Page 2 Section 4 Trojans at OSC and Oregon at Calif Ducks to Get Into PCC Race Fri Bears Favored in First Series for Oregon UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene (Special) Coach Steve Belko's Oregon Ducks open their 1857 Pacific Coast Conference basketball season this weekend against the strong California Bears at Berkeley and the Web foots apparently have a tough job ahead of them. Belko said today he rated Cali fornia as the best of the five PCC teams he had seen this year and added his inexperienced squad must be at its peak to rate a chance of winning against the Hoop Schedule Full of Upsets St. Louis Falls Rapidly After Earlier 4th Rank By DON WEISS The Associated Press No doubt about it now, this is a "what's happened to..." college basketball season. Eddie Hlckcy's St. Louis Billikcns are the latest, With the exception of Kansas and North Carolina, each of the nation's touted powers has been doing flip-flops between good and average. Now Its the Bilukens turn. The Missouri Valley Conference power that climbed as high as No. 4 In the national rankings a couple of weeks ago after spilling the likes of Kentucky, Louisville and TCU now has lost four of its last five and stands at a medio cre 7-5 for the season. A conference foe, Wichita, pro longed the St. Louis skid last night with a 6!-(V. decision behind the 21-point scoring ol ,Ioe Stevens and the rebounding of Don Wood worth. Louisville, No. 5 In this week's Associated Press poll, was the only high-ranking team in action Inst night in a predominantly Eastern program. The Cardinals had little trouble pushing their record to 9-2. With Bill Darragh flipping in 20 points, Louisville rmtnleH Mpmnhiq Slnto 01-71. Play aroirTid the country also saw u pair 01 sinrynuoK come backs by Penn and St. Joseph's of Philadelphia at Pinny s Pales tra, the first loss for ambitious Brandcis, and another victory for Syracuse, which has won seven straight after dropping its first two games. 500 Tickets Due Monday for OSC Football HaiKjiicl OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis 'Special) The com munity will honor Oregon Stale's Pacific Coasl conference cham pionship football squad Friday niphl, January 1R, at a special banquet open to the public at the Memorial Union building ballroom on the campus. General chairman for the affair Is .1 1 in Barratt, athletic business manager. Starling next Monday, lino tickets will go on sale at three Corvallis locations the athletic ticket odice, the alumni office and Wagner's restaurant. Tickets are priced at $3 each. The 40 members of the Hose Bowl squad will be presented ap propriately designed wrist watches Iniin the athletic department, in addition lo other gills, and mem bers ol the couching stall will also pri'senl special individual awards. Names of the toastinaster. guest (speaker and special guests will be announced at a Inter date. Roger Johnson Of Marshdehl Earns Honors NEW YOHK ifl-Ohio led 39 states and Hawaii with six play ers selected on the sixth Htmuitl All-America high school football team of Scholastic Magazines, na tional high school educational weeklies. .kKinley High of Canton. Ohio state champion, and Abilene. three-time Tcxa.s champion, each placed two players on the TB iucni-1 ber Muait. H'lly Majors of Hunllaml. Term, brother ol .Johnny Majors, All America hack at Tennessee, was another plaver named. i The squad inc'iidn' ; Quarterback: Phil Borders, Bal-1 lard, Sei'f'c. HaKhaek.s: Koycr Johnson,! Marshlield, Coos Bay, Ore. FANFARE Bears. "I saw California, UCLA, Washington State and Idaho last week in the Inland Empire," Belko reported, "and watched Oregon State earlier in the season and of the performances 1 watched ed the Bears are the toughest: team." Mcllugh Gets Acquainted The Ducks were idle in the opening week of play and the layoff was both helpful and a hindcrance to the squad in pre paration for the games with the Bears. Ed Bingham, the veteran forward and one of the few ex perienced Oregon lettermcn, bruised his heel in a scrimmage session and will probably be left at home for this road trip. At the same time Phil McHugh, a steady performer at guard, used the extra week well to become ac quainted with the new system after reporting to Coach Belko after playing as an end for the West squad in the annual Shrine football game. Oregon will probably stick with the same starting lineup which played in the majority of the seven non-conference games play ed in December. This would send talented Charlie Franklin to one forward and put either Bill A-Jore, a lctterman, or sophomore Eli Morgan to the other while Hal Duffy, the vastly improved junior, completes the front line at center. Bud Kuykcndall and Wimp Hastings will open at guard with McHugh, John Lundcll and Dick alcntlne set as the top reserves. Center Paul Tuchardt, forward Henry Ronquillo and guard Rich Cost! will complete the traveling squad which leaves here Thurs day for Berkeley. Folley Ready For Anybody SYRACUSE, N.Y. Wl-Zora Eol ley left his boxing door open to day, saying he'd fight "anybody." he Arizona boxer, aiinougn floored in the seventh round, scored bis 2lllh victory in 31 starts last night at the War Mem orial Auditorium with a split de cision over slugger Wnync Hellion in their 10-round, nationally tele vised bout. Bethea now has a 13-8 record. Bethea outweighed his opponent 2IM'4 to 192, but Folley overcame the margin with his counter minchinc and body attack. Folley, who said he was never in trouble during the fight which drew a scant 1.254 who paid J2.I.HH, stunned his mauling opponent in the fourth round with a vicious attack to the head. But Bethea weathered the best Eolloy could Ibrow and as late as the seventh round sent Folley lo the floor for a nine count. Judge Dick Albino and Referee Lou Scozza gave Folley a 5-4-1 margin while Judge Dick Fazio saw it 5-4-1 in favor of Bethea. The AP card favored Folley 5-3-2. . New Football Utiles for Preps (liven Approval CHICAGO Wl Three major rules changes have been ap proved by the football rules com mittee of the National Federation of High School Athletic Assns. and the Junior College Athletic Assn. represent lti.000 high schools and , ,':. i' . i I junior colleges. ! Center, guards and tackles will I not he permitted to move after 'they have taken a plnying posi tion. Adoption was the result of frequent attempts on the part of olfensive linemen to draw the de fense offside. The committee said the new rule will not in any way limit shifts or other changes in offen sive formation. Another new rule provides for a 15-yard penalty for grabbing the face mask of an opponent. The other rule change permits one plavrr from each team to confer : with the conch on the sideline whenever a time-out is charged ! to either team. Tide Tu Mr T1IH.S ItlH TAKT. DKFGON tt'itmnilril hv I'S Ci SuriM. I'nrlUiir lllCtl WATKH Orrcnn I LOW WATKH Timr Mriv'it Tnnr- Heurlit 1H m 7 ll I ill n in. 4 " li mi I f. ,T (i i 111. O .1 " N m ' i 0 ! :i in '.' I'1 P ni 4 ft 4 0U tn. -0 2 '' ; it 11 V0I a m '2 7 11 r' i n : ' i il p , -n H 1H Hi ;i us H tl 4 at ;i in. : 7 S 14 i in -1 2 IL'tm.ini S MMom, 1 S 11 Hi a m It n IB p m. -1 4 T! :1 a in s i is y; m 31 11 y- ,t ni K 1 t ti m. .1 .1 1 M ti, K 3 H ,M a m jo I- ' P "V 7 7 t;i p m. -I 3 ! SO A3AIN-J J u Coast Opponents I 1 1 'B4y-v' day (tfj jr-i;.fXT Ken Nansoa (Icfl) Is a Junior guard from Vcrnonta, Ore., who helps set up plays and taken pot shots at the banket for Oregon State. He will run up against another junior guard In Monte Gonzales of USC Friday and Saturday nights at Corvallis. Gon zales average 11.1 points. Pro All-Star Team Headed Hill, Grier Made Unanimous Choices NEW YORK WJ-The champion New York Giants, ChicaRO Hears and Detroit Lions today dominated the Associated Press National Football League all-star team, rapturing IS of the 22 berths. Five members from each of the three clubs were named to this! mythical two-platoon team hy 2H; sport j writers who covered the NFL campaign for The AP in the various cities from coast to coast. Two players, offensive end liar Inn Hill of the Rears and defen sive tackier Roosevelt Grier of the Giants, were picked on all 28 ballots. Halfbacks 01 lie Matson of Chicago Cardinals and Frank Stanford Daily Urges Revolt Editor Wauls Indians To Shun PCC Tro' Code STANFORD, Calif. UP An editorial in the Stanford Daily urged the school Wednesday to quit the Pacific Coast Con ference if the present athletic code remains in force. The editorial, by David Scott, an associate editor, said: "The Pacific Coast Conference is going professional and Stanford is the only school that seems to be worried about it. "In its meeting last week, the conference opened the door to un limited financial aid by adopting its grant - in - aid for subsistence. "'JJ, pressure from Fred Fagg of I'M- and ISayniond Allen of UCLA .and the worry of dropping nine j nut of 10 howl games to the Big jTcn have been too much for (he rest of the schools." Actually, PCC tennis have losf ' 10 out of 1 1 bowl games. The editorial quoted Stanford President Wallace Sterling as say ing Stanford will have to re examine" the nature of its parti cipation in intercollegiate athletics if the code remains as it is. This re-examination, the edi torial said, "can come to but one conclusion leave the PCC." Coaches Honor I5ovIen Wyatt ST. l.Ol'IS w Rowden Wyatt. uho led his Tennessee football team to an undefeated season and the Suqnr Bowl game, was hon ored Thursday as "Coach of the Year" at n luncheon of the Amer i' nn Foot ball Coaches Assn. Al the same meeting, .Jess Neelv of Uice, AKCA president for the past year, turned over the reins to his successor, tieorge il.eflyi James of Cornell. Wyatt was picked as coach of the year on a vote of 53.1) mem bers of the A K C A , He was the By WALT OITZcN fer ax' by 3 Clubs Gilford of the Giants missed unanimous selection by one vote. The Bears, Western division al winners, placed center Larry Strickland (11 , guard Stan Jones (15) and fullback Rick Casares (22) on the first offensive unit, along with Hill, and landed mid dle guard Bill George (14) on the defensive team. The Giants had tackle Rosey Brcwn 22 . besides (iifford, on the attacking team and end Andy Itobustcili (25) and safety Kmlen Tunnell U7) along with Grier on die defensive squad. ,. h , . . were tackle Lou trcekmur H4 and quarterback Bobby Laync ifi' on offense and linebacker Joe Schmidt U5), halfback Jack Christenscn (25) and safety Yale Lary (ID. Others on the first team: OFFENSIVK RG-Dick Slan- fcl, Washington Redskins (12, and RE-Billy Howton, Green Bay Packers MB). DEFENSIVE - RT-Art Dono van. Baltimore Colts 'lit; RE- Genc Brito, Redskins (16); LB Les Richter, Los Angeles Rams (10); and HB-Dick Lane, Chicago Cards (12). WATCH WARDS Corner of Trade and High Streets IF YOU DRIVE A CHEVROLET FORD PLYMOUTH WARDS CAN EQUIP IT WITH 4 NEW TUBELESS NYLON TIRES FOR LESS THAN $100 GET MAXIMUM TIRE SAFETY WITH WARDS NYLON TIRES Records Of Foes Identical Rogers Is Point Leader for u.s.c. OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis (Special) Oregon State's promising basketball Beavers launch home conference action Friday night, taking on the South ern California Trojans in the first of a two-game series. . Game time Is 8 p.m., with a 6 p.m. preliminary between the OSC Rooks and Clark junior college of Vancouver. This will be the first game of the season for Paul Val enti's young cagers. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. USC and Oregon 'State have al most identical records for the sea son. Coach Forrest Twogood's out fit has posted six victories in 12 starts, while the Beavers have an overall 5-6 won and lost mark. The Trojans dropped two close ones to powerful Washington last wceKena in PCC action, while OSC was splitting with mediocre Stanford. Rogers Leads PCC Sparkplug for the Trojans is 6 foot 1 inch guard. Danny Rogers, who was on the all-tournament five at the recent Far West Classic Corvallis. Rogers currently leads the PCC in pointmaking, with 52 points ia two games. For the entire season, he tops his lroy mates with 180 tallies in 12 con tests, an average of 15.0 per out .. . Starting with Rogers will De Phil Dye and Ken Pearson, for wards; Jim Sterkel, center; and Monte Gonzales, guard. Pearson, Sterkel and Rogers all are letter- men. Most impressive USC tri umphs this season were over Wyoming (twice) and the Univer sity of San Francisco. Oregon State's Dave Gambee ranks right behind Rogers in PCC scoring, lie chalked up 50 tallies for two night's work against Stan ford. The Beavers can take the floor with a decided height advan tage against SC. providing Coach Slats Gill benches some of his shorter, faster players. 'At last report, he had planned to go along with the same lineup used last week at Palo Alto, one consisting of Gambee and Bob Al lord, forwards;' Gary Goblo, cen ter: and Ken Nanson and Jerry Crimins, guards. l!SC OSC Dye (6-5) Pearson '6-5) Sterkel 16-71 Rogers (6-1) Gonzales 15-10) F F C Gi G (6-7) Gambee (6-4) Allord 6-8 Goble 16-01 Nanson (6-0) Crimins Michigan Slate's four home foot ball games drew 203,051 fans in 11156. FOR Extras! NCAA Won't Soften Bans Against PCC Schools as Conference Did Being Talked About ST. LOUIS Pete Elliott (left), football coach at Nebraska and prominently mentioned for the job at University of Washington, listens as Jess Ncely (right) of Rice Institute talks football at the NCAA convention here. Neely is president of the American Football Coaches' Assn., which is meeting here also. (AP Wire photo) . SCORES in UNIVEKSITY ALLEYS lH 400 Lracue Team results: Earl Malm Trailers 0. Nameless Food Mkt. 3; Taggesell Pontiac 1. Ripp's Service Station 2; Indep. Merchants 3, Team No. Six 0; Cadwell Oil Co. I, Indep. Lmbr. Co. 2; Roy St Ken's Service 3, Kan nier Motors 0. Hieh team series: Indep. Merchants, 2546 mew season high). High team same: inaep. Mercnams, 863. H Eh individual series: unucx Wenger of Earl Malm. 580. Hi eh Individual same: A1 Dickin son of Indep. Merchants. 223. Split conversions: John West of Team No. Six converted 6-710 ipllt. CHERRY CITY BOWL State House No. 2 League Team results: Hishway Rieht of Way 4, Prison Officers 0; Forestry Management 4, Bridge Engineers 0; P.U.C. 3, Office Engineers 1; Veterans Affairs 3, Legal Eagles 1: Pen Em ployees 3, Oregon National Guard 1: Highway Shops 2, Traffic Engineers No. Two 2. -High team series: Forestry Manage ment. 2795. High team game: forestry manage rnt. 'M. High individual series: Bill Biegler P.U.C, 57fi. Hich individual came: Bill Biegler of P.U.C, 219. Other high scores: Htllerich 5fi3-213-2(11: Logan 557-216-200; Kayser 3:i8, Dave Ringland 203. Oddities: Dwtuht Phiims of Forestry Management had a stairstep series 144-140-148 lor 435. University Bowl, Merchantile League. Results Tuesday: Stan's Drive In (3). Team No. 1 r w r f I 1 b INSTALLATION! NEW, DEPENDABLE BATTERY No Mort Towing Ch.rgo. Prom You. Or Stalling in Wrntor Wo.fhorl ornia forWeekend the ALLEYS (1); Hoy's Automotive (3). Ameri can Can Co. No. 1 (1): American Can Co. No. 2 (2), Mootry's Phar macy (2); Gates City (Oj, West Salem Pharmacy (0): Safeway Stores Inc. (0) . Zebb's Real Estate 4. High team series: Zeeb's Real Estate 289V high team game: West Salem Phar macy 1016. high Individual series: John Reese 605. high individual game: John Reese 224. Other high scores: Orv Schultze 580. Cece Con ner 370. Tony Vittone 202. 546, Arvy I Whitman 203. 544, Don Burkland 214, I 550, Gail Carey 324, Jerry Shippey . 520. Ladles Minor League results Wed nesday: Team No. 1 (3), Team No. 3 (1) ; Keizer Four (4), Team No. 6 (0); Moore Business Forms (41. Team No. 2 (0). High tram series: Team No. 6 1538: high tetam game: Team No. olfi: men individual series: Georganne Austin Team No. 6 435; high individual game: Kav substi tute Team No. 2154. Other high scores: Lillian Driessier 151 ; Kaima Putman-14!l; Georganne Austin 14!1. Hilda White Keizer Four picked 5-7 split. CHERRY CITY BOWL State limine No. 1 League results Wednesday: Division of Audits (41, Stale Police lOi: Highway Account ing (3i. Motor Vehicle (1): Highway Materials (31, Weighmasters 1) ; Highway Construction (3), Tax Com mission (1); Finance Administration (4), Forestry Protection (0); Traffic Engineers No. 1 (3), Falrvlew Homes ID. Hign ;eam series: Hignway Ac counting 7755: high team game: Highway Accounting 950. High Indi vidual series: Lyle Ertsgaard of Ma terials 862205204. High individual game: Cliff Malson of Accounting 21453!). Other high scores: Causey TRADE IN NOW and GET UP TO rr9rn POWER ACTUAUY COSTS LESSI No Moro and Yow Actually Savo WKon Battary S.ntat Com on You Buy a Naw AllSTATE Worn Battotiail Battary at Saartl Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 National Letters Of Intent Get Turndown ST. LOUIS tf The National Collegiate Athletic Association Wednesday refused to modify a host of penalties imposed on three Pacific Coast Conference schools for illegal financial aid to foot ball players. The three schools, Washington, Southern California and UCLA, had requested penalties imposed by the conference and later lightene. . The NCAA Council decided there should be no lessening of penalties. The conference at first had banned athletes from Wash ington and Southern California from participating in post-season sports for a period ol two years, The penalty was for three years in the case of UCLA. Conference Relented Later the conference relented and ruled that the non-post-scason sports ban should apply only to football, which ruled out the Rose Dowl fdV Washington and USC un til 195D and until 1960 for UCLA, The NCAA Council held, how ever, that the original penalties should stand. It said the three schools still were responsible for rules violations, regardless of the sports affected. There were these other develop' ments ednesday: 1. The American Football Coach' es Assn., closely allied with the NCAA, handed out unprecedented penalties. Against Binding Athletes 2. The faculty representatives turned a very cold shoulder on the suggestion for a national let' ter of intent" program which would bind prospective athletes to one school. The Football Coaches Ethics Committee, acting principally on information obtained through NCAA investigations of recruiting and subsidizing violations, slapped 541193. Stacer 534-185, 182. Zitzowltz 531, Montgomery 207. F. Brown 535 Morrill 212, CAPITOL ALLEYS Capitol Major League results Wed nesday: The .iks (Of, Karrs Marion Hotel &c Car Park 131. J son's Mens Wear (1); J's Coflec Siiop (1), Barclay's Broiler (31: West Salem Machinery (21. The Jewel Box (2, Hi oh team series: The Jewel Box. 3.074; high team game. The Jewel Rn. 1.072: hlsh Individual series. Rich Staudinger of Jayson's, 644; high individual game, John Glodt of J's Coffee Shop, 23f. Other high scores: wait Gardner 236-tns. koj Farlev 227-603. Dale Bastian 219- 619, John Glodt 239-602, Wavne Walls 213-597. Frank Evans 223-593 and Gene Broucht 232-593. $L ALLOWANCE ALLSTATE BATTERIES Certified Factory Fresh Power New Alloy Grids Cut Corrosion Feature for feature, ALLSTATE batteries offer longer ser vice, greater power and better dependability! Special "Chem-Set" plates assure long, superior life; Plastic im pregnated fiber separators resist acid, heat. One-piece, full-length terminal posts can't possibly break or snap! CHOOSE THE BATTERY YOU NEED 6 Month Guarantee Battery 5.88 15 Month Guarantee Battery 6.88 36 Month Guarantee Battery 11.88 48 Month Guarantee Battery 13.88 48 Month Super Battery 15.98 2 VOLT BATTERIES down nearly a dozen member coaches for acting unethically. The names weren't given ouL but the committee indicated that it would hold a coach responsible not only for his own acts but those of his assistants and the alumni, who should be "educated" to stay within the rules. A round table discussion of re cruiting and subsidizing problems at a conference oi college faculty representatives produced s o m rather significant results. To Vote on Limits The basic subjects were t w a proposed amendments to NCAA regulations wmch will be voted on Friday. One spells out the limits of financial aid, earned or un earned, which may be given to an athlete because of his ability. Another sets up a system where by a college may pay the cost of bringing a prospect to visit the campus but all outside agencies are barred. There was very little discussion of these two proposals although Athletic Director Tom Bolles of simon-pure Harvard offered the suggestion that it was "worth a try" to permit paid visits. But the idea of signing boys to na tionwide letters of intent vir tually amounting to contracts turned up a red hot discussion. Southeastern Conference Com missioner Bernie Moore told the faculty representatives he wouldn't want his job unless such letters existed. Henry B. Hardt of Texas Christian, speaking for the Southwest Conference, agreed. Representatives of the Big Ten and Pacific Coast Conferences said they had similar legislation under consideration. Advantages Cited The letters of intent bind a boy who signs one to play for a cer tain college in a conference or forfeit eligibility. The argument is that the signing ends competition among colleges for top athletes, shortens the recruiting season and gives a high school boy a chance to' concentrate on his studies in stead of spending his time visit ing various colleges. The opposition, which developed mainly in the small college group, was based on the professional as pects of signing a contract to play for one school and the fact that such agreements are tied in with the financial aid given to the ath letes. It appeared strong enough that the subject probably won't be brought up before the conven tion for another year or two. Exterminator raced 100 times during eight seasons and lived to be 30 years old. ON.. I I I I I EXCHANGE Jw c' SARS 5150 N. CAPITOL EM 3-9191