Salem, Ore., Friday, January 11, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 9 r-The dUDst ory- - b lj PotvWMmct CHAPTER 5 Communism Fight Starts It was 12:01 p.m.. scot. lfi. lfwn A horse and wagon stopped in front of the V. S. Assay Office in lower New York, opposite the J. P. Morgan building. The driver secured the reins and stepped down, walking away unnoticed. The street began to fill with secretaries, clerks and busi nessmen pouring from the centers of finance for their lunch hour. It was the usual noontime scene on Wall Street, and no one seemed to sec anything unusual about the object, hidden by a covering, car ried in the wason. Then the object exploded. It $ was a bomb made of dynamite Iand cast-iron window weights. The metal rods were hurled like shrap nel through the narrow street, t Men and women were mowed J down in bloody, screaming heaps; of wcie iwiii'u, mw iiijui vu. i ne House of Morgan was damaged and one employe inside the build ing killed. Terrorism Again The specter of terrorism was seen again in America. Terrorism was not new in these trying times of adjustment after World War I. Earlier, on a soft summer night the lights winked out one by one in the fashionable homes on Washington's R Street, N.W. It vj, was nearing midnight. tl'it A car drove through the tree tn lined streets and swung into a gar aae. Asst. Secretary of the Navy . Franklin D. Roosevelt stepped out and entered his home. Across the a i Busy Wall Street, heart of New York's financial lionaries whleh followed World War 1. Public district, was the scene of a noon hour blast In Indignation led to the Rureafi of Investigation! 1920, part of a campaign of terror by revolu first drive against Communist Infiltration. 191B. where the following year he received his master's degree in world and all religious beliefs. i FBI Director William J. Flynn. Socialists Split calling for raids on Communist American left - wing Socialists i meeting places on the evening of were split into two groups by an Friday, Jan. 2. 1920. had switched off the lights in their I work in the Department of Jus-j internal fight over tactics. One Agents in 33 cities, armed with street, the new attorney-general, law. He Avas admitted to the Dis- A Mitehell Palmer, and hii wife Uriel of Columhia har and started first-floor library and had gone I tice in 1917, at a salary of $990 Sidelights of President's State of Union Message WASHINGTON l'P-Highlights of President Eisenhower's Slate of the Union Message to Congress Thursday: A "surging. ..tide of nationism" is shaking the foundations of tyr anny throughout the world. It her alds "a new epoch" in which tra ditional power patterns will be transformed by tne spirit ot tree dom." America as the historic rhampion of freedom has a great opportunity for leadership in this worldwide "season of stress." U.S. Economy "Our economy is strong, ex panding and fund a men tally Miunu. iiiiimiun is nuw ine prm- tv present "danger" of an upward spiral in living costs, government must hold down Its spending and "live within its means" on a bal anced budget. Business and labor "owe the nation" restraint in seek ing price and wage increases which would "accentuate" infla tionary trends. If they fail to ex ercise self discipline the gov ernment might have to intervene. Powerful Defense Our defense force today "is the most powerful in our peacetime history." It "can punish heavily any enemy who undertake to at tack us." But we still face a "strongly armed imperialistic dic tatorship" which poses a "contin uing tiucm ii vtuuu pi-m- ouu . security. We cannot meet this i :$ H.....1 "1 I i.J.i.J til. :S uui'm muni: aim isuian-u. n c must continue foreign aid to strengthen other free nations and must keep our mutual securit; al-1 nances firm. It is ' vital that Congress approve his new Middle East doctrine to counter the threat of Soviet aggression in that area , Disarmament riant The United States stands ready Midwest-East Storm Blamed For 21 Deaths Skies Clear But Arctic Air Spreads Over Snow Areas By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Skies1 cleared over most of the storm-swept Midwest and North east today but "rctic air spread over the snow-covered areas. Cold air plunged southward over most of the easier : third of the country- in the wake of heavy snowstorms which pounded wide sections of the region yesterday, after lashing the Midwest. Heavi est snow of the season up to a foot in some places fell in a i to negotiate for a "reliable1 broad section from the Rockies to! ternational agreement to control New England. The severe winter storm was blamed for at least 21 deaths, mostly attributed to exposure or overexertion while shoveling snov. Eight deaths were reported "outer space missile and satellite development" as well as reduce conventional arms and "reverse the trend toward ever more dev astating nuclear weapons." The long slide In farm income in Illinois, seven in Michigan, four; has been hailed and. ..further im in New York state and three in prove men t Is in prospect." Admin- Massachusetts, Temperatures in some Eastern upstairs Eight Other Blasts Then the Palmer, house was shaken by a mighty explosion. The blast blew in the front of the house. Windows were blown out . in the Roosevelt residence and .g the house next door was badly fc. damaged. , jl In the wreckage were bits of the bodies and clothing of t w o men. apparently the dynamiters, 1 destroyed by their own infernal , r machine. A fragment of one body -fell on the Roosevelt doorstep. The blast was echoed by eight other explosions that June night ' in Philadelphia. Pittsburgh. New ri York, Boston, Cleveland, Newton jj Ville, Mass., and Paterson. . J. At the scene of almost every $Y bombing police picked up hand- bills reading: v. Plain Words "The powers that be make no ,ecret tn0'r w'" to stP V. here in America the world- wide spread of revolution. The powers that be must reckon f- that they will have to accept ' the fight they have provoked. A time has come when the social question's solution can be delayed no longer; class war is on, and cannot cease but with a complete victory for the international pro letariat , . ." ' A wave of fear and indignation swept the country, which had been shocked a month earlier v when bombs were sent through the mails to 29 prominent persons. ' - One had exploded, injuring a ser- vant of Sen. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hardwick of Georgia. No one else tias ininrnH hv Hid hnmhc These 38 incidents, a year . Conspiracy Revealed Young Hoover was instructed to make a study of subversive ac tivities in the United States to determine their scope and what action could he taken in the field of prosecution. As he dug through the back ground of the Communists, he saw something which seemed group wanted to form an Ameri-1 some 3.000 warrants issued by the; areas were nearly 40 degrees low- can Communist Party immediate-! Bureau of Immigration, rounded er than yesterday morning. Big- ly. The majority favored captur ing the Socialist Party. The leftists met in two separate conventions. One group organized the Communist Labor Party of America on Aug. 31, 1919, while the other formed the Communist Party of America the next day. Actually, except on minor points, there was little difference in the up approximately 2.500 aliens for gest falls were from east Texas deportation hearings. A total of 'across most of the lower Missis 44C were deported in the fiscal i sippi Valley into the South Atlan- clearly to him to be a conspiracy, i character of the two. centered in Moscow, and aimed Hoover prepared legal briefs on at the overthrow by force and vi-'the Communist Party of America olence of all non-Communist gov and the Communist Labor Party, ernments throughout the world- including the United States. He saw the Communist Party not as a political movement in the ordinary political sense. Nei ther was it an idealistic theory of government. It was a con spiracy so vast, so daring, that few people at first could even grasp the sweep of the Commu nist vision. It was a conspiracy against history itself. It was a conspiracy to destroy totally and and Palmer chose these two or ganizations as his targets. Runs Government I In its essentials, Hoover's argu ment was that the Soviet govern ment was controlled by the same men who controlled the Russian Communist Party, that this party advocated the overthrow of t h e United States government by force and violence, and that the two Communist groups in the United states were linked directly with completely the religion, govern- j the Russian Communists. ments, institutions and thinking of I Orders went out to Bureau of the Judaic-Christian world, t h e ! Investigation agents, signed by Buddhist world, the Moslemic I Frank Burke, assistant to then year ending June 30, 1921. Complaints Roll In The outcry against injustices in these raids was to be heard for years. Complaints rolled in not only from Communists and other extremists, but from lawyers, la bor leaders and newspapers, who protested that bureau agents had invaded private homes and meet ing "places without search warrants; aliens and citizens had been arrested and held without warrants; and prisoners had been denied the right ot counsel. It was alleged, too, that agents were guilty of assault, forgery and per jury. Palmer angrily defended his de partment, but this unyielding de fense could not justify the abuses in the raids. Dean Harlan Fiske Stone of the Columbia University School of Law urged legislation to give aliens better protection from "arbitrary exercise of pow er." (Tomorrow: A National Disgrace.) tic Coast states. Readings were in the low or middle 3Qs. It was freezing weather as far south as central parts of Missis sippi and Alabama, and near freezing in Georgia. The cooler air was expected to dip into Flor ida. At Joliet, near Chicago, it was -14, one of the country's lowest readings. Albany, N. Y., and Bur lington. Vt., each reported 13 be low zero. Army's Tests Will Determine How Draftees Fare in A-W ar 4 bombs either intercepted or ex . ploded, had as their intended vic tims three members of the Presi dent's cabinet, a Supreme Court justice, tour United States sen- ators, two members of the House oi iveprescniauvc5, a u. a. dis trict judge and two governors. Among others were John D. Rock effer and J. P. Morgan, the sym bols of private wealth. IWW Hand Seen Newspapers saw in the bomh By P. D. ELI) RED Gibh told a press conference. 'the Army. FT. ORD. Calif, tf The Army! "We & not testing weapons in Five combat groups of 1.600 to today is undertaking experiments ' tnc usual sense. We are taking, 1,700 men, each much moro self vital to the draftee soldier who new and improved weapons and f sufficient than any regiment or might some day be called on to evaluating their best use with combat team of World War II or involving :ficht in atomic warfare. , combat units. j Korea, will form the backbone of I i. iu. -r iu. luir ..j comoal aocirinc. ine resuua demanded action. Atty. Gen.' Pal-!'0 ,a ,arR? ",c"' .dc'"T!"!, mer decided on a course of action. He named Francis P. Garvan of New York as assistant attorney general in charge of all investi gations and prosecutions dealing with the problem. Th ,,:,, ..nwiminK are he.! Gibh could not sav when the '"f streamlined division. ins conducted by the specially i"rsl "Id-type, three-regiment divi-; The word, pentomie. refers to created Combat Developments ; 5in would he converted to the lnc. ''c combat teams in the new and Experimentation Center at!JLSl announced by Department of division. It comes from the Greek Ft. Ord. This is the only such center. . Brig. Gen. Frederick W. Gibb. in charge, has been assigned 48 officer specialists. 16 civilian sci entists and the 10th Regimental Combat ream to test troop organ-, n. s JtiiiiiUH ..Th divisions we have in has challenged in the sale courts nations, improved weapons anni . . .... . . ., ..... lnc rieht of the subcommittee to Pipeline Sued For $1 Million S By Texas Men eg word "pentc" meaning "five "We feel that the massed shal low divisions that fought in World War II and Korea would be rather easily fractured, with great loss of manpower, under atomic attack today." Gibb said. Teamster Boss Will Refuse to Supply Record SEATTLE The Times said Thursday il has learned that Frank W. Brewster, the Team sters' Union West Coast leader, will refuse to produce records for a Senate subcommittee when he appears before It in Washington Tuesday. Brewster is president of the Western Conference of Teamsters, which embraces 11 states. He was out of the city and not available for comment. The newspaper said a union source informed i that Brewster will insist that the subcommittee of the Senate's Government Oper ations Committee. The subcommittee has been making a nationwide probe of un ion activities and practices. It has focused attention on the Team sters' Union in recent weeks. Subcommittee investiga tors questioned Brewster here last month. He refused them access lo the union records and the sub poena followed. Brewster and the union also istration farm programs the soil bank, flexible price supports and surplus disposal projects "are working." He will recommend some additional farm legislation in his budget message next week, but he didn't say what. Schools and Race Relations An emergency federal program for school construction "should be enacted without delay." It should be passed "on its own merits," without getting it mixed up with the "complex problems of integra tion." "We are movmg closer to the goal of fair and equai treatment of citizens without regard to race or color. But unhappily much re mains to be done." He urged Con gress to enact at this session the administration's four - point civil rights bill. Hungarian Refugees He asked Congress to pass legis lation "promptly" to authorize per manent admission to this country of the thousands of Hungarian ref ugees who are being brought here under emergency "parole" provi sions of the immigration laws. He will recommend other changes in immigration laws later to meet "our world responsibilities." He called for creation of a spec ial commission to study the na tion's financial institutions and recommend ways of "improving our financial machinery." He wants action on measures he pro posed last year that died on the vine. And he will transmit new recommendations soon on "such subjects as atomic energy, the furthering of public works, the continued efforts to eliminate gov ernment competitior with the bus inesses of taxpaying citizens." : fm ay ME l JJLJLDuc FRIDAY' SATURDAY' M0NDAY NlYI If-CLbd ,.l.r, Grain Fir L- 'l,Y! Mivnii U I IKMPQ1 K9W.1 V. H M M MM K K It ft- - r 1 MHa-0-TyTO nil f i mi S lI 11 SPECTACULAR AILUS GENUINE HOMART Att WEATHER DOOR! SAVE OVER 20 188 makeup of the new, streaml intantry division. YAKIMA i - In the largest OrRanized to ficht either conven-1 damage suit ever tiled in Yakima tional or atomic warfare, the new I County Superior Court, three Dal divisions will be manned largely 1 as, Tex;, business partners by draftees. Gen. Gibb's experi-. Thursday asked $ from As part of Garvan's adminis-, ments will be made with exactly i Pacific Northwest Pipeline Corp. trative staff. Palmer created a the same kind of sreen. inexper- and Fish Northwest Construction General Intelligence Division un- Menced soldier. Co. der command of 24-year-old Spe-1 "The main thing we are trying c Hohson Di,nn. j h. Schu-I PORTLAND County cum eial Asst. to the Atty. Gen. J. Ed-; to do is improve our capacity to machor and L F visentine. part- missioners heard Thursday a pro gar Hoover. fight - either with conventional ncr5 jn yn pjpCin(, Con-' posal that thev have Willamette Graham to Die In Few Hours CANON CITY. Colo. tyP-This is the last day of life for John Gilbert Graham, condemned slay er of 44 persons. (iraham was sentenced to die for the murder of his 53-year-old mobility and canabilities. subpoena union financial records ... ' ' ", ,L. ., .!... ' 'ui must develon hehter weaoons i from two Seattle hanks. A King,...' ...... ... , . r ... ithout losing combat efficiency County Superior Court judge is-! JT. and we must deplov widely and in s'"''1 temporary -cstrainer to i Colorado ' h'et ' field great depth kreatly reduce the ' P"' " Wll'ZZ't Colorado custom is to carry out density of troops." the records, but he refused to ex- ..,. f-ridav Bi,h, tcna it neyona prinay nigni, penn- .-...-. ine submission of the issue to the' "lhe 24-year-old (iraham had no ' ' j i - g i - mil i v Guaranteed Rust Proofl Never Needs Painting! Interchangeable panels adapt to any season. You get 2 storm inserts, 2 screen inserts to use ia any combination. With latch, pneumatic door closer, wind chain and instructions. PUT ROCK WOOL INSULATION IN YOUR HOME NOW! Bag Covers 25Sq. Ft. fl29 U Bag Use this easy insulation . . . enjoy greater summer comfort and save on winter fuel bills! These rock wool pel lets are easy to spread between floor ''joists in attic. Fireproof, rot-resistant, permanent. Save! Different Bridge Colors Advocated State Supreme Court. WcMtern Kilnn Handle I special requests on the eve of his execution. Warden Harry Tinsley said Graham, in response to Questions 71 Pel. of Pino Output during a IS-minule visit yester-pnn-rt An ,n - Thn limn day. asked lor no special last Hoover was born in Washing-, or atomic weapons and. as we tractors 0f Dallas, claimed breach River tr'dges in Portland painied Pine Assn. reported Thursdav or ny ,r'sn reading ma- ton. D. C. Jan. I. 139). He do not expect to breea a race oi o( conlract in connection with con- j different colors as an aid in giving there are enough kiln drving la- j trial. attended public schools and was supermen in this country any time struction of 137 miles of pipeline directions to tourists. cilities in the west to accommodate Tinsley quoted the young father graduated from the George Wash- soon, we intend to use ordinary. : in j;ast(,rn Wellington. The proposal came from the 71 per rent of the regioo s pine, of two children as saying "he'd ington University Law School in run-of-thc mill soldiers. Grn.j Tho Dalas mp) caim0(1 thpy ' Portlnnd Chamber of Commerce lumber production. just as soon" have the same food I signed a contract with Pacific !anft was relayed to the commis- Lumber mills have increased as other prisoners. DENNIS THE MENACE flv Ketchnnt Northwest Pipeline and Fish 'sinners by roadmaster Paul C. the kiln drying facilities some 57 1 ' the line but that delays in ac-lNnrthrop to think it over, and re-,recnrd high of nearly 1 7" i million I I Oil 1121 CP jquiring rights of way and in ac-'pnrt again. (board feet per da;-, the associa-VJ '' A ' " (quiring pipe on time caused un- ' ' I necessary, increased costs. 7 A 1 f u..m. .,i,,uiiiim-i anu v i.m-ii- , ,1 1lfll, II 1 1 L I ; III. illltllllll' V I 4 1 1 1 I firurit I li; . r, r .r 0,u t.a.nnu in. juiii nu in- . . , . . j t, . ... . I llZZlC LlCS tlirC for UlSOdSC ('5 3m,ll,ontonsferop, ml!.:. Ihp Oregon Slatp CoIIprp cxtpn By RKNMK TAYLOR of Ihc American Cancer Society, sion service reported in a year- A. P. Srlenre Reporter Dr. Schlumberker could offer no end review. PHOKN1X. Ariz, i Parakeets j theories to explain the strange Production wan 12 per cent with nunc brain tumors and cat-'. findings which he has made in above the 19"iS total and lfi per S fish with cancer of the lip may several years oi research. rem move me in-year average. - I fCC j help medical science to learn Parakeets develop many tumors tne report sain jury to their credit standing and business reputation. Pacific Northwest Pipeline has jits head office at Salt Lake City. Fish Northwest Construction s headquarters are at Houston, Tex. Sets Record eiiberjier more about the cause 01 mang- 01 me puuiiary giano, me nny r iciu trnii uimidKi- was up m 1) I nancv. organ at tne nase oi tne nrain per tern no vegeiame wmnage OSl lO SltKlent And the absence of cancer in which influences other glands in 2 per cent. Production in these pi-irti Avn ; v iomc animals is as striking as its the body Some of thee growths nelds onset tne 21 per cent drop runiLAAU T sen. :cuter- ..,.. ,n ih.r a researcher hetome o larje that Ihpv almost in seed production, the 8 Dor cent ger 'D-Orei Thursday announced rom Ohio State I'niiersity report- crowd the brain out of the skull drop in tree (runs and nuts and that he will make a staff research ed today and cause the eyes to bulge from the 19 per cent decrease in her- position aiailable to some Oregon Cow udders are singularly free their sockets, the researcher re- ries. ,i,,Hfni uhA h3c ,hna. 01 cancer aespue ine laci uirfi ponro. 011,1 p....-, ... .iflic 1K1111 student who has shown sincere ..... , tw. 1 1.. i jminrv ihn.h imh., 1..1 "It's Simple to Install Your Own Tile Wall . . . Save by Buying Nowl", the less than in 19.VV ' We WAS GCXS1. AA6 vOJ 60V, FUDGc, S'St i 6 KA0 A tOT OF TWSrt BSSAKS.' . 1 ...... 1 inev are suu cnw u ouu imtc iv hT c.Mriv f nrnhiUm. JT r of swelling and dryness and catfish may mesn that there i a yar average ahotit 1 per cent ....... .-j . to injuries from milking But in cancer-causing chemical ' humans and mice, breast cancer rivers where thev live, Dr. j The winning candidate, to be JS common. Canaries seldom de- Schlumhrrger said. But no such! uecico ny a tommiuee inciuaing vojop malignancy, hut on out of chemical has hern found so far. J. w. Forrester, editor of the evTrv ,rvrn chickens has a can-: Cancer in chickens and other Pendleton East Oregonian. will cer or tumor ' animals is no hazard to hi), spend a year as a member of the Sim.'whTe in this puwIinB pic- mans uho rnnvume them, he said, senators staff and will receive llirr thrrtr rnt.-t be clues '.e the since a cancerous chicken cell is pay of MW7. origin of malignancy. Dr. Hans destroyed by the human digestive Candidates mu-t be graduatins fi. Sthlumhr'-ser (old j seniors from Oregon colleges. seminar nvstem if not killed b the heat of .sponsored by the Arizona division, cooking. Ml 9. J. OSHOSSIH, Minntapmtit, Minn.: "Tk 1V pm itt f St. Jm Aifiria Far C h 1 14 r itttif tf uttt ttj b4 mf chii4 .ipRegularly 43e per Sq. Ft. . . . Our Best Quality I HOMART PLASTIC WALL TILE f First quality 4' ,4-square inch tile NOW Perm.nont colors ara easy to clean I Here s a lifetime of wall style at dollars VC 'I' J less. Choice of marbleied, plain texture im ft J patterns. Save at Sears now! $1. JOSEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN EM-39191 550 N.Capitol