Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 12, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section' 2 Page 3 Westminster Dedication Due Sunday .. "We Build His Church Together" is the theme of Dr. James K. Leitch's address at the dedication of the Westminster United Pres byterian Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, according to Rev. J. Dwight Russell, minister of the church. Dr. Leitch, associate secretary of the Board of American Mis sions of the United Presbyterian church, is in charge of its depart ment of church building and fi nance with offices in Pittsburgh, Pcnn. The church, located atop Boul der Knoll on Liberty Road near Ewald Street in Salem Heights, was completed in late November and has been waiting for Dr. Leitch's visit for the dedication service. Dr. M. DcWitt Safford, Synodical Field Secretary for the Synod of Columbia, will give the dedicatory prayer. The Rev. Dwieht A. Russell, D.D., of Spokane, Wash., father of tho minister, will participate in the service and offer the prayer of thanksgiving. His retirement last fall marked the close of 50 years of ministry in the home mission work of the denomination. The Rev. Robert K. Russell, min ister of the Mt. Tabor Presbyter ian Church of Portland and a brother of the minister, witl give the invocation. Those bringing brief greetings and the organization they repre sent will include: Dr. Mark Tal ney, executive secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches; Dr. Charles Dcrthick, president of the Salem Council of Churches: Dr. J. Boyd Patterson, moderator of the Synod of Columbia; the Rev. Earl Benbow, moderator of Wil lamette Presbytery; Dr. John C. Kevin, moderator and superinten dent of missions of Oregon Pres bytery. Dr. Paul N. Poling, minister of the First Presbyterian church of Salem, will read the scripture les son in the service. Participants in the key cere mony will be: Erwin E. Batter man, general contractor who built the church ; Benjamin E. Cave, architect; Burch Judson, building committee chairman, and Leo Reed, chairman of the local com mittee for Westminster. Wallace A. Johnson, director of the band and chorus at South Salem high school, is director of music of the church and will direct the choir in an anthem in the service. Organist for the serv ice will be his wife, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Church Review By Adventists Prospects are bright for real church growth in the new year, according to reports given by lead ers of the Seventh Day Adventist congregation at a business meeting held last night. Review of church activities for the year 1956 showed gains in many lines of endeavor. During the year members have carried on a strong welfare pro gram, Mrs. L. E. Kuebler, Dorcas Welfare Society leader, reported. The treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Mc Alvin, in her review of steward ship, expressed appreciation for the faithfulness of members in the giving of tithes and mission of ferings. These amounted to $97,890 .06 she reported, which is an in crease of $11,000 over the figures for 1955. Central Assembly Kcvival Services To Start Jan. 15 The Rev. Don Gossctt of Miami, Oklahoma, will begin revival ser vices at the Central Assembly of God Church, Hood and Cottage streets, on Tuesday night, Jan uary 15. The pastor, the Rev. Fred Versolenko, announces that services will continue nightly at 7:30 p.m., except Monday and Saturday. Mr. Gossett has been active in evangelistic work for nearly eight years. His travels have taken him into many states of the nation. His ministry is featured by sal vation and healing services. Accompanying the Rev. Gossctt wil be his wife and children. Mrs. Gossett is a talented musician and soloist. SUMMIT METHODIST ORCHARD HEIGHTS The morning worship service at Sum mit Methodist Church will be con ducted by a group of students from Willamette University Sun day, according to Glen Murray, student pastor. Dave Steward, sophomore philosophy major from Corrallis, will preach on "Prisons of Pride," at the 11:00 a.m. serv ice. Mary Ella Rose, a freshman from Burlingamc. Calif . will lead the worship service. The Metho dist Youth Fellowship will meet at the church at 7:00 Sunday eve ning. ' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town the Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a. m. "THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD" Broadcast KSLM 11:30.12:00 Brootai H. Mdom Msnlstet Leader Dr. Gerald Larue, staff mem ber of the division of Christian Education, National Council of Churches, New York, who will take part in the three days ses sions of the Oregon Council of Churches Jan. 22-24. The convo cation will be held at the First Methodist church. Dr. Talney Dinner Speak Dr. Mark A. Talney, executive secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches, will be the speaker at the monthly dinner meeting of the Salem Council of Churches on Monday, January 14 at the Jason Lee Methodist Church, N. Winter and Jefferson Sts. at 6:30 p.m. He will bring details of the Oregon Council Convocation program here at me f irst Methodist Church January 22 to 24. Reports from the local arrangements committees will be given by the following chairmen: Mrs. Harold D. Jones, housing: Mrs. A. C. Haig, guest reception; Mrs. H. G. Carl, flow ers; Mrs. Gerald Smith, ushering: Mrs. V. J. Osko, transportation; Mrs. Paul Poling, courtesy. A special guest at the dinner will be- Waldemar Burke, recent arrival from Germany, who has been sponsored for resettlement in Salem by the host church. Reservations for the dinner should be made with the host church not later than Monday morning. Youth Activities Stressed in Services at Silverton Churches beginning of the new year, the local churches are emphasizing the activities of the youth of the congregations. The Rev. John Price of the Pilgrim Holiness South Water Street church is to use as his 11 o'clock worship service theme, "What Shall I Give to God?", fol lowing the close of the Sunday school class hour beginning at 9:45 a.m. J. R. Graham is super intendent. The Lord's Supper will be observed following the morning sermon. Pilgrim Youth meets at 6:45. Evangelistic serv ice is at 7:30 p.m. The topic of Rev. Price's sermon: "The Pearl of Great Price." Prayer service and Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Trailblazers' club meets Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society meets Friday at 1 p.m. at the parsonage. The First Christian church Bible school meets Sunday at 9:45 a.m. F. M. Powell is superintend ent. Four classes are provided for special adult study, and classes are also arranged for all age groups of the younger folk. The minister, Rev. I. M. Nelson, will continue his series of ser mons for the 11 o'clock worship hour from the Book of Romans, his theme this Sunday, Jan. 13, from the 16th chapter of Romans. Holy Communion observance pre cedes the sermon. Different youth groups meet in the eve ning worship and social hours. Mrs. Minnie Cavender is to con tinue the showing of pictures of the Holy Land which she recently visited. On Thursday a Bible school workers' conference is an nounced to begin at 7 p.m. in the church social rooms. Calvary Lutheran minister, the Rev. Carl G. Berg, will speak at the 11 o'clock worship hour Sun day, following the 10 a.m. Sunday school and Bible class period. On Tuesday of the coming week the Naomi society meets in the church social rooms at 7:30 p.m. Junior choir at 7 p.m. and senior at 8 p.m. Rehearsal for the Sun day programs. The Luther league will be host group to a January 19 "pancake feed" in the church social rooms. In the absence of the regular pastor, the Rev. Alvin L. Selid of Trinity Lutheran church at Sec ond and A streets, Silverton, the Rev. Ralph Heins will be guest speaker at the 11 o'clock worship hour following the 10 o'clock Sun day school and Bible study classes FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Marlon and Cottage Streets MINISTERS Wayno Grten, Don Ross CHURCH SCHOOL -9:45 MORNING WORSHIP AND COMMUNION-10 45 Sermon, 'THIS IS YOUR LIFE!" YOUTH-Fellowship, Snack, Worship, Study 5:00 EVENING WORSHIP AND COMMUNION-7:30 MoooV Institute of Seienee Film, TIME AND ETERNITY" Oregon Church Convene in Two well known clergymen will be featured speakers during the annual convocation of the Oregon Council of Churches to be held at the First Methodist church, Jan. 22 to 24. They are Dr. Harold A. Bosley, minister of First Methodist church. Adams Named Moderator of Baptist Group Dr. Kinlcy K. Adams was named moderator of Calvary Baptist church during the annual meeting of the congregation this week. He succeeds William Watson. Elected vice moderate was D. R. Peterson. Others appointed to positions of responsibility were Ivan Bingenheimer, Al Pool, Bob Hoyser, Len Edwards, Keith Lang, Ken Graber, Leonard Thompson, Jens Svinth, Wm. Reagan, and llcsdames Lyle Morris, Leo Iry, F. M. White. A. W. Bagley, L. Hardwicke, Tom Kenagy, Stanley Teston, J. H. Randle and Miss Selma Oraw. A budget of $38,310 was adopted for 1957. This sum includes pro vision for current needs, missions and Christian education. The congregation voted to con sider plans for a building fund with which to erect an educational wing to the south. Dr. W. Berkeley Ormond, pastor will speak on the subject "Three Symbols Sunday morning. Petticord to Preach Sunday Dr. Paul P. Petticord, former pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church in Salem, will be the guest speaker Sunday at both the 10:50 a.m. and the 7:30 p.m. services. He is presi dent of the Western Evangelical Seminary at Jennings Lodge, and the National Association of Evan gelicals. Beginning Monday, January 14. a three day Missionary Rally will be held with services each evening at 7:30. Sunday. The senior choir, Mrs. Don Burch directing, will sing. Luther league meets at 7:30 p.m. with Miss Mary Libner's "team" in charge of the program. Tho mas Reed is chairman of the soc ial committee. The McBride team will serve refreshments. Ann Schwab of Immanuel Lutheran church will teach the confirma tion classes at 9:30 and 10:45 Sat urday forenoon. Junior choir meets at 2 p.m. Saturday. The LCR meets Saturday at 3 p.m. for those in grades three and up. Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. II. G. Randolph of Port land will conduct the Immanuel Lutheran services following the Sunday school at 11 o'clock, as guest pastor. Officers of the church elected at the recent an nual meeting will be installed at the morning services. The altar committee will meet after serv ices. Luther League program is Sunday evening at 7:30. The Sunday Christian and Mis sionary Alliance program is to be an anniversary observance of ap preciation on the occasion of their pastor, the Rev. Charles W. Zeri- gart, having served for a year in Silverton, coming on Jan. 8, from Grants Pass. The Sunday school with Oscar Satrum as superintend end, and morning worship hour are to be as usual. During the afternoon the minister will give a brief talk on: "What It Means To Be A Pastor," Mrs. Zweigart will tell of "What It Means To Be A Pastor's Wife," and the teen-aged son of the Zweigarts, David Zweigart, will tell of "What It Means To Be A Pastor's, Son" or as David puts it a "Preacher's Kid." The complimented family of the Zweigarts will put on a special music program at the Evangel Hour following the youth meeting of the evening. "We Are The Offspring of God." from Acts 17, Bible text, will be the worship sermon topic for the Rev. Lynn Sparks of the Assembly of God church for the Sunday, January 13 evening service. The Rev. Sparks will direct the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning, and Mrs. Sparks will supervise the Sunday school classes beginning at 9:45 a.m. Youth of the church meet preceding the evangel hour. The Assembly of God ministerial institute at Lebanon is convening January 17 and 18 during the day and evenings with the Rev. Zim mermann from the Springfield, Mo., headquarters to conduct the educational programs and to give pastoral instructions. Council to Salem, Jan. 22 Evanston, 111., and Rev. Joseph W. Merchant, executive director of the department of urban church of the National Council of Church es. Dr. Bosley will speak at evening meetings for the three days of the convocation as well as at a morn ing worship service, Jan. 24. He is in wide demand as a guest lectur er, giving the first Carnahan lec tures in Buenos Aires in 1951, and speaking in Japanese and Korean seminaries in 1855. Rev. Mr. Merchant is a Congre gational minister with nine years parish experience and 12 years in interdenominational work. He will lead the workshop sessions on "Problems of the Urban Church." Wednesday and Thursday after noons. The annual meeting of the coun cil will be held during the convo cation when officers will be elect ed, reports received and the bud get adopted. , Installation Christ Church LIBERTY The Liberty Chris tian Church of Christ will hold its annual congregational dinner on Sunday, Jan. 13, at the church on Skyline road. The dinner will bo served fol lowing the morning service. Tak ing charge will be the Ayeta Mis sionary group and the Ladies council with Mrs. Paul Scharn and Mrs. Leota Sipe. A program is scheduled for af ternoon with an Installation of offi cers. To be installed as elders will be Keith O'Neil and Milbre Sipe. Deacons will be Lcs Stringer, Carl Beals, Stanley McClellan, and J. D. Gregory. . Deaconesses will be Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Granville Boatwright, and Mrs. Fred Robertson. Sunday school superintendent for primary, Mrs. Joe Barber, adults, Mrs. J.D. Gregory, treasurer, Mrs. Staryl Austin, secretary, Mrs. Louis Kurth and clerk, Mrs. Helen Meyers. Baptists Hear Of Peru Work Sunday evening at the Salem Heights Baptist church, 3530 Liber ty Rd., Rev. Titus Nickel, mission ary from Peru, will speak and show his pictures of the work there. In the morning worship service at 11:00, Mark Hatfield, Secretary of State, will speak and bring Bible message. The two church youth groups, Junior High and Senior High, will meet at the regular time of 6:30. Mr. Nickel, who speaks in the evening service, is a native of Sa lem, a graduat of the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles, and is serving under the wyclufe Bible Trans lators. Nazarenes Report MenibershipGains The Church of the Nazarene, an international Protestant denomina tion, with which the First Church of the Nazarene of Salem is afil- iated, recorded substantial gains in every area of its work during 1956, it was- reported here this week. The annual statistical report by Dr. S. T. Ludwig, Kansas City, Mo., General Church Secretary, showed that new churches and Sunday schools were established at the rate of two a week in 1956. The denomination had a net gain of 109 churches for a year-end total of 4.435. A net gain of 8.031 members, or a 2.8 per cent increase, brought the denomination total of 287,866. The vast majority joined on pro fession of faith. Varney Speaker STAYTON (Special) The Church of Christ is presenting Don Varney, former Portland business man, at the evening service at 7 o'clock Sunday evening, according to the Rev. Clyde R. Freeman, pastor of the church. Bible Questions Five more questions about the Bible are asked today by Rev. D. J. Ferguson, and will be answered on this page next Saturday. Here are the questions: Who had a vision in the New Year? Who received two loaves of bread as a sign? Name three kind of trees whose shadow is God? Which king hewed a yoke of oxen to pieces? Who asked the question "Cans't thou speak Greek"? ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK Arti 21-20. Acti 16-18. Amos 5 19. Drill. 34-5. Mat. 6-17. BEGINNING SUNDAY . . . There Will Be Two Morning Worship Services 8:30 A.M. EARLY WORSHIP HOUR 11:00 A.M. REGULAR WORSHIP HOUR at THE ENGLEW00D CHURCH North 17th and Nebraska Streets LLOYD UECKER, PASTOR St. John's Votes Assistance to Valparaiso U At the voters' assembly held Monday evening, January 7, at St. John's Lutheran Church, the vot ers passed a 'resolution to have a committee study the constitution and make recommendations for its revision. After a report about the recent $600,000 fire at Valparaiso University, the voters resolved to help financially by taking a special collection Sunday, January 13, For the1 10:30 a.m. service the first Sunday after Epiphany, Pas tor Boss will use "With Jesus in the Temple" as his sermon topic. Walther Leaguers will attend the Willamette Zone Rally to be held Sunday afternoon and evening in Cottage Grove. Pastor Waller G. Boss will present the topic "The Twelve Disciples and What They Did After the Ascension." Women Hear Missionary WOODBURN (Special) Mrs. Gerald Emerson, who served with her husband in Colombia for sev eral years, was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Women's Association of the Wood burn Presbyterian church Wednes day afternoon at the church. She spoke on the work in Colombia and also told of an uprising there which the family experienced. Mrs. Eldon Hart, the new presi dent, was hi charge ot the busi ness meeting. Reports were given by the various committees. Mrs. William Dunn reported $25 had been donated for Christmas char ity work and it was announced that Christmas baskets had been supplied to needy families. Plans were discussed for the "Luncheon is Served" which the women are sponsoring to be held Jan. 25 at the church and also for the din ner to be served to the Woodburn Business and Professional Wom en's club Thursday night, Jan. 17. Circle meetings announced were the Irene Forsythe Circle at the home of Mrs. Jess Fikan, and the Maria Sandilands Circle at t h e home of Mrs. Harry VanArsdale. These meetings are the afternoon of January 23. The Esther Circle meets at the home of Mrs. Charles Byers on the evening of January 22. The visit of the blood bank at the high school, Jan. 21 was an nounced by Mrs. E. C. Peyton. Volunteering to serve on the call ing committee for January were Mrs. VanArsdale and Mrs. Dunn. The Esther Circle was in charge of serving refreshments. On the committeo were Mrs. Charles By ers, Mrs. Warren Donner, Mrs. Levi Hopkins and Mrs. Robert E. Van. The next regular meeting will be Feb. 12, at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Mission Panel At Fruitland A Missions Panel composed of six young men and women from the student body at Cascade Col lege, Portland, will appear at two services Sunday evening, Jan. 13, in the Fruitland Evangelical Unit ed Brethren Church. They will take complete charge of the Youth Felowship service at 6:30 and will take part in the regular evening service at 7:30. AH six ot the Cas cadians are preparing for foreign missionary service. Because of the unusual nature of the Youth Fellowship service the young people of the church are inviting adults and children to at tend. Included in the group will be a song leader, pianist, and mas ter of ceremonies. They will pre sent several musical numbers. The pastor of the Fruitland church, Rev. Roger B. Swaren, is a graduate of Cascade College, naving graduated in 1948. Moody Institute Film Scheduled The Moody Institute of Science film, "Time and Eternity" will be presented at First Christian Church as a special feature of the evening worship service, 7:30 Sun day. The film lifts up the spiritual meaning of life illustrated in the theory of relativity. In addition to the film, the eve ning worship service will include the singing of hymns and the com munion of the Lord's Supper. FOR SALE N. E. Portland Church and Parsonage Near Bus and Shopping Center Ph. Neptune 8-3412 News Of St. John's Lutheran Church (Mo. Synod) Court at Hlh. Walter G. Boss, pastor. Services with Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Sunday school 9:1$ a.m. Bible Classes 8:30 a.m. First Snlrltuallst Church 1320 Mad Isun St. Speaker: Rev. Ben 6. Kerlee. Circle 6:30 p.m. Regular service, 7:30 p.m. St. Joirnh' Catholic Church Che meketa St Winter. Kev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck. pastor. Sunday masses, 6. 7, 8, 9:15. 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. Saturday confessions 3:30-5:30 and 7:30-9:OU p.m. First Church of the Nazarene Center at 13lh. Rev. Duane K. Muth. pastor. Wesley RoKcrs. minister of music and youth. Sunday services: Church school, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 10:50 a.m. Youth srouos. 6:30 D.m. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Wednes day. 7:30 p.m., mid-week prayer service. I.aMih VUlace Community Church H. M. Books. B.D.. oastor. Evan gelist A. L. Cargill of Colorado borings preaches at 11 and at 8 Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Crusaders at 7 p.m. Prayer moment at 7:45. Wednesday prayer St Bible study at S p.m. Liberty Carden Uantlst Church 47s)5 Lone Oak Road. Sunday church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship it a.m. sermon topic: The new Birth". Unitarian Fellowship and Church School YWCA 10:30 a.m. Christ Lutheran Church State St. at 18th. Rev. T. M. Gebhard, pastor. Sunday services: 8:30 and 11 a.m. Preacher, Mr. Robert Bock: Prayer and the Solritual Life Mission. Sun day Bible classes 9:45 a.m. Women's Circle meetings. Monday 7:30 p.m. aien s xsrowernooa luesaay i;w p.m. Mark's Lutheran Church Rev. John L. Cauble. pastor. Sundny school 9:45 a.m. Divine worshiD at, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon by the pastor. Sr. Hi Luther League meets at 6:30 p.m. i Calvarv Banllst Church S. Llhertv I nt Minor St Uf Itarlralou nt-itmnrf I pastor. 9:45 a.m. Bible school, 11:00 'Three Svmbols". Broadcast over Station KGAY, 1430 Kc. 6:15 p.m. Baptist Youth Fellowship. 7:30, ''Or namflut or Utensil?" First Concrezatlonal Church 700 Marlon St. Dr. Julian J. Reiser, minister. 9:30 a.m. church school. 11, a.m. worship service, sermon "The New Interest In Religion". 6:30 p.m. Pilgrim Fellowship. Court Street Christian Chnrrh Court street at 17th. W. Harold Ly man, u. Philip Hurd, ministers. Bible school bemns at 9:45 a.m. Wor ship and communion services, 8:30 and 10:55 a.m. Sermon by Mr. Hurd, "Life with a Purpose". Adult and iuuin r ciiowsmp nour, o:.m p.m. Evening worship hour, 7:30. Message by G. Philip Hurd, "Prosperity For You". Grace Lutheran Church fELO Sunnyview and Lansing Avenues. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. Divine worship. 7:00 D.m.. Luther Lea e vie. Tuesday, Jan. 15. 8:00 p.m., annual nice img oi congregation. Jason Lee Memorial Methodist Church Ernest Preston Gfiulder. uster. 9:45 a.m. church si-hom. Clnsses for all ages. 11 a.m. divine worship. Sermon "Lift Up Your n-yes. o:ju p.m. sr. hi. teiiowsmp. Leslie Methodist Church S. Com mercial at Myers, J. C. Johannes, pastor. Church school 9:45 a.m. Morning worshio 11 a.m. Sermon hv me pastor, xomn t eimwitmp o:ju p.m. By young people and for young people. Bible study every Thursday 4. i.ou p.m. St, Paul's Episcopal Church South Liberty & High at Myers. Rev. ueoree it. swut. rector. Kev. w. M. Rosenthal, curate. Rev. T. M, Baxter, curate, ine rirst bunaav alter toton- any. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Fam ily service & church school 9:30 a.m Morninff oraver St sermon 1 1 a.m Nursery 9:30 St II a.m. Midweek holy communion (Wed. i 7: 30 Canterbury St Young Churchmen 6:30 p.m. Aionung prayer service ll a The Mltslon of St. Paul's F.pUrnpal Church 630 Hood St. Rev. George u. awin, rector, itev. W. m. Hnserv thai, curate. Ilev. T. M. Baxter. curate. Dr. Dean K. Brooks, Iny- rentier. First Sunday after En nhnnv. Family service, morning prayer, 9:30 First Methodist Churrh Chiii-ph A State streets. Brooks H. Moore, D.D.. minister. 9:30 and 11 a.m. "The Whole Armor of God". Church of Jesus Chrht of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) 5th and Madi son sts. Wm. T. Geurts, bishop. Priesthood meeting 9 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a m. Sacrament service 6:30 p.m. .. Vincent fl Paul Catholic Church Columbia at Myrtle Ave. Rev. John Reed v. nnstor. Sundav mnRira. fl. 7. 8. 9:15 and 11:45 a.m. Saturday con fessions 4:30 to 5:30 and 7 TO :30 p.m. Ktnrwond Jlitile Church 1 1?S Vim Street. Frank Wiens, pastor. Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday srhnof. 10:45 a in. worship service. Message: "The Witnessing Church". 6:15 p.m. Junior and Senior Youth service. 7:.'ii p.m. Gospel service. Message: i ne wiinrnsmit i.nurrn, n:i n.m. week service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Bible study and prayer meeting. The Salvation Armv 241 State fit Major Earl D. West, corps officer. M'OM a in. morning worshio. Tonir: "Walking After the Spirit". 7-30 p m. evening service. Topic: "God He- memoers . SALEM TRUTH CENTER 1149 COURT Mttaphyiiciif ttcturci Youth Sundty School Study Diicuuion CUtios Prtyor Hooling Clinic! Motaphyiical library Book Shop Phono EM 14010 REVIVAL Evang. Don Gossett From Miami, Okla. BEGINNING JAN. 15 Meetincs Every Nisht Eicrpt Saturday and Monday Central Assembly of God 1425 N. CotUjre Paftlor Fred Versoknko "SOUTH SIDE" ASSEMBLY OF GOD Come Visit Our New Chapel Cyest Speaker: Rev. N. D. Davidson (Oreeon District Supcrintendrnt) Morning Worship 11:00 Afternoon Dedication 3:00 1085 Fairview Ave. Poster J. R. DEAL EM 2-2277 Churches First Church of Christ. Scientist Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun ay morning service at n. ounaay evening at 8. Subject of lesson-sermon: ''Sacrament". Sunday school at Wednesday evening testimony meeting at 8. Liberty Christian Church of Christ 430 Skyline Koad. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worhip 11:00. Ser mon : "The Fruit of the Spirit In Joy". Fellowship dinner 1 :00 p.m. Congregational meeting 2:30. Junior and Senior HI C. E. and Teachers Training Class, 6:30 p.m. Evangelis tic nour sermon: ah nau uie Power of Jesus Name". Bethel Baptist Church N. Cottage and D Sts. Rev. Everett A. Barker, pastor, Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship service with Pastor Barker Drenching on: "You Lack One Thing." Youth group at 6:30 p.m. tsetnei uospei nour at t.w wun ser mon subject: "The Light of the World." Tuesday evening at B;00 p.m. Bethel Guild meets. Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednes day at 7:30 p.m. with choir rehearsal at 8:30. Visitation night on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Central Lutheran Church N. CaDl- tol and Gaines. Sunday Jan. 13: Wor ship 8:30 and 11 a.m. Family Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Family Luther League 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Jan. 16: Mid-week Bible study and prayer 7:45 p.m. Hurald Grlndal, pastor. llalbert Memorial Baptist Church 42!H) Portland Road. Elmer O. Paul son, pastor, 9:45 a.m. Bible school. 11 a.m. worship service. Sermon sub ject "A Wonderful Prayer". 6:30 p.m. Junior High and Senior Baptist Youth groups. 6:30 p.m. Adult personal workers class. 7:30 p.m. Gospel serv ice. Message: "The Word of God Is not Bound . Wednesday 7:30 p.m. midweek service of prayer and choir renearsai. i nany i to w p.m. jvings Daughters and Kings Jewels. Free Methodist Church Market & Winter streets. Rev, M. C. Miller, minister. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. , 11 a.m. Worship. 6:45 p.m. Family hour, group activities. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic service. Westminster United Presbyterian Church 3737 Liberty Road. The Rev. J. Dwight Russell, minister. Worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Church school classes at 9:30 and ll except for adults and junior hi and senior high youth which Is at 10:15 a.m. Guest minister at worshio services. The Rev. M. DeWltt Saf ford. D.D., synodical field secretary of Columbia Synod. Sermon theme: First Hand Christianity at West minster Church". 3 p.m. dedication of the church. Guest speaker, the Kev. James K. Leitch. D.D.. o( Pitts burgh. Sermon Theme: "We Build His Church Together." ReorcanlTrd Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Cor. N. 17th & Chemeketa Sts. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Regular service, 11 a.m, Even ing services. 6. Reginald Clark, pas tor. Ph. EM 2-3003. Weil cyan Methodist 15th and Mill. Lurln P. Miller, pastor. 9:45, Sunday School; Dudley Wells. Sunt. 10:50, morning worship; sermon by the pastor. (f:45, Wesleyan Youth, 7:45, evening service. Prayer serv ice Wednesday, 7:30. Unitarians Will Hear Prof. Avery The Satcm Unitarians will hear Prof, Curtis E. Avery speak this Sunday morning at 10:30 at the YWCA. He will talk on "Educa tion and the Family." Prof. Avery is the Director of the E, C. Brown Trust, an en dowed foundation for social hy giene education in Oregon, He is also a Professor of Education at the University of Oregon. Thus will also be "Hungarian Re lief Sunday," contributions ac cepted. A review and panel discussion of Edith F. Hunter's book. "The Questioning Child and Kchgion will be held at 8 o'clock Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Duniway, 601 L. Ben Lomond Dr. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH N. Cottage and D Sis. Rev. Everett A. Barker 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-"You lack One Thing" 6:30 P.M. Youth Groups 7:30 P.M.-"The light Of Tho World" N. 5th and Gainot lav. . K. Baltholor, Pallor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. "Life With Christ" 7:30 p.m. Rev. 15-16 Miat a glorious hopo to lao thlnlm; through oarth'i darkneta tho llgh of CHRIST'S SECOND COMINGI THE FRIENDLY CHURCH INSTALLATION OFFICERS and VESTRY SAINT PAUL'S Episcopal Church S. liberty & High at Myers Installation 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion 7:30 A.M. Family Service . 9:30 A.M. Rev. George II. Swift, Rector MISSION VFW HALl 9:30 A.M. Family Service &terl - ' 'Af I fUHtRAL HOME f ' ""'J 20S S. Church at Ferry i i 24 Hr. Phone: EM 3-9139 -c' "fvery Service Ji o Perfecf Triliufe" "ml aSBaaal - Presbyterians Elect Officers, Hear Reports Officers were elected and re ports presented during the annual congregational meeting of the First rresDyicnan cnurcn this week. The reports were based on the last nine months in 1956 since the church had adopted a yearly calen dar program. The membership report showed 1860 communicants on the rolls in spite of the loss of about 100 mem bers to the New Westminster church. Officers elected included: Elders Mark Astrup, Lawrence Hogue, Fred Klaus, George Land rith. Kugene Manock, J. E. Van Wvngarden, Dr. Burton Myers, Dr. Willard Thompson, A. A. Rogers and Otto J. Wilson. Deacons E. A. Brown, Pecry T. Buren, Leonard Gibby, Mrs. James Hardie, Walter Hartley, Minnie Just, Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Robert Stanley, Wakefield Walker, Lindley C. Keeney, Robert Williams, Tho mas Wright, Norman Marsh, Brenda Glass, LaVcrne Young, Myrtle Weatherholt and Dr. Robert Siddowny. Treasurer, Bjarne Ericksen; Church school, J. J. Fitzsimmons, Frank Tatman, Ben Schmoker and Ethon Collier. The second in a series ot four Fsmily Nights will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. Philip S. Hitchcock, Presbyterian elder and former state senator, will speak during a dinner meeting of the Presbyterian Men's club at 6:30 Tuesday night. A law in Switzerland demands hat lead pencils must be pre sharpened beforo they are sold. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CIIEMEKETA and WINTER "How To Pray" DR. POLING Two Service): 9:45 and 11 KOCO 10:00 a.m. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Fifteenth and MUI Sis. 9:45 Attend a Friendly S.S. 10.50 Worship 7:45 Evening Service, "We Preach Christ Crucified, Risen, and Coming Again" Lorin P. Miller, Pastor Services and Sermon for Youth and Adults. CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP 10:50 Message "The Element of Prevailing 1'rayer" Youth Services 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Sermon "The Responsibility of Light" Duano I. Muth, Pallor Wallay Rogorl, Mlnlitar of Mulic First Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th i CONGRATULATIONS Westminster Presbyterian Church ON YOUR NEW House of Worship PEWS AND CHANCEL FURNITURf MADI AND INSTALLED BY EDIGER'S WOOD WORK ll : m Moment$ 0 v? Enshrined in . 'Memory -I'll P : i sL 1 everently commemorating ths spirit's . i N E "'0h' ,0 e,ernal light and peecs, each fu- j nera' ""ducted by us endows moments S ' "r,hly parting with a quiet beauty, fttjflvi deeply comforting to family and friends. I IWr ft n, inn I Congregationals i Install Officers Sunday Morning "The New Interest in Religion" will be the topic of the sermon at the 11 o'clock worship this.. Sun day in the First Congregational Church. 700 Marion Street. Fea tured in the service will be the installation of the new officer! elected at the annual meeting. At the 104th annual meeting held last Wednesday, Dr. George Mar tin was elected moderator of the congregation for the coming year. Elected for three-year terms to the board of trustees were Dr. Harold f) Kr-hnoiHor Will-,. shall and William Howser. Th treasurer's report showed expen ditures of $24,563 for current ex penses. S5.0 for hpnpvnlpnro anrf $16,447 paid on the new building iuna loan. Mrs. Robert Gregg pre sided at the meeting during which a Danel of officers nrpcpnlMl thm highlights of the church's activi ties tor me last year. . j Many Join Church ' LEBANON (Special) Evangel ism Day will be observed Sundav at Evangelical United Brethren church at 11 a.m., when about 30 new members will be received. The Rev. Charles H. Beep t In charge of the service. Guest speaker Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at me cnurcn win oe uie Kev. Harold Shingledecker, missionary to Urundi, Belgium Congo, FOURSQUARE CHURCH 490 North 19th St 9:45 i.m Sunday School 11:00 i.m.-'7heHnrMUl W 7:45 p.m.-"IKtKlnoOMitlrr Rev. Roy E. Wortbinftoa A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU The Lutheran Churches of Silem WELCOMES YOU ST. MARK'S (U. L. C) ' 343 North Church ' Services 8:30 . m. and . 11:00 a. in. Sunday School 9:45 a. ra. John L. Cauble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (L. C-Mo. Syn.) 14th ana coon su. Service 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 9:15 1. m. ' Walter O. Boss, Pastor GRACE E. L. C.) 3300 Sunnyview Avenue, Sunday School it 9:45 a. m. Service 11:00 a. m. Lowell Holte, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD (U.L.C.) 3720 South Commercial Service 11 . m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. O. W. Ebright, D. D., Pastor FAITH U. L. C.) 4505 North River Road Services 1:30 I. n. and 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. n. Warren W. Pechman, Pastor CHRIST (A. L. C) State at 18th Street Services 8:30 11:00 a. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. T. M. Gebhard, Pastor CENTRAL (L. F. C.) North Capitol at ualnei Services 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Harald Grlndal, Pastor