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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1957)
Salem, Ore., Friday, January 11, 1957 Page 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PROV. 27:1 Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth, jjj THEY'RE GOtifeTO 2TCK A toll W ME Yes, Sonny, we do it all the time! Mommie holds you in her lap. And that nice, friendly doctor gets the needle ready. Then... OUCH! And there's one less disease for you to worry about. If only it were that easy to protect you from some of the other diseases that infest the world . . . the plagues that eat away man's moral and spiritual fibre. But religion can't be injected with a needle! So it requires wise parents, and Christian homes, and worshipping families, and vigorous churches to get you ready for a noble, happy life. - Better take it up Sunday with your folks: ISN'T IT TIME FOR ALL OF US TO GO TO CHURCH? THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH can Urviv, Th, " " ? C'aCy "0r "".. , znnza zt crns rir and .uppor, ,h. Chrt f tarty and ,ead yZ Bib?, daily ' ChUrCh Ch" v""5 ?'My .. s""i"r I'.'.LuI! 5 39-49 1 i 1 Milfllllll IIIIIM BRADLEY'S niCYCI.E SI'OKT SHOP 237 N. High I'h. Em-3 38H BEUTI.ERQUISTAD I.BR. CO. "Everything lo Build With" 435 Wallace Rd. rh. Em 3 81S1 Rl'SS PRATT CAPITOI. CITY TRANSFER Moving Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Movers Phone F.m-2-2433 230 S. Front St. LESTER PeLATP TRANSFER STOR.U.E "Local and Nationwide Movers" Ph. Em-21750 1115 N. Commercial R. L. ELESTROM CO. 260 South Liberty OSCAR ENGER AGENCY Insurance All Typea 665 N. Capitol Phone Em-4 -2201 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 469 State St. Ph. Em 2-4505 HOW ELL EDW ARDS FUNERAL HOME Across from Sears 515 North Capitol lll'TCHEON PAINT STORE Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Ph. Em-3 6681 162 N. Commercial LIMBER DIVISION OREGON Pl'LP & PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front and Perry Ph. Em-2-2121 MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales and Service We Give iwf." Green Stamps Phone Em-3-7577 1B80 State MAYFLOWER MILK Phone F.m J-9205 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store l.ES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoes 179 North Commercial MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Daily by Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. PAY LESS DRl'G STORE "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 Stale St. Phone Km-2-3634 DICK MEYER LIMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1775 I.ana Ave. Ph. Em-3-4939 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Thone Em-J-3173 SEARS, ROEBUCK &- CO. SENATOR HOTEL and COFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P. M. Court and High Sis., Salem Phone Em-3-4151 TWEEIHE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Th. Etn-2-4151 1174 Edgewalcr West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3045 South Commercial UNITED THEATER CORP. Elsinore Capitol Grand Drive-in OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorised Bulcls Sales, Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. Em-2-3621 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. Em-4-2257 i : THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SAIEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY TW PU0UC4PltflTEi, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ISTAPLtfHMKMU l Kef auver Asks Juvenile Cash WASHINGTON Ifl Three members of a Senate subcommit tee which studied the problem have introduced a bill to provide It million dollars to help state and local governments curb juvenile delinquency. Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) said in a statement Friday the bill would authorize five million dol lars in grants to the states to help them improve state and local de linquency programs; another five millions for grants to states and nonprofit educational institutions to help train specialists in this field, and a millon dollars to help finance various special projects. Less salty than other seas is the Persian Gulf. It is not only fed by fresh water streams from Iraq, but the passeagoway between it and the Gulf of Oman on the Indian Ocean is so narrow that little salt water can come in from that juncture. LEGALS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is given that the under sinned has filed her Final Account aa Executrix of the estate of George H. Van Buren, deceased, No. 16,811, in the Probate Department of the Cir cuit Court of Marion Countv, Ore gon, and that Monday, the" 28th day of January, 1057. at the hour of 9:15 A.M. 'of said day, in the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated and first published this 28th day of December. 1!)5G. FLOY McELFRESH. Executrix Estate of George H. Van Buren, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. Dec. 28.Jan.4, 11, 18,25 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BII1S Sealed proposals for "Pneumatic Tires and Tubes" will be received by the Marion County Court. Room 110, Courthouse, Salem. Oregon, until 10:00 A.M., on the 22nd day of Jan uary, 1057. and then will be publicly opened and read. Information and specifications can be obtained from the County Engi neer, Courthouse, Salem. Oregon. Marion County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MARION COUNTY COURT Adv. J, 7. . 11 &. H Open : Jan, 22nd AI1VERTISMFNT FOR RIDS Scaled proposals for "Petroleum Products" will be received by the Marion County Court. Room 110, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, until 10:00 A.M., on the 21st day of Jan uary, 1!)57. and then will be publicly opened and read. Information and specifications can he obtained from the County Engi neer, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon. Marion County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MARION COUNTY COURT Adv. Jan. 7. f). 11 & 14 Open; Jan. 21st Advertisin Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mtn. 2 lines) 'Weekdays Sin. per line 1 time ... .35 .25 per line 3 times ... 90 80 per line 6 times fl 30 $1.20 pei line 1 mo. $5 00 Unci. Sun I Classified ads will be run in both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 37,074 combined circula tions. When an ad Is oidered three or six times and f Sundny issue is in cluded (for example Friday, Satur day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sundays. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude tn the evening Capital Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads is 1:00 p.m the day before publication except for Snndav when deadline is 5:30 p.m Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received after 1 00 em weekdays and until 12 noon .iturday for Sundav may tie placed In the ' Too Late to Clasisfy" column. Ads for Monaay papers must be In by 5 p m. Saturday. The Statesman - Journal Newspa pers reserve the right to reject ques tionable advertising; it further re serves the right to olace fill adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman - Journal Newspa pers assume no financial -esponsl-biluy for errors which may appear in adevrtiscments published tn its columns and in cases wheru this pa per is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which (th typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection of the adverUsers and must therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to d:vulge in formation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Ads in other columns which require investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond thould be thoroughly investigated b e t - . e p.iytng out any money Advertisers requiring a cash mvestm-nt for samples or merchandise, tales aids, eic. must so speciiy tn Iheir ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pro tect its readers against fraud, de ception, or injuries Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sat-s help wanted ads must state U the pay Is tn the form of salary, com missions, guarantee, or include firm name. Bona fide offers of employment with pay oelong to the 'Help Wanted" columns Kindly report anv reception to this rule to the classified advertising manager. the action: n EM 4-6811 CALL TO sell ehire find rt Classified Index "For Your Convenience" 300 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 316 Personal 318 Stamps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE inn i i.,.rtnlf Fnr Rata 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Pets 410 Fruits St Farm Produce 414 Poultry & Rabbits 416 Sea Foods 418 Lawn & Garden A-m qPris Ar Plants 422 Fertilizer 424 Farm tquipmem 425 Auction Sales 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 45 Appliances 45i Sewing Machines 456 T. V. Radio 458 Musical Instruments 4ri2 Wanted Household Goods 464 Sports Equipment 4fi6 Bicycles 470 Building Materials 472 Plumbing. Heating 474 Floor Covering 476 Do It Yourself 4fl0 For Sale Miscellaneous 481 For Bent Miscellaneous 482 Trade Miscellaneous 483 Wanted Miscellaneous 484 Miscellaneous 486 Machinery & Tools 488 Wanted Machinery At Tools 4H0 Fuel 500 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 510 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanled 515 Investments 600 EMPLOYMENT 6D2 Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted, Man 606 Help Wanted. Lady 608 Pickers 'Vanted 610 Sales Help 612 Work Wanted. Man fill Work Wanted, Lady 615 Situations Wanted 617 Job Information 618 Education 620 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board 703 Wanted Rooms. Board 705 Apartments For Rent 7(H) Duplexes 707 Houses For Rent 707-A Furnished 708 Farms For Rent 70!) Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. 714 Business Rentals 716 Resort Rentals 718 Convalescent Homes 780 Moving and Storage 800 REAL ESTATE 801 Business Opportunities 802 Business Property 803 Suburban 806 Houses For Sale 807 Apts., Courts For Sale 808 Lots For Sale l(l Farms For Sale 812 Exchange Real Estate 815 Coast Property 816 Resort Property 818 Wanted Real Estate 825 Insurance 850 AUTOMOTIVE 851 New Cars 852 Used Cars for Sale 853 Auto Parts and Repair 654 Trucks, Trailers for Sale Too Late to Classify SPECIAL! 45 Mobile Home, 2 bdrms., auto, washer, only t;t,!W5. Lana Lane, 1U40 Lana Ave. 15 ft. DeVille, '56, like new. Terms! Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. ' HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bdrm. partly furn. Reas. rent. EM 2-8:18!). 1953 DODGE convert., sed.. Radio, heater, 4 speed trans., new top, low ml. 1880 Center St. EM 3-7691 between S & 7 eves. 2 BDRM. house furn. or unfurn. Near bus. EM 4-4221). '51 FORD dump truck. Good 1 cond; EM 3-4349. SMALL unfurn. 1 bedroom house. EM 4J2867. WANTED: Odd Jobs anything considered. EM 4-4868. sTBDRMTunfurn. hse. Water pd. $40. 1482 Park. KM 4-5718. FOR SALE: Workman hoist, truck - bed, 340 gal. gasoline storage tank with stand, '49 Chev. sedan delivery, 3 Hol stein heifers, 1 feeder steer, 14 T. Corn silage. EM 2-6230. COMFORTABLE 1 bdrm. all furn., laundry. $45, 1455 3rd Sli' West Salem. EM 2-9509. LOVELY spacious 2 bdrrru downstairs apt., free water. Bus bv door. 4212 S. State. EM 2-950!). '46 FORD club coupe, radio, heater, excel, tires, new rings, bearings, custom interior. $165. EM 2-5756 after 6 p.m. 52AUSTIN 4 dr. sdn.. exc. run ning cond. Reas. EM 4-7185. beiZIestTots EM 3-6547. 4 BDRMS. $!t,500 Suburban North Large lot. Dishwasher - washer - dryer. Fireplace - Wall to wall carpet. N e w I v decorated Lovely 60' X 100 fenced back yard in lawn with slides, swings & dog pen. 2097 Coral Ave. EM 2-4097. Terms. LARGE dried Italian prunes, 15 cents lb. Del. 20 lbs. & over. EM 2-2066. BY OWNER OPEN HOUSE: SAT. & SUN. 3 BDRMS.. Ig. L.R.. D.R.. nook, birch kit., 2 baths, firepl., util., dble. plastered gar., Ig. lot. Price reduced $1,000. See at 1215 JAYS DRIVE - CLEAR LAKE. MOD. 5 rm. house, Englewood d i st.l 345 N. 17th. ' CALVES weigh around 200 lbs. trade for cheap work car. E M .4 2!4 1 e- EXP. cleaner & bahy sitting, ironing St mending wanted. 1610 6th St. EM 4-6688. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Ladies Bulova yellow gold wrist watch Tues. eve. Downtown dtst. Reward. EM 3-5206; LOST: Young German Police dog. female, ans. to "Frau" Finder Ph. 3-5120 or return 2 1 95 S: Church. REWARD, LOST: Cat," white with" red spots on back and tail, answers to "Skippv". North Center St. EM 4 1230 Reward. 314 Transportation WANT ride to Portland dailv. Swing shift. Ph. Gervais 3334, 316 Personal MADAM Hazel. Psychic reader, advise on all hfiatrs. 3805 S. Commercial. EM 4-9265. MORE people buy World Book Encyclopedia, Why? EM 2-5662. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group NO. 1. 20W N Com'l EM 4-2. HELP I Clothing, shoes, furni ture, toys, etc. needed NOW for needy families. Ph. EM 4-5141 NOW or bring items to 341 No. Com'l St. SU Vincent DePaul store. ALCOHOLICS AoVvrrous S. Com'l. EM 1-2108. EM J-2850. 400 Agrimlture 402 Livestock For Sals 400 Agriculture 403 livestock Wanted TOP cash prlcet at your place. Ray Cozel. EM 4-3168 Collect. OVBSTOCK buyer, Edwards, RtJ!Boxa98E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE. 4297 State. E. I. & H. S nen2J:3:lEM2-438q. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandllsh, EM 3-6119. CATTLE buver. A. F Snmmer, 1260 Harmony Dr. EM 4-9067, 405 Pets PUPPIES: Beaut. Wire Fox Ters.. Cockers. Welsh Tors., Pekingese. Pedigreed. Reas. Prices. Always open. Douglas Kennels. Scotts Mills, Hwy. 213 to Silverton conti. 5 ml. Signs: AKC reg. Irish. Water Spanirf. EM 4-2822. NFXSON'S Datrr Breeders Assn. Ph. EM 4-2949. SALEM Ueat Co. locker beef. 21c. Custom Ulag. cutting and wrapping. Bacon sliced, tree & trailer loaned. PUREBRED blond Cocker pups, $15. EM 2-406!). COLOR BRED roller canaries, 1340 Chemekcta. EM 3-4385, BOXER dog, 12 mo. old, shot & clipped. EM 2-8131. BiRD Paradise, bird1;, tron fish, 3180 Livingston. EM 2-1841. MICKEY'S parakeets, cages, feeds. 3825 S. ComLEM 2-2753 KEITH'S "PUPPY FARM 5460 Center EM 2-7989 Puppies all kinds Buy &t sell. Aft'noon St eves. No Sun. calls, 410 Fruit & Farm Produce GOOD clean wheal St oats hay, not rained on. EM 4-0533. CLOVER hay & potatoes"" $1 & $1.50 per 100 lb. ll2 mi. East j mi. North of Keizer Sch. (No sales Fri. after 4, fit Sat.) Ed Sprocd. TOP quality plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery 4020 Silv Rd. We Give S&H Green Stamps PASTEURIZED whole milk. 7$a gal. Homogenized 7!ic fc gal. for 40c. Cleary Dairy, EM 2-3035. 414 Poultry & Rabbits CUSTOM DRESSING Plant 5310 Center. EM 3-7360 Dillon Jones Co. 4323Market BABY Chicks hatcbcd'vr, round. Special Red Roosters 5c ea. Valley Tarm Store, EM 4-4624. BABY Chtck--for meat or eggs. Send for free folder. Wilson's Hatcnery, Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick 9-2533. 420 Seeds & Plants TREES Fruit, shade St ornamental trees now In also roses, Middle grove Nursery, 4920 Silverton Rd. 424 Farm Equipment 8-N FORD tractor with extra Sherman transmission. First $550 takes It. MAyfair 3-2931 or EM 2-9872. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 down will buy a complete, household of furniture, In cluding appliances. Daveno makes into bed Grey U-haul $ .14.95 Automatic washer it dryer ONLY $198 Domestic electric sewing ma chine complete with attach ments. Eastern rock maple cabinet. Cost new $200 NOW $89.95 Englander red line, loam rubber mattress & matching box spring $99 5 piece chrome set $29.95 See our large selection of ranges and refrigerators, some less than 1 year old. 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 REDUCED from $249.50! 1 New Biltwell davenport and club chair $18H. Terms. Glen Woodry. 1605 NSummer. U SAVE on SOLiD MAPLEfin niture when U-BUY from Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. HUNDREDS of peopl e every week shop Glen Woodry's for the greatest bargains in Sa lem! ! Apt. size electric rangei :i5 to $6. Large selection. Re- member 1605 N. Summer. CLOSEOUT 55 nefloo"rla"nTps $6.88. 24 new uph. occasional ehairs $12. H8. 6 new swing rockers $19.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW large virtue 7 pc. wrought iron dinettes (beige mocha charcoal) $97.50. Terms. Trades. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. RECLINING chair and hassock, $40. 3 pc. dinette, $15. 3 book- cases. EM 2-8852. 2 LATE model deluxe visual" oven, push b u tlnti electric ranges, guaranteed $169.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer $147.50 NF.W 7 pc. living room group, inc. new deluxe daveno, matrhmg rocker, 2 step end tables, cocktail table. 2 table lamps. U-Save when U-Buv at Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Sum Trier.' 15 A MONTH buvs complete household of furniture ana ap ptiances. Why pay more when Glen Woodry's sells for less, Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer $139.50 NE pr" Biltw" sectionals S133 50. Ideal for smaller apl. Terms. Glen Woodrv, 1605 N. 100 Display Classified I DIESEL i HEAVY EQUIPMENT I ! Needs Trained Men Pays tuu niees 1J1MI mm VH : . Harneberger writes: 'Since Q rf week. The last two weeks lM . , ? y "na 158 respect-;;:? .-. . mm inceu inai your training program play-f - irii pari in my ia s vancemcnt." - 1? you are mechar.icallv in- .iined. we can tram YOU and c;n you Ert tarted in this fieid which offers oppor- j tunny and a future. Write at once for completed details abyut the possibilities 3 ; . ... j w,c u.csri ino J Heavy EauiDment Fiih with.: i 1RACTOR TRAINING