Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Mon Jan. 14, 1957 ) Her Turn to Escape UW1 - jlli.miinnnnilIT - '- i MARKET QUOTATIONS Portland Livestock PORTLAND W'USDA) Cattle salable 2.600; market uneven; fed steers steady to 50 lower; fed heifers generally steady; beef cows steady; canncrs and cutters weak to 50 lower; bulls strong to 50 higher; no high choice steers load average choice 1.006 lbs 21.75: several loads of bu1k!C'n0'ce steers 21.00-21.50; good TAMP KILMER. N.J In 1944. Minn Klara Kendle. Hungarian 4- woman novelist, helped an American flyer shot down near her home to escape. Her husband was latrr shot by the Nazis. Now married to Paul Bnrdossy, Miss Kendle, her husband, and her son. Ivan (above) have escaped to the U.S. The flyer's name was John MrCormlrk (AP Wlrephoto) Wreck Truck Brings Action The overturning of a truck wh(lc It was being returned to the owner from a place where it had been serviced has resulLcd in a damage suit being tiled in Marion oounty circuit court for $2,118.10. Plaintiffs in the case are the Par-T-Pok Distributing company and the Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. Defendant is Payless Oil company. The complaint states that a Iruck owned by the plainliif Par-T-Pak Distributing Co. was being returned from the defendant's place of business where it had been serviced when jt overturned. The vehicle was damaged in the sum of SI.75H.10, It is contended. In addition the plaintiff says the vehicle was laid up for 18 working days, resulting in a financial loss of $.160. Funeral Services for Mrs. Morslail Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Mollie Me.'itad, who died Friday nicht at 80, will be Tuesday at 2 p in. in Ihe Virgil T. Golden mortuary. Officiating will be the Itev. John T. Cnuhle, pastor of St. MarV Lu theran church. Burial arrange ments are pending. amin. Mrs. Ben j 43, Succumbs Mrs. Marian Benjamin, 2119 Dra per St., died today of a heart ail ment at a local hospital. Mrs. Benjamin. 43. was horn in Bedford. Iowa, on Nov. 23, 1913. Before she came to Salem 10 years ago she lived in Monmouth and Portland. Survivors include the widower, , Lorcn K. Benjamin of Salem ; sis ter, M . Herbert V. Townscnd, Salem; parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Smith. Monmouth; a broth er, Richard K. Smith. United Stales Air Force. Texas. Funeral arrangements are hcing made at ("lough Barrirk Funeral home and will be announced at a Liter date. Dallas Theft Nets Firearms Ray C. Scliott Passes After Long Illness Following a prolonged illness, Raymond C. Schott, 65, died Sun day in a Salem hospital. Scholt, who was an apraising en gineer for the stale tax commis sion, was born in 1H!)2 in Olex, Ore. He came to Salem in 1030 and was married here to Mabel Porter. Scholt has worked as a county employee in Coquille nnd then for the stale In Salem. He re tired in r.c5. A veteran of World War I, a member of American Legion and Masonic Ixwge 4, Schott is sur vived by his widow, 1140 Donna Ave. Other survivors include a daugh ter, Mrs. B. J. Scolt, Spokane, rVnsh.: son, Robert It. Schott, at consulate in Meshed, Iran; sisters, Mrs. Iliiel Shelley. Redmond. Ore.: brother, Ralph K. Schott, Los Angeles; six grandchildren, ("lough-Barrick Funeral home DALLAS (Special) Several guns, a typewriter, portable radio, record player and large number of records wero taken in a robbery sometime Friday afternoon at the Raymond Adams residence Route 3 towards Monmouth from Dallas. Value of the things taken was es timated by investigating officers -il .UW Hire Aftfimc U'lirlrc nnH ir AH-.m. tic Tint it hnmn a f announce funeral arriinee- dog left in the house was in thej"unis m a ,nicr onic yard when they came home. From this fact investigating o f f i c e r s; - - - opined that whoever had take-' the ; llolwi I'aII'O things from the house was known ! llllt I HI 1 (HILL by Ihe dog who did not protest PORTLAND OP) Butterfat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deiiv- rr.H in Pnrtlnnri fi2-fi5 tents ner lb; first quality. 59-62; second ' available; quality. 54-57. U..ttnw Uknlneilo f ft h cubes to wholcsalcrs-fJradc AA, ' steers mostly 10 00 20 00: standard 1.1 score 614; A grade. 92 score, s'ecrs i .'-io ': iwn n,au i.ii )', B grade, 00 score. 59; C'W 10 high choice heifers 20.25; grade 89 score 57 I two loads average choice 20.00; Cheese-To wholesalers-Oregon . wod heifers mostly ".50.19.00: singles. 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, I manner and cutter cows 850-9.50; ,,, ,. stroneweight cutters to 10.00; Hnl vto'JjTi, retailers-tirade AA.Istein cutters up to 11.50: utility i " 4 i.. ai.4.s- AA'and commercial cows 12,00-1.1.50: m'..m 40.44- A medium. 39-4.1: ! lew commercial to 14 50: utility A small 35-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents hulls 14 50-1600 few to 16.25-16 2o: additional I l,sht cullcr bulls dow" ,0 1150 aaniuondi. . Cavw saabe iM: market 41-43'.: A medium. 37-41',: A ". s'""' ,, nici ivealrrs mostly a.m-ii.m, lew Live 'poultry-No. 1 quality." choice 28 00 29.00; standard fob. Portland-Fryers, lbs. ; vealcrs 15.00-21.00: few good and 21- light hens. 1011 at the farm: i choice slaughter calves 17.00-18 M: heavy hens, 13-14 at form; old dill and utility calves and vealers roosters .j,,i. i u . Hogs salable 800; market active: weight fryers 27-28 ' 23 Sradc butchers mostly 50 finbhils-Aver.iee to growers- higher, some 75 up; other grades i :.. .k;. i.v.jit ihe 9I.U- -nl.iand weights strong to 2.i higher; ored pelts 4 cents less: old does, j sows fully steady: sorted No. 1-2 10-12 few higher. Fresh killed (fade lynchers 190-220 lbs 19.75 fryers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, i hb.val showing 20.25; mixed pjj in. i-j gram's i.uu-i:r..iu( aui i Wool-Nomioal, clean basis. '1 " sows iinsiu blood. 1.15; i blood. 1.25; i. blood - graaes uju-ujm. 1.03-08: 'i blood, 1.40: fine. 1.50. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs, 35.O0-.18 O0; good. 32 00 35.00: standard, 27.00-31. 00; com mercial cows, 25.00-30 00; tit ill t v. 24.00-27.00; canncrs and cutlers. 20 00-25.00. Beef cuts fchoice steers) Hind quarters, 42.00-45.00: rounds 40.00 45.00; full loins, trimmed. 60.00 67.00: forequarters, .10.00-32 00; chucks, 31.00-34.00; ribs, 47.00-54.00. I.amhs -Choice-prime. 45-55 lb. 37.00-39 00; good, a 1 1 wis, 34.00- 38.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 120-170 lb. 20.50-30.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lb. 46.00-48.00: shoulders, 16 lb down, 31. 00-34. 00: spareribs, 39.00- 44.00; fresh hams, 12-16 lb, 53 00- 56.00. Slab bacon All wis. 38 00-49.00. Veal and calves Good-choice. all wts, 33.00-45.00; standard, 28.00-40.00. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellows, 50 lbs. 2.35-50; med. 1.75-2 00; White, 3.50- 75; Ore. Danvers, med, 1.75-2 00; in. 2.50-75. Potatoes laical Russets, No. 1. 100 lbs. 2 50-75: Central Ore. ftus-l sets. 3.00-50; lge, 6-14 07., 4.00-25; No. 2s, 50 lbs. 1.15-25; Idaho bales. 510 lb, 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100 lbs. 3.00-2C. Hay No. 2 greeo alfalfa, baled f.o.b. Portland, 34.00-35.oo ton. Portland Grain PORTLAND m Coarse grains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No 2. 38 lb white 57.00 Barley. No.2. 45-lb B.W 51.50 Corn. No.2. K.Y. shipment .. Wheat Ibidl to arrive market basis No.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.49 Soft White (excluding Rex) . 2.49 Gladys I.andis, West Linn Sheep salable 1.800: good aod choice wooled slaughter lambs steady to 50 lower; shorn lambs steady; load mostly choice 115 lb Washington range lambs 19.00 lo order buyer; other good and choice wooled slaughter lambs 17.00-18.50: load of range lambs at 18.75; mixed good and choice shorn lambs 16 50-17.50: deck of mostly choice with fall shorn pelts 18.25; cull to good slaughter ewes 2.00-5.00. Chicago Onions By United Press Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market for Yellow Globes medium steady, for Span ish firm. Track sales (50 lbs.) U. S. 1 un less stated: Idaho Spanish 3 -inch aod larger 3.35; Yellow Globes 70 80 per cent 2-inch and larger, In diana car 1.10. Wisconsin car 1.10. Minnesota Hollandale car late Fri day 1.15. Street sales: Colorado Spanish 3-inch and larger 2.40-3.65; White Spanish 3-inch and larger 3.50, 2 3 inch 3.50; Idaho Oregon Spanish 3-iach and larger 3.35-3.65: Mid west bellow medium, reg ular 1.00-1.15. Mid Willamette Obiluaricsv Grace Stewart DAYTON (Special) Grace Julia Stewart, 89, mother of Glen Stew art of Dayton, passed away in Ore-1 gon City, following a long illness last week. Services were held Wednesday, at 1:30, from the Chapel of Macy and Son in McMinnville with in terment on Bethel Cemetery in Polk County. She is survived by her son, Glen, Dayton; Leslie of Ilickrcal; Mrs, Mrs, White Club , 2.49 'Nellie Turner, Bethel; Mrs. Mar- Hard Red Winter: Ijorie Hamstrect, Salem. Ordinary 2.44 Deaths the entry. List of things taken included a .22 rifle, two 30-30 rifles, a .22 pis tol, a 3-speed record player, a portable radio, a large number of Return Pistols " '"' November were returned to the Winn, ji lid M'liir nr r? i'i Kae. 1 1 per cent 2.4!l 12 per-cent 2.4!) Monday's ear receipts: Wheat ....... , 2W- harIrv 8: fIonr 13: corn 6; Six Runs stolen in the burglary of 1 0ilS j. mi fpprf ,n a Salem sporlinR Roods store in ' ' 10 per cent 2.44 11 per cent 2 44 12 per cent 2.44 Hard While Baart: ! Mm. Marlha Ilonildtnn Ordinary 2 491 rwirtrnt of s:w s. uth St.. nt 10 nnr rnnt i ah ' a lnral hospital, January 12. Sur- ' t' i t vrtl hv cl.-iuehtcr Mi-e nttn T.h. Heart Attack Fatal lo Mrs. Chicago Grain owner Monday by Salem police. i lie Runs, an pistnis. were rc- riiiiwr.n nri,nc tirmnA covered by Boise Idaho police in ,ho Rrain ps on ,hp 'Bo:ir(, of Mr Ilarrv . -'""i in'iiiu.iii j r;uC Monday hut the Rains were and Morris Hjornsen on robhery ! nothint, tn , excited ahout CarR.-s there, they wrote Salem; A (.onibin;ition of drv weather oftu rrs recently. , in u, Smilhwos, 1)mI C(),d W(,,lth. A checkiiiR of serial numbers ted er in the Midwest stirred up a lit to identification of the Runs, of-' tie early demand for cereals, fleers said, and they were sent I Hlowinu dust was reported in Kalrm: sons, I'arl O. Vinle. Mmnrnptitis, Minn,: Gilbert A. fliin (Irrson, Newport; slslrrs, Olflva Kris trnsen, Norway: three urandchil dren: two great-Rmndrhildren; thrpp nipi-rs jnd one nephrw in Nonvay. and mir niece in Seneca, III. Services will he held in the Virgil T. Golden rhapel Wednesday January Ifith at 2 m I'M. Kev. John Cauhlr'will offi cuite. Interment. City View Cemetery. Clven: Mai v ( ,roon I here for return to Robert Green. tiction nf ih,. nnihu-.t mi,r il.n Coulrier will officiale. lnierrnent in brief isil home operator nf (Ireen's Swrltnc conds vvi-ekenil Th. .m.H a... Clly Vlrw t'-net.-ry. clai. At ii local hospital. Jan. I2'h. Survived bv cousins, Mrs. Blanche Clark. Salem: Mrs. Carolyn Ross. Sa lem; Mrs. Florence Wlnslow, Tilla. monk; Mrs. Hazel Smith, Inspiration. Arir , and Kenneth Prince, Sale in. Services will be Tuesday. January IS. at 10-HO a.m. In the ClmiRh-Bar- ( hapel. I tie Hew r.rnest .Slate Boundaries Mav Be Decided At This Session KnlloviiiR from the tmspilal laM week. li Mary Ciuop Milteied a heart at lark and wa rushed by Willam cite Ambulaiue Service to evenuiR Mrs. Croon lived at Kl I. llox :UU She was born in IHil) ;ii llrlle- i viile. Kan . and married Manam 1 K. Croup in iwi and. 10 years One of Ihe bills which will be later. Mrs, fnmp came lo Salem before the lcRMature now in ses- Mrs. Croup Mas a member of sion would ratify action recently Hebekahs, Koyal Neighbors of taken to determine the exact America and of the auxiliary ot boundary between Oregon and Spanish War Veterans Washington. Survivors include dauRhlers Mrs A committee of the Oregon Com- lHirgia Wielk, Salem. Mi s M.i mission on Interstate l'onperalionln'bi Sodnch and Mrs IMiylhs recenlly signed a compact with a ''"'hoi st , Davlon: sun Henry Al ston IL'OI South fomiliereial Sl.'in.ind fur iiw ri-nn uhnr.l .-w H.,l Mnlllr X1i.rNt.irt The guns were taken in a bur- the publicity ntlendinc President s rJ,n1rI,l,n' 2surv" e? bV'.-i Rlary of the store November R Kisenhouer s tour of the drouybt dauchters. Mrs Even-tt Hoimes. Sa- Vji (!', ilc mi tin ,'li ir. ,.i ...( : l.-n- xt T F Hridffmjin. S.ilcm: the hospital where she died Sundav h.'k....... . ,i n;,,1.,l4:i,n ; it, .,''' ,j . , : Mrs. Leonard Anderson. Leeds. N. """man and Hjornsen in (old weather increased farm; link: smt. Mrs. wuiiam Webster. were Riven. Salem police said, and i consumplion of feed grains in the ' Heviis Lake. N. Dak.: 4 urandrhiid 11 was not known il they mimilted 1 Ml,sl. l;fr"lT any knowledge of the Salem bur-1 Wheat closed VP h i c h e r. uioiden chapel Tuesday. Jan. is. at flu-i' !m u . i i '-diI 11 tn.. Rev. John Cauhle offuMat. u ",n umi,i,,IK,l,!ir,, tn lieu of flowers, contributions j 10 ln nigner, Aiarcil l.h's-U; OalS to SI. M.irk's Lutheran Church. ' lower to higher. March 7!vL M c r' I1: rye P, to 2 CCllts btRher. i lMe rPSUi,.nt of lUO Donna Ave. March V. -Ml; soybeans VI at a loeal hospital. January l.T Sur , . , , , . j vivrd bv wife. Mrs. Mabel Schott. I 1 .'."nun - .i3 . mu s.item, and dauft liter. Mrs. H J l nn I il ir lllnw brd 7 to 25 Cents a hundred Scott. Spokine. Wash. Announce- (IIO lr lU.lO )w,uls ,iich(,r .;lm,ilr, n-.cfr-mriI (It1e D.ivis of Tneoma. Wash. 1 llll'il Monii.IV at n l.val hinil.-il I ! 1- ; Siibrln. Amelia Trlr l iuMxiia KcsidtMiI Passes in Salem Al Hie rrsitlvil WIS N. rtiurfh Sllllllnr WilShmRton Broil. I' IICIVMone. ra ; liroth- lOllowulK a SIIIHIell Illness. rllll-Ai-ll in In n..i.-. 1 Salem. Janimry Hth. Announmnrnl The compnet must be tprwel !" " mown. Oskaliwsa. la ; la is ami his wife were head- . , , . f M-rvnc. wilt be nude later y hv both Oregon and Waslunnlon tfiniuison, two Kraiiiltl:iiii;liters ""K fr Mexico ami had stopped "'""",, w. T. Risdonjt-o. leeislatnres hefnre il will hmtine ItTOIt-itrantleltiltl. m liulrpendeoi-e to visit a friend . Inl l'h,'r "W loppe" M , ioiikii Marru k is m chari-e o( w nrn ii.ivis w as laken ill. lie was .' --o e. "-v Ai a i.uhi nonnai. jamiaw funeral ai i .,nKnnenls. whuli will ''""''I to Salem and was in a est price since last .lime. : ' hRJ l.l,-. nospital lor two ilavs. He is sill'- l"sl - 1'oonu oimcocis ,;,, w,.t-m. Salem Annoiin.e- , l,cd In his WldiW. Mrs Detla s0'1' ;1t 5t7 75 to $18 00 with sev- ,..ei,t of ..ervues will be made later IVivis and a son, Paul Davis of eral loads at $18.10 lo S18 2.S and ,h' llounh-narrioli Funeral Seattle 85 head al $18 50. Butchers seal- ""' . ircil T. tlohlen Kuneral Home tm: 210 to 2711 pounds moved at Marion nenjamm: "ill announce arrangement, at a $17 50 to $17 75. , , WorV'S. "if- later date. t : frVV of prime steers i vived by husb.uid L. T. Bentunnn. n.nini-i.irl..i, fv. ?s in ? S Most 1 S.ileiii . Announcement ellective. The proposed compact liinsl also have approval of con gress. Members of the OreRon commit tee which prepared the compact are Sen. Kudie Wilhclm. Jr., chair man. Sen. Paul K. iieddes. Hep. (leorpe J. Anoln. Hep. Karl It Hill and State KnRineer Lewis A. Stanley. Dairy, Ponllrv IVirrsOff'OnI be announc.Hl at a later date. VI IV I. Mrs. I ronaldsou Passes, Sen ices On Wednesday Mrs Mal tha Donaldson, Mti S. Hth St . died Sundav in a Salem i - Salem Markets Inch choice and prime went at iiairuk Funeral Home. $'-'J IK) to Hovers paid $10 2 to $12 50 for utility and conimer- cow s. hospital from a stroke after resut Compiler! trom tenon, ot HIS in Salem since VK!. rle.ler. tor the i,tanrr ot r.pital ', . ' . . .,.nn,,,J'v Itlh 'SurMiert hv ...... Journal Rearleri illevi.ed rlalvl i t'OlHl to prime woolitl lamos Martm s.ileu: d roRTl.ANI) W - Dairv and !,pn, n)e v,ri;i1 1 iulmi peiiet. - u rno-ib ear poultry products prices declined . 1 '"" J",,n ':llll,,' "utn' .";, here Monday with bu.terfat. Ih.I-!;I J"''-".'-"' t,,e, ter and ecus nil dropping a eent.i innt.irv uai.nai noe-ib bi Some dressed chicken prices, how-! , rs Donaldson was horn in I'nuiit,: ever went up a cent. Stavanccr, Norway, as Martha liuxiri pru-e. Colored fr,erv ?iv The local action followed similar I'hnslonsnn. si,o as married to ",'t ; '"' channel at other points, the De-!llwKo Donaldson in Salem in r ' partment of Afiricullure market'1'' She was a ntemht-r ot the ..,.!. rooorloH I .lit 1KT.1TI cllliri'll. ... ..,J,..V. A TV w ,.' I a 5. . Surviunn nr a eLorMer Mr.,. n.o. )".. : ' Miatrartii. rhrrnr LavtnuM. o '!?.' "-;. ""Ta ' vaor, '' k ? RCPIT.KKS IN' rVSTOOV icma Vto. Mmpi,t. Men ; m. o, r,nTO kweaii"" nar" Rav J. Martin: Late resuleiil of 3PM Htvercre.t nr. Sale-n. a: a hu-al nopoal Jan- pv wire. .Mrs Haoehler Mr w ent at $19 00 to $21 00. Uovrl Pufa. Salem. Announeemetit Salable receipts were 10.000 . -e-vu-,- -,:i N- made later oy hoes. 25.0t cattle. 201) calves and ""' 3 (XH sheep t lvrff FIIH lvlt: 1 .Hi ie:.loi.t o TuiMina. . t 1 ,i It' hon'iial Janturv Ul:i Willi Wlfiu.l !virti bv wilr. Mr. K.!.in Dauv T- Metal shares Atuioim.-f iv-m ot .tirvies will b m. Hi i.n r ov iric irjn i. itou. 1 NKW YOKK LP paced a stuck market decline late , Monday afternoon but aircrafts ; rse , f huge government AI.ZRl HU. Austria t-P Tcn.OUlii'rt A Gur?J:-yo Noi-i Ummii. Hunporion reu-etp ho tit' tuxart Ojjiva Kristenen. Noav. A'jr ff.tA rt-r.iut. ec: ttfurd U Aiwkrui nM) tf t'ofltt) mree nieces nnd w nephev m fl?1 -v?t-i'a -J wiU kn fcwra tiOcvo o(0 ' .NWway; a niece tn Seneci. 111. mV' Al " fc . A O U-ve custody" y the Austriar'and three grandchildren and two ,74, who;?!- 7 "q?r poijee. 'great grandchildren. 'trs. 7.v. TTTi Justice Sher;.i Minton -of ur- V S Supreme Court was in the 1' S Infantry on the Verdun (n in World War I. RESTLAWN Memory Gardens "Sacred 6rdcnj el derail leiurj" SAI.KM'S NKWKSV MOST MODKRN MKMORIAI. PARK Ph. EM 4873 ; 677 N. Cottage T 0 Y N T 0 R P H 0 N E E M 4 6 Let A Classified Ad Solve That Problem TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Young German Police dog. female, ans. to "Frau" Finder Ph. 3-512(1 or return 2195 S. Church. REWARD. 316 Personal MADAM Hazel. Psvchic reader, advise on all affair. .1805 S. F.M4-!)2fi.'.. MOREpeople buy World Book Fncyclopcdia. Why? EM 450 Mrrclianilise 451 Household Goods BE THRIFTY Buy used furn iture Ac appliances. The THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms at WOODRYS THRIFTY USED FL'RN. 515 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-3319 450 Merchandise 458 Musical Instrument 3 HOIXS Bucle Loop Cotton Broadloom. 9' width. I greon. 1 rose & 1 cocoa Reg. S5.95 iq. yd. Now $3.33 sq. yd. HOGG BROS. 2S0 State St. LIMFDnakdining set. Drop laf. Onlv S8t" 50. Used Mdse. Mart. ?70 S. Liherty. Ph. EM 4-6371 . YOU'LL BE AMAZED AT THESE BUYS DURING OUR ANNUAL NO OXK CO.MPETES WITH THESE PRICES ! TERMS TRADES - FREE DELIVERY 12 lino rugs ALCOHOLICS Anonymous cronn No. 1. 2088 N Com'l EM 4-2341. I Rpf.. $l0 95 Floor jamps ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, fiflfl Reg. $2.45 EL drop cords S. Com'. EM 2-2108, EM 2-2850. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sale FOR SALE 2 kid's ponies, gentle. 1 Shetland gelding, 2 yrs. old. 44!(0 Silverton Jld. NELSON'S Dairy Breeders Assn. SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef. 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping. Bacon sliced free & trailer loaned. 403 Livestock Wanted TOP cash prices at your place. nay t-ozei, r.rv. i-.hom L-oneci. LIVESTOCK buyer, Edwards. Rt. 3, Box 899K. EM 4-1113. CATTLE, 42fl7 State. F-. I. & H. Snethen. EM 2-1345, EM 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. .C. McCandllsh, EM 3-U189. CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. 1260 Harmony Dr. EM 4-9M7. 405 PeH BIRD Paradise, birds, Iron fish. 3ieo Livingston, em 2-1111. MICKEY'S parakeets, cages. feeds3825 S. Com'l. EM 2-2755 KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 54R0 Center EM 2-7989 Puppies all kinds. Buy St sell. Ait noon eves. 10 aun, cans. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce LARGE dried Italian prunes, 15 cents lb. Del. 20 lbs. A over. EM 2-2086. CLOVER hay & potatoes SI & SI. 50 per 100 lb. l'j ml. Kast 2 mi. North of keizcr Sen. (No .sales Fri. after 4, St Sat.) Ed Sproed. 414 Poultry & Rabbits BABY Chicks hatched vr. round. Special Kcd Roosters 5c ea. Valley Farm Store, EM 4-4624. BABY Chtck--for meat or es. Send for free folder. Wilson's Hatcnery. Lyons, Ore. PR ITLrlck 9-2533. 4.10 Merchandise 451 Household Goods Dt'RO table saw Ar motor, exc. cond. Ph. 170X, Turner. Ore. Your clothes washed & dried in a hurrv. Neatly folded. Kco- nomical ! LAUNDER F.TTE block Fast of Willamette IT. 1253 FERRY ST., EM 2-4555 A PIECE limed onk dining room set. Onlv SSfl.'lS. Used Mde. Mart. 270 S, Liberty. Ph. EM 4fi.71. "sewing mTTchTne THIS brand new elcc. auto, port able 20 vcar guarantee. Heeu larly $2a!t its now SI4S1 !5. Easv terms. Liberal trade in allow ance. Free home trial S.ilem Morse Sew itift Center Ml is . lapnni i-.m 4-;inj UNFINISHED-furniture. HL Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High. Wrought Iron dinette sets Reg. $139.95 dinettes 36 only, modern occasional chairs $14.95 step stools Reg. -$69.50 mattress .... $4.98 .... $6.88 ...$ .99 ... $39.30 ..$105 00 WURLITZER spinet organ, mint condition, save $400. Gulbran sen spinet reed organ $2o0. Storre Piano Co.. Salem. SPINET PIANO BARGAIN. Two discontinued models at bie discounts. Hurry! Tallman Piano Warehouse. 393 S. 12th. near S. P. Depot. 'Drive to Tallmansand savJ FOR SE:CelloJ50: EMjWIM. PIANO and organ lessons. My home or yours. Nancv B. Hunt. 3365LibertyRd. KM3-ltO20. CON NSON AT A Church m "del or gan and tone cabinet. Uscrt l months, onlv $1500. F.stey fold ing organ $150. Stone Piano Co., Salem. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. EM 2-7472 HONEST, fair, cash price paid for good, clean, used furniture and appliances. EM 3-5110. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer MISCfurnlture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-6098. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials WE INSTALL plastic will tile. Formica counter lops, r ir Birch cabinets. Let us give you a free estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Ward Ac Co. Ph. EM 3-3191. PIPE PIPE - PIPE V ... 1 ALL 75c. It. J1.25 ft. SI SO ft. 15c. ft. 4" 2.1l'. It. 5" 40c. ft. 6" KINDS VALVES & FITTINGS i" to 6" 464 Sport. Equipment CASH pafd tor used gum. mod ern and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 470 Building Materials WMl YEAR END SALE CONTINUES OAK FLOORING $9 95 ' No- I HL $p;95:no.2Rl HAKES k SIDING & box spring sets $39.95 ; N , Painted shakes At Ree. $119 00 EnKlander UC ....10.7!1 sq. bedding sets $08 S8 1 x 12 SIS2E Cedar 110.00 M Modern bedroom suites. leg. jinsi.wi siw.w Lynch daveno set $98.00 He. $249.00 foam sectional sets $195.00 Riltu-ell rnckeri reg. $49.75. 6 colors ..$35.O0 Reg. $29.95 rockers $18.75 door mirrors $2.99 19 freezer, like new . $19500 Used ant. EL ranges tested, good $35 to $55 lot radios $10.00 Eleetrolux vac. cleaners Inc. att, $.o.wu 1 lot davpt. sets $13-00 Used bunk sets $15.00 New metal folding chairs $3.69 1 x 12 Inv. Spruce . 1 x 10 mv cedar . i'a" 4R"JC!16" 1 x 10 Spruce .l 75.00 M ....130.00 M 1.85 ea. 700 good 3 panel doors with frames & hdwd .. $7.50 smoke-damaged Chip board, good 2 sides I5c sq. It. Flushometer Toilets . .. $15 ea. Wash basins $10 4' 3-tube fluorescent lites $10 e. 8' 2-tube slimline lites $2" Used Fir fir $45 per M Used lumber. No. 2 St btr $45-$55 per M E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Pd. Ph. EM 4-R311 4 mi. North of Salem.1? mi. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday PLASTERBOARD 48"X96" 48'96 48"x96" rocklath .1.30 ea. 1.60 ea. .185 ea. -34c yd. ROOFING 3 In I 215 lb. compo shingles . 45-lb. roll !W-lb roll Krall paper .7.85 sq. 2.50 ea. ...4.00 ea. ...2.40 ea. New breakfast chairs $?95i26 X G8 2.000 Bargain Buys "A" GRADE MAHOG. DOORS 20 x 68 4.70ea. 24 X 68 5-25 ea. Z 6M ea! 28 X 68 . 1605 N SUMMER ALMOST new chrome dinette set. Onlv S47.31). usca winse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. IF YOU need a single Item or a complete household 01 new or used furniture or appliances. Buy now on our asy terms. Woodrv's Thrifty Used furniture 515 S. Com'l. Pn. EM 4-3319 1 block So. ot Pa pe rM m VACUUM CLEANER TteDossesfied Electrolux complete with polisher for less than half price. Take over contract for $1.25 per Wk. EM 2-SH89 I Dir.) 4PIF.CE dinette set with red leather chairs. $17.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty Ph. KM 4-6371. SEWING MACHINE SING K H walnut console. New guarantee. All the late fea tures. Left on our hands with $59.50 balance, take over for $1 wk. KM 2-B.TR9.i Dir. I DISPLAY-cabinet. Hanging cor ner riinlav cabinet, both In laid with "ivory. Dining tahle & side board. All pieces are rose wood. Bookcase glass doors, carved. 6 din. chairs, silver chest. mahogany. French Marquetry desk. KM 4-1BU3 for appt. LIV. RM. Sc hdrm. suite: Chest draws; arm chair. Misc. EM 2-5.183. 2 CU. FT. deep freeze, auto rirver. chrome dinette set. O Keefe Merritt gas ranee w ith built-in griddle, coffee table & other misc. furniture 2640 Portland Rd. 452 Appliances 100 Disploy Classified ! DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT Needs Trained Men Pays Top Wanes Diesel man. Ed ! Marnchergrr writes: 'Since" .the week before Julv 4th I have averaged over $130 per week. The last two weeks I made $152 and $158 respect : ivcly. 1 am convinced thir nur training program play : ed a great part in my aii : vancement." If you are mechanically in clined, we can train YOU and help you get started in this, . field whu h offers oppor- -tunny and a future. s Write at once for complete details about the possibilities ; fiT you tn the Direct and Heavy Equipment Field with out obligation 1c "TRACTOR TRAIN'TNC, SFH VICE. PLACFMFNT ADVIS ORY DEPARTMENT Box 480. : Statesman-Journal. ELKCTRODAY elec. range $0 KM 4-72fi5. WESTINGHOUSK automatic washer Al. SH1I.95. I'scd Mdse Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. KM 4-6:171. G U A RANT F, K D Recondi'ioned automatic wish ers, drvers. ranges At refngs. $31 5(1 A- up. VEATKK APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. VACUlfM cleaners (all makes) uprights & Tanks $12.50. COMPACT VACUUM CLEANERS 1321 N. Capita! EM 3-7067 USED" washers$15t "up Mod ern Appliance Center. 1141 fto. . 2 35 ea. 3.10 ea. ..4.00 ea. . 4.55 ea. . 5.20 ea. 'A" GRADE BIRCH DOORS 20 X 68 7.20 ea. 24 X 68 810ea. 26 x 68 8.40 ea. 28 X 6 " SANDED PLYWOOD 4x8 tt-in. Fir 4x8 ?ii-in. Fir 4x8 ia-in. Fir 4x8 i-m. Fir . 4X8 n-tn. Fir 4x8 -ln. Birch A-3 . HARDBOARD 4x8 U-in. Industrial l.W ea. 4x8 U-ln. Industrial 2.25 ea. CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD LANCASTER 4 CENTER PH. SALEM EM 2-1500 ME -I m. tirhlta Hath let MmD with fittings . .. $139.93 Aluminum Storm Doors $39.00 Wood Storm Doors $18.75 V RC Mahog Plvwood l.V'jC. sq.ft. 1 null' Ktanlev KlectrIC router-planer kit . $98.00 2 onlv used 6" power saws . $15 OOea. FOR YOUR RF.MODF.L1NG a vn rkpair NKF.DS i at ns arr.inpe one of our EASY PAYMENT PLANS LOANS arranged up to $3500. and up tn S YEARS TO PAY v NO DOWN PAYMENTS. Easy monthly payments. Lome nr call in today and let help vnu with your home modernization needs. INTRODUCING! (REPRESENTS A YEAR'S STUDY A HEATED WAREHOUSE (no foolin'l to hring YOU th BEST in PANELINGS. SDGS, and other FINISHING MA TERIALS. Wonderful Stock, VARIETY & SERVICE, our aim YOUR GAIN! ! 1 All this at nur regular low everyday prices. PLYWOOD GALORE! Ext & Int as low at 5c. low as I4c. AND WE'LL CUT A3 YOU WISH, i, mahog lO'.i ft. 'k BIRCH 10c. & 18c. (Nor mally 27c.) Doors $3.95 up. Oak fig. Imp Birch fig. and Pecan fig. (All tn heated room) Competitive prices! Free estimating, prompt de livery ai no extra cnargeii REMODELING? TAKE 38 moa. ihu uuwn on p- firoved credit. Enjoy your buy ng. Try "Your Building Sup ply Friends" at Portland Road Lumber Yard Open all dav Saturday Phone EM 4-4433 472 Plumbing & Heating NEW Spark oil heaters (slight enamel iiaw i discount. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. 474 Floor Covering 1 SHORT ROLL OF CARPET Beige. Green St Brown Tweed Effcct-9' width Reg. $8.95. sq. d. Now $6.95 sq. yd. HOGG BROS. 260 State St. INLAID linoleum $1.78 per s yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co., 260 1 Liberty. 480 For Sale Mlictllinaout 454 Sewing Machines COMMERCIAL Singer Chain Stitch sewing machine, i Em broidery work) EM 4-4219. 456 T.V. & Radio 21" TV Svlvania with stand, like new. EM 2-1301 after 5.15 p.m. 7" PORTABLE Traveler TV. 6 weeks old. $75. EM 4-w-Cy. 458 Musical Instruments YARDS M9 S. 12th St. KM 3-oe Keith Brown Specials CLOSE OUT While They Last DOORS DOORS II Onlv 20x6-8x1 3 flush mah! 2nri! $1 00 10 Onlv 24x6 8x1 , 10 lite f re-nth " 6 Onlv 24x6-8x1 i 5 lite french 5 00 ea 5 Onlv 24x6-8x1 s t panel 5 00 ea. No. 2 slip jambs (inside door jambs) . .. 1.00 ea. HARDWARE Schlage locks ke-.ed 4 50 ea. Schlage locks patio 2.50 ea. 21, to 4x4 butts 50 pr HARDBOARD 4x8x'i hardboard . 1 fW sht 48x hardboard 2 00 sht For unrterlavment carpets or lino 4xHx hardboard 3.52 sht AIR compressor, $55. Tank, Sauge, hose. EM 4-4228 after 30. VACUUM CLEANER Elextrolux elec. cond. thorough ly guaranteed, onlv $14.95. Terms. $1 per wk. EM 4-7102 (Dir.) 6 YR. CRIB, good cond.; all steel baby Tenda; whit enamel baby scale; 2 yaggi TV antennas. EM 4-597B. 20" CRXfTSMAN tilting tabla jig saw $29.50; ft" Craftsman tilting Arbor table saw, motor & acces. $59.50; 38 S & W Atrweight model, extra am munition & holster $38.50 EM 4-0831. Eve. KROHLER daveno, green, bumper ends; Speed Queen washing machine, 40 Albumi records, salt & pepper shaker collection EM 4-5118. CEUAK tence post good quality. Treated or untreated. Poles. Ph. EM 4-3081. 550 GAL. gasoline tank, welded on skid. EM 2-7315. 50 cubic foot refrigerator, iteam table, french fryer, grill, meat sheer, cash register, soda fountain, tables, chairs, cabi nets, booths, counters, stools, dishes, silverware. For infor mation: W. H. Haskin. Prop erty Manager, Oregon Stat Highway Commission, Stat Highway Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE: Workman hoist, truck bed. 340 gal. gasolina storage tank with stand, '49 Chev. sedan delivery. 3 Hoi sicin heifers. 1 feeder steer, 14 T. Corn silage. EM 2-6230. 7CHOICE Belcrest lots $50 each" All for $300. Others at $30 A $40. EM 3-7598. PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 TYPEWRITERS adding. ma chines, cash registers, Dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup p h es.Roe n s. 456 Court. EM CALCULATORS, choice, used. Marchant Calculators. EM 2-6550. NEW General Electric clothet dryer. $129 95. USED automatic and wringer washers. $15 and up. USED electric ranges, $15 and Several very good used refrifs. Easy terms, 'SA-H' stamps Master Service Stations, Ine. 365 IS. Commercial 481 For Rent Miscellaneous RENT cr lease lge. warehouse space cement floor, brick bldg., downtown. Inq. H. L. Stiff Furn. EM 3-9185 !:;;S 1 1 j ! j j j i Like Magic SPJNET PIANOS. Rent with fiptmn to buy $5 mo. Free dravage. Tallman Piano Ware house, 3!15 S. 12th. near S P Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." ACROSONIC SPINET. A beauty, like new $450. Y.7. terms too' Tallin an Piano Warehouse, 35 S. 12th, near S. P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices."' ACCORDION or Piano lessons Free ue of accordion. EM 2-3255. Duane Hunsakor. FRENCH PROVINCIAL 1 model, quick sale. W areti.xi-e. PP.Dcpot WE pny 483 Wanted Miscellaneous PANELING lvift n.t. n. 1 rom & better inverted cedar 90 00 M ivx R.I. Nrt 3 mm A better Joint w w WANTED several thousand cords WANTED to buy scrap Iron and other metals. EM 2-2341. ivA R.t. No. a com St better V Joint W OO M 1x8 R-L No. 3 com It better Alaskan 75.00 M lxin R-L No. 3 com & better Alaskan .. 75.00 M of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721 i-lill .MgntS Ul 4-5633. 484 Miscellaneous DFNTAL PLATE RJTATR 1-HR. SERVICE T4 MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMTLER, Dentlrt Adolph Bldg. State ft Coml Sis. SALEM PH. EM 3-3311 ria PLYWOOD Sanded Fir 07'i sq. ft. Sanded Fir 09 sq. ft. Sanded Fir 12 sq. ft. Sanded Fir . . .13i sq. ft. Snmet. Sanded Fir .15 sq. ft. will discount for 1 I Lot .isn A winnow aqa. u.U:m.. T.-l. Tallman Piano ' Sliding Class A Frames W in-! 4Q Machinery & Tools MS :i!h nr' rinvi fnits 50 net. Off Try Our Easy Budget Plan He member. Nothing Down Easy Payments. top cash price fnr Lcd Mrfe Mart TTO Liberty. EM 4-6571. ,,,,,,,,, 1 Classified Ads EM 4-6811 PIANOS WANTED Top cant) pd Talti'.iar.'s. 3i5 S 12th, near S. P. De(ot. Ph. EM 3 570T H AMMOND-Home n-.dl. Organ, latest mdl.. like new, special price. 2 Hammond Chnrd Or gans, exc e nd . save $.150 ea. 7nRri j; WiWIWl 519 Court St EM 4 S252 USEDrpianon Sp-net. Grands h I'pngM Morrell Oren Sacs A SerMce. N. H;gh t'l 4-71. " HAMMOND ORGAN USED. 1? re-- Mrre!' Or gjin S.tts A Serwce, 363 N. H gr EM 4-2271. LUMBER YARD T5 N. Front EM 3-9111 "We Give SAH Green Stamps" E uT. CT R I C- si C he a t ersT25 5: gal. elec. water heater. 15 12-2 wire. 47c ft. In rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc. hail set. $120 uu:lt-tn ranges Buil '.-in ovens A 4 burner v.r.t SIM Outlet boxes 25c. '.t-2 wire. 4c ft in mils. Ace F:ectric A PLimNng, 1410 Broadway. EM 2-1-M. srERAL used weMers. See at 790 Stewart St PrT EM 4-7544. USED Welders for salraa"ni- i n ois EM VICTOR cutting torch a a d gauges. Also 0 ft hose. A bargain at $50 . 434 So. 16th. 490 Fuel OLD GROWTH oak. well sea snned. $10 per cord. You buk MAyfatr 3-fa37 Eves. ' HIGHWAY SlTSk CO. " S A WDU ST A UjOOD 4 3 M SHAVINGS: WE DELnTB PH. EM 2-617 DRY If F:r wood. Pick up at frm or deL cord loU. P. LM 4-J0AL o O o