THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 12, 1957 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 806 House! For Sol 806 House! For Solt 806 Houiei For Sol 806 Houses For Solt 806 Housei For Salt 806 Houtei For Sal 852 Uied Con For Sol 806 Houiei For Sole 852 Used Cars For Sate 852 Used Con for Sale Page 8 Section 2 OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUN. 1 5 Glen Creek Rd. One of West Salem'i finer homes in exceptional condition. large view grounds. ,i bdrms., 2 baths on 1 floor. Kitchen Ac iv. rm. lead lo covered pallo, another patio off daylight ht.m'1. Dbl. attached garage. Many other fine features. Present your reasonable offer. Ph. EM 4-6612 to see at other timet. BYbWNER. goodolderh ome . Close In. Reasonable price St terms. EM 4-1S76. 1 BDRMS. Carpeted dining St living rooms. Reasonably priced. 5 hlks. to Cap. Bldg. T'lKihle xell on contract. 159ft Chemeketa. arYWNYl0700"own.' new"3 bdrm. home in lovely new residential dint. EM 3-9072. SUNDAY, 2 P. M. TO 5:30 P.M. 1620 N. 18th This fi real family home. 4 bdrms. with full basement, auto, furnace. Fireplace and dining room In Englewood District. Beautiful lot with va riety of fruit and shruhs. FHA rnnimlimenl and terms. Mr. Ceo. Palmy will show. Eve. EM i-um. ALIEN C. JONES REALTOR 831 No. High Ph. KM 3-5838 Eve. Ph. EM 4-1689 FOR SALE BY OWNKR 1 YR. OLD mod. 3 bdrm. home loc. at 4 Corners, 3 blks from ach. Extra lg. lot with lawn, shrubs, frpl., planter, ma hog. Janellng. Total price, $11,400. BOO dn. No loan or closing costs. $70 mo, inc. principal, taxes St interest. Immd. pom. KM 4-8686. See at 444 S. 43th St. ON HILL IN W. SALEM By owner & Builder SUN. JAN. 13TH 1 5 P.M. Lrg. 3 bdrm. home, dbl. plumb ing, Irg. liv. rm. din. rm., lrg. kit. with birch cabinets, mcln. flrpb. with mirrors, In side utility, dbl. garage. Mur age & closets galore. $15,800, j financing. JUS Fairoaks Take Kdgcwater turn right on Cascade, watch for signs. Ph. EM 3-4083. roil SALE lv I mined, I Ei. Suburb rm. home, on 'i acre, pletely landscaped; henhouse, work shun. Erecnhouse. sorted berries; endless water supply, (jail em J-5J07, SlAVE older type 2 bdrm., house in Aioany in iraae ror imiiiir bouse in Salem. 004 E. Isl Albany. NEAR WASHINGTON SCHOOL NEW 3 bedroom ranch style home, family room, living t n o m, oeauuiui urepiace. Birch kflchen with built-in range and oven. Lots of stor age space. Double garage and many olher features you will nue. uniy ij.uw. . H. A Terms, CALL GEORGE REED Eves. EM 2-0989 'Don Douckim HEA1TOM Ph. EM 4H4IM HOMES UNDER $7,000 WITH TERMS Starter hnnw huo-a lot tt oj Neat home FmrmouM Hill HJVi uiner nome, needs paint $5,250 3 Lots in business ione, Home needs repair $5,750 Neat home, super lot $0,850 Call Clyde roulk, Eve. EM Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1690 S. Com 1 Ph. 1 188!) GET REAL SATISFACTION LOOK Down on your neighbors, from your lolty perch ! For only $13,910. In a highly de sirable nrw neighborhood, a Lome with 3 bedrooms, faniih room. TWO fireplaces. TW6 FULL baths dnuhle g irage. This Is a BONUS BUY. Call EM 4-67M. Eve : Marjone -inning ui 4-oouo. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2fiO N. HIGH PH. EM 4 6766 S BDRM. unfinished upttatrs, i acre, oil turn ace, close In school. South. Call Mel pelts LM 4 -OWfl or EM 4 -8a73. Hh-t 3 bdrm. Mnrningttde dis trict fruit trees, shrub. Cilv bu Call Verle T.andretti EM 4-006 or F M 4 8173. t Bdrms. modern home In 4 Cor ners district. This home has Suality and Is in top ihdpe iroughoul. Close to school in new district. Low payments ! low Interest, low taxes makes f this a gtx)d buy at $ll,7.vwith J 2. 500 down, Call "Rutlv" ihindt at EM 4 -Out or EM 4-47&1. t A. on North edge of Lake I.a blah. 1344 sq. ft. unfinished house all framed with roof on and sub siding. Price to sell quick. Call John Allison EM 4-om ve. EM 4-P327. BRANUI OF COLBATi LAND CO. 4030 N. River Rd. M 4 0VM (m rHGENCY . M-i "J ip GATEWAY TO STATE HAH K ii lZiifc-. r'00n pla to livi: .fcgjggg 3 BEDRM. home with utility and bath, wired for range, auto, malic water heater, also piped for gas, kitchen range and heater included, garage, etc. A good value terms $3,500 7 BM. AND bath. 2 bedrms. up place, wired for range and dryer, elec. water healer, etc. large giirage, chicken house, etc. 3 lots. About 1 mile out. Full price $4,500. la ACRE, close In. 4 rm. and hath, 2 hedrm., wired for range, etc., fine soil, family fruit, utility. Jdeal for retirement $3,500 6 ACRES, all cultivated. 1 mile cnarn. rm. ana nun ana uiiiny, wirea ror range, eiec. wa ter heater, barn, brooder house, garage, equipped for chick ens. Terms $7,500. 40 acres, about 15 acres cult.. bedrm. home, wired for range, 33',i acres, nearly all cultivated, greens, sirawnerrieii, Deans ana sweet corn. Modern 3 nearm. home built 1951. Very well built. Also marhlne shed, chicken house 140- x 40 ). other bldgs, A fine farm. $18,500.00. With equipment and Irrigation system $20,500. We also now have several very good rental listings. Call or write for new listing bulletin and free City Map and Picture Folder. HOMESKEKKRS AGENCY Masonic Building Phone 3-71A1 Silverton, Oregon 1259 SPEARS . . . MORNINGSIDK DISTRICT BEAUTIFUL BUT DIFFERENT Sure It Is but delightfully so. its entirety you will be amazed by the ccling of spacious ness. Lovely wall to wall carpeting in the living room, and bedrooms, 2'4 nice bathrooms. NLW and located on dead end street in one of Salem's close in subdivisions. (16,900. Cnrdnva Stephrnson Will Shnw (Out South 12th Strrrt 1 block past Mornlng.lda Ichool turn left & follow algna) 1ED 260 N. HIGH MIMA 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 3-7820 I'll buy my own home later on, A thought well worth debating. If you're the kind. Who doesn't mind. Paying rent while waiting. E-Z Terms New 3 Bdrm. It's a dandy new home with lots oi extras too. r,icc. aianwnun er, FA oil (urmice, dole ga rage. Nice lot w-treea. I mm. poss. Owner transferred, A huv At $11,750. Call Edna Mor gan, eve. ph, EM 4-6:.S. First Time Offered Trulv a prestige hnme in Walnut Park Dlst. Large living rm w-lrpl, separate dining rm, largo kitchen and nook, 2 bd rinn dnwn nnd 3 up. neaull fully landscaped lawn with out side natio. frul St small freen- house. Located on 2 lots and Ertced at only $18. WO. Call Mr ansa, eve. ph. EM 4-8023. Bldrr. Sites Large lot, water, some lumber, chicken house Sx tool shed lo cated west for only $1250. I ' j Acres, rlose-ln south on pavement. Salem lit, water and or ced at on v I20OO. 3 Acres South. 500 ft. frontage. Dandv buildlnc site. Only llfloo 4 ' i plus Acres, good well, native trees, leveiea nuiining sue only $1993. For more informa tion call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4 5020. Tavern I Well located tavern on highest Iran c corner n naiem. id Kegs and 250 cases per mo. Plenty of parking space. Long lease. Low rent. Will net $1,000 per mo. Full price $16,000 plus Inventory. For more informa tion call Al Isaak, eve. ph. KM 3 355$. WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Eve. Phones: FM 3-3558. EM 3 r.M z-bihb, r.M 4-tfOJO, it no OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SUN. JAN. 13 FROM 2 5 r.M. 4140 BARRETT ST. GO OUT LIBERTY Rl). TO RIIOWNINU AVE., TURN WEST 5 BI.KS. TO BARRETT NKW -1 If you have been walling for a to sre una i l-arve attractive living rm with frpl. iV- paneling, big kitchen with adlt'ining fanulv rm . extra 'i hath. dble. sragr. located on view lot in dutrlti of attractive homes. You will get a lot ot home for the nominal price of ONLY $16,950.00 KPN A MORGAN WILL SHOW. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS 332 North Church St. WEST COAST REALTY 30S3 Portland Rd. BUSINESS BARGAIN I Mdilfrn Dm. In llimr.Ki i ntral Oregon On iwum ln North anil South arterv, High j - oi, i.nji') rrrHii)iii in come Price $40,300 Terms Call Mr. Whitman, Eves. EM 2 0737. FOR SALE OR RENT laiuh tpe Inline. DM. Suburban Call Mis tar a e eAe ens, Eea. EM 3 4733. LOOK! A 4 bdrms , Ige. kit mln w w carpet, Near play atra All this offered for trade in cnuntry so the children can have a horse Call Mr. Harris. Eves. LM 4-8129. C. V. KENT LLOYD KKKXK, VOl'R CHANCF TO BECOME n numr, uwr.n; neariv nrv home i the lawn. rods. racks are in, with comfortaMe liv Ing room, 3 large bedrooms down and another up in excel lent location near si ores & bus. $10, two. COAST INCOME PKOI'EHTY lo irane nr vauey noue, rental or acreage 7 uiut wuh 3 lia tut 2 bedroom K l v I U U Sil Ttiplrfcr'N (mnineil H iWHiD K.RKYBifl M 8Uk; i fumr 4.Mto IVE : KM !W 7-a;i; CfJflllNti IM f.-t. I AV1 2 down cement foundation, fire from Silverton. Good family or- Daved road, on vear stream. 2 fair sized barn. Full price $5,850 fine valley soil, planted to Ever 2 TO 5 From its entry hall throughout KM .1-6766 Lovely Englewood Home Located on beautifully land-1 scaped corner lot. r eatunng spncious rooms throuunoul. Large living rm. huge dining rm, kitchen with nook. 2 bdrms and hath. Unfinished attic with stairway In. Full basement with oil furnace, parly room and extra bdrm. Only $1.1,250. Call Mr. Craw ford, eve. ph. EM 4-5O20. Chcapic But a good livable home only 0 yra. old. Nice large living rm, lame kitchen and brk. area. 2 bdrma and bath. Insulated and single Karaite. Nice sar- den spare and priced at only $4J73. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. EM 2-8048. Better Than New Here is a sparkling clean home oniy o mo. oin witn separate utility rm. large living rm, separate dining rm, kitchen with brk. nk., frpl., 3 bdrms. att. garage, FA heat. Insulated and weather-stripped. Located on nicely landscaped lot and close to bus and school. You mut see to really appreciate It. Onlv $1.1.250. Call Mr. Gnrlns, eve. ph. EM 4-8023. Business Bldcr. For lease In down-town Salem. flrlck bldg. in good location and adaptable for many types of business. One floor plus me? antiine. $800 per mo. For more information call N. G "Dan" Isaak, eve. ph. 3-62U7. - 8297, EM 4-5020. KM 4-8023. answer can km WATCH FOR SIGNS BEDRM. new 4 bdrm. home you'll want I'h. EM 4-3311 or FM 3-7KO Th. EM J-7612, FM 4-IWJ SEE THIS nfW addition. 3 oflrmi.; uv. rm, fireplace, dm. rm., birch kit,, breakfast nook. Wired and plumbed (or washer & dryer. Dble garage. City water and sewer. Street and curbs all in. $12 NHV Call Mrs. Leavens. Eves. EM 3 47.13. TliAOK . Ice liv. dhie gur ce. ln W & CO. REALTOR PRICE REDUCED TOR QUICK SALE: one cl the cleanest 4 bedroom homes on trie mar ket with real nice dry base ment. Ull heat. Owner leav ing Salem. Immediate posses ion. to,;ioo Make oiler on daw n pa ment. OWN PART OF THE P.KST rountry in the woi M w iih .1 BR home on Hiwv sw-h north of VMthurn e,od fron Lirt 0r&e, ham. chicken house w i Ntici incl. mll f:ert W e ir rnaS Vne 1VH Ttm Miuy Almost new 3 bdrm house 1,200 sq. ft, plus carport, large lot, wide paved street; many other features, only $1L 500. Down payment .UU monthly pay ment $70, includes principal, int. taxes and fire ins. no ex tras. No loan costs. See it at 333 S. 45th St. out State St. Key at 4510 State St. EM 4-8844. LAND CO. REALTORS BI7 COURT EM 4-4494 VACANT HOME SO CLEAN SO EASY TO I! .. "7 "grooms plus un finished upstairs. Auto oil fur nate. fireplace, cute kitchen, ' block to city bus. Garage Hardwd floors. $875 down Price $7200. Call Mrs. Wells flays EM 4-4494, Eve. EM RIP SNORTER HF.RE'S WHAT YOU HAVE orr.n luumnu r OR. New starter daylight basement home on 4 aches nar Ti.p. ner. 30x48 ft. arranged for 2 iriiiB. nvmg rm. Kitchen, bath and utility rm. Wiring & plumbing nearly completed. Fixtures all go., also large f"'"!- ""a w on ano 2 fireplaces. Some timber. TO TAL PniCP. $5800. i,, down. COME A GET IT. Call T, T ANDERSON, days EM 4-4494, Eve EM 4-2714. SCENERY GALORE THIS home li 2'i yean old ha J bedrontni, living rm, dininf ... c wiut nw.. rany room A- child, den. Total I'm-. i3.3uu. uall Vamlvr vori. Dan EM 44494, Eve. EM 4 7902. LISTINGS WANTED DIAL EM 4-4494 COLRATH LAND CO. ItKAl.TOttS 3280 CAMELLIA DR. LAUREL SPRINGS ADD. 3 bdrms.. exposed beam Ik- with corner fireplace, bath A i. i.irnc mi. nook area, with many birch cabinets. Dbl, garage with overhead storage Weather stripped & insulated Magtfered shingle roof. Lots im in it k worn on exterior. I-awn is seeded, paved street, clie to Candalriji Yarnrll Bros., 345 Camellia Full Price $2800 2 Bdrms, liv., kit. and bath. ,i acre near school. Terms. Full Price $5500 2 Bdrm modern home on S. Lan caster Drive, redecorated. Full Price $4")00 10 Acres, 3 Bdrm hse., bnrn, on paved road. $1000 or less dn. Star Rpaltv 23!B S. High Ph. EM 4-0OH2 T ARGE LIVING AREA 3 Bedrooms, P, Balh.. Nice Kit chen with Breakfast Nook. PLENTY OF STORAGE L.iwn and Shiubs in. Iinmediate Possession. OPEN 2 00-5 00 SUNDAY 14H2 Georgia-So. OFF Pnngle Norm Mogenen wtll show. Phone EM 2-0H08 Joe Hutchison. Realtor 1211 Edewaler St. FM 4-5743 2710 S. Commercial EM 4-7874 FAMILY ROOM $11,500 Yon also gel 2 bedrooms. 2 lire places, a small basement and a lai ge beautifitllv lanriM'ai'cd lot that ts close to school. The netehborhood is tops. Easv terms. COXSl'LT HON CLKARY Ees. EM 3 ii!M:i Don DouyliisH ,it. Ph. EM 4-S4M t year old 3 bdrm home 3 blocks from .school. Near State lawn A: Slinib in Kxceotinnal buv. Call EM 3-ti(Kl' Hamilton Real Estate 4 KORMS. $!.5tX) Siihurbun North Large lot. 1)i shu a slier asher rirser. Fireplace Will to wall carpet . e w i v decorated l,oelv r X 100" fenced back ard in lam Mth sli.les. swings & d.g pen 2iv7 Coral Ave. EM 2-409L Terms. NEW Sxibn 2 Wrm Alt hdwd. interior Trim ft llrs. Pin. rm . util rm.. dble plbg . dbl pU-tereiV over M stor ace. Cove i ed patio. Terms 1132 Heilwood. lU'NT.ALOW $5.(150 place Garage. Fleotnc Heal Several Trees. Paved Street Bu Line, near markets South Eml ,slem, G-xvt terms. Jim W Hra-her Home EM Don DottxjldoH rti. EM A 4134 E X c OPEN HOUSE 2280 W. NOB KILL . SUNDAY JANUARY 13TH 2 TO 5 P.M. Owners leaving Salem and must sell their spacious 3 bdrm. home only 2 yrs. old, ranch type, l'.i bathi, liv. rm. 23 x 15, master bdrm. 14 x IS. This well-built home is near a good shopping area and only V STOP IN ID INSPECT 3733 STANLEY LANE SUNDAY FROM 2 5 P.M. GO OUT LIBERTY RD. TURN WEST ON EWALD TO STANLEY LANE. LOVELY RUSTIC RANCH for modern living. The spacfousn the beautifully co-ordinated colors. Home features a big family rm wfrpl., large living rm wfrpi.. 2 full baths with colored fixtures. 3 big bdrms. with ample closet space dble. att garage, patio and located on nice lot in good neighbor hood. Many other extra's are Included in the asking price of ONLY $15,500.00 MR. VICTOR SWORD WILL SHOW. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS .122 North Church St. Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3-7820 HURRY! HURRY! 1 .050 Down will put you Into this nunc Miuirii wnn mis 01 num-ins, .1 aanciv norms. FA heat HW lloors. large garage and wired for washer V drver. Con veniently located to bus and Enclewood School, Price onlv 10.300. Call N. G. -Dan- Isaak. eve. ph. EM a-6297. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS .122 North Church St. h FM 4-3311 or EM 3-7B20 4753 L0N1C OAK THE BEST A- ATTRACTIVE LOT WITH 3 OAK TREES b 3 BEDROOMS, ALUMINUM WINDOWS FIREPLACE, FORCED AIR HEAT Y DINING ROOM. BIRCH KITCHEN WITH NOOK fr INSIDE UTILITY ROOM. I'i BATHS TV LARGE DOUBLE GARAGE Here Is A Real Value & Would Suggest You See It Today $11.9(10 (NOTE We have several others also In same location) Walt Jones Will Show Out Liberty Road to Boone Road, Turn Left on Boone Road & follow algns) TED MORRISON, REALTOR ano N. high AWAY WE GO!!!!!! To "HII.LENDALE" to see this lovely 3 bedroom home with family room well planned with en trance hall double plumbing 2 fireplaces extra large utility room. I.ot of attractive brick work Owner wants to sell so call Ralph Maddv today to see this fine home. Ohmart WHAT ABOUT THIS? 3 year old home In Kei?er area u, u...,.... Miifir Rdi-Hce. jufi tine ior retiring coup e Price only $9,000.00 See Louis Lorcnz. OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 to 5:00 3518 RAWLINS Drive out to see this shining i.fliucn. ramiiv room paneled in knotty spruce has Urge fire place. 2 baths and double g.uaee. Come see this heart warm ing home priced at Just $13,1)30.00 -Adnenne Sercombe will h ow. AVAILABLE TODAY To settle an estate we offer this in the Highland School Out. or car as part payment Call INVESTMENT On Lancaster Or. near "4 Corners" ed i also machine shop Plenty room for expansion. Would make Bond trailer court or apt. court. Good value at $12,300 Call Henry Torvrnd for further inf. T & CALABA. REALTORS LISTINGS NEEDED Qt'AI.IFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. Phone FM 2-4113. FM 2-411H Fve : H.lph Maddv FM ?-4H8. Louis Lorem KM 3-S,VW Adnenne Sercombe KM 4-o8 Stanlev Brown EM 2-5561, Henry Torvend KM 3-3632 Buy Real VIu 1 5 - Losn$T 5 j g With Confidence LffffM Buying Building M 605 CHEMEKETA BEST pt'PLEX ni Y IV PA- l.EM Each duplex has 2 bed rooms, garage, utility nd nice yar.1 Verv nice sutiurhan lo cation Full price For anpt to see rail Dale Ravburn EM 4-tW75 or Eve A Sun. call! EM 2 2045. PEPPERMINT FARM ?t acres ' of ihe fine-l soil, all irng.ited t Ltvated in the future Mint-j growing District of the West ' BRING THE FAMILY VISIT ROSELAND ADDITION SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. GO OCT MARKKT ST. OR "D" ST. TO SAVAGK RD. WATCH KOI! SIGNS Sr qn.iity i-on.l ructtnn r.nh'ln rnnch. hd:"rs !n !!, .v. rhi.n. t..i. t.i.rt h.i. for 11. 1,.. cm, un. unit hi..r Str., I. p.i-d. t-urh. .r. in. water .nH ntv .....r rrv. n!lv Iim-j".1 i.m ji.-hoo:. .V tt.u Dnv. ow: iiunil.v and in..f,-t 111. li-; .rr. AL ISAAK & CO ..REALTORS 31 Noilh Church 5L a few blocks from South Salem High and McKmley Schools. Please let me show you this fine home MRS. RICHARDSON HOME PH. EM 4 -8036 GRABEiMHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 s. Liberty St. Ph. EM 2-2471 - u of all rooms is accentuated quality home. Large living rm.. 2T05 IN LIBERTY GARDENS BUY IN SALEM WITH SEPARATE DOORS EM 4-67fifi Rudy Calaba well built and In perfect ron- new 3 bedroom home in '"Peonv clean 2 bedroom ' home located for $ 4.5(H) 00 -Owner will take lot Stanley Brown. PROPERTY 1 acre 2 houses (both rent thone em 4-s;s All modern conveniences. I cnooi pus ann niaii at door- raved road urn is onlv one ot several high producing farms e have For Sale or I iraoe, i wti; re happv to spend time w ith you showing ou the Farms or" Ranches of your choice from to 3 000 acres. For inform .t:on call Hen Griffith FM 4 W7S or Sun & Eve. call EM 3 8769. EM 4-Utl or LM J-;5.V SANCTUARY FOft A TIRED BUSINESSMAN: Right on a river full of fish, with boat 1 a n d i n g. shop, greenhouse, evfn a guest house. THIS IS NOT JUNK. This is- a beautiful home. with benmed ceilings, picture windows, goregous flowers. Just i'j years old. $J,500. Thone EM 4-8768. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-6766 Located north on 1 acre. A large family home with apples, pears, filberts, and cherries. Be j,ure and see this property with its big double garage and workshop. Owner transferred. Will sell for $1,000 down and $11,100 full price. Call EM 2-6U78 day or eve. C. S. JACORSEN, REALTOR Ph. EM 2-6U78 768 Brenner 807 Apr'i. Courts for Sole $9,300 EQUITY in attractive piex in a. salcm. fcJ.M 2-7520 SACRIFICE Due to illness 10 unit court plus owners apt. on Hwy. 101 In growing town on Coast. No reasonable offer reiused, will trade. For de tails write to Box 776 Wald port. Oregon. 10 Unit Motel $15,000 ' PLUS 2 Bdrm hse.. fireplace, trade or Low down nvmt. bal. 9 pci. STAR REALTY 2.138 S. HlKh Ph. EM 4-HOI12 APARTMENT HSE 18 UNIT BRICK BUILDING UL-Ufifc. TO DOWNTOWN, Good condition, always rented. Attractive entrance and ex terior on this three story building. New refrigerators ana ranges, laundry facilities. 10 ganiccs. TV hook-up serv ice. Property free and clear of encumbrance. Owner w ill consider varietv of terms, con tracts. Call Chet Nelson. Eve. EM 2-1350. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial EM 2-366!) 808 Lots For Sale BE LC REST LOTS EM 3-65-17. PANORAMIC, sensational view, one of the last remaining close in lots UO x 130. Just right for that Hillside dream home you are planning. On quiet, beauti ful Itio Vista Wav. Onlv $3,250. Call after 6P.M. EM 2-7-156. REASONABLE larjje' restricted lots Keizer EM 4-1)513. BY OWNER ""Motel, trniler court or home sites close in North near Junctinn 99E St Freeway. EM 4-9409. 810 Forms For Sale 6 Acres, 6 Mi. Out 2 BDRM. hse. 2 A. In Cult, Elec. water St heat, large gar. Reduced for one week tr $7200. $1500 dn. Eve. Call Alike KM 3-9612. Art Madsen, Realty EM 3-5580 145 acre fine RANCH, dandy nome. otner Didgs. 90 A. cult. St pasture seeded crop m. some timber, creek. 29 per cent down. hal. good terms. Carlson Realtv, 503 N. 99 W. Ph. 1114. McMinnvllle. BY OWNER AM leaving. Will sell 10 to IS acre tracts close to 4 Corners. Will make good investment. KM 2-4644. 812 Exch. Reo Estate LOOKING a Bargain? Five room Modern home. well equipped, with three furnished cottages Kxrellent ocean view. EXTHA- six cottages to run on 5O-50 basis. To sell or tr.ide for home in or near Salem. Don't miss this one at Depoe Bay. Call EM 2-7224. Salem. 19S3 ROYAL Lancer Dodge Hardtop $2850 $1400. Bal and new modern Ml Cabin I De troit Orel $700(1. Will consider trading as down pavmcnt cn New Mod 3 bdrm. home Salem Statesman-Journal Box 479. 815 Coast Property , GOOD INCOME FOR RETIRED COUPLE S Modern Units plus 3-bedroom living quarters, oce.m front, wonderful view, modern flat, top. concrete foundation A: driveway. Hot water heat, $47,500 Some cash &i terms. REACH USE., Ot'EANLAKE 2 Bdrm., Ige. liv. room, bath and utility room, garage in bsmt. City sewer paid, close to stores ard beach, new comp root. All for onlv $.1,500. Terms. 3 BDRM. FAMILY HOME 100 x 90 Lot. Hedge 3 sides. 5 yrs. old. gas wall furnace gj rage A: car port. Some ocean view, close to 101 Hwv. Onlv ".N0. 'j dwn.. bal. Jfi5 per month. LARRY E. MOORE nKAl.TOR OCEAM.AKK. ORE. PHONE MM OI'KN SCNDAYS "Gateway to the 20 Miracle Miles' 818 Wanted, Real Estate WANT: 10 to 2fl cr.s nfar Call Kvfs. EM 2 H13. ' "" I 652 Uied Con For Sole Oroctm's Oldost Dealer BEST BUY Cied Cart Commercial J Chemeketa KM 4-5711 CAPITOL Chevrolet Cadillac i Union k Commercial EM 3 3175,505 No. EM 4 5755 POST AUTO SAilS UK U. 124, Sika '5u Cadillac 60 Special Sedan $3695 Power steering, power brakes, power seat fc electric win dows Even has an autronic eye. This automobile sold new for $fi,500. '56 Olds SS Holiday Hardtop 4-Dr. .. .$2795 Fully equipped. Same as a new one. Beautiful gold Interior. '55 Oldsmobile Holiday $2395 Radio, heater, hydramatic, power brakes. Red A; white. Low mileage. '55 Buick Super Hardtop $2-195 Radio, neater, nvnauow. power -iprrmR. puwer m nr, way elect, scat, blue Ac white, only 16,000 miles, 236 h. p. 56 Ford Customline Radio, heater, overdrive. '54 Buick Super Sedan $1795 Power steering, power brakes, tu-tone green. New white wall tires. A beauty. This is onlv a sample of the bargains at POST. We nave 30 other cars from 53 s to 49 s Post Auto Sales 1105 SO. 12TH ST. BUICK'S NEW HARDTOP STYLED WAGON See It Now . 2V) HORSEPOWER SPECIAL k 300 HORSEPOWER CENTURY Convenience of the wagon limousine in a stunning Speaking of wagons, here Is a rare opportunity: A 1955 Bufclt Century Estate Wagon one of the "not-quite new" variety that gives you more value for your money. We sold It new to one of our established customers. It is equipped with power steer ing and brakes and many other luxury Items. For the out door family, the sportsman, the salesman the finest transportation. NO. 24A We would choose this one as the best buy in town 195S Buick Special Riviera, four door hard top. We sold new and serv iced, only fi.fifi4 miles, dynaflow. heating system, radio. EZI glass, two-tone deep melallic red and white. Bv the pound, by the mile, pleasure per dollar, any way you figure, this is Premium quality and 54 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON $1395 55 OLDS 88 HOLIDAY COUPE 2.TO5 55 BUICK CENTURY RIVIERA 2395 53 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA 1195 52 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 795 oregon;s oldest dealer Commercial at Chemeketa Ph. EM 4-5711 n 1055 Stucfe. Commdr. Radio, heater, overdrive, above average. 1956 Ford V-8 Country Scln $2489 Fordomatic, 11.200 actual miles, one owner, very aharp. 1956 Ford V-8 Convertible Check this sharp one I I I 13.480 actual milej, 1954 Chev. 210 4-Dr. Wagon Radio, heater, powerglide, A-l in every Way. 1952 Mercury Hardtop Radio, heater, overdrive. This one Is a bargain. 50 mo- cars to choose you want at a price you Personalized financing always. STAYTOX '55 Ford 2 dr., like new. Good price, 1450 N. 5th '51 PONT. Catalina. Excellent condition. Just take over con tract plus $60. EM 4-5467 after 46 FORD club coupe, radio, heater, excel, tires, new rings, bearings. custom interior. jiw. fc..i i-a.Db alter s p.m. r52 AI'STIN 4dr. sdn .exc" "run" nmg cond. Rea-s. EM 4-71B5. WILL sacrifice in."6 Muntclair noiop coupe, urigmal owner 131HH) mile. 2 tone paint. K ad in. heater, nierc-o-inatic. C.ui finance. See at 1055 Hovt st. after 6 pm. Will trade for gooi pickup. INo dealers please. No Sunday calls. If54 FORD IT J850-Mnbil StT tion, LW1 Edgewaier. EM 2-!H24. 51 Ht'lCK Hardtop Coup -rad., Mr., dyna. Excellent TRADER .MIKE 505 No. High EM4-3755 M"CHEV."Sta. Wg.. 210. 4 dr. V -8, radio, heater, o' drive, windshield washers, 13 000 ml. EM 2 0172. 1941 Ht'DSON Club cne. verv B.od motor. EM 4-2S02 after 5 ;:o p m. 1347 4-door Buick. $:?5 total price K'5 Down. See 32rt5 S. 13th. BV 0VNERr5r Plvmouth-Bel"-vedere. I have lowered 1 price. Call again. EM 2-4579. W47 DODGE 4 dr, sedan, good radio, heater clean through out. EM 4-5605 . 780 Wildwind ard Transmission. f95. British i"',;-11"- N CJri'' EM I'HRYSI ER NEW YORKER CLB. CPE Fireoouer V mtr . automatic torque trans., custom '-otch plaid uphol sterv. 31 tx-0 acual m;.. radio, heater etc. Like new inside k out. ;75. cah or terms Ph original owner EM 3 6194 or EM 3-3424. 51 FORD Cabover truck flat bed. 2 iceerf. li ton J795 TRADER MIKE 5i5 No. High EM 4 5755 1W2' PODGE Corr.rnej 'car4 wheel rr;c A-l Crr.d. Wooj burn Pn 2 2 11 J" FAIRUWK FMo7T.ned fullv eo-.i:pi'e k udercoj I tm jiJ n-:les 126-S) ;ys TH 3 8-1 S::ertcn dev. Sedan- tu-' r ' CO 1 Rifi'ft . SjJi3 31 Sedan V-8 $1995 This one can not be told from new. at wholesale prices. PH. EM 4-6231 combined with the luxury of new dream car by Buick $2795 economy price - $2895 V-8 Scln. 20.800 miles, $1395 one owner, car .$2495 .$1390 $000 from we have the model can't turn down. 2524 1953 DODGE convert., sed.. Radio, heater, 4 speed trans., new top, low ml. 18H0 Center St. EM 3-7691 between 5 St 7 eves. '50 FORD V-8. 2 dr.. o'dnve, heater, exc. cond., tires good, $350. 2!30 Dreamene Lane. EM 4-3456. '56 CHEV. Sla. Wgn. Sell or trade. 3S35 N. Lancaster Dr. 56 CHEV."" BeTAir4-dr."5edan. new condition, tutone, radio, heater, undercoat. V8. Power glide, w. washers, elec. wip ers. mirror, filler.- almost new sacrifice $2235. Ph.EM 4-B656. SELL or trade $1,000 equitv for $HM) 55 Ford Vic. Fullv equipped. EM 3-3861 or see at 2U45 Peck Sat. P.M. or Sun. CLEAN 51 Chev. 4 'Door sedan Might finance. 2620 EngIewood. 55" CHEV. Del-'Rav V-iipMver glide, radio, heater. EM 4-3863. 54 DESOTO Club Sedan, power fine trans., power steering, good tires and runs fine. Book &nce $1230, our price $fi!5. nti5h Car Sales, 2085 N. Cap- . ' 55 AUSTIN A50 4 DoorSellan. I New tires, a clean car and j warranteed. $1395 at nrmh I Car Sales. 2085 N. Capitol. I 853 Auto Perti & Repoinl Cl'STOM psintinji. pin ilrip- inu. k painting alto led work. SCO Ratchft Dr. Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-4513 854 Trucks, Troil. tor sole '51 FORD dump truck, cond. EM 3-4349. Good 1955 2-TON Ford truck. DeLuxe cab 15j ft. Factory made tk k gram bed. low mileage 707 Pine St.. Silverton. Ore. -4 CHEV. stock rack truck. 3317 Hamel. EM 2 9510. 41 INTERNATIONAL t T dual ' wheels. $175 2020 Kappahahn . 856 Wanted, Cart, TruckV CALVFS weigh sroUnd 2on lh tra'le for rean irrk ,- EM 4-2S41 ee , rniVATE party w ant rtean W. -V: - or J too i)..-kiin. y u 2 4230, It's the Year of the The Accent's on Bringing in these fine trades 56 Olds Sup. 88 $3295 4 Door, radio, heater, Jeta. way. power steering, power brakes, power six-wav seat, tutone patnt, while wails, one. owner. Sold and serviced by Loder'f. nMo 00 ffooqc i u WUO JJ yLU J J Deluxe Holiday Sed.. hcaicr, power steering, power brakes, red St white finish with black St white Interior, white tires, one-owner. Sold and serviced 54 Olds Sup. 88 $2195 Deluxe 4 Door sedan, radio, heater, hydra., power steer ing, power brakes, tutone paint, one-owner. Sold St ser viced by Loder's. The out standing car of '34. 51 Chevrolet $595 Club Coupe, radio, heater, seat covers, tutone paint new tires, low mileage. Serviced by Loder's. An outstanding SI model. REMEMBER! . If it's from Loder's 1". it's Rood LODER BROS. CO. Used Car Dent. 461 NO. HIGH EM 2-7973 1955 MERC. 4 dr.. extras, radio. neaier, new llres. EM 4-4671 or EM 4-3213. '56 CHEVROLET BEL. AIR Convertible Like new v-n, powerguae. power brakes, steering, loaded, personal demonstrator, will take trade, terms of course. Save $1,000. Call Bill Baldwin, Stavton 8214 Salem'l Used Car Hdq. 678 S. 12th St. 1955 Chev $1395 210 2 dr. 1954 Packard.. $1195 Super Clipper. 1952 Ford $695 Custom clb. cpe. 1952 Olds. ..$795 ..$695 ,.$595 . .$595 1952 Nash ... Ambassador 4 dr. 1951 Chev.... Club coupe. 1950 Olds ... EM 2-9881 858 Motorcycle! SELL or trade "46 Harley 3 wheel cycle with tow bar. EM 4-5161, 862 House Trailers 15 ft. DeVille. 56. like new. Terms! Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. TRAILER OWNERS: Have a late model car to trade for a late modern trailer. Javhawk Trailer Sales. 2640 Portland Rd. EM 3-8043. 1955 30 ft. MAYFLOWER trailer". Just like new. Only $900 down. Javhawk Trailer Sales. 2640 Portland Rd. EM 3-8043. ALL aluminum 22 f t house trailer, bath. 2 full size beds, right size for home or travel, hkenew inside. $1,200. EM SELL ORTR"Ar)E7Equitv"In '55 nidi. 40' 2 bdrm. trailer EM 4-5680. SPEC1AL1 4.V Mobile HorneTa bdrms.. auto, washer, only $3.ii!t5. Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. SELL 27' Tandem trailer hsej cm-, cunq. mi a. lom l. No. 5. TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cal. JAVHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2640 Portland Rd. EM 4-6334 The People's Choice- New 1957 Butmore Mobile Home. NOW ON DISPLAY See Them Today! WILL take in trade furniture. "l"ui". vr equities or what have vnu DHM'P Tn A II rn rhi rn lAUIl 0 1M LlI M . (-Brn Center St Church Eat ot Meier & Frank 1 """"'i' t.w bourn 900 Display Clas. WHY WAIT? Immediate Delivery New English-built Clioice of 11 models Prices start at $1595 NOW ON DISPLAY AT OCR NEW SHOWROOM 2mS Flrirr,unrt. Fn Take Teit drive tivlay! British Car Sales 205 N Capitol. EM 2 Vf4 a