Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, January 15, 1967 rage 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Kaiser, Union Sign Pact for Board Plants PORTLAND W A thrce-ypar labor contract was sipnod Tuesday for the Kaiser Gypsum Co.'s insu lating board plants at St. Helens, Ore., which, before Kaiser bought them, were struck for 19 months by the Lumber and Sawmill Work ers Union. The plants, then owned by Dant & Russell, continued operation after the strike, recruiting non union workers. In the course of the strike, over confused issues in contract renewal, the stale sought vainly to bring peace. James M. Whalfon of the Colum bia District Council of the union. said Monday that Kaiser had hired "a good many' of the men who had gone on strike and was expected to re-employ most of those still available when more shifts are added later in the year. The plants now have 164 workers and use up to 410 when on a 24 hour basis, he said. The new contract runs through May, 10. and establishes the general industry wage rates. Min imum is $1.08 an hour, Whallon said. The plants are those of Fir-Tex Insulating Board, Inc., and West ern Insulated Products, Inc. Their properties include 16,000 acres of timberland in Oregon and Wash ington. Kaiser bought the plants nine weeks ago. Bethel FU Sees Slides P ETHEL (Special) Entertain ment at the December meeting of the Farmers Union was approved by Edward Sehroedcr, assistant state forester, who showed colored slides of the "Tillamook Burn." These included reforestation, fire control, salvaging burnt-over tim ber. lien Newell, Marion county farm agent and member of Bethel local, speaking of the high efficiency of TB control in cattle, stated there is now only one reactor in 20,000 tests. He urged special attention to the lambing ewes at this season, as 80 per cent of the income from sheen is from the lambs; 20 per I cent from the wool. Cornelius C. Batcson. was given I his obligation of membership in j the FU, by Arnn Spranger assisted by Johnnie J. McAllister, conduct i or. i In the report on agriculture, Herman Kleen stated the winter wheat and other grains are in ex ecllcnt condition. The Marion County Farmers Union convention will he in the town of Marion Jan. 2fi. It will be an all-day meeting with pot luck dinner. In charge of serving were Mrs. Herman Kleen. Mrs. Gust Brimm, Mrs. Charles Sopping field. WESLEY OWENS ILL SCOTTS MILLS ( Special Wes ley Owens is in Silverton hospital for observation. His wife had gone to The Dalles last week to be with their son, Arnold, who had suffer ed a stroke recently. HENRY By Carl Anderson m Dallas WSCS Told Juvenile Problem DALLAS (Special) Mrs. L. G. Allen, vice-president of the Wom en's Society of Christian Service, canducted the regular business meeting at the church. Guest speaker of the afternoon was Mr. Gallagher of Salem, Marion county juvenile officer, who spoke on the juvenile problem. He was introduced by program chairman for the afternoon, Mrs. Pearl Hughes. Mrs. Bert Campbell led the de votions, preceding the meeting and following the 1:30 luncheon. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. A. M. Larson, Mrs. C. O. Hawkins, Mrs. Frieda Burgey and Mrs. Hose, and Mrs. Mary Starr, YF Has Election BUTTE VI LLE (Special) At the last meeting of the Pilgrim Youth Fellowship of the Butteville congregational church, new of ficers were elected for the coming year. President is Jimmic John son; vice-president and worship chairman, Ida Stewart; secretary, l.onnie Stewart; treasurer, Phil Hathaway; games, George R a tel le ; refreshments. Joyce Smith; news reporter, Sharon White. KSLM KOCO KliA V KOIN K(iW KtiO.V . KSI.M KOCO l KOIN I K(iW . KSI.M 1 KOCO f KOIN KfiW KtiON KOCO r KOIN I Kt;w 9KV.OS KSLM KOCO KOIN Kf.iv ki;on 7244 DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney tiliT you THINK ) yOU'RE NEV ' SaOVE0. yE'g 1WW!i' Jrf THINK? IN THE Srr INTHIt, f" T IKNOVv77 NEIGHBORHOOD,) I AlOKNINS.' ) ll l7V'" W'ANTA ) AW FOOTBALL 6ETP ASA'tT V.XJ ) TAT- SLINGSHOT.' f Dress up your home with this I elegant design beginner simple! Large, crochet squares work quickly, make many smart tieles. Pattern 7244: Crochet directions for 9-inch square. 1-inch edging in I string. Join 3 squares for scarf, I 4 lor a lovely TV cover! Send TWKNTY-KIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern add 6 cents for each pattern mr Ist-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept., P O. Ifox Hia. Old Chelsea Station. New York 11, V. Print U nlv I NAME. ADDRESS. ZONE, AND; PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed oar ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book stunnin;: designs for you, our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right away! ACROSS 1. Animal retl: comb, form 6. Stalk 11. Son ola kin JJ. Guide 113. Essential health sub stftnee 04. Old womanish 05. Hody bone Jfi. Norse Rod uft. Supper 19. Bradley 51. Horse 21 Writing table S3. Bristles 25. Prevari cator 17. Builds 29. Russian seaport S3. Cabbage 35. Turk. money of account 3R. Quantity 3D Humming- bird 41. Father 42. Unci measure 4.1 While poplar 45. Negative 4fi. The old dog 48. Income 50 Catkin 51. Prussian citv 52 Knds of Uie arms 53. Wander A iKitlN D.'4MS IBIC H A R IM A T F ID 'aHu A'stffl 10, N, JM.'LAIW KB O N I I IC.II B JIUIN .U 'IN OIN a,r!mHa N OpBPJAlRlA BiO.L OlRlF- II N A MIOjRIA d!a;bsbi8R Solution of Yetterday'i Puiilo DOWN 1. lRal proof 2. Illuminated 3 Afresh 4 Descendant 5 Of the mind 6 lleach across 1. Metal ssvw 1 J J -I 'j ; b 1 - 10 jifTi 71 - 77 T7 Tt ' :i J v ; : 1 . v twiVv -, 36 37 3 !JF 31 1Q 11 IT -Tf y -w. sf -IsT 7fl'' mmmA -mm- ' V -' 8. The chosen 9 Hhnd animals 10. Cut of href 11. Klementary rr.tdiT 13. Non-melri. -.ii langunre 17. Kx.haiitic prvmnun 20 tMothes hani-rs 21 AUire 24 J.ip milcast 26. Ala;K.m mount. in 25 Ilroad (hick 30 Thicket: Kng 31. Watrrr 32. Mountain crest 34. Turns lnsidp out 3fl HiHerwatrt 3". Houqurl 33. " come el even" 40 Vigilant ii. Branches of learning 44. At ny timt 47. Purpose 49. MiuGabor Easier to cut Sew and fit OH.MVWIFE .( AGREEMENT? 1 AND I HAVEMT QUARRELED EVERSINCE WPSlrtNPDAN agreement; YEHf VJE A6REE0 THAT SHE WOULD MAKE ALL THE LITTLE DECISIONS) AND I WOULD MAKE ALLTHE BIG ONES.' WELL, SHE DECIDES LITTLE OH, THE ATOM BOMB, INews (News Herb's Show Wpndv Warren Kr.1V IBrenkfast Club KtiOM ISpotlite Hcds. KSLM INews News felHS .ht r 8 I . 1 r- 1 ifrgm- -"Ja ' i;,;,7. 77 r 1 nu bs iik meanwhile, rorart ueTTEt rsuvfetp 1 1 fifi tTM srUMPHILL SCHOOL TO TU6 tnuPMU. TEAM TKyilJO TO LEAEM TO Tt CCPPtK CAIOON COWPANV MAIL BOO- 117 i P-fc I BALL leAM l I I PLAYS i 1 1 b , , . I yAKOT-OKTO "0...j. TOWN ton OOL fjf COACH ! ONLV KOT E.EN PAC-CA6ES FOE MM aSTmTp ENODC-H 70 t :'iB'iS5T"V( cs VfVSr Tw 6wi fELL "-yiN' -pf "lucon to the Rxice uresr into flame .' J T. .AIHX I 1 IP H'JI 1 I V.f i. ,VirV T '. HUA . ' I I hitgt,5FM: OREAT.' I W VUH f NOW LISTEN I I JUST A VRICUTlVtT I u SSafiSfi tf&29jl " I rw insurance f I- L SmklBU Jim srrf tc ? i KfitgjHa sssfsfe. RrA ' ft (SNIP SMIF1 1 I mjuat nnm t IWlPr '. ! ' ) l" 'y ' i mi yj- ' ' i I kslm EJ'iiiife I '"'J 1 1 s A BIS AREA. K LOT OF SOOO- T AUGU57U5 MEYERS ? I Und At This '- " WWIWH M IAkSay IWi.f!SMRHBi'Bli I WEIL HAVE TO SEARCH NCASSIBy.'-WITH IZEO ESTATES-) "AUSIE" I Memeni- lyoUlL MAKE A NICE NEAT PACKAGE NOMADl U llnlN jffV';;S.rf 'I THE AREA FOOT By FOOT. STEVE 50 MANY PLACES LIKE THIS ONE --llTTlE AUSIE'.' K.a'-w-r TOO BAD -BIS-CUT' CAN'T BE WRAPPED UP f M iKN""'alSl I " AND 1 HATE TO THINK WHAT y'BIS-CUT-COULD OWNED ByWHATS V &SV with VOU---WHEN WE DUMP YOU INTO trrrr &&2t&:, Mr. irTr ir 4; . . Y I" pvert Ky V YeiL J '"IP TDU PONT TEtfc Wf77? KG AY WftUfLL.MBJAVfB.' 'HO'LAN', THIRTY if NOT Y(. AWfje IT'S HCBOWMJr? MZ&L I E"i? IS 0U SOT A -fl rSAW5 ( ggCON'PS J EVfH. & PETT0S IP I I ifPT 7- kCv ,rpr f W ru S5r VOT I kslm I ... . tTT-V-fW I X. "'U IIMI I 1 iBV 1 - issr I I B WE GOT A D6SCWPTION OF I WHY DONT 3 V OGirlNr: I QIFTinMcvQc IvuiNn w W sMiucra. dce'u Punrn Mi!lr!!tSOy2l1BETTER VSK lit "SSU A. Q6T FOOLISH ANSWERS- I BEFORE VOU 1 MANY PLACES- feil? ,AJ COME CLEflN-VOU'RE NOJ COUSIN B . H GOT HERE? I ESSHJ Jkow BTEVE STRIUE'S COUSIN, STEVE? S .0! Ar": T L '7 . M KS.'L a v acfmii ; i i,i : it we, ic is ' 1 ....... 7. .' re? .l r I ' mJ, .14 I ' ' tST- ' 7t ?!i i'. . - C . , .. BALA'S : ,1 v It. vrjtf a I tlfl m l I , r;.-r ,,EftT FiEw-THEf V"A'?'.iU,fc Lf SHORE., SHE'S HAPFN.'.'' fl ! Mtll ft IO.OOO WEDOIN' DRESS ) i JrVT?" C I SHE REELIZES MARHVIM' H fMAWG McCALLTO &$t hone- babv.'-happv? J C dear neighbors rich y ) J hi MARRY GORGEOUS wirunAi km. i TlTF . 4 ni 7TJ& 1 RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1JM KOCO HM KOAY MM KOIS Tt KOW 2 KOOK 1SH rM; Murityci" mm K" " TUESDAY P.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Bob 8c Ray Slo-Mo-Show Rollie's Rec'di Ed R. Murrow Vanderhoof Melody Magic News Reel Candlelicht Sports-News Ed P. Morgan Melody Magic Gabe Heater Woody Way Melody Music New 8-Melody "3"a7ketball Woodv Wav Robt. Q. Lewis World New i Dragnet Bob &: Rav Sio-Mo-Shour Sign Off News-Weather Vanderhoof Melody Magic News Candlelight Lowell Ihom't McCall Man on Go Eddie Fisher Woodv Way I Melody iMnsir Melody Basketball Woody Way ,RobI. Q. Lewii 'Music 9ragnet 'Bob 8c Ray JSlo-Mo-ShoW Tom Harmon Mel Allen MelodyMagie "Dinner Concert (On the 88 Amos 'n Andy 'Mvsterv Time Ted Heath 3 and Concert IS ports Tom MrCall 'O. Anderson Slmer Peterioa ,Sam Hayes On the 88 i Amos 'n' Andy iMvstery Timt fed Heath Basketball Woodv Way Tune Table Music Blog. In Sound "BaskTtbTll Woody Way 5-Star Finial News News Flashes Basketball jWoodv Way Tune Table Music Biog. In Sound Basketball IWoody Way Sports (Dance Time Mostly Music Music Woodv Wav (Robt. Q. Lewis I Music- World News Basketball Woodv Wav World Tonight 1 Music I Entertainment 'Basketball W'oodv Way Do Ynu Know ! Dance Time Biog. in Sound Big City Woody Way Mus. to Midnit Dance Time Bass Harris Big City 'Woody Wsv iMus. to Midhite I Dance Time Bass Harris (Music iWoodv Way IGood Evennns; 'Dance Time IMostly Music 7Midnite Mel. IWoody Way Music Midnit Dance Time IE ass Harris Uport Scope IWoody Way Robt. Q. Lewis Music 1 Man's Family 'Task et ball Woodv Way World Tonight Music (Entertainment 'Basketball (Woody Way Do You Know Dance Time i Biog. In Sound 7Miisic IWoody Way Good Evening Dance Time IMostly Musie iMidnite Mel. IWoody Way Music Midnita iDance Time ,Bass Harris 00:00 WEDNESDAY 00:15 00:30 00:43 I Vail. Farm cast I Farm News News America News-Vander. Rise & Shine Vail. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof World News Brenkf. Gnng Ray's In Time Mom. Mag. Headline News Vanderhoof Hemingway Rhythm Ranch Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock (News Vanderhf H-ise & Shine Rise & Shine l Cliff Enele 1 Family Altar Ray's in Time Ray's in Time Herb's snow 'Herb's hnow ICnsumer News NewsWarder. Rise & Shine Vail. Farmcast I Morn. Mag. KOIN Kloclc Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Brkfst. Gang Ray s fn Time Morn. Mag, Frank Goss Vanderhoof Rise & Shine Bible Inst. Ray's in Time L. Ross Show Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof News-Rise Ac S.I News (Pastor's Call Matinee Ray s Melodies Rav a Melodies Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Herb's Show1 KGAY News Howard Miller Helen Trent Mid Morn Newi Breakfast Club IBreakfqst Club IBreakfast Club Spotlite Reds. News-Records (Spotlite Reds. Tello Test Valle News Vanderhoof Rise & Shine News KGAY News KOIN Newt Vanderhoof News Ray's In Time KGAY News Harry Babbitt Vanderhoof Morning RepL Bible Inst. Ray's in Time KGAY News Shelley Srnade Vanderhoof ' Rise ft Shine I Herb's Show (Norah Drake Chef Gino Anderson NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd I Wines of Sons Ray's Melodies Ray's Melodies ciary uyer inerus snow Ma Perkins (Dr. Malone Girl Marries NBC Bandst'nd INews News Dinner Winner Happiness True Storv KGON NBC Bandst'nd (Queen a Day way s meioaies Dinner Winner Mrs. Burton True Story Wings of Sonf Ray's Melodies KGAY News Road of Life WhisDerins Sts. NBC Bandst'nd Queen a Day Ray's Melodies Rollie's Recrds Strike It Rich Konnie Worth KSLM News KOCO News KGAY KGAY News 1 KOIN News-Weather f KG W Mitchell Rpts. KGON (Top Tunes Matinee News Rollie's Records Godfrey Time Merry Go Rnd. I Bill Goodwin NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd N. W. News Clarfne Calling Rollie's Records Come Get It Paul Harvey Top Tunes Matinee I4.D0 Tune St. Rollie's Ree ds Godfrey Time Merry Go R'nd, Bill Goodwin Top Trades Clarlne Calling Town Crier House Party Merrv Go Rnd. News-Top TnesjTop Tunes Queen a Day Ray's Melodies RolUe's Records Pat Buttram Konnie Worth NBC Bandst'nd Vail. Farmcast Clarlne Calling KGAY News House Pnrtv Merry Go R'nd Matinee 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds Godfrey Time Merrv Go R'nd I Bill Goodwin Matinee 1490 Tune St KGAY News Godfrey Time Merrv Go R'nd Bill Goodwin IMatinee (News Rollie's Records IGodfrey Time Merry Go Rnd True Confess. IMatinee News Rollie's Records! Matinee 1400 Tune St. Rollie's Rec'ds Godfrey Time Merry Co Rnd News IMatinee 1490 Tune St. 1490 Tune St. Rollie's Recrds. KGAY News Ruth Ashton News-Weather Merry Go Rnd. True Confess (Woman in Hse. Merrv Go R'nd Dr. Gentry Matinee Bargain CountrTelle-Test 1490 Tune St. 1490 Tune St. 1490 Tune 8. Rollie's Rec'ds Route's Recrds. KGAY News Backstage Wife Our Gal S'ndaylTake Thirty Take Thirty Merry Go Rnd. Merry Go R'ndjMerry Go B'nd iMerry Go R'nd 5 Star Matinee 5 Star Matinee Hilltop House iPepper Young KSLM Matinee (Hemingway (Here's Answer Sam Hayes Bandwagon I Bandwagon Bandwagon Rollie's Rec'ds Rollie's Recrds. KGAY Newa The Alexanders! Newspaper I Newspaper Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Fash. Rhythms INews Fash ns. Man On Go Bob & Ray IRob & Ray Band Concert Sln-Mo Show Slo-Mo Show Sports Sign Off News-Weath'r Tom Harmon Frank Rose Vanderhoof Mel Allen Anderson Melody Magic News Rollie's Recordsl Art Kirkham News-Vander. Fash. Rhythms I Bob & Ray News (Rollie's Records! hd R. Murrow News-Vander. iMelody Magic r KSLM INews Reel f Koro Candlelight Ikwi.-n hpons-wews KG W Ed. P. Morgan KGON Melody Magic .News Candlelight On the 88 Lowell Thomas! Amos 'n' Andy iTom McCall Mystery Time Melody-Magic News-Melody MelodyMagie Elmer Peterson Dinner Concert I Sam Hayes On the I Gabriel Heater Silver Seren'de I News Melody Fights News-Melody Day Dreams News Rnht. Q. Lewis Moiuc.U ncln 'KGON I People Funny KSLM INews I KOCO INews KOIN Tune Table 1 KG W iNews-Music KGON (X-Minus One KSLM IGabriel Heater KOCO (News KOIN IS Star Final KGW (News ' KGON News Flashes KSLM IGangbusters KOCO Woody Wav KOIN (Music Tonight KGW Dance Time KGON Bass Harris Woodv Way Melody Fights Melody Magic Day Dreams Woodv Way Rnht. Q. Lewis Music People Funny Fulton Lewis Woody Way I Tune Table Musir X-Minus One Amos 'n' Andy Mystery Time Melody Magic ISports Scope iwoody way HI Forum Woody Way Rob. Q. Lewis Rob. Q. Lewie Fights (Fights World News (l Man's Family Whistlln' TunesiWhistlin' Tunes Woody Wav Woody Way World Tonight News Music Music Recollections Recollections Sweet A- Sw. I Sweet & Sw. Woodv Way Woodv Way Up Date ITp Date Dance Time Dance Tim Sleep No More (Sleep No More Music I News I Music Woody Way Woody Way Woody War Sports Desk Good Evening (Good Evening Dance Time Dance Time uance Time. (Mostly Music (Mostly Music (Mostly Music Gangbusters JMusic Music Woody Wav Woody Way Woody Way Music Tonight Music Tonight Mus. Tonight Dance Time iDance Time IDance Time Bass Harris (Bass Harris Bass Harris THURSDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 16! i7i . KSLM KGAY KOIN I KGW ' KCiON , KSLM f KOCO 1 KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM I KOCO f KGW Y I KOIN t KGW KGON Val Farmcast Val Farmcast Val Farmcast INews Farm News Biorn. .-viag. iniorn. Aiag. News America KOIN Klock KOIN Klock News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise and Shtne'World News Rise and Shine1 Hemingwav Break Gang Break Gang News Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Ray's in Time Ray's tn Time Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. Morn. Mng. jKGAY News KOIN Klock Headlines Frank Goss Harry Babbitt News .'Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise and ShlnelRlse and ShlnelRise and ShlnelBiU Guyman "Cliff Engle Family Altar news Herb's Show (Herb's Show Herb's Consumer N'w? Dave Vjulle Shelley News IVanderfioof IVander Printed Pattern Kaslcr In Cut, Si-w anil Kit. rHlM'Kl) Pattern liesiumtl op' cially (tir tlu larger 'VMiuin tm M7'S 36 to M to ilim and trim iiii'tu's frHii your figure! Hiuist dross, towiulross, all-day drrss it's a womUTfully smart style for all seasons of wear' Printed Pattern i'.tl"; Women's Sics W. 38. 40. 42. 4(. 46, 4H, Ml, SJ. Size 3t takes 4' yards 35-ineh. This printed patten assures i perfect fit. Kasy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. j Send 3;c in coin mo stamps pleae lor Pattern, with Name, Address. Stle Number and Sue. Address PA TTKKN Bl'KKAU. Capital Journal. Box 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York 11. N Y tor first class mall Include eitra cents per pattern. Haven of Rest IHavnn of Itt Ray's in Time Ray's In Time Ray's tn Time iieros snow kuay News lev Sere. Shellev Rr News IVanderfioof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Riseand Shine News INews IPastor's Call IMatinee News pay's Melodies Ray s Melodies stay's Melodies Herb's Show 'Herb's Show iHerb's Show :KGAY News Wendv Warren'Howard Miller (Pres. Eisenhow Pres. Eisenhow Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Pres. Eisenhow I Pres. Eisenhow r Spotlite Reed. ISpotlite Reed. 'Ps. Eisenhower Prs. Eisenhower Tellotest Wings of Song Wings of So'ne News Ray's Melodies Ray s Melodies Ray's Melodies Herb's Show Clarey Dyer Kerb's Show KGAY News Nora Drake Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Aunt Mary Chef Gina ABC News IGirl Marries Whispering 5t. NBC Bandstnd'NHC BandsfndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'nd News Queen a Day IQueen a Day Queen a Day News Rpy's Melodies Ray's Melodies Rav's Melodiea Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Recrds Rollie's Recrds. Happiness Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich (Pat Buttram True Storr True Story True Story 'Konnie Worth r NBC Bandst'nd'NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bsndst'nd1 I WEO-SHE DECIDES X LITTLE yOrl.THE ATOW BOMB, J I Y N SWHERE WE SHOULD 1 THINGS? SUEZ CANAL, WARS, I 1 1 KOW LIVE HOW MUCH WE WHAT I STUFF LUE THAT DO SHOULD SAVE ANU UOYOU CZW ,MtKt;yTT)P I tl' ANDIWOULO ( c,; nWnPWAND 1 1 SLrT- FEW tm .M ;nM ' rjx ins 's. 1 .1 "V i r i I IK S MU r I . r- -v J I m.1 SB 1 M 1 i-r f . . mi if v i -i n-cpr: i rs. i r'-Ax v m ml ai i ms ii 1 1 mmtwm ;, w F""llllir FATHERylS i f I CWT TWlNK 50 11 Y WAS ALWM A 60CO 6Klt Y PO? J K,1" ""3 ksHAPov owe IN I I kause rr was mi U oo aape hECathief, wlliams ocy- f ksi.m rLi"T-unr l I .IjJ--SH r 7i-J -v - -i WIUJAMS-- AND LEAirg AWKTHA fTi f r.urflunmrvi 1 iw! T A.W GOING TO WHL WU HtlP Mt, A N roCti' "S 8 i i ? 5 S 5 .rirSrrv, UtSTS L f-j f -?- t ? 11 I ? AWFUIIV HAROTOMAkiYOU (S W 4 1 -TV ' iH T T N I MR 1 IB N jifl WISHING WELL S 6-4 7 A W M A HERE is a pltasant little tmt that wilt give you a massafc every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your foHumt Count the letters in your first name. If the number o( letteas is tut more, subtract A. It the number is less than 4, add J. The MsultOi your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of 1 uncle andheck every one of yur key numbers, Irt to rifhk Vtta read the message the letters under the checked fifties awe nu, (Ma aj.tMM l.tStaataeaaUjai ties noa G