Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 12, 1957, Page 13, Image 13

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    Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 12, 1957
Section 2 Page 5
- By Ketcham
6:00 o.m., Soldiers of Fortune Tim and Toubo sent to Africa.
e.nj p.m., xacKie lueasou anow taaie Cantor in "At Sixty
Five," salute to 65th birthday. Marilyn Cantor, Eddie Fisher, Burt
Lancaster, Edward R. Murrcw and Conie Russell; Burns and Allen
George Jessel and Red Skelton.
9:30 p.m., Hey Jeannie Jeannie unhinges operation of a rodeo.
11:00 p.m., Showtime Jeanne Crain, Cornell Wilde, Linda Dar
nell, Walter Brennan, in "Centennial Summer," 1946.
6:30 p.m., Playhouse 21 Lorraine Day, McDonald Carey and
Gigi feireau in "Hired Mother."
8:00 p.m., Perry Como Show Guests are Mort Shal and Patti
10:00 p.m., George Gobel Show Guest is Tennessee Ernie Ford.
, , ,
6:00 p.m., Joe Palooka "A Date for Murder."
6:30 p.m., Stars of Tomorrow Uncle Nate presents the singing
Johnson family of Lebanon.
7:00 p.m., Operation Tomorrow How critical measurements are
used to design airplanes and automobiles.
7:30 p.m., "Young Lovers?" starring Sally Forrest, Keefe Bras
lelle, Hugh O'Brian. Directed by Ida Lupino.
9:30 p.m., The Unexpected "Fury and Sound," starring Hans
Conreid. ,
10:00 p.m., KLOR Presents "Adventure in Java."
10:30 p.m., Championship Bowling The "Chicago Bomber" Bud
dy Bomar meets his next competitor, John Quinzi, who has repre
sented New York in All-Star tournament.
11:30 p.m., New York Police Department "Juvenile Killers."
5:00 p.m., Bar 8 Double Feature Gene Autry and Roy Rogers.
7:00 p.m., Saturday Film Fair "The Paradine Case." Gregory
Peck. Charles Laughton, Louis Jourdane, Charles Coburn.
" 10:00 p.m., Ozark Jubilee.
10:30 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Bewitched" suspense stars
Phvllis Thaxter, Edmund Gwenn.
11:00 a.m., Lamp Unto My Feet "The Blue Shawl."
11:30 a.m., The Last Word Emphasizes correct use of our lan
guage. Dr. Bergen Evans moderates.
12:00 Noon Face the Nation From Washington, Hugh Gait
ikell, leader of British labor party.
1:00 p.m., Odyssey "They Took A Blue Note." An exploration of
southern DacKgrounas, byways, and musics that gave birth to jazz,
2:00 p.m., Mama "Mama, The Good Samaritan."
2:30 p.m., Boing-Boing Show Comical cartoons in full color: "A
Tale of the Old West, Japanese Legend, "A Wounded Bird, and
"McBoing's Symphony."
3:00 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Barbarian and the Lady,"
"Cattle Queen."
5:30 p.m.. Telephone Time "The Jumping Parson."
6:00 p.m., Air Power Major aerial target of World War II, the
raid on "Schweinfurt, will be seen.
6:30 p.m.. Lassie "Lassie's Vanity."
7:00 p.m., Jack Benny Show filmed in Rome last summer with
Jack turning impresario.
8:00 p.m., Ed Sulivan Show Kate Smith leads off and the Ballet
Basque, a company of 30 singers, dancers and musicians trom
franco, pertorni; comedienne Iniogene Cocoa.
9:00 p.m., Theatre Greer Garson stars in "The Earring."
9:30 p.m.. Alfred Hitchcock "Nightmare in 4-D."
11:00 p.m., 1st Run Theatre Lloyd Nolan will star with William
Eythe, Signe Hasso, and Gene Lockhart in "The House on 92nd
Street" award winning picture.
1:00 p.m., The Pastor Nine year old child asks, "Where Is God?"
1:30 p.m., NBC Opera Theatre Presentation of Serge Prokofiev's
opera "War and Peace." Morley Meredith as Prince Audrey, Helena
Scott as Natasha. Based on Leo Tolstoi's book.
4:00 p.m., Washington Square Milton Berle and comedienne
Jeannie Carson pay a special visit to Ray Bolger's Inn.
5:00 p.m., Catholic Hour "Under the Sun of Satan."
5:30 p.m., Captain Gallant Criminal's reign of terror over the
townspeople of Tajuira in "Out of Bounds."
6:00 p.m., Meet the Press Anthony Nutting, resigned British
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs is questioned.
7:00 p.m., Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers "The Female."
8:00 p.m., Steve Allen Show Steve's guests are Xavier Cugat and
band with Abbe Lane; Julius La Rosa and Joe E. Brown.
9:00 p.m., Dinah Shore Show Dinah hostess to Art Carney, Stub
bv Kave, The Skylarks, Count Basie and Perry Como.
10:00 p.m., Loretta Young Show Loretta stars in "My Favorite
11:00 p.m., Sunday Star Time "Bridge of San Luis Rey," starring
Lynn Bari, Akim Tamiroff.
3:30 p.m., Circus Time Special circus acts introduced under the
big tent.
4:30 p.m., How Christian Science Heals "The Power That Re
stores Shattered Lives." -
4:45 p.m., Transition The use of photomicography.
5:00 p.m., American Religious Town Hall Meeting Today's topic:
"Know the Truth." ...
6:00 p.m., Pioneer Playhouse Johnny Mack Brown finds adven
ture in "The Whistling Hills." '
7:00 p.m., "The Groom Wore Spurs," starring Jack Carson, Gin
ger Rogers and Joan Davis.
8:30 p.m., "Kill Him For Me," starring Arturo DeCordova and
Leticia Palma.
12:30 p.m., The Way "The Tell Tale Arm."
1:00 p.m., Tclecourse In Music "Melody" illustrated by soprano
Instruments. ,,,,.
2:00 p.m., Give Thee Peace St. Mary's Cathedral Choir, Rev.
Father Arthur Sullivan, Pastor of St. Mary's Cathedral.
2:15 p.m., Bible Puppets "The Ten Talents."
2:30 p.m., Challenge of Books "Profiles in Courage by John
F. Kennedy. Moderator Dr. Frederick H. Peters of Reed College.
4:00 p.m., College Press Conference "Great Decisions of 1957.
First show's subject "Can U.S. Maintain World Leadership? with
Ex-Governor Charles A. Sprague, editor-publisher Oregon States
man. " . .. ..n
5:30 p.m., Sunday Film Fair "The Magic Garden," "Penny Whis
tle Blues." , , ., ....
10:30 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Commandos Strike At Dawn.
Starring Pauli Muni and Sir Cedric Hardwicke.
. .
:00 a.m.. Panorama Pacific Angel 0. Tortarolo will tell about
printing week.
12:30 p.m., Bob Crosby Show The Good Guy; Bob Crosby and cast
ling "Singing the Blues."
8:00 p.m., Governor's Inauguration in first live telecast from Ore
gon's capitol: originates from the House of Representatives in the
capitol building.
3:00 p.m., Carry Moore Show Entire cast shows out-of-towners how
New Yorkers act.
4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Duck Soup to Nuts" starring Daffy Duck.
5:00 p.m., Red Dunning Show Uncle Red shows wild life films, and
presents guests.
5:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Treasure of Franchard," star
ring Bruce Bennett, Andrea King.
6:30 p.m., Robin Hood "The Dream."
7:00 p.m., Studio One "The Dark Corner" stars Phyllis Thaxter.
8:00 p.m., Burns and Allen Gracie helps a coed pull a Pygmalion.
9:00 p.m., I Love Lucy Ricardo's apartment begins to resemble
a pet shop.
9:30 p.m., December Bride Visit to Indiana chicken farm brings
rude awakening to Lily and friends.
10:35 p.m., Showtime on Six Rex Harrison and Maureen O'Hara
star in "Foxes of Harrow."
2:00 p.m., Governor's Inaugural Ceremonies Special remote broad
cast from capitol.
3:00 p.m., "Golden Arrow" starring Bette Davis and George Brent.
4:30 p.m.. Laurel and Hardy "Thicker Than Water."
5:00 p.m., Range Rider "Let 'er Buck."
5:30 p.m., Gene Autry "Gypsy Wagon."
6:00 p.m.! Wild Bill Hlckok Jingle's nephew proves no sissy.
6:30 p.m., Meet Corliss Archer Corliss and Dexter plan to build a
7:00 My Little Margie "The Golf Game." "
7:30 Dr. Christian Kidnaped by two gangsters and forced to treat
their wounded brother.
8:00 p.m., Man Called "X" Intelligence agent Ken Thurston (Barry
Sullivan) investigates collapse of American-built tunnel in Afghanistan,
8:30 p.m., "The Hard Way," starring Joan Leslie, Jack Carson,
Dennis Morgan, Ida Lupino and Faye Emerson. New York Film
Critics ward for best feminine performance to Ida Lupino.
10:30 p.m., "He walked by Night," starring Jack Webb, Richard
Basehart. Scott Brady
10:00 a.m., Home Arlene recaps on film coverage of Grace Kelly
Prince Rainier wedding, for week's winner of trip to Monaco.
12:00 a.m.. Matinee Theatre Tradition-soaked New Englander de
cides whether to take over the family business or raise horses on
western ranch.
2:00 p.m.. Comedy Time "The Boys Decorate the Attic."
3:30 p.m., Northwest Home prepares fried prawns and fried rice
Manager John Kornfield of Portland Symphony explains brass sec
4:00 p.m., Cowboy Serial "Time "Six Gun Man," starring Bob Steele
4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45 "Kilroy Was Here," starring Jackie
6:30 p.m., Willy The problem of the "Mysterious Package" brought
10 vviuy.
7:00 p.m., Waterfront Cap'n John's car is Identified as the auto
used in Ocean Inn robbery.
8:00 p.m., Sir Lancelot in effort to rescue captive in lord's "Black
9:00 p.m., Twenty-one Jack Barry quizmaster of game which en
ables contestants to win an unlimited amount of money.
9:.I0 p.m., Robert Montgomery Presents Martha Scott and Kent
Smith in "Give and Take," story of woman who marries most eligible
bachelor in town.
10:30 p.m., Colonel March Psychoanalyst murdered during consul
tation with attractive woman in "The Sorcerer."
11:00 p.m., Cross Current After years of pursuit, a would-be killer
wounds his victim directly in front of Storm's hotel.
11:30 p.m., Tonight Starring Ernie Kovacs.
8:15 a.m., Town & Country Guest Bill Hangcnstein talks about
10:00 a.m., This Morning's Movie "Between Two Women." Van
Johnson, Marilyn Maxwell, Gloria De Haven star in light pic
ture. Story of a doctor caught between two females.
1:30 a.m., Community Workshop Fred Eichhorn. Museum of Sci
ence & Industry. The Pictochyphs at Wakema.
12:00 noon, Wunda Wunda Wunda Wunda tells of "Really Truly."
12:30 p.m., Tclrama (color) Chef Gino and Konnie G. Worth nlus
Stu Erwin in "I Spy."
2:00 p.m., Governor's Inauguration from Salem.
2:30 p.m., Stage 8 "Too Old for the Girls."
5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse Club The Hardy Boys, a mysterious man
sion holds a hidden pirate treasure and the key to high adventure.
6:oo p.m., Trouble With Father Stu Erwin and "Track Meet."
8:00 p.m., Danny Thomas Terry and Rusty trv to thwart "Dannv's
10:40 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Slightly Dangerous" I.ana Tnr.
ner, Robert Young.
Profrim on schedule only at time
of start.
4:30 p.m. KPTV Live & Leirn
KOIN Mom's Showtime
KLOR Movie
KVAL Finder
. KGW Children's Corner
1:00 p.m. KPTV Movie
KOIN Tex. Rangers
KGW Bar 8
3:30 p.m. KOIN Mom's Showtime
KVAL Disneyland
6:00 p.m. KOIN Soldiers Fortun '
KLOR Joe Palooka
:30 p.m. KPTV Playhouse
KOIN Buccaneers
KLOR Tomorrow's Stars
KVAL Rin Tin Tin
KGW Frontier
7:00 p.m. KPTV Eddie Arnold
KOIN Ole Opry
KLOR Opera. Tomorrow
KVAL Lawrence Welk
KGW Movie
7:30 p.m. KPTV People R Funny
KOIN On Your Own
KLOR Movie
1:00 p.m. KPTV Perry Como
KOIN Jackie Gleason
KVAL Guy Lombardo
8:30 p.m. KVAL Grand Ole Opry
8:00 p.m. KPTV Sid Caesar
KOIN Oh. Susanna
KVAL Sid Caesar
' KGW Lawrence Welk
KOIN Hey, Jeannlel
KLOR Unexpected
KPTV George Gobel
KOIN Gunsmoke
KLOR Presents
KGW Ozark Jubilee
KVAL George Gobel
KPTV Hit Parade
KOIN Talent Scouts
KLOR Bowling
KVAL Hit Parade
KGW Movie '
KPTV Movie
KOIN Movie
KVAL Movie
On Television
KIOR (12). KGW-TV (S), KV&l (U)
lOntv HMjulttf Ut tlkRt
9:30 p.m.
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11:00 p.m.
i:00 a.m.
World Citizen Admitted
Janis Paige Took Rough Road
For 7 Years Back to Stardom
Notes on the News
'We Mtfti (wpfAi V ln each
United Press Hollywood Writer
years ago Janis Paige couldn't
get a job in the movies but today
the Cinderella girl has staged
a triumphant comebac k even
though it involves a tricky switch
play. I
On an MGM sound stage the
red-haired, vivacious singer is fin
ishing a role many a beauty would
have given a mink for dancing
with Fred Astaire.
But the road she took to reach
this movie success is full of more
ups and downs than a soap
'I left the Warner studio in
1949." the bouncy actress said.
I was as cold as last year's tur
key. I didn't hav-e a job.
"But you find you have guts
when you have problems. L started
singing in nightclubs to make a
living. It was n't easy. The
drunks.. .once I was sitting in a
motel in Birmingham and I satd
to myself. 'What am I doing here?
Who cares ?
No Direction
"No matter how rough it was
at times, it was all building to
ward something but I didn't real
ize that at the time. I didn't
know where I was going.
"Once in Montreal my agent
called. Bob Hope had seen me
sing in New York and wanted me
to fly to California to be on his
XV ahow. And 1 was also offered
the lead in 'Pajama Game'
Janis and the musical became
a happy hit. But even the stars
on top have to worry about stay
ing there. She left the show for
a TV series. It wasn't hilariously
Then came time for the movie
version at Warner Bros, of "Pa
jama oame. Almost everyone
connected with the stage show
was asked to repeat his or her
jobs except Janis. She lost out
to Doris Day. apparently because
the movie-makers wanted one big
Doxofnce name.
Gets Twinge
"I did get a twinge' Janis ad
mits. "But I really didn't care
too much. I didn't worry over it
Aiiei an, it a still the role I cre
ated so I'll always feel it's mine.
Dons Day's victory meant not
defeat, but another victory, for
the shapely Miss Paige. Her f-ee-dom
meant she got another oppor
tunityto star with Astaire in the
movie version of another Broad
way hit, "Silk Stockings."
That role had been created on
Broadway by Hildegarde Neff,
who to complete the cycle should
act in the remake of a Doris Day
"I was offered the stage role
in 'Silk Stockings' but wouldn't
leave 'Pajama Game' for it."
Janis laughed. "I guess everything
works out if you just give it
8:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
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4:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
5 43 p.m.
8-00 p.m.
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6:30 p.m.
645 p.m.
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7 30 p.m,
7 45 p m.
8 00 p.m.
8 30 p m
9 00 p m
KPTV Christophers
KVAL Texas Rassltn
KPTV To Be Announced
KOIN Faith Today
KPTV Church
KVAL Bowling
KPTV Youlh Questions
KOIN Last World
KPTV News Roundup
KOIN Face Nation
KVAL The PalntinK
KGW Prayer St Hymn
KK1V 'Inn Lite
KVAL LiRhied Window
KGW The Way
KPTV Pastor
KOIN Odyssey
KVAL Oral Roberts
KGW Telecourse
KPTV One Person
KPTV Opera Theater
KVAI. Oaera Theater
KGW The World Around
Ki.i' orin nenori
KGW World Uiuea
KGW Give Thaa Peaca
KGW bible Puppets
KOIN McBoln Boinf
Kl.flR Un-hted Window'
KGW Challenge ol Books
KOIN Armchair
KLOR A. A. Allen
KGW Dr. Spock
KLOR Circus Time
KGW Johns Honkins
KPTV Wash. Sauare
KV AI Vfh. Snupre
KGW College Press Con.
hi. OH- .. 'a.
KGW Medical Horizons
KLOR Transition
KPTV Topper
KLOR Town Hall
KVAL Top Tunes
KGW Dean Pika
KPTV Capt. Gallant
KOIN Telephone Tims
KLOR Oral Roherts
KGW Sunday Film Fair
KPTV Meet the Press
KOTN Air Power
KLOR Pioneer Playhouse
KVAL Meet xne r-resi
KPTV -Roy Rogers
KOIN Lassie
KVAL Roy Rogers
KPTV Bengal Lancers
KOIN Jack Benny
KVAL Bengal Lancers
KGW You Asked for It
KPTV Circus bov
KOIN What's My Line?
KL Wrtfffrci' '
KGW Amateur Hour
KPTV Steve Allen
KOIN Ed Sullivan
KVAL Steve Alkn
KGW Press Conference
KPTV-Dinah Shore
KOIN Theater
KLOR Omnibus
KVAL Din-h Shore
KGW Omnibus
KPTV Loretta Young
KLOR Ray Anthony
KOIN $64,000 Challenge
KVAL Loretta Young
KPTV To Be Announced
KOIN Miss Brooks
KVAL Movie
KGW Movie
KPTV Movie
KOIN Movie
KLOR Wrestle ,
KPTV Today In West
KOIN Panorama Pacific
KGW Prayer & Hymn
KGW Town and Country
KGW Cartoon Club
KOIN Fun to Reduce
KPTV Tic Tac Dough
KOIN Valiant Lady
KGW Telescope
KOIN Love of Life
KPTV Could Be You
KOIN Search Tomorrow
KOIN Guiding Light
KOIN Stand Up
KGW Movie
KOIN As World Turns
KPTV Price is Right
KOIN Miss Brooks
KPTV Tenn. Ernie
KOIN House Party
Kr.W v.'oikshoo
KPTV Matinee Theater
KOIN Big Payoff
KVAL Matinee
KGW Wunda Wunda
KOIN Bob Crosby
KPTV Queen for t Day
KOIN ungnier uaj
KVAL Queen
KOIN Secret Storm
KDIN Edee of Night
KPTV Modem Romances
KVAL Modern Romances
KPTV Great Uie
KOIN Gov. Inaugural
KLOR Gov. Inaugural
KVAL Great Life
KGW Gov. Inaugurat
KPTV Truth -Consequ.
KVAL Truth-Consequ.
KGW Stage 8
KPTV Cnlorama
KOIN Garry Moore
KI OR -Movie
KVAL Movie
KGW Film Festival
KOIN Arthur Godfrey
KPTV Cowboy Serial
KOIN Mr. Moon
KLOR Laurel-Hardy
KGW Pioneer Club
KVAL Guest Book
KPTV Movie
KOIN Cartoon Time
KOIN Rvl Dunning
KI.OK Range Kider
VVAI Roundun
KGW Mickey Mouse Club
KOIN Armcnair
KLOR Gene Autry
KVA1- News, Wea., fipti
KOIN Wea., News, Spti
KLOR-Wild Bill
KVAL Jungle Jim
KGW Trouble With Dad
KPTV MrGllI News
KOIN Edwards News
KPTV Willy
KOIN Bobin Hood
KLOR Corliss Archer
KGW Newsbeat
KVAL Webfoot Feats
KOIN Studio One
KLOR Margie
KVAL Cisco Kid
KG W Hall of Stars
KPTV Eddie Fisher
KLOR Dr Christian
KGW Bold Journey
KPTV World News
KPTV Lancelot
KOIN Burns-Allen
KIX)R Man Called X
KVAL Dec. Bride
KGW Danny Thomas
KPTV Stanley
KLOR Movie
KVAL Badge 714
KGW Voire
KPTV Twenty One
Sermon on the Mount Theme
Sermon Topic at Woodburn
NEW YORK Gary Davis, who calls himself "first citizen of
the world" walks through Idlewild airport today after winning
admittance as a paroled alien. He arrived from Amsterdam and
remained aboard plane until his status was cleared with immigra
tion authorities. He renounced his American citizenship In 1948
and now carries a "world passport." He Is son of Moyor Davis,
orchestra leader. (AP Wlrephoto)
WOODBURN (Special) "Open
ing the Door to God" will be the
sermon topic Sunday of Rev. Rob
ert E. Van at the Woodburn and
Bethel Presbyterian churches.
Worship service al the Bethel
church begins at 9:49 a.m. and
Sunday school follows at 11 o clock.
The sermon will be the first in a
series of sermons on the Sermon
on the Mount. Sunday school at
the Woodburn church begins at
9:45 a.m. and the worship service
is at 11 a.m. The Junior high fel
lowship meets at 6 p.m. and the
Westminster Fellowship at 7 p.m.
The annual congregational meet
ing will be Wednesday, Jan. 16,
at 8 p.m.
The Beatitude of Prayer" will
be the sermon topic of Rev. Or-
mal B. Trick Sunday at the 11
a.m. service at the Woodburn
Methodist church. This service will
be in observance of the week of
prayer. Sunday school meets at
9:45 a.m. A nursery for small
children sponsored by the Evening
Circle is provided each Sunday
during the morning service.
Rev. George W. Springer, pastor
of the Christian church a'. Wood-
burn, will have for his sermon
topic Sunday at U a.m. "They
That Wait Upon the Lord." At 8
p m. he will speak on the topic
Be Not Overcome of Evil, other
services include Sunday school at
10 a.m., junior church with a nurs
ery for small children in the base
ment at 11 o'clock and Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. New of
ficers were elected last Sundny.
II. Douthit was named to the
board of elders; elected to t h e
board of deacons were David Van-
Arsdale and James Howe. All
other officers were re-clcctcd.
At the Bible Baptist church Sun
dny Rev. Paul Boomer will speak
at 11 a.m. on the topic A f aith
Comes Alive." Bible school is at
9:45 a.m., youth meetings at 6:45
p.m. and gospel hour at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson
were honored last Sunday for their
faithful service in the church lor
the past three years.
Two Wounded
Fracas at U.I.
MOSCOW, IDAHO ffl Someone
fired a shotgun to break up a
snowball fight on the University of
Idaho campus Thursday night and
two freshman students were struck
in the legs by pellets.
Lynn T. Snider ol Orofino was
treated at the university infirmary
and released. Charles Bigsby of
Silverton was admitted as a pa
tient Friday. Both were spectators
at the snowball fight.
The incident happened in front
of the Theta Thcla Pi fraternity
house and university officials said
two students whom they declined
to identify will be brought before
the school s discipline committee.
Charles Decker, dean of student
affairs, said he planned to confer
with Moscow Police Chief H. B.
Thoreson and didn't know whether
any formal charges against the
pair would be filed.
I m sure the hoys did not in
tend to shoot anyone." Decker
said. He said he thought the gun
had been fired into the air and
that pellets must have bounced
off a tree and struck the .students.
Michael Paytoon of Payette, vice
president of the fraternity, said
a group of unidentified students
massed at a street corner Thurs
day night and began throwing snow
balls at the house. He said at least
six windows were broken.
There were snowball fights dur
ing the night at Lindley and Gault
Halls on the campus. There was
some rock throwing at Lindley
and two windows were broken
A crowd gathered to watch the
right at the fraternity house. Dr
Ralph Alley said Snider was struck
by shotgun pellets in both legs
Eight Grabbed
In Tavern Raid
For Gambling
NEWBERG Wl Seven men and
a woman were arrested early
Friday when state police and
Yamhill County deputies staged a
raid at a tavern near here.
Fred William Wilson, 54, owner
of the Nut House Tavern, was
charged with permitted gambling.
He was asleep in living quarters
in the rear of the tavern when
the raid occurred.
George H. Wyman, 57, of New.
berg, was charged with conduct
ing a gambling game. Khic (i
Gerarden, 43, of Ncwberg, a wait
rcss at the tavern, was charged
with permitting Rambling.
Five other men were charged
with gambling after six deputies
and state ooiice broke up a poker
WASHINGTON ijfi-Th-! Public
Health Service announced today a
grant of $575,000 for research to
evairate the effectiveness of drus
in treating heart disease. It went
to Dr. Alan E. Treloar. director
of research of the American Hos
pital Assn.
KGW ftifth'ip Sh.n
0 30 p.m. KPTV-Mont. Presents
KOIN-nerember Hrlde
KVAI. Montg. Presents
K(;W-l.awren?e Welk
IflWIpm. KOIN TV-fMsy
10 15 pm. KI.OH Newt. Wea.
10 30 p.m. KPTV PI y house
KI.On Mnvie
KGV ..Movie
11 00 n.m. KPTV -Cr,. Current
1 11 :30 p.m. KPTV-Tonuht
Rev. Edwin Sandvig was in
stalled as pastor of the Woodburn
lmmanuel Lutheran church in spe -cial
services last Sunday evening.
Dr. H. L. Foss, district president
of the Evangelical church, con
ducted the service and He . Sand
vig spoke on "God is Watching
Over His Word." Special music
was a duet by Mrs. Glen Ahre
and Mrs. Ted Landscm with Mrs.
Glen Hermanson accompanying.
Martin Rostvold directed the choir
in his last appearance as choir
director. Regular services will be
held this Sunday, Jan. 13, with
Rev. Sandvig speaking.
Rev. Paul Gray, pastor of the
Foursquare church at Woodburn,
will preach at the 11 a.m. and
7:45 p.m. services Sunday. Sunday
school begins at 9:45 a.m. and
Crusaders meet at 6:30 p.m.
Officers of the young people's
fellowship at St. Mary's Episcopal '
church vill be installed during Ihe '.
II a. m. service Sunday. Bill
Bishoprick is president, Douglas
Kcrsten, vice president, and Judy
Bonacker, secretary - treasurer.
Rev. Donald B. Eaton, vicar will ;
conduct the service and give the
morning sermon. Other services '
include holy communion at 8 a.m.,
family service and communion at
9:30 a.m., and young people's fel
lowship at 12:30 p.m. Annual con
gregational meeting will be Wed-,
ncsday, Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. Holy
communion will be celebrated next
week on Tuesday at 10 a.m. and
Thursday at 7 a.m.
Rev. George Norsworthy, pastor
of the Woodburn Free Methodist '
church will speak at the morning
and evening services Sunday. Sun-.
day school is at 9:45 a.m., morn
ing service at 11 o'clock, and eve
ning service at 7 o'clock.
Wayne Fagcstrom, Florence
evangelist, will speak at the 11 .
F. m. service Sunday at the Wood
burn Assembly of God church.
Sunday school is at 9:45 a. m.
Junior church at 11 a.m. and eve
ning worship at 7:45 p.m. with the
pastor, Rev. William Rose, speak?
Eugene Will
Close Street
For Festival
EUGENE OH Plans are prog
ressing here to close oil lour
blocks of the city's main down
town streets to traffic during
merchants spring festival, In
March or early April.
The plan, proposed by the tu-
gene Planning Commission as a
test of shoppers' reaction to the
idea of having a Business arc
free of traffic, has won the ap
proval of the Chamher of Com
merce parking committee, chair
man Joe Richards said fnday.
Richards said there is little
doubt but that the retail merch
ants division of the Chamber will
along with the committee's
He said support of the plan for
a 10-day closing of the section of
the business street doesn't mean,
however, that the committee is
endorsing a plan for the perma
nent closure of the street to traffic.
EiiL'enc planning consultant
Howard Buford has urged in the
past that the city look to the
eventual closure of Willamette St.
the main business street to
traffic to make shopping easier
in the downtown area.
The 10-day plan will call for
special outdoor exhibits and dis
plays on the street. A lane for
emergency vehicles will be left
open as will intersections for the
normal cross-flow of traffic.
Bethlehem Lutherans Elect
Officers of Lebanon Church
LEBANON (Special) Elected i Leedy.
members nf Bethlehem Lutheran Mrs. R. C. Davis, committee
church council will be installed chairman, is being assisted by
Sunday at 11 a. m. Howard dray
is chairman; Lee Ferguson, vice-
chairman: Russell Falk, secre
tary; and Kenneth vorderstrisse,
Elders for three-year terms are
Paul Vordersrasse and Anthony
Ehret. LeRoy Willlami was elect
ed trustee tor a term of three
Financial secretary la Ervln
Bottcher, and members of the
financial board are Wallace Vor
dcrstrasse, Harry Rossow and
Richard Hobbs.
Tom Standlcv was elected Sun
day school superintendent. John
McNaughtan, Walter Schmidt and
Roger Ehret are ushers, and
O. II. Locschen and Charles
Vordcrstrasse are auditors.
Annual meeting of the congre
gation will be Sunday at 2 p. ra.
in the church, with a discussion
of the nearly-completed new
church building on the agenda.
Lutheran Women's Missionary
League will meet Tuesday, a
week early, at the home of Mrs.
Tom Sandlcy. New officers will
be installed, Mrs. Anthony Ehret,
president; Mrs. Richard Hobbs,
vice-president; Mrs. Wallace Vor
dcrstrasse, secretary; and Mrs.
Herbert Schmidt, treasurer. Mrs.
Felix Mccks will assist the hostess.
Home Building Slump
Ih (!iif;ral in West
PORTLAND lrt The slump
in housing construction continued
throughout most of the West in
December, the trade journal,
Western Building, reported Friday.
lousing permits dropped 10 per
cent, total permits 3.3 per cent,
but dollar valuation went up to
S2li2.733.33fi, compared to $M4,
4ll.2(i5 in December. 1II55, said
the magazine, reporting on states
west of the Rockies.
Liberty Church
EleclH Officers
LIBKRTY 'Special )-At the elec
tion nf the Ladies Council of the
Liberty Church, Thursday, Mrs.
Iltrlen Myers was elected presi
dent, Mrs. rrcd Robertson, vice
president, and Mrs. I.eota Sipc,
The Church Builders Class held
their election of officers, and Keith
O'Ncil was elected president, Mrs.
Albert Jones, vice-president, and
Mr. and Mrs. William Trnpnell,
Kiiptists Klert
MONMOUTH (Special) - Mrs.
Wilford Ncely was installed as
president of the Women's Mission
ary group of the Baptist church at
a recent meeting. Other officers
ii. stalled by Mrs. Hoy Campbell
are Mrs. J. G. Vaughn, vice-president;
Mrs. Russell Tuma, secretary-treasurer:
Mrs. H. Dalton.
publicity chairman; Mrs. Ed Hol
brook and Mrs. Clyde Mills, White
Cross committee. Miss Joan Col
lett, a missionary to Brazil spoke.
The meeting was held with Mrs.
Keith Tow wilh Mrs. Drwaync
Paulsen assisting.
Mental health and the church's
responsibility will be discussed
by the Rev. Harold Shellhart of
Albany at a meeting of the
Mother's Study circle at the First
Methodist church Thursday at 8
p.m. Mrs. Charles Wilson is pro
gram chairman.
Quarterly reports will be given
at the church Monday at 1 p.m.,
followed bv an executive commit
tee meeting for the Woman's
Society for Christian Service with
Mrs. Llovd Lvon in charge.
Mrs. Robert McDonald will
give a program f o r Madrona
circle Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the
home of Mrs. Jack Haynes a 241
Grove St.
Following a 1 p. m. no host
luncheon at the church Wednes
day, a general meeting of WSCS
will have a program planned by
Mrs. John Beard and Mrs. Harold
Carper. Mrs. Leonard Olson will
be in charge of a worship service.
John Pearl will preside as as
sociate lay leader at a sub-dis
trict Methodist men s meeting in
Halsev Methodist church at
p. m. Thursday. Speaker will be
Philip Hitchcock ol Portland.
Sneaker at a sectional minis
ter's instiille at the Assembly of
God church Thursday and Friday,
Jan. 17, 18, will be the Rev.
Thomas Zimmerman of Spring
field, Mo.
Opening session is 2 p in.
Thursday. Evangelistic rallies
will be open to the public each
night at 7:80.
Women of St. Martins Episco
pal Churrh have been invited for
a luncheon meeting Wednesday
at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall
wih Mrs. James Carman, wife of
the Bishop Coadjutor of Oregon.
Accompanying Mrs. Carman from
Portland will be Mrs. Robert
Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. Jack '
Davis and Mrs. Jack Brande.
Speaker at the Church of Christ
at 6 p.m. Sunday will be W. A.
Irvine ol sweet Home.
Annual congregational meet-1
ing of Our Saviours Lutheran
church will be at 8 p. m. Thurs- -day.
New officers will be elected.
New guild officers will be in
charge of a guild meeting Mon
day at 8 p.m. at the church, with
Mrs. Raymond Dcetz as president.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Cecil Hall,
Mrs. Clarence Englund and Mrs.
Ray Nichols.
A nroeram showing "The
Sower, The Soil and The Seed"
was given by flannelgraph at a
missionary meeting for the Pent
ecostal Church of God Tuesday by
Mrs. Susie Allen at her home.
Junior class girls. Beverly
Keith, Ann Nord, Juanita Gilmore
and Mary Margaret Gibbs assist
ed the hostess.
A project m the Pentecostal
Young Peoples Assn. to buy a
new altar rug by selling candy,
under direction of Starlan
Grimes, was announced.
Program and devotions for an
all-day Missionary Ladies meet
ing at the Church of God Wednes
day will be given by Mrs. Lewis
Dimock and Mrs. Albert smith.
No host lunch will be served at
noon, and quilting is on the list
of work.
Two Services at
Enlewood EUB
Beginning Sunday morning, two
identical worship services will be
presented at the Englcwood EUB
church 8:30 and 11 o'clock.
The change voted by the board
of trustees, was brought about by .
increased church attendance.
Participating in the World Wide
Church attendance movement, the
Lnglewood church is one of many
congregations attempting to in
crease attendance on a nstion-wide
Miss Janice Roscoe, soloist from
Portland and a Willamette univer
sity student, will sing during both
morning services.
Woodpeckers are found through
out the world except in Australia
and Madagascar. Naturalists have
been unable to explain why wood
peckers have not found their way
to these two island countries.
Amity Youth Sunday
AMITY (Special) The Amity
Methodist church will observe
Youth Sunday Jan. 13. Rev. Bruce
McConnell, pastor, will present a
sermon based on the tendency of
a person to excuse their short
comings wilh the phrase "I'm Only
Human." Rev. McConnell, during
bis sermon, will explain the respon
sibilities each person has, 'As chil
dren of God.' Special music will
be presented at the morning wor
ship. SW-Sl..
Evangelist Due
LEBANON iSpecial) An evan
gelist of 25 years world-wide ex
perience, Dr. Hyman Appelman nf
Kansas City will conduct nightly
meetings at the First Baptist
church from Jan. 14 to an. 27.
Formerly a professor of law at
DePaw University, Russian - born
and originally of the Jewish faith,
Dr. Appelman will talk first on
"Think Fast, America. You're
Losing Out"; "The Battle for a
Nation"; "Meeting the World's
Greatest Emergency"; "The
Words That Brought Jesus from
Heaven"; and "The Question to
Answer All Questions." Dr. Appcl
man's song leader is John Ba
sagno of Tulsa, Okla.
1.1 , Jsn, It
! P.M.
saet MARR'S
Phone EM-39201
2110 S. Commercial