THE CAPITAL' JOURNAE Inaugural Ball for Gov. and Mrs. Holmes Colorfi n Page 6 Section" I ti and? Happy Occasion Monday Night TWM t t . -war. r i hi.- :a v ' ,i f 1 m i .- j fC, l(0 !?ir- - L . -Crr" Election : l MtM Ik) nyri f: r I ' I. l 1 Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOW It Y FISCHER It was quite a party, I hat gala Inaugural ball Monday night hon oring Governor and Mrs. Rohort I). Holmes, hundreds crowding the Marion hotel and the downtown Armory for the occasion . . . in the words of Mrs. N'orntnn Ncnirr, Portland, general chairman, "it was Jftst what we wanted a biff, friendly party without too much formality, an occasion where everyone could have a real good time." Two big chuckles of the evening came during the presentation of the state officials at 10:30 o'clock jn the armory With no presi dent of the senate to introduce, those in charge were taking no chances they introduced both the Itepuhlican and the Democratic candidates for the office, Srn.itor Warren (till of Lebanon and Sena tor Walter Pearson of Portland. . . The second incident came with in troduction of Secretary of Stntc Mark O. Hatfield as the state's "chief tourist attraction for the young lady visitors the state's most eligible bachelor.". , . . The youthful secretary took the joking in stride and second only to the governor received the greatest ap plause of the evening. . . . Governor and Mrs. Holmes were beaming and radiant as they stepped to the platform to be in troduced .... The petite brunette mer president of the senate; Mr. and Sirs. Stanley Grove, Mr, and Mrs. KHon II. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Itruce F. IMrkrtl, Mr. and Mrs. II. Snalfrld, Mr. and Mrs. John Sleellinmnirr, he a former speaker of the house; Mr. and Mrs. William II. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Ward K. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Slate Itrp. and Mrs. Robert I.. Ktstroin, State Itrp. and Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Stale Senator and Mrs. Ohinnrt, Stale Senator and Mrs. Kuitie tVII helm of Portland, Dr. John (. Iltchards, chancellor of higher ed ucation, and Mrs. Richards of Eu gene; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Itonr, Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Hewitt, Miss Hattle Ilratzel, l.en Kremrn, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ross, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Morgan of Monmouth, State Rep. nnd Mrs. Guy Jonas, Miss Echo Yeater, State itrp. and Mrs. George Annnln of Hood liiv er, Mr. nnd Mrs. I'hlt Hlteheoek of Portland, he a former state sen ator; Slide Ren. nnd Mrs. V. A. Tom of Hufus. Mr. and Mrs. Mar Inn Lamb, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Ucrg. . . More than 2000 persons are estimated to have attended the inaugural ball for Governor and Mrs. Robert I. Holmes, Monday night nl historic Marlon hotel and the downtown Armory across the alley. Governor and Mrs. Holmes are shown in upper left picture as thry were presented to the crowd In the Armory. In renter picture above Is a crowd shot of the mass of humanity jamming the Armory for the hull. At tnr right above Is a scene at the rnffr fcihle. Left to right, W, W. Campbell, Multnomah county treasurer, nnd Mrs. Campbell, Portland; Slate Rrp. Guy Jonas of Snlrm, Mrs. George A. Khotrn of Salem, nnd Mrs. Jonas at the urn. There werr ninny Republicans on hand, ton, as evident In the lower left picture, Mrs. C. A. Tom of Hufus, Mrs. Phil Hilehrock. Slate Rrp. Tom and Phil Hitchcock, Portland, a former state senator and now one of the liaison oilier rs working from (he Republican stale central com mlllec with the legislature. ' Center picture below shows the lineup of oflleials just aftrr the presentation. Major General and Mrs. Thomas K. Rilea bring In the Immediate foreground at left. In lowrr right picture. Stale Treasurer and Mrs. Sigfrid B. I'nander are Introduced. (All pteliirrs by Jerry Clntissrn, Capital Journal photographer) university, the group Including sev-' A -f iw C- era! Salem students - C o r a 1 1 e V-OACll VCS JCi Houghton Rhoten, ( laudla Wntrrsip KAi.' Garretl. Sally Jo Greig. Michelle i V I finer, Meeting Edwards. Clarice Walers, Virginia Lively, Marilyn Isaak, Barbara Andle nnd others . . . Following the ceremony and nd dresses by retiring Governor Elmo Smith and the incoming chief ex ecutive, Governor Robert I). Holmes, there was a reception in the governor's office ... It was pretty much n family affair in the receiving line, the llnlmeses' their daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Holmes, Jr., of Gearhart. and their younger son, John Holmes, I niversily of Ore- gun student, Governor Holmes Co-Active club members arc planning a no-host dinner at Ran dall's Chuck Wagon, Wednesday. ,.t fi:.10 o'clock. The meeting fol lowing will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Hales. Guest speaker for the meeting will be Mrs. Carolyn Cocking, di rector of the young adult program at the YWL'A. She will outline the opportunities offered through the YV classes. Certainly there was pomp nnd ceremony at the inauguration pro gram for Govrrnor Robert I). Holmes Monday allemoon at the State House and. nlthmieh miv- m-w nrsi Lauy oi uregon nas a j paper folk may sigh a bit in saying beautiful smile and she made a so. they have lo be appreciate most attractive picture in her ; and perhaps a bit envious of their While Ch.mhllv 1;ici tr uilh c.i. .ll.wl r,. ... ,, hue whuo nrrhiH r.,r ! u. -pi; a .'.i .. ' ' ' . ,rKI-I f the associate justices, Mrs. The punch and colfee table's' ar- n lime newspaper folk ' have sat 1 n? "nm- ? Jan T" tanfloii in i ho Croon rnnnt f ti,rtii... u 11 ' ' Itrnnd. Mrs. Harold J. Warner. Marfon T o1 Plains ha went on and , 1rs William M. Me.Mlisler: for- i ,n Tn- but hf,t'?,lspof TV nd radio nipr (;ovprnor and Mr,. John . ,u,(iu.iys n progrnni nas in floor length cloth of striking blue 1 dick right along on a minute hv . . . At either side of the crys minute schedule Cert nnlv (al punch bowl was a very tall 'events moved right along Mnn rompote filled with yellow roses, . , dav The coffee table along the north I PLANS for the Oregon-Columbia regional conference of Credit mother. Mrs George Holmes of Women clubs, to open in Salem Portland, leceiving with them . . . ; for a two-day session on February Mrs. Thomas Scales, slate Demo-1 23. were made at the Tuesday i cratic central committee vice morning meeting of the Salem chairman, introduced to the line. meaM.iM mn. n.m-m Mu ,I MRS Gail H Tones Among those glimpsed from our and other area clubs will have a ,K "received word of tlie "birth I section, at the ceremony nnd at prominent role in ine enure con- ()f a new KrandjailRhtWt vaYnnne ,lhe reception, were Mrs. William ference program. The group met Mam. b()rn ,0 Mr ami Mrs C. Perry, w.te ol the duet justice mu ...... ..uu.u Kll.hari M jum,s m Charleston. who admimslcred Ihe oalh of of- . ness of the meeting was a d.scus-; Snu,h ranilina Tho baby has an fice lo the new governor; wives sion of amendments to the national ni.w sister Pamela and a hro- constitution of the organization. 'ther, Ricky. ST. JOSKPH'S Parents club is meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the school. The program will fea ture a discussion on children s reading in the library. WOMF.VS fellowship of the Knight Memorial church is meet ing tor a no-host luncheon at 12:30 o'clock Wednesday, at the church. COOT1FTTK club No. 140 met recently at the home of Mrs. Mel Clemens. Prior to the session Ihe regular visit to Butler ward of the State Tuberculosis hospital was made by Mrs. Mary Strayer, Mrs. Joanne Hunt and Mrs. Vernon Glass. Forty patients there were served homemade cake. On Jan uary 25 the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Strayer. Braiding of Woo Rugs to Be Taught Miss Kvelyn Bengston. occupa tional therapist with the state hos pital, will teach the braiding of wool rugs at the YWCA. in a six- week class beginning next Monday evening, January 21, at 7:30 o clock. It is not necessary to have any materials before this first meeting of the class. Miss Beng ston recommends the learning of this craft to women who have early American furniture and want a suitable floor covering. Wool ma terials are available locally, and suggestions for dyeing may be ob tained from the instructor. Two contract bridge clashes can still take registrations: The Thurs day evening class in beginning point-count, and the Tuesday eve ning class for those who play bridge and want to learn the point count system. There is room for one more per son in the lhursday morning class in learning-to-drive, of which Mon roe Cheek is instructor. The ballroom dancing class to be taught by Mrs. F. D. YanSwerin- gen will start a ten-week term at 8 o'clock on Thursday evenine. Anyone interested in social dance INSTALLATION of officers will be conducted by Sedgwick Wom an's Relief corps No. 1 at the Vet erans of Foreign Wars hall Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. SPIRITCAL Sunflower club is meeting Thursday at the First Spiritualist church, 1320 Madison, between It a.m. and 3 p.m. There will be a no-host luncheon at noon and in the afternoon there will be an hour of colored pictures. MRS. K. M. PAGE and Mrs. Charles' McElhinny,1 Mrs. Richard Chambers and Mrs. Douglas Chambers were first point winners in the junior division at the Knights of Columbus Bridge club last Thursday night. Other winners were Mrs. M. Harrington and Mrs. A. Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilcox, Mrs. J. H. Meusey and Miss Loraine Meusey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kropp. Senior winners were Mrs. Ward Graham and Tom Kay, M r s. Percy Miner and Mrs. 11. D. Hutchinson, Jose Mority and R. D. Hutchinson. Mrs. W. G. Rogers and Mrs. h. w. Hughes. instruction is asked to inquire about this class at the YWCA. Election of new officers featured the meeting of Alpha Phi alumnae Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Wallace Brennan. Chosen were Mrs. Kvan B. Boise, presi dent; Mrs. Richard Scandling, vice president; Mrs. Norman E. Ser geant, secretary; Mrs. Carl Bcrgs vik. treasurer; Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, quarterly correspondent. A bridge dessert for the cardiac aid program of the sorority is planned for February 11 at the home of Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett. Mrs. Sydney Kromer, state chairman of Alpha Phi, announced that state day will be observed on March 30 with the University of Oregon active chapter as host. Appointed to committees by Mrs. Boise were Mrs. Kromer and Mrs. Verl L. Holden. telephone; Mrs. Brennan, magazine subscriptions; Miss Alcne Phillips, philanthropy. SALEM Federated Music Teach ers will meet for the third in an educational series of programs at the Wills Music company auditor ium on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Professor Josef Schnclker, who is instructor in organ and theory at Willamette university and organist and director of music for the First Methodist church, will .speak. Group at Olson Home . Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Raymond F. Olson were hosts for one of th dinners preceding the ball for Governor and Mrs Robert D Holmes. Monday night, enter taining at their home. Guests of the Olsons included Major Gen. and Mrs. Thomas K. Rilea, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Al Hintz of Portland, Col. and Mrs. A. L. Merrill. Col. and Mrs. Ed Snow, Col. and Mrs. William Brv endge, Col. and Mrs. Carl Shoe maker. Capt. Carl Shoemaker, 11, all of Portland. University Duo Wed Saturday Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meeker of tha marriage of their daughter, Miss Noel-Anne Elizabeth Meeker, to Dale Leonard Hartman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hartman of Red mond, Ore. The wedding was on Saturday! January 12, at Wood burn, the Rev. D. L. Penhollow of the Powell Butte church at Redmond at the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Tarter, cousins of the bride, attended the couple. The newlyweds will make their home at 210 North 14th street and will continue their work at Willa mette university where both art juniors. The bride is a member of Delta Gamma sorority and Mr. Hartman is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Assistants Named For Faculty Coffee Assistants for the coffee to be given Thursday morning for Wil lamette university Faculty Wom en's club have been named. The coffee will begin a 10:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Maurice Bren nen. Pouring the first hour will be Mrs. Melvin H. Geist, and during the second hour, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. Assisting in the living room dur ing the two hours will be Mrs. Robert Putnam, Mrs. Richard Petrie, Mrs. Clarence Craft and Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer for the first period; Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Stanley Butler, Mrs. Jerry Whipple, Mrs. Robert Topping for the second period. In the dining room during the first period will be Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Noel Kaestner, Mrs, William Cornelius; and during the second period, Mrs. Ruby Randlesome, Mrs. Jeanette Sawyer, Mrs. Theo dore Shay and Mrs. Robert Ward. Hall. Portland, former Governor unit Mrs. Charles A. Spraur. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hiti-heoek of Port land; former secretary of state. Knrl T. Nt'Hlirv riiul Mrs. Nrwlirv: end of the room was wilt,! S''V; , , " i j r T Z VT i. 7 . 0 a solid gold mctalnc floor length I ! ,C , " "r J,,n" ''' ""'.V wo- ! I orva lis; Mrs. Khno Smith ami rlnih The r.-nii.riii..i... i,.t i ' " "" r '" ""' 5,imli', who daughter, Jiinlrr. escorted to their the haek'shle was a huge an;, ,g I ninlf.,vnt.h as pre- seats by Mr. and Mr, Kd-in .. m.,n) n( ,,,j fi,.,t ,,, ,?.. M'h'ig officer for the joint session Armstrong: Tom Malmnry of f m.. (!.. ,i, .. .. ', "f the house and senate lor the in- ; Portland, former state senator; of blue On the front side of the table was set a square cake nucuratum . . . There wen manv nl Mrs. rhnrlrs (tilling of decorated in gold and blue with a , V V,B . r Vro; i , V , . .. .... i ,,- ... .i gram that maybe the answer to n Kns. Ir. anil Mrs. Irvln H. Hill. wnuiinr iu v.utei urn iitiiiiil S 11- . .1 , , , , , . 1( i" ii'iiiniMiimi jinn n.isMf m nip""" is. " in. . ii'iin, ten across it. Wandering here and (here with cur photographer we spotted among the crowd Mayor and Mrs. Robert Whit r. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Khotrn. Stair Senator and Mrs. Sldnry . SthU-shiKt'r, Mr. and Mrs. David Duniuay, Mr, nnd Mrs. Kdward O. Siadttr. Jr., Mate Rrp. and Mrs. Sam Wilder man of Portland and their guests, Mr. and .Mrs. t-ram-is Smith, aiso of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Man in T. U'-irllrk. Mrs. Hon:ird It l .v. lor, Mr. and Mrs. John McCloskrv, enjoyed in its numbers . . . Soloists all of Kugcne; Justice and Mr. i w M,s" Jan" nnd An- 'senate over an election of a presi dent could be happily solved by , giving the office to ' Senator i Jean" . . . I Beautiful musie m;ide the inaug ural ceremony especially memor able . . . Had tune and occasion ; allowed, the rnmd would have appreciated a full attei -i.hui of sinning by the Fui:ene Glermen. 1 who h ere on the program tor three numbers . . . And the Orenon National Guard band was ireally Kay l.unilern. woman's editor of jthe Register-Guard. K u gene; Or. and Mm. John '. Richards. Ku gene, the former chancellor of j higher education: Ir. unit Mrs. Pant N. Puling. Mr. nnd Mrs. H.G.j M.iKon, Mr. ami Mrs. Kdcar T. Pierce. Italoh Kmmons. I.. O. Arens, Mrs, Cutter Ross. Mrs. Chester M. l'o; Hives of lour state senators. Mrs. Olunart, Mrs. trancls tinier of ("orvallis, Mrs. Mfred ( orlieti of Portland, j Mrs. Waller Lcth of Monmouth, j C. A. SehnolInK of Junction City, Mrs. K lc hard I). Sinter, Mrs. John; Hall S. Lusk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifton the latter presenting the H iI;)nn M MMic nock a Mudd. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Madi son, Stale Senator and Mrs. Carl T. Francis of Dayton, Clarence K. Hyde of Kugene, a past stale rep Y'ilinn-.l A.WI,.,... I , . .- 11 ... . , 1 ' ,' , three serving ns secretaries in the sneml numhers. and the.r s.-ngs .. r. kn(l Mr,. , v were heautilully rendered . . . The .,.,, ,. Mr. ,,. , I'iiiilniin, Mrs. IV II. Hrvdrni. Mr.. Ilnllis V. Ilunlingtnn, Mr. and Honor (iu.ird. made mi nf ni-rson. rewnlnlirp- Mr. nnH Mn. .Innipi "'l Irotu Nnlcm Marine I nrps roiv 11. Allrnby, Mr. and Mm. l.rl, ;'. nir from I'erllanil uni-; Mr,.' sra" sini nrt Wlllshire, Mr. and Mm. Arthur y 'U, imusnipmen Horn urecun Krirkunii. Mr. and Mm. David "n" earn : man l n i Ithntrn, Mr. nnd Mrs. ('. (1. Mtv of tregnn and air rM (mm if WEDNESDAY -JAN. 16 , 4, m llelber, Mr. and Mrh Cnrnrlius Batestyh 3tr. ipijb r. Alhert t. Un.l. VMK.TTK liniversiiv Moth- ers ehlh is to meet Thursiitiy night : A 8 .'rl.ek in t' cottage, i the Willamitltf umvof.itT prmwiid a iUsi of col-jr lor thu Gratic Cfc. M't. "rvnl yoiieu unmen from rltiiE Stg liirJ Hub m t t"M Thomaspfl t . finf, former jrcltpp. OrcgMi ircfleTtf f Ft1tar -JtfKn, 1 ht 0it yji)tnr W tate setintor'i' Mr;: i Mm. . WH- l!tm. preeoii Stale teHtf Vtuvrr- (r D V 'iPjtmeXttt t!i5 tu4 6jrm ol C Bay. b 6 fur-iaity of Oregon, iwd WitjuiieUt nlunuOi r lovii.!. ' f, International Printing Week B Exhibit Spo'iorrH hv All ed Asoct on rf Pr Houie C'af'S"" i t"e Graphic A" C ubs. AUDITORIUM, SECOND FLOOR i STORE HOURS MONDAY: 1J XO(IN TO 9 P. M. FRIDAY: 10 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTI1F.K DAYS: 9;3U A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Too young to talk? You can still tell both grandmothers how much you love them with delightful gift photographs for Valentine's Day, February 14. Wonderful 'Grandmoth er's Special" at Meier & Frank's-Salem, second fioor Studio this week. Two beautifully lighted, beautifully finished photocuaphs taken for the price of one. Example: two 5x7, reg. 5S. now $4. Hurry in! PHOTO REFLEX STUDIO - SECOND FIOOR MARIE EARLE QUEEN BEE CREAM J with ach $15 jar. QVF.EN BEE CREAM is the original complexion beautifier containing Royal Jelly, the fabulous glandular substance that gives the Queen Be vitality, beauty and a life-span far exceeding that of her thousands of subjects. European scientist recently discovered th xtraordinary revitalizing effect ot Royal Jelly on the human skin. Lilly Dache' introduced it to American women in the first Royal Jelly cosmetic. ..QUEEN BEB CREAM. Here is a magical blending of this mysterious, natural beautifier, with essential oils and moisturizing giv your complexion new life. male you look glowing and to youngl QUEEN BE8 CREAM I oz. jar is.oo piui l Capital Drug Store 405 Stat St. We Hive Green Stamp