Salem, Ore., Friday, January 11, 1957 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Used Cor, F, Sol 852 Used C,. For So. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Section 2 Page f 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 900 Display Claw. 900 Display Class. 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 352 Used Cart For Sole 852 Used Cart For Sole 852 Used Cors For Solo 8S2 Used Con For Sals 852 Used Can For Sala 852 Used Can For Sat em BUICK'S NEW HARDTOP STYLED WAGON See It Now 250 HORSKPOWER SPECIAL & 30(1 HORSEPOWER CENTURY Convenience of the waeon combined with the luxurv of a limousine in a stunning new dream car bv Buick Bmi.'JS.K Vkc yur """". Wt snld il new to one ta. .J f LJ I CUS""T"- '! equmnert with power iteer K, ,Jik t.'"'1 "I"? 1h" luxury "ems Fn' '"e out floor family, the sportsman, the talesman the finest trans- NO. 24A $2795 We would choose this one as the best buv in town 195fl Butck foial Riviera four door hard top. We sold new and serv iced, only 6.654 miles, dynaflow. heating svstem, radio. EZI glass two-tone deep metallic red and white. Bv the pound by the mjle, pleasure per dollar, any way you figure, Premium quality and economy price - $2895 53 CHEV. Del Hav V-8. power gluie, radio, heater. EM 4-3862. '41 PONTIAC convert..-"white side wall, new paint, new top. E M 2-4400. 1951 KAISER 4 dr. Overdrive, low mileage. A fine car. $tt5 Easy terms. McCalls Used Cart. 2H1 State. 53 AUSTIN A504 Door Sedan". New tires, a clean car and uarranteed. $1395 at Britisn Car Sales. 2085 N. Capitol. "35 Ford 2 dr.. like new. Good Price.1150 N. 2Mb 54 DESOTO Club Sedan, power (lite trans., power steering, good tires and runs fine. Book price f U'flO. our price $1W5. British Car Sales. 2085 N. Cap nnlSt. WILL sacrifice 1956N!ont"clalr hdtop couoe. Original owner. 13 000 miles, 2 tone paint. Radio, heater, merc-o-niatie. Can finance. See at loss Hm-t st. after 6 p.m. Will trade for good pickup. No dealers please. No Sunday calls. 37 FAIRLANE rordoVowrTsed. fully equipped & undercoat. Less than 3.000 miles. $2650. TR Silverton. 1M2 DODGE Command car 4 wheel drive A-l Cond. Wood burn. Ph!2-2011. 3fl" BUick-Century7takeliTte model station wagon in trade. Ph. EM 4-7848 after 5. 1954 FORD 6, $850. Mobil Sta tion. 1291 Edgewater. EM 2-3424. 51 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON $1,195 55 OLDS 88 HOLIDAY COUPE 2395 55 BUICK CENTURY RIVIKRA 2395 53 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA 1195 52 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 795 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER this is 51 BUICK Hardtop Coupe rad.. ntr.. tivna. excellent 5745 TRADER MIKE 5C5No. High EM4-37&3 '56 CHEV. Sta. Wg., 210. 4 dr7. V-8, radio, heater, o'drive. windshield washers, 13.000 mi. EM 2 0112. 1941 HUDSON Club cpe. very Kn"d motor. LM 4-2802 alter 5:30 p.m. Commercial at Chemeketa Ph. EM 4-5711 .$1395! II 1955 Stude. Commdr. V-8 Sdn. naaio. neater, overarive, 20.800 miles, one owner, car above average. 1956 Ford V-8 Country Sdn $2489 Fordomatic, 11,200 actual miles, one owner, very sharp. 1956 Ford V-8 Convertible $2495 Check this sharp one 1 t ! 13.480 actual miles. 1954 Chev. 210 4-Dr. Wagon $1390 R'dio. heater, powerglide, A-l in every way. 1952 Mercury Hardtop : naoio. neater, overarive. jnis one is Bargain. 50 more cars to choose from we have the model you want at a price you can't turn down. 194!) FORD V-8 convertible. Onlv $165. Terms. 165 down, $30 a month. McCalls Used Cars. 1297 State. 51 POXT.ataHna" Excilient condition. Just take over con tract plus $50. EM 4-5467 after .:uu. FREE equity in 1956 Fairlane ciuo seaan. Make up two pay mcnts and take over contract Over $500 accessories. Bank term-. See at 111 Chemeketa SLPhone EM 3-5032. 1947 4-door Buick. $125 total price, jlt uown. see 3265 5. 12th. 1949 FORD"staUon-Wa6on7"$2i5 Terms. $95 dow n. $35 a month McCalls Usjedar5.lM7State. BY OWNER. '55 Plymouth Bel vedere. I have lowered the price. Call again. EM 2-4579. $000 Personalized financing always. 111 mm sraii These Top Quality ' GUARANTEED USED CARS fmi ft Save '-t Price From New On These Fine Cars I 888 S. 12th EM 4-8373 I g Only the Finest Cars full automatic power flite trans., white wall tires, tu-tone paint; one '54 I '50 '55 CHRYSLER WINDSOR V-8 4-Dr. Sdn. Has radio, heater, full automatic power flite trans., power steering, 4 way power seat, power brakes; one local owner. A Fine Buy At $2195 j, 52 '55 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-8 4-DR. SDN. Has radio, heater, custom seat covers, local owner. . Only $16951 '55 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE CLB. SDN. i Style tone paint, radio, heater. Ford-o-matic trans. ,'; dual exhaust. Clean, one local owner. I See Today At $1695 '53 OLDS 88 4-DR. SDN. Has radio, heater, seat covers, tinted glass, premium white wall nylon tires, tulone paint; local one owner car. A Real Savings $1295 ip We Also Have Good Low Cost Transportation '51 PLY v. $495 '51 STUDE .... $495 50 FORD $205 '47 PACKARD $75 Like New '55 FORD V-8 VU TON PICKUP Only 7,000 miles Yours For Only $1495 '57 Chev. Bel Air 4 Door V-8 $2795 i Only M.000 mllei. f '56 Ford Country Squire $2795 i Radio, heater, power ateering, only 11.000 miles, ' very nice. '56 Buick Riv. Cpe $2695 I This car is NEW. only 275 miles, radio, heater, power brake, white walls. '55 Ford Ranch Wagon $1795 Radio, heater, overdrive, a real nice ear. low mile- '56 Chev. 2 Door Del Ray $1995 B.000 milea, like new. ! Chev. Station Wagon $1395 Top condition. Cadillac 62 4 Door $1595 1 Fully equipt. Perfect condition, a real nice car. Cadillac 4 Door . . .'. $995 (Owner by local doctor), a very good car, won't 'S stay long at this price. w '50 Chev. Bel Air Coupe $595 I Radio, heater, white walls, blue Ac grey tu-tone. p '50 Buick Riv. 4 Door $495 I A clean car, radio, heater, dynaflow, " '50 Pontiac Catalina Coupe $595 A real sharp car, black with white aide walla. j '50 Olds. 88 Deluxe 2 Door $245 Radio, heater, white walls. ? '49 Merc. 4 Door $345 1 Good condition. 3 '48 Merc. 4 Door $145 A nice looking nr. Lot, of miles left. POST iv W AUTO " mX UK U. I!. Salta '55 Cadillac 60 Special Sedan $3695 Power steering, power brakes, power sat Ar electric win dow Even has an autronic eye. This automobile sold new for $6,500. '56 Olds 88 Holiday Hardtop 4-Dr. . . .$2795 Fully equipped. Same as a new one. Beautiful gold Interior. '55 Oldsmobile Holiday $2395 Radio, heater, hydramatic, power brakes. Red ft white. Low mileage. '56 Buick Super Hardtop $2495 Radio, heater, dynaflow. power steering, power brakes, 4 way elect, seat, blue & white, only 16,000 miles, 236 h. p. '56 Ford Customline Sedan V-8 $1995 R.dio. heater, overdrive. This one can not be told from new. '54 Buick Super Sedan $1795 Power steering, power brakes, tu-tone green. New white wall tires. A beauty. This is only a sample of the bargains at POST. We have 30 other cars from 53 s to 49 s at wholesale prices. Post Auto Sales 1105 SO. 12TH ST. PH. KM 4-6231 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. & : Ml I; & I MIImh s ni n linn sits uri MUtN I rj7JHjT X3 1 "- rV Satei Iifffli(oiii( IGi. (Cj5 N- Com'l KM 3-4117 Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial & Chemeketa EM 4-57M 1947 DODGE 4 dr. sedan, good radio, healer, clean through out. EM 4-5605. 780 Wild wind Dr. '55 MERC. Mont. New ti res , loaded with extras. $2,150. MA 3-3652 Dallas. STAYT0N 2524 1 900 Display Class. . 83 DELUXE Chev. Sedan tu ' tone paint, perfect rnech., $fll)5 TRADER MIKE B05 No. High EM4-5735 1946 CHEV. Club Coupe. Far above average. $195. Terms, $65 down, $25 a month. Mc Calls Used Cars, 1297 State. dr. $75. EM 4! MERC 4 dr. sed radio, heat er overdrive. $285. See at 461 So. 15th after 5 o.m. xr Sat, f Sun. 1 CHEV. 4 dr. deluefair cond. $3J5. EM 4-9053. 865 Brink ve. Tfl48 NASH 4 dr. Very-pood con dition. $1,95. Terms. $75 down. $.T0 a month. McCalls Used Cars. 1297 Slate 51 FORD Cabover truck flat bed, 2 speed, l'a ton $793 TRADER MIKE 505 No. High EM4-5755 1948 CHEVROLET 4 door. $145. Terms, $50 down, $30 a month. McCalls Used Cars. 1297 Stale. 50 FORD 6 Tudor Sedan, stand ard Transmission. $195. British Car Sales, 2085 N. Capitol EM 2-6602. - '51 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER CLB. CPE. Firepower V-8 mtr.. automatic torque trans., custom scotch plaid uphol stery. 31.000 actual mi., radio, heater, etc. Like new inside 8c out, $!75, cash or terms. Ph. original mi ner EM 36196 or EM 3-3421. 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. EVERYBODY Wholesale '55 Cadillac ...$3295 "62" 4 door, loaded with accessories. This is a real beauty. '56 Ford V-8 ..$2395 Victoria coupe, radio, heater, fordomatic. power steering, continental kit. beautiful red & white '56 Ford V-8 ..$2395 Country sedan, radio, hcritcr, fordomatic, tu tone red A- white. '55 Pontiac V-8 $1995 Station wagon, radio, heater, hvdramatic, '55 Mercury (2) $2065 Mont ere-. coupr, one with full power, one with ov erdrive Ford V-8.... $865 2 of these, Huh couoe. nrtrl a Hi dor. Radio, heater, overdrive Buick (2) ..$2065 Hxrdtops. one with full power, one with dvna flow. Ford V-8... $1595 Victoria, h write, rad n drive Olds 98 USED CARS ARE BETTER THAN EVER At The Valley's original National Bonded Dealer. Used Cars Guaranteed 1 Full Year. 100 Parts & Labor. Nationwide Repair Service '52 '55 '54 Here's Your Chance '55 Ford V-8 Sedan $1395 Radio, heater, overdrive. '55 Chev. 210 V-8 Sedan $1395 Light green and vrry c; n. '55 Mercury Montclair Hardtop $239550 Full power equipped, it s a premium car. j '55 Buick Century Hardtop $2395 ' r-n rTpumitV?'??? Full power enumprd and in nrw car condition. JU ulltVIUIcL L Ul . . . '55 Plymouth V-8 Station Wagon $1695 , 4 rinor. model uitn ramo. ntaier, ana ovrrnrnr '56 Ford Country Sedan $2395 V-8 motor, radio, heater, overdrive, only 8.000 miles. ELSNER MOTORS Victoria, heaul ful Mue A write, radio, heater, nv n drive 111 43 ooo actual miles, orig inal Hi-lone hlue Mm 1955 CADILLAC $3895 Ride and 'relax In this dramati cally styled Fleetwood 4 dr. sedan, economical to operate, practical to own. 1956 BUICK $2895 Unbelievable beauty with thrill ing gel -a way in this modern black and red convert. 1956 CHEVROLET $2665 Dramatically styled 4 dr. Hard top sedan customized with mn tinental kit. Packed with pow er. A real thrill in motoring pleasure. 1955 CADILLAC $3995 This coupe DeVtlle is the logical choice for satisfaction in value and comfort, fully equipped. . 1955 PONTIAC V-8 $2395 Tride of ownership, plus ease of handling with power steering and power brakes, in this fine Starchiet hardtop tport coupe. 1956 CADILLAC $4395 Digmly and bearing in even de tail in this magnificent motnr car created and styled hv Cad lilac. 1956 CHEVROLET $2595 Designed with a thought of util ity A practicality in mind this 4 dr. station wagon engine loan at normal speens witn its gas saving overdrive trans mission. 1955 CADILLAC $3995 Luxury beyond description in thi fine one-owner Fleetwood 4 dr. sedan, only 17.000 miles. Many More Fine Automobiles To Choose From at The Valley's Largest Chevrolet Dealer I'nion tt Cnml. Bipgest Selection New & Used KM 3-3175 '53 Chev. 210 '..$795 4 door, rad'o, heater. 900 Disphiv dims, oon nkph.v n,. Center & Liberty 0PKV KVKMNCIS Corner Center & Hieh dUJ There's other things in life . , Long since we have concluded But if it deals With things on wheels, 'Our deals' must be concluded. I SPECIAL PONTIAC SALE IT'S THE YEAR OF THE THE ACCENT'S ON Bringing in these fine trades "Take Your Choice" 56 Pontiac 4 Door ... $2795 Radio, heater, hydra., tutona paint, white walls, it ont owner. '55 Olds 98 $2795 Deluxe Holiday Coupe with radio, heater, hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, padded daah. tinted glass, white walls, all leather seaul and one-owner. '53 Chevrolet $975 Deluxe 4 Door, radio, heater, tutone paint, seat covers. A nice running car. '51 Mercury $.i95 Club Coupe, radio, heater. Merco-matic, tutone paint, aeat covers, white walls. REMEMBER! If it's from Loder's It's good LODER BROS. CO. Oldsmobile 41 N. Hltrr EM 1-7971' '50 HUDSON JIM 4 Door Srian. ,'49 OLDS 08 $2(5 Convertlblfl Coupe '56 FORD COUNTRY SDN. .$2195 A nine passenger station wagon. This one should be on the show room floor! Beautiful metallic green finish and a harmonizing easy to clean vinyl Interior, tt has whitewall tires, custom radio heater. Ford-n-matic and many other extras. You would be pleased to drive and own this fine car. '56 FORD VICTORIA ...$2495 Three to choose from. These beauties are FORD'a fin est. All are fully equipned including power steering. Bring in your used car for a money saving trade. And our easy terms will let you drive home in one of these fine cars. '55 BUICK SDN. HARDTOP .$2495 This 4-dr. hardtop. Bulck's finest and smartest models it is a beautiful two-tone red and white, with white wall tires and a striking black and white leather In terior, This lullv equipped century model has every thing. You will marvel al it performance with Ha var iable pitch dynaflow transmission and 236 horse power engine For a wise investment in i late model car, don t miss this one. '55 PONTIAC CATALINA .$2195 This custom hardtop has a genuine leather Interior, plus hvdramatic, radio, heater, power pack, power brakes, twin exhausts, tinted glass. At white walla. Sharper than a hound's tooth. '55 FORD VICTORIA $1995 II h. tenor n while Willi tires. It hi all of Ford's Custom ccasnr lea inclutlinjl a silk smooth fordomstlr. We Ihlnk that $l.fW3 won't buy a smarter more economical or luxur ious car. Be sure and see this one. For people who want exceptionally fine used cars we have selected the follow- ing from our large used car selection Practically all one-owner cars with g low mileage kept in above average condition. I '56 Pontiac Starchief Catalina h Sedan $2995 Popular 4-Door Hardtop. Finished in Avalnn J! Blue k Mist White. Relectormalic radio, heater, $ hydramatie. power steering, and brakes, dual 11 exhausts, KZ, Kyr Rlass, white wall tires, etc. $ One-owner, we sold new. 100 per cent one-year fe warranty. j '56 Pontiac Starchief Catalina I Coupe $2995 I Avalon Blue and Mist White top with all ,lea- ther trim, radio, heater, hydramatic, power ii steering and brakes, dual exhausts, white wall j tires. KX Eye Rlass, etc. One-owner and one year 100 per cent warranty. U h I '56 Pontiac 870 Catajina Sedan. . .$2705 Popular 4-Door Hardtop, tu-tone blue witn matching interior, radio, healer, hydramntic. KZ Kye Rlass. W.S. washers, dual rear seat speaker, etc. This l.s an executive car with only 4 500 miles. New car guarantee. ; '56 Pontiac 860 Catalina Sedan. . .$2645 t Malabar Yellow and Raven Black with npecinl ' white leather and black nylon trim with radio. i healer, hydramatic, white wall tires, elc. i This is an executive car with only 4,0flQ miles, i New car guarantee. !'4fl CHKVROLET . i Convertible Coups .$245 48 CROSLKY $95 Station Wagon 47 FORD 4 DR $ AS '49 BUICK SUPER $245 Sedan Coupe '36 CHKVROLET $ 95 Sedan, a Honey 1 '41 CHEVROLET $ 95 Club Cpe., tt nice 51 FORD V-8 $295 4 Door Sedan, 47 CADILLAC . 4 Door Sedan. - $295 Rri. at Lancaster Dr. KM 4-9114 . i '56 Pontiac 860 Catalina Cpo $2505 '55 FORD COUNTRY SDN. .$199." If vou're looking for a wagon, here's one you can't af ford to pass by. Popular 4-dr. model with gas pinching overdrive, powerful V-B motor, two-lone paint, large heater Af many more convenient items.' Avalon Yellow and Mist While with special ty white leather and green nylon trim. Radio, f heater, hydramntic, white wall tires, etc. Ex g$ ecutive car wilh new car guarantee. , j '55 Pont. Starchief Catalina Cpe.. $2395 '54 BUICK HARDTOP ..$1795 This one is rarin' to go. It is a tn-one gieen and rol onial white with white wall tires This is a powerlul cen'.ury model with full line of equipment Including power Herring This luxurious above average car tan be yours at a below average price. '54 FORD CONVERTIBLE . . .$161)5 Here's one that will ratch anyone's eye A sunshine yr low Sunliner with everything on il Continental kll. grill guards, sport light, radio, ford-o-matlc. heater, white wall tires, power steering, etc. Beautifully uphol stered in black A yellow pleated plaitic. A real car A g real buy. '54 FORD RANCH WAGON .$1495 Driflwnod Beige A Polo While with matching ; leather interior, radio, heater, hydrnmatic, u power steering. KZ Kye glass, white wall tires, elc. One-owner on 11.000 miles. One year 100 per cent warranty. '55 Pontiac 870 Sta. Wagon $2295 Popular 4-Door model. Sequoia Grepn and Ava- Ion Yellow with green k while interior, under- seal healer, hydramatic, power brakes, white wall tires. KZ Kye glass, etc. One-owner, one year 100 per cent warranty. r '55 Pontiac Starchief Catalina l ' Cpe $2295 Salem's Used Car Hdq. 678 S. 12th St. 1955 Chev $1395 211) 2 dr. 1954 Packard.. $1195 Super Clipper. 1952 Ford $695 Custom clh. cpe. 1952 Olds $795 8fl, 4 doos 1952 Nash $695 Ambassador 4 dr. 1951 Chev $595' Club coupe. 1950 Olds .....$595 ; WARNER MOTORS j KM29381 I NICE 4n Ford roupe, first lino lakes. 47J State St. anytime. 900 Display Clasg. ft '55 Dodge V-8 t Cuilnm Rtvai Seoan Power traces ard S'.eering Radio, healtr Premium tires '56 Plymouth V-8 '56 Buick V-8 $2445 Century H-.rd'op Radio, heater i D naf low Low mileage '54 Ford 6 $1395 Suburban 4 Radio, heater Powerflne Le?s than 4 .(X-O miles '54 Dodge V-8 .$2195 .$2395 .$1395 '52 Plymouth 6 Ranch wagon Ovedme Wnite wall tire Healer At Defroster .$595 rorrn' tudor pnwrf!;:e t) j n-tp-ie paint JO. PCO actual rr.;! Sjhu"bin Rare. .'-ea'er O.f-dn-.e Wn.te wall tires TERMS AT SENSIBLE RATES Union & No. High CHEVROLET Mr. Teague Says! We Deal While Other People Talk Stop, Look and Listen We have Just Purchased Several Carloads of New 1957 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks For A Limited Time An Extra Special Deal of a Lifetime Come In and Pick Out Your Car and Color Rememher Teague Chevrolet is Willamette Valley's Best Place to Buy Special Terms To Suit Your Needs r: CI. FAN is the onlv wav to describe this Filalion Wgon. Finished in beautiful desert tan and metallic hrown fa i with harmonizing wa-hnhle plastic interior. Come in 4 . and drive this utility model with Us powerful overhead f. . valve engine hall Joint front end, gas aavinf over- drive Ai many oilier extras. 3 : '54 CHFV. BEL AIR SKDAN ... .$1295 Hre is l Chevrolet that'n a real compliment to the neatness A good habiM of Mi previous owner .It Is f the finest C hevrolet buildf. Metallic green ouUlritf with hftrmormlni gren pvlon A- p1hr Interior Lov mile- w sue Fletier trsde allowanre. Fa test terms. RF.TTFR g Hinnv! '53 FORD CONVERTIBLE $12'i5 . This li'Me io-getter will steal ur hert Brilliant red with black too Come in A drive it tt look over the mnv convenient items Turquoise and white mist with matching all leather interior, radio, healer, hydramatic, power steering and brakes, KZ Kye glass, rear seat speaker, electric antenna, while wall tires, etc. One-owner and 100 per cent one-year warranty. '55 Pontiac Starchief Custom Sdn. $2105 J ! iregold and while mist with beauliful match ing leather and nylon interior, radio, healer, hvdramalic. KZ Kye glass, while wall tires, L, etc. One-owner, one year lot) per cent war rarity. '.". Pontine Chieftain Deluxe Sdn. $1195 I Reautifitl Milano Ivory with radio, healer, dual range hydramatic. sun visor, while wall tires, w.s. washer, etc. Goodwill Guarantee. r. '52 LINCOLN CAPRI SDN. , .$995 Solid black with waslai!e nvln interior Here is a fine rr at a low price, fullv equmped witn radio heater, hvdramatic power iet A like new ore in I um tnet Tms i a rlean car that anyone u ouid be proud to ride in. '51 WILLYS WAGON $575 '46 CHEVROLET .$ir '41 CHEVROLET $ 95 r ri I I nil r. W V- It It- fl' Li ij 77 7 EM 4-0206 i 5:i Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 2 Dr..$!)95 ! H'-aulifiil tit-lone green with radio, healer, dual : p range hydramatic, white wall tires, elc. (iood- a V'- will Guarantee. 4 f '52 Pontiac Custom Catalina Cpe.. $945 . I'u-tone green wtih matching leather interior. -' radio, healer, dual range hydramatic, white is p wall tires. Goodwill Guarantee. i4 '51 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sdn. .$(505 9 A Tulone blue wilh hydramatic, radio, and heater. Goodwill Guarantee. '52 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sdn.. $695 Tu-tone blue with radio and heater. Goodwill Guarantee. '51 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sdn. .$595 Radio, heater. Goodwill Guarantee. TODAY'S Specials '49 Konn $ino '49 MKHC, SDN $.149 '47 JEKP $395 '50 PACKARD $155 j '52 CHKV. SDN $39S '4B 1'l.YM. SDN $I4S '.2 WILLYS TUDOR ... $495 S3 WILLYS TUDOR ... J.W5 '51 PONTIAC SDN. ... $495 Eisner's 'orner Center & High WHY WAIT? Immediate Delivery New English-built -- a Taggesell Pontiac Choiee of 11 models Prices start at $1595 NOW ON DISPLAY AT OUR NEW SHOWROOM 2H03 Fairgrounds ftd Take a Test drive today' British Car Sales HISS N. Capitol. EM MOI J.N'D k C STRKKT JNDKPKNDKNCK. ORE PHOSE 2 OR S5 ni-y-'T'i a" ,",r'"-x'yrr'3cars ! LIBERTY & CENTER 1 ttrrr.rrtr'?v.'r?t-?.v- igg.- fiGO No. Liberty EM 2-4113 (, F. H. TODD EM 2-2468 V. L. SLOAN t