office. i Attending were the Misses Don na Shenk. Carol Clark. Marcia Bryant. Pat Hughry. June Blair, ' Darleen Smith. JnAnne Hutchin- 'C son. Donna Mendenhall. Roberta Anderson, Joyce Jodel and Mary , Stutzman. and Mesdames Ruth Kichter, Virginia Hosford. Kilie Frack, and Kern F.berhart. ... SILVKRTON ISpeciall Mrs. ! Dick Gentzkmv, president, direct ed the installation of new officers for the Altar Society of Catholic. Si. Paul's Silvertnn parish, last week in the school social rooms. To serve as president for the coming year is Mrs. Kobert An derson, as vice president. Mrs. Fnyd Fish, as secretary Mrs. Or vilie Volker. and as treasurer, Mrs. Joyce Morton. The acting committee personnel for the year will be announced at the next regular meeting. . AMITY "Special' The Fast Amity Sewing cluh met recently pi the home of Mrs. Alf Dereave with Mrs. Marvin Dereave serving as co-hostess. Plans were made to complele the club's quilt at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sly on Febru ary 7. The ladies voted a contribu tion for the March of Dimes drie. Following the business meeting a shower was held for Mrs. Clar ince Smith with many gilts and appropriate refreshments in honor ot the occasion. SHF.R1PAN 'Speciall A party' Vnmred Mrs. Jim tl un w (1st birthday. we ker ieinhrs. Mrs. John Gulbrod. Mrs. Di AV wood. Mrs. Harley W:1m. Mrs ' l.eland Sackett. Mr Wsnrwr Faiiev and Mrs. .Mm frye. caiirt . to celebrate l!w ttni. I January 15, 1957 r . '.,;;:ft.f:i; - -:. . 'v&2''4 One of the desserts "starring" at the peach centennial ban quet in San Francisco this past week-end was this gloritied rice ring topped with peach halves. Luscious Pink Peach-topped Dessert try Chef Rim Poncella at the Fairmont at the banquet given bv the Cling Peach Advisory board! and the California Foods Research I Institute for food writers of the coast. The creamy rice ring and the sauce may he made in advance and combined with the peach half just before serving. Centennial Pearh a 1 Imperatrlre "ice Mines: Pints Milk Pinch salt H cup uncooked tut li teaspoons plain gelatine 1 tablespoon cold water Vs cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 'x pint whipping cream Today's Menu NICE BREAKFAST Grapefruit and Orange Juice Scrambled Eggs Nutmeg Bran Muffins Beverage M'TMKti BHAN Ml'FKINS Ingredients; l'j cups sifted flour, 2'a teaspouns double action baking powder, V teaspoon salt, Hi tea spoon nutmeg, V. cup butter or margarine, '-a cup sugar, 1 egg, 7 cup ready-to-eat bran cereal, cup milk. Method: Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Cream butter and sugar; beat in egg thoroughly. Add sifted dry ingredients and bran alternately with milk: stir iust until smooth emploved with the Chamber of Commerce in Glendale. Arizona. The Joneses will be awav about two weeks, visitins friends and relatives in Southern California also. ,. SHKRIDAN 'SpeciaD Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Osborne of Ricnmond. a., nave announced me marriage 'heir daughter, to Darel W. Anderson. E M 2nd R S Navy j son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. O Rcilly , of Shenoan. ine weaaing iook j ..- v. place December 29. 1 , . .... ! ' ; -i ' "1 mm I km. Wd RermtlT Mr. and Mrs. Darrell PowpII 'Ardis Ann Ames'. tfve. ere marr'! rpcrntly at I.rtianon. The hnd is thr daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Rryan Amrs of Ibannn and Mr Powell 1$ a son ol Henry Poweli of Scio. 'Lfigen picture, Lebanon A I '.V..? 1 ounce maraschino cherries, finely chopped about 3 ta blespoons 10 canned cling peach halves Apricot Sauce: V cup sugar Va cup light corn syrup 1 tablespoon dark rum, if de - sired Rice Rings: Brine milk to boil. add salt and rice, cover and place over boiling water. Cook about 1 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until most of liquid is absorbed, and ' rice is soft. Soften gelatine in wa-1 ter, and stir into hot rice. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Cool. Whip cream until stiff and fold into cooled rice, with cherries and citron. Spoon into individual ring' molds, and chill thoroughly. Un-1 mold rice rings by dipping molds ' in warm water and inverting over serving dish. Top each with a!Se'ili as sllldy leader. cling peach halt, cup side up. Spoon on apricot sauce generous ' ly. Top with whipped cream if desired. i Apricot Sauce: Drain apricots and press fruit through a sieve, i Add sugar and syrup and boil 5 minutes. Cool. Makes about 1 cup 1 sauce. Makes about 10 servings. Bride - elect Announcement wns made recently of the en gagement of Miss Jacqueline Carey, above, to Wayne Hamil ton. The bride-to-be-is a sister of Mrs. Delvin Lovell of Salem and Mr. Hamilton is the son of Mrs. Rclh Weill of Chico. Calif. ' Kcnnrll-Kllis studio picllirol SHERIDAN ISpeciall Mrs. Lorraine Glover was elecled lhe n,pw worthy adviser for Sheridan Lambow assembly, at the Kastern sar meeting last week. She re- P-es Mrs. Nancy Stoddard, who nas Md ,he Pnst ,nrrp 'Pars and missed only one meeting. ' Other board memhrrs elected arc Leslie Glover. Rogcne and Harold Rurrh. Carmen Hughny. France, lr(nv nnit Dnric nn. durd ceremonies were con- ...ic and Ruth McKibben. m '4.... .-.hi Trinity Groups List Programs of Month SILVERTON (Special) Miss Nettie Hatteberg has been named as publications secretary for cer tain activities ol the Trinity Lu theran church f.nd is asking that the congregational meeting and no-host dinner of Tuesday, Janu ary 22, be announced as beginning at 6:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. as was planned formerly. The Trinity guild of the Trinity Lutheran church membership met for the January session in the church social the first week in the month to plan for the new year. Presiding was the recently elected president, Mrs. James Phillips, assisted by her new sec retary, Mrs. Sheldon Knutson. Mrs. Orlin Smedslad presented the Bible study of the year. Mrs. Chester Bergerson and Mrs. Alvin Legard presented a "flannel graph" on the work of the chari ties department of the Women's Missionary federation. The self denial service was given by Mrs. Ed liolden, Mrs. Adolph Haugen and Miss Nettie Hatteberg. Music included duo numbers by Mrs. Mane Riveness and Mrs. Al Clemetson. Mrs. James Phillips I presided in the receotion service to new members including Mrs. i Charles Borte. Mrs. Millard Hayne, Mrs. Charles Cross. Mrs. : took place with Mrs. Myrtle Dent Al Clemetson and Mrs. Alvin L.Ulected president: Mrs. Lyle Mc- Selid. ! Kce. vice president; Miss Nellie hospitality and membership chair-! man. Mrs. Marie Riveness will serve as sunshine secretary. Listed in the three afternoon and two evening circle meetings were the education circle with Mrs, Silas Torvens as study leader; charities circle, with Mrs. Alf 0. Nelson as study leader; literature circle with Mrs. Theodore Sever- son as study leader; mission cir cle with Mrs. LaVerne Tolland asjthe wedding of Miss Nancy Jane "'u; num.!, onu lih i.tuHii mir ture circle with Mrs. Alvin L. CII I L I T V 1C - It . I ....... i.peuaii airs, i Robert Anderson, new president of St. Monica's Allni cnclniu nf. the Si Pani'i rihniin nh.,r.h i... announced as her committee chair-1 ior college in California, majoring snc!"' ""J luesriay. March man for the 1957 year as folows::in accounting. He was graduated 5 Mr.s; Rprt C,"""' as.''sl. by Membership committee. MrsJiasl spring and now Is a student ' ,rs-Marl1" Schlechtrr. Mrs. Man Clelus Mav. Mrs. Harry Montgom-1 . J? ' , " ley Seguin and Mrs. Anna Mc ery. Mrs. Richard GenUkow sick 1 8t Sa" I'ranc,sc0 Slale col,cSc' Guire are in charge of refresh committee, Mrs. Maurice Schnor-Thc bride is ,he dauRhler of Mrs. menls for the February 13 mcel enherg, Mrs. Rose Volker Mrs. Vera Morris of Hanford, Calif. ing. Joe Kempf, Mrs. Frank Spies, and Mrs. Wenxel Stirber; sewing, Mrs. Frank DeBel, Mrs. Charles Kich and .Mrs. M. J. Morey; social com mittee, Mrs. Harlan Anderson. Mrs. Anlone Zaslopal and Mrs. Joe Weisenfels. Auction Nets Fund WOODHURN (Speciall - Mrs. James Lamb was hostess for the regular meeting of Chapter J of the PKO Sisterhood last week at her home on the campus at Mac Laren school. Mrs. J. Melvin Rin ro gave "Five Minutes with the Record" on the tonic "Peaep." Following the business meeting a white elephant auction was held with Mrs. O, L. Withers as the auctioneer. The auction netted $.14.21 which will be donated to the fund for a VKO home in the state for older people of the or ganization. Mrs. Waller Scarbor ough, Jr.. was in charge of ar rangements for the auction. Refreshments were served hy iMrs. Lamb, assisted by Mrs. Wai- 1 ter Scarborough. Sr. Mrs. Kenneth MeGrath will be hostess for the next meeting. .Inn- ; uary ?1. Mrs. Jes Fikan will pre- : son! "Five Minnies with the Rec ord"' and fntinHrrs Hay will he ob served, with Mrs. L. S. Mochrl in ' charpe. WOODBl'RN 'SpecinP - Mrs. Kdwarri Cnman was named presi dent of St, Mary's Kniscnpnl t'liild at the regular meeting lat v.-pek at the parish hall. Mr. Clarence Ahrens was elected vice president. Mrs. Philip Frnnsnn was re-elected serretary. and Mrs. H. M. Austin re-elected trrasurrr. Mrs. Austin has served in thpt office continuously for about SO jears. Mrs. Eugene Slnller. retiring president, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Ivan DcArmond and Mrs. Coman were appointed on the refreshments committee for the pnnual meeting of St. Mary's church. January 16. Mrs. Dean Mishoprick was hostess for the refreshment hour, The new of ficers will take over at the next meeting. January 22. Mrs. Amos Honacker will be hostess for the 1:30 p.m. dessert. MOI.ALI.A (Special) Tawanka Camp Fire sixth grade girls met and elected officers for the new quarter, with Judy Anderson named president: Margaret Mac key, vice-president ; Sheryl Krick son. secretary: Sheila Scrivner. treasurer. Plans were discussed for dinners to earn firemaker's ranks. Mrs. (ieorge Kyllo is as sisting one group and Mrs. Kd Scrivner the other. MOLAI.I.A (Sprciah Mrs. Christine Rwlherg. ftfl vpars old. was honored at a birthday party with Mr. Lyle Andersnn as host ess. Later in the evening, the mn joined the parly for birthday cake ftnri rnfiff 1r Rririhrff malt I her home with her son and riaugh ' ter-inlaw and family. Mr. and Mrs. A'len Rodberg. in Molalla. j MOLALLA (Special) Mrs. I Frank Anderson's birthday was fibserved at the Anderson home Sunday when many gueMs called with remembrances. Therp were j other guests calling during t!ie irr week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beck ' of Palo Alto. Calif., were over-1 j night guests during their rerrnt ! visit here. i MRS. j. w. wilsoh. f Houston. In,, mti: "t tned U Optfins bjt St. Jevpa At pins far Childrvt it tbt lot mj childivm. Thy bhtj K; I'm mri al drif." i ST. JOSEPH ASriKIN FOR CHIlOrFH THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' 1 jr. 1! A Tells engagement Miss Olga Geneva (Jean) Harrison, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harrison of Shedd, has announ ced her engagement to Raimund Treml, son of Mr. and Mis. Joseph Treml of Salem. AMITY (Special) The Country Side club conducted its regular meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Lyle McKee. During the busi - ness meeting an election of officers Mrs. joe McKee, reporter. Plans were completed for the club's annual family night, which v.ill be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Ottcn on the evening of February 6. at 7 o'clock. During the social hour relresh ments were served by the hostess. MOLAI.I.A (Special) Friends have received announcement of Morris and Donald Bessey, on De cember 22 in Hanford, Calif. Mr. m-ssey is aiwu grauume oi aio- lnlla iin.nn hioh anft is l)i. enn i.f . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Kdgar Bessey, for- merlv of Molalla. L-nii...;n klo Al-ni.nn frn. hi. u. .j.j i.. THE MOST UXl Fully Automatic Zig-Zag with the "Push Button Disc Compartment i - -5111 BSC J If 1 . to,i0' S13htp.i " 4ull k XsZ ''"v Wi,h 20 ,riPe-oc,ion I Compo" Wothine 1 " LBL'iS fcT desi9ner dis" in I NolKf. Pof""W y f V l l L5C beautiful plastic box. L ny 39-50 more in this I f I pi Set the Difference! Deluxe Walnut Console. IV' ij J ''"r' s&e&',0s A famcwi Brand 'A' fomttil Brand 'B' torn out Brand 'C fomovi Brand '0' Fotmenl Brand 't' famous Brand 'f (379. SO Voluc, Fvlly Autemalif Zig-Zog Gomalt Machine) Vv si r if j cni).i .Hg.i !" - Jsr jf OC,vVW tKp fjfrt 11 5 )) ' u " w,rt Jjr fS Iv ySijJ) JJ ' i"t b.bbin wl.i.f ...ui.. ..' t.. N f J'S APPIIOUHI fW8OIDSr SFWS BUTrONSI C.mi.,. ' ' ' f f DOBS IT ALL WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS n..d.. ' AV f ? ( XV COME We exptet to thouiondi of thiJt wondar- j s' : Mat. m m l- i. n.j... i:II.J : Easy Terms Available Liberal Trada-in Allowance for mi Horn Demonstration or Information Call M-47J02 Javcee-Ettes Meet YAtWoodburn Home wuuuHtiKM i.ipeciaii Mrs. r.a Koski was hostess at her home last week for the regular meeting the Woodburn Jaycee-Kttcs, She was assisted by Mrs. Roy virossen and Mrs. Ray Miller. Mrs. Charles Campbell presided during the business meeting and the members agreed to spon.sor I .,!. ........i, .. fj aiimiai ,.unuri .... fJ,lW the evening of January 31. chairman. I Mrs. Harley Piper presented a! plea for donors at the blood bank, which will be at the bitth school from 4 to 8 p.m. January 21. Activities and projects for spring were discussed. During the program hour Mrs. i- Dni, Sawtellc showed movies of the studio to see how the lovable was in but I love to watch them ian'niP cases frequently are men Christmas party for the children i Miss Main was taking this blow. ion television. c"mP h"n "". ',!ea ot members and of guest night held She chuckled, "They should have j "Went when I was nominated ,hnl ,he (ccs charged to Indians last spring. put me first on the list." ; for an Oscar for 'The Egg and , are 'n"' A "white elephant' auction was. "Clothes don't interest me, nev-1.' The producer bought me nl the closing feature of the meeting with Mrs. Ray Miller as auction- nn. Dnrrn.hmnnt ..-nrn en...nH K .... ...v.-.l,,.i.o the hostesses. uw .... ... .,...,.. .. . ... ruary 14 at the home of Mrs. Keith iuc ni UH'eunK win ue rei, - Llewellyn. Mrs. MoKinhy llendor - son. teacher at the Washington ; grade school, will give a talk on! ; remedial reading. BAI.1.STON ISpeciall Friends of Mrs. Frank Dissell honored her her With birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hinnmen, : Mrs. Jerome Ricse, Dee Foeht, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bissell. Mrs. ; Altha Burelback and Mcrton Bis - sell. MKMHKRS of Centralia temple. No. It, Pythian Sisters, will meet at 2 p.m. hall. Wednesday in Beaver C.KRVAIS (Special) The St. Rita's Altar society of Gervais ; met ,flst week at ,nc home of Mls, William Appledoorn. Co-hostesses i were Mrs. Joe Dabacon, Mrs. Peter ' I.elack and Mrs. Rose Hauptman. i Tentative plans were made for TUESDAY i - u.-- i i r f nnn - MAKES Uw plti, rvfi, 119-109. mok bwltanhalt. droilv OlO 7tC ZAGSf BUrTONHOLfSf t.nh.9, tol winf. J'n, mtrtd. blind-ililih, lech, hil, V 0 i y apphqwa, tmb'dr, ffingram . . . many ml. 'VO Jr 7850 S-- N..d, . .0(h.nt.. ... Mpl.i.. V w y-Nv . . d..;Bn ...Jit blw. f.imin.rf In 1,(1 X J-f . EH H Km ma Rh ww Dargain macnmei rnn win, wrmn : l i 1 m tr& mi 01 Pibl in (h( erd,r bty or Db Vtif II Hi I ' rim rtccivtd. Machines will be ready opproxi- j Ma Kettle Right Proud About l Beiiix on Worst-Dressed List Ry A LINK MOSBY limed press Hollywood wnier HOLLYWOOD (UP)- A recent list of America's worst dressed women may have crushed Judy, (.nrlnnH and Marilv-n Mnnrrut hut. . -J . .. one victim is proud of it. beamed Marjorie Main today. Firrt in the news was an annual 10 best-dressed list, featuring countesses and society leaders. Then another group last ween named the worst dressed females, with Misses Garland, Monroe and : Main in the ranks. i i t uni..n.i.Tni.rnni;nnnt Pr have," said Marjorie, who's back in town to star in her eighth 1 - I 1- L'nllU n.n.'lA "U'han Mtt Him in iwiuc limn.. ....... i WCnt to boarding school I wore .one flress over ana over, aioiner uue ui ess on.. .......... iriert to cet me into other clothes. , she said 1 should dress to please nihor Clothes Vnlmoortnnt "Whv? Clothes aren't impor- tant. If you can't please people! without dressing up then what are ! you? Your real friends love you'AjiJo Ullg Dcfl", you wear." The veteran actress st.od to her dressing room closet to show i what the "worst dressed woman" i wears. She brought out some two- piece cotton dresses she wears around her home rn Palm Springs. I "where 1 live because of sinus ; trouble. Now this is a dress- I've worn for years. Cost five or six dol lars." she said, displaying a blue-arid-green plaid number that but toned down the front. "This navy blue coat I've had for years.too, hnciik. nuiinH nut n scarf that wns bulging In lhe coat, ASHLAND WOMAN, 103, DIES ASHLAND in Mrs. Sarah Clevins Wing, who was horn March 10. In.i3, died here Sunday at the age of 103. Her narcnts came to Oregon from Missouri in the famous ' in an accident near Bucll. re- hospital in Portland, where he un Applegate caravan of 1B43. I turned Thursday from Providence 1 derwent surgery. of THRU SATURUAi SEWING "Remember . . . You'll Always Save 611 NORTH CAPITOL ST. iCoat pocket. "i always have something tied to my head, like a scarf." she said. Halt Worn to Meeting rturonllv 1ioc 1nin hart lu-n l , ,. j U fabulous chapeaux made by Rex. "but I never wear them. The only time I wear a hat is to the F day Morning Cluh lectures." "Don't wear suits.- she went on. Don I have cocktail clothes because I don't go to parties. I don't belong to the glitter set. I don't go to premieres not even nt t?rinii., PAr.Mnci.n' tt.t i gown. I've only worn it once ; nink on't since then. I've never had a mil 1 t.n. n lt nf nnn' v...... i ...- n nu ... siun... ...u i wear 'em but they're nice to have arouna. .....,..,. I The actress closed her closet door with a smile. I I "I wear sinmle clothes because I want people to feel at home around me," she said At.ltft 1 Tiilinrl tf"'"'ged the defendants with "con iUlKlR """ispiring or entering into illegal POl'GHKKF.PSIK, N. Y. iff 'agreements" and "monopolistic F.arl Attlee, former Labor prime practices in the operation of the minister of Kngland, and Lady RCA patent pool in radio, lele Atllee escaped injury Monday j vision and other phases of the night when their automobile killed electronics Industry." a deer on the Taconic Slate Paik-i Also named in the suit were wny at Kast Fishkill. Attlee, on a three-week lecture lour of American universities, spoke Monday night at Vassar College here. He and Lady Attlee were en route back to New York City in a , cnnutieur-uriven timousine wnen l'r on me mgn - way. The deer was killed and the front of the limousine was smashed. RETURNS HOME W1LLAMINA (SpeciaD Norman Holstad. iniured New Year's eve. vmu. SALES We exptet to tell thouiondt i (ul bargain mochini this week. Orders filled as rapidly as possible in the order they are received. Machines will be ready opproxi mately one week offer orders ore placed. CENTER at Morse" Section 1 Page 7 Indians Fight Lawyer Fees; Talk Boycott l VI A MATH FAT I S m rniftfi ui' I?. ! are roduced bv Feb , lhe Kf mm imh Indian Trjbe wj1 b u . . lorneys associated with the Klam , Counly Bar Ajsn ( ,rjbe mcn i-naihaa Dn'ii renreniin - iJt I e'?'pt5 e " r"h'TtT 'TS'ti. L . , ,H. ,k." , "7u ',. , , . r . fh ""UCM- ,. ' rln cm(,re. president of 'he bar. said that Indian cuard- Phil co (lorn. Asks ,, .,...'.. , tT1"fc t"ll 1 Of ,)() iM llllOll 1 t ' A 11 1 1 . I fuel A.linn PHILADELPHIA Wi A l.W. million-dollar anti-trust suit was filed in federal court Monday by the Philco Corp. against Radio Corp. of America and four other firms. In askine triDle damaecs. Philco General Klectric. American Tele phone and Telegraph and two of the latter's subsidiaries. Western Klectric Co. and Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. RI.IND TO LEARN TO SWIM PORTLAND ifl Special swim ming classes for blind persons ! both children and adults are be- ing held here in the pools at Couch. Ruckman and Shattuck schools. The park bureau, in charge of this venture1. Tuesday rennrted separate classes, too. for deaf children. Remember . . This offer expires Saturday, Jan. 19, 5:30 P.M. Hurry . . . Come in (odoy