Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 14, 1957 1'age 10 Section 2 TfTK f'ATM. .TOTTT!TAL Soviet Claims British Detain Ship's Doctor, -M 1 ove Dewey Represents Producer in McCarthy Hits Row Over Stage Role Switch; a Prpsiflpnt's NEW YOUK -Fnrmer Gov. i lion on the ground that Mulhare C3IUC111 O 'Palace Guard' I Thomas K. Dewey will represent is an alien and has no unique' producer of the Broadway hit talent for the role. Fair Lady in a squabble i The show s producer, Herman. a vacation replacement for Levin, in announcing yesterday! P U,.rr,, mal,, ,r f lh r,nii f 11- v nnU WASHINGTON 1 Mil. MC- Both Nations Agrrr He I musical. ' Manhattan lawyer, said the former . Carthy (R-Wisl says that "if let Is PaliVnt in Men till Hoxpiliil The dispute centers on the : New York governor would handle alone" President Eisenhow- Actors Kquily Assn.'s objection to 'any action tha may result"." rmtm ao a tainy good joo. lassienment of the role of Prof, from Mulhare's hirine. i Hul. M.anny saia iasi niim. ! Hiccins to Irish actor Kdward A spokesman for Levin, mean- Wnk ,ne motley crowd around LONDON un-The Moscow radio Mulhare. while, termed as "spectacularly hlm he "Mailed palace guaro -a r... . - - i . . . ara rlnina I hi nat Ir-ifl n 0rtal tlaimi a SovW ship's doctor who . """" i"y " " n, per- u o i k e i y reruns nai uewey - "" quit his veswl i hping held in . Britain against hi will. The Fnr-' eiOffice say, he ha, asked for j MldwCSt-MSt Both agree the doctor, identified only as Biruyknv, is in a menial hospital. The Moscow broadcast last night claimed this is the rea son: "Having failed to force Miryukov to stay in Britain and seeking to cover up their traces. Ihe Rritish secret police are ohviously trying to make nut thai Biryuknv is a lunatic. 1 deal of dar.iage. n !,.. i ho .hnu. Fnh a McCarthy, wtto sometimes nas to begin a four-week vacation. bn critical of the Eisenhower Levin said he hired Mulhare "af- administration and the President ler a year s search in which we:hlmse expressed these sent. auditioned dozens of players" n1 ln 8 televised interview. Mulhare is due to begin rehears-! . T"e Wisconsin Senator men ing for the role either today or tinned, as being among the mot tomorrow. Levin said. jley crowd," Paul Hoffman. C. D An Equity official voiced jm-1 Jackson and Sherman Adams, mediate opposition to the re- Eisenhowers top aide, hcarsal plan, contending Mul-i Milton Eisenhower, the Pres.- hare's contract has not been reg- aen' oromcr, tops tne iisi, !i.i.j ...iii, i.,m.., i. i a ,i.. McCarthy said, adding: "He has A frigid blast of arlic air sent ! official no member of the "My ,ne President's ear. 1 don't think Ihe mercury plummeting to sub- pajr 'ary'' cast would be per- nc 5 8ny n,ore a RePUD''can than K ......n i.i in, niillpri to rehearse wilh Mnlhnrp a,c a hi'im-'"". Weather Again Bitterly-Cold By TIIK ASSnt'lATKD PltKSS The broadcast added that Soviet .midwest and northeast early to- i of his uncertain stat Ambassador Jacob Malik had pro-;n''1'- None of those mentioned by Me- Actors Kquily contends that Carthy was immediately available i,ioH in iho t'nrninn niim.. mH Mi'low zero reaflmKS some ol ; ,.,i,:i ii..,i,.. i . d.i.u ...k;.. fnr comment. demanded "his immediate release lhpm the lowest of the season -Jhis r(,nbceinent ' would have to he' ' response to a question Me- and free permission for him extended from the Northern Plains return In his country." I across the Great Lakes and from m'w i ui k Mint' irmi ix'w Miimm. Cmt'iigo notched lis lowest tem- Thr Forficn Oflirc ncknowl fdgpd that Biryuknv is at Ihn hns- his replacement would have to be1 either an Kquity memher or a foreign player o( equal rank. Levin has threatened lo sue Actors Kquily for damage if it 7 V dl nV V' , ' " ' ppraturo since Frhniarv l!5 when " Vi ihV i CThih h p.lal hut said he applied for asy lhprmomplrr rpeislprpri ' r,rs t0 r ?sp ',,e PlW. which has mm nnu hmm-ii m hp twt, any . par ,n(j. Visit by Soviet nff.cials. A Russian Bismarck.' N. D., had -21. Inter Embassy ofhrial was permitted to jon( Ka . dpd ,? talk only with the doctor in (;ranlsDllr(!i Wis.( .20i Burlington. cn,r',. I Iowa, -15. Syracuse, N. Y., -II, Biryuknv left hift ship at Hull ; Masscna. N. V., -35. Waterlown, Dec. 22. Undnn newspapers saidjN. Y., -24. Albany, N. Y.( -30, and Ihe dortor barricaded himself in in PW Kneland. Burlineton. VI.. been a sellout for months. reported -24 and Lebanon, N. H., had -30. (Thill air spread into all except the southern edge of the country east of the Rocky Mountains. Temperatures along the Gulf Coast hotel room after being ques tioned by intelligence agents. This was the Daily Mail's account: Biryuknv "stamped up and down his room, banging the walls and ihnuting" throughout the night of Jan f. The hotel management failed police, but he wouldn't lei them in. After he kept shouting "I demand my freedom." the po lice battered the door down. When the polire entered, Biry knv dropped 15 feet from a win onw m me inwn neiow. nis wrists w ti lr tvi and neck had been slashed, and i Woodhtirn Jlas JNew he was taken to the hospital. Spies Nabbed In No. Korea Carlhv indicated he does not ex- I pect Kisenhower's support when IIP .SUl'MS I ctr II (JIH'II IICJll JCOI . "We are not on a 'Dear Ike and 'Dear Joe' basis." he added. But he said he will be a candidate anyhow. McCarthy announced during the program that he and his wife, .lean, had adopted a five-week-old girl from a New York foundling, home. He said they had derided to name their new daughter Tier ney Klizaheth, for her adopted grandmothers. TOKYO M "Armed agents" of the l'nited States and South! Korea have been captured and ;l$iiiling Permit at ii icu mi mii-inpLiug iu nun inn I Hungarian-type uprisings in Norhl and in Florida remained in the Korea, a Communist newspaper 50s and AOs. Snow which blanketed much of reported today. Hodong Shinmonn, semiofficial the Ohio Valley in the past 24 North Korean nuhlication. said hu011" h .ml;rd faslward toward the spies were tried at North 1 lnljs said that while the 1956 tntai Ihn Atlantic ( nocl nil i. r : :i f i mu i . " . Slnvton $318,300 STAYTON (Special) BuildinR permits totaled $.118,300' for the ealendar year. Recorder Ward A. Inglis reported to the city council. Hungary Reds Admit Holding Camcrawoman RUDAPKST on H u n 8 a r i a n Communist authorities have ack nowledged that Mrs. GenrRelte Meyer Chapelle, American free lance photographer, has been held tncommunicadn for over a month, the U.S. legation said today. A native of Milwaukee, Mrs. Chapelle had been working on pic hires of Hungarian refugees for Life magazine. She left her Vienna hotel earlv In Jlccemner, telling Ihe room clerk she would be hack in three days. Later she was reported to have been picked up by the Com munists Dec. 15 nine miles inside Hungary while In Ihe company of some Hungarian students. Recently the American legation aid it had been trying to get the Hungarians to say if they had her In custody. Whangha Provincial Court. The js helow that of 19M, it is more report, broadcast by Pyongyang) than the 11154 figure, radio, gave few details and no Residence building permits were verdict. - j issued in the amount of $193,500 in l .; f .. "IL coarse i neing American mS6 as compared to $278,225 the JIIHIKt; Ol 1 IU I. agents has been used in the past nrrvimia vear Business htlildint WOODBl'RN (Special) Irvingi 'or almost anyone of Korean ori-; permits total $I18.R(H) last year as D. Drown UBS sworn in as justice ' gm tried in Norlh Korea for ac ; compared to $124,620 for 1953. Public building, winch was fnr the addition to First Methodist t church, amounted to $6,000. ' of Ihe peace fnr the Wondhurn district by Henry C. Mattsnn, county clerk. Brown was elected justice of the peace in the spring election as successor to Harold Kichsteadt who was appointed on the retirement of T. C. (iorman. The new justice of Ihe peace will conduct court at his law of fice on Front street near the cor ner of Arthur street in Wood burn. Hours will be from 10 a.m. until noon Mondays through ! ridays. Sulilimity Cliooscs lliirtmniiii us Mayor SUBLIMITY (Special)-AI llarl- niaun was elected the new mayor of Sublimity at Ihe regular city council meeting. Cnuncilmen sworn in bv Record' er (I. It. Bradley are Mayor. Al Harlmann: Gene Russell, Ralph lilay, Joe Heuberger and Harold Ktzel; treasurer, Krrol Kintz. ( ommittee appointments will be made by the mayor at the next meeting. Another Big-Footed Swedish Beauty Caused Filmland Stir Bv At. INK MnSftY (ifthtd PrfM llntlywond Writer HOLLYWOOD (IT) - Another wfde with a larpe hn ue ha taken Hollywood hy storm beau ri'nl hiRer Stevens, who landed a tarring roln opposite Hing Crosby Inr her first movie. InRer. however, is not like that frther bid-fooled Swedish star. Gar- bo. but a Grnee Kelly-type blonde with more warmth and vivacity Fhe has bip blue eyes, a sunny umile and an 8 AA shoe, whirh, he says, "I'm very proud of." I Like Grace, lncer learned her I craft as nn actress in New York' television shows and has moved to Hollywood to become one o( the new atari of 1957. Flrit Morle "Naturally (his is very etcitinp for my first movie," Inper said; on the MGM set while she and Crnaby rested between scene.. ' 'Blng' very nice. He aeems so relaxed It relaxes me." Inaer was reared in Stockholm, hut her family moved to this coun try aeven years ago. Her father. teacher, worked at Columhin IWiiveraity "and we moved around the conntry a lot." He now tench, e m the adult education depart ment at Texan Tech. Nearly four years aco lnper, whft had worked with her father In little theater groups, went to New York to rrah show business. She toured on the stage with a Stpia Hasso show, "Picnic" and 'Oh Men, Oh Women." She ap peared m a short lived play on Broadway, "Debut," and appeared n numerous live TV dramas. Paramount tested her "in no make-up and with vaseline on my fare an I looked like a dead eat" for "The Tin Star" with Henry Fonda. Inger lost the role but the studio gnve her an exclusive contract. Paramount made Grace Kelly a star hy borrowing her from MGM, and now it's turnabout. MGM bor rowed Par amount's lncer for the Oosby film, "Man on Fire." tivities against the state. Adult Classes at In(leM'iulcnr' Oprii lNDKPKNDKNTK 'Special) The enrollment for Ihe adult edu cation classes at Central high school has reached 110. The tailor ing and mntnr tune up classes are nnw closed fnr enrollment. Enroll ments are still beinu taken for be ginners typing, soils, intermediate sewing, and bookkeeping. AH Wins Chain Saw MOI.AM.A (Special' - David Kraemer of Ml. Angel. Oregon has won a D-44 direct-drive chain saw in the MeCulloch Saw Draw con test, it was announced today by Molalln MeCulloch Shop. Molalla, MeCulloch chain saw dealer in this nma Twpntv-fiv winners were classes have been in session one I Reeled today, and 75 more will night except bookkeeping which j bp picked before the contest closes will start Feb. 21. Any one inter ested in these classes may call Howard Holt or Central high The cost is $5 per person and all classes are held at 7:30 p in Feb. 8th. Plan Mausoleum MONMOl'TH (Special) Prelimi nary plans have been made for Ihe building of a mausoleum in Fir Crest cemetery, south of lown. De tails of construction will be made upon completion of final plans. MoreComfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Hera 1 pieman t way to overcome loo. plt tllftcumfort. FASTEETH. an improved powder, aprlnkled on upper and lower platen holds them nrmer ao that thev feel mort com fortabl. No gummy. Rooey. pasty I timifi or feeling It a alkaline mon arld. Dora not Hour. Cherks plata : odor' .'lenturt breath I. Oet FA8 TKKTB today at any drug counter. I Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Science Finda Healing SubaUnce That Does Both Relieves Pain Shrinks Memorrnoms K. T.rfc. R. Y. (p..l.M - For the flrit tima aeienca haa loond a new healinir anbutanc with tha astonish init ability lo ahrinlc hemorrhoida and to relieve r-ain-withoiit ur)cery. In ca after case, whila pently Telleyinit pain, artual reduction (shrinkane) took place. Most amarinfr ot all -results were thorough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles; have eeased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healinr mb stance l Rio-Dyne )-discovery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now available In suppository or eitifment form ander the name Preparation At your druggist. Money back truarnntee. C. I rat. so. Vein to Orjjani.f lilonmoutli Harrrk WONMOL'TH (Special-Several eterans of World War J attended lh first open meeting of a new Barracks at tbe Chamber of Com merce hall in Independence Knday tvening. Tlans were made for or ganizing a ParracVs and Jess SoJin of Independence was named temporary commander and C. S Btthell, Monmouth, temporary quartermasler. The next meeting will he Jan. Jt the cit? hall in Independence ' I p.m. At this Unv ejection of rfrftM and obligation of cand flPW fc P'rft name jf&&4&(ii chosen. II IIIIII1IIIII 'I i To Persons Wearing Dental Plates Platet don't chine, but il'i normal for the gums to shrink, and this reduces the contact between cjum and Denture. As a remit, Plates may wobbls and rock, slip sideways, or drop down at embarraitinq momeots. MLY ON YOUR DENTIST TO CORRECT THIS CON DITION. He can adapt the Plates to restore snug, com fortable fit and vigorous, healthful chewing power. PEtlTm PIBTE5 NO CASH DOWN, on approv.l of crtdM Enjoy wtrin9 your PUlti whil. yoo p.y in imall Monthly Amounti. PRICES QUOTED IN ADVANCE rQisbvulLLs Am4 Staff o (.jiilMfd OmNiH o)dektisi UWPl I 3-3311 1 UaT STATE & COMMERCIAL, SALEM C PARK IN ANY IOT . . . Civ ui lh TICKET ... for Iht period you r hivinq PmI Smvicn r"(srmfd I" our Offlc. PARK FREE SHOP at OWL NITES TILL 10 SUNDAYS 9 TO 6 RUBBER BASE LATEX WALL PAINT IfefeCTTTTn 4li T-l J 1 1 II I 1 xiJ A 1 I sasx-r 099 X X , 1 Look! 24" Metal PHONE STAND Satin goldtone finish with (olid weighted base for rigidity! Perfect for either period or modern de cor. Phone easily locks into place and entire unit can be moved by lifting phone itself. 98 I 7 1 smiSL 1 -aw w vHlL X" Ti- rr " " 1 ' x iXi'i " r-tfSS M , V J ' v,' ifrtUW $0 Popular, We Bought AH We Cooftf . . . end Cut the Prc Even Lower Than Everl COLORAMA LAUNDRY CART Washable, sanforized pink, yellow or Turquoise Bag with clothespin pocket af one end! Free-O-Matlc swivel wheels of matching colors on tubular steel folding frame! Regular $4.95 Save nearly $2,001 8 New at Own,. " LASS OVENWARE 7 PIP re dai, :L '-thri On, 9" Sl Pl. p,gtt top. -nocKing Ovtn-proof War. SAVE fcl V a.t or REVERE WARE WHISTLING TEA KETTLE Stainless Steel with fast Heating Copper Bottom Easy to Fill and Pour Cool Bakelite Handle Big 2',i qt. Capacity 3 50 3 98 so aM,t:. SPECIAL OFFERS! 49c GLEEM 53c BRISK 53c CREST TOOTH PASTE 2 Tubes ,., 79: PAPER Slie 15x15" Boirs of 50 25c Value KLEENEX NAPKINS 49c LEAD PENCILS PEMGRKE No. 2 l.rad 60c Value 12 29c POCKET COMBS 5" BLACK ty 1A lOcValues W IUC PANTS HANGER 3-w 25c HARDWOOD MKTA1. HOOKS 15c Valurs RUBBER MATS for Car or Poor Choice of Colon 39c ROSE BUSHES BARE ROOT INDIVHH AI.1.T r.nxrr sr O O00 J i. CHERRIES 59 Juicy Maraschinos in Creamy Fondant rhoire ia. or Light Keg. lit CDC Chocolate Lb. BOX IT" Ppalar Cavalkr SUIT HANGER Shspsd woodsfi iKouldsr td psati bar. Nlesly varnlihtd. Ma4y snod. 89- laffo Assortvd Celr CHORE SPONGES It i anJ Skip..! Co. Fff Seal Pak Pint Siie STORAGE CONTAINERS Dandy for deep-freezt storage T ghf, aaiylift lids. Plailic Pastel Colors tZft Set of 3 J7 Colorod Indiin Htd COnON TABLE CLOTH Red. whitt and pjitfls. S4x54" wiihabla heavy cetron. Reg, hemmed H ' . S1.39 I SALAD BOWLS Nilarel leeikw.aj Wi smooth BoltHi. i" ilta. n. m lack 300 Uootora Cllppr Eloctrk ALARM CLOCK Smartly Styled bory Caiol UImh alqk Ma Q98 mm n.H aS 1