Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 14, 1957 THE CAFITAt JOURNAL Section 2 Page 7 DEN MS THE MENACE By Ketcham IX MENTAL HOSPITALS Notes on the News Closed Circuit TV Therapy May Be Answer to Doctor Shortage MONDAY ON KOIN-tV: (6) :M p.m., Cartoon Time "Duck Soup to Nuts" itarrim Daffy Duck. S-.00 p.m., R,d Dunning Show-Uncle Red shows wild life films, and resents guests. 5:30 p.m., Armchair Thratr"Th Tphii r Ev.n,.h...,i .I.. Bennett, Andrea King. Robin Hood "The Dream." Studio One "The Dark Corner" stars Phyllis Thaxter. Burns and Allen Gracie helps a coed pull a Pygmalion. I Love Lucy Ricardo's apartment begins to resemble ting Bruce 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., :0I p.m., 9:00 p.m., a pet shop. 0:30 p.m., December Rrld, rude awakening to Lily and friends, I0:3S p.m.. Showtime on Six-Rex Harrison and Maureen O'Hara 'ar in Foxes of Harrow." -Visit to Indiana chicken farm brings MONDAY ON KI.OR: 1J 4:30 p.m., Laurel and Hardy "Thicker Than Water." S-.IXI p.m.. Range Rider "Let 'er Buck." 5:30 p.m., Oene Autry "Gypsy Wagon." S:00 p.m., Wild Bill Hickok Jingle's nephew proves no sissy. S:30 p.m., Meet Corliss Archer Corliss and Dexter plan to build a sailboat. 7:00 My Little Margie "The Golf Game." 7:30 Dr. Christian Kidnaped by two gangsters and forced to treat their wounded brother. :00 p.m., Man Called "X" Intelligence agent Ken Thurston (Barry Sullivan) investigates collapse of American-built tunnel in Afghanistan. 8:30 p.m., "The Hard Way," starring Joan Leslie. Jack Carson, Dennis Morgan. Ida Lupino and Faye Emerson. New York Film Critics ward for best feminine performance to Ida Lupino. 10:30 p.m., "He walked by Night," starring Jack Webb, Richard Basehart. Scott Brady MONDAY ON KPTV: (17) Playhouse 4:45 "Kilroy Was Here, Wllty The problem of the starring Jackie Mysterious Package" brought 4:45 p.m Coogan. 6:30 p.m. to Willy. 7:00 p.m., Waterfront Cap'n John's car is identified as the auto used in Ocean Inn robbery. 8:00 p.m., Sir Lancelot in effort to rescue captive in lord's "Black Castle." 9:01) p.m.. Twenty-one Jack Barry quizmaster of game which en ables contestants to win an unlimited amount of money. 9:30 p.m., Robert Montgomery Presents Martha Scott and Kent Smith in "Give and Take," story of woman who, marries most eligible bachelor in town. 10:30 p.m., Colonel March Psychoanalyst murdered during consul tation with attractive woman In "The Sorcerer." 11:00 p.m., Cross Current After years of pursuit, a would-be killer wounds his victim directly in front of Storm's hotel. 11:30 p.m.. Tonight Starring Ernie Kovacs. MONDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club The Hardy Boys, a mysterious man- ion holds a hidden pirate treasure and the key to high adventure. 6:00 p.m., Trouble With Father Stu Erwin and "Track Meet." 8:00 p.m., Danny Thomas Terry and Rusty try to thwart "Danny's Date.-' 10:40 p.m., Channel I Playhouse "Slightly Dangerous" Lana Tur ner, Robert Young. TUESDAY ON KOIN-TVi (6) 12:00 Noon Bob Crosby Show Bob sings "Cindy, Oh Cindy." 2:00 p.m., KOIN Kitchen Dorothy Shcrill, consumer marketing spe cialist O.regon State College, discusses "Buying Tips." J:0fl p.m., Garry Moore Show Durward Kirby as "Mayor Quag mire" tells political secrets. 4:45 p.m.. Cartoon Time "Hare Ribbin'." starring Bugs Bunny. 5:30 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "The Doctor Prescribes," starring Mary Brian, Clark Howat. 6:30 p.m., Sgl. Preston A blind husky and famed arctic lead dog. Yukon King, team to lead Preston to killers. 8:00 p.m., Phil Silvers in "I-ove That Guard House." 9:00 p.m., To Tell the Truth Mike Wallace, Hildy Parkes. Polly Bergen, and Dick Van Dyke try to find out which contestant is telling truth. Bud Collyer Emcees. 9:30 p.m.. Red Skelton Red as Sailor Cookie in "Sailor Takes a Wife." Mickey Rooney guest slar. 10:00 p.m.. Code 3 The sheriff's office of Los Angeles County investi gates "Bail-Out." . 10:35 p.m., Showtime On Six Gene Tierney, at flood-tide of glory. In "Dragnnwyck." Co-stars late Walter Huston. TUESDAY ON KPTV: S7 10:00 a.m.. Home auditions for the road company of "The Most Happy Fella." U a.m., Matinee Theatre Four grown offspring fight meddling Here We Are. Comedy Time "Dale for Mrs. Morgan." Northwest Home New Tartan fashions from swim suits mother in 2:00 p.m, 3:30 p.m to skirts. 4:00 p.m Boh Steele, 4:45 p.m Cowboy Serial Time Part 2 of "Six-Gun Man." starring John Howard, Playhouse 4:45 "Search for Danger,". starring John Cal vert, and Myra Dell. 8:30 p.m., Noah's Ark "Talking Ostrich," starring Paul Burke and Victor Rodman. 9:00 p.m., Jane Wyman Show Jane Wyman stars as nurse in a prison hospital, in "Portrait in Fear." 9:30 p.m.. Aluminum Hour Dick York and Jack Wharton in "A Real Fine Cutting Edge." drama of a young Army private determined to retain his individuality. 10:30 p.m., Badge 714 Set. Friday and Officer Smith get a clue from a grocery bag. 11:00 p.m., Scarlet Pimpernel in "The Winged Madonna." TUESDAY ON KI.OR: (12) 2:00 p.m., Life With Elizabeth Elizabeth uses "Handwriting Analy sis" to slip a bill for a new hat past Alvin. 2:30 p.m., Lady of the House Vivien Freeman makes an unbaked applesauce cake. 3:00 p.m., "Arrest Bulldog Drummond," starring Heather Angel. ... 4:00 p.m.. Western Star Theatre The sign "Wanted: Dead or Alive spurs Whip Wilson to action. 5:00 p.m., Captain Z-RO "tunes in" to events in the reign of Genghis Khan. 3:30 p.m.. Gene Autry A brave senator finds fighting "The Ban d'los" more fun than battling on the Senate floor. 6:00 p.m.. Superman To save an innocent man from execution. 6:30 p.m., Fishing and Hunting "Steelheading on the Umpqua River." 7:00 p.m.. Judge Roy Rean Rancher finds his son a killer. 7:30 p.m.. Charmed Circle Howard Garland emcees new wecklv series in which a viewer in the "charmed circle" receives a shower of PifK 8:00 p.m.. Dr. Hudsoo's secret Journal "The Conroy Story" explains difficulty of a phvsician who must sometimes lose battle for survival 8:30 p.m., "Three Strangers." mystery starring Sydney Greenstreet. Teter Lorre, Alan Napier. Geraldine Fitzgerald. Joan Ixirnng. 10:30 p.m.. "Shoot First." starring Joel McCrea, Evelyn Keye: Mantis Goring, Herbert Lorn. OKAY. LETS GO! MUSH ! TAKE OFF " SIC 'EM ' MUSW .' ruff ; h'Akzup TUESDAY ON KGW: (8) 8:15 a.m.. Town and Country - With guest Paul wesler and subject Horticulture. . ... 10:00 a.m.. Morning's Movie ' Stranger on the Prowl starring Paul Muni and Joan Lorrine. 11:30 a.m., Community Workshop "The Palette Revolutino. li no noon, Wunda Wunda The Scary Thing" 12-30 p.m., Telerama Ray Milland in "Perfect Marriage ' 2:00 p.m.. New Horizons Your government features the Depart ment of Interior. 2:30 p.m., Stage t "Ragged Stranger. 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club The Hardy Boys and Dig lor Treaure." plus the cartoon. "Baggage Buster." t oo p.m., Frontier Tilt Ballad of Pratty Polly". 7:30 p.m, Chevenao '"Land Bcyoid the Law." :30 p.m. WyaK karp Tmprs are, short mi guns are drawn yen eiio' rtr CapW:o argue, aver a prisoner in n r4. CVuirwl t fHyhmts "Xmrvi X ScuU S.M"". ' Ardtm. On Television UHF-KP1V (27) VHf-KOINTV (6) KLOR (12), KGW-TV (I), KVAL (13) ftrhe-dule mhtcct to Uat mlnut chant by nations. MONDAY 4:30 p.m. KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon KVAL C.Ufst Book KGW Pioneer club 4:45 p.m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Ttma 5:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning KIX)R" flange Rider KVAL Hmincluu KGW Mickey Moun 5:30 p.m KOIN Arim-nmt KLOR Gent Autry 3:4.4 p.m. KVALf-fttwi, rVm, Spti 6:00 p.m. KOIN Wei., New, Spti. KLOR Wild Bill KVAL Jungle Jim KG W Trouble With Did 8:13 p.m. KPTV McGlll Newi KOIN Edward! Newi 8:30 p.m. KPTV Willy KOIN Robin Hood KLOR Corlln Archer KVAL Public Prosecutor KGW Newsheat 7:00 p.m. KOIN Studio One KLOR Margie KVAL Cisco Kid KGW Hall Of Start 7:30 p.m. KPTV riddle Fisher KLOR Dr. Christian KVAL Dncumrntarv KGW Bold Journey 7:45 p.m. KPTV NBC Newi :00 p.m. KPTV Lancelot KOIN Burns-Alien KI.OR Man Called X KVAL rPiiU"i Hridt KGW Danny Thomai 8:30 p.m. KPTV Stanlev KOIN Science Fiction KLOR Movie KVAL hxlse 714 KGW Voice 9:00 p.m. KPTV Twenty One KOIN Lucy KVAL Twenty One KGW Biahoo Sheen 9:30 p.m. KPTV hut) .vlnleinv Prei KOIN Decemher Bride KGW Top Tunei KVAL Bob Mntgmy. Pri. 10:00 p.m. KOIN TV Flaypnuxe 10:16 p.m. KLOR Newi, Wea. 10:30 p.m. KPTV Col. March KOIN Movie KLOR Movie KVAL Visitor KGW Newi 11:00 p.m. KPTV Crosi Current KVAL Movie 11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonight TUESDAY 8:00 a.m. KPTV Today In West KOIN Panorama Pacific KGW Praver-M inn 8:13 a.m. KG W Town A- Country 8:10 p.m. KGW Cartoons 8:43 a.m. KOIN Hcriucing KGW Trlcscone 9:00 a.m. KPTV Tic Tar Dough KOIN Valiant Lady KCW Telescope B IS a m. KOIN Love of Life 9:30 a.m. KPTV Could Be You KOIN Search Tomorrow 9 45 a m. KOIN Guiding Light 10:00 a.m. KPTV Home KOIN Visitin' Time KGW Movie 10 M a.m. KOIN As World Tumi 11:00 a.m. KOIN Miss Brooks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Tenn. Ernie KOIN House Party KGW Workshop 1J:00 noon KPTV Matinee KOIN Big Pavoff KGW Wunda Wunda IS M p.m. KOIN Bob Crnshy KGW Telerama 1:00 p.m. KPTV Queen for Day KOIN Brighter Dav KVAL Queen for Day 1:15 p.m. KOIN Secret Storm 1:30 pm. KOIN Edge nf Night 1:45 p.m. KPTV Modern Romancei KLOR Public Interest KVAL Modern Romance! 1:00 p.m. KPTV Great Life KOIN Arnv-hair KGW New Morl7ont KI.OR Elizabeth 2 .10 p.m. KPTV Truth Conseo. KOIN Strike It Rich KI.OR Ladv of House KVAL Truth Consequen. KGW Stage 3:00 p.m. KPTV Colorami KOIN Girrv Moore KLOR Movie KVAL Mnvir KGW Film Festival KPTV N. W. Home KOIN Arthur Godfrey KPTV Cowhov Time KOIN Mr. Moon KPTV- WMIIIe KGW Pioneer Club KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Time KOIN Red Dunning KLOR Capt. Z-Ro KVAL Houndun KGW Mickey Mouse KOTV-Movi Kl.OK Gent Autry KOIN Wea.. Sots.. New! KLOR Superman KVAL Little Rascali KGW Frontier KPTV Mi'Gill Newi KOIN Edward Newi KPTV Cisno Kid KOIN Sgt. Preston KLOR Fishing. Hunting KVAL Rohin Hood KPTV Break the Bink KOIN SH4 nnn 7 KLOR Judge Bean KVAL T" Be Announced KGW Polka Time Mpm. KPTV-J-nathan Wlnteri KOIN Trut Your Wife? K' OR Charmed Circle KVAL Code 3 KCW Cheyenne KPTV NBC News KPTV-Rig Surprise KOIN Phil Silveri KLOR Secret Journal KVAI, Big Surprise KPTV Noah's Ark KOIN-Te Brother! KI.OR Movie KVAL- Celebriiv Playhie. KOW Wva't Earp 9 00 pm. KPTV-Janc VSm.n KOIN - To -ei Tfllth KG W Broken Arrow KVA!-Jar.e Wtrnxi KPTV Aluminum Hr. KfllS Red Skelton KVAIAluminim Hr. 1A Oft n m KOIN' Code Three KGW Rntemarv Clvney KLOR N KPTV Bsdoe 714 KOIN Movie KLOR-. Mm e KGW Mnwe KVAI, Zine Gre 1100 pm. KPTV Scirlet Pimpernel KVAI-Mnvies II pm. KPTV-Tonight Bv ROBERT COI.DENSTEIN CHICAGO I A group of Cal hjrnia researchers suggested to day that group treatment by "television therapy" over closed circuits might be one answer to the docto. shortage in many men tal hospitals. They reported good results in experiments with patients at Ag news State Hospital in Agnew, Calif. The first clue that television could "reach" the patient they said, came in the spring of 1953 when five sets were installed in the Agnevs Hospital to receive commercial programs. Waiting in the current Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, pub lished by the American Medical Assn.. they gave this account: Some patients sat and talked for long periods with the performers and newscasters. Many of these same patients previously had been withdrawn, fearful and hopeless, refusing to talk or having any thing to do with the doctors ana other patients. Others brightened and began to imitate the performers, especial lv the dancers. Generally, the patients became quieter and were more easily m iged. A large percentage of the pa tients had developed the idea that no one cared about them, since the doctors and psychiatric tech nicians were too busy to devote much time to any individual. They had become afraid of attention, preferring to shrink unnoticed In the group. Following up this angle, the re- CentralHowell FU in Session CENTRAL HOWELL (Special) The Central Howell Farmers Union met in regular session at the hall in the Brush Creek area. The new Chairwoman, Mrs. Albert Mantie, presided at the business session, assisted by the Secretary, Lloyd Beutier. The complete lilt of new officers include the chairwoman, vice- chairman Eldon Buetler; the sec retary, Eldon Gerber; conductor, Adolph Kittelson as doorkeeper; and executive board, Ban Steffrn, Frank Beutier and Clarence Johnson. Delegates to the State Conven tion convening in Salem on Feb. 7, 8 and 9 are Frank Beutier, Frank Way and Mrs. Mantie. Al ternates are Mrs. Leon Klux, Mrs. Frank Beutier and Clarence John son. 1 Committee appointments were marie as follows: educational Mrs. Leon Flux, Karen Mantie and the officers; in charge of the hall, Mr. and Mrs. Earl DeSart for Febru ary; refreshments, Mrs. Frank Way; cheer, Mrs. Clarence John son; juniors, Mrs. Flux; reporters. Mrs. Steven Dark for the Stales man, and Mrs. Way for the Journ al; cooperative, Dan Steffen, El don Gerber and Milo Wilcox; leg islative, Steve Dark, Frank Way anJ Roy Rutschman; agriculture. Clarence Johnson, Ted Hobsrt and Alfred Jensen. The Dan Steffen family will be in charge of entertainment for the month of March. No-host supper was served by Mrs. Frank Beutier, witn Mrs. Mux assisting. Should Real Wife Tell of Bigamist Husband's Past By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Two years ago my husband left me. I haven't seen or heard from him since. I thought the world had ended, but 1 pulled myself together for my child's sake. I got out of the financial mess I was in ana, in time, me wouna neaieu, the debts were paid, and my son and I were happy. Now I have located my husband and find he has married. There never was a divorce, so he has committed bigamy, but I just can't bring myself to do anything about it. I certainly am not In love with him, but neither am 1 avenging. Should I (ell, or keep quiet? Pearl J. DEAR PEARL! It o happens that you aren't the only person Involved there's the second wife. You needn't mnke a public scandal over the affair. but the other woman deserves the consideration of knowing that her position Is not legal. She undoubtedly married your husband In good faith, and he is In a position where he can walk out on her anytime. She, at least, should be told the truth. Boy Tackles Purse Thief DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm a single man living in an apartment house. Next door lives a widow who is after me. She's always knock ing in my door, borrowing something, asking the time, even inviting me to the theatre with tickets she claims were given to her. As a friend, I like her, but that's absolutely as far as it goes with mo. How can I get her off my neck? mil r. DEAR PHII.: You seem to be In a state of selge, and It's a draw between the lady's persistence and your ability to hold out. As long as you can say no, there s no need to be eaughl. searchers next tried closed cir cuit television. The therapy in cluded face-to-face situations giv ing the impression the psychia trist was talking to each patient individually. Psychodramas were staged with patients acting out their conflicts and problems. Motion pictures dealing with mental hygiene and other educational subjects also were shown. After tests, the researchers con eluded that mentally ill patients will Improve significantly in be havior patterns when given ther apy by closed circuit tele vision . . ." Of equal Importance, they said, is the fact that many new tech niques of psychotherapy have been developed but cannot be giv en widespread applVation because of the lack of trained personnel and time. Closed circuit television may supply the answer to this prob lem, they said. The report was made by Dr. Hy- man Tucker, superintendent of Agnews State Hospital; Richard B. Lewis, professor of education at San Jose State College; and Mrs. 3aither Lee Martin and Charles H. R. Over, postgraduate students in psychology at San Jose Mate College, 1-14 tMWKLH.M I ' J It's the newest thing In English low gas consumption ears." f JUST A SHY GUY Beefcake King Mickey Wishes People Would Forget Muscles DF.AH DOROTHY DIX: I'm a sincle cirl. with the sole care of an invalid mother. I'm not free to leave the house and I would like to take a part-time job, at least. I have two sisters and a brother, all married. I'd like some advice on this problem. Pam DEAH PAM: If one daughter can be given the entire care of an Invalid parent, othrrg are only loo (lad lo turn (heir backs on the problem. As long ai the "nurse" doesn't complant, everyone else Is secure. Such a burden should not be left to one person. You rnle occasional oulltiRS, at least. Call a family conference, tell your sisters and brother If some relief Is not forthcoming, you'll hove to put Mother In a nursing home at their expense. Snap them out of their lethargy, by any means. Cascade Hidi Notes Winter TURNER (Special) The main bulletin board at Cascade High school for the month of January features the theme, 'Winter Sports'. The scene Is composed of stick fiRiires which have photos of a few of the students inserted for heads. Ice skating and sleigh rid ing are two of the winter sports illustrated. The main office at Cascade has a smaller bulletin board which con sists of a scene to fit the month. This month there is an outstanding winter scene. The Girls League lit collecting clothes for the 'World Clothing Week' which starts January 14. The Girls League and faculty at Cascade arc selecting the first 'Girl of the Month.' DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I met Vinnle via telephone, through a mu tual friend. We arranged a meeting, had a date, then blank! Vinnle never called, though he promised he would. Being In the Air Forco, he traveled around quite a bit. I wrote him, he answered, vowing he loved me. He came home for Thanksgiving, we dated, and declared our mutual love. But since he went back, I haven't heard a word from him. Even over the Christmas holidays, he didn't get in touch with me. Faye R. DKAR KAVK: Vinntr's protestation of love come too quickly and glibly for sincerity. Roller lurk next time. 3:30 p.m. 4 00 p.m. 4 30 p m. 4:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 pm. 8 00 p.m. S IS p.m. t 30 p.m, 7 .00 p m. 7 45 p.m. I oo p m, I 30 p m. t-J0 p n in IS p m. 10 30 pm. LniUAtiu (A a woman screamed and a man started run ning with he? purse in a North Sine street Monday. Jimmy Higgins, 11, on his way to a church to be enrolled as a Roy Scout, saw two other men start chasing the man with the purse. "So I chased him ton," said Jimmy, who is 4 feet in tall and weighs M pounds. Jimmy overtook the man and Dorothy Dix is a Trademark registered in the U. S. -Patent Office by lacKieo mm. inree men sat on him until police arrived. He idcn-l tified himself as Ronald Stewart, 17. who is fi feet tall and weighs pounds. 1 he purse was re turned to Mrs. Margaret Bogar dus, 41, a secretary. DKAR DOROTHY DIX: I've met my drcamhoat a boy from out of town who has a steady. He visits his aunt frequently, and whenever he's here, I make it my business to call on them. I'm told this wilt give a bad impression, but I don't see how. Gilria. DEAR fill. DA: You are making yourself ridiculous, child. Slick lo your own, unattached friends and let ont-oMowners be. Send your problem to Dorothy Dix. Or write fnr her free leaflet D-43. "Puppy Love." In all cases, be sure to enclose a slamnrd. self inches ! addressed envelope, and send request to her, care of this newspaper. Inside The Bell .Syndicate, Inc. tmmminsuat jsgsssm&xnrm s!?ct?iekoj U. S. Gives Ut Koscbiirg Site ItOSEBURG Ut The U. S, Department of Interior has drop ped a claim to 7.4 acres of sur plus government properly here on which the Bureau of Land Man agement had planned to establish a lorest tree nursery. Fred Seaton, secretary of Inter lor, made the announcement aft er being informed that the acre1 age is desired by the Roseburg School District for an elementary school sue, school officials said. The land is located on the grounds of- the Veterans Adminis tration hospital here, located side the city limits. LEGALS By ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD (UP-The year's beefcake king is Mickey Hargitay, Jayne Mansfield's boy friend, but Mickey complains he wishes peo ple would forget about his muscles and let him be an actor. Mickey's muscles are hard to forget since they are very much in evidence around Hollywood since Jayne moved back here with Mickey in tow. At various social events Mickey, his big shoulders almost bursting his tuxedo seams, will balance Jayne on the palm of his hand and lift her to the ceiling at the request of happy photogrnphers. - ' Most of the attention at these events goes to Jayne, but Mickey will get a chance for his own limelight 'He'll make his movie debut in her picture, "Will Suc cess Spoil Hock Hunter?" What kind of a person is Hargi tay? Somellmes Regrets Build "I'm an average guy," insists the shy, likeable Mickey. "But here in Hollywood I regret some times I acquired muscles and won the Mr, Universe Contest. "People think I have muscles so therefore I should eat a lot and never smoke or drink. They think 1 can t carry on a conversation, It makes me smile. Why am 1 supposed to be dumb just because I have a build? By BOB THOMAS NOTICE TO C'RKniTOrtS Iit I hrrrhv civen (hat th unrierftiRnfri haa been uppnnlntrd a Ariiiilnlslralrlx nf the rfltntr nf C.UACE H DII.I.ARD. Hn-easrri. In the (.'Irani Court for Marlon fJoun- tlrrflon, titling In Prnhatr. and duly qualified aa aurh Adminis tratrix. All prrinni havinn cahm aennmt said rMnlr are notified to present the umf, duly verified, lo me 2'5 Otejron BuiJdinf. Salem. Ore l. within nix nmnthi rom the date of trili nntire. Dated and flmt uuhlliherl thla ISth day of Di-rcmbiT. 1038. MAI'DR I'RKSNAM.. Administratrix. Estate of (irare H. Diltard, Pereaxed RONALD C (.LOVER. Attorney, Salem, Oregon. De .17.24..H,Jan.7,U ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Italy Opens '43 Tunnel of Dcalh ANCONA. llaly lTl Ancnna's I HOLLYWOOD iP-Transcript tot TMOWt I Bill lh"re potential his profit from reruns. Q. Why did the show fail? A. I just don"t know. H's hard lo second-iiurss the public these days. Maybe I was wro;.R in my rumi-pii'in in n. ror inai reason, j .Tin i lei rranK Hurt, who had writ- of a profit in the first run. tunnel of death has been opened j interrocation of Sst. Joe Friday, would have been the , i t, a ' ' ' alias .lack Webb. Location 4utnorilir u'hn looltoH incirin cnH the bodies of 500 aid raid victims sumptuous office at Mark VII there probably r.ever could be Productions. Description: black identified. crew cut, sober The victims died in an allied face, sport shirt, air raid Nov. 11. 194.1. when a slacks and ca.s bomb exploded at the entrance of ual sweater, a city prison tunnel. It had neon Q. May I have built as a shelter for prisoners the facts, and children of two nearby in- please? st it ut ions. But residents of the A. The facts, whole area had crowded inside indeed. Okay, during the raid. ; shoot: The entrance was bricked over' Q. Is it true and sealed after rescue crews that you have dug into the shelter and found no lrt NBC off the survivors. Civil authorities author-, hook on Nnah's Ark. the TV se ized the opening of the tunnel : ries you were producing and di yesterday for examination prelim- rectine1 inary lo transfer of the skeletons A. That is correct. We had s "W TT ii nNjT,nK ls HKHEHY ti,VEN ihi I 1 il r AWr 4T "rt.-iilt Court nMhe's'la'te of Oregon I I I I J i I V I II II I 9t Mnrlnn County, been appointed JL JL V7 X T T V- V JLF ? j admlnUtralur nf the Eatnte of Myrtle .,,w . 5ir" Harher. Deceased, Clerk's Heai- amdrmMSJBa try No. 1 1.00. Ail neraona havini eln I mi aftninut Raid estate are re nin red lo present them, duly veri fied, with proper voucher to aaid administrator at 310 Pioneer Trust flu lid inn. Salem. Ori'Ron, within ix month from the date of this notice. Dated and flrit published: Jan. 1, 1!'.t7. D 3 RARRKR A(ti)iini.trfll(ir of the Flat nf Mvrllf F Rarhre. Deceased PHOTEN. HHOTF.N A SPEKRSTR A n rioneer 1 rust RulldmK ilem. Orefnn ten some of the shows, direct what I innuA2wvlhC turned out to be the last one. We : Oit n lot of on,.t ., U A M VKIITISHMKNT KOH RIDS got a lot of pood .nail nn the show ! slr1 pi.()(JOMlj for pne,natir and we made changes that were ' Tire and luiifa" win be received hy to cemeteries. Wyall Names . To Liaison Un contract for 39 films in color, but jwe are quitting with the 2.1rd. , , Q. Why are you quitting" ! A. Because apparently the cli- ent is not happy with the show. 1 1 I've had an eight-year relationship j witn the sponsor ann ji nas hi- i ways been a happy one. I want to fiorv kpf,P il ,nt ua-v- O. IWsn't the cancellation PORTLAND P Five prom inent Oregon Republicans Satur day were named to an ad committee charced with keenint! a close tie belwccn the parlv and mean a toss to you? the Legislature's OOP members A, Yes, the company would during the coming session at Sa- have been paid $.'i2.(HK) a film (or lem. State COP Chairman Wendell Wyatt named to the committee John Horton nf Baker. Al Ini(ks of Salem. Ben Lombard of Ash land and Ruth Hagcnstein of Port land. Phil Hitchcock of Portland is committee chairman. the remaining shows I make no nets. money from it: its hard to show, suggested. The show seemed to hae a lot of ;tppe;( for kids. Per haps if we had been on at an earlier hour, we miiiht have sur- vn ed. Q Did the ratings kill the show? A. Yes. It was tinfnrtih.ate that it happened before we had a chance tn build. I knew it wasn't going tn he the type of show that would hit the top in, and I thought it did better than a lot of shows that started at the same time It was hitting a Nielsen ot around 20 which is not bad. Q. Are you antiralings then? A. No. How can I buy the rat ings on Dragnet, which has al ways done very well, and not on Noah's Ark'' Q. What are your future plans? A. I expert to make a feature picture, then begin 78 more Drag- mm County Court. Room 110. Com lnime. Salem Oiconn, until Id (id A M . 'in the 22nd dv of Jan. I'.iM, and then will he publicly finoatlon and apei lf I'-atlona can iitained rrmn the nuntv K.i Courthouse, Salem, Orej nn County reserve the riKhi t anv or all hid MARION COCNTy COURT Of.r (J'n: Jan 22nd AllVKHTISMRNT TOR Mill Srrtled proposal for "Petroleum Vi,fm t" will he received bv the Nation County Court Room 'our ttmme. Kalrrn. Oregon. Ii ii 00 AM. nn the 21t dav nf J .i.ry, I'ifiV. and then will be. publicly iii'-Mi-o and read Information and ipeclf Ira Mona ean to obtAioed from the Count v Fnftl neer. Courthouse, Salem. Oregiu Marlon County reserve the right to eject anv or all hld MARION COUNTY COURT Adv. Jan. .. fl. 11 Ar 14 Open: Jan. lUt A turtle has no teeh But, its viLh CUrfc Canle, jaws have sharp edges for tearing l and 'it jwalletM its forrj whole. AF.RIS HAVE BOY SALT CKKKK -Special -A baby boy weighing six pounds. 13 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carrol S Aebi of Sheridan Wednesday morn- ing. The boy has been named Mar tin and is their first child and also the first grand-child for Mr. and Mrs barren Cole of Sheridan and 1 Alvin A''bi of Salt Creek. Servire Is Our Business RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE We are equipped to service all makes or TVs. Radios, Tape Recorders and Phono- BYER and BECHTEL Radio & TV Service .r,K Slllf SI. Ph. 4 9767 SAI.KM EM 3-4163 I COLOR TV SCHEDULE want to walk around or people think I'm showing off." Mickey wasn't born with all those muscles, but he still was a top athlete in his native Buda pest a soccer and track star and middle Ecropean speed skating champion at 16. His father was a theater owner so Mickey went to dramatic school and studied ballet. He was more interested in career In show business than athletics and left home at the age of 19. Movei to New York He arrived in New York with $7 in his pocket. After working in Brooklyn fruit market for $2 a day, he joined a cousin in Indiana polis and they formed a dance team. He later married another dancer and their team, the Hargitays, was a nightclub success. He also ran a successful carpenter busi ness m Indianapolis. One day a pal suggested he build his muscles at a gym. Mickey soon collected 20 trophies in muscle contests and, in 1955, the Mr. Universe Contest In Lon don. Then came his tour with the Mae West muscle-man show, her subsequent headlined firing of him in a love spat and his meeting with Jayne Mansfield In New York. I "Jayne and I get along fine," he said. "She often says if I 'Around swimming pools here weighed only 100 pounds instead you'll fmd me with a shirt on," of 221 she'd still feel the same he went on earnestly. "I don't'way about me." Exclusive Distributorship Now Available in your area Unusual profit opportunities in dynamic growth industry with Esther Williams Swimming Pools The growth of the home swimming pool business Ls one of today's marketing sensations. Sales have doubled yearly due to the tremendous trend toward outdoor living, the move to the suburbs and the great "togetherness" benefits to the family from a home swimming pool. To just one able, successful businessman in each trading area we offer the opportunity to join the leader in the industry with an aggressive, dynamic-minded management which is really oihthe move ... the outstanding success saga in the industry. As a distributor you will stock and sell Esther Williams Swim Pool Piiks to dealers in an exclusive, protected territory. Our extensive trade advertising producing many dealer leads will start sales fast. All existing dealers in territory will be turned over to you. Construction is no problem due to greatly simplified modern methods which make it easy. Also we supply specialists to help you with sales and promotional programs. In less than 90 days powerful television, magazine and news paper advertising national plus local explodes to promoto the dominant brand name in home swimming pools the largest consumer advertising campaign ever in the industry. Immediate investment required for quick self-liquidating bv ventory. Amount varies with profit potential and sire of are desired. Tremendous profit and equity building possibilities one of America's most valuable franchises. Distributor are getting ready now for big April Kick-Off' , openings are limited. For personal meeting wiret wriJt Of phone today. ttiht Williamt fh dominant brand nom In fh Swimming Pool Indmtry Ntw type, all concrete, in-lbe-ground pool. Every pool, each Swim Tool Pak. come complete i Aherglau diving board, tumkti neel ladder. An filiation plant, underwater lifht and all pomblc tocestnnci ai standard equipment, no hidden eitru, Etctutiv nffty fft rum and moil competitive pricct make, Either Williami Pooli Mty to lelL Oftf Filhtr ll'illtamt Stimmint Pooh hftt I hi (,fod Hmkttplnf tiuaranife Seat! atturing hithrit Quality and imi-rdiaU eontumtt antpia MON . JAN. 14-KMV NBC MATINEE THEATER I Nson-1 P M. COIOPAMA 17 3-3 30 P.M. Robert Montgomery P'ttentt 10-10 10 P M. SEE AT MARR'S I'hont KM 3901 31 to i. ( rxmnrrclil mt 'Tr;Jfe) Otalr Openings Son rat ttfll open, for Information eddreti "0aUr Director," gMng full builrmf background. International Swimming Pool Corp. fjtlvMrt Monvoefvw t If), WoHd-Pomoui fltftff WiHioiBI fall t$Tne wiuiamS, ruisiDWT 17 Court Slrttl, Whil, Doini, Nt '(wk Northweit Sales Manager: Dav Pruast Home uddreii; 717 North Terry Street, Poetltndv Ocegpn Phone: BUMer 5-1 4S o