Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 10, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3-r-Papp o Prunes and wine give rich flavor to this pot roast. -sSawa3S Pot Roast With Prunes and Wine Super For something decant in the roast line, try this recipe for pot roast with prunes and wine. Served vfih noodles and gravy, you have something ultra ultra. It's a top-of-the-stove meal which can be cooking while you're in cnurcn; men nnisnca quicKiy up on your return. Cook a vegetable; turn out a fruited gelatine salad, and dinner's on. Without a doubt "Pot Roast with Prunes and Wine'' will become one of your treasured recipes. Pot Roast Wilh Prunes and Wine fat. Peel and chop onion; add to 4 pounds beef pot roast trolled meat and cook until soft and yel- rump or chuck) 2 to 3 tablespoons shortening 1 large onion 1 (No. 2') can tomatoes U cup water V,i cups prunes 1 cup red table wine 2 teaspoons salt Dash pepper 1 '8-ouncc package noodles ',4 cup grated Parmesan cheese ( remaining in' pan, Brown meal on all sides in hot i Makes 6 to 8 servings. low. Add tomatoes and water; cover and simmer 2 to 3 hours. Add prunes, wine, salt and" pepper, and continue cooking 30 to 45 min ules longer, or until both meat and prunes arc tender. Cook noodles in boiling salted water; rinse and drain; place on platter. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and serve with slices of pot roast and sauce Peaches Add Topping To This Casserole Quickly fixed and nourishing is this Peachy Dinner dish. It's a TASTY CREAM SAUCE ' Mew Instant Coffpp Cook stnps of onion until wilted ew ,n"anr 0TT and golden in butter or margarine; ProduCt Of) Market add to a thin cream sauce sea- i , , soned with sov sauce and lots of There is a brand -new instant I t. k f V (freshly-ground peppr. Serve with coffee on the market, a product supper dibh featuring canned hamburgers. that claims true coffee flavor and Pork Delicious in that claims true coffee flavor and aroma in the cup like that of coffee freshly brewed from the ground product. The new product Is one from the nation's oldest coffee roasters and is the result of 20 years research peaches, canned pork luncheon meat and sweet potatoes. Fluffy mashed sweet potatoes and snicv chunks of the luncheon meat goj Jh'lS Spanish Recipe into a baking dish along with ai Um r lit... syrup, onion, STS ana a sprinKiniR ot tall and pep-; Dcrk shm,,dor 2mt sixain- ,. I by the company's own scientists nar All nr n hi-mF Itib nn . . i i -. i, fi j tam t0 de,'Sht the family. Those ! engineers ana lecnnicians. ine pnrk cuts are reasonable in price. IJtw msiam is avanaoit- m Pork Fani:.h Sprc.aitv 1 tv 0 and six-ounce sizes. Brown fi pork shoulder chops cut ! Tie new instant coffoe also fea j inch tlrck or l's pounds diced j Hires a new idea in pickaging. pork shoulder in skille. Add 1 cup The product is packed in a flavor sliced onion and brown lightly. Add protecting vapor, locked inside the 2la cups cooked tomatn's, i cup I .iar by an inner-seal of aluminum diced green pepper, 1-3 cup diced . foil. The label was designed by- peach slices are arranged over the top; sprinkled witn brown sugar; dotted with butter and broiled until lightly browned. Real good? Never better! Peachy Dinner Dish j( 1 (No. 2!,i) can peach slices !4 or 5 medium cooked sweet potatoes 1 (12-ounee) can pork lunch eon meat 8 tablespoons butter or '4 margarine Vi cup finely chopped onion iH teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon pepper iVt cup brown sugar (packed) J Butter or margarine 1 Drain pcacnes, saving 3 cup I celery, u teaspoon chili powder, 1'2 teaspoons salt, ! teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon sugar; cover and cook slowly one hour. Make smooth paste of 1 tablespoon flour and 2 tablespoons water. Stir in to the tomato mixture. Stir until thickened; cover and simmer about 5 minutes. Ravmond Loewy. one of the world's most noted industrial designers. UNUSUAL Like to make a pretty and un usual garnish? Cut out canned pirriento with tiny cutters, ine cutters come a dozen to a box, in star, heart, club, triangle, flower nd other shapes, a c n LETTUCE CUP Tn malfP a l(tltnr mm clit a nntal rup. Peel and mash sweet po-ilnri?p lettnep Inaf nart w'av anrf mcnoires no more than 34-inch in irtiwa. ut nnn iuiiliiuuii inerti overlap. $ diameter. iniu euous. LomDinc wnn sweet potatoes, butter, onion, season ings, and the peach syrup. Mix Rightly. Bake in greased 8-inch Iquarc baking dish in moderate bven (350 degrees F.) 30 minutes. Remove from oven; top with peach slices; sprinkle with brown sugar; dot with butter and broil iintil peaches are lightly browned r about 7 minutes. Makes 4 to 5 servings. Shrimp Bisque This AVay Is Delicious I A favorite soup that combines the wonderful flavors of fresh iegetables and shrimp is this delicious Shrimp Bisque. Cream find white wine are added to the troth for extra goodness and ap petite-appeal, fchrimp Risque 2 pounds fresh or frozen shrimp Water to cover shrimp 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 bay leaves, crushed 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 stalk celery with leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons rice 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 carrots sliced 1 onion, chopped 3 sprigs parsley, chopped 1 bay leaf ' teaspoon thyme 2 teaspoons salt i teaspoon fresh ground black pepper H cup cream i cup white wine Method: Cover shrimp with hvater; add 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 2 bay caves, vinegar, and chopped cel- ory. Cook until tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Drain shrimp, sav ing liquid. Shell shrimp and clean; et aside li of them for garnish. Cook rice in 2 cups shrimp stock until tender; set aside. Melt but ter in pan, add chopped carrots, onions, and parsley; brown slight ly. Add shrimps, 2 cups shrimp stock. 1 bay leaf, thyme. 2 tea poons salt, and pepper. Simmer : hour. Add rice-shrimp stock to this; add cream, white wine and garnish with chopped parsley and shrimp. Serve very hot. ierves 6. Mode! Food Market 11S N. High SI. free Deliver) on $2.00 Orderi Phone EM-341 1 1 Weekly and Monthly Accounts GOOr WITH ASPARACIS Sprinkle buttered crumbs over canned or frozen asparagus, snap beans or cooked celery and see how your family enjoys vegetables this wav! Ever combine mashed cooked carrots with mashed leftover potatoes? GOOD GROCERY BUYS Best Food Mayonnaise qurt 6fc Dutch Maid Margarine . ..... 2 ib5. 45c Ml. Angel Cheese 2 lb. loaf lil' 3 lb. loal 2.95 Large Local Walnuts 3 ... 1.00 Spry Shortening 3 ,bs. 95c Clines Large AA Eggs Dozen 57c Occident Flour ... 25 ,b5. 2.19 (A Steak Fork in Each BaR) Upton's Black Tea .nb. Lipton's Black Tea 100 Hags Royal Gelatine All Flavors Pks. Mandarin Oranaes no,. 2r,ns Underwood Deviled Ham Bakers Cocoanul 8 oz. Dole Pineapple Juice ... Dole Pineapple Juice .... Hershey Cocoa 8 oz. Del Monte Garden Peas Rilz Crackers Skippy Dog Food California Pitied Dales ,20I. 29c WONDERFUL! NEW! HILLS BROS. INSTANT COFFEE 2oz. 33 6oz. 1 19c .k 27c .. 46 oz. 35c 303 1.39 1.19 i6oi. 59c 2 cans39C i ih. pk. 35c . 3 can, 25C H VcOFflkJ MODEL QUALITY VEGETABLES & FRUITS SAITE FOR PIK A halt cup of heavy cream blended with a packa.'e of cream checsr makes a wonderful sauce for a hot fruit pic; add sugar to taste. Fancy Rome Beauty Apples 3 lb5. 29c No. 1 Potatoes 10 & 39c Brussell Sprouts Bo, 25c Fresh Spinach frlnl Bat 19c ERNIE'S QUALITY MEATS Leg of Lamb )b. 69c Smoked Beef Tongue i. 59c Ham Hocks 3 to! lbs lb. 35c AA LARGE t T 0 r Special ... . Only at Jonesvay MkUM ARMOUR'S STAR 0I L U mm DUTCrf MAID MARGARINE ALL VARIETIES CAMPBELL'S SOUP DUNDEE CORN FINER FLOUR WHOLE KERNEL OR (REAM STYLE tJ lbs. J)C Tin, 6 S ITS W ft w This Week's Special . . . Only at Chris' Mkt. r NOW . . . EVERY WEEK EACH SCOTTY STORE WILL HAVE A SEPERATE SPECIAL VALUE! Center Cut Pork Chops i i)Ic End Cut Pork Steak tS a- T1.00 1! I ,8r STORES U- STEER0 VA BEEF S IU SH&DY 0&K BUTTONS QUICK ELASTIC 4 45e 12 ot. 15 vioii. 33 55 Bouillon Cubes Mushrooms Starch C'orox Bleach Clorox Bleach Toilet Tissue Zee Napkins ,225 Toilet Tissue ."11" 229 Wax Paper - 29 FelsNapthaSoap 332' boap rowder oj Gal. ZEE While or Q-vc Colored 4 Pack J Fels Naphtha ALL DISHALL Giant 83' 24 oi. 43 20oi.Pkg. 49 A 1 This Week's W Special . . . Only Uw lfl 3125 uci-ndi-ici Ph. Clear Lake Gro Macaroni Mild-Chedder-Wheel Cheese Large Lb. Pkg. lb. y&- "n11"" Hrjsa1 t m at . N. River Rd. EM-74233 y Wheatland 1 7 Road 1 2cl 3w Hills Bros. Vi Size Oflli Tin fti3P COFFEE ib. 1.UV White Star Chunk TUNA Planters Cocktail PEANUTS Planters N NUTS Planters Mixed 714-01. 33 6-oz. 59' 31 Reynolds FOIL 12"x25 ft. Roman Meal 37 This Week's Special . . . Only CJr, luUJ,l 1120$. 12th$t lu 3 name. Deschutes No. 2 -lb. nATlTAPf 9 GRAPEFRUIT 8 : faty CARROTS RUTABAGAS TURNIPS I, fi I Fryers 2 FOLGER'S Coffee ib. lb. Avg. Each Bonnie DOG FOOD ooc I's-W Chun King Chicken CHOW MEIN 25-01. Chun King Veg. CHOW MEIN DINNER 59 I 0(X KITTY f AT Ph.EM-26403 m Vl fty FOOD .fl No. 1 tin This Week's Special . . . Only at Frey's $ Saver Mkl. 5150 Portland Road 69 Endt 1 Pic COMBINATION PACK Nebergtlli-AII Meet WIENERS Whllo They I Gjffl uii ib. M Jy BACON o