Page 2 Section 2 Willamette Bearcats Get 71-69 Edge Over Linf ield Back mid Scores 20: Move lo Linfield By CHUCK BOICE Capital Journal Sports Writer " The second rally was the charm tor the Willamette Bearcats last ' night as they sneaked by the Lin - - field Wildcats. 71-69, in a wild con ference opener at the Wil'amette gym. The two teams tangle aain to night at McMinnville. '" The Bearcats, cold in .eir shoot V Ing and not impressive on the boards, trailed 22-11 midway in the first half. A spurt brought them up within one point late in the! . period. ! However, tncy were Detiina at ' the intermission, 38-31, and six minutes into the second half Lin ' field had a comfortable 50-40 lead. Dllly nf a Rally " At this point the Bearcats started one of their best rallies in several seasons. Captain Don liny bagged seven straight points on a (ield goal and fivc-of-six fro.n the free throw line. Guard Hon Taylor added a cou ple of free throws and the visiting Wildcats had but a one-point, 50- 49 lead. Linlicld started hitting once again and it looked as if it might be the first half all ovci again. 1 Little Jack Itiley, the freshman sensation from Grant high in Tort- ' land, sank a long one. , Eddie Grossenbather, Willam cttc's freshman guard promptly . " offset this with a long pushr but Riley came right back with an other and lanky Bill Hughcy also scored for the Wildcats to make U 56-51. ! Backlund Scores 20 ' Vic Backlund, who topped the Bearcat efforts with 20 points, scored twice with a Taylor free throw in between to knot the score at 60 - all with eight minutes to play, j Grossrnbacher then scored on an Inbounds play for the Bearcats ' first lead. ! A beautiful hook by Neil Cmishie, three more Taylor free throws and a driving tip-in by Bncklund com pleted the surge. The Bearcats had out-scored Lin field 14-0 in a space of five min utes. The over-all rally had netted Willamette 21) points to just 10 for Roy Hclser'a team. With belter than four minutes remaining there was plenty of ball came remaining, in met, the sire- able crowd nearly screamed the roof loose much of the rest of the way while players scrambled, al most came to blows and Linfield had a chance to tie the score with four seconds to go. Back In Builnetii A jumper shot by the veteran John Huggins put the Wildcats back in business and Riley and Jeff, Sublimity, St. Paul .Victors Jeff Oulnins Colton, M-VX COl.TON (Special I Jefferson High's Lions, with tour ol the starting live scoring in double digits, rolled impressively over I ho Colton Vikings, fi!i-43. in a Marion County H South League basketball game here Kruljiy night. The Lions owned a 26-13 halflime lead. Jell's Jerry Zchner led Ihc Lions with 17 points. Ilert Lundmark hit 12 lor the losers. The Jeff Roes won Ihc curtain raiser. 48-30. Jefferton (6S) Hutu illt Uaintile (M Horhsprle r 4 12 1 i Zehner il7) I Htm .Hi I Hetervri si-ort Wrifht 3. Cu.e 2 2. Colton Henthii (4l Colton (12l L.ii nlmttrk 111 Nrwtnn ll Vrvrit ((It Axmnker Slahlueker g Jeffrnnn Nynun S. Muriel 5 Scio Ke"ilcrs Win at Clicniawa CHKMAWA (Special- The hish- geared Scio Loggers of Coach Hen , Junes racked up an impressive 57- u 40 non league basketball game here ' Friday nicht - Kor Scin it was Larry llnynes X w'ho took top M-onng f honors with 15 (allies. Hrrimmi ;.' ' Nan Ann hoy canned 10 for the host qtlllll. , The Itediuan babes won Hie openor, SI 39. Hi io (.11) (to) chrmawa Hohtmiim (P) r (Hi Manlev (Hi T ifii lli,wn Kxstmiin 1 10) V (i Nutlmm Havnrn I ISi C! Ci Hrtl Sterr , Nrwvnmhr (71 (i ilin Armtntv , Reserve trnnnr ri.rm.iw -'-KaUniiS 9, Itudnnt 4 Silo Hrnwii 2 ; Perrydale Wins In Sorlh Marion ; WOODBURN iSpecialt - Perry dale High's Pirates sneaked by the fighting MacLaren Hawks. 31-30, in a Marion County B North League basketball game here Friday night. -' The winners, who led at half- time, 20-16, were led by Norm Krink, who hit for 8 points. Hawk nt pivotman Johnny Carleton look , " game honors however, with 13. Perrydale won the Jayvcc opener N' SI-24. Perrydale (II) Gmjrerlrh (41 D DeJnnf (0) n DeJnnf Ifll Ituhenthal (7) (39) Mrl.arrn I Nher IK) w allace (11 Thornmnn t Phillips iM i5) Fontaine' tN'nnet Mdarni -- Krink rcrrydalf 'Hamilton and Tiltun. Aucrvci iconnf: then Huggins both hit two-for-two from the free throw line. Mnanwhilc, Willamette's efforts to play it safe and get a clincher basket or two were not meeting with much success. Husky Ralph Harms of Linfield stepped to the free throw line and hit one of two to make the score 69-67 for John Lewis' home forces. Hoy, who carried four fouls most of the second half while doing an effective defensive job on Linfield star Bill Machamer, provided the margin with a pair ol gift tosses. Kven then Ihc st unborn Wildcats weren t through. With the four sec onds to go, Riley calmly hit twice on free throws. Willamette took the ball out-of-bounds Hut hoy's long throw, intended lor Backlund, carried into the crowd and Lin field had the ball on their own base line with the time still on the clock. Hung on Until Finish Huggins, left alone while all five Bearcats played defense on t h e potential receivers, eventually bounced the ball out of bounds, too, and big Neil Causbic collared Backlund's in - bounds toss and hung on until the gun. Backlund, who has been with the team less than two weeks of ac tual practice because of injuries, turned in an outstanding game, particularly in the latter stages when it was feared he would tire, The big junior from Bandun led Willamette scoring with 20 points, hitting 9 for 17 from the field and his 17 rebounds were high for the game. Riley finished with 22 points and Machamer 19, his lowest total this season, for Linfield. Linfield most ol the way effec tively dc loosed the ball -way from Causbie whose 6-7 height was three inches better than their tallest The big center had few shots and scored but two field goals. W.U. Juniors WLi The Bearcats second-half return to form gave them a .348 shooting average against .359 for Linfield and a slight edge in rebounds. Some of the first half coldness might have been attributed to team's lack of warmup togs. The new unilorms, to replace those lost in the Reno-trip car (ire, still have not arrived. Old jnyvec toj,s were used by the varsity, the Jayvees meanwhile duln t sillier too much. They Lr mined the highly-rated Linfield juniors, who included 6-R laryll Goetze, by score of 77-65. WHUmetlf (71) IBS) l.lnMrld flflpftp fRftpf tp TliMkHind.f 1 I 20 Knffrd.f 112 3 Htiy.f 4 7 4 15 Mchmr.f 7 D 3 10 Cauihle.c 2 12 8 Hurmii.c 4 5 S 1.1 TnyJnr.K 3 S 4 14 Urown.g 3 0 5 4 4 2 12 Itiley. ff S fl 4 22 Cirstmn.g 10 1 2 Wnndi.f 0 0 0 Thonipin.f 1113 Hiiffh.v,f 1 O 5 MrMil, 0 0 1 Huffiriu.r 2 2 i Totals 24 23 15 71 ToUU 25 10 24 fill HalMlrnn Score. Linfield 3S. Wll Imnetle 31. Free Thrmvi Mlssi-d field S. Willamette 15. Officials; Tiite jinn t.t,h. MARION B STANllN(iS W MAJOR I. Pel. n t ooo .tt'ffrrunn 1 Srhllnilly fnllnn Friday 'i ritult Ion 4.1; Sublimity Mm .000 (HHI Jftlrrson 9. Col S4. 8an1iiim 40. MARION B 8TANIIIN1;k MINOR w 1, Pi-1 Prrrvdale OreRun Deaf 1 0 lovi SI Paul 1 1 .3W Marl.arm 0 I (d0 FalU 1'ily 0 2 non t'hrit.Hwa 0 0 OOO Friday1! rrMill' Perrvdale 31. Mar- Iireii 30, SI. Paul .1!). Falls City 2 St. Paul Haps Falls City, M-2H ST. l'Al'L 'Specuili-St. Paul's HiH'knrmis, led hy Bulrh Kirk, rolled over the Kalis City Pioneers. 39-28. in a Marion County B North League hakethall mix here Fri day night The Bucks led, 18-13. at the in termission. Kirk was high point man with 14 points. Iteserve forward Jackie Kneel led the losers with 8. Kails City won the Javvee game, 21. fA CHy f!S) (IS) S(. Paul -rt) (l Unit (7i UrniUiin -in Wil.... r.ilK l it v Fnui-I Paul Van lr . rntli (it. Ofd- .Sublimity Tops Saulinin, 5 HO Srill.lM!''V iSprciln. - Suh- linnly Highs Saints, despite Sin liam's Dale Smith s 1H points, rolliHi over the Santuttn Wolver ines, 54-4H. m a Marion Countv B Soul League basketball game here Friday night. The Saints held a ih-a halftime ad antae. Smith took top individual scor ing honors. Clcte Heuberger led live Saints with 17. Satitiam won the Bee prelim. 36, W Sanliam (40) (U) Suhlimltx w o if Meier i7 rhrmmnsivi i 17) Heiilener Hi u - IRi Benet i4 Kji.nff .ft r; Ite-etve .iriii hern ire I ler 1. Plifir ntas 4. Kpperon l nontas 4. Kppernon i. " Rallies Twice to NW Invaders Have It Roud Pioneers Toppled at C.I., Whits Top Pacific Five By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It was a rough night on Oregon teams invading the inland areas of the Northwest Conference. Col lege of Idaho upset Ltwis and Clark, 57-52. and Whitman spilled Pacific, 69-65. The only Oregon winner was Willamette, playing on its home floor and scoring a 71-69 decision over Linlicld. The first full round of confer ence baskelball play therefore left Whitman. College of Idaho and Willamette tied for the lead with a single win against no losses. Lewis and Clark follows at 1-1. Meet Attain Tonight The teams tangle again Satur day night. racmc gave Whitman a scare. despite the fact Whitman was off to a 24-11 lead. It was down to M 63 with three minutes to go. but Keith Green tipped in a field goal mat saved Whitman. Max John son led Whitman with 25 points. Ron Rarcndse had 18 for Pacific Willamette ran olf 14 consecu tive points in a last-half rally that carried it lo the win over Lin field, moving from a 60-55 deficit to a 69-00 lead. Linfield came back, but not strongly enough to overcome that margin. Another late rally won for Col lege of Idaho. Lewis and Clark was in front 29-22 early in the second half, only to see the Idaho- ans forge in front with seven min utes to go and refuse lo give up the lead thereafter. Paclllr Barense (IAI Borgous 1171 Kalanus (111 Whitman (251 Johnson 1101 Greahle (4l Chrltman 115) Becker (131 Parser I; Whitman Behrla (111 Adami tsi G Lilies Subi: PU- ureen 2. I. C (3!) Shelton 14) (57) College or Idaho F 14) Perkins F (till G. Moore C (111 Berk Ian G (SI Maklnl G 1141 n. Mnnrr ward R Mlchetsi-n (11) Brady (14) Ilnulln (HI Subs: Lewis and Clark Flerk 2 Jnhnsnn 4. College of Idaho Judd 3, Ar-Kerman 7. Sherwood 51, Willamina 49 YAWAMA IT. A (.UK Sherwood Sherltliin Snlem A ride my Day Ion Amity 1.000 1.000 .AIM) .S00 .300 Willamina Philomath ,500 .300 nnn 1 i am hill n 3 .ooo Friday's ruJts: Silrm Academy mi, i-mmniain 11; uayion vn. Ainiiy 4.V Sherwood SI, Willamina 49; Sheri dan 38. Yamhill .13. SHERWOOD iSpecial) - The Mierwood Bowmrn outlasted the Willamina Bulldocs. 51-49, in a Yawama League Basketball game here Friday night. I he win was paced by Gary Schneider and Dale Black, who notched 16 and 15 points respec tively for the .Merry Men. Boh Fowler and Doug Littleiohn hit 14 apiece lor the visitors. Sherwood led 30-22 at the half. The Willamina Jayvees won the prelim. 41-29. Willamina U9) Fowler 14 1 1 Anderton (21 1 (51) Sherwond tlfil Si'hnrider 121 Stearnn Ficken 115) Blai-k I4l Stath Inne ,01 ( Slienk (9 C Little)ohn (14) C nrsrrvea srortnif: Willamina Nokl- Sheridan Wins From Yamhill SHKIMDAX (Special i Sheridan High's Spartans, rallying for a 23 24 halftime defict. defeated the Yamhill Tigers. 3. - 33. in a Yawamr League basketball game here Friday night. Ken Steelman led the Spartans with 15 points, good for game in dividual honors. Wally Brosamle and Bobby "Incandescent" Light canned 12 each for the lost.'i Sheridan won the JV game. 30-25. (3X) Sheridan ,0i Clark 111) He&l (IS) Steelman Mo 2 SUehler Rollins iOi c; Mint il2i C, Sheridan; Palteri J and ToMl 1 21 Doi nth Siiitoz Swamps Pacific Javvcos FtlUKST CHOVK (Sjweialt The Sttrroz Motors Ilamblers, Sa lem City League basketball team, composed lariii-ly of ex-Wtllamette Vmversity grads, stompwl the I'a-1 ntic I niversity Jayvees, W-fiT, here Friday ng,h. The AAl' quint had too much for the collejjians, rolling to a 42-34 h.iUtmie lead .terry McCallisler canned 30 points for the Motors quint. Surro ( Mi-Uravv (0) T Hazel iJ6t F Go.sJinf 1 151 C Pilfer G McCalhster (W) G Reserves corlnc 3. Chappley 1. Cald' 10. Way 4. Surro (1) Par I Mr JV t IT I Perkins i i Drake f S Neibhur (4i Newman (SI tjRut Pacific Burke well 4. Ferguson McManus 12. WON'T TV PRO ROW!. LOS ANGELES tlT -Sunday's seventh annual Pro-Bowl foothall game between the Eastern and Western stars of the National Foot ha tl league w ill not be trie vised because the American Broadcasting Co. could not find the network time for the telecast. Nell Causbie, 6-too I -7 Willamette university cen ter, drives by Llnfield's Ralph Harms, 6-4 cen ter, for one of his two baskets here last night. Parrish Greys Golds, Blues Win Openers Two clubs from Leslie and oncl from Parrish took opening victor ies Friday in the Snlem junior) high basketball league with wins' going to the Parrish Greys, Leslie Golds and Leslie Blues, The Greys downed the Leslie Warriors at Parrish. 28-19, with the help of a hot second-half perform ance by Pete Hnnley. The half time score was 9-9 but Hanley City Academy NipsPhilomath The Salem Academy Crusaders, behind the deadly second - half shooting of Larry Merk, bounced back for a 27-23 halftime deficit to defeat the unexpectedly strong Philomath Warriors, 50-41, in a Yawama League basketball game at the Academy gym Friday night. Philomath started fast to build its intermission bulge, but the Cru saders finally caught fire and led, 35-33, at the end of the third quar tor. .Merk tallied 17 points to share game scoring honors with Philo math center Don Dzigglc. Th Academy Jayvees won the curtain-raiser, 50-32. Philomath (41) f ft pi tp Smith 3 3 2 9 DIRRle .111 2 17 Wlulne 1 1 .1 3 M) R. Academy f ft pf tp Heinrirha 2 l 2 Volh 1 t 2 nenner 4 3 3 11 Entry 10 2 2 I.. Merk 7 3 3 11 Zwemart 4 0 4 II Dyrk 00 0 0 Fdiger 0 0 0 0 Drum 10 12 l.roat 20 2 4 Funk 3 2 5 fl Ynnn 10 12 Boatman 0 Totals 12 17 IS 41 Total 21 fl 15 50 Free Throws Mlnned. Philomath 9; S. A.-ademy 11. Halftime St-ore: Phil omath 27. S. Academy 2.1. Officials: Hartley and Jones. Dayton Bnccos Swamp Amity DAYTON (Special) Dayton High's Pirates, getting tremendous scoring punch from Faul Budkc and Do.) Nuttbroek. swamped the Amity Warriors. 70 45. in a kings x basketball game here Friday nicht Hudke hit 27 and Nuttbroek 20 points l.i lead the Pirates. Ken Marx connected for 14 for Amitv. Dayton led. 28-21. at the inter mission rest stop. The Pirate Habes win the Hee game, 40-38 II v (It) (10) U.iWon F ilJt Vet F t?7) Budke C tl) Hederctvk G i 2i Walther Her Khl,M Meeker i2l G 120) Nutthroek Reserve scortnR Amitv Wtlbanks 2. Mubh.nd 2 Pavton-Smith 4, Aeb ischer 2 Fuller 2. Officials; Bales and Hrndne. JOE I'Al.OOKA PON I MUSr SAY M-TA EOROWTA IITTLC WHILE, K"JOB8V Pf-8UT I'LL JEB0Y CVE9 A REAL BC RIGMT BACK.' v ACTRESS " THE CAPITAL JOURNAL The Bearcat Giant Drives In and Leslie warmed up and ended with 11 markers for the game. The Leslie Golds ran away from the Parrish Pioneers at Leslie, 38 lfi. and established themselves as the team to beat in the six-club race, Kim Clark paced the win ners with 15 points. Leslie's Blues came back from a one-point halftime deficit to down the Parrish Cards, 24-20, last night at Parrish. Ron Potts got eight points for the Blues as did Tommy hd wards lor the Cards. The JV results saw the Warriors bounce the Greys, 23-8, the Blues beat the Cards, 15-13, and t h e Pioneers edge the Golds, 19-18. Colds (311) Clark 1151 F Harvey (0) F Hudkins iR) C Bennett iOj G Brack (fit C fleserves scorlns : (16) Pioneer 1 2 Ferns (4) Glerkler (2i Smart (4) Bonai (0 Doufihlry uoias Hers 2, Jetfers 2, Laughlin 1 Norris 2. Pio neers Wyatt 2. Medick 2. Officials Alley ana wimtnson. I,. Warriors (19) 2S) P. Greys Henderson t8l r i3t Lov Jones i3t F i7l GTief wincietl (0) c 13) Penrod SwearniRer (6) G flliHanle- Frtesen i2i G i2i Nelson Officials: Bates and Donley I.eftlte Bluse (24) (30) Parriih Cards Rerser (1) T i5) Ficklan Pntts iR) F til Pcrrv Kins i5i C (S) BurriEh't Wells 2 G fill BilhnRS Sheldon (3) G (Bt Edwards Reserves scoring: Blues Waller I2i. Harp 3. Cards None. Officials Wilkinson and Alley. Lead in OCC Awaits Game LA GRANDE LP Eastern Ore Ron and Oregon Tech will battle il out for the lead in the Oregon Collegiate Conference basketball race Saturday night. They became deadlocked at 2 Friday night as Eastern Oregon. behind the sharp-shooting of two guards, trimmed the invaders. 70. Guard Larry Howard tallied !4 points and Dick Quinn 19. Truman Williams led the Tech scoring with la points- eastern Oregon was in front at halftime. 36-27. and led alt the way. Fat, Or im () (1) Ore. Tech naxter ,13) r isi Fasteen F (15i Williams C (131 MrCutcheon r. 1 10 Rhine P. 4 Fischer Smith (1.1) West 1 7) Howard 1 24 1 Q in ii n i in Kastern Oreiton: O O Ire son Tech.: Fro I 5. Allesio Porn 5. Garnet 3. North Sulrm Sopli? in at Aihanv if-:u ALBANY iSpeciaD Clen Van- derhoof scored 12 points", the exact margin of victory, to lead t h e North Salem sophomore baskcthall team In a -.H win over the Al-' hany sophs here Friday. T BE LONt. BABY 70 6 ASHAMED... A DiNG a POOR., INNOCCNT G.L UE ME. ON.' frjT I KNEW 0U IVERB A FOUR-FLUSHER THE CfWJLY PUT IT J hf SURE P1CHEO . CONVINCING f Sitl Open One basket was the winning margin for Willam ette, 71-69, In the Northwest conference opener. Basketball Scores OREGON PBKP RKSIILTS Albany 57. North Salem 5fl South Salem 57, Corvallis 48 Sweet Home 48, Lebanon 38 Stay ton 45. Scrra 2!) Silvertun 54. Mt. AnRel 41 Cascade 52, GervAis Woodburn 47, North Marlon 40 Canby 5C, Sandy 50 Salem Academy 50. Philomath 41 Sherwood 51, Willamina 48 Sheridan 38. Yamhill 33 Dayton 70, Amity 45 Sublimity 54, Snntiam 40 Scio 57, Chemawa 40 Jefferson 69. Colton 43 Perrydale 31, MacLaren 30 St. Paul 3H. Falls Cltv 2fl Central Catholic (Portland) 87, Gresham 41 Junction City 59, St. Franco, (Eugene) 54 Halscy 31. Alsea 25 .. Vale 52, Emmett. Idaho. 31 Sisters AO, Maupin 51 Brownsville KB. Monroe 28 Star of the Sea (Astoria) 37, Nehalem 33 HiiNhoro 47, Astoria 46 Pendleton 4ft, La Grande 38 Redmond 5,', Rend 50 Tigard 6!), Newherff 45 Madras 87, Lakeview fifi Vernonia C2, Hood River 57 Harnsbum 45, Sliedd 27 Neahkahnie 40, Tillamook .18 McMinnville 63. St. Helens 58 Milwaukie 40, Parkrose 31 Newport 65, Florence 47 Ontario 42, Weiser, Idaho. 24 Oswego 3!. Oregon Cltv 3R Myrtle Point 46, Bandon 32 Knappa 77. Jewell 34 West Linn 56. Forest Grove 53 Concordia (Portland! 58, Troutdale 4a Roseburg 52. Grants Pass 41 Seaside 12. Nestucca 40 Reedsport 60. Taft 37 Sheridan 3ft. Yamhill 31 Scappoose fifi. Rainier 46 Beaverton 50. Douglas (Portland) Sulherlin 42. Dillard 31 Glide 57. Riddle 39 Days Creek 38. Canyonville Blblt 33 Klkton 57. Canyonville 24 Yonralla 51. Camas Vallev 42 Clatskame 48. Wy'East 47 Dram 63 Elmira 5 Toledo 52. Mapleton 50 Oakndee 45. Creswelt 34 Willamette ( Eugene i 62. Pleasant Mill Jl Westfir 47, Lorane 42 Coburg 41. McKenzie 40 Lowell 41. Crow 47 Triangle 1-ike 53. Marcola 41 Brookings 45. Phoenix 39 Hermiston 67, The Dalles 43 Milton-Freewater 43. Baker 39 Rute Falls 57, aTlent 52 Klamath Falls 68. Medford 57 Portland League HeiiMin ytt, drant 48 Washington 63. Cleveland 52 Roosevelt 71. Wilson 40 Jefftrson "4. Franklin 53 COLLEGE RKSILTS L'SC 55, Oregon State 49 California 53, Oregon 46 Washington 77. Idaho 58 fCLA 87. WSC 65 SOL E 75. OCE 55 Willamette 71. Linfield 69 Seattle 70. Oklahoma Cltv 59 College of Idano 57. Lewis St CUrk 52 Whitman 6D. Partite 65 LOCK 77. Oregon Tech 70 Portland 64, Gonzaga 62 Bngham Young 66. Colorado AAiM 61 Wyoming 86. Vtah State 78 North Carolina 86. Clemson 54 Duqiiesne 60 Cincinnati 59 Iowa State 97. Drake 71 San Joe Stale 78, l.ovoln 74 Central Washington 6i). Puget Sound Si Seattle Pacific 72. St Martin's 68 F.i-tem Montana 7!). Montana Mine-; VI Cal Aggie 62. Clnco State 41 Idaho State 92 M ontana State 81 Western it'olo.l State 67, Colorado Mines 60 , SKHHIN'C. Kla. Mrs. Mau rice dlick recaptured the Wo- I men's Invitational with a par 73 for 30.1, ten strokes lower than Marse Burns. PHILAN06RER fT LeagueWith Win Husldes, Bears, Brains Stay Undefeated; 0SC, Ducks Fall Gambee Held Out Most of Game With use By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington, California and UCLA remain undefeated in the Pacific Coast Conference basket hall race, but Oreaon State's hones suffered a setback Friday night when Southern California outscored the Beavers at Lorvai lis, 55-49. Washington took Idaho's Van dals at Seattle. 77-58. It was a close game for the first half, when the Huskies led. 32-27. but Wash ington forged steadily ahead in the last period, witn lorwara uoug Smart heading the scorers with 20 Doints. UCLA, which barely beat Idaho twice last week, by one point each time, had no trouble brush ing aside Washington State. 87-65. The Cougars have blown all four starts in the PCC race. The Bru ins guarded Cougar ace Larry Beck closely but he finished with scoring honors at 20 points. UCLA Wins 30th It was the 30th consecutive vic tory for UCLA in PCC competi tion and Coach Johrny Wooden made a significant player switch by moving Jim Halsten from for ward to guard and Walt Torrence from guard into Halstcn's spot. It produced the desired results. Southern California was sup posed to be one of the weaker teams because of injuries to two key men and the suspension of another for violating training rules, but the Trojans made a splendid showing in Los Angeles last week although losing two to Washington. 'Contenders' Lose Two Oregon State was held to a split last week by Stanford and the Beavers, considered a contender by virtue of beating Washington in a pre-season game, now have two defeats. California staved off an Oregon rally in the second half and beat the Webfoots, 53-46. The Bears led at halftime, 27-13. Oregon center Hal Duffy with 20 points was the scoring leader, 16 of them coming in the second half. Bear forward Larry Friend dumped in two quick baskets after Oregon had pulled up on the short end of a 41-35 count, and from then on Cal ifornia had a fairly safe margin. Southern California s win was Carolina Gets In Gear Again Tar Heels Pocket 13th Win; Kansas Plays Kansas State By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Undefeated North Carolina has the most healthiest basketball record among the major colleges and now that their "meal ticket" is back on the beam there may be no stopping the streak Tar Heels. Frank McGuirc's hot shots breezed to their 13th victory and fourth in the Atlantic Coast Con ference by trouncing Clemson 86-54. Lennie Hosenbluth. the Tar Heels' big gun. broke out of a slump to bang in 34 points. Ranked second nationally. North Carolina takes on Virginia in an other ACC game tonight. Top rated Kansas, the only other major school with an unmarred slate, faces Kansas State in a Big Seven get-together. The Jayhawks are 11-0. Iowa State. UCLA and Seattle, three others among the first 10, also came through handsomely. Iowa State rode over Drake 97-71. UCLA tripped Washington State 87-65 and Seattle knocked off Oklahoma City 70-59. In other games. Duqucsne edged Cincin nati 60-59. Temple whipped St. Francis iPa.l 60-51, Columbia swamped Harvard 80-61 and Rice beat Texas 76-66. Elsewhere. Wyoming turned back Utah State 86-78; California staved off a second half rally to defeat Oregon 53-46; Washington crushed Idaho 77-58, and Southern California beat Oregon State 55-19. In the Alleys CWlMTnl. A1I.KVS Cipltfil Mlnorrttr L'srnr Tram result..: Cluftt & Kenvon. Pallors 2I Wlntmnrr 4:12: W T At Sous i2t A. Davis. .61. Ardrn .'arms i2i t'nrpin. VM: Ed's Market Lone. 4S0, Master Service Station No. Three 101 Aimind. 4.12: Hardv Tax Service (41 Tautfest. !W7 rom. mrrci.l Credit i3t I.innell. 442: Homer Mnun Insurance ill sayre. 421. Mich Individual game: Marv Llnnetl of Commercial Credit. 170 Hifh Indtvidua series: Anita Tlavts of W. C. Dyer A.- Sons. 41. High team game: Arden Farms. ,34 Huh team series: Arden Farms 2IV54. By Ham Fisher Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 12, 1957 ils first. The Trojans trailed through the first half, came fast in the second period and with guard Monte Gonzales blazing the wav with 16 points Coach Slats Gill of Oregon State, trying for more speed, kept his top scorer, 6 foot. 7 inch Dave Gambee, on the bench most of the game. He didn't use him until NCAA Puts Lid On Recruit Aid Baseball Coaches Take Crack at Scouts ST. LOUIS A couple of new laws tightening reins on rc cruiting and financial aid to ath letes and a loud blast at profes sional baseball by college coaches provided the only fireworks of the 51st NCAA convention. The week-long meet ending Sat urday with a routine closed-door session of the policy-making coun cil, was the most peacelul in more than ten years. The assembly at its final ses sion Friday amended its financial aid rule by putting a lid on the amount of money a student ath lete can receive during a school term. Side jobs and athletic schol arships arc to be handled on one basis. If an athlete has a job in addition to a scholarship he can't receive more than the limits of the scholarship, which include room, board, tuition, fees and a $15.00 laundry allowance. Restricts Alumni There was considerable wran gling over, a clause in the finan cial aid amendment which includ Larsen 's Raise S, . , . CriHIHPrt I eillllS ri a - . i 1 layer Aided MV llpiipflt J - By ED CORR1GAN NEW YORK iffi-Art Larson's tennis buddies didn't forget him when he needed them. The happy-go-lucky Utile blund was in a serious motorbike acci-jthe sight of his left eye because dent last November. It left him: the optic nerve was shattered, partially paralyzed and physicians! T"o money won't make up for said he was lucky to be alive. It that. But now at least he'll have cost $20,000 to get him back in i the best medical care, and he can shape. rest easy on his bed of pain. Larsen had won the national j y.....H..,.H , ,..., dllu pii,y,.U , . . in every corner nf the world for; If 'a I IUi.inli the U.S. Lawn Tennis Assn. ill S UHlCm!! He was a colorful personality, training (by his own words i on beer, growing a mustachio and in general cavorting as thougl, he didn't have a trouble in the world. And he didn't until the acci dent. Last night, they held a benefit for him at the 7th Regiment Armory here the annual scene of the National Indoor champion ships. They all turned -ut. the bic and the lilttp the amatpnrc and the professionals, the young andiw'lh baseball as an active player the old. ' and ready to begin a new venture More than 3.000 spectators 3? Personnel manager of a New jammed into the armory. WhonjYork restaurant and coffee shop they counted the money, ihev had chain. $13,000 in the till. That made a I R(inson made what he sail total of about $19,000 in the kilty was his "final decision" last night for Larsen. The money still is a phone call to an official of lh. V S- 1. . , . I , pouring in. They thought of everything. When tthey didn't say ift Larsen Maxwell Holds 2-Stroke Lead I f l if 1 11 LXOSDV IjOll i . EbBLE BEACH. Calif., i l Texas Billy Maxwell carries a ' two-stroke lead into Sat, ; second round of the 54-hnt. Ri'. Crosby golf tournament. Maxwell, former U. S. Amateur champ;on from Dallas, fired a six- unner-par 66 Friday Five colters Hnarflol,J f j hJ."l'eLS..d"d,lked. F' "la'. at 68. The group includes the lead- ' """rr "nnn -Maxwell, ron Nelson mJLr "'Tl" 1 Eluded a $50,000 annual salary frcouen. ,Z ' h'S m-pll,s oth"r considerations, but in trequeni tourney anuearanens aa ,.. .L. L '. Slan I iinii.rrf nf V aian Leonard of aneouver. Can-Meet ada. Bill Nary, Tucson. Ariz . and Bob Rosburg. Palo Alto. Calif. Those bunched at 69 included Joe Steiger. Spokane. Canhv Xiidgcs Sl . , -ft iUHlY j() to oO CANBY ISneriah-r,.. u,.u. v.u" j '"" SrS"- uwun. ?cpenaable Eldonl Zachow topped all scorers with I 16 points. Bill Johnson led the1 losers with 14. I Canby led. 24-21 at the half. The Coutars Javvees . Mi tin,,, ai-jo. SandT ,54, Calkins . 7, 1 M.-Vey.Ii j Jonn..n 1 14) f Innis iTl r 8'ork ,3) r , i n n ,', 'ls.Zarnow ii c 'Si (O, n.. Re.en es oorir! ''hSSi.I Vr-f--i"1 XT. ','rLr" . 'rioif'ti , Vi ouicuj: Johnrocd and Cciiier. there were only nine minutes left and Gambee contributed only one field goal. Oregon State pul'ed up lo 47. 50, with a minute to go, but guard Danny Rogers tossed in two free throws and Gonzales a field goal to get USC out of danger. Stanford was idle. The others play again Saturday night. ed governmental grants for edu cational purposes in its limita tions. Minority spokesman con tended inclusion of government grants would work a hardship on GI's and married athletes with children. The other new rule permits col leges to pay the cost ot trans portation for a prospective athlete to make one visit to a school. It prohibits alumni and booster clu1) groups from bringing in the pros pects. Charged With Raids Professional baseball, criticized by the coaches through Ethan Allen of Yale earlier in the week, was charged again with raiding campuses and exploiting the col lege game. Everett D. Barnes. Colgate ath letic director, told the convention "there is no sentiment on the part of professional baseball to help college baseball." "The colleges," Barnes said, "have struggled unsuccessfully for eleven years to work out a friend ly pact with the majors and mi nors." The majors recently junked their rule of not signing baseball players after they reached their sophomore year. The minors had never agreed to such a restric tion. Buddies $19,000 Sft-s back on the courts, would hc have lroulle with his amateur standings? Bigwigs said he might. So they aren't giving the money to nim directly. Instead it's going into a fund and it will be doled oul 85 tnc bi"s fame in. N trouble that way, said the I bigwigs. j Physicians say Larsen needs at j least a year of therapy and that he may never regain comolctelv Jackie Quits Giants Given Final Word Despite Big Money Offer NEW YORK It's official OOW, Jackie Robin.s'nn is through ,uv .vw lum utanis, wno naa ob tained him in a trade with the Brooklyn Dodgers in December. Even an offer said to involve a total outlay of $100,000 by the Gi ants failed to persuade the 37-year-old Negro star to change his mind about retiring. me Giants said Robinson told ce president Charles Chub Fernov ha UA r..ll n- The Giants said Robinson told -Si i- . .i,,CM T fT, W 1 !e la,csl 011er o dcc,dcd ,0 c!" . L""" W rs. .as a :MaJr Leaguer Robinson first announced his retirement in a copyright story in a national magazine iLooki last week end, then lefft the matter M 111 lne alr wnlle ne CO.-SlOCrco the Giants' counterproposal. He confirmed to the Associated Press earlier in the week .,. the niter lallu suunsiy max ne WOUIU ,e- it ' :ri..L I n . i'li,rk JfO Beats Oregon State Rooks CORVALLIS ifl The Oregon State Rooks opened their basket- Da" season Friday night, and went down ,0 a 53-51 defeat at 'ln.r..nanos 01 Ua -olleSe ol ancouver. Wash Bill Chmni. .h W"h "' ' GOLF SE ISLAND. Ga. A par 71 gave Mickev Wricht a three stroke lead on Patty Berg. Mar- lene Bauer Haege and Jo Ann Prentice after 18 holes of the Sea Island Women's Invitational. -PANAMA. Panama - Doug r ftrri irinvtvl a clrnLt-a n Via art nf D"n Finsterwald with a 67 for 137 halfway through Uie Panama Open.