Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 12, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    AAUW Luncheon
Miss Hattie Bratzel, Marion county district at
torney, will speak to the Salem branch ot Ameri
can Association of University Women, at its lunch
eon meeting. January 19, in the Colonial room
Marion hotel. Her topic will be "The Legal In
tercsts of Women.'
Mrs. Gene Knudsen will be in charge of dec
orations with Mrs. Dale Fitch and Mrs. Robert
Hu- ett assisting.. The decorations for the tables
are being marie by the first grade class of Can
da'aria school, Mrs. Georgia Snodgrass. teacher,
and the secono grade class of Liberty school. Mrs.
Louise Brooks teacher.
Hostesses mil be Miss Josephine Baumgartner,
Miss Ann Bocntje, Mrs. Albert Cohen, and Mrs.
Harry Thorp.
Reservation may be made before Thursday by
calling Mrs. Cornelius W. Lofgren, EM 3 6006 or
Mrs. John A. Dyke, EM 2-7389.
The installation banquet of Salem XYI club has
been arranged for Monday evening at 7 o'clock
t Chuck's Steak House.
Chemeketa lodge. Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, was host at a joint installation with Sa
lem Renckah lodge at the I.O.O.F. temple, last
week. Installing officers were: Lawrence McClure,
district deputy grand master and Mrs. Lawrence
McClure. dist.ict deputy president, assisted by Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Melton, deputy grand marshals;
George Bean' and Mrs. M. W. Read, deputy
grand secretaries; Wilfred Beard and Mrs. Clvde
Bancroft, deputy grand wardens; Mrs. Ida New
ton, deputy grand financial secretary; Charles
Keubauer ana Mrs. ivia'iene Hubbard, denuty
grand treasurers; Pete Voth and Mrs. Lloyd Wood,
deputy grand guardians; and Clarence Kimble,
deputy grand musician. Mr. Beard is also grand
warden of Oregon.
The officers installed for the Odd Fellows
, were: George Patrny, past grand; Pearl C. Har
land. noble grand; Marshall Christofferson, vice
grand; Georgi Naderman, recording secretary;
William C. Drakeley, Sr., treasurer; William Stif
fen, warden; William Croghan, conductor; Pete
Voth, inside guardian; Ora Moore, outside guard
Ian; Raymond Webb, right supporter vice grand;
Howard Hunsaker, left supporter noble grand; Lu
ther Melton, right supporter vice grand; Claire
Weaver, left supporter vice grand; Gregory
Schmidt, chaplain; Clarence Kimble, musician;
Omar Kelsay, right scene supporter; Ralph Myers,
left scene supporter.
Rebekah officers installed were: Mrs. Gregory
Schmidt, past noble grand; Mrs. Clyde Jay, noble
grand; Mrs. Cecil Fletcher, vice grand; Mrs. Clem
Ohlsen, recording secretary; Mrs. Roy Pcarce,
financial secretary; Mrs. Lora Groves, treasurer;
Mrs. Larry Wagner, warden; Mrs. Laverne Laps
chies, conductor; Mrs. Florence Jones, inside
guardian; Mrs. Lila Daily, outside guardian; Mrs.
Charles NeuDauer, right supporter noble grand;
Mrs. Chris Sumpter, left supporter noble grand;
Mrs. Ralph Elder, right supporter vice grand;
Mrs. Matthew Hall, left supporter vice grand;
Mrs. Merrill Emery, chaplain: Mrs. Clarence
Kimble, musician; Mrs. Wesley Hunter, color bear
er; Clarence Kimble, degree captain.
Robert Mrosey, past grand master of grand
lodge of Oregon, a member of Gervais lodge, pre
sented to Mr Patrny a past grand jewel and Mrs.
Loretta Kinney presented Mrs. Gregory
Schmidt a past noble grand's jewel. Miss Delores
Jay also presented Mrs. Schmidt with a gift as a
past president of the F. L. club.
Installation was followed by a social hour and
refreshments, with Mrs. Lottie Chaffee as chair
man. At a joint Installation Wednesday evening, Miss
Elsie Snook was seated as most excellent chief of
Centralia temple, Pythian Sisters, and Kenneth El
wood was installed as chancellor commander of
Central lodge, Knights of Pythias.
Mrs. Clifford Schultz was installing officer of
the temple, assisted by Mrs. Mary Pugh and Miss
Betty Jean Bergner.
Clarence Pugsley, Corvallis, installed the
knights, with Vernon Decatur and'Orva Harris
Visiting grand officers present were Mrs. Pugs
lev, Corvallis, treasurer; Miss Betty Jean Bergner,
Salem, junior; and Ed Smith, Aurora, master of
arms. Past grand officers present were Mrs. Earl
Burk, Vernon Decatur, Clarence Roberts, Mr.
Pugsley, and Mr. Harris.
Members of Albany, Corvallis and Aurora
lodges attended the ceremonies.
Centralia temple will meet Wednesday evening,
January 16, at 8 o'clock at Beaver hall.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish War Vet
erans, meets at the home of Mrs. Charles Kinzer,
1860 North Summer street, for a sociai program
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Finn are announcing
the arrival oi a son, Steven Edward, born January
10. The Finns have a daughter, Cynthia Ann. too.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ediger,
Salem, and Mrs. Daisy Finn, Colorado Springs.
Installation of officers for Hal Hibbard camp,
United Spanish War Veterans and auxiliar: . post
poned from December, will be conducted Thursday
at the Salem Woman's club house. A coffee hour
at 12:30 p.m will precede the ceremon, . Host
esses are Mrs Charles O. Wilson, Mrs. Clyde Mc
Clung and Mrs. Arthur Holdcn.
American Gold Star Mothers plans its social
meeting at the home of Mrs. Viola Tyler. 350'?
Belmont street. Thursday evening. January 17. at
'7:30 o'clock. Assistant hostesses are Mrs. Maude
Dutton and Mrs. Gladys Pinner.
"Are You of Today's World?" will be the chal
lenging title of a talk by Miss Florence Beardsley
at the meeting of McKinley School Mothers and
Dads club on Mondav evening at 8 o'clock. Miss
Beardsley is director of elementary education for
the state department of education.
The program at the school will have as host
esses Mrs. John Herr and Mrs. J. B. Avison. from
Joseph Formirk's room: and Mrs. Locke Taylor
and Mrs. Ra'ph Mocn, from Mrs. Ronald Tren
holm's room.
Annual silver tea of the club has been an
nounced or February 12 at the home of Mrs.
Robert Sprague, 464 East Rural street.
Leslie Woman's Society of Christian Service
circles are to meet as follows next week:
Edna Holder circle, Wednesday, dessert at 1:1a
o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. D. Asbury. 3885
Dakota road: Mrs. R. R. Rasmussen. co-hostess;
Mrs. T. O. Adams, presiding: Mrs. C. L. Blodgett,
devotions; Mrr H. Sanders, program.
Evelvn DcV'ries circle, a' the home of Mrs.
C. F. French. 1745 South Church. Wednesday, 1:1a
o clock. Mrs. Minnie Haman. co-hostess: Mrs. Har
old Allen, presiding: Mrs. Mason Bishop, pro
gram; Mrs. T. W. Trick, devotions.
SILVERTON (Special)-Mrs. Karl Kahle enter
tained at an informal neighborhood coffee hour to
introduce her house guest, foreign exchange
teacher. Mrs Ruqayya Qizilbash of Pakistan.
The visitor has been a guest of the Kahles the
past week ano will in turn spend a week each
with the Cordell Woodalls. the Carl Branstetters,
the Perl Bves and the Murl Andersons while m
Silverton observing elementary and secondary edu
cational practices.
Job's Daughters
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JANUARY features installation ceremonies for all bethels of Job's Daughters here.
At left above is Miss Shirley Reutler, to be installed as honored queen of bethel No.
50 on January 19. Elaborate ceremonies are staged at each event, and the ceremonies
are open to the public.
Symphony Concert
Notable musical event for the mid-winter will
be the toncerl of Portland Symphony orchestra
here next Tuesday night, January 15, the program
to be at 8:15 o'clock in Willamette university Fine
Arts auditorium.
The concert is the second of the season here
and will mark some "firsts" in the career of the
orchestra, Theodore Bloomfield conducting.
None of the program ever has been played pre
viously in this area by the orchestra, except for a
portion of the Mozart music. Advance reviews hail
the orchestra reaching a high peak of n.usical ex
cellence in this its 35th season. The orchestra is
brought here by Salem Symphony society.
A highlight of the evening's program will be
the singing nl Brunctta Mazzolini. soprano soloist
for the event. Widely known lor her work in Los
Angeles and San Francisco, she also has appeared
on several Standard hour broadcasts, and recently
returned rom Europe.
Tickets are available at Stevens and Sons, all
seats being reserved.
In conjunction with the coming concert, Salem
Symphony society and Salem Art association are
putting on two special events in advance. Dr.
Stanley Butler of Willamette university college of
music faculty is to comment on some of the con
cert material in his weekly music appreciation
program over KGAY between 3 and 4 p.m. Sunday.
Sunday evening. Dr. Willis Gates of Willamette
college of music is to be presented in a lecture
at Bush House, Salem Art museum, at 8 o'clock.
He will discusr the concert music. Following the
narration refreshments will be served. All inter
ested are welcome, no charge being male. Those
attending are asked to use the High street en
trance to the parking lot.
Program for the Tuesday night concert includes
the following:
Prelude to "Khovantchina"
Modeste Moussorgsky
F.sultatc Jubilate Motet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Dances from Galanta Zoltan Kodaly
Symphony No. 4
in G Major Gustav Mahler
Brunetta Mazzolini. soloist.
Officers of Oregon Grape camp. Royal Neigh
bors of America, will be installed by Mrs. Hattie
Reuf Wednesda evening. January IB. at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall. Miss Mildred Yetter
will assist.
Labish camp will join in the installation, which
is open to ,he public.
Officers to be installed are: Mrs. Kd Weaver,
oracle; Mrs Joseph Lebold. vice oracle: Mrs.
F. J. Ardt, past oracle: Mrs. Harvey Richards,
chancellor: Mrs. John Sohrt. recorder, Mrs.
Charles Gregory, receiver; Mrs. Homer Lyons,
marshal: Mrs. E. H. Elliott, assistant marshal;
Mrs. Katie Kdmundson. inner sentinel: Miss
Alice Davis, outer sentinel: Mrs. George Morrison,
manager: Mrs. George Zivkovich, musician: Miss
Owcda Copeland. faith; Mrs. Ed Seguin. courage:
Mrs. William Conner, modesty: Mrs Kenneth
Hendricks, unselfishness: Mrs. Eva Peerenboom,
ondurawe; Mrs A. T. Macklin. flag bearer: Mrs.
John Hall, juvenile director; Mrs. Elmei Ivorson,
captain o! decree staff.
In charge of refreshment, will be Mrs. Virgie
Gamble and Mrs. I. W. Geer.
A new beginners' class of 20 couples will join
the Homesteaders Square Dance club at the
meeting on Friday evening. January 18. from 8 to
11:30 o'clock at the lzaak Walton League hall.
Completion ol their course is bringing th- new
comers into the group and at the same time the
club is announcing a new beginners' class starting
February '., to which any participants will be wel
comed. Plans for the annual event of the club, the hoe
down and ian:boree. were discussed. This p-ogram
will be the third annual alfair and is scheduled
for January 2t'
A program prepared by Prolessur Tom Roberts
of Oregon State colleee. and Mrs. Alvada Gash
will feature tht monthly meeting o the Hammond
Organ society at the Stone Piano store. 1128 State
street. Tuesda evening. January 15. at 8 o'clock.
Those interested in organ music are invited to
Meeting next Friday at 1 30 p m. in the Guild
room of 'he cnurch will be the Woman's auxiliary
of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Mrs M. R. Schade
witz of Dallas will speak on "The Devotional
A business session of Marion auxiliary. Veter
ans of Foreign Wars, is set for Monday evening
at 8 o'clock at the VFW hall.
The Insurance Women's association meets
Thursday at the Marion hotel at 6:15 o'clock lor a
business session.
Bethels Now Installing
ONHETJR'S January dance is planned for
next Friday night, January 18, in the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall.
Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hume. Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Davis, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wigle, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Smithsor and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whittington are on the com
mittee for the evening.
A film on family life and a discussion o. human
heredity ied by Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones and Mrs.
James E. Bunnell will feature the Thursday eve
ning meeting of Y-Wives at the YW social room.
The group will gather at 7:30 o'clock, with Mrs.
Erwin Simmons in charge of the refreshments.
Installation of officers will be conducted at the
meeting of Priscilla guild of Knight Memorial Con
gregational church on Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 16. Mrs. Harold E. Hatzcnbuhlcr, 305 South
23rd street, is hostess fort the meeting, which opens
at 8 o'clock.
A business and social meeting of the Marine
Corps League auxiliary will convene at the home
of Mrs. George Pro, 1915 Maple avenue, at 7:30
p.m. on Tuesday, January 15. President of the
auxiliary is Mrs. Mary Tuss.
Circles of the First Congregational church will
meet on Wednesday at the following homes:
Circle 7, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, 240 Hansen
street, 10 a.m.. for a panel discussion on women
ot the Bible.
Circles 2 and 6, Mrs. Julian J. Kciser, 795 South
Church stree,, 10: '0 a.m. Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson
will continue the study of "More Than We Arc."
Circle 4, Mrs. Gerald Richards, 651 South
Church street, 12:30 p.m. dessert.
Circle 3. Mrs. Harold Hamm, 1565 Evergreen
avenue. 1:15 p m. dessert. Mrs. Florence Parish
will discuss teen-age problems, "About Myself."
Circle 1, Mrs. Fred Butler, 917 Mill street. 8
p.m., w'th a d scussion of a child welfare program.
Circle a, Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., 1648
South Cottage street, 8 p.m., with Mrs. Leo John
son as co-hostess. Guest speaker will be the Rev.
John Humphreys, chaplain at the Oregon state
OF INTERKST for next Tuesday night, January 15. will be the lonrert of the
Salem, featuring Rrunrlta Manolini, soprano, as nolo is I. Four hoard member
iponom of the concert erie here, are shown above working on plans. I -eft to
Don Gleckler, Mn. William Crothert (seated) and Marvin Ho Mi.
In center is Miss Mary Clark, to be installed as honored quern of bethel No. 43,
January 14. At right. Miss Janice Drakeley, honored queen of bethel No. 43, to be
installed tonight. Bethel No. 35, Miss Marilynn Reancy, honored queen, conducted
its installation earlier.
Bethel Installs
Miss Shirley Bcutlcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Russcl W. Beutler, will be installed as honored
queen of bethel 59 of Job's Daughters, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Scottish Rite temple Saturday, January 19.
Other officers to be installed are: Senior prin
cess. Miss Sharon, Forest; junior princess. Miss
Edith Brown; guide, Miss Peggy Lucas; marshal,
Miss Anne Stevens; chaplain. Miss Thelma Kline;
musician, Miss Elaine Standish; treasurer, Miss
Sue Morris; recorder. Miss Marilyn Pinson; li
brarian, Miss Clarice Nelson; first messenger.
Miss Marlene Mathers; second messenger. Miss
Sue Morrison: third messenger. Miss Pat Stevens;
fourth messenger. Miss Nancy Tribhle: fifth messenger-,
Miss Pat Backe; senior custodian. Miss
Barbara Glodt , junior custodian, M iss Shannon
Dyer; inner guard. Miss Lloydenc Hollcn; outer
guard, Miss Scndy Hummel; lady of lights, Miss
Nancie Sears; pages, Misses Carolyn Beuver and
Karen Kaser; historian, Miss Barbara Morris;
merits, Miss Mina McDanicl.
Junior bethel officers are: Chaplain, Miss Mina
McDaniel; treasurer. Miss Daphne Gehlar; re
corder. Miss Bev McKinney; librarian, Miss Sara
Busick; first messenger, Miss Nancy Gray; second
messenger, Miss Nancy McDaniels; third messen
ger, Miss Laurie Stewart; fourth messenger. Miss
Laura Ayers; fifth messenger. Miss Linda Trom
litz: senior custodian. Miss Sonja Vasfaret: junior
custodian, Miss Judy Denyer; Inner guard. Miss
Pat Morris; and outer guard. Miss Sharon Davis.
Committee chairmen are: Philanthropy, Miss
Marlene Mathers: sociability. Misses Nancy Mc
Daniels and Linda Trommlitz: telephone. Misses
Carolyn Beaver and Karen Kaser; choir director,
Miss Daphne Gehlar; assisting Misses Julie Ben
nett. June Davis, Patty McComb and Peggy
First meeting of the new year for Chadwick
chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be Tuesday,
January 15, at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple.
The event has been designated as a friendship
meeting. Invitations have been extended to Adah
chapter. Independence; St. Mary's chapter, Cor
vallis; Barzallia chapter, Albany; and Naomi chap
ter, Dallas.
A feature of especial interest has been an
nounced as a surprise for the refreshment hour.
' Air
few ' r
All pictures by Jcsten-Mille r sludlo)
UX1LIARY to the downtown Lions club is
meeting next Thursday night at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Burton Dunn.
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Shay , of Willamette uni
versity are to be guest speakers to discuss "Im
pressions of India."
Mrs. John Muir is hostess chairman for the
evening and on her committee are Mrs. Harold
Domogalla, Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers, Mrs. La
Verne Young, Mrs. Herbert Harris, Mrs. John
Mrs. Al Lamer, 5!W) North River road, will be
hostess for the meeting of Keizer Lions auxiliary
on Tusday at 8 o'clock. Assisting will be Mrs.
Ray Boucher.
A social meeting following a no-host luncheon
will he on I he calendar for members ot the Salem
chapter of American War Mothers on Tuesday.
The group will meet at 12:30 o'clock at tht home
of Mrs. ilqn Randall, 1840 West Nob Hill, with
Mrs. William Beard and Mrs. Cora Hutchinson as
assisting hostesses.
A program meeting of the Credit Women's
Breakfast club on Tuesday will be in charge of
Mrs. Lloyd Myers. The club meets at the Bright
Spot at 7 a.m.
A 12 o'clock luncheon has been planned for Ihc
Nebraska club on Wednesday. January Ifi. at the
home of Mrs. Maude Gobert, UH5 East Chemawa
General fellowship day for the nine women's
groups of the First Christian church will start
with a business session at the church at It a.m.
on Thursday, January 17, and will be followed by
a luncheon.
January is "World Call" month, named for the
magazine of the Christian churches, and the world
call program chairman for Thursday will be Mrs.
Percy Dczotal. The service of worship will be con
ducted by the world call chairmen of the three
evening groups.
Luncheon will be served by the Eva Marie
Johnson group.
. I
if.jipiU I journal pirttir by Jerry Clan
Portland Symphony nnhestra in
of the Salem Symphony soriety,
right are Mrs. Charles Sherman,
i i ......... .... . . .
Morning Musicale
First of the morning musicales planned by
Salem alu:nnr chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, na
tional professional music honorary, will be next
Tuesday, January 15, at Salem Woman's club '
uuiiuiiik. sioruiis hi iu:ia o ciocK. a couee period
will be at 9 31. o'clock.
"Music of the Americas" is the theme of the
Commentator for this first program will be
James nouglas of the Knglish department of Wil
lamette university. He will discuss the growth of
music from Colonial United Stales to the present
A program is to be presented along with the
lecture, solos by Hetty Starr Anderson,
soprano: a sextet of sincere tn oivo mtici,- imm
the Colonial period: Doris George Hole, pianist;
and the Willamette faculty trio to play contem
porary music this group to play music by Ernest
Bloch, noted composer who now makes his home
in Oregon.
Program Listed
The program Is as follows:
Colonial Period 1620-1800:
Songs of Francis Hnpkinson. first nalive musi
cian whose works are still known and used.
"My Love has Gone to Sen"
"Beneath the Weeping Willow Shade"
Betty Starr Anderson
Catharine Schnelker, accompanist
Sextet b- William Billings church mus.cian who
organized sinking societies and church choirs:
"Th l.nrH ie Ricnn Trwlai,"
Myra Friesen, Michelle Edwards, so
pranos; Nancy Weeks, alto: Keith Neu
bauer, tenor; David Johnson, Ralph
Van Horn, basses.
10th Century music:
"Murmur.! Eolicns" No. 1, Gottschalk
"Improvisation," opus 46. No. 4. MacDowel
"Irlvl" in R rial Mn J
"Of Br'er Rabbit," opus 61, No. 2, MacDowell
"Three Nocturnes," Bloch
Willis Gates, violin
Allen Gove, cello
Ralph Dobbs, piano
Coffee Precedes
Preceding the lecture-recital, patronesses of the
colleginlc chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon will provide
a coffee hour, starting at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Del
Milne, chairman of the patronesses group, is chair- -man
of the coffee and is being assisted by Mrs.
Maurice Brenncn, Miss Alice Crary Brown, Mrj.
Stanley Butler Miss Maxine Buren, Mrs. Ralph
H. Dobbs, Mrs. Regina Ewalt, Mrs. Robert M.
Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Mrs. Don
uiecKier, Mrs Allen uove. Mrs. K. T. B. Hill.
Pouring wil' be Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs.
Paul A. Hale, the latter president of the alumnae
Proceeds from the ticket sale- are to establish
a scholarship fund to assist deserving young
women in the Willamette college of music. Be
cause of the size of the room, admittance to the
musicale is by ticket only. Tickets have been
mailed to many friends of music in the city. There
is to be no general ticket sale. However, those
receiving a ticket and who may wish to invite a
relative nr fni-nri mnv malta arranonmmli ku (-all.
nig mi unwir .iiiucA, ran j-oiu anu cuon Will
be made to include as many as space allows.
Committee on arrangements Includes all Mu Phi
Epsilon nlumnne, Mrs. Robert Topping, cnernl
chairman: Mrs Melvin II C.oisl, Mrr Frnnk
Burlinaham Mrs. Josef Schnelker, Mrs. William
Wane, Mrs. Frederick Morgan.
Members ol Salem Woman's club are busy with
plans lor their annual benefit bridge party, slated
for January 25.
The affair will start with dessert at 12:30
o'clock at the club house. Featuring the program
will be a demonstration by Phillips Appliance
' company on ar electronics oven, cup cakes to be
baked for (he club refreshments.
Mrs. Howard Hunsaker is chairman for the
benefit. Reservations may be telephoned to Mrs.
Harry Sappenfield, Mrs. Nettie M. Smith, or Mrs.
John S. Tyler. Jr.
An illustrated talk on the atomic explosion at
Yucca Flats was presented at the Friday meeting
of tho club by E. L. Smith, fire chiei of the
Eugene tire department and former chiei of the
Salem department. Pictures that he took at the
time of the explosion presented a graphic account
of the atomic work being carried on by the gov
ernment. During the business session, the club voted a
contribution of $100 to assist the Salem Junior
Woman's club in the purchase of a bus for K avert
School Inc., for Retarded Children. Mrs. John S.
Tyler, Jr . president, announced the appointment
of Mrs. George H. Swift as program chairman
for the remainder of the year, replacing Mrs.
wimircd Pettyjohn, who has left for a South
American trip.
The executive board reported the clectior of
Mrs. Frnnk H Strublc as trustee, Mrs. R. D.
Lytic as director, and Miss Dorothy Frcddcn as a
mcmher of the house committee.
The fine arts department will meet Thursday,
January 17, at 2 o'clock ot the home of Mrs. Lue
A. Lucas, 224u South 12th Street. Mr.v Lucas is
chairman of the art division and will conduct a
discussion of "Picture Library." Mrs. Mary Champ
will show colored slides of her recent European
trip. Members of the club and guests ar invited
to attend (he program.
Special guests at the Friday meeting were
Mesdamcs Bertha L. Sparks, Walter B. Steele,
W. C. Taylor Gerald Fisher, J. A. Krebs, and
F. A. Lund.
Mrs. A. A Carper, Mrs. Kerby Johnson and
Mrs. Ltale Knigni were tea chairmen and Mrs.
Harry Sappenlield and Mrs. Mem Pearcc poured.
Mrs. David H Cameron led group si..ging with
Mrs. Clifton Mudd as accompanist. The latter won
the special prize also.
The Ladie.s auxiliary of Ihc Union Gospel mis
sion will mee at the mission chapel at 1.30. on
Tuesday, January 15, for the reaula' monthly
i lit- r uur uui hits nnpiiM tnui i n win pi u itre
special music and Mrs. Harold Poole will lead
the devotions. All interested women arc invited
to attend.
Mr. and Mrs Knile lti;!gs of Salem have re
ceived word ol the hirlh v. a tiauhte . .Ijicquine
Diane, to the Hev. anc Mrs. Claude Varrher. at
Yenlmal, India, t-n .lunuaiy ;!.
Mrs. Vaut'hei i. the former Diane Iti;- "f
Salem and the cnupU have two boy , Christop . r
Alain and Mark Kdouaifi. Th other grandparents,
Dr. and Mrs. Kdouard Vauch?r. live in Geneva,
The Itev. Mr. Vaucher has been an instructor at
a semmary at Veolmal lor Ihc pat four years. In
1H58 the ouplc plans to return to Salem.
1 - .
South Hills Garden club met last week at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Whitegon. Mrs. C. A. Linday
was the ahsitrng hostess.
During the business meeting. Mrs. Harold
Aldcrtn was named representative for the club
to the Salem Garden council. Mrs. Francis PowMl
was accepted as a new member, and guest at
the meeting was ,Mrs. Jack Sleva.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Rich arrive In Port
land Sunday following a vacation stay in Hon
olulu They will be met at the Portland airport
by Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hewett and daughters,
Marilyn and Mnna Rae.